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Flowpoint DSL

Configuration Overview
Public IP Configuration
Private IP Configuration (NAT)
Troubleshooting Connectivity Problems
Setting up an Additional Ethernet Subnet
Resetting to Factory Defaults

Configuration Overview

In order to be able to configure a Flowpoint router, there are a few commands that you will need to be familiar with. This document will only cover those commands needed for configuring basic connectivity. Of note, the Flowpoint router's interface is not quite as developed as that of other routers. The arrow keys cannot be used to scroll through commands like on a Redback or Cisco router, for example, and only the most recent version of the Flowpoint router has traceroute built in.

  • system admin <password> - This command allow you to set the telnet password for the router. Once you have entered this command, you must issue a save all command before the password will take affect.
  • eth ip enable - This will turn on IP addressing on the Ethernet interface. The flowpoint router also supports IPX/SPX, so IP is not assumed.
  • eth ip addr <ipaddr> <subnet mask> - This command assigns an IP address and subnet mask to the Ethernet interface.
  • remote add <remote name> - To create a WAN Interface on the Flowpoint router, you must name it. This interface is usually called "internet".
  • remote setprotocol rfc1483 <remote name> - To enable DSL to run on ATM encapsulation, you choose rfc1483 as your encapsulation type. Like the last command, when setting up your WAN interface, you must refer to it by name.
  • remote setpvc <VPI>*<VCI> <remote name - This sets the ATM VPI and VCI to the WAN interface. Covad sets these to 0 and 38 respectively on all routers, just like Netopia uses DLCI 16 for all of their connections.
  • remote setsrcipaddr <WANIPAddr> <subnet mask> <remote name> - This command will assign the WAN IP and Subnet mask to the WAN interface.
  • remote addiproute <network> <subnet mask> <hop count> <remote name> - Using this command with a network of and a subnet mask of will give the router a default gateway. The remote name should point to the name of the WAN interface.
  • remote setIPTranslate on <remote name> - This enables IP translation (NAT) on the Flowpoint router and sets that translated IP to the IP address set to the WAN port.
  • save all - This saves your configuration changes.
  • reboot - When you are done making your configuration changes, issue the reboot command to enable all of your configuration changes. Although not all changes require a reboot, it is a good idea to do so when changing IP addresses.

Public IP Configuration

You will need to know a few pieces of information for this section. These include:

  1. WAN IP
  2. WAN IP Subnet Mask
  3. LAN IP Address
  4. LAN IP Subnet Mask

With this information, have the customer issue the following commands from the telnet prompt to enable the router to connect to the Internet:

# system admin CovadDSL # eth ip enable
# eth ip addr <LANIPAddr> <LANIPSubnetMask>
# remote add internet
# remote setprotocol rfc1483 internet
# remote setpvc 0*38 internet
# remote setsrcipaddr <WANIPAddr> <WANIPSubnetMask> internet
# remote addiproute 1 internet
# save all
# reboot

Private IP Configuration (NAT)

You will need to know a few pieces of information for this section. These in clude:

  1. WAN IP
  2. WAN IP Subnet Mask
  3. Desired LAN IP Address
  4. Desired IP Subnet Mask

In this example, we will choose to use as the customer's Ethernet IP address. With this information, have the customer issue the following commands from the telnet prompt to enable the router to connect to the Internet:

# system admin CovadDSL
# eth ip enable
# eth ip addr
# remote add internet
# remote setprotocol rfc1483 internet
# remote setpvc 0*38 internet
# remote setIPTranslate on internet
# rem setsrcipaddr <WANIPAddr> <WANIPSubnetMask> internet
# remote addiproute 1 internet
# save all
# reboot

Troubleshooting Connectivity Problems

Whether the customer is running NAT or not, troubleshooting connectivity problems is must the same. Whenever a problem connecting to the Internet arrises, you can perform these steps to help determine the source of the problem.

  1. Power cycle the router
  2. Verify the status of the router lights. Consult Troubleshooting with Router Lights for information on interpretting the lights.
  3. If the router lights indicate that the line is down, then proceed to open a ticket with the appropriate telephone company or CLEC.
  4. Since the router is connected to the Internet, the problem is more likely a routing problem. Begin by checking the configuration information within Provo to see if the configuration is sytactically correct as well as has the correct IP information. If any changes are made, you must clear the subscriber on the Redback router and have the customer reboot their router.
  5. Assuming that the information within Provo is correct, then the problem is more likely than not within the customer's configuration. Verify that the configuration is correct for both the WAN and LAN ip addresses by using remote list and eth list respectively.
  6. If the line is showing up, Provo has the correct information, and the router appears to be correct, the you are left with a few options. Either the line is having problems, the customer's workstation is misconfigured, or the router is not working correctly. If only one workstation is having problems, then this will be a LAN issue that is beyond our scope of support. If this fails, contact a mentor for help before opening a ticket with Covad or Northpoint.

Setting up an Additional Ethernet Subnet

Use the following commands to add a second subnet on ethernet interface:

  1. Adding another interface
    eth add 0:1
  2. Set up the ip address and subnet mask on the interface
    eth ip addr 0:1
    Example: eth ip addr 0:1
  3. If that subnet added is public subnet, and want to access from internet, address mapping is needed.
    sys addhostmapping
    Example: sys addhostmapping
  4. Save and reboot are needed for the commands to take effect.

Resetting to Factory Defaults

It is important to understand the full ramifications of flashing a router. When a router is reset to factory defaults, all configuration information is lost, so you must have all the needed information before proceeding with this step.

There will be some instances when it will be easier for you to reset a flowpoint router back to factory defaults than it is to modify an existing configuration. In order to do this, ensure that the customer has the Admin password to the router and is connected to the router through to a Local Area Network behind the router. Have the customer telnet to the router and issue the following command:

# reboot factory

This will reset the router to factory defaults for the router, which puts the Ethernet IP to with a subnet mask of Have the customer go into their workstation and set the gateway on the workstation to, for the workstation IP, and a subnet mask of Have the customer reboot the workstation, and open a telnet session to At this point, choose which configuration you would like to use and fill in the blanks with the appropriate information.

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Last modified: October 26 2003.