- 1 - AP IX-147-E CONTENTS 1. I.500 - General structure of the ISDN interworking Recommendations. 2. I.510 - Definitions and general principles for ISDN interworking. 3. I.511 - ISDN to ISDN layer 1 internetwork interface. 4. I.515 - Parameter exchange for ISDN interworking. 5. I.520 - General arrangements for network interworking between ISDNs. 6. I.530 - Network interworking between an ISDN and a public-switched telephone network (PSTN). 7. I.540 - (see X.321). 8. I.550 - (see X.325). 9. I.560 - (see U.202). 2.4 Protocol level In the protocol level, the protocols listed are those that appear at the Reference points Kx and Nx. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 2.5 Recommendations which relate to interworking are shown in Figure 1/I.500 and are assigned to the levels in section 2. As the contents of some Recommendations cover more than one level these Recommendations appear at each level to which they relate. 3. References The References are general to all I.500 Recommendations and are to be read in conjunction with Figure 1/I.500, where the organization of ISDN interworking Recommendations is shown. 3.1 Interworking X.300-Series Interworking between public networks, and between public networks and other networks for the provision of data transmission services I.324 ISDN architecture functional model I.340 Connection types/elements for ISDN-ISDN interworking (3296) - 2 - AP IX-147-E X.31 Support of packet-mode terminal equipment by an ISDN X.81 Interworking between an ISDN circuit switched and a circuit switched public data network (CSPDN) 3.2 Services and network capabilities X.1 International user classes of service in public data networks and integrated services digital networks (ISDNs) X.2 International data transmission services and optional user facilities in public data networks and ISDNs X.10 Categories of access for data terminal equipment (DTE) to public data transmission services I.122 Framework for providing additional packet-mode bearer services I.200-Series Service aspects supported by an ISDN I.310 ISDN - Network functional principles I.320 ISDN protocol reference model I.325 Reference configurations for ISDN connection types I.411 ISDN user-network interfaces - reference configurations I.412 ISDN user-network interfaces Interface structures and access capabilities I.420 Basic rate user-network interface I.421 Primary rate user-network interface I.441 ISDN user-network interface data link layer (Q.921) specification I.451 ISDN user-network interface layer 3 specification (Q.931) 3.3 Signalling Q.700 Network protocols (MTP, ISUP, etc.) Q.120-Q.180 Specification of Signalling Systems No. 4 and No. 5. Q.251-Q.300 Specification of Signalling System No. 6 Q.310-Q.490 Specification of Signalling Systems R1 and R2 X.75 Packet switched Signalling System between public networks providing data transmission services (3296) - 3 - AP IX-147-E X.25 Interface between data terminal equipment (DTE) and data circuit equipment (DCE) for terminals operating in the packet-mode and connected to public data networks by dedicated circuits X.71 Decentralized terminal and transit control signalling system on international circuits between synchronous data networks U.12 Terminal and transit control signalling system for telex and similar services on international circuits (type D signalling) 3.4 Rate adaptation I.460 Multiplexing, rate adaptation and support of existing interfaces I.461 (X.30) Support of X.21, X.21bis and X.20bis based DTEs by an ISDN I.462 (X.31) Support of packet-mode terminal equipment by an ISDN I.463 (V.110) Support of DTEs with V-Series type interfaces by an ISDN I.464 Multiplexing, rate adaptation and support of existing interfaces for restricted 64 kbit/s transfer capability V.120 Support by ISDN DTEs with V-Series type interfaces with provision for statistical multiplexing 3.5 Numbering X.121 International numbering plan for public data networks X.122 Numbering plan interworking between a PSPDN and an ISDN or PSTN in the short-term I.331 (E.164) Numbering plan for the ISDN era E.166 Numbering plan interworking in the ISDN era I.330 ISDN numbering and addressing principles I.332 Numbering principles for interworking between ISDNs and dedicated networks with different numbering plans F.69 Plan for telex destination codes (3296)