/***************************************************************************** Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ) ITU-T Draft Recommendation P.862. Version 1.1 - 15 November 2000. NOTICE The Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ) algorithm and the copyright therein is the property of British Telecommunications plc and Royal KPN NV, and is protected by UK, US and other patents. Permission is granted to use PESQ for the purpose of evaluation of ITU-T recommendation P.862. Any other use of this software or the PESQ algorithm requires a license, which may be obtained from: OPTICOM GmbH Michael Keyhl, Am Weichselgarten 7, D- 91058 Erlangen, Germany Phone: +49 9131 691 160 Fax: +49 9131 691 325 E-mail: info@opticom.de PsyTechnics Limited Richard Reynolds, B54 Adastral Park, Ipswich IP5 3RE, UK Phone: +44 1473 644 730 or +44 7730 426 251 Fax: +44 1473 645 663 E-mail: richard.reynolds@psytechnics.com Patent-only licences should be obtained from Opticom. PsyTechnics or Opticom can provide licences, and further information, for other PESQ products. Further information is also available from: www.pesq.org By using this software you acknowledge that PESQ is protected by copyright and by patents and is being made available to you for the purpose of evaluation of ITU-T Recommendation P.862. You must not use PESQ for any other purpose without first obtaining a written license from British Telecommunications plc and Royal KPN NV, from their agents listed above. You must not disclose, reproduce or otherwise release PESQ to any third party without the prior written permission of British Telecommunications plc and Royal KPN NV. Authors: Antony Rix (BT) Mike Hollier (BT) Andries Hekstra (KPN Research) John Beerends (KPN Research) *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #endif #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE 0 #endif #define LINIIR 60 #define MAXNUTTERANCES 50 #define WHOLE_SIGNAL -1 #define LINIIR 60 #define LSMJ 20 #define LFBANK 35 #define DATAPADDING_MSECS 320 #define SEARCHBUFFER 75 #define EPS 1E-12 #define MINSPEECHLGTH 4 #define JOINSPEECHLGTH 50 #define MINUTTLENGTH 50 #define SATDB 90.31 #define FIXDB -32.0 #define TWOPI 6.28318530717959 int Nb ; #define Nfmax 512 #define Sp_8k 2.764344e-5 #define Sl_8k 1.866055e-1 #define Sp_16k 6.910853e-006 #define Sl_16k 1.866055e-001 extern float Sp; extern float Sl; #define Dz 0.312 #define gamma 0.001 #define Tl 10000.0f #define Ts 10000000.0f #define Tt 0.02f #define Tn 0.01f #ifndef min #define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #endif #ifndef max #define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #endif typedef struct { char path_name[512]; char file_name [128]; long Nsamples; long apply_swap; float * data; float * VAD; float * logVAD; } SIGNAL_INFO; typedef struct { long Nutterances; long Largest_uttsize; long Nsurf_samples; long Crude_DelayEst; float Crude_DelayConf; long UttSearch_Start[MAXNUTTERANCES]; long UttSearch_End[MAXNUTTERANCES]; long Utt_DelayEst[MAXNUTTERANCES]; long Utt_Delay[MAXNUTTERANCES]; float Utt_DelayConf[MAXNUTTERANCES]; long Utt_Start[MAXNUTTERANCES]; long Utt_End[MAXNUTTERANCES]; float pesq_mos; float subj_mos; int cond_nr; } ERROR_INFO; extern long Fs; extern long Downsample; extern float * InIIR_Hsos; extern long Align_Nfft; extern long Fs_8k; extern long Downsample_8k; extern long InIIR_Nsos_8k; extern long Align_Nfft_8k; extern long Fs_16k; extern long Downsample_16k; extern long InIIR_Nsos_16k; extern long Align_Nfft_16k; extern float * InIIR_Hsos; void input_filter( SIGNAL_INFO * ref_info, SIGNAL_INFO * deg_info, float * ftmp ); void apply_filters( float * data, long Nsamples ); void make_stereo_file (char *, SIGNAL_INFO *, SIGNAL_INFO *); void make_stereo_file2 (char *, SIGNAL_INFO *, float *); void select_rate( long sample_rate, long * Error_Flag, char ** Error_Type ); int file_exist( char * fname ); void load_src( long * Error_Flag, char ** Error_Type, SIGNAL_INFO * sinfo); void alloc_other( SIGNAL_INFO * ref_info, SIGNAL_INFO * deg_info, long * Error_Flag, char ** Error_Type, float ** ftmp); void calc_VAD( SIGNAL_INFO * pinfo ); int id_searchwindows( SIGNAL_INFO * ref_info, SIGNAL_INFO * deg_info, ERROR_INFO * err_info ); void id_utterances( SIGNAL_INFO * ref_info, SIGNAL_INFO * deg_info, ERROR_INFO * err_info ); void utterance_split( SIGNAL_INFO * ref_info, SIGNAL_INFO * deg_info, ERROR_INFO * err_info, float * ftmp ); void utterance_locate( SIGNAL_INFO * ref_info, SIGNAL_INFO * deg_info, ERROR_INFO * err_info, float * ftmp ); void auditory_transform( SIGNAL_INFO * ref_info, SIGNAL_INFO * deg_info, ERROR_INFO * err_info, long Utt_id, float * ftmp); void calc_err( SIGNAL_INFO * ref_info, SIGNAL_INFO * deg_info, ERROR_INFO * err_info, long Utt_id); void extract_params( SIGNAL_INFO * ref_info, SIGNAL_INFO * deg_info, ERROR_INFO * err_info, long Utt_id, float * ftmp ); void utterance_process(SIGNAL_INFO * ref_info, SIGNAL_INFO * deg_info, ERROR_INFO * err_info, long Utt_id, float * ftmp); void DC_block( float * data, long Nsamples ); void apply_filter ( float * data, long Nsamples, int, double [][2] ); double pow_of (const float * const , long , long, long); void apply_VAD( SIGNAL_INFO * pinfo, float * data, float * VAD, float * logVAD ); void crude_align( SIGNAL_INFO * ref_info, SIGNAL_INFO * deg_info, ERROR_INFO * err_info, long Utt_id, float * ftmp); void time_align( SIGNAL_INFO * ref_info, SIGNAL_INFO * deg_info, ERROR_INFO * err_info, long Utt_id, float * ftmp ); void split_align( SIGNAL_INFO * ref_info, SIGNAL_INFO * deg_info, ERROR_INFO * err_info, float * ftmp, long Utt_Start, long Utt_SpeechStart, long Utt_SpeechEnd, long Utt_End, long Utt_DelayEst, float Utt_DelayConf, long * Best_ED1, long * Best_D1, float * Best_DC1, long * Best_ED2, long * Best_D2, float * Best_DC2, long * Best_BP ); void pesq_psychoacoustic_model( SIGNAL_INFO * ref_info, SIGNAL_INFO * deg_info, ERROR_INFO * err_info, float * ftmp); void apply_pesq( float * x_data, float * ref_surf, float * y_data, float * deg_surf, long NVAD_windows, float * ftmp, ERROR_INFO * err_info ); #define D_POW_F 2 #define D_POW_S 6 #define D_POW_T 2 #define A_POW_F 1 #define A_POW_S 6 #define A_POW_T 2 #define D_WEIGHT 0.1 #define A_WEIGHT 0.0309 /* END OF FILE */