------------------------SDT2 DOriginatingBCSM--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ObjectName----------------------------------------ObjectType----------------------------------------!%&()LinkEndpoints--------------------------------!%()HeadingText----------------------------------- OriginatingBCSM------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ed_ _Information)]][$[(! 6&:! ^!)[(! 6qS!! redefined DP_oCalled_ PartyBusy)]][$(! 6:! ^)[(! 6! DP_oReanswer)]][$R(! 6d4()[8(!\ Redefined Process Type <> OriginatingBCSM)]}----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------r!"x~rL)[(! 6xe!)][))()]]]]]]]]]]][9H)(! 6! )[8(!N /* The continuation of the call processing is in accordance with IN CS-1. */)]]]]}DP_oMidC!%()PageOrdert-----------------------------------16PageOrder-------------------------------------121--------------------------------------------121-------------------------------------------- X!%()HeadingText-----------------------------------2PageOrder-------------------------------------51--------------------------------------------51--------------------------------------------- ??-CS-2, the first BCSM transition is redefined to introduce the new origAttempt DP.)]]][-(!&!"&)[$(! 62&! d)[8(! redefined PICResult = Success)][ 9(!!")[%6(! 62! d)[8(! DP_origAttempt (DPResult))][?(! R!"R )[(! 6()[(! l! 22!(P)[%(! l)[%(! 6)[%(! 6d! )]][ %(! 6)][9~,(! 6! )[8(! /* For I(! PIC_Disconnect (DL_B))][v%(!R!"R)[4a%(! 6^R! d)[8(! )]]]]]]]][3])(! 6d! d)[8(! PIC_O_Acti6^! d)[8(! PIC_Disconnect (DL_A))][)(!@r!"r@)[%r)(! 6^r! d)[8(! DP_oMidCall (DPResult, false))][)(!@62! ,)[8(!( PIC_Authorise_ _Call_Setup (PICResult))][(!R!"R)[(! 6!Z)][3(! 62! ,)[8 (DL_B))][)(!@!":@)[4{)(! 6X! d)[8(! )]]]]]]]]]]}Reanswer)][D(!!")[%;(!]]]]]]][@+(!"!")[+(! 6r! d)[8(! PICResult = SCFRelease)][O+(!~!"~)[%%+(! 6r! d)[8(! PIC_OException)][^+(!F!"xF)[41+(! 6rF! d)[8(! )]]]]]]]]]]]]][*(!"!")[*(! 6,! d)[8(! DPResult = ARelease)][*(!&X!"X&)[%*(! 6,X!  d)[8(!% DP_oDisconnect (DPResult, ARelease))][*(!!")[(! 6!Z)][3*(! 6,! d)[8(! DP_oDisconnect)]]]]]]][*(!"!")[*(! 6&! d)[8(! DPResult = BRelease)][*(!&X!"X&!"~~~L)[%/(! 6~! d)[8(! DP_oAbandon (DPResult))][/(!~~!"~~)[(! 6~!Z)][3/(! 6! d)[8(! DP_oAbandon)]]]]]]][9)(!"xx!"x)[)(! 6! d)[8(! DPResult = Exception)][3)(!][(! 69!Z)]][3!(! 62! d)[8(! PIC_O_Null)][ ((!,!",)['(! 6,!)[8(!Z For IN (DL_A))][o,(!!")[%H,(! 6L! d)[8(! DP_oMidCall (DPResult, false))][r,(!R!"R)[, )(!L~!"~L)[%((! 62~! d)[8(!3 PIC_Authorise_ _Origination_ _Attempt (PICResult))][)(!!")[(! 6!Z)][3((! 62! d)[8(!' PIC_Authorise_ _Origination_ _Attempt)]]]]]]][)(!"!")[((!{X!"X)[%+(! 6^! d)[8(! PIC_Disconnect (DL_A))][!,(! !" )[%+(! 6^ ! dd)[8(! PIC_OException)][',(!!")[4,(! 6R! d)[8(! )]]]]]]]][3-(! 6d! d)[8(! DP_o-(! 6d@! d)[8(!! PIC_Send_Call (PICResult, True))][-(!l!"l)[(! 6l!Z)][3-(! 6dl! d)[86d! d)[8(! PIC_O_Alerting)]]]]]]][.(!"&??X!"X&)[.(! 6^X! d)[8(! DPResult = DL_A)][.(!!")[%.(! 6^! d)[8(! PIC_Disconnect (DL_A))][.(!R!"R)[%.(! 6^! )[%+(! 6xr! d)[8(! PIC_Disconnect (DL_B))][+(!!")[4+(! 6x! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][+(!" !")[+(! 6r! d)[8(! PICResult = SCFRelease)][+(!@r!"r@)[%+(! 6rr!! d)[8(! PIC_OException)][+(!!")[4+(! 6r! d)[8(! )]]]]]]]]]]]]][7+(!"!"Selected)][(!!")[(! 62! ,)[8(! DPResult = Resume)][(!!")[%(!  ()[(! ! 22!(P)[h(! 6! f)[k(! 6)[n(! 6! )]][ q(! 6)][Ab(!99!!r@)[%m+(! 62r! d)[8(! PIC_O_Active (PICResult))][+(!!")[(! 6!Z)][3p+(! 62R!"R)[(! 6!Z)][3*(! 6~! d)[8(! DP_oMidCall_ _Suspended)]]]]]]]]][*(!"!"octive)]]]]]]]]][+(!"!")[|+(! 6x! d)[8(! DPResult = DL_B)][+(!@r!"r@]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]})[49/(! 6@@! d)[8(! )]]]]]]]]]]]]][|.(!" 99R!"R )[a.(! 6@R! d)[8(! DP(! DP_oMidCall (DPResult, false))][&(!4!"4)[(! 64!Z)][3&(! 64! ,)[8(! DP_oMidCall_ _Active)]]]]]]]]][ 6^! d)[8(! PICResult = MidCall)][Z,(!&X!"X&)[%3,(! 6^X! d)[8(! DP_oMidCall (DPResult, true))][],(!f]]]]]]]][ ,(!"!")[+(! 6X! d)[8(! DPResult = DL_B)][,(!X!"X)[%++(! 6X! d)[8(! PIC_Disconnect (DL_B))][$,(!!")[4,(! 6X! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][,(!"(! 6!Z)][3K,(! 6L! d)[8(! DP_oMidCall_ _Send_Call)]]]]]]]]][u,(!"!")[N,(! 6F! 3 PartyBusy)][$(!!4)[$(46d! ,)[8(! r4efined DPResult = Resume)][$(! # 3_ _Alerting)][ (!4)[ 4 6! ,)[8(! 4Result = Resume)][ (!X # ()[(! l! 22!(P)[u(! l)[x(! 6)[{(! 6d! )]][ ~(! 6)][9+(! 6! )[8(! /* For I6()[(! l! 22!(P)[(! l)[(! 6)[(! 6d! )]][ (! 6)][3(! 62,! ,)[8(! DP_Route"(! PIC_Disconnect (DL_B))][/(!!")[4/(! 6X! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][.(!"LL!"L7)[4T,(! 6F! d)[8(! )]]]]]]]]]]}6d! ,)[8(! PICResult = MidCall)][X(!@r!"r@)[%O(! b(!$ PIC_O_Retention (PICResult, False))][U.(!!")[(! 6!Z)][3X.(! 6d! d)[8(! PIC_O_Retention)][v.(!D! ^!)[(! 6!' redefined DP_Route_ _Select_ _Failure)]][$^(! 6&! ^!)[(! 6q4! redefined DP_oMidCall)]][$(! 6! ^(! PIC_Disconnect (DL_B))][,(!!")[4,(! 6F! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][,(!"!"N CS-2, the SCF may apply the DisconnectLeg operation. In case of DL on the controlling leg (DL_A) the BCSM must transit to the wait state of the MidCall DP. In case of DL on the passive leg (DL_B) the BCSM is released. */)]][3*(! 62,! @ed_ PartyBusy)][ .(!,,^,!"^,,,)[.(! 6^!)[8(!H For IN CS-2, the ORetention PIC is added after O-Called-Party-Busy DP.)]]][O.(!^(! 6! ^)[(! 64! DP_ _oTermSeized)]]]]}^)[(! 6X!)[8(!O Resets the CS pointer when the BCSM has been moved into another call segment.)[C8(! )]]]]]]]]]]}!"4)[4 (! 6&! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][$(!"x!"x)[#(! 6Rk(! 6R! d)[8(! )]]]]]]]]]]}#(!@r!"r@)[%#(! 6Rr! ,)[8(! PIC_OException)][$(!!"A913(! PIC_O_Retention)]]]]]]]][3$(! 6d! ,)[8(! PIC_O_Retention)][$(!x!"x)[$ (! 6d! ,(!()[(! l! 22!(L)[(! l)[(! 6)[(! 6d! )]][ (! 6)][3C.(! 6d! d)[8(! DP_oCall7()[(! l! 22!(P)[(! l)[(! 6)[(! 6d! )]][ (! 6)]]]}D(! 6,! d)[8(! DP_oMidC` d)[8(! DP_oMidCall_ _Suspended)][,(!!")[+(! 6d! d)[8(! DPResult = Resume)][,(!X!"()[(! l! 22!(`)[@%(! l)[C%(! 6)[F%(! 6d! )]][ I%(! 6)][9)(! 6! )[8(! /* For I d)[8(! DP_oSuspended)][*(!!")[*(! 62! d)[8(! DPResult = Resume)][*(!&X!"on)]][$(! 6dR! ^!)[(! 6k! redefined PIC_O_ _Alerting)]][$t(! 6&R! ^)[(! 6q! PIC_ _Disconnect)]][9 (! 6d! .(! 6X! d)[8(! PIC_Disconnect (DL_B))][.(!R!"LR)[4.(! 6X! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][.(!"&6@)[%-(! 6^@! d)[8(! PIC_Disconnect (DL_A))][-(!!")[%-(! 6^! d)[8(! DP_oMidCall c R!"R )[[.(! 6dR! d)[8(! PICResult = Success)][.(!!")[%d.(! 6d! T@)[%/(! 6^r! d)[8(! PIC_Disconnect (DL_A))][/(!!")[%/(! 6^! d)[8(! DP_oMidCall (DPResult, falsN CS-2, the SCF may apply the DisconnectLeg operation. In case of DL on the controlling leg (DL_A) the BCSM must transit to the wait state of the MidCall DP. In case of DL on the passive leg (DL_B) the BCSM is released. */)]][3+(! 6d^! >)[%R%(! 6d&! d)[8(! PIC_Disconnect (DL_A))][T)(!!")[%K)(! 6d! d)[8(! DP_oMidCall (DPRes!")[%j.(! 6@! d)[8(! PIC_OException)][.(!L~!"~L)[4s.(! 6@~! d)[8(! )')][4(%(! 6&4! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][=%(!"!")["%(! 6! ,)[8(! DPResult = SCFRelease)][7%ט$(!X@Xr!"XrX@)[%$(! 6r! ,)[8(! PIC_OException)][$(!XX!"X4XX)[4$(! 6! Z6x! d)[8(! DPResult = SCFRelease)][7%(!&X!"X&)[%%%(! 6xX! d)[8(! PIC_OException)][:%(!"PResult = Collect_ NDigits)][;$(!!")[%&$(! 6! ,)[8(!# PIC_Collect_ _NDigits (PICResult))][>$(!R!"MR)[(! 6!Z)][3)$(! 6! ,)[8(! PIC_Collect_ _NDigits)]]]]]]]['(!"!")['(! N6L! ,)[8(!! DPResult = Analyse_ Information)]['(!!")[%'(! 6L! ,)[8(!' PIC_Analyse_ _Information (PICResult))]O['(!R!"R)[(! 6!Z)][3'(! 6L! ,)[8(! PIC_Analyse_ _Information)]]]]]]][M$(!"@@P!"@)[,$(! 6! ,)[8(! DPResult = SelectRoute)][A$(!@@!"@@)[%/$(! 6! ,)[8Q(! PIC_Select_ _Route (PICResult))][D$(!@R@!"@@R)[(! 6@!Z)][32$(! 6! ,)[8(! PIC_Select_ _Route)]]]]]]]][3$R(! 62! ,)[8(! DP_RouteSelected)][$(!x!"x)[$(! 62! ,)[8(! DPResult = SCFRelease)][$(!@Sr!"r@)[%$(! 62r! ,)[8(! PIC_OException)][$(!!"4)[4$(! 6d! d)[8d)[8(! PIC_OException)][.(!L~!"~L)[4m.(! 6d~! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][y.(!" 99R!"b][,(!!")[4,(! 6@! d)[8(! )]]]]]]]]]]]]][W,(!"!")[0,(!) DP_oDisconnect (DPResult, ARelease))][U+(!F!"F)[(! 6F!Z)][3++(! 6,F! d)[8(! DP_oDisconnect)]]]]]]][:+(!"jF!"F)[`)(! 6dF! d)[8(! PICResult = Suspended)][)(!!")[%i)(! 6d! (!4/!5!7)[!(! 1!!3)[!(! 2!!3)[!(! 3!!3)[!(! 4!!3)[!(! 5!!3)[!wr!"r@)[%+(! 6,r! d)[8(!% DP_oDisconnect (DPResult, ARelease))][+(!!")[(! 6! d)[8(! )]]]]]]]]]]}(! 6! d)[8(! )]]]]]]]]]]}r@)[%#(! 6Rr! ,)[8(! PIC_OException)][$(!!"+Release)][+(!@r!"r@)[%+(! 6&r! d)[8(!% DP_oDisconnect (DPResult, BRelease))][+(!"!"\)[(! 6!)][)+()]]]]]][+(!"!")[+(! 6~! d)[8(! PICResult = DL_A)][+d)[8(! )]]]]]]][B&(!"&&!"&)[?&(! 6! ,)[8(! DPResult = Exception)][E&(!"&r&^!"&r)[(! 6!)][)-&()]]]]]]]}&r)[(! 6!)][)-&()]]]]]]]}S)][i(!L!"~Lkp)[8(! PIC_Select_ _Route)]]]]]]][/(!"~~!"~)[/(! 6! d)[8(! DPResult = ARelease)][/(!~L~~all_ _Retention)][J(!!")[G(! 6! d)[8(! DPResult = Resume)][V(!&X!"X&)[%Sa(! 6X! d)[8(!# PIC_O_Retention (PICResult, True))][\(!!")[(! 6!Z)][3Y(! 6! d)[8R )[^.(! 6^R! d)[8(! PICResult = MidCall)][.(!!")[%g.(! 6^! d)[8(! DP_oMidCall (D}(DPResult, false))][-(!:l!"l:)[(! 6l!Z)][3-(! 6^l! d)[8(! DP_oMidCall_ _Send_Call)]]]]]]]]][-(!"x]]]} ,)[8(! DP_RouteSelected)]]]]]]]]]]}x)[ (! 6d! ,)[8(! DPResult = DL_A)][ (!@r!"r@)[% (! 6d0N CS-2, the SCF may apply the DisconnectLeg operation. In case of DL on the controlling leg (DL_A) the BCSM must transit to the wait state of the MidCall DP. In case of DL on the passive leg (DL_B) the BCSM is released. */)]][3.(! 6d! !")[(! 6!Z)][36,(! 6^! d)[8(! DP_oMidCall_ _Send_Call)]]]]]]][i,(!"!"g)[B,(! 6L! d)[8(! PICResult = DL_A)][l,(!&X!"X&)[%E,(! 6LX! d)[8(! PIC_Disconnect 6~X! d)[8(! PIC_Disconnect (DL_A))][*(!!")[%*(! 6~! d)[8(! DP_oMidCall (DPResult, false))][*(!%6! d)[8(! DPResult = SelectRoute)][$(!&X!"X&)[%$(! 6X! d)[8(! PIC_Select_ _Route (PICResult))][%(!!")[+(! 6&! d)[8(! PICResult = BRelease)][I+(!~!"~)[%+(! 6&9)[8(! )]]]]]]]]]]}6! ,)[8(! DPResult = DL_B)][ (!@r!"r@)[% (! 6r! ,)[8(! PIC_Disconnect (DL_B))][!(! 6r! d)[8(! DPResult = SCFRelease)][*(!&X!"X&)[%*(! 6rX! d)[8(! PIC_OException)][*(!m!")[4*(! 6r! d)[8(! )]]]]]]]]]]})[4"(! 6 ! d)[8(! )]]]]]]]]]]})[4'(! 6! zd)[8(! PIC_OException)][.(!R!"LR)[4.(! 6R! d)[8(! )]]]]]]]][3.(! 6dF! d)[8(! DP_o)[*(! 6x! d)[8(! DPResult = DL_B)][*(!&X!"X&)[%*(! 6xX! d)[8(! PIC_Disconne;@!"@)[w$(! 6d@! ,)[8(! redefined PICResult = Success)][$(!!")[%z$(! 6d! ,q)[8(! DP_RouteSelected (DPResult))][$(!!")[(! 6!Z)][3}$(! 6d! ,)[8(! DP_RouteSelected)]]]]]]]d! ,)[8(! DP_oDisconnect)]]]]]]]]][$(!"xXX!"Xx)[$(! 6! ,)[8(!# DPResult = SCFRelease; priority 7)][J&X!"X&)[%<,(! 6dX! d)[8(! DP_oTermSeized (DPResult))][f,(!!")[(! 6!tZ)][3,(! 6d! d)[8(! DP_oTermSized)][,(!!")[,(! 6d! d)[8(! DPResult = Resume)][,(!u~!"~)[%,(! 6d! d)[8(! PIC_O_Alerting (PICResult))][z-(!!")[(! 6!vZ)][3;-(! 6d! d)[8(! PIC_O_Alerting)][ -(!2,EEx,x!",x,)[}-(! 6,F!)[8(!A For INx(! 6!!3)[!(! 7!!3)[!(! 8!!3)[! (! 9!!3)]]]]]]]]]}(! 10!!3)[! (! 11!!3)[! CS-2, a MidCall DP is introduced for the O Alerting PIC.)]]][\-(!"@YYr!"r@)[>-(! 6^r! d)[8(! PICResult = MidCall)][e-(!y!")[%G-(! 6^! d)[8(! DP_oMidCall (DPResult, true))][n-(!l4!"4l)[(! 64!Z]]]]]]]][.(!"&??X!"X&)[.(! 6XX! d)[8(! DPResult = DL_B)][.(!!")[%B 6,! d)[8(!! DPResult = Collect_ Information)][)(!L~!"~L)[%((! 6,~! d)[8(!# PIC_Collect_ _NDigits (PICResult))][! redefined DP_oNoAnswer)]][$(! 6r! ^!)[(! 6! redefined DP_ _oDisconnect)]][$O(! 6d:! ^!)[(! 6S!% redefined DP_AnalysPResult, true))][.(!L~!"~L)[(! 6~!Z)][3/(! 6^~! d)[8(! DP_oMidCall_ _Retention)][d Call PIC. Also, a MidCall DP is introduced in the Send Call PIC.)]]][`,(!!")[9,(! 6d! d)[8(! redefined PICResult = Alerting)][c,(!s!")[,(! 6F! d)[8(! DPResult = DL_B)][,(!~!"~)[%,(! 6F! d)[85!")[(! 6!Z)][3x)(! 6^! d)[8(! DP_oMidCall_ _Active)]]]]]]]]][)(!"--F!"rocedure definitions for the new IN CS-2 PICs and the redefined IN CS-1 PICs. *****/)]][$r(! 6d! ^!)[(! 6! redefined PIC_O_ _Active)]][$(! 6&! ^!B)[(! 6X! redefined PIC_Send_Call)]][$(! 6d! ^)[(! 6! PIC_O_ _Suspended)]][$_(! 6&! ^)[(! 6q! PIC_O_ _RetentiA4!"f4:)[)(%()]]]]]]]]]}%%(! 6! ,)[8(! PIC_OException)][:%(!:4!"f4:)[4(%(! 6&4! H:ot provide causes for actions it takes. Thus, the precise cause for a message which is being sent cannot be ascertained. */ )]]]]}----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------