InterJet Bench Config Home













InterJet Bench Config

Lockdown Status
Local admin cannot change settings of fields indicated with

Organization Info
Company Name:
Contact: Telephone #:
Email: Fax #:
Address 1:
Address 2:
City: State/Province:
Country: Zip/Postal Code:

Domain Name Service (DNS)
InterJet's Domain:
Forwarding NS 1: Forwarding NS 2:
MX Backup 1:
MX Backup 2:
Secondary NS 1:
Secondary NS 2:
MicroSoft Filesharing (SMB)

Internal LAN Configuration
  (Set from LCD/keypad)
LAN IP Addr:    Enable DHCP on this net
Netmask: (/29)    Dynamic range: to
Firewall: Enable address translation

Internet Connection
When to connect: Dial-on-demand with idle timeout.
Full-time connection.
Connect to the Internet via:
Local gateway: (IP address on LAN or Perimeter)
Internal Modem (POTS)
Dial Prefix: PPP Login:
Phone # to dial: Password:
Request Local IP:
Serial Port (using external POTS modem or ISDN terminal adapter)
Dial Prefix: PPP Login:
Phone # to dial: Password:
Request Local IP:
      ISDN Configuration (if using TA)
Switch type: Use 2 B-channels
Line 1 Phone #: Line 2 Phone #:
Line 1 SPID: Line 2 SPID:
Calling Method: 64k Data
56k Data Use CHAP authentication
56k Voice (Tollsaver)

Mail Processing
Outgoing: Send outgoing mail at least every
Incoming: Check for incoming mail at least every
  To do this, bring up the link (if necessary) and then
Method: Send SMTP ETRN command to the MX-backups.
Stay connected at least
Finger account:
Fetch mail from POP/IMAP mailbox:
using password:
Forwarding: Enable SMTP forwarding to Server (hostname):
     Forward ALL mail to my (internal) SMTP server.
     Forward OUTGOING mail to my ISP's SMTP server.
          but only after IJ itself is unable to deliver it (hard-to-deliver).

Web Mirroring (external hosting of public Web site)
(Specify external web host if you wish to configure mirroring)
Mirror to: (FQDN or IP address)
Login: (FTP account)
Path: (relative to home directory)

Server Names
IJ's public name: (Canonical name for InterJet's external IP address)
'www' resolves to: Nothing
InterJet's external IP address
External Web host at:
'ftp' resolves to: Nothing
InterJet's external IP address
External FTP host at:

NTP Server 1:
NTP Server 2:
Time Zone:
(pick a city in same time zone as your InterJet)

Service Provider Info
ISP Name:
Acct Info URL:
Support URL:
Upgrade Server:
Upgrade Path:


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Comments and Questions
Last modified: October 26 2003.