------------------------SDT2 wOriginatingBCSM--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ObjectName----------------------------------------ObjectType----------------------------------------!%&()LinkEndpoints--------------------------------!%()HeaderText----------------------------------- n#OriginatingBCSM------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Yes')][(! 6!)][)()]]]]]]]]]} 6R!)][)y()]]]]]}(! 6d! )]][ (! 6)][(! 6! d)[8(! O_ ExcepI%()[8(!] Virtual Process Type <> OriginatingBCSM)]}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sf)[44(! 6! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][4(!"ff!"f)[4(! 6! d)[8(! DPResult =J!%()PageOrdert-----------------------------------16PageOrder-------------------------------------10-----------------------------------------------11----------------------------------------------- %!%()HeadingText-----------------------------------11PageOrder-------------------------------------4-----------------------------------------------77----------------------------------------------- ped)[8(! )]]]]]]][7(!"^wrwr!"r^)[[7(! 6! d)[8(! DPResult = SCFRelease)][7(!"rr x xl. */)]]]]})[7(! 6r! d)[8(! PICResult = SCFRelease)][7(!&!"&)[%7(! 6r&! d)[8(! PIC_O_ Exception)] sult))][=(!!")[(! 6!Z)][3(! 6^! d)[8(! PIC_O_Null)]]]]][g(! !"  )[8(! 6! analyse_ Information)][%L(! 6X! d)[8(!' PIC_Analyse_ _Information (PICResult))][U(!!" )[(! 6!Z)][3R(! 6X! d)[8(! PIC_Analyse_ _Information)]]]]][(!!")[8(! 63! wai t_ OrigAttempt_ Authorized)][%$(! 6! d)[8(!- DP_ _origAttemptAuthorised (DPResult, true))][$(!!")[(! 6!Z)][3$Dx)[(! 6!)][)/()]]]]]]]]]][/(!" 99R!"R )[/(! 6LR! d)[8(! PICResult = Ah)[47(! 6r! d)[8(! )]]]]]]]][98(! 6RF! )[8(!o /* Note: AnalyseInformation or SelectRoute is due to a Connect from the SCF to establish a follow on cal (! 6 ! ,)[8(!3 PIC_Authorise_ _Origination_ _Attempt (PICResult))][!&(!,,!",,)[(! 6,!Z)][3%(! 6! ,/()[(! l! 22!(P)[(! 6! l4)[(! 6)[(! 6,! )]][ (! 6)][A(!RR2!)[)[8(! 6! d)[8(!! PICResult = Select_next_ _Route)][$8(!~x~!"~~x)[%8(! 6! d)[8(! PIC_Select_Rout](! 6!Z)][3t'(! 6 ! d)[8(! PIC_Select_ _Route)]]]]]]][0(!"^w~w~!"~^)[_'(! 6! dd)[8(! DP_oMidCall (DPResult, false))][=%(!!")[(! 6!Z)][3:%(! 6! d)[8(! DP_oMidCall_ _Active)]]]]]]]]]][9(! 6d^! )[8(!s /* The following terminology is used for directions: B Backward (towards A party) F Forward (towards B party) */)]][9.(! 6! )[8(!8 /* The !62! ,)[8(! PIC_O_ Exception)][(!!")[4(! 6d! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][#(!" & &]_Route)]]]]]]][t6(!"33L!"L)[;6(! 6LL! d)[8(! DPResult = ARelease)][6(!!"(! 6@! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][y4(!"ff!"f)[C4(! 6! d)[8(! PICResult = SCFRelease)][4(!! 6R!Z)]][9(! 6&! )[8(!- /**** VARIABLE AND TIMER DECLARATIONS ****/)]][9(! 6! )[8(! TIMER NoAnswerT := 3600000; /* Value for simulation pur SCFRelease)][O1(!"rxrxx!"xrx)[(! 6x!)][)1()]]]]]]]]]][0(!" 9~9~R!"~R poses. */ DCL /* Pointer to the call segment. */ CS PId, /* SigCon ID of the signalling entity associated with this BCSM. */ SigConId callRef, /* Used to indicate the status of the call processing. */ alertingSent boolean := false, /* IndicCT)(! 62&! d)[8(! PIC_Send_ _Call (PICResult))][i)(!!")[(! 6!Z)][3<2(! 62! d)[8r)[%2(! 6! d)[8(! DP_oAbandon (DPResult))][2(!rLr~!"r~rL)[(! 6r~!Z)][32(! 6~! d)[8)[%#(! 6! ,)[8(! PIC_Select_ _Route (PICResult))][#(!!")[(! 6!Z)][3#(! 6! ,lect_Failure)]]]]]]]]]]}(!&X9!"X&)[((! 62X! ,)[8(! DPResult = Resume)][((!  )[%(d)[8(! obcsmPars! startState)][(! !" )[8(! 6! nullState)][%:(! 6^! d)[8(! PIC_O_Null (PICRe __x!"xF)[,(! 6&x! d)[8(! PICResult = BRelease)][,(!!")[%,(! 6&! )[-(! 6X! d)[8(!! DPResult = Analyse_ Information)][-(!x!"x)[%-(! 6X! d)[8(!' 99R!"R )['5(! 6XR! d)[8(! PICResult = BRelease)][Q5(!!")[%*5(! 6X! -)[%!5(! 6^! d)[8(!% DP_oDisconnect (DPResult, ARelease))][K5(!"Lee~!"~L)[(! 6~!Z)][35(! 6d~ ,)[8(! SAArg!BCSMId := SigConId)][|(!RR@!"R@R)[(! 6@! ,!)[8(!' Subsequent_ AddressReq (SAArg) to CS )][ (&!"33rLr!"Lr)[=(! 6L@!)[8(!I Signal to Signalling Control which then prompts for address information)]]][X(!RR!"KR)[6y(! 6! ,)[8(! SAArg!BCSMId := SigConId)][|(!RFRx!"RxRF)[(! 6x! ,!)[8(!' Subsequent_ A(ddressReq (SAArg) to CS )][ (!"33L!"L)[=(! 6Lx!)[8(!I Signal to Signalling Control which then prompts for address information)]]][X)(!RR@!"R@R)[6(! 6@! ,)[8(!* 'Append buffered digits to Dest_address')][(!RR!"RR)[*(! 6R!Z)][3(! 6! d)[8(! Wait_for_ _digits)]]]]]]]]]]]][ (! 6! )[8(!& PIC_Collect_ _Information_ _DigByDig)][ (!"~,x)[%1(! 6&! d)[8(!' PIC_Analyse_ _Information (PICResult))][F1(!@!"@)[(! 6@!Z)][3 1(! 6&!")[0(! 6,! d)[8(!! DPResult = Collect_ Information)][:1(!x!"x)[%0(! 6,! &)[ (! 6!)[8(!z This DP is detected when enough information is received from the originating access to process the call. Digit by Digit.)]]][(!4!".4)[(! 64!Z)][3 (! 6,4! ,)[8(!- Wait_ _Collected_ _Information_ _Dig_by_Dig)]]]]]]]]}!Z)][ (! 6 ! )[8(!0 d)[8(! DP_oAbandon)]]]]]]][:.(!"!")[.(! 6F! d)[8(! DPResult = Exception)][+.(!xack of resources, e.g. no digit receivers are available.)]]]]]]][ (!F!"F)[8(! 6! 'Yes')][ (! 6F! )[8(! 'Enough Infor1mation recieved' )][ (!!")[8(! 6! 'No')][(! 6!Z)][3 (! 6 ! d)[8(! Wait_for_ _2Digits)]]][ (!!")[8(! 6'! 'Yes')][6(! 6,! ,)[8(!2 DP!legID := LegID, DP!bcsmEvent := CollectedInfo)][(!3l!"l)[ (! 6^! d!)[8(! DP(DP) to CS)][ (!&!"&)[ (! 6!4)[8(!z This DP is detected when enough information is received from the originating access to process the call. Digit by Digit.)]]][(!4!"4)[(! 64!Z5)][3 (! 6,4! ,)[8(!- Wait_ _Collected_ _Information_ _Dig_by_Dig)]]]]]]]]]]]]][ (!"^w@w@!"@^)[ (! 6! d$rmation (PICResult))][6(!Fx!"xF)[(! 6x!Z)][3\6(! 6Xx! d)[8(! PIC_Analyse_ _Information)]]]]]]][q6(!"on)][0(!xLx~!"xx~xL)[40(! 6~! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][0(!" 9r9rR!"rR )[0(! rx!"x)[=4(! 6! d)[8(!# PICResult = Analyse_marked_ _CDPN)][4(!xxx!"xxx)[%O4(! 6!  d)[8(! PIC_O_ _Alerting)][j4(!!")[44(! 62! d)[8(! PICResult = Answer)][|4(!x!"")[%-(! 6d! d)[8(!' DP_origAttempt_ Authorised (DPResult))][.(!L~!"~L)[(! 6~!Z)][!")[%>0(! 6L! ,)[8(!# PIC_Collect_ _NDigits (PICResult))][G0(!!")[(! 6 d)[8(! )]]]]]]]['(!"!")['(! 6! ,)[8(! DPResult = SCFRelease)]['(!"r&=(!* CS1Cause:= Collect_ Information_ Failure)][|(!l!"l)[(! 6!Z)][(! 6! )[8(! O_ Exception)][ (>!"ffll!"lff)[3(! 6:!)[8(! This event occurs when the SSF is unable to perform the information collection due to lack of resources, e.g., no digi?t receivers.)]]]]]]][(!@@4!"4@)[8(! 6Y! 'Yes')][(! 64!Z)][3(! 64! ,)[8(! Wait_for_ @ _more_digits)]]]]][(!@@!"@)[8(! 6Y! True)][6< (! 6! ,)[8(!2 'Set flag all CDPN(Called Party Number) handled')][A? (!@@!"@@)[6(! 6! ,)[8(!7 DP!legID:=legID, DP!bcsmEvent:= Analysed_ Information)][(!@l@!"@B@l)[(! 6! d!)[8(! DP(DP) to CS)][(!@@4!"@4@)[(! 6@4!Z)][3(! 64! ,)[8C(! Wait_ _Analysed_ _Information)]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]}(! Wait_for_ _more_digits)]]]]][(!@@!"@)[8(! 6Y! True)][6< (! 6! @+(!"l:lSfSfl!"fll:)[(! 6fS!)][%4(! 6l! d)[8(! PIC_O_ Exception)][5(!ff!"f4f virtual PIC_O_ _Alerting)]][$ (! 6! ^)[(! 6@! PIC_O_ _Abandon)]][$(! 6! ^)[(! 6! PIC_Collect_ _Information)]][$(! 6X(! 6@4!Z)][3(! 64! ,)[8(! Wait_ _Analysed_ _Information)]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]][(!"@@!"@)[(! 6Gx! !)[8(!7 Subsequent_ AddressInd (SAArg), AddressEndInd (AEArg))][p(!@@!"@@)[6m(! 6! d)[8(! 'Buffer DHigits')][v(!@L@~!"@~@L)[(! 6@~!Z)][3s(! 6~! d)[8(! -)]]]]]]]][(! 6^ ! X,)[8(!' IPIC_Analyse__ Information_Dig_ By_Dig)][(!"Lee!"L)[(! 6e!)][)()]]]]]}(! 6!)][)()]]][90(! T)[4/(! 6F~! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][7(!" 99R!"R )[7(! 6@R! d)[8(! PICResult = SCFRelease)][7RR)[6(! 6! ,)[8(!* 'Append buffered digits to Dest_address')][(!RR!"RR)[(! 6R!Z)][3L(! 6! d)[8(! Wait_for_ _digits)]]]]]]]]]][9(! 6! )[8(! /* Digit by digit. */)]]]]}.)]]][Z(!!")[')[(! 6!' PIC_Authorise_ _Origination_ _Attempt)]][$Z(! 6X! ^)[(! 6! PIC_Select_ _Route)]][$ (! 6! ^!)[(! 6e!E!")[ -(! 6! d)[8(! Success)][W(!R~!"~R)[8(! 63! True)][6(! 6O~! ,)[8(!: DP!legID:=legID, DP!bcsmEvent := OrigAttempt_ Authorised)][(!F!"F)[6(! 6LF! d!)[8(! DP(DP) toP CS)][ Q(!xFx!"Fxx)[N(! 6FF!)[8(!X To SSF en bloc This event is detected when the authority to place a call is verified.)]]][Z(!Q!")[(! 6!Z)][39(! 6! ,)[8(!+ Wait_ _Origination_ _Attempt_ _Authorised)]]]]]]][Q(!,,!"R,)[8(! 6E3! False /* Origination Denied */)][6(! 6! ,)[8(! CS1Cause:= Origination_ Denied)][(!,F,x!",x,FS)[(! 6,x!Z)][0(! 6x! d)[8(! O_ Exception)][ T(!"rr!"r)[3(! 6@!)[8V][6(! 6! ,)[8(!* CS1Cause:= Collect_ Information_ Failure)][(!^x^!"^^x)[(! 6^!Z)][(! 6! Vlected_Info)][z'(!^!"^)[V'(! 62! d)[8(! DPResult = Resume)]['(!&!"&)[%b'(v)[8(! O_ Exception)][ (!"}}!",)[(! 6l!)[8(! This event occurs when the SSF is unable to perform the informationW collection due to lack of resources, e.g. no digit receivers are available (collect info failure).)]]]]]]][(!RRF!"RFR)[8(! 6k! True)][6(! 6F! X,)[8(!0 DP!legID:=legID, DP!bcsmEvent := CollectedInfo)][(!RR!"RR)[(! 6! d!)[8(! DP(DP) to CS)][(!YRrR!"RRr)[(! 6R!Z)][3(! 6! ,)[8(! Wait_ _Collected_ _Information)][ (!"33L!"ZL)[(! 6L!)[8(!` This DP is detected when enough information is received from the caller to process the call.)]]]]]]]]]]["(! 6~! )[8(! PIC_C[ollect_ _Information)][%(!"xxRRF!"RFx)[(! 6R!)][)()]]]]]}(! 6R!Z)][3(! 6! ,)[8-Release)][&0(!ff&!"f&f)[)K)()]]]]]]]}d)[8(! DPResult = SCFRelease)][+(!"!")[(ie (PICResult))]['8(!~~@!"~@~)[(! 6~@!Z)][3!8(! 6@! d)[8(! PIC_Select_ _Route)]]]]]]][s4(!"x8@x)[41(! 6@! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][a1(!"rr!"r)[1(! 6! d)[8(! DPResult =xF)[,(! 6,x! d)[8(! PICResult = ARelease)][,(!!")[%,(! 6,! d)[8(!% DP_oDisco()[(! ! 22!(C)[)(! )[)(! 6)[)(! 6d! )]][ )(! 6)][3E)(! 62! d)[8(! PIC_Auth(! 6!)][)6()]]]]]]]})[ $(! 6&! ,)[8(!! DPResult = Analyse_ Information)][/$(!&&!"&&)[%$(! 6!7(!l!"l)[(! 6!Z)][3,(! 62! ,)[8(! DP_oAbandon)]]]]]]][#(!"&&!"oAnswer)][j7(!^!"^)[17(! 62! d)[8(! DPResult = Resume)][v7(!&!"&)[%=7(! |&! d)[8(! PIC_O_Abandon)][ 6(!!")[4 6(! 6d! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][6(!"^ww!"e^)[6(! 6^! d)[8(! DPResult = SCFRelease)][6(!"  &!"&)[(! 6 !)][)f6()]]]][6(!"^ww!"^)[6(! 6X! d)[8(! DPResult = Exception)][6(!"  &!" )[8(! 69! false)][6 (! 6d! ,)[8(!- 'Analyse info to determine routing address')][ (!L!"L)[ h(! 6L! d)[8(! Success)][ (!!")[8(! 6! True)][6 (! 6! d)[8(! 'Set flag all CiDPN handled')][ (!Fx!"xF)[6(! 6dx! ,)[8(!7 DP!legID:=legID, DP!bcsmEvent:= Analysed_ Information)][ (!@!"j@)[ (! 6@! d!)[8(! DP(DP) to CS)][ (!!")[(! 6!Z)][3 (! 6d! k ,)[8(! Wait_ _Analysed_ _Information)]]]]]]]]][ (!^~X~X!"X^~)[8(! 6q! False)][6(! 6! ,)[8(!*l CS1Cause:= InvalidCollected_ Information)][(!XxX!"XXx)[(! 6X!Z)][ (! 6! ,)[8(! O_ Exception)][ (!"m!")[ (! 6!)[8(!i This event occurs when the collected information is invalid, i.e. violates the numbering plan in force.)]]]]]]]]]]][] (!n!")[8(! 6! true)][6Z (! 6R! ,)[8(!4 'Mark first CDPN as routing desti- nation address')][c (!~o!"~)[)` ()]]]]]]]]]}yse_ Information)][W (!"  qq!" )[(! 6q!)][)N ()]]][f (! 6~,B=()[(! l! 22!(S)[G'(! l)[J'(! 6)[M'(! 6d! )]][ P'(! 6)][3S'(! 62! d)[8(! DP_ _ColU(! DP_oAbandon)]]]]]]][w6(!"33L!"L)[>6(! 6FL! d)[8(! DPResult = Exception)][6(!!"\6R! d)[8(! PICResult = SCFRelease)][0(!"rrxx!"xr)[(! 6x!)][)0()]]]]]]]]]][*(!"^w()[(! l! 22!(F)[t-(! l)[w-(! 6)[z-(! 6d! )]][ }-(! 6 )][3-(! 6d! d)[8(! PIC_O_NuActive)][E5(!" 99R!"R )[5(! 6^R! d)[8(! PICResult = ARelease)][H5(!!"$ll)][g(!,&,X!",X,&)[d(! 6X! ,)[8(! virtual PICResult = Success)][m(!,, !", ,)[%j! 62&! d)[8(!' PIC_Analyse_ _Information (PICResult))][0(!!")[(! 6!Z)][30(! 62! d)[8rmation)]]]]]]][2(!" 9r9rR!"rR )[2(! 6R! d)[8(! PICResult = ARelease)][2(!rr!"r(!@!"@)[(! 6@!Z)][35(! 6X@! d)[8(! PIC_Select_ _Route)]]]]]]][5(!"!"&@)[(! 6&Y!)][)(()]]]]]]]}@)[(! 6!)][)*()]]]]]]]}&:&l!"&&l&:)[4'(! 6l! \3rx)[%R4(! 6! d)[8(! DP_oAbandon (DPResult))][4(!rr@!"r@r)[(! 6r@!Z)][3d4(! 6@! F!"^)[47(! 6,! d)[8(!! DPResult = Analyse_ Information)][y7(!&!"&)[%@7(! 6,&! d62&! d)[8(! PIC_O_ Exception)][7(!!")[4I7(! 62! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][m7(!"^ww{~)[(! 6~@!Z)][31(! 6@! d)[8(! DP_oAbandon)]]]]]]][^1(!"xx!"x)[1(! 6! )[8(! PICResult = SCFRelease)][7(!&!"&)[%7(! 6r&! d)[8(! PIC_O_ Exception)][7(!!"x)[1(! 6! d)[8(! PICResult = Failure)][2(!x:xl!"xlx:)[%1(! 6l! d)[8(!& DP_Ro2!:!":)[6(! 6F:! d)[8(! DPResult = Exception)][7(!!")[%6(! 6F! d)[0(! 6R! d)[8(! PICResult = ARelease)][0(!~~!"~~)[%0(! 6! d)[8(! DP_oAbandon (DPResult))][0d)[8(! PICResult = Busy)][2(!!")[%W2(! 6 ! d)[8(!" DP_oCalled_ PartyBusy (DPResult))][2(!L~!"w!"^)[*(! 6,! d)[8(!! DPResult = Collect_ Information)][*(!&!"&)[%*(! 6,&{2(!!")[%N2(! 6,! d)[8(! DP_O_ Answer (DPResult))][2(!L~!"~L)[(! 6@! d)[8(! PIC_Analyse_ _Information)]]]]]]][+1(!"!")[0(! 6 ! d)[8(! DPResult = SelectRoute)][71! ^)[(! 6! PIC_Authorise_ _Call_Setup)]][$t(! 6! ^)[(! 6L! PIC_O_Answer)]][$7"(! 6! ^)[(! 6'! PIC_ ?f!"flx)[(! 6f!)][%U4(! 6! d)[8(! PIC_O_ Exception)][4(!ff@!"frf@f)[4g4)[%6(! 6F! d)[8(! PIC_O_ Exception)][7(!4f!"f4)[46(! 6Ff! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][ 7(!")@! ^!)[(! 6Y!$ virtual DP_origAttempt_ Authorised)]][$(! 6&@! ^!)[(! 6X@!# virtual DP_Route_ _Select_Failure)]][$(! 6@! &!"r&r)[%0(! 6&! d)[8(! DP_oAbandon (DPResult))][0(!rr!"rr)[(! 6r!Z)][30Gmation)]]]]]]][11(!"!")[0(! 6&! d)[8(!! DPResult = Analyse_ Information)][=1(!x!"+fxf!"ffx)[)U4()]]]]]]]]]][l2(!" 99R!"R )[?2(! 6,R! d)[8(! PICResult = Answer)][!"4)[4c/(! 6F! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][{/(!"!")[]/(! 6@! d)[8)][34(! 6,! d)[8(! DP_oDisconnect)]]]]]]][4(!"!")[4(! 6&! d)[8(! DPResult = BrelICResult = NoAnswer)][2(!!")[%T2(! 6&! d)[8(! DP_O_ NoAnswer (DPResult))][2(!L~!"~L~!Z)][32(! 6,~! d)[8(! DP_O_ _Answer)]]]]]]][r2(!" 99R!"R )[E2(! 6&R! d)[8(! Pception)][x#(!&l&!"&&&l)[4`#(! 6! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][%(!"!")[%<!")[5(! 6r! d)[8(! DPResult = SCFRelease)][5(!x!"x)[)5()]]]]]]]]]][N5(!"#se_ _Information)]]]]]]][v4(!"rr!"r)[@4(! 6! d)[8(! PICResult = ARelease)][4(!rxr!"rz6d&! d)[8(! PIC_O_Active (PICResult))][4(!!")[(! 6!Z)][35(! 6d! d)[8(! PIC_O_t! d)[8(! DP_oDisconnect)][5(!!")[5(! 6d! d)[8(! DPResult = Resume)][5(!x!"x)[45(! 6d! d)[8(! )]]]]][5(!"!")[5(! 6^! d)[8(!! DPResult = Analyse_ Information)][5(!x!"x)[%5(! 6^! d)[8(!' PIC_Analyse_ _Information (PICResult))][5(!@!"@)[(! 6@!Z)][35(! 6^@! d)[8(! PIC_Analyse_ _Information)]]]]]]][5(!"!")[5(! 6X! d)[8(! DPResult = Select_ Route)][5(!x!"x)[%5(! 6X! d)[8(! PIC_Select_ _Route (PICResult))][5x(! PICResult = SCFRelease)][~/(!":SSl!"l:)[(! 6S!)][)`/()]]]]]]]]]][-(!"!"M ^!)[(! 63Y! virtual DP_oCalled_ PartyBusy)]][$."(! 6x@! ^!)[(! 6Y! virtual DP_ _oDisconnect)]][$(! 6d:! ^!a)[(! 6!)][)05()]]]][i5(!" 99R!"R )[-5(! 6rR! d)[8(! PICResult = SCFRele(! PIC_O_ Exception)][,(!r!"r)[4+(! 6F! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][,(!"F__x!"x(!~L~~!"~~~L)[(! 6~~!Z)][30(! 6~! d)[8(! DP_oAbandon)]]]]]]][0(!" 9x9xR!"x1)[6(! 6@:! d)[8(! DPResult = SCFRelease)][7(!"!")[(! 6!)][)6()]]]]]]]}ase)][W5(!!")[)05()]]]]]]]]]][7(!"^ww!"^)[7(! 6^! d)[8(! 6@!Z)][3H/(! 6d@! d)[8(! PIC_Collect_ _Information)][i/(!!")[K/(! 6d! d)[8(! PICRes6! d)[8(! PIC!pic)][(!:!":)[8(! 6 S! OException)][(! 6!Z)][(! 6,! &)[(! 6 !)][)6()]]]]][3,6(! 6d! d)[8(! DP_Route_ _Select_Failure)][h6(!L!"L)[/6 oAnswer)]][$ (! 64! ^!)[(! 63f! virtual DP_oAbandon)]]]]}}! 6d! )]][ !(! 6)]]]}!(! 6 ! ,)[8(! DP_oMidC{)[(! 6!Z)][37(! 6^! d)[8(! DP_oDisconnect)]]]]]]][8(!"^ww!"^)[7(! 6X[ 8(! 6R! d)[8(!! PICResult = Select_next_ _Route)][8(!~~!"~~)[% 8(! 6! d)[8(! PIC_Select_Route (PICRes d)[8(! virtual DPResult = Resume)][6(!!")[%6(! 6d! d)[8(! PIC_O_ Exception)][6(!4f!"ult))][8(!~L~~!"~~~L)[(! 6~~!Z)][38(! 6~! d)[8(! PIC_Select_ _Route)]]]]]]][2(!" 9x9x)[8(!' PIC_Analyse_ _Information (PICResult))][#(!&&!"&&)[(! 6&!Z)][3#(! 6! ,)[8(! PIC_Analyse_ _Inform 6~! d)[8(! DP_Route_ _Select_Failure)]]]]]]][x2(!" 9f9fR!"fR )[K2(! 6R! d)[8(! PICResult= SCFReleaseWct_ _Information)]]]]]]][*(!"^ww!"^)[*(! 6&! d)[8(!! DPResult = Analyse_ Information)][*(!&!"Y)[(! 6~!Z)][3c2(! 6&~! d)[8(! DP_O_ _NoAnswer)]]]]]]][u2(!" 99R!"R )[H2(! 6 R! (!x!"x)[%"1(! 6 ! d)[8(! PIC_Select_ _Route (PICResult))][X1(!@!"@)[(! 9R!"R )[5(! 6RR! d)[8(! PICResult = MidCall)][?5(!!")[%5(! 6R! d)[()[(! l! 22!(L)[+(! l)[+(! 6)[+(! 6d! )]][ +(! 6)][3.7(! 62! d)[8(! DP_O_ _NcPResult = Analyse_ Information)][6(!!")[%6(! 6X! d)[8(!' PIC_Analyse_ _Information (PICResult))][6(!4f!"f4)[(! 6f!Z)][36(! 6Xf! d)[8(! PIC_Analyse_ _Information)]]]]]]][6(!"!!:!":)[6(! 6R:! d)[8(! DPResult = Select_ Route)][6(!!")[%6(! 6R! d)[8(! PIC_Select_ _Route (PICResult))][6(!4f!"f4)[(! 6f!Z)][36(! 6Rf! d)[8(! PIC_Select_ _Route)]]]]]]][ 7(!"!!:!"orise_ _Call_Setup)][c)(!^!"^)[Q)(! 62! d)[8(! PICResult = Success)][f)(!&!"&)[%ult = Success)][l/(!:l!"l:)[%N/(! 6dl! d)[8(!& DP_ _Collected_Info (DPResult, true))][o/(!!"k SCRArg SetupCRType, SAArg SubsequentAddressType;)]]]]})[(! 6@! d!)[8(! virtual PIC (PIC))][(!!")[ (! 9DP_oAbandon (DPResult))][6(!4f!"f4)[(! 6f!Z)][36(! 6Lf! d)[8(! DP_oAbandon)]]]]]]][7(!"!d)[8(! PIC_Select_ _Route)]]]]]]][7(!"^ww!"^)[U7(! 6 ! d)[8(! DPResult = ARelease)][7(!:)[6(! 6L:! d)[8(! DPResult = ARelease)][6(!!")[%6(! 6L! d)[8(! 3-(! 6d~! d)[8(! DP_origAttempt_ Authorised)][-(!!")[-(! 6d! d)[8(! DPResult = Resume)][-Oll)[%2(! 6! d)[8(!& DP_Route_ _Select_Failure (DPResult))][2(!lLl~!"l~lL)[(! 6l~!Z)][32(!&!"x&r)[(! 6x !)][)a7()]]]]][3+(! 62! d)[8(! DP_oMidCall_ _Active)][+(!Fx!"x",x,F)[% &(! 6x! ,)[8(!' DP_origAttempt_ Authorised (DPResult))][&(!,,@!",@,)[(! 6,@!Z)][N!"x)[%/(! 6F! d)[8(! PIC_O_ Exception)][/(!@!"r@)[4/(! 6F@! d)[8)[8(! O_ Exception)]]][(!X!"X)[8(! 6!! ELSE)][(! 6!Z)][3(! 6R! d)[8! 6!)][)+()]]]]]]]})[4y+(! 6@! d)[8(! )]]]]]]]]]]}! ,)[8(! DP_oAbandon)]]]]]]]]]]}(! 6 ! `)[8PIC_Send1)[8(! PIC_O_ Exception)][7(!4f!"f4)[46(! 6Ff! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][ 7(!"!!:!": to marked cdPN */ numOfCDPNs INTEGER := 1, /* Number of CDPNs in the routingAddress. */ routingAddress DestinationRoutingAddress, /* List of CDPNs */ routeIx INTEGER := 1, /* Index to selected route */ /* Othe`x)[%F4(! 62! d)[8(! DP_O_ Answer (DPResult))][5(!@!"@)[(! 6@!Z)][34(! 62@! Pe e ~!" ~F)[(! 6 e!)][)e()]]]]]}e()]]]]]})e()]]]]]} 6x:!Z)][ (! 6 Exceptioy&!"&)[%^7(! 6 &! d)[8(! DP_oAbandon (DPResult))][7(!!")[(! 6!Z)][3d7d)[8(!% DP_oDisconnect (DPResult, BRelease))][,(!"r!"r)[(! 6!)][),()]]]]]][,(!"F__06@!Z)][3%1(! 6 @! d)[8(! PIC_Select_ _Route)]]]]]]][[1(!"~~!"~)[ 1(! 6! d)[8Z)[(! 6!)][)S6()]]]]][36(! 6d! d)[8(! DP_oCalled_ PartyBusy)][6(!:!":)[6(! 6d:! (! PIC_Select_ _Route)]]]]]]][7.(!"!")[ .(! 6L! d)[8(! DPResult = ARelease)][/(!x!"ix!"xF)[4V6(! 6dx! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][k6(!"33L!"L)[26(! 6^L! d)[8K)[(! 6!)][)4()]]]]]][4(!"ll!"l)[4(! 6! d)[8(! DPResult = Exception)][4Df4)[46(! 6df! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][6(!"!!:!":)[6(! 6X:! d)[8(!! D,)[8(!& DP_Route_ _Select_Failure (DPResult))][L(!4!"4)[(! 64!Z)][3(! 6R4! ,)[8(! DP_Route_ _Se(! 6~!Z)][3/(! 6L~! d)[8(! DP_oAbandon)]]]]]]][-(!" 99R!"R )[-(! 6FR! d)[8(Reconnect, Reanswer, DL_A, DL_B, /* Used with DisconnectLeg */ Suspended ENDNEWTYPE;)]]]]})[.%(! 6d! )]][ (! 6)]]]}(! 6 ! )[8 DP_Routef(! DP_oAbandon)]]]]]]][2(!" 9l9lR!"lR )[2(! 6R! d)[8(! PICResult = Failure)][2(!ll!"(! 6 ! d)[8(! DP_oAbandon)]]]]]]][7(!"^wxwx!"x^)[X7(! 6! d)[8(! DPResult = Exception)][7F)[+(! 6@x! d)[8(! DPResult = SCFRelease)][+(!"!")[(! 6!)][)+()]]]]]]]}6(!"33L!"L)[A6(! 6@L! d)[8(! DPResult = SCFRelease)][6(!"!"ease)][4(!:l!"l:)[%4(! 6&l! d)[8(!% DP_oDisconnect (DPResult, BRelease))][5(!"!"(! )]]]]]]][=.(!"!")[.(! 6@! d)[8(! DPResult = SCFRelease)][/(!"x!"!")[(! 6!)][)7()]]]]]][7(!"^ww!"^)[7(! 6r! d~(! 6&! d)[8(! PIC_Analyse_ _Information)]]]]]]]['(!"^ww!"^)[\'(! 6 ! d)[8(! DPResult = Select_ ()[(! l! 22!(9)[_-(! l)[b-(! 6)[e-(! 6d! )]][ h-(! 6 )][98(! 6^! )[8(!, /* Procer!"@)[(! 6@!Z)][3^4(! 6 @! d)[8(! DP_oCalled_ PartyBusy)]]]]]]][*8(!"~~!"~Route)]['(!&!"&)[%h'(! 6 &! d)[8(! PIC_Select_ _Route (PICResult))]['(!!")[()[(! l! 22!(t)[5(! l)[5(! 6)[5(! 6d! )]][ 5(! 6)][35(! 6d! d)[8(! DP_oAban! d)[8(! )]]]]]]]]]]]]][0(!"^wrwr!"r^)[0(! 6! d)[8(! PICResult = ARelease)][0(!rr~L)[(! 6~!Z)][3f2(! 6 ~! d)[8(! DP_oCalled_ PartyBusy)]]]]]]][8(!" 9~9~R!"~R )(! 6d&! d)[8(!3 PIC_Authorise_ _Origination_ _Attempt (PICResult))][-(!!")[(! 6!Z)][3-(! 6d! d)[8(!' PIC_Authorise_ _Origination_ _Attempt)][-(! R!"R )[-(! 6dR! d)[8(! PICResult = Success)][-(!!:(! )]]]]]]][((!"x!"x)[((! 6 ! d)[8(! DPResult = SCFRelease)][((!"@Y&Y&!"y! PICResult = Failure)][/(!!")[%/(! 6F! d)[8(! PIC_O_ Exception)][/(!L~!"~LJ8swer)][4(!!"9)[4(! 6&! d)[8(! PICResult = Success)][4(!r!" `(! (! -)]]]]]]]]]]}(! 6@! d)[8(! )]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]}(! 6! ,!)[8(!% BCSMStop (LegId, RemoteParty) to CS)][(!F!"g)[8(!' PIC_Analyse_ _Information (PICResult))][2(!xLx~!"x~xL)[(! 6x~!Z)][32(! 6~! d)[8(! PIC_Analyse_ _Infow!Z)][3A0(! 6L! ,)[8(! PIC_Collect_ _Information)]]]]]]]][3#(! 62F! ,)[8(! DP_O_ _NoAnswer)][,(!!"d)[8(! DPResult = Exception)][L1(!xxx!"xxx)[%1(! 6! d)[8(! PIC_O_ Exception)][U1(!xx@!"xrx^-BCSM FOR CORE INAP CS-1. *****/)]][9$(! 6X! )[8(!% /***** DATA TYPE DEFINITIONS *****/)]][9$(! 6XR! )[8(! NEWTYPE DPResultType LITERALS Resume, CollectInfo)][),()]]]]]]]}(! 6k! else)][(! 6!Z)][(! 6&! )[8(! PIC_ Analysis1)]]]]]]]][3(! 6! d)[8(! O_Active)][(! PIC_Send_ _Call)][o2(! R!"R )[B2(! 62R! d)[8(! virtual PICResult = Alerting)][~2(!!"5)][-(!^!"6^)[-(! 6d7! d)[8(! virtual PICR8ult = Success)][-(!& Hsp`# PIC_Collect_ _NDigits (PICResult))][/(!"''@!"@)[(! 6'!)][)H/()]]]]]][-(!"!"")[(! 6!)][%05(! 6r! d)[8(! PIC_O_ Exception)][Z5(!L~!"~L)[435(! 6r~! d)[8AF)[+(! 62x! d)[8(! DPResult = Resume)][+(!!")[%+(! 62! d)[8(! PIC_O_Active (PICResult))][+[7(!!")[47(! 6r! d)[8(! )]]]]]]]]]]}esult = Resume)][(!!")[%(! )[8(!' PIC_Analyse_ _Information (PICResult))][7(!!")[(! 6!Z)][3L7(! 6,! d)[8(! PIC_Analyse_ _InformB!Z)][31(! 62! d)[8(! PIC_Authorise_ _Call_Setup)]]]]]]][ 2(!"!")[1(! 6&! d)[8_DPResult = Arelease)][7(!&!"&)[%7(! 6^&! d)[8(!% DP_oDisconnect (DPResult, ARelease))][7(!!":l!"l:)[%1(! 62l! d)[8(!( PIC_Authorise_ _Call_Setup (PICResult))][*2(!!")[(! 6l!"l:)[%4(! 6,l! d)[8(!% DP_oDisconnect (DPResult, ARelease))][4(!!")[(! 6!Z(! PIC_Analyse_ _Information)][0(! R!"R )[0(! 62R! d)[8(! PICResult = Success)][0(!!"ud)[8(!# PIC_Collect_ _NDigits (PICResult))][C1(!@!"@)[(! 6@!Z)][31(! 6,@! d)[8(! PIC_Collect_ _Infor()[(! l! 22!(d)[$(! l)[$(! 6)[$(! 6d! )]][ $(! 6)][97(! 6&,! )[8(!* /***** Onnect (DPResult, ARelease))][,(!r!"r)[(! 6!Z)][3,(! 6,! d)[8(! DP_oDisconnect)]]]]]]][,(!"F!! d)[8(! PICResult = Busy)][4(!x!"x)[%L4(! 6 ! d)[8(!" DP_oCalled_ PartyBusy (DPResult))][4(!@)[5(! 6x! d)[8(! DPResult = Exception)][5(!"x!"x)[(! 6!)][%5()[(! l! 22!(P)[((! l)[+(! 6)[.(! 6d! )]][ 1(! 6)][97(! 6,! )[8(!7 /* ProceUdon)][6(!^!"^)[5(! 6d! d)[8(! DPResult = Resume)][6(!&!"&)[%6(! 6dd)[%P6(! 6L! d)[8(! DP_oAbandon (DPResult))][6(!Fx!"xF)[(! 6x!Z)][3b6(! 6Lx! d)[8q PIC_Analyse_ _Information (PICResult))][-(!@!"@)[(! 6@!Z)][3-(! 6X@! d)[8(! PIC_Analyse_ _Information)]]]]]]][-d)[,(! 62! ,)[8(! DPResult = ARelease)][,(!!")[%,(! 62! ,)[8(! DP_oAbandon (DPResult))][,b! d)[8(! DPResult = Brelease)][7(!&!"&)[%7(! 6X&! d)[8(!% DP_oDisconnect (DPResult, BRelease))][7(!" d)[8(!' PIC_Analyse_ _Information (PICResult))][4(!xx@!"x@x)[(! 6x@!Z)][3a4(! 6@! d)[8(! PIC_Analy(!xx&!"x&x)[%a7(! 6&! d)[8(! PIC_O_ Exception)][7(!xx!"xxx)[4g7(! 6! (! 6r! d)[8(! PIC_O_ Exception)][5(!@!"r@)[45(! 6r@! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][5(!""rr!"r)[1(! 6! d)[8(! PICResult = SCFRelease)][$2(!r:rl!"rlr:)[%1(! @(! 6F! d)[8(! PICResult = Failure)][/(!:l!"l:)[%`/(! 6Fl! d)[8(! PIC_O_ Exception)][/(!33L!"L)[86(! 6RL! d)[8(! DPResult = Select_ Route)][6(!!")[%M6(! 6R)[%Q2(! 62! d)[8(!# PIC_O_Alerting (PICResult, False))][2(!L~!"~L)[(! 6~!Z)][314(! 62~! 9)[8(! DPResult = ARelease)]['(!~~&!"~&~)[%k'(! 6&! d)[8(! DP_oAbandon (DPResult))]['(!~~!"~~)[(! 6~!Z)][3w'(! 6! d)[8(! DP_oAbandon)]]]]]]][0(!"^wxwx!"x^)['(! 6 ! d)[8(! DPResult = Exception)]['(!xx&!"x&x)[%'(! 6&! d)[8(! PIC_O_ Exception)]['(!xx!" xxx)[4'(! 6! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][0(!"^wrwr!"r^)['(! 6! d)[8(!!")[(! 6!Z)][31(! 6&! d)[8(! PIC_Analyse_ _Information)]]]]]]][2(!"~~!"~)[(! 6@!Z)][3[4(! 6&@! d)[8(! DP_O_ _NoAnswer)]]]]]]][p4(!"!")[:4(! 6 (! 6dL! d)[8(! DPResult = Resume)][}6(!!")[%D6(! 6d! d)[8(! PIC_O_ Exception)][6(!Fation)]]]]]]][#(!"  &!"&)[#(! 6&! ,)[8(! DPResult = Select_ Route)][#(!!"(! 6 d! CS)][`(! )][.(! )[8(! 6k2! (O_BCSM_Out))]][(! 6R2!)][.(! )[8(! 6k! (O_BCSM_In))]][((!r!"r)[(! 6!Z)][3+(! 62! d)[8(! PIC_O_Active)]]]]]]][,(!"F__x!"_(!"!")[(! 6!)][)/()]]]]]]]]]]]]]})]][ (! 6)]]]}%"(! 6 ! d)[8 DP_oDisc[32(!~~!"~~)[(! 6~!Z)][32(! 6! d)[8(! DP_oAbandon)]]]]]]][ 2(!"xx!"rmation, AnalyseInformation, SelectRoute, Exception, ARelease, BRelease, SCFRelease, /* Used with ReleaseCall */ Answer, Alerting, Reconnect, DL_A, DL_B, /* Used with DisconnectLeg */ CS_Stop ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPb)[8(! PIC_Select_ _Route)]]]]]]][J0(!"  &!"&)[;0(! 6L&! ,)[8(!! DPResult = Collect_ Information)][D0(!;R!"xR )[2(! 6R! d)[8(!# PICResult = Analyse_marked_ _CDPN)][2(!xx!"xx)[%2(! 6! d)[1(! 6! d)[8(! PICResult = ARelease)][!2(!~:~l!"~l~:)[%1(! 6l! d)[8(! DP_oAbandon (DPResult))] DPResult = SCFRelease)]['(!"rr x x&!"x&r)[(! 6x !)][)'()]]]]]]]}0(!"^wrwr!"rll)][-(!^!"^)[-(! 6d! d)[8(! virtual PICResult = Success)][-(!&!"&)[%-t = Failure)][&(! F x!" x F)[%&(! 6x! ,)[8(! PIC_O_ Exception)][&(!  @!" r @ )[4&(! 6@! d)[8(! )]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]}x F)[%&(! 6x! ,)[8(! PIC_O_ Exception)][&(!  @!" r @ )[4&(!CL" )[8(! 6Fq! 'No')][(! 6!)][)g()]][(!"@@!"@)[8(! 6Y ! SCFRelease)][4(!f:fl!"flf:)[)4()]]]]]]]]]][m4(!"!")[74(! 6&! d)[8Q(!! DPResult = Collect_ Information)][6(!!")[%G6(! 6^! d)[8(!# PIC_Collect_ _NDigits (PICResult))][6(!Fx!"f(!,^!"^,)[6;(! 6 ^! d)[8(! CS := Parent)][(!!")[ (! 6 !  )[-(! 6^! d)[8(!! DPResult = Collect_ Information)][-(!x!"x)[%-(! 6^! d)[8(!3 &(! 6@! ,)[8(! DP_origAttempt_ Authorised)]]]]]]][&(!",~,  !" ,~)[%(! 6! ,)[8(! PICResul(!x!"x)[%-(! 6d! d)[8(!' PIC_Collect_ _Information (PICResult))][/(!@!"@)[(!  d)[8(! DP_O_ _Answer)][4(!!")[4(! 62! d)[8(! DPResult = Resume)][4(!:l!"c(! PICResult = NoAnswer)][4(!x!"x)[%I4(! 6&! d)[8(! DP_O_ NoAnswer (DPResult))][4(!@!"@ !"ll f f&!"f&l)[(! 6f !)][%K)(! 6&! d)[8(! PIC_O_ Exception)][`)(!ff!"ffSf)[4N)(! 6! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][#0(!"^wfwf!"f^)[ 0(! 6! d)[8(! PICResult = SCF\%(!"rXX!"Xr)[(! 6X!)][)"()]]]]]]]}]]]]]]}:)[%4%(! 6^l! ,)[8(! DP_oMidCall (DPResult, trutdure definitions for Points In Call (PIC). */)]][$4(! 6! ^)[(! 6 ! PIC_O_Null)]][$ (! 6X! ^)[(! 6! PIC_Analyse_ _Information)]][$(!9(!o These are events related to incomplete calls when the authority to place an outgoing call is denied. Page 1.)]]]]]]]]]]]]]]}R!"RR)[(! 6R!Z)][(! 6&4)][2(!ff!"ff)[%Z2(! 6! d)[8(! PIC_OException)][2(!fLf~!"ff~fL)[4i2(! 6~)[(! 6^~! MapFromPIC)]]]]}(! PIC_O_ Exception)][,(!r!"r)[4+(! 6F! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][,(!"6&)[%*(! 6&&! d)[8(!' PIC_Analyse_ _Information (PICResult))][*(!!")[(! 6!Z)][3*(! DPResult = ARelease)][I1(!~x~!"~~x)[%1(! 6! d)[8(! DP_oAbandon (DPResult))][R1(!~~@!"~@}[8(! DP_oMidCall (DPResult, true))][B5(!L~!"~L)[(! 6~!Z)][35(! 6R~! d)[8(! DP_oMidCall_ _Active)]]]]]]][ )[%S6(! 6F! d)[8(! PIC_O_ Exception)][6(!Fx!"xF)[4e6(! 6Fx! d)[8(! )]]]]]]][z&!"&&)[#(! 6&! ,)[8(!! DPResult = Analyse_ Information)][#(!&&!"&&)[%#(! 6! ,d! ,)[8(!# PICResult = Analyse_marked_ _CDPN)][g(!:l!"l:)[%a(! 6dl! ,)[8(!' PIC_Analyse_ _Information (PICResult))][>(!# PICResult = Analyse_marked_ _CDPN)][2(!:l!"l:)[%1(! 6&l! d)[8(!' PIC_Analyse_ _Information (PICResult))][-2(! r variables. */ PICResult PICResultType, DPResult DPResultType, cause Cause, PIC PICArg, DP DPArg, /* Variables for simulation purposes. */ Enbloc Boolean := true, digits Digits;)]][9j(! 6r! )[8(!s)[(! 6S! virtual DP_Collected_ _Info)]][$(! 6&:! ^!)[(! 6ql! virtual DP_oAnswer)]][$(! 6:! ^!)[(! 63lpE PICResultType LITERALS Success, Failure, Select_next_Route, Analyse_marked_CDPN, Alerting, Answer, NoAnswer, Busy, MidCall, Exception, ARelease, BRelease, SCFRelease, /* Used with ReleaseCall */ l:)[%4(! 62l! d)[8(! PIC_O_Answer (PICResult))][4(!!")[(! 6!Z)][34(! 62! q(!"!")[-(! 6R! d)[8(! DPResult = Select_ Route)][-(!x!"x)[%-j25wer)][(!&!"36&)[(! 6%16&! ,)[8(! DPResul%16Resume)][(!!" xF)[(! 6x!Z)][3Y6(! 6^x! d)[8(! PIC_Collect_ _Information)]]]]]]][n6(!"33L!"Lg)[56(! 6XL! d)[8(!! DPResult = Analyse_ Information)][6(!!")[%J6(! 6X! d)[8(!' PIC_Analyse_ _Info6Release)][/(!!")[%/(! 6L! d)[8(! DP_oAbandon (DPResult))][/(!L~!"~L)[x)[%/(! 6L! d)[8(! DP_oAbandon (DPResult))][/(!@!"@)[(! 6@!Z)][3/(! 6L@!/(! 6R! d)[8(! PIC_Select_ _Route (PICResult))][.(!@!"@)[(! 6@!Z)][3-(! 6R@! d)[8)[(! 6!Z)][3Q/(! 6d! d)[8(! DP_ _Collected_Info)]]]]]]][r/(!"!")[T/(! 6Ll! d)[8(! PICResult = ARelease)][u/(!:l!"l:)[%W/(! 6Ll! d)[8(! DP_oAbandon (DPResult))][x/(!!"m)[(! 6!Z)][3Z/(! 6L! d)[8(! DP_oAbandon)]]]]]]][/(!"!")[f/()[w(!GSDL)]}6k! Collect_ NDigits )][(! 6!Z)][(! 62! )[8(! PIC_Collect_ _N_Digits)]]][(!XRR!")[%C7(! 6&&! d)[8(! PIC_Select_ _Route (PICResult))][7(!!")[(! 6!Z)][3O7(! 6&! ! virtual DP_oMidCall)]][$9(! 6d4! ^!)[(! 6M!# virtual DP_Analysed_ _Information)]][$q(! 6&4! ^!)[(! 6Xf! virtual DP_oN d)[8(! PIC_O_ _Answer)]]]]]]][4(!"!")[4(! 6,! d)[8(! DPResult = Arelease)][4(!:dures for mapping of parameters */)]][$k-(! 6,! )[(! 6^! MapTo_ SIRArg)]][$n-(! 6,R! )[(! 6^! MapToDP)]][$q-(! 6,L! X DCL /* SigCon primitive parameters. */ AEArg AddressEndType, CPArg CallProgressType, FArg FailureType, RArg ReleaseType, SFtArg ServiceFeatureType, SIRArg SetupIRType, SCRArg SetupCRType, SAArg SubsequentAddressType;)]]]]}eType, SIRArg Setu]}towards A party) F Forward (towards B party) */)]][9.(! 6! )[8(!8 /* The BCSM may be started from different states. */)]]]]} SigConId! AddressType := ToAddress)][7%(!:l!")[%0(! 62! d)[8(!& DP_Analysed_ _Information (DPResult))][d1(!L~!"~L)[(! 6~!Z)][30(! 62~w!"r)[ (! 6! ,)[8(! PICResult = ARelease)][ (!:l!"l:)[% (! 6l! ,)[8*! d)[8(! DP_Analysed_ _Information)][(1(!!")[0(! 62! d)[8(! DPResult = Resume)][41(!x!"