------------------------SDT2 TerminatingBCSM--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ObjectName----------------------------------------ObjectType----------------------------------------!%&()LinkEndpoints--------------------------------!%()HeadingText----------------------------------- TerminatingBCSM------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------thorized)]][$(! 6&! ^!)[(! 6q! redefined DP_tMidCall)]][$ (! 6! ^)[(! 6.! DP_term_ Attempt)]][$(! 6! ^()[8(!Y Redefined Process Type <> TerminatingBCSM)]}-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------o(!rr&!"r&r)[%(! 6&! d)[8(! PIC_ _TException)][[(!"rrxxR!"xxRr)[(! 6x! )[8(!c /***** Procedure definitions for the new IN CS-2 DPs and the redefined IN CS-1 DPs. *****/)]][$(! 6d! ^!)[(! 6!& redefined DP_termAttempt_ Au!%()PageOrder------------------------------------3PageOrder-------------------------------------6-----------------------------------------------6------------------------------------------------ e iPd)[8(! )]]]]]]]]]]]]]][9(! 6! )[8(! /* For IN CS-2, the SCF may apply the DisconnectLeg operation. In case of DL on the controlling leg (DL_A) the BCSM must transit to the wait state of th%L)[(! 6!)][) ()]]]]]]]]]]]})[(! 6}! T_Retention_ Handling)]]]]}X)[4 (! 6! d)[8(! )]]]]]]]]}l segment.)Q!(!!")[%(! 6R! d)[8(! DP_tAbandon (DPResult))][(!L~!"~L)[(! 6~!corresponding DP. */)]][3(! 6d! d)[8(! DP_tNoAnswer)][(!L!"L)[(! 6dL! d)[8(! DPResult = Answer)][3()[(! l! 22!(L)[(! l)[(! 6)[(! 6d! )]][ (! 6)][9(! 6! )[8(! /* For I N CS-2, the SCF may apply the DisconnectLeg operation. In case of DL on the controlling leg (DL_A) the BCSM must transit to the wait state of the MidCall DP. In case of DL on the passive leg (DL_B) the BCSM is released. */)]][3(! 62! )[ (! 6~!)[8(! All aspects of SigCon indications have not been represented here. For example, the T_BCSM may need to send an indication to the O_BCSM when address info. is complete, so the O_BCSM can sE6L&! d)[8(! PIC_ _Disconnect(DL_A))][(!!")[%Y(! 6L! d)[8(! DP_tMidCall (DPResult, false))][(! R!"R )[(! 6R!Z)][3b(! 6LR! d)[8(! DP_tMidCall_ _Active)]]]]]]]]][t(!"^ww!"()[(! l! 22!(T)[(! l)[(! 6)[(! 6d! )]][ (! 6)][3^(! 62! d)[8(! PIC_Selended at one of the following DPs: termAttempt termAttemptAuthorized facilitySelectedAndAvailable tNoAnswer tBusy tDisconnect When the Callprogress(bptyAlerted) or the SetupResp (answer) comes from the C-party, the T-BCSM has to transit to the  ct_ _Facility)][ (!,,,!",,,)[(! 6,!)[8(!` For IN CS-2, a new DP facilitySelectedAndAvailable is introduced after the SelectFacility PIC.)]]][(!^!"^)[a(! 62! d)[8(! redefined PICResult = Success)][(!&!"&)[%d(! 62!")[(! 6&! d)[8(! PICResult = BRelease)][y(!L~!"~L)[% (! 6&~! d)[8(!% DP_tDisconnect (DPResult, BRelease))][(!"!")[(! 6!)][)()]]]]]][(!"(! 6^&! d)[8(! DP_tCall_ _Accepted (DPResult))][(!!")[(! 6!Z)][3(! 6^! d)[8Q[%(! 6~! d)[8(! PIC_ _Disconnect(DL_A))][(!~~!"~~)[%(! 6! d)[8(! DP_tMidCall (DPResult, false))][q)[(! 6kd! CS)][`(! )][.(! )[8(! 62! (T_BCSM2_Out))]][(! 62!)][.(! )[8(! 6! (T_BCSM2_In))]ion_ _Attempt)]]]]]]][(!" 99R!"R )[q(! 6^R! d)[8(! DPResult = Alerting)][(!!"'r'r@!"r@)[$(! 6@! d)[8(! DPResult = SCFRelease)][i(!rr!"rr)[%6(! 6! )[%w(! 6^! d)[8(! DP_tCall_ _Accepted (DPResult))][(!L~!"~L)[(! 6~!Z)][3}(! 6^~!  ^)[ (! 6d! d)[8(! redefined PICResult = success)][ (!&!"&)[% (! 6d&! d)[8(!ed)]]]]]]][j(!"~~!"~)[(! 6! d)[8(! PICResult = DL_A)][|(!~L~~!"~~~L) DP_termAttempt (DPResult))][ (!!")[(! 6!Z)][3(! 6d! d)[8(! DP_termAttempt)][(! R"d)[8(! DP_tCall_ _Accepted)]]]]]]][(!" 99R!"R )[n(! 6XR! d)[8(! DPResult = Answer)][(!*]]][' (! !" )[(! 6 !Z)][3 (! 6 ! d)[8(! -)]]]]]]][ (!"!"w!"R )[(! 6dR! d)[8(! DPResult = Resume)][(!!")[%(! 6d! d)[8(!3# PIC_Authorize_ _Termination_ _Attempt (PICResult))][(!L~!"~L)[(! 6~!Z)][3(! 6d~! d)[8(!' PIC_Authorize_ _Terminat# Wait_for_ _B_party_ _end_response)]]]]]]]]]]]]}" ~ L)[6 (! 6~! d)[8(!& 'Send address information to SigCon')][ (!!"5e MidCall DP. In case of DL on the passive leg (DL_B) the BCSM is released. */)]][9(! 6! )[8(!; /* Concerning Alerting and Answer, see note on page 7. */)]][9(! 6,x! )[8)[%(! 6&! d)[8(! DP_tAnswer (DPResult))][(!L~!"~L)[(! 6~!Z)][3(! 6&~!R(! DP_tMidCall (DPResult, false))][(!x!"x)[(! 6!Z)][3(! 6L! d)[8(! DP_tMidCall_ _Active)]]]]]]]]][)[%(! 6L! d)[8(! PIC_ _Disconnect(DL_A))][ (!l!"l)[%(! 6L! d)[8(! DP()[(! l! 22!(J)[(! l)[(! 6)[(! 6d! )]][ (! 6)][3(! 6d! d)[8(! DP_tBusy!")[%t(! 6X! d)[8(! DP_tAnswer (DPResult))][(!L~!"~L)[(! 6~!Z)][3z^)[6, (! 6L! d)[8(! 'Select available resource')][ Y (!x!"x)[/ (! 6x!)[8(!?}(! DP_tCall_ _Accepted)]]]]]]][(!" 99R!"R )[(! 6&R! d)[8(! DPResult = Answer)][(!!"&][(!"^ww!"^)[(! 6^! d)[8(! DPResult = Alerting)][(!&!"&)[%^ww!"^)[D(! 6R! d)[8(! DPResult = ARelease)][(!&!"&)[%V(! 6R&! / d)[8(! DP_tAbandon (DPResult))][(!R!"R)[(! 6R!Z)][3e(! 6RR! d)[8(! DP_tAbandon)]]]]]]][q0(!"^ww!"^)[;(! 6L! d)[8(! DPResult = DL_A)][(!&!"&)[%M(! sult = SCFRelease)][(!&!"&)[%(! 6x&! d)[8(! PIC_ _TException)][(!"R!"R2)[(! 6!)][)()]]]]]]]]]}&)[%(! 6x&! d)[8(! PIC_ _TException)][(!"R!"RH9(!!")[%(! 6d! d)[8(! DP_tAnswer (DPResult))][(!Fx!"xF)[(! 6^~~!"~~)[%0(! 6! d)[8(! PIC_ _Disconnect(DL_A))][u(!~:~l!"~l~:)[%9(! 6l! (!" qq&&!"& )[ (! 6!)[8(! The call cannot be presented,e.g. ISDN user determined user busy, ISUP release message with busy cause, is also Prexll)][ n(!,,^,!"^,,,)[k(! 6^!)[8(!G For IN CS-2, a new DP termAttempt is introduced after the T-Null PIC.)]]][ (!^!")[(! 6R!Z)][3(! 6R! d)[8(! DP_tMidCall_ _Active)]]]]]]]]][(!"^ww!"^)[(! 6~! sconnect(DL_A))][(!!")[%(! 6! d)[8(! DP_tMidCall (DPResult, false))][(! R!"R 7(! 6! d!)[8(!, SetupReq (SArg) to CS /*to outgoing leg*/)][ (!!")[ (! 6!)[8(! Start setup in f(! 62! d)[8(! PIC_tActive)][ (!,!",)[(! 6,!)[8(!X For IN CS-2, the BCSM has been extended to model the netwo)[%(! 62! d)[8(! DP_tSuspended (DPResult))][ (!l4!"4l)[(! 64!Z)][3(! 624! drermination_Attempt_ _Authorised )][ (!!")[ (! 6L! d!)[8(!$ redefined PICResume /* from SSF */)][ (!^!"+&! d)[8(! DP_tAnswer (DPResult))][(!!")[(! 6!Z)][3(! 6d! d)[8(! DP_tAnswer)]]]]]]- d)[8(! DP_tCall_ _Accepted)][k(!^!"^)[5(! 62! d)[8(! DPResult = Resume)][}(!&!"?&)[%G(! 62&! d)[8(! PIC_tAlerting (PICResult))][(!R!"R)[(! 6R!Z)][3(! 62Rjnt_ Call2)]]]]]]]][V (! 6! d)[8(! PIC_Select__ Facility2)][ (!"R,Rww!"R,)[(! 6w!)][), ()]]][ 4(! 6R! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][7(!"^wrwr!"r^)[(! 6! d)[8(! DPResult = SCFRelease)][Ito read the two BCSM descriptions together. */)]][9(! 6! )[8(!0 /***** VARIABLE AND TIMER DECLARATIONS. *****/)]][9(! 6 ~! )[8(!l DCL currentLegID, newLegID LegTy[3(! 6d4! d)[8(! DP_tAnswer)]]]]]]][&(!"!")[(! 6^! d)[8(! DPResult = Alerting)][ by the CS to terminate the BCSM. This occurs when an export of a passive pending leg is made.)]]][ (!X!"X)[4 (! 6! d)[8(! )]]]]]]]]}l segment.)end PROCEEDING req.ind to CCAF. These indications are outside the scope of INAP.)]]][ (!  !"  )[(! 6 !Z)][3 (! 6! d)[8(!$()[(! l! 22!(L)[(! l)[(! 6)[(! 6d! )]][ (! 6)][9(! 6&d! )[8(! /* For IJs in the SDLs done via the CS-Stop instruction from the SSF-FSM.)]]][_(!"&kk!"&)[(! 6k!)][)M()]]]]][3(! 6dL! dd)[8(! DP_tMidCall (DPResult, true))][(!!")[(! 6!Z)][3(! 6 ! d)[8(! DP_tMidCall_ _SuspendF~! d)[8(! PIC_ _Disconnect(DL_B))][(!!")[4(! 6F! d)[8(! )]]]]]]]]]]]]][n(!"^wN CS-2, the SCF may apply the DisconnectLeg operation. In case of DL on the controlling leg (DL_A) the BCSM must transit to the wait state of the MidCall DP. In case of DL on the passive leg (DL_B) the BCSM is released. */)]][35(! 6d! K d)[8(! DP_tMidCall_ _Active)][P(!"^ww!"^)[8(! 6^! d)[8(! DPResult = DL_A)][Y(!&XL!"X&)[%A(! 6^X! d)[8(! PIC_ _Disconnect(DL_A))][b(!!")[%G(! 6^! d)[8M(! DP_tMidCall (DPResult, false))][h(!R!"R)[(! 6!Z)][3J(! 6^! d)[8(! DP_tMidCall_ _Active)]]]]]]]]][SN(!"^ww!"^)[;(! 6X! d)[8(! DPResult = DL_B)][\(!&X!"X&)[%D(! 6XOX! d)[8(! PIC_ _Disconnect(DL_B))][e(!!")[4M(! 6X! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][V(!"^wwh4nect)][(!!"5)[(! 66! ,)[8(! DPResult8 Answer)][(!X!"  F(! DP_tCall_ _Accepted)]]]]]]]][9(! 6 ! )[8(! /* For IN CS-2, the SCF may perform a Connect in the CS state Terminating-Setup to forward the call. When in CS state Terminating-Setup, the T-BCSM is suspe d)[8(! DP_tAnswer)]]]]]]][9(!" 99R!"R )[3(! 6 R! d)[8(! DPResult = ARelease)][H(!|(! 6@! d)[8(! DPResult = SCFRelease)][(!&!"&)[%S(! 6@&! d)[8(! PIC_ _TException)][(!"(! 6!!3)[!(! 7!!3)[!(! 8!!3)]]]]]]]]}(! 9!!3)[! (! 10!!3)[! (! 11!!3)[!(! PIC_ _Disconnect(DL_B))][s(!!")[4X(! 6! d)[8(! )]]]]]]]]]]} )]]]]]]]]]]} d)[8(!% DP_tDisconnect (DPResult,!")[C(! 6! d)[8(! DPResult = DL_B)][j(!Fx!"xF)[%L(! 6x! d)[8U@YYr!"r@)[(! 6Fr! d)[8(! PICResult = DL_B)][(!!")[%(! 6F! {!"x)[(! 6! d)[8(! PICResult = DL_B)][(!xLx~!"x~xL)[%(! 6~! d)[8(! YPIC_ _Disconnect(DL_B))][(!xx!"xxx)[4%(! 6! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][p(!"rr!"rZ)[(! 6! d)[8(! PICResult = SCFRelease)][(!rLr~!"r~rL)[%(! 6~! d)[8(! PIC_ _TException)][~~!"~~)[%(! 6! d)[8(! DP_tMidCall (DPResult, false))][^(!~ ~R!"~R~ )[(! 6~R\!Z)][3(! 6R! d)[8(! DP_tMidCall_ _Active)]]]]]]]]][4(!"^wxwx!"x^)[(! 6! d)[8(!k64!Z)][3 (! 6^4! d)[8(! DP_tCall_ _Accepted)]]]]]]]]]]}(! 6d! )]][ (! 6)]]]}(! 6d! d)[8(! DP_tReanwx!Z)][3(! 6dx! d)[8(! DP_tAnswer)]]]]]]][(!"33L!"L)[(! 6^L! d)[8(! DPRes_ult = Alerting)][(!!")[%(! 6^! d)[8(! DP_tCall_ _Accepted (DPResult))][ (!Fx!"xF`)[(! 6x!Z)][3(! 6^x! d)[8(! DP_tCall_ _Accepted)]]]]]]]][3t(! 6! d)[8(! DP_termAttempt_ Authorised)][(!La!"L)[w(! 6L! d)[8(! DPResult = Answer)][(!!")[%}(! 6! d)[8(!b DP_tAnswer (DPResult))][(!Fx!"xF)[(! 6x!Z)][3(! 6x! d)[8(! DP_tAnswer)]]]]]]][(!"3c3L!"L)[z(! 6L! d)[8(! DPResult = Alerting)][(!!")[%(! 6! ds! d)[8(! PIC_T_Suspended)]]]]]]][ (!"!")[(! 6^! d)[8(! DPResult = DL_A)][ (!Fm(!4v!5!7)[!(! 1!!3)[!(! 2!!3)[!(! 3!!3)[!(! 4!!3)[!(! 5!!3)[!Tforward dirn.)]]][ (! L ~!" ~ L)[6 (! 6~! d)[8(!& 'Send address information to SigCon')][ (!!"]]][3(! 6dr! d)[8(! DP_tDisconnect)][#(!!")[(! 6d! d)[8(! DPResult = Answer)][)(!!"^)[>(! 6R! d)[8(! DPResult = CS_Stop)][ (!L!"L)[(! 6L!)[8(!=p13suspend timer expires, the call towards the cal2 party will be released. When the Release.req o2tyDisc is recieved in the Wait_Network_T_Resum2r Wait T_Reanswer states the "suspend" timer wi uttt! d)[8(! PIC_tAlerting)][(!"!")[(! 6L! d)[8(! PICResult = DL_A)][(!L~ DPResult = DL_B)][F(!xx&!"x&x)[%(! 6&! d)[8(! PIC_ _Disconnect(DL_B))][X(!xxR!"xxRx)[A)][3(! 62! d)[8(! DP_tCall_ _Accepted)]]]]]]][(!"~~!"~)[(! 6! d)[8(! PICResult = x!"xF)[%(! 6^x! d)[8(! PIC_ _Disconnect(DL_A))][(!!")[%(! 6^! d)[8n(! DP_tMidCall (DPResult, false))][(!r!"r)[(! 6!Z)][3(! 6^! d)[8(! DP_tMidCall_ _Active)]]]]]]]]][o(!"!")[(! 6X! d)[8(! DPResult = DL_B)][(!Fx!"xF)[%(! v For IN CS-2, when the controlling leg is 'stranded', a BCSM is created for the leg. This BCSM is in the wait state of the MidCall DP. When e.g. a Connect operation is applied by the SCF, the BCSM associated with the controlling leg is released. This iG(!~x~!"~~x)[(! 6~!Z)][3"(! 6! d)[8(! DP_tMidCall_ _Active)]]]]]]]]][m(!"xxX)[8(! DP_tSuspended)]]]]]]][(!"@YYr!"r@)[(! 6Lr! d)[8(! PICResult = DL_A)][(!!"()[8(! DP_tCall_ _Accepted (DPResult))][(!Fx!"xF)[(! 6x!Z)][3(! 6x! d)[8(! DP_tCall_ _Accepted)]]]]]g()[(! l! 22!(P)[ (! 6! l4)[ (! 6)[ (! 6,! )]][ (! 6)][A(!2!!()[(! l! 22!(d)[(! l)[(! 6)[(! 6d! )]][ (! 6)][9(! 6X! )[8(!* /***** T6Xx! d)[8(! PIC_ _Disconnect(DL_B))][(!!")[4(! 6X! d)[8(! )]]]]]]]][3:(! 6L! d)[ (! 6! d!)[8(! BCSMStop)][ (!L&~&!"~&&L&)[ (! 6~!)[8(!p BCSMStop is sentDsentationFailure.)]]][^ (!!")[%[ (! 6 ! d)[8(! T_Retention_ Handling)][a (!"L!" lse))][v(!r!"r)[(! 6!Z)][3U(! 6! d)[8(! DP_tMidCall_ _Active)]]]]]]]]][a(!"V:)[(! 6S!)][)?()]]]]]][Q(!"'~'~@!"~@)[(! 6@! d)[8(! DPResult = DL_A)][c(!4 d)[8(! PIC_ _Disconnect(DL_B))][(!l4!"f4l)[4(! 6F4! d)[8(! )]]]]]]]]]]} t!")[%?(! 6 ! d)[8(! DP_tAbandon (DPResult))][E(!L~!"~L)[(! 6~!Z)][3B The busy/idle status of the reminating access is determined.)]]][ (!&!"&)[(! 6&!Z)][ (! 6L&! d)[8(! PIC_Prese@(! DP_tAnswer (DPResult))][(!R!"R)[(! 6R!Z)][3_(! 6,R! d)[8(! DP_tAnswer)]]]]]]][z(!"._tMidCall (DPResult, false))][(!4!"4)[(! 64!Z)][3(! 6L4! d)[8(! DP_tMidCall_ _Active)]]]]]]]]][(!"W()[(! l! 22!(d)[p (! l)[s (! 6)[v (! 6d! )]][ y (! 6)][3| (! 6d! d)[8(! PIC_T_Nu6!")[(! 6,! d)[8(! PICResult = ARelease)][v(!L~!"~L)[% (! 6,~! d)[8(!)[8(! DP_tAnswer)][^(!!")[@(! 6! d)[8(! DPResult = DL_A)][g(!Fx!"x7]]]]]}! ,)[8(! PI8 _TException)][(!":S&S&f!"&&f:)[(! 6&S!)][) ]]]]]]]])F)[&S()[w(!GSDL)]})[8(! -)]]]]]]][(!",,!",)[(! 6! d!)[8(!# ReleaseInd (RArg) /*from SigCon*/)][(!"!")[(! 6F! d)[8(! PICResult = DL_B)][(!L~!"~L)[%(! 6I% DP_tDisconnect (DPResult, ARelease))][(!!")[(! 6!Z)][3(! 6,! d)[8(! DP_tDisconnect)]]]]]]][g(!" d)[8(! PIC_ _TException)][{(!"r:rSxSx!"x4xr:)[(! 6xS!)][)E()]]]]]]]]]]]][d(!"!")[(! 6 ! d)[8(! PICResult = MidCall)][(!L~!"~L)[%(! 6 ~! Hrk suspend/resume mechanism.)]]][(!@r!"r@)[(! 62r! d)[8(! PICResult = Suspended)][(!!";(! 6 ~! d)[8(! DP_tAbandon)]]]]]]][<(!" 9r9rR!"rR )[6(! 6R! d)[8(! DPResult = SCFRelease)][T(! 6X~! d)[8(! DP_tAnswer)]]]]]]][(!" 99R!"R )[(! 6RR! d)[8(! DPResult = ARelease)][ ()[(! ` ! 22!(<)[ (! ` )[# (! 6)[& (! 6d! )]][ ) (! 60)][3 (! 6Ld! d)[8(!* Wait_ _T<^)[(! 6! d)[8(! DPResult = DL_A)][(!&!"&)[%(! 6&! d)[8(! PIC_ _Di8(!rr!"rr)[%K(! 6! d)[8(! PIC_ _TException)][Q(!rLr~!"rr~rL)[4N(! 6~!  d)[8(! DPResult = DL_B)][(!&!"&)[%(! 6~&! d)[8(! PIC_ _Disconnect(DL_B))][(!R!"R!"R)[(! 6!)][)h()]]]]]]][9(! 6,! )[8(!; /* Concerning Alerting and Answer, see note on page 7. */)]][3:l!"l)[%(! 6d! d)[8(! DP_tAnswer (DPResult))][/(!4!"4)[(! 64!Z)]C ARelease))][s(!R!"R)[(! 6R!Z)][3[(! 6R! d)[8(! DP_tDisconnect)]]]]]]][d(!"^ww!"^)[L(! 6! d)[8(! DPResult = BRelease)][m(!&!"&)[%U(! 6&! d)[8(!% DP_tDisconnect (DPResult, BRelease))][v(!"R!"R)[(! 6!)][)[()]]]]]][|(!"^ww!")[(! 6! redefined PIC_Present_ _Call)]][$(! 6&! ^)[(! 6h! PIC_ _Disconnect)]][$(! 6dR! ^!)[(! 6k! red(!T /* For IN CS-2, a new DP tCallAccepted is introduced after the PresentCall PIC. */)]]]]} may apply the DisconnectLeg operation. In case of DL on the controlling leg (DL_A) the BCSM must transit to the wait state of the MidCall DP. In case of DL ona!)][)()]]]]]]]]]}}resentCall PIC. */)]]]]}(! l)[:(! 6)[=(! 6d! )]][ @(! 6)]]]}C(! 6! d)[8(! DP_tSusp*xF)[%+(! 6dx! d)[8(! PIC_T_Suspended (PICResult))][4(!!")[(! 6!Z)][3.(! 6dd6L~! d)[8(! )]]]]]]]]]]]]]][9(! 6! )[8(!; /* Concerning Alerting and Answer, see note on page 7. */)]]]]}r@)[(! 6dr! d)[8w!"^)[8(! 6,! d)[8(! DPResult = Answer)][(!&!"&)[%J(! 6,&! d)[8~[%3(! 6! d)[8(! PIC_ _Disconnect(DL_B))][x(!x:x!"x4xx:)[4E(! 6! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][W(!"-BCSM FOR CORE INAP CS-2. *****/)]][9(! 6! )[8(! /* Note: The T-BCSM for IN CS-2 only shows the extentions required to the IN CS-1 T-BCSM. Therefore, to understand the complete BCSM behaviour it is necessary BDL_A)][*(!~x~!"~~x)[%(! 6! d)[8(! PIC_ _Disconnect (DL_A))][6(!~~@!"~@~)[%(!FRelease)][(!!")[%(! 6L! d)[8(! PIC_ _TException)][(!L~!"~L)[4(! F)[%I(! 6x! d)[8(! PIC_ _Disconnect(DL_A))][p(!!")[%O(! 6! d)[8(! DP_tMidCall (DPResult, fay)][3?(! 6,! d)[8(! DP_tDisconnect)]]]]]]][N(!"''@!"@)[(! 6&@! d)[8(! DPResult = BRelease)][`(!!")[%-(! 6&! d)[8(!% DP_tDisconnect (DPResult, BRelease))][r(!":SS!"zZ)][3(! 6R~! d)[8(! DP_tAbandon)]]]]]]][(!" 99R!"R )[(! 6LR! d)[8(! DPResult = SCxx)[% (! 6! d)[8(! PIC_ _Disconnect(DL_B))][9(!xx!"xxx)[4(! 6! d)[8(! )]]]]]]]]]]]]][(!" 99R!"R )[(! 6,R! d)[8(! DPResult = Alerting)][(!!")[%(! 6,! d)[8(! DP_tCall_ _Accepted (DPResult))][(!L~!"~L)[(! 6~!Z)][3(! 6,~! d)[8,!"~L)[%(! 6L~! d)[8(! PIC_ _Disconnect(DL_A))][(!!")[%(! 6L! d)[8' 6@! d)[8(! DP_tMidCall (DPResult, false))][?(!~~!"~~)[(! 6~!Z)][3(! 6! d)[8(! DP_tMidCall_ _Active)]]]]]]]]][!(!"xx!"x)[(! 6! d)[8(! PICResult = DL_B)][-(!xxx!"xR)[4(! 6~R! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][(!"^ww!"^)[(! 6x! d)[8(! DPRe1()[(! l! 22!(^)[(! l)[(! 6)[(! 6d! )]][ (! 6)][9(! 6R! )[8(! /* For IN CS-2, the SCF may apply the DisconnectLeg operation. In case of DL on the controlling leg (DL_A) the BCSM must transit to the wait state of the MidCall DP. In case of DL on the passive leg (DL_B) the BCSM is released. */)]][32(! 62! >)[8(! DP_tMidCall_ _Suspended)][7(!!")[((! 6d! d)[8(! DPResult = Resume)][1(!Fx!"pe, udArg UserDataType, dpUTSIArg DPUTSIArg, nsrArg NetworkSRType;)]]]]} UserDataType, dpUTSIArg DPUTSIArg, nsrArg NetworkSRType;)]]]]}rArg NetworkSRType;)]]]]}kSRType;)]]]]}rg ReconnectRequestType;)]]]]})[%4(! 6! ,N(! 6! d)[8(! Terminating_ LineState2)][ (!&!"&)[ (! 6! d)[8(! RArg!CS1Cause)][ (! !" )[8(! 6! C_CalledParty_ CallRejected)][6 (! 62 ! d)[8(!' DPCause:= C_CalledParty_ CallRejected)][ (!!")[(! 6!Z)][ (! 62! d)[8(! T__ Exception2)]]]]][ (!X !" X)[8(! 6! SS7_Failure)][6 (! 6L ! d)[8(! DPCause:= SS7_Failure)][ (!!")[(! 6!Z)][ (! 6L! d)[8(! PIC_Select__ Facility2)][  (!"LL!"L)[ (! 6!)[8(!d A timer expiry upon sending the first Circuit Reservation Message or a continuity check failure.)]]]]]]][ (!R!"R)[8(! 6 ! BptyBusy_NDUB)][6 (! 6R! d)[8(! DPCause:= BptyBusy_NDUB)][ (!~!"~)[ (! 6~! d)[8(! RArg!CS1Reason)][" (!!")[8(! 6! AccessOutOfOrder)][6 (! 6d! d)[8(! DPReason:= AccessOutOfOrder )][7 (!"x!"x)[(! 6!)][6 (! 6! d)[8(!7 DP!legID := legID, DP!bcsmEvent := tCalled_ PartyBusy)][I (!@r!"r@)[ (! 6r! d!)[8(! DP(DP) to CS)][L (!!")[(! 6!Z)][3 (! 6! d)[8(! Wait_T_Busy)]]]]]]]]][% (!!")[8(! 6 ! AccessMaintenance_ Busy)][6 (! 6! d)[8(!$ DPReason:= AccessMaintenance_ Busy)][: (!x!"x)[) ()]]]][( (!X!"X)[8(! 6! AccessCustomer_ Busy)][6 (! 6! d)[8(!! DPReason:= AccessCustomer_ Busy)][= (!"x!"x)[(! 6!)][) ()]]]][+ (!XLL!"LX)[8(! 6e! BptyNDUB)][6 (! 6! d)[8(! DPReason:= BptyBusy_NDUB)][@ (!"LxL!"Lx)[(! 6!)][) ()]]]][. (!XFF!"FX)[8(! 6_! PSTNLineBusy)][6 (! 6! d)[8(! DPReason:= PSTNLineBusy)][C (!"FxF!"Fx)[(! 6L!)][) ()]]]][1 (!X@@!"@X)[8(! 6Y! TrunkGroupBusy)][6 (! 6! d)[8(! DPReason:= TrunkGroupBusy)][ 4 (!2FFY_Y_x!"xF)[ (! 6xr!)[8(!q For Conventional trunks, SS7-supported trunks, Private facility trunks check all trunks in the selected trunk.)]]][F (!"@x@!"@x)[(! 6F!)][) ()]]]]]]]][ (!XR!"RX)[8(! 6! BptyBusy_UDUB)][6 (! 6 R! d)[8(! DPCause:= BptyBusy_UDUB)][  5d)[8(! DP_tMidCall (DPResult, false))][~(!~~!"~~)[(! 6~!Z)][3B(! 6! d)[8(! DP_tMidCall_ _Active)]]]]]]]]][T(!"'x'x@!"x@)[!(! 6@! d)[8(! DPResult = DL_B)][f(!xx!"xx)][(! 6!Z)]][9(! 6d! )[8(!e /***** Procedure definitions for the new IN CS-2 PICs and the redefined IN CS-1 PICs. *****/)]][$(! 6d! ^! d)[8(! DP_tSuspended)][((!^!"^)[(! 62! d)[8(! DPResult = Resume)][:(!&!"&)[%(! 62&! d)[8(! PIC_T_Suspended (PICResult))][L(!R!"R)[(! 6R!Z)][3(! 62R!  d)[8(! PIC_T_Suspended)][a(!!")[(! 62! d)[8(! PICResult = Reanswer)][s(!L~!"~L)[%(! 62~! d)[8(! DP_tReanswer (DPResult))][(!!")[(! 6!Z)][3(! 62! d)[8(! DP_tReanswer)][H(!@!"@)[(! 62@! d)[8(! DPResult = Resume)][Z(!!"ɖ)[%'(! 62! d)[8(! PIC_tActive (PICResult))][l(!:!":)[(! 6!Z)][3<(! 62!  d)[8(! PIC_tActive)]]]]]]][K(!"''@!"@)[(! 6,@! d)[8(! DPResult = ARelease)][](!!")[%*(! 6,! d)[8(!% DP_tDisconnect (DPResult, ARelease))][o(!:!":)[(! 6!Z(!"rrxx!"xxr)[(! 6x!)][)%()]]]]]]]]]]]][+(!"^ww!"^)[(! 6,! d)[8(! DPResult = ARelease)][=(!&!"&)[%(! 6,&! d)[8(!% DP_tDisconnect (DPResult, ARelease))][O(!R!"R)[(! 6R!Z)][3(! 6,R! d)[8(! DP_tDisconnect)]]]]]]][.(!"^ww!"^)[(! 6&! d)[8(! DPResult = BRelease)][@(!&!"&)[%(! 6&&! d)[8(!% DP_tDisconnect (DPResult, BRelease))][R(!"R!"R)[(! 6!)][)()]]]]]][1(!"^w~w~!"~^)[(! 6! d)[8(! DPResult = DL_A)][C(!~~&!"~&~)[%(! 6&! d)[8(! PIC_ _Disconnect(DL_A))][U(![)[(! 6! DP_ _tReanswer)]][$(! 6d! ^!)[(! 6! redefined DP_tBusy)]][$(! 6&! ^!)[(! 6X! redefined DP_tAbandon)]][$ (! 6! ^)[(! 6!( DP_Facility_ _Selected_and_ _Available)]][$(! 6dl! ^!)[(! 6! redefined DP_tAnswer)]][$efined PIC_ _tAlerting)]][$(! 6&R! ^)[(! 6h! PIC_T_ _Suspended)]][$W(! 6d! ^!)[(! 6L! redefined PIC_tActive)]][9(! 6d(! 6&l! ^!)[(! 6q! redefined DP_tDisconnect)]][$T(! 6l! ^)[(! 63! DP_ _tSuspended)]][$(! 6d4! ^!)[(! 6f! redefined DP_tNoAnswer)]][$(! 64! ^)[(! 63f! DP_tCall_ _Accepted)]]]]}_tCall_ _Accepted)]]]]}PIC_tActive)]]]]]]][5(!"&! d)[8(!3 DP_Facility_ _Selected_and_ _Available (DPResult))][(!!")[(! 6!Z)][3j(! 62! d)[8(!( DP_Facility_ _Selected_and_ _Available)][(! R!"R )[m(! 62R! d)[8(! DPResult = Resume)][(!!")[%p(! 62! d)[8(! PIC_Present_ _Call (PICResult))][(!L~!"~L)[(! 6~!Z)][3(! 62~! d)[8(! PIC_Present_ _Call)][(!!")[(! 62! d)[8(! redefined PICResult = Alerting)]['(!x!"x)[%(! 62! d)[8(! DP_tCall_ _Accepted (DPResult))][(!!")[(! 6!Zl)][(!^!"^)[(! 6d! d)[8(! DPResult = Answer)][(!&!"&)[%(! 6d=,(!l!"l)[%(! 6^! d)[8(! DP_tCall_ _Accepted (DPResult))][2(!4!"4)[(! ]^)[>(! 6F! d)[8(! DPResult = DL_B)][(!&!"&)[%P(! 6F&! d)[8(! PIC_ _Disconnect(DL_B))][(!R!"R)[4h(! 6FR! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][w(!"^ww!"^)[AS