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A glossary of the terms used is also included. The list of functions to be controlled by means of MML is contained in Annex A. For each of these functions one or more MML functions can be derived and each of them can be described using the metalanguage defined in Recommendation Z.333 in order to detail the relevant information structure.   HAnnex B contains a list of MML functions and the information structure diagrams associated to each of them to be used as guidelines. 2.HIntroduction HThe scope of this Recommendation is the operational aspect of the functional area of subscriber administration. HIt has been recognized that subscriber administration is related to various administrative procedures, belonging to other functional areas, which have to be carried out prior to or in functional relationship to the jobs to be controlled by MML. HSuch administrative procedures are administration dependent with different degrees of data processing support. HThey can be considered as the administrative environment. 3.HSubscriber administration model 3.1HIntroduction HThe model is applicable to subscribers to whom normal telephone services (POTS: Plan of Telephone Services) are offered. HFor the representation of the model the metalanguage defined in Recommendation Z.333 has been used. HFor the purposes of this Recommendation subscribers have been divided into the following two classes (see Figures 1, 2, 3/Z.334): H singleline subscribers, comprising singleparty and multiparty lines;% H multiline subscribers, comprising PBX (without direct inward dialling), PABX (with direct inward dialling) and subscriber line groups.% HBoth singleline and multiline subscribers are embedded in an administrative environment. This environment may comprise all data relevant for administering the various types of subscribers. Examples for such data are addresses of subscribers and subscribers' features. The administrative environment N* aspects are not considered in detail in this model. 3.2HDescription of model 3.2.1HGeneral HSubscribers are distinguished by the data describing the way in which they are connected to and managed by the public exchange, including data related to the associated hardware equipment in the exchange. Examples are two party lines, ordinary subscriber lines, PABXs multiparty lines. HFrom the administration view every subscriber falls into one of the two main types identified in the model, single or multiline subscribers. Due to the different association of information entities needed for the representation of these two main types, two different sets of MML functions are felt to be appropriate. The relevant information entities defined in the model are described in the following sections. 3.2.2HLine characteristics HLine characteristics are described by their attributes which may include information about class of line, kind of signalling, attenuation equalization, traffic directions, etc. 3.2.3HLine group characteristics HLine group characteristics are described by their attributes which may include information about kind of signalling, class of line, traffic directions etc., associated to all lines forming the group. 3.2.4HFacility characteristics HFacility characteristics are described by their attributes. They include all information about supplementary services which can be assigned to a given subscriber. Examples are abbreviated dialling, do not disturb service, wakeup service, charging information like normal charging or free of charge. HThere are attributes which can only be controlled by the administration while others are primarily controlled by the subscribers themselves. However, it has been recognized that in the latter case these attributes can also be controlled by the administration. 3.2.5HRestriction characteristics HRestriction characteristics include information which indicate the limitations on the regular operational mode, e.g., traffic restrictions for originating calls. 3.2.6HMonitoring characteristics HMonitoring characteristics are related to particular monitoring actions, which are carried out by the system. The monitoring actions are mainly of a temporary nature and comprise subscriber administration functions carried out to obtain data related to calls. Examples are malicious call tracing and charging observation. Monitoring actions are activated on subscriber's or administration's request and are described by their attributes, e.g., duration of monitoring, starting time.  N*Ԍ3.2.7HSingleline subscriber identity HSingleline subscriber identity allows the unambiguous identification of a singleline subscriber, normally by its directory number. 3.2.8HMultiline subscriber identity HMultiline subscriber identity allows the unambiguous identification of a multiline subscriber, normally by its directory numbers. 3.2.9HEquipment identity HEquipment identity allows the unambiguous identification of the device to which a subscriber line is connected. 3.2.10HLine number HA line number allows the unambiguous identification of a line within a line group. 3.2.11HAssociated directory number HAn associated directory number may be entered for lines that are members of a multiline subscriber and that need to have associated with them a directory number other than the multiline subscriber identity. Examples include the night service number for a member of a PBX or the directory number of a directly dialable member of a multiline hunt group. 3.2.12HState HThe state of a subscriber line identifies the current operational mode in an unique way. It may be possible to interrogate the state of a subscriber line. 4.HGlossary of terms HSingleline subscriber line: a line between a public exchange and a subscriber set. Hmultiline subscriber line: a line between a public exchange and a P(A)BX or a line between a public exchange and a subscriber set belonging to a subscriber line group. Hline group: a line group is a group of lines of a multiline subscriber with some common line characteristics, e.g., incoming, outgoing, bothway. Hsubscriber line group: a group of line groups which are recognized and managed by a public exchange as a logical group.  % $Annex A ' (to Recommendation Z.334) A.1HList of functions to be controlled by MML H1)  administering subscriber lines and related data;% H2)  tracing malicious calls;% H3)  retrieving subscriber charging information;% H4)  observing subscriber charging.% A.2HList of jobs A.2.1HGeneral HThe jobs considered hereafter can be performed either at the exchange level or at Operation and Maintenance Centre (OMC) level, or both. HThe description of each job should include the following general characteristics. H The operator is supposed to input all data relevant for the job to be performed.% H The system is supposed to check the input data for formal correctness and logical plausibility and to output an error message in the case of syntax/semantic errors and incomplete insertions, and to prompt for further input.% H The system should update the data in its database according to the requirements of the performed job, e.g., to store, to delete data in its database.% A.2.2HList of jobs A.2.2.1HTo create a singleline subscriber H The purpose of the job is to define an association between an equipment identity, subscriber identity, line, facility, restriction and monitoring characteristics.% H The complexity of the job is medium.% H The frequency of the job is high. In local exchanges the job is expected to be one of the most frequent.% H The job is performed at the request of the subscriber, in accordance with the availability of required equipment, directory numbers, etc.% A.2.2.2HTo create a multiline subscriber, a new line group of Ha multiline subscriber, or a new line of a multiline subscriber H The purpose of the job is to create a multiline subscriber, a new line group of a multiline subscriber, or a new line of a multiline N* subscriber, and to define an association between multiline subscriber identity, line group identity, line numbers, equipment identities, line, facility, restriction and monitoring characteristics.% H The complexity of the job is medium.% H The frequency of the job is low.% H The job is performed at the request of the subscriber, in accordance with the availability of required equipment, directory numbers, etc.% A.2.2.3HTo change singleline subscriber related data H The purpose of this job is to change singleline subscriber related data, i.e., the line and/or facility and/or the restriction and/or the monitoring characteristics.% H The complexity of the job depends on the number of the changes and assignments.% H The frequency of the job is medium.% H The job is performed at the request of the subscriber or of the administration.% A.2.2.4HTo change multiline subscriber related data H The purpose of the job is to change multiline subscriber related data, i.e., the facility and/or line and/or restriction and/or monitoring characteristics and/or associated directory number.% H The complexity of the job depends on the number of the changes and assignments.% H The frequency of the job is low;% H The job is performed at the request of the subscriber or of the administration.% A.2.2.5HTo delete a singleline subscriber H The purpose of the job is to delete all data, i.e., equipment identity, subscriber identity and characteristics, related to a certain singleline subscriber.% H The complexity of the job is low depending on system checks.% H The frequency of the job is medium.% H The job is performed on request of the subscriber or of the administration.% A.2.2.6HTo delete a multiline subscriber, line groups of a multiline Hsubscriber, or lines of a multiline subscriber H The purpose of the job is to delete a multiline subscriber, line groups of a multiline subscriber or lines of a multiline subscriber.%  N*ԌH The compexity of the job is medium depending on system checks.% H The frequency of the job is low.% H The job is performed at the request of the subscriber or of the administration.% A.2.2.7HTo interrogate singleline or multiline subscriber related data H The purpose of the job is to interrogate singleline or multi line subscriber, line related data, according to selection criteria, e.g., singleline/multiline subscriber identity, all charge free lines.% H The system is supposed to display the desired data on an output device at the operator's request.% H The complexity of the job is low.% H The frequency of the job is high when the selection criterion is subscriber identity and low when other selection criteria are used.% H The job is performed at the request of the administration.% A.2.2.8HTo retrieve charging information for a singleline or Ha multiline subscriber H The purpose of the job is to retrieve charging information for a singleline or a multiline subscriber in case of the pulse metering.% H The system is supposed to provide subscribers' charging information on an output device at the operators' request.% H The complexity of the job is low.% H The frequency of the job is low.% H The job is performed for administrative reasons.% A.2.2.9HTo block/unblock a singleline subscriber H The purpose of the job is to make a singleline subscriber unavailable/available to traffic.% H The system is supposed to block/unblock a singleline subscriber to originating and/or terminating traffic.% H The compexity of the job is low.% H The frequency of the job is medium.% H The job is performed for administrative reasons.% A.2.2.10 To block/unblock a multiline subscriber H The purpose of the job is to make a multiline subscriber, line groups of a multiline subscriber or lines of a multiline subscriber unavailable/available to traffic.%  N*ԌH The system is supposed to block/unblock a multiline subscriber, line group of a multiline subscriber or lines of a multiline subscriber to originating and/or terminating traffic.% H The complexity of the job is low.% H The frequency of the job is low.% H The job is performed for administrative reasons.% A.2.2.11 To activate/deactivate malicious call tracing for a single H line or a multiline subscriber H The purpose of the job is to enable/disable malicious call tracing for a singleline subscriber, a multiline subscriber, or line groups of a multiline subscriber.% H The system is supposed to collect the malicious call tracing data, to store it and to display it on operator's request.% H The complexity of the job is low.% H The frequency of the job is low.% H The job is performed at the request of the subscriber.% A.2.2.12 To activate/deactivate a singleline or a multiline subscriber H The purpose of the job is to put into or to take out of service a singleline subscriber, a multiline subscriber, line groups of a multiline subscriber or lines of a multiline subscriber previously defined in the system. The activation function may be implied in the corresponding creation function.% H The complexity of the job is low.% H The frequency of the job is high.% H The job is performed at the request of the subscriber.% A.2.2.13 To activate/deactivate singleline or multiline H subscriber charging observation H The purpose of the job is to start/stop charging observation for a singleline or multiline subscriber for a stated duration.% H The system is supposed to collect the charging information data, to store it and to output it on operator's request.% H The complexity of the job is low.% H The frequency of the job is low.% H The job is performed at the request of the administration.%  ( $Annex B ' (to Recommendation Z.334) ' Guidelines for the list of MML functions andă associated information structure diagramsă B.1HIntroduction HThis annex contains guidelines for the list of MML functions and associated information structure diagrams related to the subscriber administration model defined in this Recommendation Z.334, section 3. B.2HList of MML functions HThe list contains possible MML functions for subscriber administration. HThis list is not mandatory or complete. It may vary according to administrative needs, telecommunication network levels, regulatory needs, etc. H1)  Creation% H  create a singleline subscriber;% H  create a multiline subscriber, a new line group of a multiline subscriber, or a new line of a multiline subscriber.% H2)  Change% H  change singleline subscriber related data;% H  change multiline subscriber related data.% H3)  Deletion% H  delete a singleline subscriber;% H  delete a multiline subscriber, line groups of a multiline subscriber or lines of a multiline subscriber.% H4)  Interrogation% H  interrogate single or multiline subscriber related data.% 1|:)T CCITT\APIX\DOC\038E2.TXS 10||sCCITT\APIX\DOC\038E2.TXS 0H5)  Retrieval% H  retrieve charging information for a singleline or a multi line subscriber.% H6)  Block/unblock% H  block/unblock a singleline subscriber;% H  block/unblock a multiline subscriber.% H7)  Activation/deactivation% )Ԍ H  activate/deactivate malicious call tracing for a single line subscriber;% H  activate/deactivate malicious call tracing for a multiline subscriber;% H  activate/deactivate singleline subscriber charging observation;% H  activate/deactivate multiline subscriber charging observation;% H  activate/deactivate a singleline subscriber;% H  activate/deactivate a multiline subscriber.% B.3HInformation structure diagrams HThe information structure entities needed for the MML functions listed in section B.2 are reported in this section by means of diagrams representing each MML function information structure (Figures from B4/Z.334 to B23/Z.334). They are not intended to constrain in any way the enhancement of these functions in the light of technological advances or special administrations or regulatory requirements. HThe metalanguage used is described in Recommendation Z.333. In accordance with the model for singleline types (Figure B2/Z.334) and multi line types (Figure B3/Z.334), the characteristics of the distinct line types can be divided into characteristics assigned lines/group of lines and characteristics assigned to subscribers. Examples for the first case are line attenuation, kind of signalling, and for the latter case abbreviated dialling, wakeup service, restrictions of the regular operation mode, etc. HIn respect of these two classes of characteristics a function may require a division into two subfunctions or not, depending on system implementations and administrative needs. HFigures B5/Z.334 to 63/Z.334 provide an example of how this division can be accomplished, whereas the function "create a singleline subscriber" is depicted in Figure B4/Z.334. For all the after functions this division is not covered in this annex.