------------------------SDT2 N CS1_INAP--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ObjectName----------------------------------------ObjectType----------------------------------------!%&()LinkEndpoints--------------------------------1------------------------------------------------- CS1_INAP------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------()[8(! System Type CS1_INAP)]}}-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,ressType);)]][9(! 6! )[8(! /* From SigCon to O-BCSM */ SIGNALLIST O_SigCon_In = AddressEndInd, FailureInd, ReleaseInd, ServiceFeatureInd, SetupInd, SubsequentAddressInd; /* from O-BCSM to SigConF! /**** BLOCK TYPE DEFINITIONS ****/ /* Note: All block type definitions are virtual so they can be redefined in the IN CS-2 specification. */)]][=t(! 6! ,!)[(! 6! virtual :()[(! l! 22!(_)[(! l)[(! 6)[(! 6d! )]][ (! 6)][ (! 6)][(! 6)][( !%()PageOrder-------------------------------------1-----------------------------------------------2-----------------------------------------------3----------------------------------------------- 1O!%()HeadingText-----------------------------------4-----------------------------------------------4-----------------------------------------------6----------------------------------------------- ffaa?ype LITERALS /* No Operation */ NoOperation, /* CLASS 1 */ CSA, DL, MTD, MC, MCS, ML, RCS, RES, SL, /* CLASS 2 */ ASF, AC, CIRQ, CAN, CSR, CI, CON, CTR, CWA, DFC, DFCWA, ETC, FCI, ICA, RE, RFS, RNC, RRB, RRU, RT, SCI, SS, /* CLASSo! 6)][9((! 6x! )[8(!& /* The SSF consists of two half call views, SSF/CCF-A and SSF/CCF-B. Notes: - The functional architecture is in line with Q.1228 and not with Q.1218.  - Only the behaviour at the SCF channel is normative. All other information is informative. )]][9 (! 6! )[8(! /* Note: The TCAP Adapter models the behaviour of the TCAP service at the SC F side, i.e. the endpoint of the SCF channel is the interface SCF <-> TCAP. */)]][ (! 6! F)[(! 69! TCAP_Adapter:TCAP_Simulator)][ (!!8)[(! 6  w! SCF)][. (! )[8(! 6w! (TCAPtoSCF), (TCAP_IH_Errors))]][(! 6^!)][. (! )[8(! 6! (TCAPfromSCF))]][(! 6!Z)][: (! 6)[(! 6k! SCF_Side)]][) ()]][(!!8)[(! 63! CS1_INAP_A)][.(! )[8(! 6 ! (CS1_INAP_From_SCF))]][(! 6!Z)][.(! )[8(! 6 ! (CS1_INAP_To_SCF))]][(! 6!)][: (! 6)[(! 6! A_Side)]][;(! 6)[(! 6! SCF)]][(! 6! )[(! 6,?! SSF_CCF_A: SSF_CCF)][(!_L_!8)[(! 6k-! IBI)][.(! )[8(! 6x! (IBI))]][(! 6#_!)][. (! )[8(! 6x! (IBI))]][(! 6 _!)][: (! 6_)[(! 6qF! IBI)]][; (! 6L_)[(! 6eF! IBI)]][(! 6L! )[(! 6?! SSF_CCF_B: SSF_CCF)][(!!8)[(! 6ApplicationEnd, /* Extensions due to the needs of the TCAP Adapter */ RegisterSSFreq, CSaIDreq;)]]]]} SetupRespConf; /* Originating to Terminating BCSM */ SIGNALLIST IBI_Out = ReleaseReqInd, SetupReqInd, SubsequentAddressReqInd; SIGNALLIST IBjCon_B)][.(! )[8(! 6-U! (SigCon_Out))]][(! 6<!Z)][.(! )[8(! 6-! (SigCon_In))]][(! 6!)][:(! ~-2 argument. */ ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE OMidCallArg STRUCT /* Note: DP specific operation. */ createdCallSegmentAssociation CSAIDType; /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE ONoAnswerArg STRUCTtal valid numbers 1 - 100 */ /* - Direction SCF -> SSF: 1 - 50 */ /* - Direction SSF -> SCF: 51 - 100 */ /* - 0 is used as flag, if something strange happened, e.g., for a given csaID no dialogID is found */ SYNONYM maxDialogIDtotal Integer = 100; SYNONYML()[w(!GSDL)]}(! 6)[(! 6! SSF_CCF_A)]][)()]]]]][9((! 6&X! )[8(!, /* The SSF consists of two half call views, SSF/CCF-A and SSF/CCF-B. NotesTCAP. */ RegisterSSFresp, CSaIDresp; )]][9 (! 6! )[8(! /* SCF -> SSF */ SIGNALLIST CS1_INAP_From_SCF = ActivateServiceFiltering, ActivityTest, AnalyseInformation, ApplyCharging, CallGap, CallIult, CallInformationReport, EventNotificationCharging, EventReportBCSM, InitialDP, ServiceFilteringResponse, Errror, ApplicationBegin, ApplicationContinue, ApplicationAbort, ApplicationEnd, /* Signals used to pass information to/from ()[(! l! 22!(Y)["(! l)[(! 6)[(! 6d! )]][ (! 6 )][9G(! 6d^! )[8(!V NEWTYPE )no dialog for ID present/available */ wrongInvokeID, /* incorrect invoke ID */ wrongCSaID, /* incorrect CSA ID */ beginRequired, /* TC_BeginReq is required */ noComp, /* TC_BeginReq without components */ unknownOP, /* Unknown operation .IN CS-2 DP */ termAttemptAuthorized, tCallAccepted, /* Note: IN CS-2 DP */ facilitySelectedAndAvailable, /* Note: IN CS-2 DP */ tBusy, tNoAnswer, tAnswer, tMidCall, tReanswer, /* Note: IN CS-2 DP */ tSuspended, J()[(! l! 22!()[(! l)[(! 6)[(! 6d! )]][ (! 6)][9(! 6,! )[8(!T /***** S()[(! l! 22!(d)["(! l)[(! 6)[(! 6d! )]][ (! 6 )][9A(! 6! )[8(! /**** TY0ID CSAIDType; csID CSIDType; ENDNEWTYPE;)]]]]}RequestArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; legID CSIDType; /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE CancelArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; callSegmentToCancel CSIDT1SCF */ TC_BeginInd(DialogIDtype,TCoriginType,Boolean), TC_ContinueInd(DialogIDtype,TCoriginType,Boolean), TC_InvokeInd(InvokeIDtype,DialogIDtype,OpCodeType,Boolean,ArgType), TC_EndInd(DialogIDtype,TCAPterminationType,Boolean), TC_AbortInd(Dial'mmy */ SYNONYM maxInvokeIDtotal Integer = 200; SYNONYM maxInvokeIDtoSSF Integer = 100; SYNTYPE InvokeIDtype = Integer CONSTANTS 0:maxInvokeIDtotal ENDSYNTYPE; /* For indicating the origin of TCAP messages */ NEWTYPE TCoriginType LITERALS oSSF, oSCF;Ues defined in the ASN.1 */ SYNTYPE ErrorArg = NATURAL CONSTANTS 0:23 ENDSYNTYPE;)]][9 (! 6l! )[8(!X SIGNAL Errror(InvokeID,CSAID,ErrorArg), /* Return error. */ ApplicationBegin(CSAID), /* Begin a di^()[(! l! 22!()[f(! l)[i(! 6)[l(! 6d! )]][ o(! 6)][9 (! 6! )[8(!. /* SIGNA[ RegisterSSFreq(IHroleType), RegisterSSFresp(IHroleType), TCAPFailureInd(TCAPfailReasonType);)]][9 (! 6! )[8(! /* TCAP Primitives */ SIGNAL /* TC_nameReq: Direction SCF->TCAP */ TC_InvokeReq(InvokeIDtyM code (within TC Invoke) */ noDiaIDavail, /* No dialogID available, 'maxDialogIDtoSCF' Diallogs are established */ cSAnotAvail, /* the provide CSAid is not available */ unexpSignal, /* the TCAP IH received an unexpected signal */ signalNotP]bortInd, TC_BeginInd, TC_ContinueInd, TC_InvokeInd, TC_ErrorInd, TC_ReturnResultInd;)]][9 (! 6,L! )[8(! /* Signallists for the gate definitions */ SIGNALLIST S1 = (TCAPtoSCF), (TCAP_IH_Errors); SIGNAL(! 6! !3)[!(! 7! !3)[!(! 8! !3)]]]]]]]]}(! 9! !3)]]]]]]]]]}(! 10! !3)[! (! 11! !3)]]SSF_CCF)][ 1(! !" )[.(! 6 !)[8(! The role of the SSF/CCF block type is to: - Model the half call view as defined in Q.1228. - Perform call Q()[(! l! 22!(d)[(! lf)[(! 6)[(! 6d! )]][ (! 6)][9V(! 6,! )[8(!n /**** TYTportArg))]]]]}usMatchReport(RequestFirstStatusMatchReportArg), RequestNotificationChargingEvent(RequestNotificationChargingEventArg), RequestReportBCSMEvent(RequestReportBCSMEventArg), ResetTimer(ResetTimerArg), RouteSelectFailure(RouteSelectFailur\NDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE CallInformationReportArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; legID LegIDType; /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE CallInformationRequestArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; legID CSIDType; VaseReq(ReleaseType,CallFlag), ServiceFeatureInd(ServiceFeatureType), SetupConf(SetupCRType), SetupInd(SetupIRType), SetupReq(SetupIRType), SetupResp(SetupCRType), SubsequentAddressInd(SubsequentAddressType), SubsequentAddressReq(SubsequentAddFINITION OF THE TYPES AND PRIMITIVES FOR THE SIGNALLING CONTROL INTERFACE ****/ /* Note: The signalling control interface is a generic interface that can be mapped to e.g. ISUP and DSS.1 */ )]][9(! 6d! )[8(!  RttemptAuthorized(CSAID,TermAttemptAuthorizedArg), TMidCall(CSAID,MidCallArg), TNoAnswer(CSAID,TNoAnswerArg), Mgt_SetTriggerTable(MGT_SetTriggerTableArg); /* Informative signal, used to model the management of the trigger table. */)]]]]}inating to OrsaID CSAIDType; partyToCharge LegIDType; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE ApplyChargingReportArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE AssistRequestInstructionsArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE CallGapArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; E=iginating BCSM */ SIGNALLIST IBI_In = CallProgressReqInd, ReleaseReqInd, SetupRespConf; /* Originating to Terminating BCSM */ SIGNALLIST IBI_Out = ReleaseReqInd, SetupReqInd, SubsequentAddressReqInd; SIGNALLIST IBI = (IBI_In), (IBI_Out); )](dArg STRUCT /* Note: DP specific operation. */ createdCallSegmentAssociation CSAIDType; /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE TMidCallArg STRUCT /* Note: DP specific operation. */ createdCallSegmentAssociation CSAIDType;()[(! l! 22!(d)["(! lf)[(! 6)[(! 6d! )]][ (! 6 )][9M(! 6! )[8(!^ NEWTYPE ,4 */ AT, CG, CUE, RC, /* FROM SSF */ ACR, ARI, CIR, IDP, ER, ENC, ERB, RU, SFR, SRP, /* RETURN RESULTS FROM SSF */ AT_R, ASF_R, SL_R, DL_R, MCS_R, MC_R, ML_R, RCS_R, RES_R, MTD_R, CSA_R; ENDNEWTYPE; /* Operation Classes */ SYNTYPE OpClj */ SIGNALLIST O_SigCon_Out = CallProgressReq, ReleaseReq, SetupResp, SubsequentAddressReq; /* from T-BCSM to SigCon */ SIGNALLIST T_SigCon_Out = ReleaseReq, SetupReq, SubsequentAddressReq; /* from called agent to T-BCSM */ SIGNALLIST T_ ****/ )]][9(! 6x! )[8(!y NEWTYPE ErrorArg STRUCT csaID CSAIdType; errror ErrorType; /* Note: error is a reserved word in SDL. */ ENDNEWTYPE;)]]]]}or is a reserved word in SDL. */ ENDNEWTYPE;)]]]]} SDL. */ +Arg), TDisconnect(TDisconnectArg), TermAttemptAuthorised(TermAttemptAuthorisedArg), TMidCall(TMidCallArg), TNoAnswer(TNoAnswerArg);)]]]]}onnectArg), TermAttemptAuthorised(TermAttemptAuthorisedArg), TMidCall(TMidCallArg), TNoAnswer(TNoAnswerArwestEveryStatusChangeReport(InvokeID,RequestEveryStatusChangeReportArg), RequestFirstStatusMatchReport(InvokeID,RequestFirstStatusMatchReportArg), RequestNotificationChargingEvent(InvokeID,CSAID,RequestNotificationChargingEventArg), RequestReportBCSME{ /* Note: IN CS-2 DP */ tDisconnect, tAbandon; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE BcsmEventArray ARRAY(1..numOfBCSMEvents,BCSMEvents) ENDNEWTYPE;)]]]]}SMEvents,BCSMEvents) ENDNEWTYPE;)]]]]}YPE;)]]]]}oAnswer, tAnswer, tMidCall, tReanswer, llInNetworkArg), InitialDP(CSAID,InitialDPArg), InitiateCallAttempt(InvokeID,CSAID,InitiateCallAttemptArg), OAbandon(CSAID,OAbandonArg), OAnswer(CSAID,OAnswerArg), OCalledPartyBusy(CSAID,OCalledPartyBusyArg), ODisconnect(CSAID,ODisconnectArg), ! maxDialogIDtoSSF Integer = 50; SYNTYPE DialogIDtype = Integer CONSTANTS 0:maxDialogIDtotal ENDSYNTYPE; /* Invoke IDs */ /* - Total valid numbers 1 - 200 */ /* - Direction SCF -> SSF: 1 - 100 */ /* - Direction SSF -> SCF: 101 - 200 */ /* - 0 is used as du3pe,DialogIDtype,OpClassType,OpCodeType,TimeoutValType,ArgType), TC_BeginReq(DialogIDtype,TCoriginType), TC_ContinueReq(DialogIDtype,TCoriginType), TC_EndReq(DialogIDtype,TCAPterminationType), TC_AbortReq(DialogIDtype), /* TC_nameInd: Direction TCA28 /* Terminating to Originating BCSM */ SIGNA9IST IBI_In = CallProgressReqInd, ReleaseReqInd, SetupRespConf; /* Originating to Terminating BCSM */ SIGNALLIST IBI_Out = ReleaseReqInd, Se d, SubR#ddressReLLIST IB&()[(! l! 22!(P)[h(! 6! @)[k(! 6)[n(! 6! )]][ q(! 6r)][9+(! 6,! )[8(specifications. */)]][9D(! 6d! )[8(! NEWTYPE ActivateServiceFilteringArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE ActivityTestArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE ApplyChargingArg STRUCT cAprocessing.)]]]][=Y (! 6! ,!)[(! 63! virtual TCAP_Simulator)][ (! !" )[ (! 6 !)[8(!/* Definition of primitives for the Signalling Control (SigCon) interfaces. */ SIGNAL AddressEndInd(AddressEndType), CallProgressInd(CallProgressType), CallProgressReq(CallProgressType), FailureInd(FailureType), ReleaseInd(ReleaseType), Rele>;)]]]]}t, /* Note: IN CS-2 DP */ origAttemptAuthorised, collectedInfo, analysedInformation, routeSelectFailure, oCalledPartyBusy, oNoAnswer, oAnswer, oMidCall, oDisconnect, oAbandon, oReanswer, /* Note: IN CS-2 DP */ oSuspenduPE DEFINITIONS OF IN CS-1 SCF-SRF OPERATION ARGUMENTS ****/ /* Note: - To be replaced with ASN.1 */)]][9Y(! 6,! )[8(! /* AssistRequestInstructionsArg is already defined for the SCF-SSF interface */ /* CancelAn ENDNEWTYPE; /* refers to basic and prearranged end in TC_EndReq/Ind primitives */ NEWTYPE TCAPterminationType LITERALS basic, prearranged; ENDNEWTYPE; /* For Timeout values for operations, mandatory parameter in TC_InvokeReq primitives */ NEWTYPE } /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE CancelArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; callSegmentToCancel CSIDType; /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE CancelStatusReportRequestArg STRUCT csa /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ legToBeCreated LegIDType; /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ destinationRoutingAddress destinationRoutingAddressType; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE ReleaseCallArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; initialCXallSegment CallSegmentToReleaseType; /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ associatedCallSegment CallSegmentToReleaseType; /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ allCallSegments CallSegmentToReleaseType; /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE ReYquestCurrentStatusReportArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; csID CSIDType; ENDNEWTYPE;)]]]]} /* Note: DP specific operation. */ createdCallSegmentAssociation CSAIDType; /* Note: IN CSt destinationRoutingAddress DestinationRoutingAddressType; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE SendChargingInformationArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; partyToCharge LegIDType; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE ServiceFilteringResponseArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDTyL Definitions for the TCAP Adapter*/)]][9 (! 6! )[8(! /* No Operations, but additional Signals exchanged between TCAP Adapter, SSF and SCF */ SIGNAL CSaIDreq(DialogIDtype), CSaIDresp(DialogIDtype,CSAID), 6eArg), SelectFacility(SelectFacilityArg), SelectRoute(SelectRouteArg), SendChargingInformation(SendChargingInformationArg), ServiceFilteringResponse(ServiceFilteringResponseArg), StatusReport(StatusReportArg), TAnswer(TAnswerArg), TBusy(TBusyHrocessed, /* signal cannot be processed by the TCAP signal handler */ preArrangedEndReq; /* End signal with wrong termination parameter */ ENDNEWTYPE;)]][9 (! 6! )[8(!k /* Operation Codes */ NEWTYPE OpCodeT alouge. */ ApplicationContinue(CSAID), ApplicationAbort(CSAID), /* Abort a dialouge. */ ApplicationEnd(Boolean,CSAID); /* End a dialouge indicating whether prearranged end or not. */)]]]]},ErrorArg), /* ReInitialDPArg STRUCT createdCallSegmentAssociation CSAIDType; /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ serviceKey ServiceKeyType; calledPartyNumber CalledPartyNumberType; callingPartyNumber CallingPartyNumberType; eventTypeBCSM EventTypeBCS`MType; uSIServiceIndicator INTEGER; /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ uSIInformation Charstring; /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE InitiateCallAttemptArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; newCallSegment CSIDType; W5NAL/PRIMITIVE LIST DEFINITIONS FOR THE IN CS-1 SC6SSF INTERFACE *****/ )]][9(! 6d7! )[8(! /* SSF -> SCF 8 SIGNALLIST CS1_INAP_To_SCF = ApplyChargingRe 5#*/* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE SpecializedResourceReportArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; csID CSIDType; ENDNEWTYPE;)]][9(! 6! )[8(!? /**** TYPE DEFINITION OF IN CS-1 ERROR RESULT ARGUMENTGInvokeID,CSAID,ApplyChargingArg), ApplyChargingReport(CSAID,ApplyChargingReportArg, Boolean), AssistRequestInstructions(CSAID,AssistRequestInstructionsArg), CallGap(InvokeID,CallGapArg), CallInformationReport(CSAID,CallInformationReportArg,Boolean)k (T_SigCon_Out);)]][9(! 6d! )[8(!Z /* Definition of primitives for the internal interface between BCSMs (IBI). */ SIGNAL CallProgressReqInd(CallProgressType,CSAID,LegType), ReleaseReqInd(ReleaseType,CSAI ENDNEWTYPE;)]]]]} ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE HoldCallInNetworkArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; csID CSIDType; /* Note: Argument neither in Q.1218 nor Q.1228 */ ENDNEWTYPE;)]]]]}Type; /* Note: Argument neither in Q.1218 nor Q.1228 */ ENDNEWTYP$()[(! l! 22!(q)[; (! l)[> (! 6)[A (! 6d! )]][ D (! 6)][9 (! 6R2! )[8(!8 /* Data  YPE RequestNotificationChargingEventArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; legID LegIDType; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE RequestReportBCSMEventArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; bcsmEvents BcsmEventArray; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE ResetTimerArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; csID ChSIDType; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE SendChargingInformationArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; partyToCharge LegIDType; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE ServiceFilteringResponseArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE StatusReportArg STzo TCAP */ SIGNALLIST TCAPfromSCF = TC_InvokeReq, TC_BeginReq, TC_ContinueReq, TC_EndReq, TC_AbortReq;)]][9 (! 6,! )[8(! /* TCAP to SCF */ SIGNALLIST TCAPtoSCF = TCAPFailureInd, TC_EndInd, TC_A8assType = Integer CONSTANTS 0:4 ENDSYNTYPE; /*- 0 means no class */)]]]]}eger CONSTANTS 0:4 ENDSYNTYPE; /*- 0 means no class */)]]]]}/* The SSF-FSM maintains an Event List for each LegId. The event list contains the BCSM event type and the monitor mode. IS, CallInformationRequest(InvokeID,CSAID,CallInformationRequestArg), Cancel(InvokeID,CSAID,CancelArg), CancelStatusReportRequest(InvokeID,CancelStatusReportRequestArg), CollectInformation(InvokeID,CSAID,CollectInformationArg), CollectedInformationl(CSAID,CollectedInformationArg), Connnect(InvokeID,CSAID,ConnectArg), ConnectToResource(InvokeID,CSAID,ConnectToResourceArg), Continue(InvokeID,CSAID), DisconnectForwardConnection(InvokeID,CSAID), EstablishTemporaryConnection(InvokeID,CSAID,EstabmlishTemporaryConnectionArg), EventNotificationCharging(CSAID,EventNotificationChargingArg), EventReportBCSM(CSAID,EventReportBCSMArg), FurnishChargingInformation(InvokeID,CSAID,FurnishChargingInformationArg), HoldCallInNetwork(InvokeID,CSAID,HoldCaKrg is already defined for the SCF-SSF interface */ NEWTYPE PlayAnnouncementArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; legID LegIDType; /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE PromptAndCollectUserInformationArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; legID LegIDType; b 4 */ AT, CG, CUE, RC, /* FROM SSF */ ACR, ARI, CIR, IDP, ER, ENC, ERB, RU, SFR, SRP, /* RETURN RESULTS FROM SSF */ AT_R, ASF_R, SL_R, DL_R, MCS_R, MC_R, ML_R, RCS_R, RES_R, MTD_R, CSA_R; ENDNEWTYPE; /* Operation Classes */ SYNTYPE OpCqagement interface, informative. */ ApplicationBegin, ApplicationContinue, ApplicationAbort, ApplicationEnd, /* Extensions due to the needs of the TCAP Adapter */ RegisterSSFreq, CSaIDreq;)]]]]}Abort(CSAID), ApplicationEnd(CSAID), Errror(|lassType = Integer CONSTANTS 0:4 ENDSYNTYPE; /*- 0 means no class */)]]]]}*****/ /* Note: To be replaced with ASN.1 */)]][9>(! 6! )[8(!K NEWTYPE BcsmEventArray ARRAY(1..numOfBCSMEvents,BCSMEvents) ENDNEWTYPEJ()[(! l! 22!(d)["(! l)[(! 6)[(! 6d! )]][ (! 6 )][9J(! 6d^! )[8(!x NEWTYPE _TAnswerArg STRUCT /* Note: DP specific operation. */ createdCallSegmentAssociation CSAIDType; /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE TBusyArg STRUCT /* Note: DP specific operation. */ createdCallSegmentAstsociation CSAIDType; /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE TDisconnectArg STRUCT /* Note: DP specific operation. */ createdCallSegmentAssociation CSAIDType; /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE TermAttemptAuthoriseCed, /* Note: IN CS-2 DP */ oTermSeized, /* Note: IN CS-2 DP */ routeSelected, /* Note: IN CS-2 DP */ callSetupAuthorised, /* Note: IN CS-2 DP */ null, termAttempt, /* Note: ue. */ csaID CSAIDType; legID LegIDType; ENDNEWTYPE; /* Note: For reasons of simplicitly the IN CS-1 operation DisconnectForwardConnection is not modeled. */ NEWTYPE DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgumentArg STRUCT /* Note: IN CS-2 operation  /* Note: IN CS-2 DP */ tSuspended, /* Note: IN CS-2 DP */ tDisconnect, tAbandon; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE BcsmEventArray ARRAY(1..NumOfBCSMEventsSimulation,BCSMEvents) ENDNEWTYPE;)]]]]} CONSTANTS 1:NumOfBCSMEvents ENDSYNTYPE; "t for a CSA ID */)]]]]} TC_BeginInd, TC_ContinueInd, TC_InvokeInd, TC_ErrorInd, TC_ReturnResultInd;)]][9 (! 6,! )[8(! /* Signallists for the gate definitions */ SIGNALLIST S1 = (TCAPtoSCF), (TCAP_IH_tion, EstablishTemporaryConnection, FurnishChargingInformation, InitiateCallAttempt, ReleaseCall, RequestNotificationChargingEvent, RequestReportBCSMEvent, ResetTimer, SendChargingInformation, Mgt_SetTriggerTable, /* Operation on the manpRUCT csaID CSAIDType; csID CSIDType; ENDNEWTYPE;)]]]]} destinationNumberRoutingAddress CalledPartyNumberType; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE SelectRouteArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; csID CSIDType; legID LegIDType; Zrvent(InvokeID,CSAID,RequestReportBCSMEventArg), ResetTimer(InvokeID,CSAID,ResetTimerArg), RouteSelectFailure(CSAID,RouteSelectFailureArg), SelectFacility(InvokeID,CSAID,SelectFacilityArg), SelectRoute(InvokeID,CSAID, SelectRouteArg), SendCharging!8 /* Data type definitions used by the TCAP Simulator */)]][95 (! 6! )[8(! /* Reasons for a TCAP failure */ NEWTYPE TCAPfailReasonType LITERALS wrongDiaID, /* incorrect dialog ID: incorrect range or TimeoutValType LITERALS short, medium, long; ENDNEWTYPE;)]][9 (! 6F! )[8(! /* Reasons for a TCAP failure */ NEWTYPE TCAPfailReasonType LITERALS wrongDiaID, /* incorrect dialog ID: incorrect range or6)[(! 6! SigCon)]][)()]]]][(!!8)[(! 6 r! SigCon_A)][. (! )[8(! 6 ! (SigCon_Out))]][(! pe LITERALS /* No Operation */ NoOperation, /* CLASS 1 */ CSA, DL, MTD, MC, MCS, ML, RCS, RES, SL, /* CLASS 2 */ ASF, AC, CIRQ, CAN, CSR, CI, CON, CTR, CWA, DFC, DFCWA, ETC, FCI, ICA, RE, RFS, RNC, RRB, RRU, RT, SCI, SS, /* CLASS E LegIDType; destinationRoutingAddress DestinationRoutingAddressType; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE ConnectToResourceArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; csID CSIDType; ipRoutingAddress IPRoutingAddressType; ENDNEWTYPE; /* Note: For reasons of simplicitly the IN CS-1 operation Continue is not modeled. */ NEWTYPE ContinueWithArgumentArg STRUCT /* Note: IN CS-2 operation which replaces the IN CS-1 operation ContinvnformationRequest, Cancel, CollectInformation, Connnect, ConnectToResource, Continue, DisconnectForwardConnection, EstablishTemporaryConnection, FurnishChargingInformation, InitiateCallAttempt, ReleaseCall, RequestNotificationCharging! /* SCF -> SSF */ SIGNALLIST CS1_INAP_From_SCF = ActivateServiceFiltering, ActivityTest, ApplyCharging, CallGap, CallInformationRequest, Cancel, CollectInformation, Connnect, ConnectToResource, Continue, DisconnectForwardConnecyInformation(InvokeID,CSAID,SendChargingInformationArg), ServiceFilteringResponse(CSAID,ServiceFilteringResponseArg), StatusReport(CSAID,StatusReportArg), TAnswer(CSAID,TAnswerArg), TBusy(CSAID,TBusyArg), TDisconnect(CSAID,TDisconnectArg), TermA@ legID LegIDType; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE EventReportBCSMArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; eventTypeBCSM EventTypeBCSMType; legID LegIDType; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE FurnishChargingInformationArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; csID CSIDType; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE emporaryConnectionArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; csID CSIDType; /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ legID LegIDType; assistingSSPIPEouringAddress AssistingSSPIPRoutingAddressType; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE EventNotificationChargingArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; SigCon_In = CallProgressInd, FailureInd, ReleaseInd, ServiceFeatureInd, SetupConf;)]][9f(! 6d! )[8(!w SIGNALLIST SigCon_In = (O_SigCon_In), (T_SigCon_In); SIGNALLIST SigCon_Out = (O_SigCon_Out),d)[!(! 18! !3)[!(! 19! !3)[!(! 20! !3)]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]}! !3)]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]}----------------------------------------------------;Event, RequestReportBCSMEvent, ResetTimer, SelectFacility, SelectRoute, SendChargingInformation, Mgt_SetTriggerTable, /* Operation on the management interface, informative. */ ApplicationBegin, ApplicationContinue, ApplicationAbort,  which replaces the IN CS-1 operation DFC. */ csaID CSAIDType; csID CSIDType; legID LegIDType; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE EstablishType; /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE CancelStatusReportRequestArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; csID CSIDType; ENDNEWTYPE;)]]]]} /* Note: Argument neither in Q.1218 nor Q.1228 */ ENDNEWTYPE;)]]]]} /* Note: Argument neither in Q.1218 nor Q.1228 */ ENDNEWTYPE;)]]]]}nt neither in Q.1218 nor Q.1228 */ legID CSIDType; /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE CancelArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; /* Note:= /* Note: DP specific operation. */ createdCallSegmentAssociation CSAIDType; /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE OriginationAttemptAuthorizedArg STRUCT /* Note: DP specific operation. */ createdCallSegmentAssociation CSAIDType; /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE ReleaseCallArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; initialCallSegment CallSegmentToReleaseType; /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ associa!Z)][:(! 6)[(! 6! SCF)]][; (! 6)[(! 6! B_Side)]][) ()]][(!!8)[(! 6-r! Sig */ SIGNALLIST TCAP_IH_Errors = TCAPFailureInd, TC_AbortInd;)]][9 (! 6,! )[8(! /* TCAP interface to SSF */ SIGNALLIST TC_IH_To_SSF = RegisterSSFreq, /* SSF side registration request */ CSaIDreq; /* requesx The role of the TCAP-Simulator block type is to model the behaviour of the TCAP service as seen at the interface between TCAP and the SCF.)]]]]]]}elease call argument. */ NEWTYPE CallSegmentToReleaseType STRUCT present Boolean; csID CSIDType; cLIST S2 = (TCAPfromSCF); SIGNALLIST A1 = (CS1_INAP_From_SCF), (TC_IH_To_SSF); SIGNALLIST A2 = (CS1_INAP_To_SCF); SIGNALLIST B1 = (A1); SIGNALLIST B2 = (A2);)]][9 (! 6,! )[8(!b /* TCAP IH error Messages (to SCF) 6!Z)][.!(! )[8(! 6 ! (SigCon_In))]][(! 6!)][:"(! 6)[(! 6! SigCon)]][)()]]]]]]]}aseReqInd, SetupRespCoOUGE HANDLING ****/ /* Note: Used between the HalfCalls (SSF/CCF_A and SSF/CCF_B) and the TCAP Adaptor. */)]][9 (! 6r! )[8(! /* Type definition used for the return error. The values correspond to the error cod4IGNAL/PRIMITIVE LIST DEFINITIONS FOR THE IN CS-1 SCF-SSF INTERFACE *****/ )]][9(! 6d! )[8(! /* SSF -> SCF */ SIGNALLIST CS1_INAP_To_SCF = ApplyChargingReport, AssistRequestInstructions, ActivityTestRes5[(! l! 22!(6)["(! 6! @4)[7(! 6)[(! 68 )]][ (! 6h)][9 rD+e1! CS1_INAP_B)][.(! )[8(! 6F! (CS1_INAP_To_SCF))]][(! 6!)][.(! )[8(! 6F! (CS1_INAP_From_SCF))]][(! 6()[(! l! 22!(_)[ (! l)[(! 6)[(! 6d! )]][ (! 6)][9I(! 6X! )[8(! /**** SI%E;)]]]]}ingInformationArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; csID CSIDType; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE HoldCallInNetworkArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; csID CSIDType; ENDNEWTYPE;)]]]]}-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------tedCallSegment CallSegmentToReleaseType; /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ allCallSegments CallSegmentToReleaseType; /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE RequestCurrentStatusReportArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; csID CSIDType; ese CallSegmentsToReleaseType; /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE RequestCurrentStatusReportArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; csID CSIDType; /* Note: Argument neither in Q.1218 nor Q.1228. */ ENDNEWTYPE;)]]]]}---------------------------------- no dialog for ID present/available */ wrongInvokeID, /* incorrect invoke ID */ wrongCSaID, /* incorrect CSA ID */ beginRequired, /* TC_BeginReq is required */ noComp, /* TC_BeginReq without components */ unknownOP, /* Unknown operation7pe; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE StatusReportArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; csID CSIDType; ENDNEWTYPE;)]]]]}g STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; partyToCharge LegIDType; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE ServiceFilteringResponseArg STRUCT csaID CSAIHoldCallInNetworkArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; csID CSIDType; ENDNEWTYPE;)]]]]}gInformationArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; csID CSIDType; ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE HoldCallInNetworkArg STRUCT csaID CSAIDType; csID CSIDType; ENDNEWTYPE;)]]]]}----------R /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ ENDNEWTYPE; NEWTYPE TNoAnswerArg STRUCT /* Note: DP specific operation. */ createdCallSegmentAssociation CSAIDType; /* Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ ENDNEWTYPE;)]]]]}WTYPE; NEWTYPE TMidCallArg STRUCT /* Note: ZD,LegType, CallFlag), SetupReqInd(SetupIRType,CSAID,LegType), SetupRespConf(SetupCRType,CSAID,LegType), SubsequentAddressReqInd(SubsequentAddressType,CSAID,LegType);)]][9 (! 6! )[8(! /* Terminating to OrB(! 6_! virtual ServiceLogic)]]]]} Note: IN CS-2 argument. */ legID LegIDType; /* Note: Argument neither in Q.1218 nor Q.1228. */ ENDNEWTYPE;)]]]]}-----------------------------------------------------------: