CCITT THE INTERNATIONAL TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE Message Handling Systems: EDI Messaging System Draft Recommendation X.435 Version 5.0, June 15, 1990, Lausanne CCITT Draft Recommendation X.435 Message Handling Systems: EDI Messaging System (Lausanne, 1990) Contents 1. Scope 3 2. References 4 3. Definitions 5 3.1 Common definitions for MHS 5 3.2 Common definitions for Abstract Syntax Notation One 6 3.3 EDI service definitions 6 3.4 Other EDI definitions 7 3.5 EDI Messaging System Definitions 9 4. Abbreviations 9 5. Conventions 10 5.1 Terms 10 5.2 ASN.1 10 6. Information Objects 12 7. Common data types 12 7.1 EDIM Identifier 12 7.2 Extensions 13 8. EDI Messages 13 8.1 Heading Field Component Types 15 8.2 Heading Fields 16 8.3 Body Part Types 26 9. EDI Notifications 29 9.1 Common Fields 30 9.2 Positive Notifications 32 9.3 Negative Notifications 33 9.4 Forwarded Notifications 37 10. Primary Object Types 39 10.1 EDI Messaging User 40 10.2 EDI Messaging System 41 11. Primary Port Types 41 CCITT Draft Rec. X.435 page1 11.1 Origination Port 41 11.2 Reception Port 41 12. Abstract Operations 42 12.1 Origination Abstract Operations 42 12.2 Reception Abstract Operations 44 13. Abstract Errors 46 13.1 Recipient Improperly Specified 46 14. Other capabilities 46 15. Secondary Object Types 47 15.1 EDI User Agent 48 15.2 EDI Message Store 49 15.3 Telematic Agent 49 15.4 Physical Delivery Access Unit 49 15.5 Message Transfer System 50 16. Secondary Port Types 50 16.1 Submission Port 50 16.2 Delivery Port 51 16.3 Retrieval Port 51 16.4 Administration Port 51 16.5 Import Port 51 16.6 Export Port 51 17. User Agent Operation 51 17.1 Performance of Origination Operations 52 17.2 Invocation of Reception Operations 55 17.3 Internal procedures 56 18. Message Store operation 64 18.1 Binding to the MS 64 18.2 Abstract-bind result 65 18.3 Creation of Information Objects 65 18.4 Maintenance of Attributes 67 18.5 Negative Notification 68 18.6 Auto Action Types 68 18.7 Message Store Attributes 72 page1 CCITT Draft Rec. X.435 CCITT Draft Recommendation X.435 18.8 Procedures for EDI MS 90 19. Message Contents 91 19.1 Content 91 19.2 Content Type 91 19.3 Content Length 92 19.4 Encoded Information Types 92 20. Port realization 93 21. Conformance 93 21.1 Origination versus Reception 93 21.2 Statement requirements 93 21.3 Static requirements 93 21.4 Dynamic requirements 94 Annex A - Reference definition of Object Identifiers 94 Annex B - Reference definition of Abstract Information Objects 98 Annex C - Reference definition of Message Store Attributes 113 Annex D - Reference definition of Message Store Auto-Action Attributes 123 Annex E - Reference definition of EDIMS Functional Objects 125 Annex F - Reference definition of EDIMS Abstract Service 128 Annex G - Reference definition of EDIMS Upper Bounds Parameters 130 Annex H - Reference definition of Directory Object Classes and Attributes 132 Annex I - Enhanced Security Model 135 I.1 Introduction 135 I.2 Security Services 136 I.3 Enhancements to Clause 10.2: Security Services 136 I.4 Non-repudiation of EDIM Responsibility services 137 Annex J - Directory Object Classes and Attributes 138 J.1 Introduction 138 J.2 Object Classes 139 J.3 Attributes 139 J.4 Attribute Syntaxes 140 Annex K - Comparison of terms of EDI syntaxes 141 Annex L - Comparison of terms in this Recommendation and Recommendation F.435 143 Annex M - Realization of an EDIMG User in the Directory 144 CCITT Draft Rec. X.435 page1 Index 146 1. Scope This Recommendation is one of a set of Recommendations for Message Handling. The entire set provides a comprehensive blueprint for a message handling system (abMHS) realized by any n f cooperating open systems. The purpose of an MHS is to enable users to exchange messages on a store-and-forward basis. A message submitted on behalf of one user, the originator, is conveyed by the message transfer sys a n d subsequently delivered to the agents of one or more additional users, the recipients. Access units (abAU) link the MTS to communication systems of other kinds (e.g., postal systems). A user is assisted in the preparation, storage, and display of messages by a user agent (abUA). Optionally, it is assisted in the storage of messages by a message store (abMS). The MTS comprises a number of message transfer agents (abMT ) which collectively perform the store-and- forward message transfer function. This Recommendation defines the message handling application called EDI messaging system (abEDIMS), page1 CCITT Draft Rec. X.435 CCITT Draft Recommendation X.435 specifying in the process glEDI messaging (abEDIMG), a form of message handling tailored for exchange of electronic data interchange (abEDI) information, a new message content type and associated procedures known as Pedi. It is designed to meet the requirements of users of ISO 9735 (EDIFACT), and other commonly used EDI syntaxes. This Recommendation is one of a series on message handling. Recommendation X.402 constitutes the introduction to the series and identifies the other documents in it. The architectural basis and foundation for message handling are defined in still other Recommendations. Recommendation X.402 identifies those documents as well. 2. References References are: - CCITT Recommendation X.208, Specification of abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1), 1988. ISO 8824, Specification of abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1), 1988 and Addendum 1. - CCITT Recommendation X.209, Specification of basic encoding rules for abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1), 1988. ISO 8825, Specification of basic encoding rules for abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1), 1988 and Addendum 1. - CCITT Recommendation X.400, Message handling system and service overview, 1988. ISO/IEC 10021-1, Information processing systems - text communication - Message-oriented text interchange systems (Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems): System and service overview, 1988. - CCITT Recommendation X.402, Message handling systems: Overall architecture, 1988. ISO/IEC 10021-2, Message-oriented text interchange systems: Overall architecture, 1988. - CCITT Recommendation X.407, Message handling systems: Message transfer system: Abstract service definition conventions, 1988. ISO/IEC 10021-3, Message-oriented text interchange systems: Message transfer system: Abstract service definition and procedures, 1988. - CCITT Recommendation X.408, Message handling systems: message transfer system: Encoded information type conversion rules, 1988. - CCITT Recommendation X.411, Message handling systems: Message transfer system: Abstract service definition and procedures, 1988. ISO/IEC 10021-4, Message-oriented text interchange systems: Message transfer system: Abstract service definition and procedures, 1988. - CCITT Recommendation X.413, Message handling systems: Message store: Abstract service definition, 1988. ISO/IEC 10021-5, Message-oriented text interchange systems: Message store: Abstract service definition, 1988. - CCITT Recommendation X.419, Message handling systems: Protocol specifications, 1988. ISO/IEC 10021-6, Message-oriented text interchange systems: Protocol specifications, 1988. - CCITT Recommendation X.420, Message handling systems: Inter personal messaging, 1988. ISO/IEC 10021-7, Message-oriented text interchange systems: Inter personal messaging, 1988. - CCITT Recommendation X.500, Directory: Overview of concepts, models, and service, 1988. ISO/IEC 9594-1, Information processing systems - Open systems interconnection - The directory (Directory): Overview of concepts, models, and service, 1988. - CCITT Recommendation X.501, Directory: Models, 1988. ISO/IEC 9594-2, Directory: Models, 1988. - CCITT Recommendation X.511, Directory: Abstract service definition, 1988. ISO/IEC 9594-3, Directory: Abstract service definition, 1988. - CCITT Recommendation X.518, Directory: Procedures for distributed operation, 1988. CCITT Draft Rec. X.435 page1 ISO/IEC 9594-4, Directory: Procedures for distributed operation, 1988. - CCITT Recommendation X.519, Directory: Protocol specifications, 1988. ISO/IEC 9594-5, Directory: Protocol specifications, 1988. - CCITT Recommendation X.520, Directory: Selected attribute types, 1988. ISO/IEC 9594-6, Directory: Selected attribute types, 1988. - CCITT Recommendation X.521, Directory: Selected object classes, 1988. ISO/IEC 9594-7, Directory: Selected object classes, 1988. - CCITT Recommendation X.509, Directory: Authentication framework, 1988. ISO/IEC 9594-8, Directory: Authentication framework, 1988. - CCITT Recommendation F.435, Message handling: EDI messaging service, forthcoming. ISO/IEC 10021-m, Message handling: EDI messaging service, forthcoming - ISO 9735, Electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport (EDIFACT) - Application level syntax rules, 1987. 3. Definitions 3.1 Common definitions for MHS This Recommendation uses terms defined in Recommendation X.400, Recommendation X.402 and Recommendation X.413. a) access unit b) body c) content d) distribution list e) encoded information types f) envelope g) message handling system h) message-oriented text interchange system i) message store j) message transfer agent k) message transfer system l) physical delivery access unit m) recipient n) submission identifier o) submission time p) synopsis q) telematic agent r) telex access unit page1 CCITT Draft Rec. X.435 CCITT Draft Recommendation X.435 s) user t) user agent 3.2 Common definitions for Abstract Syntax Notation One This Recommendation uses the full extent of the Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) as defined in Recommendation X.208. 3.3 EDI service definitions This Recommendation uses terms defined in Recommendation F.435. a) EDI forwarding b) EDI message c) EDI notification d) EDI user e) EDIM responsibility 3.4 Other EDI definitions The terms listed below may assume different meanings in the standards referenced. 3.4.1 EDI For Administration, Commerce and Transport This Recommendation uses terms defined in ISO 9735 (EDIFACT). - acknowledgement request - address for reverse routing - application reference - communications agreement - component data element separator - data element separator - date/time of preparation - decimal notation - functional group header - identification code - identification code qualifier - interchange control reference - interchange header - interchange recipient - interchange sender - message header - processing priority code - recipient identification code CCITT Draft Rec. X.435 page1 - recipients reference qualifier - recipients reference, password - release indicator - routing address - segment terminator - sender identification - service string advice - syntax identifier - syntax version - test indicator - UNA segment - UNB segment - UNH segment 3.4.2 United Nations Trade Data Interchange This Recommendation uses terms defined in the United Nations Trade Data Interchange (UNTDI) syntax rules (developed from the earlier syntax recommendation UNGTDI) unanimously accepted by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Working Party 4, in September 1985. - application reference - date and time of transmission - message header - MHD segment - recipients reference/password - start of transmission - transmission priority code - transmission recipient - transmission sender 3.4.3 American National Standards Institute X12 Definitions This Recommendation uses terms defined in the American National Standards Institute X12 (ANSIX12) standard. - authorization information qualifier - authorization information - functional group header - interchange date - interchange header - interchange receiver id - interchange sender id page1 CCITT Draft Rec. X.435 CCITT Draft Recommendation X.435 - interchange time - ISA segment - test indicator - transactional set header, ST segment 3.5 EDI Messaging System Definitions For the purposes of this Recommendation the following definitions apply: 3.5.1 EDI Message Store An EDI message store is a specialized message store for the purposes of EDI messaging. 3.5.2 EDI Messaging System The EDI messaging system is the functional object by means of which all users communicate with one another in EDI messaging. 3.5.3 EDI User Agent An EDI user agent is a specialized user agent for the purposes of EDI messaging. 4. Abbreviations ANSIX12 American National Standards Institute committee X12 AU Access Unit DL Distribution List EDI Electronic Data Interchange EDI-MS EDI Message Store EDI-UA EDI User Agent EDIFACT Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport EDIM EDI Message EDIME EDI Messaging Environment EDIMG EDI Messaging EDIMG-user EDI Messaging System user EDIMS EDI Messaging System EDIN EDI Notification EIT Encoded Information Types FN Forwarded Notification MD Management Domain MHS Message Handling System MOTIS Message-Oriented Text Interchange SystemMS EDI Message Store MTA Message Transfer Agent MTS Message Transfer System CCITT Draft Rec. X.435 page1 NN Negative Notification PDAU Physical Delivery Access Unit PDS Physical Delivery System PN Positive Notification TLMA Telematic Agent UA EDI User Agent UNTDI United Nations/Trade Data Interchange 5. Conventions NOTE - See 5 of Recommendation F.435 for conventions related to terms defined in that Recommendation. 5.1 Terms Throughout the rest of this Recommendation, terms that refer to ASN.1 types are written with upper-case letters for all words in the ASN.1 type (for example, OR Name). 5.2 ASN.1 glASN.1 definit s appear both in the main text and in the Annexes. In case of inconsistency between a definition presented in the text, and a definition presented in an Annex forming an integral part of this Recommendation, the definition in the Annex shall be used. ASN.1 notation is defined in Recommendation X.208. This Recommendation uses for the indicated purposes the following ASN.1-based descriptive conventions: a) to define the information objects of EDI Messaging, and other data types and values of all kinds, ASN.1 itself b) to define the functional objects of EDI Messaging, the OBJECT and REFINE macros of Recommendation X.407 c) to define the abstract service of EDI Messaging, the PORT and ABSTRACT-operation and ERROR macros of Recommendation X.407 d) to define the protocol extensions, the EDIM-EXTENSION macro of this Recommendation e) to define extended body part types, the EXTENDED-BODY-PART-TYPE macro of Recommendation X.420 f) to define MS Auto-actions, the AUTO-ACTION macro of Recommendation X.413 g) to define MS attributes, the ATTRIBUTE macro of Recommendation X.500 ASN.1 tags are implicit throughout the ASN.1 modules defined in any Annex; the module is definitive in that respect. NOTE - The use of ASN.1 to describe a class or piece of information does not in itself imply that information is transported between open systems. The fact that the information, by virtue of its description in ASN.1 and of ASN.1's basic encoding rules, has a concrete transfer syntax may be immaterial. Information actually conveyed between systems is designated as such by its inclusion in an application protocol. 5.3 Conventions for Attribute Types in Table 1 This Recommendation uses the conventions listed below in its definition of attribute types for the MS abstract services. For the columns headed 'Single/Multi-valued' the following values can occur: - S: single-valued - M: multi-valued For the columns headed 'Support level by MS and UA' (where UA refers only to a UA that accesses an MS) the following values can occur: - M: mandatory - O: optional For the columns headed 'Presence in delivered EDIM', 'Presence in PN', 'Presence in NN' and 'Presence in FN', the presence of each attribute type is described by one of the following values: - P: 'always present' in the entry because it is mandatory for page1 CCITT Draft Rec. X.435 CCITT Draft Recommendation X.435 generation by the MS or it is a mandatory or defaulted parameter in the relevant abstract operation. - C: 'conditionally present' in the entry. It will be present because it is supported by the MS and subscribed to by the user and it was present in an optional parameter in the relevant abstract operation. - 'always absent', otherwise. For the columns headed 'Available for list, alert' and 'Available for summarize', the following values can occur: - N: no - Y: yes NOTE - All attributes are available to the fetch abstract operation, subject to support by the implementation and subscription. 5.4 Conventions for Attribute Types in Table 2 This Recommendation uses the conventions listed below in its definition of attribute types for the MS abstract services. For the columns headed 'Source generated by' the following values can occur: - MD: MessageDelivery abstract-operation - MS: MessageStore - RD: ReportDelivery abstract-operation CCITT Draft Rec. X.435 page1