B.2 Conventions The intersection of an incoming event (row) and a state (column) forms a cell. In the state table, a bland cell represents the combination of an incoming event and a state that is not defined for the DTAM-PM (see  B.3.1). Some states await solely some incoming events from the source DTAM-PM (internal events). These states are marked by * and no other incoming events are considered. A non-blank cell represents an incoming event and a state that is defined for the DTAM-PM. Such a cell contains one or more action lists. An action list may be either mandatory or conditional. If a cell contains a mandatory action list, it is the only action list in the cell. A mandatory action list contains: a) optionally one or more outgoing events; b) optionally one or more specific actions; c) an resultant state. A conditional action list contains: a) a predicate expression comprising predicates and Boolean operators ( represents the Boolean NOT, & represents the Boolean AND); b) a mandatory action list. (This mandatory action list is used only if the predicate expression is true.) B.3 Actions to be taken by the DTAM-PM The DTAM-PM state table defines the action to be taken by the DTAM-PM in terms of an optional outgoing event, optional specific actions, and the resultant state of the application-association. B.3.1 Invalid intersections Blank cells indicate an invalid intersection of an incoming event and state. If such an intersection occurs, one of the following actions is taken: a) If the incoming event comes from the DTAM-SE-user, or is an internal event, any action taken by the DTAM-PM is a local matter. b) If the incoming event is related to a received APDU, or SS-provider, either the DTAM-PM issues an appropriate internal event, or the DTAM-PM issues both a D-PAind outgoing event (to its DTAM-SE-user) and a DAB outgoing event (to its peer DTAM-PM). B.3.2 Valid intersections If the intersection of the state and incoming event is valid, one of the following actions is taken: a) If the cell contains a mandatory action list, the DTAM-PM takes the actions specified. b) If a cell contains one or more conditional action lists, for each predicate expression that is true, the DTAM- PM takes the actions specified. If none of the predicate expressions are true, the DTAM-PM takes one of the actions defined in  B.3.1. B.4 Definition of variables The following variables are specified. B.4.1 Association-initiating DTAM-PM This Boolean variable is set TRUE if the DTAM-PM is the association-initiating DTAM-PM (specific action [a1]), otherwise it is set FALSE (specific action [a2]). This Boolean variable is tested in the predicate p11. 1 Fascicle VII.7 - Rec. T.433 B.4.2 Checkpoint-confirmed This Boolean variable is TRUE, if at least one checkpoint was confirmed during the transfer procedure. It is set FALSE at the beginning of the transfer procedure (specific action [a30]). It is set TRUE, if an S-MINOR-SYNCHRONIZE confirm primitive is issued to the sending DTAM-PM (specific action [a32]). B.4.3 Transfer-completed This Boolean variable is TRUE, if the receiving DTAM-PM aborted the association because it could not discard an already completed transfer. It is set by the specific actions [a93] and [a94]. This Boolean variable is tested in the predicate p37. B.4.4 Outstanding-minor-syncs This integer variable indicates the number of outstanding checkpoint confirmations during the transfer procedure. It is set to zero at the beginning of the transfer procedure (specific action [a30]). It is incremented by one, if a S-MINOR- SYNCHRONIZE request primitive is issued by the sending user to the sending DTAM-PM (specific action [a31]). The value of this variable is compared with the value of the window-size field of the S-CONcnf in the predicate p32. The value of this variable is compared with the value zero in the predicate p33. Fascicle VII.7 - Rec. T.433 2