Netopia NAT Setup Home













Netopia NAT Setup

  1. From the Main Menu, go to Easy Setup.
    Set the Switch Type, SPIDs (North America only) and Directory Numbers to the values provided to you by your Telephone Company. (Most often, Switch Type should be set to National ISDN (NI-1). Also, Netopia R-series routers will auto detect the SPIDS when the Directory Numbers are entered. In an R-series router, if the SPIDS are correct, Pass will be reported to the right of each SPID.)

  2. Go to the Next Screen, Connection Profile 1: Easy Setup Profile.
    If the option is given, select a name for your connection profile.
    Set the Number to Dial to the local POP ISDN phone number given to you by your ISP.
    Using the tab key, toggle Address Translation Enabled to Yes.
    Enter for the Local WAN IP Address. This will allow you router to obtain an IP address dynamically from your ISP.
    Enter for the Remote IP Address.
    Enter or depending on the NAS for the Remote IP Mask.
    Select a PPP Authentication type as used by your ISP (usually PAP).
    Set the Send User Name to the login name given to you by your ISP (case sensitive).
    Set Send Password to the password given to you by your ISP (case sensitive).

  3. Go to Next Screen, IP Easy Setup. (For some routers this will be IP and IPX Easy Setup. If using IPX, configure your IPX settings according to your IPX network.)
    Set the Ethernet IP address to
    Set the Ethernet IP Subnet Mask to (for the PN630, this will be
    Enter as the Default IP Gateway.
    Set the Domain Name Server IP Address to and

  4. Go to Next Screen
    At the bottom of this screen, select Restart Device. (If you configure a Write Access Name and Write Access Password, please note that these settings are case sensitive. If misentered or forgotten, the router will have to be reset to factory defaults and reconfigured in order to access. There are NO defaults write access settings.)

  5. When the Netopia has restarted, from the Main Menu go to Quick Menus, select Connection Profiles, and Establish WAN Connection. Select the connection profile just configured (Easy Setup Profile).
    The Call Status screen should eventually say Dialing, then Acquiring, then Connected.
    If your router reports an ISDN Cause Code instead, this most likely is related to an ISDN line issue, or a problem connecting to Verio. Please see the Netopia ISDN Reference for further troubleshooting steps.

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Last modified: October 26 2003.