------------------------SDT2 D SSF_CCF--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ObjectName----------------------------------------ObjectType----------------------------------------!%&()LinkEndpoints--------------------------------!%()HeadingText----------------------------------- 3SSF_CCF--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ,!)[(! 6K!$ redefined CallSegment_ Association)][ (!^!"^)[~(! 6!)[8(!I The CallSegmentAssociatio6()[8(!7 Redefined Block Type <> SSF_CCF)]}-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------M()[(! l! 22!(I)[h(! l)[k(! 6)[n(! 6d! )]][ q(! 6)][9u(! 6d! )[8(! /**** PR!%()PageOrdert-----------------------------------1)PageOrder-------------------------------------2------------------------------------------------3------------------------------------------------- -!%()HeadingText-----------------------------------2)PageOrder------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------OCESS TYPE DEFINITIONS ****/ /* Note: All process type definitions are inherited from IN CS-1 and redefined to incorporate the new functionality required for IN CS-2.)]][?j(! 62! ,!)[(! 6K! redefined Interface_ Handler)][ {(!^!"^)[x(! 6!)[8(!> The InterFaceHandler (IH) process type is extended to manage: - Processing of the IN CS-2 operations MoveCallSegments and CreateCSA. - The passing of new primitives between the Signalling Control Interface and the CSAs. - The passing of new primitives between the IN CS-2 SSF-SCF Interface and the CSA.)]]]][?U(! 62(!4!5!7)[!(! 1! !3)[!(! 2! !3)[!(! 3! !3)[!(! 4! !3)]]]]}(! 5! !3)]]]]]}()[(! l! 22!(l)[(! 6! @)[(! 6)[(! 6! )]][ (! 6)][A (!--!! )[(! 62! SCF)][`(! )][. (! )[8(! 6F! (CS2_INAP_To_SCF))]][(! 6-!)][. (! )[8(! 6Fd! (CS2_INAP_From_SCF))]][(! 6-!Z)][0 (!"--EeEe!"e-)[(! 6~! SCF2_Interface)][. (! )[8(! 6! (CS2_INAP_From_SCF))]][(! 6e!Z)][.(! )[8(! 6 ^! (CS2_INAP_To_SCF))]][(! 6-!)][;Q(! 6e)[(! 6L ! SCF)]][((! 6! !)[(! 6L?! IH)][0(!XX!"XX)[(! 6w&! SigCon2_Interface)][.(! )[8(! 6q! (SigCon2_Out))]][(! 6X!)][.(! )[8(! 6Xq! (SigCon2_In))]][(! 6X!)][:(! 6X)[(! 6?! SigCon)]][A(!XX!!)[(! 6 ! SigCon)][`(! )][.(! )[8(! 6q! (Sig_ Con2_ _Out))]][(! 6X!)][.(! )[8(! 62! (Sig_ Con2_ _In))]][(! 6X!)]]][0(!XX!"XX)[(! 6&! IBI2)][.(! )[8(! 6@q! (IBI2))]][(! 6X!)][.(! )[8(! 6Fq! (IBI2))]][(! 6X!)][:(! 6X)[(! 6?! IBI)]][A!(!XlX!!)[(! 6&! IBI)][`(! )][."(! )[8(! 6! (IBI2))]][(! 6lX!)][.#(!  )[8(! 6q! (IBI2))]][(! 6X!)]]][0$(!  !" )[(! 6Rn! CSA2_Interface)][.%(! )[8(! 6R! (CSA2_In))]][(! 6 !Z)][.&(! )[8(! 6R ! (CSA2_Out))]][(! 6!)][:(! 6)[(! 6! CSA)]][;](! 6 )[(! 6! IH)]][((! 6X! !)[(! 63! CSA)][0-(!  x!" x )[(! 68! CS2_Interface)][..(! )[8(! 69F! (CS2_In))]][(! 6 x!Z)][./(! )[8(! 69! (CS2_Out))]][(! 6 !)][:`(! 6 )[(! 6~! CS)]][;f(! 6 x)[(! 6! CSA)]][((! 6Xx! !)[(! 6! CS)][06(!'ST CS2_INAP_CS_IN = ContinueWithArgument, DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgument, DisconnectLeg, RequestReportFacilityEvent, RequestReportUTSI, SendFacilityInformation, SendSTUI, SplitLeg; SIGNALLIST CS2_INAP_CS_OUT = DisconnectLegResul3[(! l! 22!(4)[(! 6! @)[(! 6)[(! 6! )]][ (! 6)][9 (! 6- ! (NDSYNTYPE;)]][9(! 6,L! )[8(!| SIGNAL /* Signals for importing and exporting legs between CS and SSF-FSM. */ ExportLegReq(LegType), ExportLegResp(EventRecordType), ImportLegReq(LegType,EventRecordType), !t, EntityReleased, ReportUTSI, SplitLegResult;)]][9(! 6^! )[8(! SIGNALLIST CS2_INAP_CSA_IN = ContinueWithArgument, CreateCallSegmentAssociation, DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgument, DisconnectLeg, MergeCallSegments, MoveLeg, RequestReportFacilityEvent, RequestReportUTSI, SendFacilityInformation, SendSTUI, SplitLeg; SIGNALLIST CS2_INAP_CSA_OUT = CreateCallSegmentAssociationResult, DisconnectLegResult, EntityReleased, Merg%()[(! l! 22!()[(! l)[(! 6)[(! 6d! )]][ (! 6)][9(! 6d! )[8(!> SIGNALLI ImportLegResp, /* Signals for importing and exporting legs between CSA and CS. */ CSExportLegReq(LegType), CSExportLegResp(ExportLegType), CSImportLegReq(LegType,ExportLegType), CSImportLegResp, /* Signal to change the value of the CS point"er in the BCSMs when the leg has been moved into another call segment. */ SetCS, /* Signals for importing and exporting call segments between IH and CSA. */ ExportCSReq(CallSegmentID, ExportLegsType), ExportCSResp(ExportCSType), ImportCSReq&SIGNALLIST CS2_INAP_SSF_OUT = DisconnectLegResult, ReportUTSI;)]][9(! 6R! )[8(! SIGNALLIST SSME2_In = (CS2_INAP_SSME_IN); SIGNALLIST SSME2_Out = (CS2_INAP_SSME_OUT); SIGNALLIST O_BCSM2_In = Network@! O_BCSM2)][.I(! )[8(! 6! (O_BCSM2_Out))]][(! 6@!)][.J(! )[8(! 6:! (O_BCSM2_In))]][(! 6l!Z)][:K1eCallSegmentsResult, MoveLegResult, ReportUTSI, SplitLegResult;)]][9(! 6&! )[8(!o SIGNALLIST CS2_INAP_SSME_IN = ManageTriggerData; SIGNALLIST CS2_INAP_SSME_OUT = ManageTriggerDataResult;)]][90(CallSegmentID,ExportCSType), ImportCSResp, SetLegID(LegType,LegType), /* Signal to report to the SSF-FSM that an UTSI event has occured. */ DPUTSI(DPUTSIArg), DPFacility(DPFacilityArg);)]]]]}red. */ DPUTSI(DPUTSIType);)]]]]}pe);)]]]]}dType), @LLl!"Ll@)[(! 6! T_BCSM2)][.7(! )[8(! 6e:! (T_BCSM2_In))]][(! 6Ll!Z)][.8(! ()[8(! 6e! (T_BCSM2_Out))]][(! 6@!~)][:i(! 6@)[(! 6! T)]][;<(! 6Ll)[(! 63! CS)]][((! 6Rl! ) ,!)[(! 6! T_BCSM)]]]]]]][0(!!")[(! 6k! SSME2_Interface)][.(! )[8(! 6F*! (SSME2_In))]][(! 6!Z)][.(! )[8(! 6- ! (SSME2_Out))]][(! 6!Y)][:(! 6)[(! 6! SSME)]][;+(! 6)[(! 6! IH)]][((! 6x! ,!)[(! 63! SSME)]]]]]][9r(! 6R! )[8(! /* Notes: - Dashed symbols refe,r to entities defined in the IN CS-1 SDL specifica- tions. - The functionality and interfacesof all entities are extended to incorpo- rate the IN CS-2 functionality. */)]][((! 6xx! ,2()[(! l! 22!(h)[(! l)[(! 6)[(! 6d! )]][ (! 6)][9(! 6! )[8(!W /**** DA.TA TYPE DEFINITIONS COMMON TO THE IH, CSA, CS, BCSM AND SSF-FSM PROCESSES. */)]][9(! 6,! )[8(!~ /* A Leg can be exported/imported between call segments. */ NEWTYPE ExportLegType STRUCT sigConId CallRef; /* U/sed when exporting the controlling leg. */ csLegData LegInfo; ssfLegData EventRecordType; controllingLegStatus LegStatusType; ENDNEWTYPE; /* A call segment can be exported/imported between call segment associations. */ SYNTYPE ExportCSType = PId E(! 6^! )[8(! SIGNALLIST CS2_INAP_SSF_IN = ContinueWithArgument, DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgument, DisconnectLeg, RequestReportFacilityEvent, RequestReportUTSI, SendFacilityInformation, SendSTUI; #(! 6l)[(! 6! CS)]][;l(! 6@)[(! 6! O)]][)()]]]]]}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!)[(! 6! SSF)][0?(!x!"x)[(! 6q! SSF2_Interface)][.@(! )[8(! 6! (SSF2_ _Out))]]4()[w(!GSDL)]}veCallSegments, MoveLeg, OriginateCall, Reconnect, RequestEventReportUTSI, SendSTUI, SplitLeg; SIGNALLIST CS2_INAP_To_SCF = ReportUTSI;)]]]]}-------------------------------------------------------------------------[(! 6!)][.A(! )[8(! 6! (SSF2_ _In))]][(! 6x!)][:B(! 6x)[(! 6! CS)]][;(! 6)[5(! 6! SSF)]][)()]]][((! 6l! ,!)[(! 6 ! O_BCSM)][0H(!l@!"@l)[(! 6 $n (CSA) process type is extended to manage: - Processing of IN CS-2 call segment related operations. - The passing of new Signalling Control primitives between the InterfaceHandler and the CallSegment. - The passing of IN CS-2 primitives between7 the InterfaceHandler and the CallSegment.)]]]][?X(! 62! ,!)[(! 6K3! redefined CallSegment)][ (!^!"^)[(! 68!)[8(! The CallSegment (CS) process type is extended to manage: - The extended connection view (in terms of legs) of the call segment. - Processing of IN CS-2 leg related operations. - Filtering of detection points -9 The passing of new Signalling Control primitives between the CallSegmentAssociation and the BCSMs. - The passing of IN CS-2 primitives between the CallSegmentAssociation and the SSF-FSM.)]]]][?t(! 62F! ,!):[(! 6K! redefined SSF_FSM)][ (!^xx!"x^x)[(! 6F!)[8(![ The SSF-FSM process type is extended to manage: - The processing of ;IN CS-2 operations.)]]]][?(! 6F! ,!)[(! 63! redefined SSME_FSM)][ (!Fxxx!"xxFx)[(! 6xF!)[8<(!M The SSME_FSM is extended to manage: - The processing of ManageTriggerData)]]]][?w(! 62r! ,!)[(! 6K! redefined Originating_ BCSM)][ (!^!"=^)[(! 6r!)[8(! The OriginatingBCSM (O-BCSM) process type is extended to manage: - The extensions to the call processing of originating half calls.)]]]][?z(! 62! ,>!)[(! 6K! redefined Terminating_ BCSM)][ (!^!"^)[(! 6!)[8(! The TerminatingBCSM (T-BCSM) process type? is extended to manage: - The extensions to the call processing of terminating half calls.)]]]]]]}report to the SSF-FSM that an UTSI or Facility event has occured. */ DPUTSI(DPUTSIType), DPFacility(DPFacilityType);)]]]]}]]]}--------------------------dSuspendReqInd, NetworkResumeReqInd, DataReqInd, DataInd, SetCS, SetLegID; SIGNALLIST O_BCSM2_Out = NetworkSuspendReq, NetworkResumeReq, DataReqInd, DataReq, DPUTSI; SIGNALLIST T_BCSM2_In = NetworkSuspendInd, NetworkResumeInd, DaAtaInd, DataReqInd, SetCS, SetLegID; SIGNALLIST T_BCSM2_Out = NetworkSuspendReqInd, NetworkResumeReqInd, DataReq, DataReqInd, DPUTSI;)]][9(! 6^L! )[8(! /* Definition of signal lists. */ SIGNALLBIST CSA2_In = (CS2_INAP_CSA_IN), (IBI2), (SigCon2_In), ExportCSReq, ImportCSReq; SIGNALLIST CSA2_Out = (CS2_INAP_CSA_OUT), (IBI2), (SigCon2_Out), ExportCSResp, ImportCSResp; SIGNALLIST CS2_In = (CS2_INAP_CS_IN), (IBI2), (SigCon2C_In), CSExportLegReq, CSImportLegReq, SetLegID; SIGNALLIST CS2_Out = (CS2_INAP_CS_OUT), (IBI2), (SigCon2_Out), CSExportLegResp, CSImportLegResp; SIGNALLIST SSF2_In = (CS2_INAP_SSF_IN), ExportLegReq, ImportLegReq, SetLegID, DPUTSDI, DPFacility; SIGNALLIST SSF2_Out = (CS2_INAP_SSF_OUT), ExportLegResp, ImportLegResp;)]]]]}-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------e