WPCL 2BJ|x  ` hp x ! @  6p&6p&  c4 P 6.h Information Objects   ` hp x !SThe information objects that users exchange in EDI messaging are of two kinds: EDI messages (abEDIM ab:EDIM c4 P ), and EDI notifications (abEDIN c4 P  ab:EDIN c4 P ). I c4 P NOTE The glEDImessagingsystemuser#gl:EDImessagingsystemuser# c4 P  (abEDIMG user c4 P ab:EDIMG user c4 P ) is normally an glEDI application c4 P  gl:EDI application c4 P  or computer process, not a person. For brevity, the term gluser c4 P  gl:user c4 P Ѡis used throughout the rest of this Recommendation with the meaning of EDIMG user. ` hp x !X C.D.X435B.DOC,c001  c4 P c001 Cty InformationObject g c4 P ty: c4 P  InformationObjectg ::= CHOICE { "edim [0] EDIM, X edin [1] EDIN }   ` hp x !Ѐ   .D.  c4 P  7. Common data types   ` hp x !SInformation items of several kinds appears both in EDI messages and EDI notifications. These common items are defined below.   ` hp x !Ђ7.1 EDIM Identifier ` hp x !IAn glEDIMIdentifiergl:EDIMIdentifier c4 P  is an information item that unambiguously, globally and forever uniquely identifies an EDIM.   T c4 P It comprises an OR Name and a string which may for example contain a time or sequence number or other sufficient information to make this EDIM unique. ` hp x !X  c4 P C.D.X435B.DOC,c002  c4 P c002 Cty EDIMIdentifier a c4 P ty: c4 P EDIMIdentifiera ::= SET { $user [0] ORName, X userrelativeidentifier'-[1] LocalReference }   ` hp x !Ѐ,   .D.   Ё, c4 P NOTE OR Name is defined in 8.5.5 of Recommendation X.411.  x ` hp x !The EDIMIdentifier shares the same value set with the IPM Identifier defined in Recommendation X.420. Therefore an EDI useragent or EDI messagestore that is capable of handling both IPM and EDIM shall make sure that the Local Reference is unique both for IPMs and EDIMs. An EDIM Identifier has the following components: p` hp x !X hp a) otUser ot:User c4 P : Identifies the user who originates the EDIM. One of the user's OR Names. p` hp x !b) potUserrelativeidentifier c4 P " ot:Userrelativeidentifier" c4 P : Unambiguously identifies the EDIM, distinguishing it from all other EDIMs that the user who is identified by the User component originates. A Printable String of from zero to a prescribed number of characters (see annex G). A length of zero is discouraged. ` hp x !X  (SI X (SIZE (0..ublocalreference))   ` hp x !.D. 7.2 Extensions   ` hp x !RA mechanism is provided which allows for future extensions to this Recommendation. ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,c004 Dc004 tyExtensionFieldty:ExtensionField ::= SEQUENCE { X type [0] EDIMEXTENSION, X criticality[1] Criticality DEFAULT FALSE, X value [2] ANY DEFINED BY type DEFAULT NULL NULL } X    ` hp x !.D.   ` hp x !SAn Extension field can be marked critical (Criticality set to TRUE) or noncritical (Criticality set to FALSE) for acceptance of Responsibility. An extension marked as noncritical for Responsibility may be ignored or discarded, while an extension marked as critical must be known and performed for acceptance of Responsibility of an EDIM.  h NNOTE The term glEDIM Responsibilitygl:EDIM Responsibility is defined in 3.5 of Recommendation F.435. Throughout this document, the term "glResponsibilitygl:Responsibility" refers to the term defined in Recommendation F.435, and not to the everyday use of the word. ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,c005 ;c005 tyCriticalityty:Criticality ::= BOOLEAN   ` hp x !.D.   ` hp x !SAs a notation support for future definitions of extensions, a MACRO is defined. ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,c006 ?c006 maEDIMEXTENSIONma:EDIMEXTENSION MACRO ::= X BEGIN X  X TYPE NOTATION::= DataType Critical | empty X VALUE NOTATIONh#::= value(VALUE OBJECT IDENTIFIER) X  X DataType ::= type (X) Default | empty X Default ::= "DEFAULT" value (X) | empty X Critical ::= "CRITICAL" | empty X  X END of extension   ` hp x !.D. 8.h EDI Messages   ` hp x !MAn glEDIMessagegl:EDIMessage (abEDIMab:EDIM) is a member of the primary class of information objects conveyed between users in EDI Messaging.  h NNOTE 1 The term glmessagegl:messagewhen used throughout the rest of this Recommendation is a synonym for EDI Message. ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,c007 0c007 tyEDIMty:EDIM ::= SEQUENCE { X heading Heading, X body Body }   ` hp x !.D. ` hp x !CAn EDI Message consists of the following components:   p` hp x !X hp c4 P a)` Heading: a set of Heading Fields (or Fields), each an information item that gives a characteristic of the EDI Message. X hpb)` Body: a sequence of one or more body parts ` hp x !X  c4 P .D.X435B.DOC,c008  c4 P  ty c4 P Body c4 P ty:Body c4 P  ::= SEQUENCE { 3primarybodypart h#PrimaryBodyPart, X additionalbodyparts$(OtherBodyParts OPTIONAL } p x !X  c4 P ty c4 P  PrimaryBodyPart a c4 P ty: c4 P PrimaryBodyParta ::= CHOICE { 6edibodypart&[0] EDIBodyPart, X forwardedEDIM&[1] EDIMBodyPart } X  c4 P ty c4 P  OtherBodyParts ` c4 P ty: c4 P OtherBodyParts` ::= SEQUENCE OF EDIMExternallyDefinedBodyPart   ` hp x !Ѐ,   .D.   Ё, c4 P NOTE 2 EDIMExternally Defined Body Part is defined in .  h ` hp x !The Body has one Primary Body Part that contains an EDI information object. This body part is either an EDI interchange itself or a forwarded EDIM. Examples of types of EDI information objects are glEDIInterchanges gl:EDIInterchanges c4 P  defined by ISO 9735, Electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport (abEDIFACT c4 P  ab:EDIFACT c4 P ), by United Nations Trade Data Interchange (abUNTDI c4 P  ab:UNTDI c4 P ) and by American National Standards Institute committee X12 (abANSIX12 c4 P  ab:ANSIX12 c4 P ).  c4 P NOTE 3 The scope of an EDI information object type is rather large and includes for example Privately Defined types. For brevity, the term glinterchange gl:interchange c4 P Ѡis used throughout the rest of this Recommendation with the meaning of EDI Interchange.  c4 P The following rules comply with the requirements stated in 7.4 of Recommendation F.435: p` hp x !c) pWhen an EDIM is first created, the Primary Body Part shall contain one EDI Body Part.   d) pWhen an EDIM is forwarded, its structure shall comply with the rules given in . ` hp x !The Primary Body Part has one of two basic forms: p` hp x !ЩH pthe Primary Body Part contains an EDI information object H pthe Primary Body Part contains a forwarded EDI Message.  *ƌ` hp x !Additionally, other body parts may be present in a message related to the Primary Body Part but of a different type. Examples of related body parts might be textual information, voice annotation or graphics to be used in conjunction with the interchange. The structure of an EDI Message is depicted in Figure .   ` hp x ! 86import F1.XGL /c 6.27";4.6";HPGL Error! Cannot open file.  8OFIGURE 8G EDI Message StructureL  8HEDI Message Structure c4 P  L 8.1 Heading Field Component Types   ` hp x !QInformation items of several kinds appear throughout the Heading. These common items are defined below.   SIn the text that follows, reference is made to EDIFACT segments and data elements. Annex K to this Recommendation explains this in relation to UNTDI and ANSIX12. Values copied from EDI data elements and represented as T.61 Strings are semantically equivalent to the characters used to form the EDI data elements in EDIFACT, UNTDI and ANSIX12.   ` hp x !X  8.1.1` Interchange Recipient / Sender   ` hp x !QThe Interchange Recipient and Interchange Sender fields have some data types in common. They are defined below.   ` hp x !X` Identification Code   ` hp x !KThe Identification Code identifies a sender/recipient of an interchange. This is semantically identical to the "Sender identification/recipient identification code" component of the Interchange sender/recipient of the EDIFACT UNB segment. ` hp x !X  c4 P C.D.X435B.DOC,c009  c4 P c009 CtyIdentificationCode h c4 P ty: c4 P  IdentificationCodeh ::= T61String (SIZE (1..ubidentificationcode))   ` hp x !Ѐ   .D.  c4 P` Identification Code Qualifier   ` hp x !TThe Identification Code Qualifier, if present, is a qualifier to the Identification Code of a sender/recipient. This is semantically identical to the "Identification code qualifier" component of the Interchange sender/recipient of the EDIFACT UNB segment.   ` hp x !X  c4 P C.D.X435B.DOC,c010  c4 P c010 Cty IdentificationCodeQualifier o c4 P ty: c4 P IdentificationCodeQualif iero ::= T61String (SIZE (1..ubidentificationcodequalifier))   ` hp x !Ѐ   .D.  c4 P` Routing Address   ` hp x !QThe Routing Address, if present, is an address for routing to the sender/recipient specified in the Identification Code. This is semantically identical to the "Address for reverse routing / Routing address" component of the Interchange sender/recipient of the EDIFACT UNB segment. ` hp x !X  c4 P C.D.X435B.DOC,c011  c4 P c011 Cty RoutingAddress a c4 P ty: c4 P RoutingAddressa ::= T61String (SIZE (1..ubroutingaddress))   ` hp x !Ѐ   .D.  c4 P 8.2 Heading Fields   ` hp x !TThe fields that may appear in the Heading of an EDIM are defined and described below. ` hp x !X  c4 P C.D.X435B.DOC,c012  c4 P c012 Cty Heading Z c4 P ty: c4 P HeadingZ ::= SEQUENCE { 0thisEDIM[1] ThisEDIMField, X originator[2] OriginatorField OPTIONAL, X recipients[3] RecipientsField OPTIONAL, X edinreceiver[4] EDINReceiverField OPTIONAL, X responsibilityforwarded'-[5] ResponsibilityForwarded DEFAULT FALSE, X edibodyparttype h#[6] EDIBodypartType DEFAULT {idedifactISO646}, X incompletecopyh#[7] IncompleteCopyField DEFAULT FALSE, X expirytime[8] ExpiryTimeField OPTIONAL, X relatedmessagesh#[9] RelatedMessagesField OPTIONAL, X obsoletedEDIMsh#[10] ObsoletedEDIMsField OPTIONAL, X ediapplicationsecurityelements0p2[11] EDIApplicationSecurityElementsField OPTIONAL X crossreferencinginformation,p2[12] CrossReferencingInformationField OPTIONAL, X  X © Begin Fields from EDIFACT Interchange X edimessagetypeh#[13] EDIMessageTypeField OPTIONAL, X servicestringadvice$([14] ServiceStringAdviceField OPTIONAL, X syntaxidentifier h#[15] SyntaxIdentifierField OPTIONAL, X interchangesender!h#[16] InterchangeSenderField OPTIONAL, X dateandtimeofpreparation+-[17] DateAndTimeOfPreparationField OPTIONAL, X applicationreference$([18] ApplicationReferenceField OPTIONAL, X © End Fields from EDIFACT X  X headingextensions!h#[19] HeadingExtensionsField OPTIONAL }  x ` hp x !Ѐ,   .D.   Ё, c4 P NOTE The names of the Heading fields derived from EDI standards are taken directly from the relevant standards. See also Annex K.   X  8.2.1` This EDIM   ` hp x !MThe This EDIM field identifies the EDIM. It comprises an EDIM Identifier which provides a globally and forever unique identification for the EDIM. ` hp x !X  c4 P C.D.X435B.DOC,c013  c4 P c013 Cty ThisEDIMField ` c4 P ty: c4 P ThisEDIMField` ::= EDIMIdentifier   ` hp x !Ѐ,   .D.   Ё, c4 P NOTE EDIM Identifier is defined in . X  8.2.2` Originator   ` hp x !QIdentifies the EDIM's originator. It comprises an OR Name. If the Originator field is not present in the EDIM Heading on reception, then the Originatingname of the delivery envelope shall be used to determine the originator of the EDIM (see of Recommendation X.411). ` hp x !X  c4 P C.D.X435B.DOC,c014  c4 P c014 Cty OriginatorField b c4 P ty: c4 P OriginatorFieldb ::= ORName   ` hp x !Ѐ,   .D.   Ё, c4 P NOTE OR Name is defined in 8.5.5 of Recommendation X.411. X  8.2.3` Recipients  X ` hp x !LThe Recipients field identifies the user(s) and distribution lists(abDL ab:DL  c4 P ) who are the (preferred) recipient(s) of the EDIM. It comprises a set of Recipients subfields, one for each recipient. If the Recipients field is not present in the EDIM Heading on reception, then the Thisrecipientname of the delivery envelope shall be used to determine the recipient of the EDIM (see of Recommendation X.411).  x P c4 P NOTE The fact that a message can be redirected or forwarded is reflected in the word "preferred" above. ` hp x !X  c4 P C.D.X435B.DOC,c015  c4 P c015 Cty RecipientsField b c4 P ty: c4 P RecipientsFieldb ::= SET OF RecipientsSubField   ` hp x !Ѐ,   .D.   Ё, c4 P The Recipients subfield is an information item that identifies a recipient of an EDIM and that may make certain requests of him. ` hp x !X   c4 P B .D.X435B.DOC,c016  c4 P c016 Bty RecipientsSubField d  c4 P ty: c4 P RecipientsSubFieldd ::= SEQUENCE { recipient [1] RecipientField, actionrequest[2] ActionRequestField DEFAULT {idforaction}, edinotificationrequestsfield)-[3] EDINotificationRequestsField OPTIONAL, responsibilitypassingallowed(-[4] ResponsibilityPassingAllowedField DEFAULT FALSE, Begin Fields from EDIFACT UNB interchangerecipienth#[5] InterchangeRecipientField OPTIONAL, recipientreferenceh#[6] RecipientReferenceField OPTIONAL, interchangecontrolreference'-[7] InterchangeControlReferenceField OPTIONAL, processingprioritycode"([8] ProcessingPriorityCodeField OPTIONAL, acknowledgementrequest!h#[9] AcknowledgementRequestField DEFAULT FALSE, communicationsagreementid%([10] CommunicationsAgreementIdField * OPTIONAL, testindicator[11] TestIndicatorField DEFAULT FALSE,  c4 P ѩ c4 P   End Fields from EDIFACT UNB Begin Fields from ANSIX12 ISA authorizationinformation#([12] AuthorizationInformationField OPTIONAL, End Fields from ANSIX12 ISA recipientextensionsh#[13] RecipientExtensionsField OPTIONAL }   ` hp x !Ѐ/    .D.   Ё/ c4 P The Recipients subfield has the following components: X` Recipient ` hp x !5iin question. It comprises an OR Name. ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,c017 @c017 tyRecipientFieldty:RecipientField ::= ORName ` hp x !.D.  H ` hp x !JNOTE OR Name is defined in 8.5.5 of Recommendation X.411.   ` hp x !X` Action Request  h ` hp x !NAn otAction Requestot:Action Request indicates what action the originator requests from the recipient. Its value is an object identifier. ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,c018 Jc018 tyActionRequestFieldty:ActionRequestField ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER   ` hp x !.D.   ` hp x !UThe following standard values have object identifiers defined in this Recommendation: p` hp x !X ©pFor Action X ©pCopy   ` hp x !TThe absence of this field shall be interpreted as having the default value set to For Action.   MNOTE Additional values for this field can be defined by any interested parties.   ` hp x !X` EDI Notification Requests ` hp x !IThe otEDI Notification Requestsot:EDI Notification Requestscomponent (Default: no notifications, no notification security and no reception security) may make certain requests of the preferred recipient denoted by the Recipient field.  x PNOTE The fact that a message can be redirected or forwarded is reflected in the word "preferred" above. ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,c019 Ic019 tyEDINotificationRequestsFieldty:EDINotificationRequests X Field ::= SEQUENCE { X edinotificationrequests(-[0] EDINotificationRequests DEFAULT {}, X edinotificationsecurity(-[1] EDINotificationSecurity DEFAULT {}, X edireceptionsecurity%([2] EDIReceptionSecurity DEFAULT {} } p x !X tyEDINotificationRequeststy:EDINotificationRequests ::= BIT STRING { pn(0), X nn(1), X fn(2) }(SIZE (0..ubbitoptions)) X tyEDINotificationSecurityty:EDINotificationSecurity ::= BIT STRING { proof (0), p x !H nonrepudiation (1) } (SIZE (0..ubbitoptions)) p x !X ty c4 P EDIReceptionSecurity c4 P  Ety: c4 P  EDIReceptionSecurityE ::= BIT STRING { proof (0), X nonrepudiation (1) }(SIZE (0..ubbitoptions))  h ` hp x !Ѐ/    .D.   Ё/The EDI Notification Requests field consists of a sequence of three bit strings of which the first selects the type of notification, the second selects what security function should be applied to that notification, and the third may make certain security requests for proof or nonrepudiation of reception of this EDIM by the recipient. EDI Notification Security and EDI Reception Security shall not be requested if EDI Notifications are not requested. ` hp x !The EDI Notification Requests bit string may assume any of the following values simultaneously:   p` hp x !a) pPN: A notification of acceptance of Responsibility is requested in the circumstances prescribed in . b) pNN: A notification of refusal of Responsibility of a message is requested in the circumstances prescribed in . c) pFN: A forwarded notification is requested in the circumstances prescribed in . ` hp x !The absence of the EDI Notification Requests bit string implies that no EDI Notification requests are made. The EDI Notification Security bit string may assume any of the following values simultaneously: p` hp x !d) pproof: When submitting the EDIN to the MTS, content-integrity-check shall be requested in the Message-submission-argument as defined in in Recommendation X.411. e) pnonrepudiation: When submitting the EDIN to the MTS, content-integrity-check shall be requested in the Message-submission-argument as defined in in Recommendation X.411 with a nonrepudiable certificate. ` hp x !The absence of the EDI Notification Security bit string implies that no EDI Notification Security requests are made. The EDI Reception Security bit string may assume any of the following values simultaneously: p` hp x ! p message  pmessageoriginauthenticationcheck (depending on the security policy in force) in the Message-submission-argument as defined in, 28 and 29 of Recommendation X.411. g) pnonrepudiation: When submitting the EDIN to the MTS, a nonrepudiable contentintegritycheck (possibly in the message token) or a messageoriginauthenticationcheck (depending on the security policy in force) shall be requested. A notification shall contain the security elements and shall be signed on submission to the MTS, using nonrepudiable contentintegritycheck (possibly in the message token) or messageoriginauthenticationcheck (depending on the security policy in force) in the Message-submission-argument as defined in, 28 and 29 of Recommendation X.411 . ` hp x !The absence of the EDI Reception Security field implies that no EDI Reception Security requests are made. NOTE Security services are available only if the MTA supports secure messaging.   ` hp x !X` Responsibility Passing Allowed   ` hp x !RThe Responsibility Passing Allowed field indicates that forwarding Responsibility is allowed if this field is set to TRUE. Absence of the field shall be interpreted as the value FALSE.  x PA recipient of a message with the Responsibility Passing Allowed field set to FALSE shall originate EDIN's as requested, and shall not forward Responsibility. ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,c029 Ic029 tyResponsibilityPassingAllowedFieldty:ResponsibilityPass X ingAllowedField ::= BOOLEAN Default FALSE   ` hp x !.D. *Ԍ  ` hp x !TIf allowed, Responsibility may be forwarded to at most one recipient.   ` hp x !X` Interchange Recipient   ` hp x !RThe otInterchange Recipientot:Interchange Recipient identifies the EDI Interchange recipient. This is semantically identical to the "Interchange recipient" of the EDIFACT UNB segment. ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,c021 Ic021 tyInterchangeRecipientFieldty:InterchangeRecipientField ::= SEQUENCE { X recipientidentificationcode,p2[0] IdentificationCode, X identificationcodequalifier,p2[1] IdentificationCodeQualifier OPTIONAL, X routingaddressh#[2] RoutingAddress OPTIONAL }   ` hp x !Ѐ,   .D.   Ё,NOTE The above fields are defined in . X` Recipient Reference ` hp x !IThe otRecipient Referenceot:Recipient Reference c4 P  identifies a reference meaningful to the recipient's EDI application. This is semantically identical to the "Recipient's Reference, Password" of the EDIFACT UNB segment. It consists of two strings. ` hp x !X C.D.X435B.DOC,c022  c4 P c022 Cty RecipientReferenceField m c4 P ty: c4 P  RecipientReferenceFieldm ::= SEQUENCE { ?recipientreference"([0] RecipientReference, X recipientreferencequalifier,p2[1] RecipientReferenceQualifier OPTIONAL } p x !X  c4 P ty c4 P  RecipientReference d c4 P ty: c4 P RecipientReferenced ::= T61String (SIZE (1..ubrecipientreference))   X  c4 P ty c4 P  RecipientReferenceQualifier n c4 P ty: c4 P RecipientReferenceQualifie rn ::= T61String (SIZE (1..ubrecipientreferencequalifier))   ` hp x !Ѐ   .D.  c4 P` Interchange Control Reference  h ` hp x !NIndicates the Interchange Control Reference as assigned by the Interchange sender. This is semantically identical to the "Interchange control reference" of the EDIFACT UNB segment.   ` hp x !X  c4 P C.D.X435B.DOC,c041  c4 P c041 Cty InterchangeControlReferenceField t c4 P ty: c4 P InterchangeControlR eferenceFieldt ::= T61String (SIZE (1..ubinterchangecontrolreference))   ` hp x !Ѐ   .D.  c4 P` Processing Priority Code   ` hp x !OIndicates the EDI application Processing Priority Code. This is semantically identical to the "Processing priority code" in the EDIFACT UNB segment. It consists of a string.   ` hp x !X  c4 P C.D.X435B.DOC,c043  c4 P c043 Cty ProcessingPriorityCodeField o c4 P ty: c4 P ProcessingPriorityCodeFi eldo ::= T61String (SIZE (1..ubprocessingprioritycode))   ` hp x !Ѐ   .D.  c4 P` Acknowledgement Request ` hp x !JThe Acknowledgement Request indicates the request for EDI acknowledgement as indicated by the interchange sender. This is semantically identical to the "Acknowledgement request" in the EDIFACT UNB segment. Its value is a Boolean, where the value TRUE indicates a request for acknowledgement. Absence of this field shall be interpreted as the value FALSE.   ` hp x !X  c4 P C.D.X435B.DOC,c044  c4 P c044 Cty AcknowledgementRequestField o c4 P ty: c4 P AcknowledgementRequestFi eldo ::= BOOLEAN default FALSE   ` hp x !Ѐ   .D.  c4 P` Communications Agreement Id   ` hp x !TThe Communications Agreement Id indicates the type of Communications Agreement controlling the interchange, e.g. Customs or other agreement. This is semantically identical to the "Communications agreement id" in the EDIFACT UNB segment.   ` hp x !X  c4 P C.D.X435B.DOC,c045  c4 P c045 Cty CommunicationsAgreementIdField r c4 P ty: c4 P CommunicationsAgreeme ntIdFieldr ::= T61String (SIZE (1..ubcommunicationsagreementid))   ` hp x !Ѐ   .D.  c4 P` Test Indicator   ` hp x !RIndicates that the EDI Interchange is a test. This is semantically identical to the "Test indicator" in the EDIFACT UNB segment. It is a Boolean where the value TRUE indicates that the EDI Interchange is a test. Absence of this field shall be interpreted as the value FALSE. ` hp x !X  c4 P C.D.X435B.DOC,c046  c4 P c046 Cty TestIndicatorField e c4 P ty: c4 P TestIndicatorFielde ::= BOOLEAN default FALSE   ` hp x !Ѐ   .D.  c4 P` Authorization Information  H ` hp x !JThe Authorization Information indicates who authorized the interchange. This is semantically identical to the "Authorization information" in the ANSIX12 Interchange. ` hp x !X  c4 P C.D.X435B.DOC,c047  c4 P c047 Cty AuthorizationInformationField q c4 P ty: c4 P AuthorizationInformati onFieldq ::= SEQUENCE { Iauthorizationinformation(-[0] AuthorizationInformation, X authorizationinformationqualifier27[1] AuthorizationInformationQualifier OPTIONAL } p x !X  c4 P ty c4 P  AuthorizationInformation j c4 P ty: c4 P AuthorizationInformationj ::= T61String (SIZE (1..ubauthorizationinformation))   X  c4 P ty c4 P  AuthorizationInformationQualifier t c4 P ty: c4 P AuthorizationInforma tionQualifiert ::= T61String (SIZE (1..ubauthorizationinformationqualifier))   ` hp x !Ѐ,   .D.   Ё, c4 P NOTE In the above text reference is made to ANSIX12 segments and data elements. Annex K to this Recommendation explains this in relation to UNTDI and EDIFACT (ISO 9735), being the other two widely used syntaxes.   X` Recipient Extensions ` hp x !IThe Recipient otExtensionsot:Extensions c4 P  contains extensions to the Recipients subfield. ` hp x !X C.D.X435B.DOC,c023  c4 P c023 Cty RecipientExtensionsField k c4 P ty: c4 P RecipientExtensionsFieldk ::= SET OF RecipientExtensionsSubField p x !X  c4 P ty c4 P  RecipientExtensionsSubField n c4 P ty: c4 P RecipientExtensionsSubFiel dn ::= ExtensionField ` hp x !Ѐ .D.   Ё c4 P There are no extensions defined in this Recommendation. X  8.2.4` EDIN Receiver  h ` hp x !NIdentifies the recipient to whom EDINs are to be sent. This is created by the originator of the EDIM when the Recipient of a requested notification is different from the Originator of the message. It consists of a sequence of ORName, EDIM Identifier and First Recipient.   TThis field shall not be present if EDI Notification Requests are not made.   KThis field shall be present in a forwarded message when the forwarding EDI useragent; (abEDIUA ab:EDIUA c4 P ) or EDI messagestore; (abEDIMS c4 P  ab:EDIMS c4 P ) forwards Responsibility. This field may be present when the forwarding EDIUA accepts Responsibility. Rules related to the construction of this field are given in . I c4 P NOTE1 - For brevity, the term useragent (abUA ab:UA  c4 P ) is used throughout the rest of this Recommendation with the meaning of EDIUA, and the term messagestore (abMS c4 P  ab:MS  c4 P ) is used throughout the rest of this Recommendation with the meaning of EDIMS. ` hp x !X C.D.X435B.DOC,c024  c4 P c024 Cty EDINReceiverField d c4 P ty: c4 P EDINReceiverFieldd ::= SEQUENCE { .edinreceivername!h#[0] ORName, X originaledimidentifier'-[1] EDIMIdentifier OPTIONAL, X firstrecipienth#[2] FirstRecipientField OPTIONAL}  X ` hp x !Ѐ,   .D.   Ё, c4 P The "firstrecipient" field shall not be present if more than one recipient contains EDI Notification Requests.  x ` hp x !The "originaledimidentifier" and the "firstrecipient" fields shall not be present when the Primary Body Part is an EDI Body Part (that is, when the original originator first creates the EDIM). NOTE 2 The Original EDIM Identifier and First Recipient fields are included in order to allow the recipient to construct the EDIN for a forwarded EDIM. See (more specifically ) and for rules related to the construction of an EDIN; see for rules related to the First Recipient field when constructing a forwarded EDIM. OR Name is defined in 8.5.5 of Recommendation X.411. First Recipient Field is defined in .   ` hp x !X  8.2.5` Responsibility Forwarded  h ` hp x !NThe Responsibility Forwarded field is used to indicate whether Responsibility was forwarded. Absence of this field shall be interpreted as the value FALSE. *ƌ` hp x !X  c4 P .D.X435B.DOC,c025 c025 tyResponsibilityForwardedF c4 P ty:ResponsibilityForwardedF ::= BOOLEAN Default False   ` hp x !ЀV  *  .D. *Ԍ  ЁV c4 P If this field has the value TRUE it indicates to a receiving UA that Responsibility was forwarded. If this field has the value FALSE (or   is absent) it indicates to a receiving UA that the security elements of the inner envelope have been checked. ` hp x !hav have been checked when the message was forwarded. However, when Responsibility is accepted, the security elements shall be checked. NOTE Rules regarding the use of this field are contained in and .   ` hp x !X  8.2.6` EDI Body Part Type   ` hp x !UIndicates the EDI standard and EDI character sets used in the Primary Body Part. It is represented by a single object identifier.   QNOTE 1 This object identifier implements the element of service Character Set defined in Recommendation F.435. ` hp x !X  c4 P .D.X435B.DOC,c026 c026 tyEDIBodyPartType> c4 P ty:EDIBodyPartType> ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER default EDIFACTISO646  x ` hp x !Ѐ,   .D.   Ё, c4 P The following standard values have object identifiers defined in this Recommendation: p` hp x !ЩH pEDIFACT: ISO646|T61|UNDEFINED OCTETS H pANSIX12: ISO646|T61|EBCDIC|UNDEFINED OCTETS H pUNTDI: IS0646|T61|UNDEFINED OCTETS H pPRIVATE: UNDEFINED OCTETS H pUNDEFINED: UNDEFINED OCTETS ` hp x !The absence of this field shall be interpreted as having the default value set to EDIFACT, ISO 646. NOTE 2 The character set referred to by the object identifier is that in which both the EDI Body Part, and those Heading fields that are OCTET STRINGS and are derived from the EDI Interchange are encoded, notwithstanding the fact that these types are defined as OCTET STRING. The value of the EDI Body Part Type field shall be used in the Encoded Information Types (abEIT ab:EIT  c4 P ) in the MTS abstract operations (in accordance with ). This enables a UA to signal to the MTS what type of EDI standard the EDIM's Primary Body Part complies with. The MTS shall make use of this information, if the recipient UA has registered delivery restrictions on Encoded Information Types, to decide if it can deliver the EDIM.  c4 P NOTE The term glEncoded Information Type" gl:Encoded Information Type" c4 P  is defined in 8.1 of Recommendation X.402. See also of Recommendation X.411.   ` hp x !X   c4 P 8.2.7` Incomplete Copy  @ ` hp x !@ 8. KK@8.incomp i  @ 8. Kncomplete copy of an EDIM. Its value is a Boolean. This field shall have t  @ 8. Khe value TRUE if body parts are removed when an EDIM is forwarded. The a  @ 8. Kbsence of this field shall be interpreted as having the value FALSE.   ` hp x !.D.X435B.DOC,c030 c030 tyIncompleteCopyFieldty:IncompleteCopyField ::= BOOLEAN Default False   ` hp x !.D. ` hp x !=NOTE The term "subject EDIM" is defined in . ` hp x !X  8.2.8` Expiry Time  X ` hp x !LIndicates when the originator considers this EDIM looses its validity. It comprises a date and time (UTC). ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,c032 Cc032 tyExpiryTimeFieldty:ExpiryTimeField ::= UTCTime   ` hp x !.D. X  8.2.9` Related Messages  h ` hp x !NIdentifies messages that the originator of this EDIM considers related to it. It comprises a sequence of one or more message references, one for each related message. ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,c033 Ic033 tyRelatedMessagesFieldty:RelatedMessagesField ::= SEQUENCE OF RelatedMessageReference p x !X tyRelatedMessageReferencety:RelatedMessageReference ::= CHOICE { 9edimessagereference$&[0] EDIMIdentifier, X externalmessagereference)-[1] ExternalMessageReference } X tyExternalMessageReferencety:ExternalMessageReference ::= EXTERNAL   ` hp x !.D. X  8.2.10` Obsoleted EDIMs   ` hp x !OThe Obsoleted EDIMs Field identifies one or more EDIMs that the present EDIM obsoletes. It is a sequence of subfields, each an EDIM Identifier. ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,c034 Ic034 tyObsoletedEDIMsFieldty:ObsoletedEDIMsField ::= SEQUENCE OF ObsoletedEDIMsSubfield p x !X tyObsoletedEDIMsSubfieldty:ObsoletedEDIMsSubfield ::= EDIMIdentifier   ` hp x !.D. X  8.2.11` EDI Application Security Elements   ` hp x !UThe EDI Application Security Elements field allows an EDI application to exchange security elements having an endtoend significance. ` hp x !X EDIApplication X EDIApplicationSecurityElement OPTIONAL, Gediencryptedprimarybodypart/p2[1] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, X ediapplicationsecurityextensions47[2] EDIApplicationSecurityExtensions OPTIONAL }  h p x !X tyEDIApplicationSecurityElementty:EDIApplicationSecurityElementN%O ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (0..ubediapplicationsecurityelements))   X tyEDIApplicationSecurityExtensionsty:EDIApplicationSecurityExtensionsT'U ::= SEQUENCE OF EDIApplicationSecurityExtension   X tyEDIApplicationSecurityExtensionty:EDIApplicationSecurityExtensionR&S ::= ExtensionsField   ` hp x !.D. X  8.2.12` Cross Referencing Information  h ` hp x !NThe Cross Referencing Information allows an EDI application to reference individual body parts within the same EDIM and within other EDIMs. It contains a set of cross reference data. Its usage is outside the scope of this Recommendation. ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,c036 Ic036 tyCrossReferencingInformationFieldty:CrossReferencingInf X ormationField::= SET OF CrossReferencingInformationSubField   p x !X tyCrossReferencingInformationSubFieldty:CrossReferencingIn formationSubField ::= SEQUENCE { Iapplicationcrossreference*-[0] ApplicationCrossReference, X messagereference &[1] MessageReference OPTIONAL, X bodypartreference"&[2] BodyPartReference } X tyApplicationCrossReferencety:ApplicationCrossReferenceFH!G ::= OCTET STRING X tyMessageReferencety:MessageReference47::= EDIMIdentifier   ` hp x !.D. ` hp x !9NOTE Body Part Reference is defined in . ` hp x !X  8.2.13` EDI Message Type  x ` hp x !PIndicates the Message type(s) present in the EDI Interchange. It consists of a set of strings.  h NNOTE "Message" is to be understood as message types that are * defined in EDI standards and shall not be confused with "message" used elsewhere in this Recommendation. ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,c027 Ic027 tyEDIMessageTypeFieldty:EDIMessageTypeField ::= SET OF EDIMessageTypeFieldSubField   p x !X tyEDIMessageTypeFieldSubFieldty:EDIMessageTypeFieldSubFiel d ::= T61String (SIZE (1..ubedimessagetype))   ` hp x !.D. ` hp x !2The values for this field shall be: p` hp x !X ©pEDIFACT: Message Type from the UNH segment X ©pANSIX12: Transaction Set ID from the ST segment X ©pUNTDI: Message Type from the MHD segment. ` hp x !X  8.2.14` Service String Advice   ` hp x !SIndicates the Service String Advice of the EDI Interchange. This is semantically identical to the "UNA, Service string advice" of the EDIFACT Interchange. ` hp x !X g c4 P .D.X435B.DOC,c037  c4 P c037 gty c4 P  ServiceStringAdviceField k c4 P ty: c4 P ServiceStringAdviceFieldk ::= SEQUENCE { Icomponentdataelementseparator/p2[0] ComponentDataElementSeparator, X dataelementseparator%([1] DataElementSeparator, X decimalnotationh#[2] DecimalNotation, X releaseindicator h#[3] ReleaseIndicator OPTIONAL, X reserved [4] Reserved OPTIONAL, X segmentterminator!h#[5] SegmentTerminator }   p x !X  c4 P ty c4 P  ComponentDataElementSeparator p c4 P ty: c4 P ComponentDataElementSepa ratorp.p2::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) X  c4 P ty c4 P  DataElementSeparator f c4 P ty: c4 P DataElementSeparatorf%(::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) X  c4 P ty c4 P  DecimalNotation a c4 P ty: c4 P DecimalNotationa &::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) X  c4 P ty c4 P  ReleaseIndicator b c4 P ty: c4 P ReleaseIndicatorb!&::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) X  c4 P ty c4 P  Reserved Z c4 P ty: c4 P ReservedZ&::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) X  c4 P ty c4 P  SegmentTerminator c c4 P ty: c4 P SegmentTerminatorc"&::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1))   ` hp x !Ѐ   .D.  c4 P 8.2.15` Syntax Identifier  x ` hp x !PIndicates the syntax used. This is semantically identical to the "Syntax identifier" of the EDIFACT UNB segment.   QIt consists of a sequence of the Syntax Identifier and the Syntax Version. ` hp x !X  c4 P C.D.X435B.DOC,c038  c4 P c038 Cty SyntaxIdentifierField h c4 P ty: c4 P SyntaxIdentifierFieldh ::= SEQUENCE { 4syntaxidentifier h#SyntaxIdentifier, X syntaxversionh#SyntaxVersion } p x !X  c4 P ty c4 P  SyntaxIdentifier b c4 P ty: c4 P SyntaxIdentifierb ::= T61String (SIZE (1..ubsyntaxidentifier)) X  c4 P ty c4 P  SyntaxVersion _ c4 P ty: c4 P SyntaxVersion_ ::= PrintableString (SIZE (1..ubsyntaxversion))   ` hp x !Ѐ   .D.  c4 P 8.2.16` Interchange Sender   ` hp x !QIndicates the sender of the EDI Interchange. This is semantically identical to the "Interchange sender" of the EDIFACT UNB segment. ` hp x !X  c4 P C.D.X435B.DOC,c039  c4 P c039 Cty InterchangeSenderField i c4 P ty: c4 P InterchangeSenderFieldi ::= SEQUENCE { ?senderidentification$([0] IdentificationCode, X identificationcodequalifier,p2[1] IdentificationCodeQualifier OPTIONAL, X addressforreverserouting*-[2] RoutingAddress OPTIONAL } EDIFACT Routing Information   ` hp x !Ѐ,   .D.   Ё, c4 P NOTE The above fields are defined in . X  8.2.17` Date and Time of Preparation   ` hp x !RIndicates the Date/Time of preparation of the EDIM. This is in UTC Time and is derived from the "Date and time of preparation" of the EDIFACT UNB segment. It comprises a UTC time. ` hp x !X  c4 P C.D.X435B.DOC,c040  c4 P c040 Cty DateAndTimeOfPreparationField q c4 P ty: c4 P DateAndTimeOfPreparati onFieldq ::= UTCTime   ` hp x !Ѐ   .D.  c4 P 8.2.18` Application Reference   ` hp x !SProvides a general reference to an application or function. This is semantically identical to the "Application reference" segment of the EDIFACT UNB segment. It consists of a string. ` hp x !X  c4 P C.D.X435B.DOC,c042  c4 P c042 Cty ApplicationReferenceField l c4 P ty: c4 P ApplicationReferenceFieldl ::= T61String (SIZE (1..ubapplicationreference))   ` hp x !Ѐ   .D.  c4 P 8.2.19` Heading Extensions   ` hp x !RThe Heading Extensions allows for future extensions to the Heading. ` hp x !X  c4 P C.D.X435B.DOC,c048  c4 P c048 Cty HeadingExtensionsField i c4 P ty: c4 P HeadingExtensionsFieldi ::= SET OF HeadingExtensionsSubField p x !X  c4 P ty c4 P  HeadingExtensionsSubField k c4 P ty: c4 P HeadingExtensionsSubFieldk ::= ExtensionField   ` hp x !Ѐ,   .D.   Ё, c4 P There is no Extensions to the Heading defined in this Recommendation. ` hp x !NOTE The Heading Extensions may be used to implement the element of service "Services Indication" defined in Recommendation F.435.   ` hp x !8.3 Body Part Types   ` hp x !RThe types of body parts that may appear in the Body of an EDIM are defined and described below.   ` hp x !X  8.3.1` EDI Body Part ` hp x !AAn EDI Body Part carries a single EDI Interchange. ` hp x !X  c4 P .D.X435B.DOC,c049  c4 P ty  c4 P EDIBodyPart c4 P  :ty: c4 P EDIBodyPart: ::= OCTET STRING   ` hp x !Ѐ  .D.   ЁThe reference definition of EDI Interchange used is that used by EDIFACT (ISO 9735). Annex K to this Recommendation describes equivalent terms in other EDI standards.   X  8.3.2` EDIM Body Part  x ` hp x !PAn EDIM Body Part contains an EDIM, and optionally, its delivery envelope. It is used for forwarding of EDIMs. When an EDIM is forwarded, its structure shall comply with the rules given in . ` hp x !X  c4 P .D.X435B.DOC,c050  c4 P ty  c4 P EDIMBodyPart c4 P  >ty: c4 P  EDIMBodyPart> ::= SEQUENCE { =parameters[0] MessageParameters OPTIONAL, X data  [1] MessageData } p x !X ty  c4 P MessageParameters c4 P  ?ty: c4 P MessageParameters? ::= SET { Gdeliverytime&[0] MessageDeliveryTime OPTIONAL, X deliveryenvelope &[1] OtherMessageDeliveryFields OPTIONAL, X otherparameters&[2] EDISupplementaryInformation OPTIONAL } X ty  c4 P MessageData c4 P  9ty: c4 P MessageData9 ::= SEQUENCE { .heading&Heading, X body&BodyOrRemoved } X ty  c4 P BodyOrRemoved c4 P  ;ty: c4 P BodyOrRemoved; ::= SEQUENCE { 7primaryorremoved!&PrimaryOrRemoved, X additionalbodyparts$&AdditionalBodyParts OPTIONAL } X ty  c4 P PrimaryOrRemoved c4 P  >ty: c4 P PrimaryOrRemoved> ::= CHOICE { /removededibody&[0] NULL, X primarybodypart &[1] EXPLICIT PrimaryBodyPart } X ty  c4 P AdditionalBodyParts c4 P  Aty: c4 P AdditionalBodyPartsA ::= SEQUENCE OF CHOICE { Iexternalbodypart!&[0] EDIMExternallyDefinedBodyPart, X placeholder&[1] BodyPartPlaceHolder }  c4 P é c4 P  This type is for Body Part Removal X  c4 P ty c4 P  BodyPartPlaceHolder e c4 P ty: c4 P BodyPartPlaceHoldere ::= EDIMExternallyDefinedBodyPart Only the data I portion of the Externally Defined Body shall be removed. X  See text in .   ` hp x !Ѐr   .D.   .D.X435B.DOC,c065  c4 P c065 rty EDISupplementaryInformation n  c4 P ty: c4 P EDISupplementaryInformat ionn ::= IA5String (SIZE (1..ubsupplementaryinfolength))   Ѐ,   .D.   Ё, c4 P NOTE Primary Body Part is defined in . Body Part Reference is defined in . Message Delivery Time and Other Message Delivery Fields are defined in of Recommendation X.411. ` hp x !pre present) and data portions of the removed body part, only the Object Identifier and the tag of the "encoding" field of the EXTERNAL are preserved, that is, the EXTERNAL type shall have no content. The delivery envelope shall be present if security services are invoked. The structure of an EDIM Body Part is depicted in Figure .   ` hp x ! 86import F1A.XGL /c 6.27";4.6";HPGLError! Cannot open file.  8OFIGURE  *Ԍ 8:EDIM Body Part StructureEDIM Body Part Structure X  8.3.3` ExternallyDefined Body Parts   ` hp x !SAdditional body parts, that relate to the Primary Body Part, may be carried together with an EDI Body Part. These body parts shall not be or include EDI Interchanges.  H JAdditional body parts are externally defined and represent information objects whose semantics and abstract syntax are denoted by an object identifier which the body part carries. They have Parameters and Data components and optionally a Body Part Reference that may be used for crossreferencing to a body part. ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,c051 Ic051 tyEDIMExternallyDefinedBodyPartty:EDIMExternallyDefinedBodyPart ::= SEQUENCE { X bodypartreference"([0] BodyPartReference OPTIONAL, X externalbodypart!h#[1] ExternallyDefinedBodyPart from IPMS } p x !X tyBodyPartReferencety:BodyPartReference ::= INTEGER shall be unique within a EDIM   ` hp x !.D.   ` hp x !UBody Part Reference is assigned when the body part is created, and is not modified subsequently. It shall be present if the originator wishes to crossreference the body part at creation or in the future.  H JNOTE Some otExternallyDefinedot:ExternallyDefined body part types are defined in 7.3.12 of Recommendation X.420.   ` hp x !Ђ9.h EDI Notifications   ` hp x !MAn glEDINotificationgl:EDINotification (abEDINab:EDIN) is a member of a secondary class of information object conveyed between users in EDI Messaging.  x PNOTE The term glnotificationgl:notificationis used throughout the rest of this Recommendation as a synonym for EDI Notification. .D.X435B.DOC,c052 .c052 tyEDINty:EDIN ::= CHOICE { ` hp x !X ‚` positivenotification)-[0] PositiveNotificationFields, X ` negativenotification)-[1] NegativeNotificationFields, X ` forwardednotification*-[2] ForwardedNotificationFields } p x !X   c053 ty  c4 P PN c4 P  0ty: c4 P PN0 ::= EDIN with positivenotification chosen X ty  c4 P NN c4 P  0ty: c4 P NN0 ::= EDIN with negativenotification chosen X ty  c4 P FN c4 P  0ty: c4 P FN0 ::= EDIN with forwardednotification chosen   ` hp x !Ѐ/    .D.   Ё/a) glpositive notification gl:positive notification c4 P  (abPN c4 P  ab:PN  c4 P ): An EDIN that reports its originator's acceptance of Responsibility of an EDIM. p` hp x !X hp b) glnegative notification c4 P  gl:negative notification c4 P  (abNN c4 P  ab:NN  c4 P ): An EDIN that reports its originator's refusal to accept Responsibility of an EDIM. X hp c) glforwarded notification c4 P  gl:forwarded notification  c4 P  (abFN c4 P  ab:FN  c4 P ): An EDIN that reports that Responsibility of an EDIM has been forwarded together with the subject EDIM. ` hp x ! c4 P The EDIM to which an EDIN refers is called the glsubjectEDIM gl:subjectEDIM c4 P  (see also ). The recipient of the EDIN is the Originator of the subject EDIM, or, if present, the OR Name indicated in the EDIN Receiver field. There shall be at most one recipient specified for an EDIN. There shall be at most one PN, NN or FN originated for each subject EDIM by each recipient of whom notifications are requested (except that an NN may be originated by the same UA subsequent to an FN, in accordance with c) of ). One FN is originated, if and only if requested, by each recipient that forwards an EDIM. In accordance with the provisions of , the original originator shall receive at most one PN or NN for each recipient of whom notifications were requested, regardless of how many times the EDIM is forwarded, and may receive multiple FNs. An EDIN consists of Positive, Negative or Forwarded Notification fields. Each of these contains the Common fields which are described below. The structure of an EDIN is depicted in Figure . ` hp x ! 86import F2.XGL /c 6.27";4.6";HPGL Error! Cannot open file.  8O c4 P FIGURE 8E EDI Notification StructureN  8EEDI Notification Structure c4 P N 9.1 Common Fields ` hp x !AThe Common fields are defined and described below. ` hp x !X  c4 P C.D.X435B.DOC,c054  c4 P c054 CtyCommonFields b c4 P ty: c4 P  CommonFieldsb ::= SEQUENCE { 3subjectedim[1] SubjectEDIMField, X edinoriginatorh#[2] EDINOriginatorField, X firstrecipienth#[3] FirstRecipientField OPTIONAL, X notificationtime h#[4] NotificationTimeField, X notificationsecurityelements-p2[5] SecurityElementsField OPTIONAL, X edininitiatorh#[6] EDINInitiatorField, X notificationsextensions'-[7] NotificationExtensionsField OPTIONAL } ` hp x !Ѐ .D.   Ё c4 P NOTE The Common fields appear in the Positive Notification, Negative Notification and Forwarded Notification fields defined below. X  9.1.1` Subject EDIM Identifier   ` hp x !SThe Subject EDIM Identifier is the EDIM Identifier either passed in the EDIN Receiver field, if Responsibility has been forwarded, or the This EDIM field, if not. ` hp x !X  c4 P C.D.X435B.DOC,c055  c4 P c055 Cty SubjectEDIMField c c4 P ty: c4 P SubjectEDIMFieldc ::= EDIMIdentifier   ` hp x !Ѐ,   .D.   Ё, c4 P NOTE EDIM Identifier is defined in . Subject EDIM is defined in .   X  9.1.2` EDI Notification Originator  h ` hp x !NThe EDI Notification Originator contains the OR Name of the UA constructing the notification. ` hp x !X  c4 P C.D.X435B.DOC,c056  c4 P c056 Cty EDINOriginatorField f c4 P ty: c4 P EDINOriginatorFieldf ::= ORName   ` hp x !Ѐ,   .D.   Ё, c4 P NOTE OR Name is defined in 8.5.5 of Recommendation X.411. X  9.1.3` First Recipient ` hp x !IThe glFirst Recipientgl:First Recipient c4 P  field contains the OR Name of the first recipient in a forwarding chain. This field, together with other fields, is used by the recipient of the notification to correlate the notification and the original message. ` hp x !X C.D.X435B.DOC,c057  c4 P c057 Cty FirstRecipientField f c4 P ty: c4 P FirstRecipientFieldf ::= ORName ` hp x !Ѐ .D.   Ё c4 P NOTE OR Name is defined in 8.5.5 of Recommendation X.411  h ` hp x !If the originator of the EDIN is not the recipient specified by the original originator, then the First Recipient Field shall be present in the EDIN (see and more specifically ).   ` hp x !X  9.1.4` Notification Time   ` hp x !UNotification Time contains the date and time, in UTC format, at which the notification for the subject EDIM was generated. ` hp x !X  c4 P C.D.X435B.DOC,c058  c4 P c058 Cty NotificationTimeField h c4 P ty: c4 P NotificationTimeFieldh ::= UTCTime   ` hp x !Ѐ   .D.  c4 P 9.1.5` Security Elements ` hp x !JThe c4 P  Security Elements field is used to provide "proof/non repudiation of content received", "EDI application security" services. ` hp x !X C.D.X435B.DOC,c059  c4 P c059 Cty SecurityElementsField c4 P  Dty: c4 P SecurityElementsFieldD ::= SEQUENCE { 8originalcontenth#[0] Content OPTIONAL, X originalcontentintegritycheck/p2[1] ContentIntegrityCheck OPTIONAL, X ediapplicationsecurityelements0p2[2] *  EDIApplicationSecurityElementsField OPTIONAL, X securityextensions"([3] SecurityExtensionsField OPTIONAL } p x !X ty  c4 P SecurityExtensionsField c4 P  Ety: c4 P SecurityExtensionsFieldE ::= SET OF SecurityExtensionsSubField X ty  c4 P SecurityExtensionsSubField c4 P  Hty: c4 P SecurityExtensionsSubFieldH ::= ExtensionField   ` hp x !Ѐ  .D.   ЁNOTE The EDI Application Security Elements Field is defined in . Content and Content Integrity Check are defined in, respectively, and of Recommendation X.411. Security services are available only if the MTA supports secure messaging. ` hp x ! specifies how these fields are filled in.   ` hp x !X  9.1.6` EDIN Initiator   ` hp x !MThe EDIN Initiator field can take one of the following values:   p` hp x !X hpa)` "internalUA" means that the UA generated the EDIN either for local reasons or because the generation had been delegated to it by the user.   X hpa)` "internalMS" means that the MS generated the EDIN either for local reasons or because the generation had been delegated to it by the user.   X hpc)` "externalUA" means that the generation of the EDIN was requested by the user via the abstract operation Originate EDIN (see ). ` hp x !h    c4 P V   Ђ.D.X435B.DOC,c072  c4 P  c072 VtyEDINInitiatorField ty:EDINInitiatorField ::= ENUMERATED {  internalua (0), h  externalua (1), h  internalms (2)}   ` hp x !ЀF _  .D.   Ёhas has been accepted, regardless of the value of this field. The value of this field shall be consistent with the choice (UA, user, PDAU) of the Reason Code field for NNs and FNs. NOTE Physical delivery access unit (abPDAUab:PDAU) is defined in .   Ђ9.1.7Notification Extensions   ЁThe Notification Extensions allows for future extensions to the EDIN. Ђ.D.X435B.DOC,c060 c060 tyNotificationExtensionsFieldty:NotificationExtensionsFi eld ::= SET OF NotificationExtensionsSubField tyNotificationExtensionsSubFieldty:NotificationExtensionsS ubField ::= ExtensionField   .D.   ЁThere are no extensions to the EDIN defined in this Recommendation. Extensions shall not be critical in EDINs.   Ђ9.2 Positive Notifications   ЁA glPositive Notificationgl:Positive Notification (abPNab:PN) is sent by the recipient UA, if and only if the originator has requested one, when Responsibility for the EDIM has been accepted by the UA. The exact procedures which constitute acceptance of Responsibility are a local matter; for example, the UA may construct the PN as soon as it passes the message to the user or it may wait for an external stimulus from the user that the message has been accepted and therefore can send the PN. Positive Notification fields are defined and described below. Ђ.D.X435B.DOC,c061 c061 tyPositiveNotificationFieldsty:PositiveNotificationField s ::= SEQUENCE { pncommonfields [0] CommonFields, pnsupplementaryinformation [1] EDISupplementaryInformation OPTIONAL, pnextensions [2] PNExtensionsField OPTIONAL }   .D. 9.2.1PN Supplementary Information   ЁThe PN Supplementary Information field may be used to return further information to the EDIN recipient to clarify the Positive Notification. NOTE EDI Supplementary Information Field is defined in .   Ђ9.2.2Positive Notification Extensions   Ёextensi extensions to the PN. Ђ.D.X435B.DOC,c062 c062 tyPNExtensionsFieldty:PNExtensionsField ::= SET OF PNExtensionsSubField tyPNExtensionsSubFieldty:PNExtensionsSubField ::= ExtensionField   .D.   ЁThere are no extensions to the PN defined in this Recommendation. Extensions shall not be critical in PNs.   Ђ9.3 Negative Notifications   ЁA glNegative Notificationgl:Negative Notification (abNNab:NN) is sent by a UA, if and only if the originator has requested one, when it determines that it can neither accept Responsibility, nor forward the EDIM and the EDI Notification Request contained in the EDIM to another UA. Negative Notification fields are defined and described below. Ђ.D.X435B.DOC,c063 c063 tyNegativeNotificationFieldsty:NegativeNotificationField s ::= SEQUENCE { nncommonfields [0] CommonFields, nnreasoncode [1] NNReasonCodeField, nnsupplementaryinformation [2] EDISupplementaryInformation OPTIONAL, nnextensions [3] NNExtensionsField OPTIONAL }   .D. 9.3.1Negative Notification Reason   ЁThe Negative Notification Reason indicates why the subject EDIM could not be passed to the user by the UA originating the EDIN. If any Basic Code field has the value "unspecified", additional information may be carried in any combination of a Diagnostic field or the NN Supplementary Info field. Depending on the security policy in force, the security error diagnostic code may or may not be present. Ђ.D.X435B.DOC,c064 c064 tyNNReasonCodeFieldty:NNReasonCodeField ::= CHOICE { nnuamsreasoncode [0] NNUAMSReasonCodeField, nnuserreasoncode [1] NNUserReasonCodeField, nnpdaureasoncode [2] NNPDAUReasonCodeField }   Ё Negative Notification Reason Codes from an EDIUA or EDIMS   ЂtyNNUAMSReasonCodeFieldty:NNUAMSReasonCodeField ::= SEQUENCE { nnuamsbasiccode [0] NNUAMSBasicCodeField, nnuamsdiagnostic [1] NNUAMSDiagnosticField OPTIONAL }   Ё Negative Notification Basic Reason Codes from an EDIUA or EDIMS. These codes are those specified in Annex B of Recommendation F.435 for the element of service "EDI Notification Request". tyNNUAMSBasicCodeFieldty:NNUAMSBasicCodeField ::= INTEGER{   Ђ c4 P ec c4 P unspecified c4 P  ec: c4 P  unspecifiedF (0),  c4 P ec  c4 P cannotdelivertouser c4 P  D ec: c4 P cannotdelivertouserD (1),  the EDI Interchange can not be passed on to the user ec  c4 P deliverytimeout c4 P  > ec: c4 P deliverytimeout> (2),  the EDI Interchange could not be passed on to the user within  a specified time limit ec  c4 P messagediscarded c4 P  ? ec: c4 P messagediscarded? (3),  the UA/MS discarded the message before handoff to user ec  c4 P subscriptionterminated c4 P  E ec: c4 P subscriptionterminatedE (4),  recipient's subscription terminated after delivery but before  handoff to user ec  c4 P forwardingerror c4 P  > ec: c4 P forwardingerror> (5),  EDI Forwarding was attempted, but failed. ec  c4 P securityerror c4 P  < ec: c4 P securityerror< (6)  security error physical delivery errors indicated by "cannotdelivertouser" } (0..ubreasoncode)  X Ёé Negative Notification Diagnostic Codes from an EDIUA or EDIMS  c4 P  tyNNUAMSDiagnosticFieldC ty:NNUAMSDiagnosticField c4 P C ::= INTEGER { This field may be used to further specify the error signalled in nnuamsbasiccode Additional information may be indicated in nnsupplementaryinformation general diagnostic codes ecprotocolviolation ec:protocolviolation c4 P  (1),  used if the UA detects a protocol error ecedimoriginatorunknown c4 P ! ec:edimoriginatorunknown! c4 P  (2), ecedimrecipientunknownh  c4 P ec:edimrecipientunknown c4 P h (3), ecedimrecipientambiguousF  c4 P ec:edimrecipientambiguousF (4),  used if the EDIM recipients or originator are not valid ecactionrequestnotsupported c4 P & ec:actionrequestnotsupported& c4 P  (5),  used when the action requested by the recipient is not performed ecedimexpired^  c4 P ec:edimexpired c4 P ^ (6),  used when the expiry date of the received EDIM occurred before the subject EDIM  was successfully passed to the user or forwarded by the EDIUA ecedimobsoleted<  c4 P ec:edimobsoleted< (7),  used when the EDIM Identifier of the received EDIM was contained in the Obsoleted EDIM field  of a previously received EDIM. ecduplicateedim c4 P  ec:duplicateedim c4 P  (8),  used when the same EDIM is received more than once from the same originator ecunsupportedextensiong  c4 P ec:unsupportedextension c4 P g (9),  used if the EDIM contains an extension which is not supported by the UA ecincompletecopyrejectedF  c4 P ec:incompletecopyrejectedF (10),  used if the EDIUA does not accept EDIMs with the Incomplete Copy Indication true ecedimtoolargeforapplication c4 P ( ec:edimtoolargeforapplication( c4 P  (11),  used if the EDIM cannot be delivered to the user due to length constraints ` hp x !X ‚ forwarding error diagnostic codes X ecforwardededimnotdeliveredn c4 P ec:forwardededimnotdelivered c4 P n (12), X `  used when an NonDelivery Report is received for forwarded EDIM X ecforwardededimdeliverytimeoutN c4 P ec:forwardededimdeliverytimeoutN (13), X `  used when no Delivery Report is received within a given period X ecforwardingloopdetected c4 P "ec:forwardingloopdetected" c4 P  (14), X `  used if the UA receives an EDIM wich contains a previously forwarded EDIM X ecunabletoacceptresponsibilityq c4 P ec:unabletoacceptresponsibility c4 P q (15), X `  used if the EDIUA cannot accept or forward responsibility X  X © interchange header diagnostic codes X ecinterchangesenderunknownH c4 P ec:interchangesenderunknownH (16), X `  used when the UA does not recognizes the interchangesender of the EDI interchange X ecinterchangerecipientunknown c4 P 'ec:interchangerecipientunknown' c4 P  (17), X `  used when the UA cannot find a valid interchange recipient in the Recipient Specifier X ecinvalidheadingfieldg c4 P ec:invalidheadingfield c4 P g (18), X ecinvalidbodyparttypeC c4 P ec:invalidbodyparttypeC (19), X ecinvalidmessagetype c4 P ec:invalidmessagetype c4 P  (20), X ecinvalidsyntaxidc c4 P ec:invalidsyntaxid c4 P c (21), X  X © security error diagnostic codes X ecmessageintegrityfailureG c4 P ec:messageintegrityfailureG (22), X ecforwardedmessageintegrityfailure c4 P -ec:forwardedmessageintegrityfailure- c4 P  (23), X ecunsupportedalgorithmg c4 P ec:unsupportedalgorithm c4 P g (24), X ecdecryptionfailed? c4 P ec:decryptionfailed? (25), X ectokenerror c4 P ec:tokenerror c4 P  (26), X ecunabletosignnotificationm c4 P ec:unabletosignnotification c4 P m (27), X ecunabletosignmessagereceiptL c4 P ec:unabletosignmessagereceiptL (28), X ecauthenticationfailure c4 P  ec:authenticationfailure  c4 P  (29), X ecsecuritycontextfailurej c4 P ec:securitycontextfailure c4 P j (30), X € c4 P ec:messagesequencefailure c4 P  (31),  c4 P ec:messagesecuritylabellingfailure c4 P  (32),  c4 P ec:repudiationfailure c4 P  (33),  c4 P ec:proofoffailure c4 P  (34) } (1..ubreasoncode)   Ё c4 P  ٩ Negative Notification Reason Codes from a user X  c4 P tyNNUserReasonCodeFieldty:NNUserReasonCodeField c4 P  ::= SEQUENCE { =nnuserbasiccode!h#[0] NNUserBasicCodeField, * ƌX nnuserdiagnostic!h#[1] NNUserDiagnosticField OPTIONAL }   ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é Negative Notification Basic Reason Codes from a user  c4 P  tyNNUserBasicCodeFieldB ty:NNUserBasicCodeField c4 P B ::= INTEGER {  c4 P  ec  c4 P unspecified c4 P  < ec: c4 P  unspecified< (0), ec  c4 P syntaxerror c4 P  : ec: c4 P syntaxerror: (1),  used when the user discovers a syntax error within the EDI interchange ec  c4 P interchangesenderunknown c4 P  H ec: c4 P interchangesenderunknownH (2), ec  c4 P interchangerecipientunknown c4 P  K ec: c4 P interchangerecipientunknownK (3),  used when the UA cannot find a valid interchange recipient in the Recipient Specifier ec  c4 P invalidheadingfield c4 P  C ec: c4 P invalidheadingfieldC (4), ec  c4 P invalidbodyparttype c4 P  C ec: c4 P invalidbodyparttypeC (5), ec  c4 P invalidmessagetype c4 P  B ec: c4 P invalidmessagetypeB (6), ec  c4 P functionalgroupnotsupported c4 P  L ec: c4 P functionalgroupnotsupportedL (7), ec  c4 P subscriptionterminated c4 P  E ec: c4 P subscriptionterminatedE (8), ` hp x !X ‚`  unknown to EDIMSUser service X ec  c4 P nobilateralagreement c4 P  Dec: c4 P nobilateralagreementD (9), X ec  c4 P userdefinedreason c4 P  Aec: c4 P userdefinedreasonA (10) X } (0..ubreasoncode) ` hp x !Ёé Negative Notification Diagnostic Reason Codes from a user ` hp x !X  c4 P  tyNNUserDiagnosticCodeFieldHty:NNUserDiagnosticCodeField c4 P H ::= INTEGER I Contains reason passed by user when the value of nnuserbasiccode is userdefinedreason. X © Additional information may be indicated in nnsupplementaryinformation X  ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é Negative Notification Reason Codes from a PDAU ` hp x !X  c4 P  tyNNPDAUReasonCodeFieldDty:NNPDAUReasonCodeField c4 P D ::= SEQUENCE { =nnpdaubasiccode!h#[0] NNPDAUBasicCodeField, X nnpdaudiagnostic!h#[1] NNPDAUDiagnosticField OPTIONAL } ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é Negative Notification Basic Reason Codes from a PDAU ` hp x !X  c4 P  tyNNPDAUBasicCodeFieldCty:NNPDAUBasicCodeField c4 P C ::= INTEGER { ` hp x !! c4 P  ec  c4 P unspecified c4 P  9ec: c4 P unspecified9 (0), X ec  c4 P undeliverablemail c4 P  @ec: c4 P undeliverablemail@ (1),  H X `  used if the PDAU determines that it cannot perform physical delivery of the EDIM X ec  c4 P physicalrenditionnotperformed c4 P  Nec: c4 P physicalrenditionnotperformedN (2) X `  used if the PDAU cannot perform the physical rendition of the EDIM X  } (0..ubreasoncode)   Ёé Negative Notification Diagnostic Codes from a PDAU ` hp x !X  c4 P  tyNNPDAUDiagnosticFieldDty:NNPDAUDiagnosticField c4 P D ::= INTEGER { I This field may be used to further specify the error signalled in nnpdaubasiccode X © Additional information may be indicated in the nnsupplementaryinformation ` hp x !X  c4 P  ec  c4 P undeliverablemailphysicaldeliveryaddressincorrect c4 P  dec: c4 P undeliverablemailphysicaldeliveryaddressincorrectd (1), X ec  c4 P undeliverablemailphysicaldeliveryofficeincorrectorinvalid c4 P  nec: c4 P undeliverablemailphysicaldeliveryofficeincorrectorinvalidn (2), X ec  c4 P undeliverablemailphysicaldeliveryaddressincomplete c4 P  eec: c4 P undeliverablemailphysicaldeliveryaddressincompletee (3), X ec  c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientunknown c4 P  Rec: c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientunknownR (4), X ec  c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientdeceased c4 P  Sec: c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientdeceasedS (5), X ec  c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientrefusedtoaccept c4 P  \ec: c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientrefusedtoaccept\ (6), X ec  c4 P undeliverablemailorganizationexpired c4 P  Uec: c4 P undeliverablemailorganizationexpiredU (7), X ec  c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientdidnotclaim c4 P  Xec: c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientdidnotclaimX (8), X ec  c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientchangedaddresspermanently c4 P  fec: c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientchangedaddresspermanentlyf (9), X ec  c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientchangedaddresstemporarily c4 P  fec: c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientchangedaddresstemporarilyf (10), X ec  c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientchangedtemporaryaddress c4 P  dec: c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientchangedtemporaryaddressd (11), X ec  c4 P undeliverablemailnewaddressunknown c4 P  Tec: c4 P undeliverablemailnewaddressunknownT (12), X ec  c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientdidnotwant forwarding c4 P  bec: c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientdidnotwant forwardingb (13), X ec  c4 P undeliverablemailoriginatorprohibitedforwarding c4 P  aec: c4 P undeliverablemailoriginatorprohibitedforwardinga (14), X ec  c4 P physicalrenditionattributesnotsupported c4 P  Yec: c4 P physicalrenditionattributesnotsupportedY (15) X  } (1..ubreasoncode) Ѐ  .D. 9.3.2` NN Supplementary Information   ` hp x !TThe NN Supplementary Information field may be used to return further information to the EDIN recipient to clarify the Negative Notification. CNOTE EDI Supplementary Information is defined in .   ` hp x !X  9.3.3` Negative Notification Extensions ` hp x !IThe Negative Notification c4 P  Extensions allows for future extensions to the NN. ` hp x !X C.D.X435B.DOC,c066  c4 P c066 Cty NNExtensionsField c4 P  Cty: c4 P  NNExtensionsFieldC ::= SET OF NNExtensionsSubField p x !X ty  c4 P NNExtensionsSubField c4 P  Bty: c4 P NNExtensionsSubFieldB ::= ExtensionField   ` hp x !Ѐ  .D.   ЁThere are no extensions to the NN defined in this Recommendation. ` hp x !Extensions shall not be critical in NNs.   ` hp x !9.4 Forwarded Notifications ` hp x !JA glForwarded Notification!gl:Forwarded Notification! c4 P  (abFN c4 P  ab:FN  c4 P ) is sent by a UA, if and only if the originator has requested one, when it determines that it cannot accept Responsibility and decides to forward the EDIM, and the EDI Notification Requests contained in the EDIM, to another UA.   M c4 P Forwarded Notification fields are defined and described below. ` hp x !X  c4 P C.D.X435B.DOC,c067  c4 P c067 Cty ForwardedNotificationFields r c4 P ty: c4 P  ForwardedNotificationFie ldsr ::= SEQUENCE { 4fncommonfieldsh#[0] CommonFields, X forwardedto[1] ForwardedTo, X fnreasoncodeh#[2] FNReasonCodeField, X fnsupplementaryinformation+-[3] EDISupplementaryInformation OPTIONAL, X fnextensions[4] FNExtensionsField OPTIONAL }   ` hp x !Ѐ   .D.  c4 P 9.4.1` Forwarded To   ` hp x !UThe Forwarded To field indicates the new recipient of the (forwarded) subject EDIM. Its value is an OR Name. ` hp x !X  c4 P C.D.X435B.DOC,c068  c4 P c068 Cty ForwardedTo ^ c4 P ty: c4 P ForwardedTo^ ::= ORName   ` hp x !Ѐ,   .D.   Ё, c4 P NOTE OR Name is defined in 8.5.5 of Recommendation X.411. X  9.4.2` Forwarded Reason Code   ` hp x !UThe Forwarded Reason Code indicates the reason why the Responsibility of the subject EDIM was forwarded. If any Basic Code field has the value "unspecified", additional information may be carried in any combination of a Diagnostic field or the FN Supplementary Info field. ` hp x !X  c4 P C.D.X435B.DOC,c069  c4 P c069 Cty FNReasonCodeField d c4 P ty: c4 P FNReasonCodeFieldd ::= CHOICE { Bfnuamsreasoncode#([0] FNUAMSReasonCodeField, X fnuserreasoncode"([1] FNUserReasonCodeField, X fnpdaureasoncode"([2] FNPDAUReasonCodeFields }  H ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Forwarding Notification Reason Codes from an EDIUA or EDIMS ` hp x !X  c4 P  tyFNUAMSReasonCodeField ty:FNUAMSReasonCodeField  c4 P  ::= SEQUENCE { Bfnuamsbasiccode"([0] FNUAMSBasicCodeField, X fnuamsdiagnostic"([1] FNUAMSDiagnosticField OPTIONAL, X fnsecuritycheck h#[2] FNUAMSSecurityCheckField DEFAULT FALSE }  x ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é Forwarding Notification Basic Reason Codes from an EDIUA or EDIMS ` hp x !X  c4 P  tyFNUAMSBasicCodeFieldCty:FNUAMSBasicCodeField c4 P C ::= INTEGER { ` hp x !! c4 P  ec  c4 P unspecified c4 P  9ec: c4 P unspecified9 (0), X ec  c4 P onwardrouting c4 P  <ec: c4 P onwardrouting< (1), X `  used whenever the UA decides to reroute the subject EDIM for local reasons X ec  c4 P recipientunknown c4 P  ?ec: c4 P recipientunknown? (2), X ec  c4 P originatorunknown c4 P  @ec: c4 P originatorunknown@ (3), X ec  c4 P forwardedbyedims c4 P  Aec: c4 P forwardedbyedimsA (4) X  } (0..ubreasoncode) * ƌ  Ёé Forwarding Notification Diagnostic Reason Codes from an EDIUA or EDIMS ` hp x !X  c4 P  tyFNUAMSDiagnosticFieldDty:FNUAMSDiagnosticField c4 P D ::= INTEGER { I This field may be used to further specify the error signalled in fnuamsbasiccode. X © Additional information may be indicated in fnsupplementaryinformation. ` hp x !X  c4 P  ec  c4 P recipientnamechanged c4 P  Dec: c4 P recipientnamechangedD (0), X ec  c4 P recipientnamedeleted c4 P  Dec: c4 P recipientnamedeletedD (1) X  } (1..ubreasoncode)   Ёé Forwarding Notification Security Check Codes from an EDIUA or EDIMS ` hp x !X  c4 P  tyFNUAMSSecurityCheckFieldGty:FNUAMSSecurityCheckField c4 P G ::= BOOLEAN    ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é Forwarding Notification Reason Codes from a user ` hp x !X  c4 P  tyFNUserReasonCodeFieldDty:FNUserReasonCodeField c4 P D ::= SEQUENCE { =fnuserbasiccode!h#[0] FNUserBasicCodeField, X fnuserdiagnostic!h#[1] FNUserDiagnosticField OPTIONAL } ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é Forwarding Notification Basic Reason Codes from a user  c4 P  ty FNUserBasicCodeFieldC ty: FNUserBasicCodeField c4 P C ::= INTEGER {  c4 P  ec  c4 P unspecified c4 P  9 ec: c4 P unspecified9 (0), ec  c4 P forwardedforarchiving c4 P  E ec: c4 P forwardedforarchivingE (1), ec  c4 P forwardedforinformation c4 P  G ec: c4 P forwardedforinformationG (2), ec  c4 P forwardedforadditionalaction c4 P  M ec: c4 P forwardedforadditionalactionM (3), ec  c4 P subscriptionchanged c4 P  B ec: c4 P subscriptionchangedB (4), ec  c4 P headingfieldnotsupported c4 P  I ec: c4 P headingfieldnotsupportedI (5), ec  c4 P bodyparttypenotsupported c4 P  I ec: c4 P bodyparttypenotsupportedI (6), ec  c4 P messagetypenotsupported c4 P  H ec: c4 P messagetypenotsupportedH (7), ec  c4 P syntaxidentifiernotsupported c4 P  M ec: c4 P syntaxidentifiernotsupportedM (8), ` hp x !X ‚ec  c4 P interchangesenderunknown c4 P  Iec: c4 P interchangesenderunknownI (9), X ec  c4 P interchangesenderunknown c4 P  Hec: c4 P interchangesenderunknownH (10), X ec  c4 P userdefinedreason c4 P  Aec: c4 P userdefinedreasonA (11) X } (0..ubreasoncode) ` hp x !Ёé Forwarding Notification Diagnostic Reason Codes from a user ` hp x !X  c4 P  tyFNUserDiagnosticFieldDty:FNUserDiagnosticField c4 P D ::= INTEGER I Contains reason passed by user when value of fnuserbasiccode is userdefinedreason. X © Additional information may be indicated in fnsupplementaryinformation. X  ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é Forwarding Notification Reason Codes from a PDAU ` hp x !X  c4 P  tyFNPDAUReasonCodeFieldDty:FNPDAUReasonCodeField c4 P D ::= SEQUENCE { <fnpdaubasiccode!h#[0] FNPDAUBasicCodeField, X fnpdaudiagnostic!h#[1] FNPDAUDiagnosticField OPTIONAL } ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é Forwarding Notification Basic Reason Codes from a PDAU ` hp x !X  c4 P  tyFNPDAUBasicCodeFieldCty:FNPDAUBasicCodeField c4 P C ::= INTEGER { ` hp x !! c4 P  ec  c4 P unspecified c4 P  9ec: c4 P unspecified9 (0), X ec  c4 P forwardedforphysicalrenditionanddelivery c4 P  [ec: c4 P forwardedforphysicalrenditionanddelivery[ (1) X } (0..ubreasoncode) Ёé Forwarding Notification Diagnostic Reason Codes from a PDAU ` hp x !X  c4 P  tyFNPDAUDiagnosticFieldDty:FNPDAUDiagnosticField c4 P D ::= INTEGER ` hp x !Ѐ  .D.   Ё c4 P A physical delivery access unit (PDAU) (see ) is only able to generate NNs and FNs. If PN notification is requested, the PDAU shall generate an FN with appropriate Forwarded Reason Code ("forwardedforphysicalrenditionanddelivery") when it has determined that it can render the EDIM for physical delivery. X  9.4.3` FN Supplementary Information   ` hp x !TThe FN Supplementary Information field may be used to return further information to the EDIN recipient to clarify the Forwarded Notification.   MNOTE The EDI Supplementary Information Field is defined in .   ` hp x !X  9.4.4` Forwarded Notification Extensions   ` hp x !SThe Forwarded Notifications Extensions allows for future extensions to the FN. ` hp x !X  c4 P .D.X435B.DOC,c070  c4 P ty c4 P FNExtensionsField c4 P  Cty: c4 P  FNExtensionsFieldC ::= SET OF FNExtensionsSubField p x !X ty  c4 P FNExtensionsSubField c4 P  Bty: c4 P FNExtensionsSubFieldB ::= ExtensionField   ` hp x !Ѐ/    .D.   Ё/There are no extensions to the FN defined in this Recommendation. ` hp x !Extensions shall not be critical in FNs.   ` hp x ! 10. Primary Object Types   ` hp x !UThe environment in which EDI Messaging takes place can be modelled as an abstract object which is hereafter referred to as the glEDIMessagingEnvironment# gl:EDIMessagingEnvironment# c4 P  (abEDIME c4 P  ab:EDIME c4 P ). ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,f01  vaedimeva:edime OBJECT ::= idotedime  h ` hp x !Ѐ,   .D.   Ё, c4 P When refined (i.e., functionally decomposed), the EDIME can be seen to comprise lesser objects which interact by means of ports. ` hp x !X   c4 P  .D.X435B.DOC,f02  c4 P va c4 P edimerefinement c4 P  A va: c4 P  edimerefinementA REFINE edime AS edims origination[S] PAIRED WITH edimguser reception[S] PAIRED WITH edimguser edimguser RECURRING ::= idrefprimary   ` hp x !Ѐ/    .D.   Ё/The lesser objects are referred to as the  c4 P glprimaryobject gl:primaryobjects of EDI Messaging. They include a single, central object, the EDI Messaging System, EDIMS, and numerous peripheral objects called EDI Messaging System users (users). ` hp x !The structure of the EDIME is depicted in Figure . ` hp x ! 86import F3.XGL /c 6.27";4.6";HPGL Error! Cannot open file.  8O c4 P FIGURE 8D The EDI Messaging EnvironmentQ  8DThe EDI Messaging Environment c4 P Q   ` hp x !SThe primary object types are defined and described below. The types of ports by means of which they interact are discussed in .   ` hp x !X  10.1` EDI Messaging User   ` hp x !YAn glEDIMessagingusergl:EDIMessaginguser c4 P  (abEDIMG user c4 P ab:EDIMG user c4 P ) is typically a computer process or glapplication c4 P  gl:application c4 P  that engages in EDI Messaging. Such processes or applications are referred to by the term "user" in this Recommendation. A user originates, receives, or both originates and receives Information Objects of the types defined in . ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,f03  c4 P va c4 P edimguser c4 P  <va: c4 P  edimguser< OBJECT PORTS { X origination[C], X reception[C] } X ::= idotedimguser   ` hp x !Ѐ/    .D.   Ё/The EDIME comprises any number of Users.   ` hp x !NOTE EDI messaging is typically an activity between information processing systems. These are referred to as glEDI applications gl:EDI applications c4 P . This does not preclude the possibility of human interaction with the   ` hp x !information processing systems which are performing EDI, or more direct interaction of a human user with the EDIMS. The terms "gluser c4 P  gl:user c4 P " and "glEDIMG user c4 P  gl:EDIMG user c4 P " may be regarded as synonyms for EDI applications within this Recommendation.For brevity, the term "user" is used throughout the rest of this Recommendation with the meaning of "EDIMG user". X   c4 P 10.2` EDI Messaging System ` hp x !IThe glEDIMessagingSystemgl:EDIMessagingSystem c4 P  (abEDIMS c4 P ab:EDIMS c4 P ) is the object by means of which all users communicate with one another in EDI Messaging. ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,f04  c4 P va  c4 P edims c4 P  7va: c4 P  edims7 OBJECT PORTS { X origination[S], X reception[S] } X ::= idotedims ` hp x !Ѐ  .D.   ЁThe EDIME comprises exactly one EDIMS. 11. Primary Port Types   ` hp x !TThe primary objects of EDI Messaging are joined to and interact with one another by means of ports. These ports, which the EDIMS supplies, are referred to as the glprimaryport gl:primaryport c4 P s of EDI *  Messaging. They are of the types defined below.   R c4 P NOTE  In to follow, the EDIMS is decomposed into still lesser objects, among which is the MTS. This fact is anticipated here by the inclusion of certain MTS capabilities in the EDIMS Abstract Service.   ` hp x !X  11.1` Origination Port ` hp x !JAn glOriginationPortgl:OriginationPort c4 P  is the means by which a single user conveys to the EDIMS messages containing Information Objects of the types defined in . Through such a port the user originates EDI Messages and EDI Notifications. In addition, the user may originate probes through such a port. ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,g01  c4 P va  c4 P origination c4 P  =va: c4 P  origination= PORT !CONSUMER INVOKES { X OriginateProbe, X OriginateEDIM, X OriginateEDIN } X ::= idptorigination ` hp x !Ѐ  .D.   ЁThe EDIMS supplies one Origination Port to each user (with the exception of indirect users served by PDAUs (see ). X  11.2` Reception Port ` hp x !IA glReceptionPortgl:ReceptionPort c4 P  is the means by which the EDIMS conveys to a single user messages containing Information Objects of the types defined in . Through such a port the user receives EDI Messages and EDI Notifications. In addition, the user may receive reports through such a port. ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,g02  c4 P va  c4 P reception c4 P  ;va: c4 P  reception; PORT !SUPPLIER INVOKES { X ReceiveReport, X ReceiveEDIM, X ReceiveEDIN } X ::= idptreception ` hp x !Ѐ  .D.   ЁThe EDIMS supplies one Reception Port to each user. 12. Abstract Operations  x ` hp x !PWhat follows defines the abstract service that characterizes EDI messaging, and describes the environment in which that service is supplied and consumed. It does both using the abstract service definition conventions of Recommendation X.407. IThe glEDIMS Abstract Service gl:EDIMS Abstract Service  c4 P  is the set of capabilities that the EDIMS provides to each user by means of one Origination Port and one Reception Port. Those capabilities are modelled as abstract operations, which may encounter abstract errors when invoked. IThe purpose of the EDIMS Abstract Service definition is not to prescribe the interface between the EDI user and the EDIUA, but rather to clarify the meaning and intended use of the Information Objects of . A user interface need not provide commands in onetoone correspondence to the service's abstract operations, nor indeed even divide the labour between the user and the EDIMS as the service does. JThe abstract operations available at the Origination Port and Reception Port are defined and described below. The abstract errors they may provoke are the subject of . JThe EDIMS Abstract Service involves neither abstract bind nor abstract unbind operations. IThe EDIMS authenticates (i.e., establishes the identity of) the typical user before offering the EDIMS Abstract Service to him. By this means it can verify, e.g., that the user is an EDIMS subscriber. Authentication, where required, is implicit (rather than explicit) in the definition of the EDIMS Abstract Service.  x P c4 P NOTE In to follow, the EDIMS is decomposed into objects among which is the MTS. The text here reflects this fact by its inclusion of various MTSdefined information items in the EDIMS Abstract Service.   ` hp x !X  12.1` Origination Abstract Operations   ` hp x !TThe abstract operations available at an origination port are invoked by the user and performed by the EDIMS.   ` hp x !X  12.1.1` Originate Probe ` hp x !IThe otOriginateProbeot:OriginateProbe c4 P  abstract operation originates a probe concerning (a class of) messages whose contents are EDIMs. ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,g03  c4 P ty  c4 P OriginateProbe c4 P  @ty: c4 P  OriginateProbe@ ::= ABSTRACTOPERATION ARGUMENT SET { X envelope[0] ProbeSubmissionEnvelope, X content[1] EDIM } X RESULT SET { X submissionidentifier&([0] ProbeSubmissionIdentifier, X submissiontime h#[1] ProbeSubmissionTime } X ERRORS { RecipientImproperlySpecified } ` hp x !Ѐ  .D.   ЁThis abstract operation has the following arguments: p` hp x !X hp a) otEnvelope ot:Envelope c4 P : A probe submission envelope, whose makeup the MTS Abstract Service defines. The UA supplies all but the following envelope components, which the user provides:   p hp x ! ph p c4 P 1) The desired permessage options (i.e., permessage indicators and extensions).    ph p2) The OR Names of the preferred recipients and the perrecipient options (i.e., originator report request, explicit conversion, and extensions) desired for each. p` hp x !X hpb)` otContentot:Content c4 P : An instance of the class of EDIM whose deliverability is to be probed. ` hp x !A c4 P This abstract operation has the following results: p` hp x !X hpc)` otSubmissionidentifierot:Submissionidentifier c4 P : The probe submission identifier the MTS assigns to the probe. X hpd)` otSubmissiontime c4 P ot:Submissiontime c4 P : The date and time the probe was directly submitted.   ` hp x !X   c4 P 12.1.2` Originate EDIM ` hp x !IThe otOriginateEDIMot:OriginateEDIM c4 P  abstract operation originates a message whose content is an EDIM. ` hp x !X MessageSubmissionIdentif X MessageSubmissionIdentifier, >submissiontime h#[1] MessageSubmissionTime } X ERRORS { RecipientImproperlySpecified } ` hp x !.D. ` hp x !CThis abstract operation has the following arguments:  H p` hp x !X hpa)` otEnvelopeot:Envelope: A message submission envelope, whose makeup the MTS Abstract Service defines. The UA supplies all but the following envelope components, which the user provides:   p hp x ! ph p1) The desired permessage options (i.e., priority, permessage indicators, deferred delivery time, and extensions).    ph p2) The OR Names of the preferred recipients and the perrecipient options (i.e., originator report request, explicit conversion, and extensions) desired for each. p` hp x !X hpb)` otContentot:Content: The EDIM being originated.   p hp x ! ph p1) If application to application security services are required, the user shall supply the value for the EDI Application Security Elements field. ` hp x !>The EDIM shall be constructed as described in . * ƌAThis abstract operation has the following results:   p` hp x !X hpc)` otSubmissionidentifierot:Submissionidentifier: The message submission identifier the MTS assigns to the submission.   X hpd)` otSubmissiontimeot:Submissiontime: The date and time the message was directly submitted.   ` hp x !X  12.1.3` Originate EDIN ` hp x !IThe otOriginateEDINot:OriginateEDIN abstract operation originates a message whose content is an EDIN. ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,g05 EtyOriginateEDINty:OriginateEDIN ::= ABSTRACTOPERATION X ARGUMENT SET { X envelope[0] MessageSubmissionEnvelope, X content[1] EDIN } X RESULT SET { X submissionidentifier&([0] MessageSubmissionIdentifier, X submissiontime h#[1] MessageSubmissionTime } X ERRORS { RecipientImproperlySpecified } ` hp x !.D.   ` hp x !Zaabstract operation to indicate to the UA that it should accept, refuse or forward Responsibility for the subject EDIM. The exact type of EDIN to be generated (PN, NN or FN) is determined from the Content argument.  h NAn EDIN shall be originated only by an actual recipient of the subject EDIM of whom an EDIN is requested by means of the EDI Notification Request field of the subject EDIM's Recipient field.   SA user may delegate the task of generating EDINs to the UA. In this case, this abstract operation is not present at the abstract interface between the UA and the user, that is, the operation is not available at the Origination Port. In this case the UA behaves as described in . CThis abstract operation has the following arguments:  H p` hp x !X hpa)` otEnvelopeot:Envelope: A message submission envelope, whose makeup the MTS Abstract Service defines. The UA supplies all but the following envelope components, which the user provides:   p hp x ! ph p1) The desired permessage options (i.e., priority, permessage indicators, and extensions). Implicit conversion shall be prohibited, priority shall be that of the subject EDIM.    ph p2) The OR Names of the preferred recipients and the perrecipient options (i.e., explicit conversion and extensions) desired for each. The preferred recipient of the EDIN is the originator of the subject EDIM or, if present, the OR Name indicated in the EDIN Receiver field. p` hp x !X hpb)` otContentot:Content: The EDIN being originated.   p hp x ! ph p1) If application to application security services are required, the user shall supply the value for the EDI Application Security Elements field. ` hp x !>The EDIN shall be constructed as described in . AThis abstract operation has the following results:   p` hp x !X hpc)` otSubmissionidentifierot:Submissionidentifier: The message submission identifier the MTS assigns to the submission.   X hpd)` otSubmissiontimeot:Submissiontime: The date and time the message was directly submitted.   ` hp x !X  12.2` Reception Abstract Operations   ` hp x !TThe abstract operations available at a Reception Port are invoked by the EDIMS and performed by the user. mess messages because whether or not it does so for a particular user has no impact upon that user's ability to communicate with other users. Thus the provision of storage is a local matter.   ` hp x !X  12.2.1` Receive Report ` hp x !IThe otReceiveReportot:ReceiveReport abstract operation receives a report. ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,g06 EtyReceiveReportty:ReceiveReport ::= ABSTRACTOPERATION X ARGUMENT SET { X envelope[0] ReportDeliveryEnvelope, X undeliveredobject#([1] InformationObject OPTIONAL } X RESULT X ERRORS {} ` hp x !.D.   ` hp x !OThe report received may concern any of the following previously originated by the report's recipients:   p` hp x !X hpa)` A message whose content was an EDIM that was originated with the Originate EDIM abstract operation or by forwarding.   X hpb)` A message whose content was an EDIN that was originated as a result of a previously received message. The EDIN could be any of PN, NN or FN.   X hpc)` A probe concerning a message whose content would have been an EDIM that was originated with the Originate Probe abstract operation. ` hp x !CThis abstract operation has the following arguments:   p` hp x !X hpd)` otEnvelopeot:Envelope: A report delivery envelope, whose makeup the MTS Abstract Service defines.  h X hpe)` otUndeliveredobjectot:Undeliveredobject: The content of the message whose status is being reported. An EDIM or EDIN. X hpIf the report was provoked by a previous Originate Probe abstract operation invocation, this conditional argument shall be absent. If the report was provoked by a previous Originate EDIM abstract operation invocation, the argument shall be present if, and only if, content return was requested. ` hp x !6This abstract operation has no results.   ` hp x !X  12.2.2` Receive EDIM   ` hp x !OThe otReceiveEDIMot:ReceiveEDIM abstract operation receives a message whose content is an EDIM. .D.X435B.DOC,g07 AtyReceiveEDIMty:ReceiveEDIM ::= ABSTRACTOPERATION ` hp x !X ‚ARGUMENT SET { X ` envelope[0] MessageDeliveryEnvelope, X ` content[1] EDIM } X RESULT X ERRORS {}   ` hp x !Ѐ,   .D.   Ё, c4 P This abstract operation has the following arguments: p` hp x !X hp a) otEnvelope ot:Envelope c4 P : The message's delivery envelope. p` hp x !b) potContent c4 P  ot:Content c4 P : The EDIM that is the message's content. ` hp x ! c4 P This abstract operation has no results.   When the received EDIM contains an EDIM Body Part (that is, when the original EDIM has been forwarded), it may be necessary to scan several levels of nested Heading fields in order to determine the correct original value for optional Heading fields (see for the nested structure of a forwarded EDIM and for rules related to Heading fields).   ` hp x !X  12.2.3` Receive EDIN *ƌ` hp x !IThe otReceiveEDINot:ReceiveEDIN c4 P  abstract operation receives a message whose content is an EDIN. The EDIN is provoked by an EDIM originated with the Originate EDIM abstract operation. ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,g08  c4 P ty  c4 P ReceiveEDIN c4 P  =ty: c4 P  ReceiveEDIN= ::= ABSTRACTOPERATION ARGUMENT SET { X envelope[0] MessageDeliveryEnvelope, X content[1] EDIN } X RESULT X ERRORS {} ` hp x !Ѐ  .D.   ЁThis abstract operation has the following arguments: p` hp x !X hp a) otEnvelope ot:Envelope c4 P : The message's delivery envelope. p` hp x !b) potContent c4 P  ot:Content c4 P : The EDIN that is the message's content. ` hp x ! c4 P This abstract operation has no results. ` hp x ! 13. Abstract Errors   ` hp x !KThe abstract errors that may be reported in response to the invocation of the abstract operations available at the Origination Port and Reception Port are defined and described below or as part of the MTS Abstract Service definition.  h NThe set of abstract errors represented below is intended to be illustrative, rather than exhaustive.   ` hp x !X  13.1` Recipient Improperly Specified ` hp x !IThe otRecipientImproperlySpecified)ot:RecipientImproperlySpecified) c4 P  abstract error reports that one or more of the OR Names supplied as arguments of the abstract operation whose performance is aborted, or as components of its arguments, are invalid.  H J c4 P This abstract error is defined by the MTS Abstract Service.   ` hp x !Ђ 14. Other capabilities  h ` hp x !NIn addition to the capabilities embodied in the EDIMS Abstract Service, defined above, the EDIMS shall transparently extend to each user the other MS (see Recommendation X.413) and MTS (see Recommendation X.411) capabilities identified below. (The enumeration of these capabilities necessarily anticipates the fact, stated in , that MSs and the MTS are among the EDIMS' component parts.) GThe following additional capabilities shall be provided:   p` hp x !X hpa)` Submission: Capabilities of the MS' or MTS' submission port not embodied in the EDIMS Abstract Service, e.g., the ability to cancel delivery of a previously originated message whose content is an EDIM (but not an EDIN), if deferred delivery was selected.   X hpb)` Delivery: Capabilities of the MTS' delivery port not embodied in the EDIMS Abstract Service, e.g., the ability to temporarily control the kinds of information objects the MTS conveys to the user's UA.  H X hpc)` Administration: The capabilities of the MS's or MTS's administration port.  H X hpd)` Retrieval: The capabilities of the MS' retrieval port.   ` hp x !UIn addition to the above and as a local matter, the EDIMS may provide to users additional capabilities neither defined nor limited by this Recommendation. Among such capabilities are those of the Directory.   SNOTE- The required capabilities above are excluded from the formal definition of the EDIMS Abstract Service for purely pragmatic reasons, in particular, because their inclusion would largely and needlessly reproduce the definitions of the MS and MTS abstract operations upon which the capabilities are based.   ` hp x !Ђ 15. Secondary Object Types   ` hp x !UThe EDIMS can be modelled as comprising lesser objects which interact with one another by means of (additional) ports. 1 c4 P .D.X435B.DOC,f05  c4 P va  c4 P edimsrefinement c4 P  Ava: c4 P  edimsrefinementA REFINE edims AS mTS X ` submissionh#[S] PAIRED WITH ediua, edims X ` delivery[S] PAIRED WITH ediua, edims ` hp x !X ‚` administration"([S] PAIRED WITH ediua, edims X ediua RECURRING X ` originationh#[S] VISIBLE X ` receptionh#[S] VISIBLE X edims RECURRING X ` submissionh#[S] PAIRED WITH ediua X ` retrievalh#[S] PAIRED WITH ediua X ` administration"([S] PAIRED WITH ediua X pdau RECURRING X ` receptionh#[S] VISIBLE X ::= idrefsecondary   ` hp x !Ѐ/    .D.   Ё/These lesser objects are referred to as the glsecondaryobject gl:secondaryobject c4 P s of EDI Messaging. They include a single, central object, the MTS, and numerous peripheral objects: EDI messaging system user agents (abEDIUA c4 P  ab:EDIUA c4 P ), EDI messaging system message stores (abEDIMS c4 P  ab:EDIMS c4 P ), telematic agents (abTLMA c4 P  ab:TLMA c4 P ), and physical delivery access units (abPDAU c4 P  ab:PDAU c4 P ). Specification of the protocol for the TLMA may be the subject for future standardization. ` hp x !The structure of the EDIMS is depicted in Figure . As shown by the figure, EDIUAs, EDIMSs, and PDAUs are the instruments by means of which the EDIMS provides the EDIMS Abstract Service to users. ` hp x ! 86import F4.XGL /c 6.27";4.6";HPGL Error! Cannot open file.  8O c4 P FIGURE 8F The EDI Messaging SystemL  8FThe EDI Messaging System c4 P L   ` hp x !UThe secondary object types are defined and described below. The types of ports by means of which they interact are discussed in .   UThe refinement above encompasses all possible interconnections of all possible objects. It ignores the possible absence of objects of a particular type (e.g., PDAU), and specific logical configurations of the MS. The latter are identified in Recommendation X.402.   TThe MTS supplies import and export ports. However, since those ports are not formally defined (in Recommendation X.411), they are not included in the formal refinement above.  x PSpecification of a management port may be the subject for future standardization.   ` hp x !X  15.1` EDI User Agent ` hp x !IAn glEDIuseragentgl:EDIuseragent c4 P  (abEDIUA c4 P ab:EDIUA c4 P ) is a UA tailored so as to better assist a single user to engage in EDI Messaging. It helps him originate, receive, or both originate and receive messages containing Information Objects of the types defined in . .D.X435B.DOC,f06  c4 P va c4 P ediua c4 P  7va: c4 P  ediua7 OBJECT PORTS { X ` originationh#[S], X ` receptionh#[S], X ` submissionh#[C], X ` delivery[C], X ` retrievalh#[C], ` hp x !X ‚` administration"([C] } X ::= idotediua ` hp x !Ѐ  .D.   ЁThe EDIMS comprises any number of EDIMS UAs. ` hp x !NOTE- As noted above, the term gluseragent gl:useragent c4 P  (abUA c4 P  ab:UA  c4 P ) is used throughout this Recommendation with the meaning of EDIUA. ` hp x !X   c4 P 15.2` EDI Message Store ` hp x !IAn glEDI messagestoregl:EDI messagestore c4 P  (abEDIMS c4 P ab:EDIMS c4 P ) is an MS tailored so * as to better assist a single UA engaged in EDI Messaging. It helps it submit, take delivery of, or both submit and take delivery of messages containing Information Objects of the types defined in . ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,f07  c4 P va  c4 P edims c4 P  8va: c4 P  edims8 OBJECT PORTS { X submission[S], X retrieval[S], X administrationh#[S], X submission[C], X delivery[C], X administrationh#[C] } X ::= idotedims ` hp x !Ѐ  .D.   ЁThe EDIMS comprises any number of EDIMS MSs. ` hp x !NOTE- As noted above, the term glmessagestore gl:messagestore c4 P  (abMS c4 P  ab:MS  c4 P ) is used throughout this Recommendation with the meaning of EDIMS. ` hp x !X   c4 P 15.3` Telematic Agent ` hp x !JA gltelematicagentgl:telematicagent c4 P  (abTLMA c4 P ab:TLMA c4 P ) is an AU that helps a single indirect user engage in EDI Messaging from a Telematic terminal, along with that terminal and the network that joins the two. A TLMA helps the user originate, receive, or both originate and receive messages containing Information Objects of the types defined in .  x P c4 P Specification of the protocol for this AU may be the subject for future standardization.   ` hp x !X  15.4` Physical Delivery Access Unit ` hp x !IIn the present context, a Physical Delivery Access Unit (abPDAU ab:PDAU c4 P ) helps any number of indirect users engage in EDI Messaging by means of a Physical Delivery System (abPDS c4 P  ab:PDS  c4 P ). It helps them receive (but not originate) messages containing Information Objects of the types defined in . .D.X435B.DOC,f10  c4 P va  c4 P pdau c4 P  5va: c4 P  pdau5 OBJECT PORTS { ` hp x !X ‚` receptionh#[S] } X ::= idotpdau ` hp x !Ѐ  .D.   ЁThe EDIMS comprises any number of PDAUs.  h ` hp x !A PDAU consumes import and export ports. However, since those ports are not formally defined (in Recommendation X.411), they are not included in the formal definition of PDAU above. If notifications are requested, the PDAU shall generate one of the following:   p` hp x !ЩH pan FN with appropriate reason code if the PDAU determines that it can render and deliver the EDIM H pa NN with appropriate reason code if the PDAU determines that it cannot render or deliver the EDIM. ` hp x !The use of the PDAU shall be subject to the requirements of the security policy in force.   ` hp x !X  15.5` Message Transfer System   ` hp x !oIn the present context, the glMessage Transfer System"gl:Message Transfer System" c4 P (abMTS c4 P ab:MTS c4 P ) conveys Information Objects of the types defined in between UAs, MSs, and AUs. 0 c4 P The EDIMS comprises a single MTS.   QThe use of TLMA may be restricted by the security policy in force.   ` hp x !Ђ 16. Secondary Port Types   ` hp x !QThe secondary objects of EDI Messaging are joined to and interact with one another by means of ports. These ports, which MSs and the MTS supply, are referred to as the glsecondaryport gl:secondaryport c4 P s of EDI Messaging. They are of the types identified below.   S c4 P The capabilities embodied in one Submission, one Retrieval, and one Administration port constitute the MS Abstract Service. They are defined in Recommendation X.413.   RThe capabilities embodied in one Submission, one Delivery, and one Administration Port constitute the MTS Abstract Service. They are defined in Recommendation X.411.   ONOTE- By means of the abstract bind operation which guards its ports, an MS or the MTS typically authenticates another secondary object before offering its abstract service to that object.  x PSpecification of a management port may be the subject for future standardization.   ` hp x !X  16.1` Submission Port   ` hp x !TIn the present context, a Submission Port is the means by which a UA (directly or indirectly) or an MS (directly) submits probes concerning, and messages containing Information Objects of the types defined in . <An MS supplies one Submission Port to its UA.   UThe MTS supplies one Submission Port to each UA configured without an MS and to each MS.   ` hp x !X  16.2` Delivery Port   ` hp x !UIn the present context, a Delivery Port is the means by which a UA or MS takes delivery of reports concerning and messages containing Information Objects of the types defined in .   SThe MTS supplies one Delivery Port to each UA configured without an MS and to each MS.   ` hp x !X  16.3` Retrieval Port   ` hp x !SIn the present context, a Retrieval Port is the means by which a UA retrieves reports concerning and messages containing Information Objects of the types defined in . ;An MS supplies one Retrieval Port to its UA.   ` hp x !X  16.4` Administration Port   ` hp x !TIn the present context, an Administration Port is the means by which a UA changes information about itself or its user on file with its MS, or a UA or MS changes such information on file with the MTS. @An MS supplies one Administration Port to its UA.  h NThe MTS supplies one Administration Port to each UA configured without an MS and to each MS.   ` hp x !X  16.5` Import Port   ` hp x !TIn the present context, an Import Port is the means by which the MTS imports reports concerning and messages containing Information Objects of the types defined in . ;The MTS supplies one Import Port to each AU.   ` hp x !X  16.6` Export Port   ` hp x !TIn the present context, an Export Port is the means by which the MTS exports probes concerning and messages containing Information Objects of the types defined in . ;The MTS supplies one Export Port to each AU.   ` hp x !Ђ 17. User Agent Operation   ` hp x !TA UA must employ the MTS in a particular way in order to (correctly) provide the EDIMS Abstract Service to its user. If the user is equipped with an MS, the latter contributes to the provision of the abstract service and, therefore, is subject to the same rules.   TThe rules that govern the operation of a UA (and MS) are the subject of what follows. The operation of a TLMA is beyond the scope of this Recommendation.   UNOTE The purpose of what follows is not to dictate or constrain the implementation of a real UA unnecessarily, but rather to specify the effect to be achieved. *ƌ  ` hp x !X  17.1` Performance of Origination Operations   ` hp x !TA UA shall perform the abstract operations it makes available at its Origination Port as prescribed below.   TIn the performance of these operations, the UA invokes the following abstract operations of the MTS Abstract Service (which, for what follows, are unqualified as to their source): p` hp x !X hpa)` Probe Submission X hpb)` Message Submission  x ` hp x !PIn response to the invocation of these abstract operations, a UA reports abstract errors as appropriate. Specification of the precise circumstances under which each abstract error should be reported is beyond the scope of this Recommendation.   ` hp x !X  17.1.1` Originate Probe   ` hp x !UA UA shall perform the Originate Probe abstract operation by invoking Probe Submission with the arguments indicated below, and by returning to its user the results indicated below. EThe arguments of Probe Submission shall be as follows:   p` hp x !X hpa)` Envelope: The components of this argument that constitute perprobe fields shall be as follows; those not explicitly mentioned below shall be as specified by Originate Probe's Envelope argument: p hp x ! ph p1) Originatorname: The OR Name of the UA's user.  ph psp  ph specified in .    ph p3) Contentidentifier: Specified or omitted as a local matter.   ` hp x !TThe components of this argument that constitute perrecipient fields shall be as specified by abstract operation Originate Probe's Envelope argument. BThe results of Originate Probe shall be as follows:   p` hp x !X hpb)` Submissionidentifier: Probe Submission's Probesubmissionidentifier result.   X hpc)` Submissiontime: Probe Submission's Probesubmissiontime result.   ` hp x !OThe UA shall ignore all properties of Originate Probe's Content argument other than those mentioned above.   THow the UA employs Probe Submission's Contentidentifier result is a local matter.   ` hp x !X  17.1.2` Originate EDIM   ` hp x !TA UA shall perform the Originate EDIM abstract operation by invoking Message Submission with the arguments indicated below, and by returning to its user the results indicated below. GThe arguments of Message Submission shall be as follows:   p` hp x !X hpa)` Envelope: The components of this argument that constitute permessage fields shall be as follows; those not explicitly mentioned below shall be as specified by Originate EDIM Abstract Operation Envelope argument: p hp x ! ph p1) Originatorname: The OR Name of the UA's user.  h  ph p2) Contenttype and Originalencodedinformationtypes: Determined from Originate EDIM's Content argument as specified in and , respectively.    ph p3) Contentidentifier: Specified or omitted as a local matter.    ph p4) The security arguments on message submission are subject to the security policy in force. When the security policy specifies the support of Content Integrity Security Service, and when Notification Security is requested, the UA shall generate and submit the contentintegritycheck Security Argument as defined in in Recommendation X.411.  x p` hp x !X hpThe components of this argument that constitute perrecipient fields shall be as specified by abstract operation Originate EDIM's Envelope argument.   X hpTo prevent an unknown number of EDINs from being sent to the original originator of a message in case of forwarding, "DLexpansionprohibited", if available, may be set to TRUE if any of PN, NN or FN are requested.   X hpb)` Content: Determined from Originate EDIM's Content argument (identified as an EDIM) as specified in .   p hp x ! ph p1) If "proof/nonrepudiation of Responsibility" notification is requested, the UA shall set the Notification Security field accordingly for each recipient as required.    ph p2) If "proof/nonrepudiation of content received" notification is requested, the UA shall set the Reception Security field accordingly for each recipient as required.    ph p3) If "EDI application security" is requested, the endtoend application security value shall be conveyed in the EDI Application Security Elements field.    ph p4) If "proof/nonrepudiation of content originated" is requested, the UA shall submit the message using the "messageoriginauthenticationcheck", or the "contentintegritycheck" (possibly in the message token), according to the security policy in force.   ` hp x !KNOTE In case of the use of a notarizing function, the nonrepudiation of content service is provided implicitly, and is not reflected in any protocol elements. AThe results of Originate EDIM shall be as follows:   p` hp x !X hpc)` Submissionidentifier: Message Submission's Messagesubmissionidentifier result.   X hpd)` Submissiontime: Message Submission's Messagesubmissiontime result.   ` hp x !THow the UA employs Message Submission's Contentidentifier result is a local matter.   MThe inclusion of Message Submission's Extensions result among Originate EDIM's results is proper and may be the subject for future standardization.   ` hp x !X  17.1.3` Originate EDIN   ` hp x !SA UA shall perform the Originate EDIN abstract operation, if the UA makes it available to its user, by invoking Message Submission with the arguments indicated below, and by returning to its user the results indicated below. betwe between the UA and the user, that is, the operation is not available at the Origination port. In this case the UA behaves as if the abstract operation would have been invoked. The UA may accept Responsibility at will, but shall accept Responsibility when the EDIM is made available to the user, or when it forwards an EDIM with content changed (in this context, "content changed" means that the forwarding UA adds or removes body parts from the forwarding EDIM, in accordance with . The term forwarding EDIM is defined in ).   TA UA shall perform the Originate EDIN abstract operation by invoking Message Submission with the arguments indicated below, and by returning to its user the results indicated below. GThe arguments of Message Submission shall be as follows:   p` hp x !X hpa)` Envelope: The components of this argument that constitute permessage fields shall be as follows; those not explicitly mentioned below shall be as specified by the * Originate EDIN abstract operation Envelope argument: p hp x ! ph p1) Originatorname: The OR Name of the UA's user.  h  ph p2) Contenttype and Originalencodedinformationtypes: Determined from the EDIN as specified in and , respectively.    ph p3) Contentidentifier: Specified or omitted as a local matter.  ph p4) Deferreddeliverytime: Omitted.  ph p5) Priority: Same as that of the subject EDIM. ` hp x !2NOTE Subject EDIM is defined in .   p` hp x !X hpb)` Content: Determined from Originate EDIN's Content argument (identified as a PN, NN or FN) as specified in .   p hp x ! ph p1) If, in the subject EDIM, Reception Security is set to "nonrepudiation" and Notification Security is set to "nonrepudiation" and the "contentintegritycheck" security argument is present in the delivery envelope of the subject EDIM, then the "contentintegritycheck" security argument is copied into the Content Integrity Check field of the EDIN. The UA shall submit the EDIN with a nonrepudiable security element "contentintegritycheck" (possibly in the message token) or a "messageoriginauthenticationcheck" (depending on the security policy in force).    ph p2) If, in the Subject EDIM, Reception Security is set to "nonrepudiation" and Notification Security is set to "nonrepudiation" and the "contentintegritycheck" security argument is not present in the delivery envelope of the subject EDIM, then the Content of the subject message shall be copied into the Original Content field of the EDIN. The UA shall submit the EDIN with a nonrepudiable security element "contentintegritycheck" (possibly in the message token) or  h  ph a "messageoriginauthenticationcheck" (depending on the security policy in force).    ph p3) If, in the Subject EDIM, Notification Security is set to "proof" the UA shall submit the EDIN with the security element "contentintegritycheck" (possibly in the message token) or the "messageoriginauthenticationcheck", according to the security policy in force.    ph p4) If, in the Subject EDIM, EDI Notification Security is set to "nonrepudiation" the UA shall submit the EDIN with a nonrepudiable security argument "contentintegritycheck" (possibly in the message token) or a "messageoriginauthenticationcheck", according to the security policy in force.    ph p5) If the MTA does not support secure messaging, the EDIN shall contain an appropriate Reason Code. ` hp x !AThe results of Originate EDIN shall be as follows:   p` hp x !X hpc)` Submissionidentifier: Message Submission's Messagesubmissionidentifier result.   X hpd)` Submissiontime: Message Submission's Messagesubmissiontime result.   ` hp x !THow the UA employs Message Submission's Contentidentifier result is a local matter.   ` hp x !X  17.2` Invocation of Reception Operations   ` hp x !TA UA shall invoke the abstract operations available at its Reception Port as specified below.   UThe UA invokes these operations in response to the MTS' invocation of the following abstract operations of the MTS Abstract Service (which, for what follows, are unqualified as to their source): p` hp x !X hpa)` Report Delivery X hpb)` Message Delivery  X ` hp x !LThe abstract operations of a Reception Port report no errors.   ` hp x !X  17.2.1` Receive Report   ` hp x !UWhenever the MTS invokes Report Delivery at a UA's Delivery Port, the UA shall invoke the Receive Report abstract operation with the following arguments: p` hp x !X hpa)` Envelope: Report Delivery's Envelope argument.   X hpb)` Undeliveredobject: Determined from Report Delivery's Returnedcontent argument as specified in .   ` hp x !MHow the UA employs the Contentidentifier component of Report Delivery's Envelope argument is a local matter.   ` hp x !X  17.2.2` Receive EDIM   ` hp x !RWhenever the MTS invokes Message Delivery at a UA's Delivery Port, and its Content argument encodes an EDIM as specified in , the UA shall invoke the Receive EDIM abstract operation with the following arguments: p` hp x !X hpa)` Envelope: Message Delivery's Envelope argument.   X hpb)` Content: Determined from Message Delivery's Content argument as specified in (but no longer marked as an EDIM).   ` hp x !X  17.2.3` Receive EDIN   ` hp x !RWhenever the MTS invokes Message Delivery at a UA's Delivery Port, and its Content argument encodes an EDIN as specified in , the UA shall invoke the Receive EDIN abstract operation with the following arguments: p` hp x !X hpa)` Envelope: Message Delivery's Envelope argument.   X hpb)` Content: Determined from Message Delivery's Content argument as specified in .   ` hp x !X  17.3` Internal procedures   ` hp x !RA UA shall perform as specified below the internal procedures that relate to acceptance of Responsibility, refusal of Responsibility and forwarding. Security elements in any type of notification shall follow the rules of .  x PA user may instruct its UA to accept or refuse Responsibility of incoming messages based on certain criteria.   TIn addition, a user may instruct its UA to forward incoming messages based on certain criteria.   RBecause of forwarding, it is possible for a UA to receive the same EDIM more than once. Mechanisms for detecting such duplicate receptions are not required, but may be a matter of local implementation by the UA. If they exist, and notifications are requested, the UA shall originate an NN. If they do not exist, and notifications are requested, the UA shall originate a PN or FN, as appropriate.   SThe procedures involve the following abstract operations of the MTS Abstract Service (which, for what follows, are unqualified as to their source): p` hp x !X hpa)` Message Submission X hpb)` Message Delivery   ` hp x !TAs implied by the above, in the course of the procedures, the UA has occasion to invoke Message Submission. What it does with the results of this abstract operation is a local matter.   TThe UA shall consider as a candidate for each procedure individually every message for which all of the following conditions hold:   p` hp x !X hpc)` The MTS has conveyed the message to the UA by invoking Message * Delivery at the UA's Delivery Port.  x X hpd)` The UA has not conveyed the message to the user by invoking Receive EDIM at the UA's Reception Port. X hpe)` The message contains an EDIM (rather than an EDIN).   ` hp x !UWith reference to item d) above, the message might be detained in the UA, e.g., as might be typical, because of the user's unavailability.   ` hp x !X  17.3.1` Acceptance of Responsibility   ` hp x !OA UA shall accept Responsibility when a message is successfully passed from the UA to the user. The UA shall follow the procedures below for each candidate message with respect to whose content the following condition holds:   p` hp x !X hpa)` The EDIM requests a PN by means of the EDI Notification Request field of the subject EDIM's Recipients field.   ` hp x !UThe UA may forward a message that it has accepted Responsibility for. See also on forwarding.   ` hp x !X` Construction of PN  x ` hp x !PThe UA shall construct a PN if, and only if, one is requested by means of the EDI Notification Requests field of the subject EDIM's Recipients field and in accordance with =The PN shall have the following common fields:   p` hp x !X hpa)` SubjectEDIM: The SubjectEDIM's ThisEDIM field or, if present, the Original EDIM Identifier in the EDIN Receiver field.   X hpb)` EDINOriginator: The OR Name of the UA which submits the EDIN. X hpof X hpof the delivery envelope (see of Recommendation X.411). X hpd)` NotificationTime: The current date and time.   ` hp x !X` Submission of PN   ` hp x !TThe UA shall submit the PN above by invoking Message Submission with the following arguments:   p` hp x !X hpa)` Envelope: The components of this argument shall be as prescribed for performance of the Originate EDIN abstract operation with the following exceptions:   p hp x ! ph p1) Priority: As specified by Message Delivery's Envelope argument.    ph p2) Permessageindicators: A local matter, except that conversionprohibited shall be among the values specified.    ph p3) Perrecipientfields: A single field whose Recipientname component shall be the Originatorname component of Message Delivery's Envelope argument, or if the EDIN Receiver field is present, the EDIN Receiver as specified by the originator of the message.   ` hp x !SNOTE If the OR Name in the EDIN Receiver field is not valid, then the UA cannot submit the EDIN. Procedures to be followed in this case are a local matter. p` hp x !X hpb)` Content: Determined from the PN as specified in .   ` hp x !X  17.3.2` Refusal of Responsibility   ` hp x !SA UA shall refuse to accept Responsibility when a message cannot be successfully passed from the UA to the user. A UA may refuse to accept Responsibility when forwarding was unsuccesful (see c) of ). The UA shall follow the procedures below for each candidate message under the following conditions:   p` hp x !X hpa)` The EDIM requests an NN of the UA's user by means of the EDI Notification Requests field of the subject EDIM's Recipients field. X hpb)` The EDIM is not forwarded. ` hp x !.NOTE See also on forwarding.   ` hp x !X` Construction of NN   ` hp x !QThe UA shall construct an NN if, and only if, one is requested by means of the EDI Notification Requests field of the subject EDIM's Recipients field and in accordance with   UThe NN shall have the common fields prescribed for Construction of PN (see ). 6The NN shall have the following fields:   p` hp x !X hpa)` NegativeReason Code: The reason why Responsibility for the EDIM was refused.   X hpb)` Optionally, supplementary information that adds information to the reason given.   ` hp x !X` Submission of NN   ` hp x !MThe UA shall submit the NN (if any) above by invoking Message Submission. Its Envelope argument shall be as prescribed for Acceptance of Responsibility (see ), its Content argument determined from the NN as specified in .   SNOTE If the OR Name in the EDIN Receiver field is not valid, then the UA cannot submit the EDIN. Procedures to be followed in this case are a local matter.   ` hp x !X` Handling of received EDIM   ` hp x !SThe received EDIM for which the UA refuses Responsibility shall not be made available to the user.   ` hp x !X  17.3.3` EDI Forwarding ` hp x !IThe procedures defined in this paragraph describe glEDIForwarding gl:EDIForwarding c4 P . I c4 P NOTE For brevity, the term "glforwardinggl:forwarding c4 P " is used in this Recommendation as a synonym for "EDI Forwarding".  x P c4 P A user may instruct its UA to forward received messages based on local criteria. A user may also instruct its UA to automatically forward requests for notifications together with the forwarded message. A message shall not be forwarded when Responsibility for that message has been refused. When Responsibility for a message has been refused, an NN shall be generated, if and only if one has been requested.   QIn order to forward an EDIM, the UA creates a new EDIM with a new Heading and in the Primary Body Part encapsulates the received EDIM (Heading and Body) and optionally the envelope of the received message using the body part type EDIM Body Part (see ). >Figure illustrates forwarding with an example.   ` hp x !Ђ 86import F5.XGL /c 6.27";4.6";HPGL Error! Cannot open file.  8OFIGURE 8M Forwarding>  8MForwarding c4 P > ` hp x !IThe term glsubject EDIMgl:subject EDIM c4 P  refers to the received EDIM that is being forwarded. The term glforwarding EDIM c4 P  gl:forwarding EDIM c4 P  refers to the new EDIM that is being created, and that will include all or part of the subject EDIM, in accordance with . IUnless overridden by specific rules below, or by the requirements of the security policy in force, the following general rules apply to the creation of the Heading fields of the forwarding EDIM:   p` hp x !X  c4 P ѩpAll mandatory Heading fields and any optional fields whose values are changed with respect to the values present in the subject EDIM shall be present.   X ©pHeading fields whose values are unchanged and whose ASN.1 type is DEFAULT shall be copied from the subject EDIM Heading to the forwarding EDIM Heading if the field is present in the subject EDIM Heading and the value in the field * is other that the value specified as DEFAULT in . X ©pOther Heading fields need not be copied.   ` hp x !REDI Forwarding is done by the MS if the UA has an MS, otherwise by the UA. 1EDI Forwarding may take two forms:  H p` hp x !X hpa)` Forwarding of message and Responsibility not accepted. X hpb)` Forwarding of message and Responsibility accepted.  x ` hp x !PEDI Forwarding may take place even if no notifications have been requested. This is equivalent to form b) above.   TThe UA shall, subject to the instructions given by the user, forward messages as follows.   ` hp x !X` Forwarding of message and Responsibility not accepted   ` hp x !TForwarding a message without accepting Responsibility of the message implies the following:   p` hp x !X hpa)` The Primary Body Part of the new message is the content of the subject message unchanged. The delivery envelope of the received EDIM shall be included if security notifications are requested. X hpResponsibil X hpResponsibility is allowed by the originator, the EDI Notification Request is forwarded unchanged with the new message to one, and only one, of the recipients of the new message. The value of the Responsibility Forwarded field shall be set to TRUE.  h X hpc)` If the forwarding fails (i.e a Non delivery report on the forwarded message is returned) within a given period of time (either specified by the originator in Expiry Time or as a local decision in the MS or UA, with priority given to the Expiry Time), the UA may send a Negative Notification, NN, back to the originator.   X hpd)` If the EDI Notification Requests field of the subject EDIM's Recipients field requests FN, an FN EDIN shall be sent back to the specified EDIN Receiver, or to the originator of the EDIM, if no EDIN Receiver is specified.   ` hp x !RThe delivery envelope of the received message shall be included in the new EDIM if the received EDIM's Primary Body Part is not a Forwarded EDIM. BIt is possible to forward a message more than once. AA message may be forwarded to multiple recipients.   UThe originator of a message may prohibit passing of Responsibility by setting the Responsibility Passing Allowed field to the value FALSE. In this case, if the UA cannot accept Responsibility and NN Notification is requested, the UA shall submit an NN EDIN with appropriate reason code. If the UA cannot accept Responsibility and NN Notification is not requested, then no EDIN shall be submitted.   ` hp x !X` Forwarding of message and Responsibility accepted  x ` hp x !PForwarding a message and accepting Responsibility of the message implies the following:   p` hp x !X hpa)` The Primary Body Part of the new message is the content of the subject message changed or unchanged. This type of forwarding is less restricted and may include removal or addition of body parts.   ` hp x !UNOTE 1 If the delivery envelope of the received message is included in the forwarded message, and if that envelope contained security fields, and if body parts are added or removed, then the security fields may no longer be valid.   p` hp x !X hpThe following rules apply with respect to removal of body parts:   p hp x ! ph p1) A forwarded EDIM Body Part shall not be removed.  ph phas  ph has been removed (see ).    ph p3) Body Part Place Holders shall be inserted where other body parts have been removed (see ).    ph p4) the Incomplete Copy Indicator field shall be set to "TRUE" if Body Parts are removed.   p` hp x !X hpb)` If the EDI Notification Requests field of the subject EDIM's Recipients field requests Positive Notification, a PN EDIN shall be sent back to the specified EDIN Receiver, or to the originator of the EDIM, if no EDIN Receiver is specified.  x X hpc)` A Forwarded Notification, FN, shall not be sent back to the originator of the message.  X X hpd)` The Responsibility Forwarded field shall not be present.   ` hp x !SNOTE 2 By scanning the successive nested Headings of an EDIM that contains a forwarded EDIM, the final recipient UA can determine from the setting of the Responsibility Forwarded field at which point in the forwarding chain Responsibility was accepted.   ` hp x !X` Prevention of loops  x ` hp x !PThe UA shall suppress forwarding if, and only if, the EDIM to be forwarded itself contains a forwarding EDIM that the UA previously created. Forwarding shall be suppressed whenever the forwarding EDIM appears (directly) in a body part of the EDIM to be forwarded, or (nested) in a body part of the EDIM that appears in such a body part.  x PThe UA shall consider itself to have created the forwarding EDIM above if, and only if, the OR Name component of a This EDIM Field in a forwarded EDIM matches the OR Name of the UA's user.   KNOTE- Forwarding an EDIM of the kind described above would constitute an EDI Forwarding "loop".   ` hp x !X` Construction of EDIM  x ` hp x !PThe UA shall construct a forwarding EDIM whose Primary Body Part comprises a body part of type EDIM Body Part. Additionally, other body parts may be added, and body parts may be removed. ?The Heading shall have the following components: p` hp x !X hpa)` This EDIM: New value generated. X hpb)` Originator: OR Name of the forwarding user.   X hpc)` Recipients: The recipients to which the EDIM shall be forwarded.   X hpd)` Incomplete Copy: If present in the Heading of the subject EDIM.   ` hp x !RIf Responsibility is not accepted, the following rules relating to the components of the EDIM Heading apply:  x p` hp x !X hpe)` EDIN Receiver Field: shall be present and shall contain all optional fields. If the subject EDIM contains an EDIN Receiver Field, the fields of the EDIN Receiver Field of the forwarding EDIM shall have the values of the fields of the EDIN Receiver Field of the subject EDIM. If optional fields are missing from the EDIN Receiver Field of the subject EDIM, or if the subject EDIM does not contain an EDIN Receiver Field, then the fields of the EDIN Receiver Field of the forwarding EDIM shall have the following values: p hp x ! ph p1) Edinreceiver: Originator of subject EDIM.    ph p2) Originaledimidentifier: This EDIM field of subject EDIM.    ph p3) Firstrecipient: OR Name of the UA to which the subject EDIM was first sent by the original originator. This is the OR Name of the forwarding UA (which is * performing the first forwarding operation), unless the MTA has performed redirection. In case of redirection, the correct First Recipient OR Name must be obtained from the Intended Recipient Name field of the delivery envelope (see of Recommendation X.411).   p` hp x !X hpf)` EDI Notification Request (subfield of Recipients): The UA may forward the EDIM to several recipients by simply   X hpadding recipients to the Recipients field. If EDI Notification Requests are present in the subject EDIM, the UA shall set identical EDI Notification Requests for one, and only one, of the recipients. One, and only one, of the UAs to whom the subject EDIM is forwarded will receive the EDI Notification Requests contained in the subject EDIM.  h X hpg)` Expiry Time: may be set to a value different to the value indicated in the subject EDIM.  x X hph)` All other Heading fields shall follow the general rules in .   ` hp x !UIf Responsibility is accepted, the EDIM Heading shall comply with a), b) and c) above and with the following rules:   p` hp x !X hpi)` EDIN Receiver Field: may be absent or present. If present, it shall contain only the following value:   p hp x ! ph p1) Edinreceiver: OR Name of the desired EDIN Receiver.   p` hp x !X hpj)` Other fields may be added (including EDI Notification Requests).   ` hp x !QOther fields apart from those especially mentioned above may, but need not, be copied from the Heading of the subject EDIM to the Heading of the new EDIM (except that the Original EDIM Identifier and First Recipient subfields of the EDIN Receiver Field shall not be present).   UNOTE If several recipients have the same OR Name, and notifications were requested from each, then the original originator may receive EDIN's which have identical Subject EDIM, EDIN Originator, and First Recipient fields.   TThe Primary Body Part shall be of type EDIM Body Part and shall have the following components:  H p` hp x !X hpk)` Parameters: The Envelope argument of Message Delivery. X hpl)` Data: The EDIM to be forwarded.   ` hp x !X` Submission of EDIM   ` hp x !UThe UA shall submit the EDIM it constructed above by invoking Message Submission with the following arguments:   p` hp x !X hpa)` Envelope: The components of this argument shall be as follows: p hp x ! ph p1) Originatorname: The OR Name of the UA's user.  h  ph p2) Contenttype and Originalencodedinformationtypes: Determined from the EDIM as specified in and .    ph p3) Contentidentifier: Specified or omitted as a local matter.    ph p4) Priority: As specified by Message Delivery's Envelope argument.    ph p5) Permessageindicators and Extensions: A local matter.  ph p6) Deferreddeliverytime: Omitted.    ph p7) Perrecipientfields: Their Recipientname components shall be the OR Names that the message shall be forwarded to. Their other components are a local matter. p` hp x !X hpb)` Content: Determined from the EDIM as specified in .   ` hp x !X` Construction of FN   ` hp x !QThe UA shall construct an FN if, and only if, one is requested by means of the EDI Notification Requests field of the subject EDIM's Recipients field and the user is not willing to accept Responsibility for the message and forwards the request for notification.   SThe FN shall have the common fields as prescribed for acceptance of Responsibility (See ). AThe FN shall have the following forwarding fields:   p` hp x !X hpa)` Forwarded To: the OR Name of the recipient to whom the request for notification was forwarded. X hpforw X hpforwarded.   X hpc)` Optionally, supplementary information that adds information to the reason given.   ` hp x !X` Submission of FN   ` hp x !MThe UA shall submit the FN (if any) above by invoking Message Submission. Message Submission's Envelope argument shall be as prescribed for acceptance of Responsibility (See ), its Content argument determined from the FN as specified in .   SNOTE If the OR Name in the EDIN Receiver field is not valid, then the UA cannot submit the EDIN. Procedures to be followed in this case are a local matter.   ` hp x !Ђ18. Message Store operation   ` hp x !ORecommendation X.413 defines the abstract service for a general content independent Message Store (MS). The MS is an optional system component in an MHS. The MS is asssociated with a user's UA. The user can submit messages through it and retrieve messages that have been delivered to the MS. In addition, the MS can perform certain predefined. auto actions on the UA's behalf.   TNOTE Because the MS is an optional system component in an MHS, use of the word "shall" with respect to MS specifications shall not be construed as mandating the provision of an MS or the services it provides. Use of the word "shall" with respect to MS specifications shall be construed as mandating the specifications of an MS, if one is provided.   UAll the abstract operations, general attribute types and general auto actions types defined in Recommendation X.413 are also available for use by EDI messages.   SAn MS may optionally offer additional support for the EDI messaging specific attribute types and auto actions, which would qualify it as an EDI messaging specific MS (EDI MS). These additional definitions are given in what follows.   ` hp x !X  18.1` Binding to the MS   ` hp x !OBinding to the MS is described in 7.1 of Recommendation X.413. Attention should be given to the following points when using the MS for EDI messaging.   ` hp x !X  18.1.1` Abstractbind argument  x ` hp x !PThe following parameters from 7.1.1 of Recommendation X.413 have special meaning in this Recommendation: p` hp x !X hpa)` Fetchrestrictions   QThe name of the object identifier for the EDI content type is "idmctpedi", the value is defined in Annex A. X hpb)` AllowedEITs   OThe names of the object identifiers so far standardized in this Recommendation are defined in Annex A. See also .   ` hp x !X  18.2` Abstractbind result  h ` hp x !NThe following parameter from 7.1.2 of Recommendation X.413 has special meaning for this Recommendation: p` hp x !X ©pAvailableautoactions   ` hp x !KNOTE The use of the general auto action "autoforward" is discouraged for use with EDIMs. Instead the EDI messaging specific auto actions "ediforwardwithresponsibilityaccepted" * and "ediforwardwithresponsibilitynotaccepted" should be used.   ` hp x !X  18.3` Creation of Information Objects   ` hp x !MAn MS shall satisfy the following requirements related to the information objects it maintains:   p` hp x !X hpa)` The MS shall maintain a separate information object for each message containing an EDIM or EDIN that is delivered to it.   X hpb)` The MS shall maintain as a separate information object not only each message containing a forwarding EDIM (pursuant to Item a) but also each message containing a forwarded EDIM (recursively).  x X hpc)` The MS shall assign sequence numbers to the messages in the hierarchy formed by a forwarding EDIM and its forwarded EDIMs. The lowest number shall be assigned to the outermost level of the hierarchy.  x ` hp x !PThe general (content independent) attributes that may occur in a storedmessages informationbase are documented in Recommendation X.413. All contentindependent MS attributes can be used for the content defined in this Recommendation. The EDI specific attributes for storedmessages are defined in . All general attribute types classified as "mandatory" in Table 1 of Recommendation X.413 shall be supported.   ` hp x !X  18.3.1` Mapping of an MHS message in MS   ` hp x !SNOTE In what follows, reference is made to an "MHS message". This is not be confused with the term "message", which refers to an EDIM. Numbe Number, a Creation Time for the entry, the Interchange Length etc. It then generates attributes based on protocol elements in the MHS Envelope, in the Heading and one attribute containing the whole EDI Interchange. The attribute EDI Body Part Type signals which EDI Standard has been used. Similarly, other Body Parts will be mapped into one or several additional attributes.   RFigure describes how an MHS message with an EDIM is mapped into a corresponding MS entry.   ` hp x !Ђ 86import F6.XGL /c 6.27";4.6";HPGL Error! Cannot open file.  8OFIGURE 8@ MHS Message with EDIM Mapping in MSY  8@MHS Message with EDIM Mapping in MS c4 P Y X  18.3.2` Mapping of forwarded messages in MS   ` hp x !SA forwarded EDIM is mapped into the Message Store as one main entry and one or more linked child entries. The final child entry will contain the original EDIM (with its interchange and any additional body parts).   VThe MS Structure of a forwarded message such as the message in Figure is depicted in Figure .   ` hp x !Ђ 86import F7.XGL /c 6.27";4.6";HPGLError! Cannot open file.  8OFIGURE 8G Forwarded message in MSK  8GForwarded message in MS c4 P K X  18.4` Maintenance of Attributes  X ` hp x !LAn MS shall satisfy the following requirements related to MS attributes:   p` hp x !X hpa)` For each EDIM or EDIN it holds, the MS shall support the attributes of as specified therein.   X hpb)` For each EDIM it holds, the MS shall give the following meanings to the defined values of the MSstatus attribute:   p hp x ! ph p1) new: No attribute values have been conveyed to the UA.    ph p2) listed: At least one attribute value has been conveyed to the UA, and at least one body part value has not been conveyed to the UA.    ph p3) processed: All body parts have been conveyed to the UA or the MS has performed an auto action.   p` hp x !X hpc)` For each EDIN it holds, the MS shall give the following meanings to the defined values of the MSstatus attribute:   p hp x ! ph p1) new: No attribute values have been conveyed to the UA.    ph p2) listed: At least one attribute value has been conveyed to the UA, and at least one attribute value has not been conveyed to the UA.    ph p3) processed: All attributes have been conveyed to the UA or the MS has performed an auto action.   p` hp x !X hpd)` The MSstatus attribute shall reflect the state of affairs prior to an abstract operation invocation that alters its value.   X hpe)` The Content Type attribute of each message containing an EDIM or EDIN that is delivered to the MS shall have as value the Object Identifier idmctedi (see Annex A).   ` hp x !X  18.5` Negative Notification   ` hp x !MWhen it discards an EDIM while performing the Delete abstract operation of the MS Abstract Service, the MS shall submit an NN if one is requested and the EDIM's MSstatus attribute has the value listed.   ` hp x !X  18.6` Auto Action Types ` hp x !JThe concept of auto actions is described in 6.5 and 12 of Recommendation X.413. This defines two general auto action types, which can potentially be used for all contenttypes. However, the "autoforward" auto action defined in there is not well suited for the EDIM contenttype and its use for EDI messaging is discouraged. Instead, a specific auto action, for EDI Forwarding is defined below.   RThe autoalert auto action defined in 12.2 of Recommendation X.413 can be used for EDI messaging without any restrictions.   RAuto actions are registered and deregistered using the RegisterMS abstract operation as described in 8.6 of Recommendation X.413.   SThe EDIautoforward auto action is described in the following. The operation of this auto action may be affected by the implementation of a security policy.   TThe auto action is described below together with its abstract syntax using the AUTOACTION macro is defined in 6.5 of Recommendation X.413. The definition of EDIautoforward auto actions are defined below.   MThe EDIautoforward allows EDIMs to be forwarded as follows:   p` hp x !X ©pforwardingwithresponsibilitynotaccepted, which means that the EDI responsibility is forwarded. See a) of ;   X ©pforwardingwithresponsibilityaccepted, which means that the EDI responsibility is accepted. See b) of ; ` hp x !responsibili responsibilityaccepted.   OIf EDI Security Requests are present, then the EDIautoforward actions defined above may be prohibited, subject to the security policy in force. If EDI Security Requests are present then the EDIautoforward action "forwardingwithresponsibilityaccepted" shall not be performed.   KThe EDIautoforward allows one or more sets of EDIforwardregistrationparameters to be registered with the MS, each identified by its registrationidentifier. Each EDIforward *ԩregistrationparameter specifies criteria to determine whether it applies to a delivered EDIM, and if so, a copy of the message is EDIautoforwarded using the Messagesubmission abstract operation. The delivered EDIM may be automatically deleted afterwards. Below is the ASN.1 definition of the ediautoforward AUTO ACTION: ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,a01 Da01 moediautoforwardmo:ediautoforward AUTOACTION X REGISTRATION PARAMETER IS EDIForwardRegistrationParameter X ::= idactediautoforward   p x !X moEDIForwardRegistrationParametermo:EDIForwardRegistration Parameter ::= SEQUENCE { :filter&[0] Filter OPTIONAL, X edisupplementaryinfo%([1] EDISupplementaryInfo OPTIONAL, X deleteafterforwarding&([2] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, X ediforwardingmode"&CHOICE { X forwardingwithresponsibilitynotaccepted<xA[3] ForwardWithRespForwarded, X forwardingwithresponsibilityaccepted8 <<xA[4] ForwardWithRespAccepted }   ` hp x !.D.   ` hp x !UNOTE The data types Filter, Per Message Auto Forward Fields and Per Recipient Auto Forward Fields are defined in 12.1 of Recommendation X.413.   TThe common parameters of the EDI Forward Registration Parameter have the following meanings:   p` hp x !X hpa)` Filter: This is a set of criteria which a new entry representing a delivered EDIM shall satisfy for the MS abstract service provider to auto forward it using this set of parameters.   X hpThe absence of this parameter indicates that all new entries are to be examined for potential auto forwarding.   X hpNOTE Substrings in filters cannot be defined for composite attributes (attributes with further ASN.1 structure in the attribute value) in the present version of Recommendation X.413.   X hpb)` Edisupplementaryinfo: This parameter can contain text to be included in the EDIN supplementory field of an EDIN and in the otherparameters field of a forwarded EDIM.   X hphhas succeeded. If not specified, no deletion takes place. X hpd)` Ediforwardingtype: This is a choice between: p hp x ! ph p1) forwardingwithresponsibilitynotaccepted,  ph p2) forwardingwithresponsibilityaccepted,   ` hp x !UThe remaining parameters are described separately for the three cases below.   ` hp x !X  18.6.1` Forwarding With Responsibility Not Accepted   ` hp x !SThe forwardingwithresponsibilitynotaccepted case enables the MS abstract service provider to automatically forward, with EDI Responsibility forwarded, any EDIM that has been delivered into the storedmessages information base. The use of this auto action shall be subject to the requirements of the security policy in force. The MS shall follow the rules in . Appropriate values are added in the EDI Notification Indication attribute.   UThe following limitations apply to forwardingwithresponsibilitynotaccepted, when compared to the general rules for forwarding contained in :   p` hp x !X hpa)` The forwardingwithresponsibilitynotaccepted auto action type shall only be performed once for a particular EDIM by the same MS.   X hpb)` Only one recipient shall be specified for the forwarding auto action. ` hp x !X  c4 P A.D.X435B.DOC,a02  c4 P a02 AmoForwardWithRespNotAccepted q c4 P mo: c4 P  ForwardWithRespNotAccepte dq ::= SET { ICOMPONENTS OF PerMessageAutoForwardFields, from envelope PerMessageFields  H X perrecipientfield"([3] PerRecipientAutoForwardFields,   X notificationargument$([4] NotificationArguments OPTIONAL } p x !X  c4 P mo c4 P  NotificationArguments g c4 P mo: c4 P NotificationArgumentsg ::= SET { ICOMPONENTS OF PerMessageAutoForwardFields, from envelope PerMessageFields X perrecipientsfield#&[3] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ubrecipients) OF X PerRecipientAutoForwardFields }  x ` hp x !Ѐ,   .D.   Ё, c4 P The following ASN.1 data type defines the parameters specific to this case: p` hp x !c) pPerMessageAutoForwardFields: This is a set of arguments registered to be used for each message submission abstract operation (see of Recommendation X.411). Any argument which is not registered, not mandatory, and not specifically mentioned below, will be absent from each message submission.  pIf the following arguments are either not registered, or registered with their default values, the values used for each message submission abstract operation are those of the corresponding message delivery arguments: priority, implicitconversionprohibited, and conversionwithlossprohibited.    pIf the following argument is either not registered, or registered with their default values, their presence as message submission arguments depends upon the presence of the corresponding message delivery arguments, their values being transformed where appropriate: messagesecuritylabel.  pThe following arguments have fixed values:   p hp x ! ph p1) DLexpansionprohibited, value DLexpansionprohibited    ph p2) implicitconversionprohibited: value implicitconversionprohibited    ph p3) conversionwithlossprohibited: value conversionwithlossprohibited  x p` hp x !X hpCertain message submission arguments may be registered. These are: proofofsubmissionrequest, originalencodedinformationtypes and contenttype. X hpd)` PerRecipientAutoForwardFields:   QThis is a set of arguments registered to be used for each message submission abstract operation (see of Recommendation X.411). Any argument which is not registered, not mandatory, and not specifically mentioned below, will be absent from each message submission. X hpThe following argument have a fixed value:   p hp x ! ph p1) originatorreportrequest: this shall have either the value nondeliveryreport or the value report.  ph Only one recipient is allowed for this case. p` hp x !X hpe)` Notificationargument:  x PThis contains the same parameters as in c) and d) above, but the actual values can differ from the values in the forwarded EDIM.   ` hp x !X  18.6.2` Forwarding with responsibility accepted   ` hp x !OThe forwardingwithresponsibilityaccepted case enables the MS abstract service provider to automatically forward, with Responsibility accepted, any EDIM that has been delivered into the storedmessages information base. The use of this auto action shall be subject to the requirements of the security policy in * force. The MS shall follow the rules in . Appropriate values are added in the EDI Notification Indication attribute. acce accepted, when compared to the general rules for forwarding contained in :   p` hp x !X hpa)` The MS shall construct and forward an EDIM whose primary body part comprises a body part of type EDIM body part as described in , however no body parts shall be removed or added, the original delivery envelope shall be included and the components of the original Heading shall be copied to the Heading of the forwarding EDIM according to the rules in ; with the following exceptions:  X p hp x ! ph p1) The "recipient" parameter value is set to the next "recipient".    ph p2) Any registered values for Heading fields shall replace the old values in the new Heading. ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,a03 Ia03 moForwardWithRespAcceptedmo:ForwardWithRespAccepted ::= SET { X COMPONENTS OF PerMessageAutoForwardFields, from envelope PerMessageFields X perrecipientsfield#([3] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ubrecipients) OF X ` PerRecipientAutoForwardFields, X notificationargument$([4] NotificationArguments OPTIONAL, X headingfieldsh#[5] HeadingFields OPTIONAL } p x !X moHeadingFieldsmo:HeadingFields ::= SEQUENCE { <newedinreceivername%([0] ORName OPTIONAL, X nextrecipient&[1] RecipientField, X nextrecipientactionrequest,p2[2] ActionRequestField DEFAULT {idforaction}, X nextrecipientedinotificationrequestsfield=xA[3] EDINotificationRequestsField OPTIONAL, X nextresponsibilitypassingallowed27[4] ResponsibilityPassingAllowedField DEFAULT FALSE }   ` hp x !.D.   ` hp x !UThe following ASN.1 data type defines the parameters specific to this case: p` hp x !X hpb)` PerMessageAutoForwardFields: 8The description is the same as in c) of . X hpc)` PerRecipientAutoForwardFields 8The description is the same as in d) of . X hpMultiple recipients are allowed for this case. X hpd)` Notificationargument: 8The description is the same as in e) of . X hpe)` HeadingFields: -New values may be defined for:   p hp x ! ph p1) "newedinreceivername" to replace "edinreceivername" in EDIN Receiver Field.  ph pField  ph Field. This field is mandatory.    ph p3) "nextrecipientactionrequest" to replace "recipientactionrequest" in Recipients Sub Field.    ph p4) "nextrecipientedinotificationrequestsfield" to replace "recipientedinotificationrequestsfield" in Recipients Sub Field.    ph p5) "nextresponsibilitypassingallowed" to "replace responsibilitypassingallowed" in Recipients Sub Field.   ` hp x !X  18.7` Message Store Attributes   ` hp x !RAs described in Recommendation X.413, an MS maintains and provides access to certain attributes of each information object it holds. An attribute comprises a type and, depending upon the type, one or more values. Attributes that may assume several values simultaneously (all pertaining to one object) are termed multivalued, those that may assume just one value, singlevalued. Some attributes pertain to information objects of all kinds, others only to those of e.g. EDI messaging kind.   RThe following defines the MS attributes specific to EDI messaging. EDI specific attributes are defined below.   RAll of the attributes defined in this Recommendation, except those corresponding to extended body part types (which cannot be enumerated), are listed alphabetically, for reference, in the first column of Table 1. This table records their presence in a delivered message entry. None of them appears in a delivered report entry. Additional, unnamed attributes are described in . Table 2 describes how the EDI attributes are generated.   ONOTE See and for an elaboration of the legend of the tables.  ` hp x !Ђ 8OTABLE 1 8= Summary of EDI specific MS Attribute Typesa  8=Summary of EDI specific MS Attribute Types c4 P  a  ( ( XH`Px ! c4 P  Attribute&*Single/1`4Support;>PresenceF!,Presence4P2Presence:7Presence?x<AvailableE!BAvailable  Multi%H'level by/)in+/in1`.in0`4in62for list,;8for  valued&*MS and0`4delivered=x-delivered63delivered<>deliveredG!BalertG!Hsummarize  UA!X%EDIM),PN.)NN+/FN acknowledgementrequest59S:O "P#X$%H'()*,Y-.N  forthisrecipient599 ""X%%H''**,,/ actionrequest,/S0`O "P#X$%H'()*,Y-.N  forthisrecipient599 ""X%%H''**,,/ applicationreference2`4S5O "C#X$%H'()*,Y-.N authorizationinformation79S:O "C#X$%H'()*,Y-.N  forthisrecipient599 ""X%%H''**,,/ body!X%S&M "P#X$%H'()*,N-.N communicationsagreementid9S "O#X$C%H'()*,-.Y/1N  forthisrecipient599 ""X%%H''**,,/ crossreferencinginformation:M "O#X$C%H'()*,-.Y/1N dateandtimeofpreparation9S "M#X$C%H'()*,-.Y/1N ediapplicationsecurityelements>xASB$O%H'C()*,-./1Y2`3N ediapplicationsecurityextentions@$M%H'O()C*,-./12`3Y4P6N edibodypart*,S-M "P#X$%H'()*,N-.N edibodyparttype.1S2`M "P#X$%H'()*,Y-.Y edimessagetype-/M0`M "C#X$%H'()*,Y-.N edinotificationindicator79M:O "#X$%H'()*,Y-.N edinotificationrequests79S:O "C#X$%H'()*,Y-.N  forthisrecipient599 ""X%%H''**,,/ edinotificationsecurity79S:O "C#X$%H'()*,Y-.N  forthisrecipient599 ""X%%H''**,,/ edireceptionsecurity4P6S7O "C#X$%H'()*,Y-.N  forthisrecipient599 ""X%%H''**,,/ edimbodypart+/S0`O "C#X$%H'()*,N-.N edimsynopsis*,S-O "P#X$%H'()*,N-.N edimsentrytype-/S0`M "P#X$P%H'P()P*,Y-.Y edininitiator+/S0`O "#X$P%H'P()P*,Y-.N edinoriginator,/S0`O "#X$P%H'P()P*,Y-.N edinreceiver*,S-O "C#X$%H'()*,Y-.N expirytime(*S+O "C#X$%H'()*,Y-.N externallydefinedbodyparttypes?xAMB$O%H'C()*,-./1Y2`3N firstrecipient,/S0`O "C#X$C%H'C()C*,Y-.N fnextensions*,M-O "#X$%H'()C*,Y-.N fnreasoncode+/S0`O "#X$%H'()P*,Y-.N fnsupplementaryinformation9S "O#X$%H'()*,C-.Y/1N forwardedto),S-O "#X$%H'()P*,Y-.N heading$H'S(M "P#X$%H'()*,N-.N headingextensions/1M2`O "C#X$%H'()*,Y-.N  ` hp x ! c4 P  8ITABLE 1 (concluded)  ( ( XH`Px ! c4 P  Attribute&*Single/1`4Support;>PresenceF!,Presence4P2Presence:7Presence?x<AvailableE!BAvailable  Multi%H'level by/)in+/in1`.in0`4in62for list,;8for  valued&*MS and0`4delivered=x-delivered63delivered<>deliveredG!BalertG!Hsummarize  UA!X%EDIM),PN.)NN+/FN incompletecopy,/S0`O "P#X$%H'()*,Y-.N interchangecontrolreference;S "M#X$C%H'()*,-.Y/1N  forthisrecipient599 ""X%%H''**,,/ interchangelenght/1S2`O "P#X$%H'()*,Y-.N interchangerecipient3P6S7M "C#X$%H'()*,Y-.N  forthisrecipient599 ""X%%H''**,,/ interchangesender/1S2`M "C#X$%H'()*,Y-.N messagedata),S-O "C#X$%H'()*,N-.N messageparameters/1S2`O "C#X$%H'()*,N-.N nnextensions*,M-O "#X$%H'C()*,Y-.N nnreasoncode+/S0`O "#X$%H'P()*,Y-.N nnsupplementaryinformation9S "O#X$%H'()C*,-.Y/1N notificationsecurityelements;S "O#X$%H'C()C*,C-.Y/1N notificationtime.1S2`O "#X$P%H'P()P*,Y-.N notificationsextensions59M:O "#X$C%H'C()C*,Y-.N obsoletededims,/M0`O "C#X$%H'()*,Y-.N originator'*S+O "C#X$%H'()*,Y-.N pnextensions*,M-O "#X$C%H'()*,Y-.N pnsupplementaryinformation9S "O#X$%H'C()*,-.Y/1N processingprioritycode69S:O "C#X$%H'()*,Y-.Y  forthisrecipient599 ""X%%H''**,,/ recipientextensions2`4M5O "C#X$%H'()*,Y-.N  forthisrecipient599 ""X%%H''**,,/ recipientreference1`4S5O "C#X$%H'()*,Y-.N  forthisrecipient599 ""X%%H''**,,/ relatedmessages-/M0`O "C#X$%H'()*,Y-.N responsibilityforwarded59S:O "P#X$%H'()*,Y-.Y responsibilitypassingallowed<>S?x$O%H'P()*,-./1Y2`3N  forthisrecipient599 ""X%%H''**,,/ servicestringadvice2`4S5O "C#X$%H'()*,Y-.N subjectedim),S-M "#X$P%H'P()P*,Y-.N syntaxidentifier.1S2`M "C#X$%H'()*,Y-.Y testindicator,/S0`O "P#X$%H'()*,Y-.Y  forthisrecipient599 ""X%%H''**,,/ thisedim&*S+M "P#X$%H'()*,Y-.N thisrecipient+/S0`O "P#X$%H'()*,Y-.N  ` hp x ! c4 P  8N TABLE 2 8: Generation of the EDI specific MS Attribute Typese  8:Generation of the EDI specific MS Attribute Types c4 P e   ( 8p x ! c4 P  Attributetypename/p2Source8 <SourceB FGeneration 8)parameters37generated@ Frules 8)),by acknowledgementrequest47acknowledgementG!HMDJ(#*The attributevalue is the value of the parameter    forthisrecipient.0request7 <<x(in the recipientsubfield for this recipient.    8)),,/If the source parameter is missing, an attribute    8)),,/with the default value shall be generated. actionrequest+/actionrequest=xAMDC *The attributevalue is the value of the parameter    forthisrecipient.00p227in the recipientsubfield for this recipient.    8)),,/If the source parameter is missing, an attribute    8)),,/with the default value shall be generated. applicationreference17applicationreferenceL$+MD-/The value of the parameter is the attribute value. authorizationinformation6 <authorizationJ(#KMDM$*The attributevalue is the value of the parameter    forthisrecipient.0information;xAA (in the recipientsubfield for this recipient.    body 8)body-/MD1*The value of the parameter is the attribute value.    communicationsagreementid8 <communicationsK#LMDN%OThe attributevalue is the value of the parameter    forthisrecipient.0agreementid<xAA (in the recipientsubfield for this recipient.    crossreferencinginformation9 <crossreferencingN%OMDQp&RA value is generated from each value 8)information477 (of the SET.    dateandtimeofpreparation8 <dateandtimeofM$NMDP%QThe value of the parameter is the attribute value. 8)preparation477 ,    ediapplicationsecurityelements=xAediapplicationQp&RMDT'UThe value of the parameter is the attribute value. 8)securityelements: <<x,    ediapplicationsecurityextentions?xAediapplicationQp&RMDT'UA value is generated from each value 8)securityextentions<x,,/of the SET.    edibodypart),edibodypart9 <MD>x*The value of the parameter is the attribute value.    edibodyparttype-/edibodyparttype@ FMDH8"*The value of the parameter is the attribute value.    8)),,/If the source parameter is missing, an attribute    8)),,/with the default value shall be generated. edimessagetype,/edimessagetype?xAMDC *A value is generated from each value 8)),,/of the SET.    edinotificationindicator6 < NONEL$MMSO%*A value is added when an EDIN is submitted 8)),,/from the MS.    edinotificationrequests6 <edinotificationrequestsUP(VMDX)YThe attributevalue is the value of the parameter    forthisrecipient.00p227in the recipientsubfield for this recipient.    edinotificationsecurity6 <edinotificationsecurityUP(VMDX)YThe value of the parameter is the attribute value. forthisrecipient.00p227` hp x ! c4 P  STABLE 2 (continued) ( 8p x ! c4 P  Attributetypename/p2Source8 <SourceB FGeneration 8)parameters37generated@ Frules 8)),by edireceptionsecurity37edireceptionsecurityM$+MD-/The value of the parameter is the attribute value. forthisrecipient.00p227    edimbodypart*, NONE<xAMSC *The value is the sequencenumber of the entry 8)),,/created for the forwarded EDIM. edimsynopsis),se <MS>x*se    edimsentrytype,/InformationObject A FMSH8"*If the information object is an EDIM, the value is    8)and edin177 (set to "edim". If the information object is an    8)),,/EDIN, the value is set according to the type of 8)),,/the EDIN.    edininitiator*,edininitiator: <MD>x*The value of the parameter is the attribute value.    edinoriginator+/edinoriginator>xAMDC *The value of the parameter is the attribute value.    edinreceiver),edinreceiver9 <MD>x*The value of the parameter is the attribute value.    expirytime'8)expirytime47MD9 *The value of the parameter is the attribute value.    externallydefinedbodyparttypes>xAadditionalbodyQp&RMDT'UFrom each component of the SEQUENCE,    8)parts.00p(one value is generated from the value of the    8)),,/ExternallyDefinedData components direct    8)),,/reference and one is generated from the value    8)),,/of the ExternallyDefinedParameters components 8)),,/directreference, if present.    firstrecipient+/firstrecipient>xAMDC *The value of the parameter is the attribute value. fnextensions),fnextensions9 <MD>x*A value is generated from each value 8)),,/of the SET.    fnreasoncode*,fnreasoncode: <MD>x*The value of the parameter is the attribute value.    fnsupplementaryinformation8 <fnsupplementaryM$NMDP%QThe value of the parameter is the attribute value. 8)information477 ,    forwardedto(,forwardedto8 <MD>x*The value of the parameter is the attribute value.    heading#8)heading0p2MD4*The value of the parameter is the attribute value. headingextensions.0headingextensionsB FMDH8"*A value is generated from each value 8)),,/of the SET.    incompletecopy+/incompletecopy>xAMDC *The value of the parameter is the attribute value.    8)),,/If the source parameter is missing, an attribute    8)),,/with the default value shall be generated.    interchangecontrolreference: <interchangeH8"IMDK#LThe attributevalue is the value of the parameter    forthisrecipient.0controlreferenceA FF!(in the recipientsubfield for this recipient.` hp x ! c4 P  STABLE 2 (continued) ( 8p x ! c4 P  Attributetypename/p2Source8 <SourceB FGeneration 8)parameters37generated@ Frules 8)),by    interchangelenght.0 NONE@ FMSH8"*The value is the number of octets occupied by 8)),,/the source parameter. interchangerecipient27interchangerecipientL$+MD-/The attributevalue is the value of the parameter    forthisrecipient.00p227in the recipientsubfield for this recipient.    interchangesender.0interchangesenderB FMDH8"*The value of the parameter is the attribute value.    messagedata(,data0p2MD4*The value of the parameter is the attribute value.    messageparameters.0parameters: <MD>x*The value of the parameter is the attribute value. nnextensions),nnextensions9 <MD>x*A value is generated from each value 8)),,/of the SET.    nnreasoncode*,nnreasoncode: <MD>x*The value of the parameter is the attribute value.    nnsupplementaryinformation8 <nnsupplementaryM$NMDP%QThe value of the parameter is the attribute value. 8)information477 ,    notificationsecurityelements: <notificationsecurityR&SMDT'UThe value of the parameter is the attribute value. 8)elements177 ,    notificationtime-/notificationtime@ FMDH8"*The value of the parameter is the attribute value. notificationsextensions47notificationsE!HMDJ(#*A value is generated from each value 8)extensions377 (of the SET. obsoletededims+/obsoletedEDIMs>xAMDC *A value is generated from each value 8)),,/of the SEQUENCE.    originator&8)originator37MD9 *The value of the parameter is the attribute value. pnextensions),pnextensions9 <MD>x*A value is generated from each value 8)),,/of the SET.    pnsupplementaryinformation8 <pnsupplementaryM$NMDP%QA value of the parameter is the attribute value. 8)information477 , processingprioritycode57processingB FMDH8"*The attributevalue is the value of the parameter    forthisrecipient.0prioritycode=xAA (in the recipientsubfield for this recipient.    recipientextensions17recipientextensionsK#+MD-/A value is generated from each value of the SET    forthisrecipient.00p227in the recipientsubfield for this recipient. recipientreference0p2recipientreferenceE!+MD-/The attributevalue is the value of the parameter    forthisrecipient.00p227in the recipientsubfield for this recipient. relatedmessages,/relatedmessages?xAMDC *A value is generated from each value 8)),,/of the SEQUENCE.` hp x ! c4 P  STABLE 2 (concluded) ( 8p x ! c4 P  Attributetypename/p2Source8 <SourceB FGeneration 8)parameters37generated@ Frules 8)),by    responsibilityforwarded47responsibilityforwardedO%PMDR&SThe value of the parameter is the attribute value.    8)),,/If the source parameter is missing, an attribute    8)),,/with the default value shall be generated.    responsibilitypassingallowed;xAresponsibilityP%QMDS`'TThe attributevalue is the value of the parameter    forthisrecipient.0passingallowed?xAA (in the recipientsubfield for this recipient.    8)),,/If the source parameter is missing, an attribute    8)),,/with the default value shall be generated. servicestringadvice17servicestringadviceL$+MD-/The value of the parameter is the attribute value.    subjectedim(,subjectedim8 <MD>x*The value of the parameter is the attribute value.    syntaxidentifier-/syntaxidentifier@ FMDH8"*The value of the parameter is the attribute value.    testindicatorforthisrecipient=xAtestindicatorO%PMDR&SThe attributevalue is the value of the parameter    8)),,/in the recipientsubfield for this recipient.    8)),,/If the source parameter is missing, an attribute    8)),,/with the default value shall be generated.    thisedim%8)thisEDIM27MD9 *The value of the parameter is the attribute value. thisrecipient*,recipient57MD9 *The attributevalue is the value of the parameter    8)),,/in the recipientsubfield for this recipient. ` hp x !X   c4 P 18.7.1` Summary Attributes   ` hp x !TSome attributes summarize an EDI Messaging information object. These attributes are defined and described below.   ` hp x !X` EDIMS Entry Type ` hp x !IThe otEDIMSEntryTypeot:EDIMSEntryType c4 P  attribute identifies an information object's type. ` hp x !X A.D.X435B.DOC,e01  c4 P e01 Ava edimsentrytype f c4 P va: c4 P  edimsentrytypef ATTRIBUTE 3WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDIMSEntryType X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idsatedimsentrytype p x !X  c4 P ty c4 P  EDIMSEntryType ` c4 P ty: c4 P EDIMSEntryType` ::= ENUMERATED { edim (0), X pn (1), X nn (2), X fn (3) } ` hp x !Ѐ .D.   Ё c4 P This attribute may assume any one of the following values: p` hp x !a) pedim: The information object is an EDIM. b) ppn: The information object is a PN. c) pnn: The information object is an NN. d) pfn: The information object is an FN. ` hp x !An MS that supports this attribute shall maintain it for an information object that it holds if, and only if, that object is a message whose content is an EDIM or EDIN. ` hp x !X` EDIM Synopsis ` hp x !IThe otEDIMSynopsisot:EDIMSynopsis c4 P  attribute gives the structure, characteristics, size, and processing status of an EDIM at the granularity of individual body parts. This attribute is created when an EDIM is delivered to the MS. ` hp x !X A.D.X435B.DOC,e02  c4 P e02 Ava edimsynopsis ` c4 P va: c4 P edimsynopsis` ATTRIBUTE 1WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDIMSynopsis X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idsatedimsynopsis   ` hp x !Ѐ .D.   Ё c4 P The synopsis of an EDIM comprises a synopsis of each of its body parts. The synopsis appear in the order in which the body parts appear. ` hp x !X   c4 P @ .D.X435B.DOC,e03  c4 P e03 @ty EDIMSynopsis ^  c4 P ty: c4 P EDIMSynopsis^ ::= SEQUENCE OF BodyPartSynopsis   ` hp x !Ѐ,   .D.   Ё, c4 P The synopsis of a body part takes either of two forms depending upon whether the body part is of type Message or Nonmessage (i.e. bodyparts other than a forwarded EDIM). This enables the synopsis of a forwarding EDIM to encompass the body parts of each forwarded EDIM (recursively), as well as those of the forwarding EDIM itself. ` hp x !X   c4 P @ .D.X435B.DOC,e04  c4 P e04 @ty BodyPartSynopsis b  c4 P ty: c4 P BodyPartSynopsisb ::= CHOICE { message` [0] MessageBodyPartSynopsis, nonmessage [1] NonMessageBodyPartSynopsis } p x !H   c4 P ty c4 P  MessageBodyPartSynopsis i  c4 P ty: c4 P MessageBodyPartSynopsisi ::= SEQUENCE { number[0] SequenceNumber, synopsis&[1] EDIMSynopsis } H   c4 P ty c4 P  NonMessageBodyPartSynopsis l  c4 P ty: c4 P NonMessageBodyPartSynopsisl ::= SEQUENCE { type[0] OBJECT IDENTIFIER, parameters&[1] ExternallyDefinedParameters OPTIONAL, size[2] INTEGER, processed&[3] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE }   ` hp x !Ѐ,   .D.   Ё, c4 P The synopsis of a Message body part has the following components: p` hp x !X hp a) otNumber ot:Number c4 P : The sequence number that the MS assigns to the entry that the Message body part represents. This component is generated when a childentry is created. p` hp x ! p form  pforms the content of the message that the body part represents. This component is generated when a childentry is created. ` hp x !The synopsis of a body part of type other than Message has the following components. For purposes of this synopsis, the body part is considered to be of type Externally Defined, whether or not it was so conveyed to the MS: p` hp x !X hp c) otTypeot:Type: This value is generated when the entry is created. If the Nonmessage Body Part is an edibodypart, the value is the object identifier value contained in the edibodyparttype attribute contained in this entry. If it is a removededibody, the value is set to "idsynremoved" (See Annex C). If it is a placeholder, the value is set to "idsynplaceholder" (again, see Annex C). If it is an externalbodypart, the value is set to the Directreference component of the body part's Data component. p` hp x !d) potParametersot:Parameters: This value is generated if the Nonmessage Body Part is an externalbodypart. It contains that body part's Parameter component, which may describe the body part's format and control parameters. e) potSizeot:Size: This value is created when the entry is created. The value is set to the size in octets of the encoding of the Encoding component of the body part's Data component when the Basic Encoding Rules of Recommendation X.209 are followed. If those rules permit several (e.g., both primitive and constructed) encodings of the component, the size may reflect any one of them. f) potProcessedot:Processed(default false): An indication of whether or not the body part has been conveyed to the UA by means of the MS Fetch abstract operation, or has been processed by an auto action. This value is set to the default value when the EDIM is delivered to the MS and is updated as described in . ` hp x !An MS that supports this attribute shall maintain it for an information object that it holds if, and only if, that object is a * message whose content is an EDIM.   As a consequence of its variability, the value of the Size component should be considered only an estimate of the body part's size.   ` hp x !X  18.7.2 ` EDI Notification Indicator   ` hp x !\sso which type of EDI Notifications were sent. The MS creates this attribute for each new EDIM and maintains the attribute values, depending on the auto actions performed. ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,e25   Me25 vaedinotificationindicatorva:edinotificationindicator ATTRIBUTE X WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDINotificationIndicator DEFAULT (0) X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X MULTI VALUE ::= X idsatedinotificationindicator p x !X EDINotificationIndicator ::= ENUMERATED { *nonotificationsent#&(0), X pnsent&(1), X nnsent&(2), X fnsent&(3) }   ` hp x !.D.   ` hp x !SEach value of this attribute may assume one of the following values:   p` hp x !X hpa)` nonotificationsent: This is the initial value set by the MS when a new MS entry is created for the EDIM.   X hpb)` pnsent: This value means that the MS has generated and sent a Positive Notification (PN) in response to a request for a PN.   X hpc)` nnsent: This value means that the MS has generated and sent a Negative Notification (NN) in response to a request for an NN.   X hpd)` fnsent: This value means that the MS has generated and sent a Forwarded Notification (FN) in response to a request for an FN.   ` hp x !X  18.7.3` Heading Attributes  h ` hp x !NSome attributes are derived from the Heading of an EDIM. These attributes are defined and described below.   ` hp x !X` Heading  X ` hp x !LThe otHeadingot:Heading attribute is the (entire) Heading of an EDIM. ` hp x !X .D.X435B.DOC,e05 0e05 vaheadingva:heading ATTRIBUTE X WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX Heading X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idhatheading   ` hp x !.D.   ` hp x !KAn MS that supports this attribute shall maintain it for an information object that it holds if, and only if, that object is a message whose content is an EDIM.   ` hp x !X` Heading fields   ` hp x !O c4 P Some attributes bear the names of Heading fields and have those fields as their values. Some attributes bear the names of Heading fields and have subfields of those fields as their values. See for semantics. ` hp x !X e c4 P .D.X435B.DOC,e06  c4 P e06 eva c4 P  thisedim \ c4 P va: c4 P thisedim\ ATTRIBUTE 2WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX ThisEDIMField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idhatthisedim p x !X  c4 P va c4 P  originator \ c4 P va: c4 P originator\ ATTRIBUTE 4WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX OriginatorField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idhatoriginator X  c4 P va c4 P edinreceiver c4 P va:edinreceiver c4 P  ATTRIBUTE 6WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDINReceiverField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idhatedinreceiver X  c4 P va c4 P responsibilityforwarded c4 P "va:responsibilityforwarded" c4 P  ATTRIBUTE <WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX ResponsibilityForwarded X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idhatresponsibilityforwarded X  c4 P va c4 P  edibodyparttype c c4 P va: c4 P edibodyparttypec ATTRIBUTE 4WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDIBodyPartType X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idhatedibodyparttype X  c4 P va c4 P  incompletecopy a c4 P va: c4 P incompletecopya ATTRIBUTE 8WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX IncompleteCopyField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idhatincompletecopy X T c4 P I.va: c4 P Texpirytime; ATTRIBUTE 4WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX ExpiryTimeField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY ORDERING X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idhatexpirytime X  c4 P va  c4 P relatedmessages c4 P  >va: c4 P relatedmessages> ATTRIBUTE =WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX RelatedMessagesReference X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X MULTI VALUE X ::= idhatrelatedmessages X va  c4 P obsoletededims c4 P  =va: c4 P obsoletededims= ATTRIBUTE ;WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX ObsoletedEDIMsSubfield X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X MULTI VALUE X ::= idhatobsoletededims X va  c4 P ediapplicationsecurityelement c4 P  Nva: c4 P ediapplicationsecurityelementN ATTRIBUTE BWITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDIApplicationSecurityElement X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE p x !H ::= idhatediapplicationsecurityelement p x !X va  c4 P ediapplicationsecurityextensions c4 P  Qva: c4 P ediapplicationsecurityextensionsQ ATTRIBUTE DWITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDIApplicationSecurityExtension X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X MULTI VALUE X ::= idhatediapplicationsecurityextensions X va  c4 P crossreferencinginformation c4 P  Kva: c4 P crossreferencinginformationK ATTRIBUTE HWITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX CrossReferencingInformationSubField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X MULTI VALUE X ::= idhatcrossreferencinginformation   ` hp x !Ѐ/    .D.   Ё/ c4 P Fields from EDIFACT Interchange: ` hp x !X   c4 P @ .D.X435B.DOC,e07  c4 P e07 @va edimessagetype e  c4 P va: c4 P  edimessagetypee ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDIMessageTypeFieldSubField MATCHES FOR EQUALITY MULTI VALUE ::= idhatedimessagetype p x !H   c4 P va c4 P  servicestringadvice g  c4 P va: c4 P servicestringadviceg ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX ServiceStringAdviceField MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SINGLE VALUE ::= idhatservicestringadvice H   c4 P va c4 P  syntaxidentifier c  c4 P va: c4 P syntaxidentifierc ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX SyntaxIdentifierField MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SINGLE VALUE ::= idhatsyntaxidentifier H   c4 P va c4 P  interchangesender d  c4 P va: c4 P interchangesenderd ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX InterchangeSenderField *ԌMATCHES FOR EQUALITY SINGLE VALUE ::= idhatinterchangesender H   c4 P va c4 P  dateandtimeofpreparation n  c4 P va: c4 P dateandtimeofpreparationn ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX DateAndTimeOfPreparationField MATCHES FOR EQUALITY ORDERING SINGLE VALUE ::= idhatdateandtimeofpreparation H   c4 P va c4 P  applicationreference g  c4 P va: c4 P applicationreferenceg ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX ApplicationReferenceField MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SUBSTRINGS SINGLE VALUE ::= idhatapplicationreference ` hp x !Ѐ .D.   Ё c4 P Heading extensions: ` hp x !X   c4 P @ .D.X435B.DOC,e09  c4 P e09 @va headingextensions d  c4 P va: c4 P headingextensionsd ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX HeadingExtensionsSubField MATCHES FOR EQUALITY MULTI VALUE ::= idhatheadingextensions ` hp x !Ѐa A.D.   Ёiinformation object that it holds if, and only if, that object is a message whose content is an EDIM whose Heading contains the field or subfield whose name the attribute bears.   Ђ18.7.3.3 Recipient subfield   ЁSome attributes bear the names of Recipient fields and have subfields of those fields as their values. See for semantics. Ђ.D.X435B.DOC,e10 e10 vathisrecipientva:thisrecipient ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX RecipientField MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SINGLE VALUE ::= idratthisrecipient vaactionrequestforthisrecipientva:actionrequestforthisrecipient ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX ActionRequestField MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SINGLE VALUE ::= idratactionrequestforthisrecipient vaedinotificationrequestsforthisrecipientva:edinotificationrequestsforthisrecipient ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDINotificationRequests MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SINGLE VALUE ::= idratedinotificationrequestsforthisrecipient vaedinotificationsecurityforthisrecipientva:edinotificationsecurityforthisrecipient ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDINotificationSecurity MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SINGLE VALUE ::= idratedinotificationsecurityforthisrecipient vaedireceptionsecurityforthisrecipientva:edireceptionsecurityforthisrecipient ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDIReceptionSecurity MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SINGLE VALUE ::= idratedireceptionsecurityforthisrecipient varesponsibilitypassingallowedforthisrecipientva:responsibilitypassingallowedforthisrecipient ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX ResponsibilityPassingAllowedField MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SINGLE VALUE ::= idratresponsibilitypassingallowedforthisrecipient   .D.   .D.X435B.DOC,e11 e11   Ё Fields from EDIFACT interchange   Ђvainterchangerecipientforthisrecipientva:interchangerecipientforthisrecipient ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX InterchangeRecipientField MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SINGLE VALUE ::= idratinterchangerecipientforthisrecipient varecipientreferenceforthisrecipientva:recipientreferenceforthisrecipient ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX RecipientReferenceField MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SINGLE VALUE   ::= idratrecipientreferenceforthisrecipient    c4 P va c4 P interchangecontrolreferenceforthisrecipient c4 P  va: c4 P  interchangecontrolreferenceforthisrecipienta  ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX InterchangeControlReferenceField MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SUBSTRINGS SINGLE VALUE ::= idratinterchangecontrolreferenceforthisrecipient ` hp x !X   c4 P va  c4 P processingprioritycodeforthisrecipient c4 P  Y va: c4 P processingprioritycodeforthisrecipientY ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX ProcessingPriorityCodeField MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SINGLE VALUE ::= idratprocessingprioritycodeforthisrecipient X  va  c4 P acknowledgementrequestforthisrecipient c4 P  X va: c4 P acknowledgementrequestforthisrecipientX ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX AcknowledgementRequestField MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SINGLE VALUE ::= idratacknowledgementrequestforthisrecipient X  va  c4 P communicationsagreementidforthisrecipient c4 P  \ va: c4 P communicationsagreementidforthisrecipient\ ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX CommunicationsAgreementIdField MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SUBSTRINGS SINGLE VALUE ::= idratcommunicationsagreementidforthisrecipient X  va  c4 P testindicatorforthisrecipient c4 P  O va: c4 P testindicatorforthisrecipientO ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX TestIndicatorField MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SINGLE VALUE ::= idrattestindicationforthisrecipient ` hp x !Ё c4 P é  c4 P END Fields from EDIFACT  c4 P ѩ  c4 P Fields from ANSIX12 ISA  c4 P a .D.   .D.X435B.DOC,e08  c4 P e08 ava authorizationinformationforthisrecipient   c4 P va: c4 P authorizationinformationforthisrecipient ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX AuthorizationInformationField MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SINGLE VALUE ::= idratauthorizationinformationforthisrecipient  c4 P ѩ  c4 P END Fields from ANSIX12 ISA  c4 P  .D.   Ё c4 P Extensions: ` hp x !X   c4 P @ .D.X435B.DOC,e12  c4 P e12 @va recipientextensionsforthisrecipient y  c4 P va: c4 P recipientextensionsforthisrecipienty ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX RecipientExtensionsSubField MATCHES FOR EQUALITY MULTI VALUE ::= idratrecipientextensionsforthisrecipient   ` hp x !Ѐ .D.   Ё c4 P An MS that supports one of these attributes shall maintain it for an information object that it holds if, and only if, that object is a message whose content is an EDIM whose Heading Recipients field contains the field whose name the attribute bears. It shall maintain one attribute value for each subfield.   X  18.7.4` Body Attributes   ` hp x !KSome attributes are derived from the Body of an EDIM. These attributes are defined and described below.   ` hp x !X` Body ` hp x !DThe otBodyot:Body c4 P  attribute is the (entire) Body of an EDIM. ` hp x !X A.D.X435B.DOC,e13  c4 P e13 Ava body W c4 P va: c4 P bodyW ATTRIBUTE )WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX Body X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idbatbody ` hp x !Ѐ .D.   Ё c4 P An MS that supports this attribute shall maintain it for an information object that it holds if, and only if, that object is a message whose content is an EDIM. X` Body Analyses   ` hp x !USome attributes have as their values information about the body parts contained in the body of the message.   UThe interchange length attribute is created by the Message Store when it receives an EDIM. Its value indicate the length of the EDI Interchange carried in the Primary Body Part of the message. ` hp x !X  c4 P A.D.X435B.DOC,e14  c4 P e14 Ava interchangelength e c4 P va: c4 P interchangelengthe ATTRIBUTE 6WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX InterchangeLength X MATCHES FOR ORDERING X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idbatinterchangelength p x !X  c4 P ty c4 P  InterchangeLength c c4 P ty: c4 P InterchangeLengthc ::= INTEGER  x ` hp x !Ѐ,   .D.   Ё, c4 P The Interchange Length gives the number of octets occupied by the EDI Interchange.   X` Primary Body Parts   ` hp x !QSome attributes bear the names of the Primary Body Part types and have such body parts as their values. See for semantics. ` hp x !X  c4 P A.D.X435B.DOC,e15  c4 P e15 Ava edibodypart ` c4 P va: c4 P edibodypart` ATTRIBUTE 0WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDIBodyPart X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idbatedibodypart  H ` hp x !ЀC H  .D.   Ёsequen sequence numbers the MS assigns to those messages. See for semantics. Ђ.D.X435B.DOC,e16 e16 vaedimbodypartva:edimbodypart ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX SequenceNumber sequence number of the forwarded EDIM entry. SINGLE VALUE ::= idbatedimbodypart   .D.   ЁAn MS that supports one of these attributes shall maintain it for an information object that it holds if, and only if, that object is a message whose content is an EDIM. It shall maintain one attribute value for such a body part. Some attributes bear the names the Parameters and Data components of an EDIM Body Part and have the Parameters and Data components as their values. Ђ.D.X435B.DOC,e17 e17 vamessageparametersva:messageparameters ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX MessageParameters SINGLE VALUE ::= idbatmessageparameters vamessagedatava:messagedata ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX MessageData SINGLE VALUE ::= idbatmessagedata   .D.   ЁAn MS that supports these attributes shall maintain it for an information object that it holds if, and only if, that object is a message whose content is an EDIM whose Body contains an EDIM Body Part.   Ђ18.7.4.4 ExternallyDefined Body Part Types   ЁThe otExternallyDefined BodyPartTypesot:ExternallyDefined BodyPartTypes attribute identifies the externallydefined body part types represented in an EDIM. Ђ.D.X435B.DOC,e18 e18 vaexternallydefinedbodyparttypesva:externallydefinedbodyparttypes ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MATCHES FOR EQUALITY MULTI VALUE ::= idbatexternallydefinedbodyparttypes   .D.   ЁAn MS that supports this attribute shall maintain it for an information object that it holds if, and only if, that object is a message whose content is an EDIM whose Body contains one or more Additional body parts. It shall maintain one attribute value for every such type present. NOTE Some ExternallyDefined body part types are defined in Recommendation X.420. Values are as specified in 7.3.12 of Recommendation X.420. Each value of this attribute corresponds to one of the attributes described below.   Ђ18.7.4.5 ExternallyDefined Body Parts   Ё c4 P Some attributes, unnamed, have as their values the Encoding components (see ) of the ASN.1 Externals that constitute the Data components of Externally Defined Body Parts. To each externallydefined body part type there correspond two attributes. The first attribute is denoted by the object identifier that is the Directreference component (again, see ) of the External that constitutes the Data component of a body part of that type. The content of this first attribute contains the Body Part Reference and the Externaly Defined Body Part encoded as an EDIMExternalyDefinedBodyPart (See ). The second attribute is denoted by the object identifier that is the Directreference component of the External that constitutes the Parameters component of a body part of that type. The content of this second attribute contains the Body Part Reference and the Parameters component encoded as follows: Ђ c4 P .D.X435B.DOC,e26 e26 C tyEDIExternallyDefinedBodyPartParameterAttribute]  c4 P ty:EDIExter nallyDefinedBodyPartParameterAttribute]: <::= SEQUENCE { bodypartreferenceh#[0] BodyPartReference OPTIONAL, parameter [1] ExternallyDefinedParameters }  H Ѐ,   .D.   Ё, c4 P An MS that supports one of these body parts shall maintain both attributes for an information object that it holds if, and only if, that object is a message whose content is an EDIM whose Body contains one or more body parts of the type that corresponds to that attribute. It shall maintain one value of each attribute for each such body part. ` hp x !NOTE The externallydefined body part attributes cannot be enumerated in practice because the externallydefined body part types cannot be so enumerated. The ExternallyDefined Body Part Types attribute determines the ExternallyDefined Body Part Types for a particular EDIM.   ` hp x !X  18.7.5` Notification Attributes  h ` hp x !NSome attributes are derived from an EDIN. These attributes are defined and described below.   ` hp x !X` Common fields   ` hp x !USome attributes bear the names of Common fields and have those fields as their values. See 6.1 for semantics. ` hp x !X  c4 P A.D.X435B.DOC,e19  c4 P e19 Ava subjectedim _ c4 P va: c4 P subjectedim_ ATTRIBUTE 5WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX SubjectEDIMField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idnatsubjectedim p x !X  c4 P va c4 P  edinoriginator a c4 P va: c4 P edinoriginatora ATTRIBUTE 8WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDINOriginatorField * ƌX MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idnatedinoriginator X  c4 P va c4 P  firstrecipient a c4 P va: c4 P firstrecipienta ATTRIBUTE 9WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX FirstRecipientField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idnatfirstrecipient X  c4 P va c4 P  notificationtime c c4 P va: c4 P notificationtimec ATTRIBUTE :WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX NotificationTimeField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY ORDERING X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idnatnotificationtime X  c4 P va c4 P  notificationsecurityelements p c4 P va: c4 P notificationsecurityelementsp ATTRIBUTE :WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX SecurityElementsField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idnatnotificationsecurityelements X  c4 P va c4 P  edininitiator ` c4 P va: c4 P edininitiator` ATTRIBUTE 7WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDINInitiatorField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idnatedininitiator   ` hp x !Ѐ,   .D.   Ё, c4 P Some attributes bear the names of notification fields and have subfields of the Common fields of a notification as their values. ` hp x !X   c4 P @ .D.X435B.DOC,e20  c4 P e20 @va notificationextensions i  c4 P va: c4 P notificationextensionsi ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX NotificationExtensionsSubField MATCHES FOR EQUALITY MULTI VALUE ::= idnatnotificationextensions   ` hp x !Ѐ,   .D.   Ё, c4 P An MS that supports one of these attributes shall maintain it for an information object that it holds if, and only if, that object is a message whose content is an EDIN that contains the field or subfield whose name the attribute bears.   X` Positive Notification fields   ` hp x !OSome attributes bear the names of PN EDIN fields and have those fields as their values. Some attributes bear the names of notification fields and have subfields of the PN fields of a notification as their values. See for semantics. ` hp x !X  c4 P .D.X435B.DOC,e21  c4 P va  c4 P pnsupplementaryinformation c4 P  Kva: c4 P pnsupplementaryinformationK ATTRIBUTE @WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDISupplementaryInformation X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SUBSTRINGS X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idnatpnsupplementaryinfo p x !X va  c4 P pnextensions c4 P  ;va: c4 P pnextensions; ATTRIBUTE 9WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX PNExtensionsSubField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X MULTI VALUE X ::= idnatpnextensions   ` hp x !Ѐ" 6   .D.   Ёwwhose content is a PN contains the field whose name the attribute bears. It shall maintain one attribute value for each subfield.   Ђ18.7.5.3 Negative Notification fields   ЁSome attributes bear the names of NN EDIN fields and have those fields as their values. Some attributes bear the names of notification fields and have subfields of the NN fields of a notification as their values. See for semantics. Ђ.D.X435B.DOC,e22 e22 vannreasonva:nnreason ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX NNReasonCodeField MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SINGLE VALUE ::= idnatnnreasoncode vannsupplementaryinformationva:nnsupplementaryinformation ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDISupplementaryInformation MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SUBSTRINGS SINGLE VALUE ::= idnatnnsupplementaryinfo vannextensionsva:nnextensions ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX NNExtensionsSubField MATCHES FOR EQUALITY MULTI VALUE ::= idnatnnextensions   .D.   ЁAn MS that supports one of these attributes shall maintain it for an information object that it holds if, and only if, that object is a message whose content is an NN that contains the field whose name the attribute bears. It shall maintain one attribute value for each field or subfield.   Ђ18.7.5.4 Forwarded Notification fields   ЁSome attributes bear the names of FN EDIN fields and have those fields as their values. Some attributes bear the names of notification fields and have subfields of the FN fields of a notification as their values. See for semantics. Ђ.D.X435B.DOC,e23 e23 vaforwardedtova:forwardedto ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX ForwardedTo MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SINGLE VALUE ::= idnatforwardedto vafnreasoncodeva:fnreasoncode ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX FNReasonCodeField MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SINGLE VALUE ::= idnatfnreasoncode vafnsupplementaryinformationva:fnsupplementaryinformation ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDISupplementaryInformation MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SUBSTRINGS   SINGLE VALUE ::= idnatfnsupplementaryinfo   va c4 P  fnextensions  c4 P va: c4 P  fnextensions"  ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX FNExtensionsSubField MATCHES FOR EQUALITY MULTI VALUE ::= idnatfnextensions   Ѐ .D.   Ё c4 P An MS that supports one of these attributes shall maintain it for an information object that it holds if, and only if, that object is a message whose content is an FN that contains the field whose name the attribute bears. It shall maintain one attribute value for each field or subfield.   X  18.8` Procedures for EDI MS   ` hp x !MThe procedures for a general MS are specified in 14 and 15 of Recommendation X.413. This reference gives complementary information for MS systems that also explicitly support EDI messaging.   ` hp x !X  18.8.1` Additional procedures for message delivery   ` hp x !RHow the MS consumes the MTS abstract service is described in 14 of Recommendation X.413. The following text describes additional information about the procedures needed for EDI messaging.   OIf EDI Security Requests are present, then the EDIautoforward actions defined above may be prohibited, subject to the security policy in force. If EDI Security Requests are present then the EDIautoforward action (forwardingwithresponsibilityaccepted) shall not be performed. GAddition to 14.1.1 bullet 2) a) of Recommendation X.413:   p` hp x !X ©pIf EDI auto forwarding criteria are registered by the RegisterMS abstract operation, the new entry shall be matched against the criteria registered. The matching shall always proceed starting with the registration having the lowest registration identifier and perform the following auto actions:  X p hp x ! p© registrations against the "forwardwithresponsibilityaccepted" auto action.    ph If this results in forwarding being performed, it is possible that one or several forwardings may be performed for this EDIM.    p© registrations against "forwardwithresponsibiltynotaccepted" autoaction.    ph If this results in a forwarding being performed, no further EDI forwarding actions shall be performed for this EDIM by the same EDIMS.  x p` hp x !X hpddeleted after forwarding, no further forwarding autoaction can take place.   X hpThe appropriate notification shall be returned for the first autoforwarding that is performed for the EDIM.  x X hpWhen an EDIN is submitted, a value reflecting the type of the EDIN shall be added to the "edinotificationindicator" attribute.  x X hpIf an EDI autoforwarding does not succeed, eg. through a nondelivery, an NN EDIN may be returned to the originator if an FN was previously sent.   ` hp x !Ђ19. Message Contents   ` hp x !TAs has already been seen, various secondary objects (e.g., UAs) have occasion to convey the Information Objects of as the contents of messages, as well as to convey probes concerning such messages. What follows specifies precisely how they shall do this.   TThe rules governing the transmittal of such messages and probes, and the semantics and abstract and transfer syntaxes of their contents, constitute glEDIMessaginggl:EDIMessaging.   ` hp x !X  19.1` Content   ` hp x !TA secondary object that submits a message containing an EDIM or EDIN shall supply, as the octets of the Octet String that constitutes the content of the message, the result of encoding the Information Object of in accordance with the Basic Encoding Rules of Recommendation X.209.   ` hp x !X  19.2` Content Type   ` hp x !TA secondary object that submits a message containing an EDIM or EDIN shall assign either the object identifier idmctpedi (see Annex A) or the integer value 35 to the Content Type. The object identifier shall be used if the MTA conforms to Recommendation X.411 in its 1988 version.   UA secondary object that receives a message containing an EDIM or EDIN shall accept both the object identifier idmctpedi and the *! integer value 35 as Content Type.   UNotwithstanding the provisions of Annex B of Recommendation X.419, an MTA that conforms to Recommendation X.411 in its 1988 version shall obey the following rules when it relays an MTSAPDU to an MTA that conforms to Recommendation X.411 in its 1984 version:  x p` hp x !X ©pIf the Content Type in a message or probe is indicated by the integer value 35, it shall be unchanged.   X ©pIf the Content Type in a message containing an EDIM or EDIN is indicated by the object identifier idmctpedi, it shall be replaced by the integer value 35.   ` hp x !TNOTE When an MTA that conforms to Recommendation X.411 in its 1984 version relays an MTSAPDU to an MTA that conforms to Recommendation X.411 in its 1988 version, and the Content Type contains the integer value 35, the MTA that conforms to Recommendation X.411 in its 1988 version may replace the integer value 35 in the Content Type with the object identifier idmctpedi or leave the integer value unchanged.   ` hp x !X  19.3` Content Length  X ` hp x !LA secondary object that submits a probe concerning a message containing an EDIM or EDIN shall specify as the length of the message's content the size in octets of the encoding of the instance in question of the Information Object of (a choice of an EDIM or an EDIN) when the Basic Encoding Rules of Recommendation X.209 are followed. If those rules permit several (e.g., both primitive and constructed) encoding of that Information Object, the content length may reflect any one of them.   ` hp x !X  19.4` Encoded Information Types   ` hp x !TA secondary object that submits a message containing an EDIM or EDIN shall specify the glEncoded Information Types# gl:Encoded Information Types# c4 P  (abEIT c4 P  ab:EIT  c4 P ) of the message as follows.   K c4 P In the case of an EDIN, the basic EITs shall be unspecified.   RIn the case of an EDIM, the EITs shall be the logical union of the EITs of the EDIM's body parts specified in accordance with the following rules:   p` hp x !X hpa)` EDI BodyPart: The EIT (if any) of the EDI BodyPart shall have the same values as the Heading field EDI Body Part Type.   X hpb)` EDIM BodyPart(ForwardedMessage): The EITs (if any) of a EDIM Body Part shall be those of the forwarded message.   X hpc)` Additional bodyparts: The EIT of additional body parts (if any) shall be the logical union of the individual body parts EITs.   ` hp x !TAn Externally Defined body part whose extended type corresponds to a basic type shall be indicated using the builtin EIT.  X LThe EDI Body Part Type may be indicated in the external EITs.   RA secondary object that submits a message containing an EDIM to an MTA that conforms to Recommendation X.411 in its 1988 version shall use the union of the object identifiers from EDI Body Part Type (see and Annex A) for all "originalencodedinformationtypes".   [""undefined" bit of the "builtinencodedinformationtypes" (called "basicencodedinformationtype" in Recommendation X.411 in its 1984 version), as no other indication is possible for the EITs defined in in an MTA that conforms to Recommendation X.411 in its 1984 version. The "externalencodedinformationtype" field shall not be present.   TNOTE The following reduced functionality has to be considered when a secondary object submits a message containing an EDIM to an MTA that conforms to Recommendation X.411 in its 1984 version or when such messages are relayed through such an MTA. The delivering MTA cannot make a comparison of which EITs, and hence primary EDI body part types, the UA is prepared to accept for delivery (otherwise it would not perform the delivery at all). In addition, the security features of an MTA that conforms to Recommendation X.411 in its 1988 version cannot be used.   ` hp x !Ђ 20. Port realization   ` hp x !OHow an MS or the MTS concretely realizes the secondary ports it supplies is specified in Recommendation X.419.  h NHow a UA, TLMA, or AU concretely realizes the primary ports it supplies is beyond the scope of this Recommendation.   ` hp x !Ђ 21. Conformance   ` hp x !OThe requirements a secondary object (excluding the MTS) and its implementor shall meet when the latter claims the former's conformance to this Recommendation are identified below. A number of the conformance requirements distinguish between support upon origination and support upon reception.   ` hp x !X  21.1` Origination versus Reception ` hp x !IA UA or AU shall be said to glsupportuponorigination#gl:supportuponorigination# c4 P  a particular Heading field, Heading extension, EDIM Body Part type or Externally Defined Body Part type if, and only if, it accepts, preserves, and emits, in full accord with this Recommendation, that particular Heading field or extension, or EDIM Body Part type or Externally Defined Body Part type, whenever a user calls upon it to convey an EDIM containing them to the MTS or the user's MS (the latter only in the case of a UA). I c4 P A UA or AU shall be said to glsupportuponreception gl:supportuponreception  c4 P  a particular Heading field, Heading extension, EDIM Body Part type or Externally Defined Body Part type if, and only if, it accepts, preserves, and emits, in full accord with this Recommendation, that particular Heading field or extension, or EDIM Body Part type or Externally Defined Body Part type, whenever the MTS or a user's MS (the latter only in the case of a UA) calls upon it to convey to the user an EDIM containing them. IA PDAU supports nothing upon origination because it is not a supplier of the origination port. ` hp x !X   c4 P 21.2` Statement requirements   ` hp x !UThe implementor of a UA, MS or AU shall state the following. For each item below he shall make separate statements concerning conformance upon origination and conformance upon reception: p` hp x !X hpa)` The Heading fields for which he claims conformance. X hpb)` The body part types for which he claims conformance.   X hpc)` In the case of a UA with MS or MS, the EDI Messagingspecific MS attributes for which it claims conformance.   X hpd)` In the case of a UA with MS or MS, whether is supports the EDI messagingspecific auto actions.   ` hp x !X  21.3` Static requirements  h ` hp x !NA UA, MS or AU shall satisfy the following static requirements:   p` hp x !X hpa)` A UA, MS or AU shall implement the Heading fields and the body part types for which conformance is claimed.   X hpb)` A UA with MS or MS shall support the EDI messagingspecific MS attributes for which conformance is claimed, but including as a minimum those designated mandatory in . In addition, it shall support the mandatory attributes identified in Table 1 of Recommendation X.413.   X hpc)` A UA, MS or AU shall concretely realize its abstract ports as *" specified in .   X hpd)` A UA or MS shall be able to both submit and receive messages of the content types of . An AU shall be able to both import and export such messages.   ` hp x !X  21.4` Dynamic requirements   ` hp x !OA UA, MS or AU shall satisfy the following dynamic requirements:   p` hp x !X hpa)` A UA or MS shall follow the rules of operation specified in or , respectively.   X hpb)` A UA, MS or AU shall submit and receive messages whose contents are as specified in .   X hpc)` A UA, MS or AU shall register with the MTS its ability to accept delivery of messages of both of the content types of and EITs as specified in .   ` hp x !Ђ 8OANNEX A 8= Reference definition of Object Identifiers 85(This annex forms an integral part of this Recommendation.)   ` hp x !SThe annex defines for reference purposes various Object Identifiers cited in the ASN.1 modules of subsequent annexes. It uses ASN.1.   RAll Object Identifiers this Recommendation assigns are assigned in this annex. The annex is definitive for all but those for ASN.1 modules, the object EDIMS application (EDIME) itself and the EDI use of Directories. The definitive assignments for the former occur in the modules themselves; other references to them appear in IMPORT statements. For the EDI use of Directories object identifiers, this annex only defines a base object identifier.   ` hp x !Ђ 8M c4 P ѩ ` hp x !X  c4 P  moEDIMSObjectIdentifiers mo:EDIMSObjectIdentifiers  {jointisoccitt Imhsmotis(6) edims(7) modules(0) objectidentifiers(0) } X DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= X BEGIN ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é Prologue  c4 P ѩ  c4 P Exports everything p x !X  c4 P  IMPORTS nothing ; ` hp x !X tyID ty:ID  c4 P  ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER  c4 P  ` hp x ! c4 P ѩ EDI Messaging (definitive) ` hp x !X id c4 P  idedims [ c4 P id: c4 P idedims[ ID ::= { jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) edims(7) } This is definitive  c4 P  ` hp x ! c4 P é Categories id  c4 P idmod c4 P  4 id: c4 P idmod4` ID ::= {idedims 0} modules id  c4 P idedi c4 P  4 id: c4 P idedi4` ID ::= {idedims 1} reserved id  c4 P idot c4 P  3 id: c4 P idot3` ID ::= {idedims 2} object c4 P   c4 P  types  c4 P id c4 P  idpt W  c4 P id: c4 P idptW` ID ::= {idedims 3} port c4 P   c4 P  types  c4 P  id  c4 P idref c4 P  4 id: c4 P idref4` ID ::= {idedims 4} refinements X ‚id  c4 P idsat c4 P  5id: c4 P idsat5 ID ::= {idedims 5} summary c4 P   c4 P  attributes X  c4 P id c4 P  idhat X c4 P id: c4 P idhatX ID ::= {idedims 6} heading c4 P   c4 P  attributes X  c4 P  id  c4 P idrat c4 P  4id: c4 P idrat4 ID ::= {idedims 7} recipient c4 P   c4 P  attributes X  c4 P id c4 P  idbat X c4 P id: c4 P idbatX ID ::= {idedims 8} body c4 P   c4 P  attributes X  c4 P  id  c4 P idnat c4 P  4id: c4 P idnat4 ID ::= {idedims 9} notification c4 P   c4 P  attributes X  c4 P id c4 P  idmct X c4 P id: c4 P idmctX ID ::= {idedims 10} message c4 P   c4 P  content c4 P   c4 P types X  c4 P  id  c4 P idbp c4 P  3id: c4 P idbp3 ID ::= {idedims 11} edi body c4 P   c4 P  part  c4 P   c4 P  types X  c4 P  id  c4 P idnt c4 P  3id: c4 P idnt3 ID ::= {idedims 12} edi notification c4 P   c4 P  types X  c4 P id c4 P  idfor X c4 P id: c4 P idforX ID ::= {idedims 13} edi action indicator types X  c4 P id c4 P  idact X c4 P id: c4 P idactX ID ::= {idedims 14} edi autoaction indentifier types X  c4 P id c4 P  iddir X c4 P id: c4 P iddirX ID ::= {idedims 15} edi use c4 P   c4 P  of c4 P   c4 P directories X  c4 P  id  c4 P idsyn c4 P  4id: c4 P idsyn4 ID ::= {idedims 16} edi synopsis type Ёé Modules X ‚id  c4 P idmodobjectidentifiers c4 P  Hid: c4 P idmodobjectidentifiersH*-ID ::= {idmod 0} definitive X id  c4 P idmodfunctionalobjects c4 P  Gid: c4 P idmodfunctionalobjectsG*-ID ::= {idmod 1} definitive X id  c4 P idmodinformationobjects c4 P  Hid: c4 P idmodinformationobjectsH+-ID ::= {idmod 2} definitive X id  c4 P idmodabstractservice c4 P  Eid: c4 P idmodabstractserviceE(-ID ::= {idmod 3} definitive   X id  c4 P idmodmessagestoreattributes c4 P  Mid: c4 P idmodmessagestoreattributesM0p2ID ::= {idmod 4} definitive X id  c4 P idmodupperbounds c4 P  Aid: c4 P idmodupperboundsA$(ID ::= {idmod 5} definitive   X id  c4 P idmodedidirectoryclatt c4 P  Iid: c4 P idmodedidirectoryclattI,p2ID ::= {idmod 6} definitive   X id  c4 P idmodmessagestoreautoactions c4 P  Oid: c4 P idmodmessagestoreautoactionsO27ID ::= {idmod 7} definitive   Ёé Object types X ‚id  c4 P idotedime c4 P  :id: c4 P idotedime:ID ::= {idot 0} X id  c4 P idotedimguser c4 P  >id: c4 P idotedimguser>!h#ID ::= {idot 1} X id  c4 P idotedims c4 P  9id: c4 P idotedims9ID ::= {idot 2} X id  c4 P idotediua c4 P  :id: c4 P idotediua:h#ID ::= {idot 3} X id  c4 P idotedims c4 P  :id: c4 P idotedims:h#ID ::= {idot 4} X id  c4 P idotpdau c4 P  8id: c4 P idotpdau8ID ::= {idot 5} Ёé Port types X ‚id  c4 P idptorigination c4 P  @id: c4 P idptorigination@"(ID ::= {idpt 0} X id  c4 P idptreception c4 P  =id: c4 P idptreception= h#ID ::= {idpt 1} Ёé Refinements X ‚id  c4 P idrefprimary c4 P  =id: c4 P idrefprimary=h#ID ::= {idref 0} X id  c4 P idrefsecondary c4 P  >id: c4 P idrefsecondary>!h#ID ::= {idref 1}  x Ёé EDINotification Types (for use in P1 notification extension field) id  c4 P idntedipn c4 P  : id: c4 P idntedipn: ID ::= {idnt 0} X ‚id  c4 P idntedinn c4 P  ;id: c4 P idntedinn;h# ID ::= {idnt 1} X id  c4 P idntedifn c4 P  :id: c4 P idntedifn:h# ID ::= {idnt 2}   Ёé Message content type X ‚id  c4 P idmctpedi c4 P  :id: c4 P idmctpedi:ID ::= {idmct 0} Pedi Ёé EDI Body Part type (and P1 EIT) X ‚id  c4 P idedifactISO646 c4 P  @id: c4 P idedifactISO646@"(ID ::= {idbp 0} ISO646 is equivalent to CCITT T.50 X id  c4 P idedifactT61 c4 P  <id: c4 P idedifactT61<h#ID ::= {idbp 1} X id  c4 P idedifactoctet c4 P  >id: c4 P idedifactoctet>!h#ID ::= {idbp 2} X id  c4 P idansiX12ISO646 c4 P  ?id: c4 P idansiX12ISO646?"(ID ::= {idbp 3} X id  c4 P idansiX12T61 c4 P  <id: c4 P idansiX12T61<h#ID ::= {idbp 4} X id  c4 P idansiX12octet c4 P  >id: c4 P idansiX12octet>!h#ID ::= {idbp 5} X id  c4 P idansiX12ebcdic c4 P  ?id: c4 P idansiX12ebcdic?"(ID ::= {idbp 6} X id  c4 P iduntidISO646 c4 P  =id: c4 P iduntidISO646= h#ID ::= {idbp 7} X id  c4 P iduntidT61 c4 P  :id: c4 P iduntidT61:h#ID ::= {idbp 8} X id  c4 P iduntidoctet c4 P  <id: c4 P iduntidoctet<h#ID ::= {idbp 9} X id  c4 P idprivateoctet c4 P  >id: c4 P idprivateoctet>!h#ID ::= {idbp 10} X id  c4 P idundefinedoctet c4 P  @id: c4 P idundefinedoctet@#(ID ::= {idbp 11} Ёé EDI Action Indication X ‚id  c4 P idforaction c4 P  <id: c4 P idforaction<h#ID ::= {idfor 0} For action X id  c4 P idforcopy c4 P  9id: c4 P idforcopy9ID ::= {idfor 1} copy, not original Ёé EDIMG Specific Register Auto Actions X ‚id  c4 P idactediautoforward c4 P  Fid: c4 P idactediautoforwardF(-ID ::= {idact 0} Ёé EDIM Synopsis (MS) X ‚id  c4 P idsynremoved c4 P  =id: c4 P idsynremoved=h#ID ::= {idsyn 0} X id  c4 P idsynplaceholder c4 P  Aid: c4 P idsynplaceholderA$(ID ::= {idsyn 1} Ёé MESSAGE STORE ATTRIBUTES Summary attributes X ‚id  c4 P idsatedimsentrytype c4 P  Fid: c4 P idsatedimsentrytypeF(-ID ::= {idsat 0} X id  c4 P idsatedimsynopsis c4 P  Bid: c4 P idsatedimsynopsisB%(ID ::= {idsat 1} X id  c4 P idsatedinotificationindicator c4 P  Oid: c4 P idsatedinotificationindicatorO27ID ::= {idsat 2} Ёé Heading attributes (p x !X ‚ ` hp x !X ha X hat 4}   X ididhatresponsibilityforwardedid:idhatresponsibility *#ԩforwardedID ::= {idhat 5} X ididhatedibodyparttypeid:idhatedibodyparttypeD FID ::= {idhat 6}   X ididhatincompletecopyid:idhatincompletecopy@ FID ::= {idhat 7} X ididhatexpirytimeid:idhatexpirytime8 <ID ::= {idhat 8} X ididhatrelatedmessagesid:idhatrelatedmessagesB FID ::= {idhat 9}   X ididhatobsoletededimsid:idhatobsoletededims@ FID ::= {idhat 10} X ididhatediapplicationsecurityelementid:idhatediapplicationsecurityelement+-ID ::= {idhat 11}   X ididhatediapplicationsecurityextensionsid:idhatediapplicationsecurityextensions.p2ID ::= {idhat 12} X ididhatcrossreferencinginformationid:idhatcrossreferencinginformation&(ID ::= {idhat 13} X ididhatedimessagetypeid:idhatedimessagetypeB FID ::= {idhat 14} X ididhatservicestringadviceid:idhatservicestringadvice ID ::= {idhat 15} X ididhatsyntaxidentifierid:idhatsyntaxidentifierD FID ::= {idhat 16}  H X ididhatinterchangesenderid:idhatinterchangesenderFH!GID ::= {idhat 17} X ididhatdateandtimeofpreparationid:idhatdateandtimeofpreparation"(ID ::= {idhat 18} X ididhatapplicationreferenceid:idhatapplicationreferenceID ::= {idhat 19}  H X ididhatheadingextensionsid:idhatheadingextensionsFH!GID ::= {idhat 20}   Ё Per Recipient attributes p x !X ‚ ` hp x !X ididratthisrecipientid:idratthisrecipient>xAID ::= {idrat 10}  H X ididratactionrequestforthisrecipientid:idratactionrequestforthisrecipient)-ID ::= {idrat 1}  H X ididratedinotificationrequestsforthisrecipientid:idratedinotificationrequestsforthisrecipient?xAID ::= {idrat 2} X ididratresponsibilitypassingallowedforthisrecipientid:idratresponsibilitypassingallowedforthisrecipienth#ID ::= {idrat 3} X © UNB EDIFACT Field Object Ids  H X ididratinterchangerecipientforthisrecipientid:idratinterchangerecipientforthisrecipient7 <ID ::= {idrat 4} X ididratrecipientreferenceforthisrecipientid:idratrecipientreferenceforthisrecipient57ID ::= {idrat 5} X ididratinterchangecontrolreferenceforthisrecipientid:idratinterchangecontrolreferenceforthisrecipientID ::= {idrat 6}   X ididratprocessingprioritycodeforthisrecipientid:idratprocessingprioritycodeforthisrecipient>xAID ::= {idhat 7} X ididratacknowledgementrequestforthisrecipientid:idratacknowledgementrequestforthisrecipient=xAID ::= {idrat 8} X ididratcommunicationsagreementidforthisrecipientid:idratcommunicationsagreementidforthisrecipientID ::= {idrat 9} X ididrattestindicatorforthisrecipientid:idrattestindicatorforthisrecipient+-ID ::= {idrat 10}  H X ididratnotificationsecurityforthisrecipientid:idratnotificationsecurityforthisrecipient7 <ID ::= {idrat 11} X ididratedireceptionsecurityforthisrecipientid:idratedireceptionsecurityforthisrecipient<xAID ::= {idrat 12}   X ididratrecipientextensionsforthisrecipientid:idratrecipientextensionsforthisrecipient6 <ID ::= {idrat 13} X © ANSIX12 ISA Field Object Ids X .I.id:idratauthorizationinformationforthisrecipient;ID ::= {idrat 14}   Ё Body attributes X ‚id c4 P  idbatbody ^ c4 P id: c4 P idbatbody^ID ::= {idbat 0} X  c4 P id c4 P  idbatinterchangelength k c4 P id: c4 P idbatinterchangelengthk*-ID ::= {idbat 1} X  c4 P id c4 P  idbatedibodypart f c4 P id: c4 P idbatedibodypartf%(ID ::= {idbat 2} X  c4 P id c4 P  idbatedimbodypart g c4 P id: c4 P idbatedimbodypartg&(ID ::= {idbat 3} X  c4 P id c4 P  idbatmessageparameters k c4 P id: c4 P idbatmessageparametersk*-ID ::= {idbat 4} X  c4 P id c4 P  idbatmessagedata e c4 P id: c4 P idbatmessagedatae$(ID ::= {idbat 5}   X  c4 P id c4 P  idbatexternallydefinedbodyparttypes { c4 P id: c4 P idbatexternallydefinedbodyparttypes{: <ID ::= {idbat 6}   Ё c4 P ѩ Notification attributes X ‚id c4 P  idnatsubjectedim f c4 P id: c4 P idnatsubjectedimf$(ID ::= {idnat 0} X  c4 P id c4 P  idnatedinoriginator h c4 P id: c4 P idnatedinoriginatorh'-ID ::= {idnat 1} X  c4 P id c4 P  idnatfirstrecipient h c4 P id: c4 P idnatfirstrecipienth'-ID ::= {idnat 2} X  c4 P id c4 P  idnatnotificationtime j c4 P id: c4 P idnatnotificationtimej)-ID ::= {idnat 3}   X  c4 P id c4 P  idnatnotificationsecurityelements w c4 P id: c4 P idnatnotificationsecurityelementsw6 <ID ::= {idnat 4} X  c4 P id c4 P  idnatnotificationextensions p c4 P id: c4 P idnatnotificationextensionsp/p2ID ::= {idnat 5} X  c4 P id c4 P  idnatedininitiator g c4 P id: c4 P idnatedininitiatorg&(ID ::= {idnat 6} X © PN attributes X  c4 P id c4 P  idnatpnsupplementaryinfo n c4 P id: c4 P idnatpnsupplementaryinfon-p2ID ::= {idnat 7} X  c4 P id c4 P  idnatpnextensions f c4 P id: c4 P idnatpnextensionsf%(ID ::= {idnat 8} X © NN attributes X  c4 P id c4 P  idnatnnreasoncode g c4 P id: c4 P idnatnnreasoncodeg&(ID ::= {idnat 9} X  c4 P id c4 P  idnatnnsupplementaryinfo n c4 P id: c4 P idnatnnsupplementaryinfon-p2ID ::= {idnat 10} X  c4 P id c4 P  idnatnnextensions f c4 P id: c4 P idnatnnextensionsf%(ID ::= {idnat 11} X © FN attributes, c4 P  ,id idnatforwardedto e c4 P id: c4 P idnatforwardedtoe7 <ID ::= {idnat 12} X  c4 P id c4 P  idnatfnreasoncode g c4 P id: c4 P idnatfnreasoncodeg&(ID ::= {idnat 13} X  c4 P id c4 P  idnatfnsupplementaryinfo n c4 P id: c4 P idnatfnsupplementaryinfon-p2ID ::= {idnat 14} X  c4 P id c4 P  idnatfnextensions f c4 P id: c4 P idnatfnextensionsf%(ID ::= {idnat 15}   Ё c4 P ѩ MESSAGE STORE ATTRIBUTES END p x !X  c4 P  END of EDIMSObjectIdentifiers ` hp x ! 8O c4 P  ANNEX B 88 Reference definition of Abstract Information Objects 85(This annex forms an integral part of this Recommendation.) ` hp x !obj objects of EDI Messaging. It defines a Body Part for EDIM that includes a body part reference number while importing the IPMS externally defined MACRO for specifying nonEDI body parts. It also defines an EDIMEXTENSION MACRO that differs from IPMS. ` hp x !X mo EDIMSInformationObjectsmo: EDIMSInformationObjects {jointisoccitt Jmhsmotis(6) edims(7) modules(0) informationobjects(2) } X  X DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= X BEGIN ` hp x !Ё Prologue Exports everything p x !X IMPORTS ` hp x !Ё EDIMS Upper bounds p x !X ubapplicationreference, ubauthorizationinformation,   Wubauthorizationinformationqualifier, ubcommunicationsagreementid,  H X ubediapplicationsecurityelements, ubedimessagetype,   X ubidentificationcode, ubidentificationcodequalifier, ubinterchangecontrolreference,   X ublocalreference, ubprocessingprioritycode, ubreasoncode, ubrecipientreference,   X ubrecipientreferencequalifier, ubroutingaddress, ubsyntaxidentifier, X ubsyntaxversion *$ƌX ©   X FROM EDIMSUpperBounds {jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) edims(7) modules(0) upperbounds(5) }   ` hp x !Ё EDIMS Object Identifiers p x !X idedifactISO646, idforaction    X FROM EDIMSObjectIdentifiers {jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) edims(7) modules(0) objectidentifiers(0) }   ` hp x !Ё MTS Upper Bounds   p x !X ubbitoptions, ubintegeroptions, ubsupplementaryinfolength    X FROM MTSUpperBounds {jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) mts(3) modules(0) upperbounds(3) }   ` hp x !Ё MTS Abstract Service   p x !X MessageDeliveryTime, ORAddress, ORName, OtherMessageDeliveryFields, ContentIntegrityCheck    X FROM MTSAbstractService {jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) mts(3) modules(0) mtsabstractservice(1) }   ` hp x !Ё IPM Abstract Service EXTENDEDBODYPARTTYPE, ExternallyDefinedBodyPart, p x !H ‚   H FROM IPMSInformationObjects {jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) ipms(1) modules(0) informationobjects(2) };   ` hp x !Ёé END Imports ABSTRACT INFORMATION OBJECTS Overview ` hp x !X   Ђc001 ty  c4 P InformationObject c4 P  @ty: c4 P InformationObject@ ::= CHOICE { "edim [0] EDIM, X edin [1] EDIN } ` hp x !Ёé Common data types EDIM Identifier ` hp x !X   Ђc002 ty c4 P  EDIMIdentifier a c4 P ty: c4 P EDIMIdentifiera ::= SET { $user [0] ORName, X userrelativeidentifier'-[1] LocalReference } p x !X 0 c4 P c003 0ty LocalReference ` c4 P ty: c4 P LocalReference` ::= PrintableString (SIZE (0..ublocalreference)) ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Extensions ` hp x !X   Ђc004 ty  c4 P ExtensionField c4 P  =ty: c4 P ExtensionField= ::= SEQUENCE { ,type [0] EDIMEXTENSION, X criticality[1] Criticality DEFAULT FALSE, X value [2] ANY DEFINED BY type DEFAULT NULL NULL } X  p x !X  c005 ty c4 P  Criticality ` c4 P ty: c4 P  Criticality` ::= BOOLEAN ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ EDIM Extension MACRO ` hp x !X   Ђc006 ma  c4 P EDIMEXTENSION c4 P  =ma: c4 P EDIMEXTENSION= MACRO ::= BEGIN X  X TYPE NOTATION::= DataType Critical | empty X VALUE NOTATIONh#::= value(VALUE OBJECT IDENTIFIER) X  X DataType ::= type (X) Default | empty X Default ::= "DEFAULT" value (X) | empty X Critical ::= "CRITICAL" | empty X  X END  c4 P é  c4 P  of extension ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ EDI Messages ` hp x !X   Ђc007 ty  c4 P EDIM c4 P  3ty: c4 P EDIM3 ::= SEQUENCE { !heading Heading, X body Body } ` hp x !Ёé Heading Field Component Types Interchange Recipient / Sender Identification Code ` hp x !X   Ђc009 ty c4 P  IdentificationCode e c4 P ty: c4 P IdentificationCodee ::= T61String (SIZE (1..ubidentificationcode)) ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Identification Code Qualifier   ` hp x !X   Ђc010 ty  c4 P IdentificationCodeQualifier c4 P  Kty: c4 P IdentificationCodeQualif ierK ::= T61String (SIZE (1..ubidentificationcodequalifier))   ` hp x !Ёé Routing Address ` hp x !X   Ђc011 ty c4 P  RoutingAddress a c4 P ty: c4 P RoutingAddressa ::= T61String (SIZE (1..ubroutingaddress)) ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Heading Fields ` hp x !X   Ђc012 ty  c4 P Heading c4 P  6ty: c4 P Heading6 ::= SEQUENCE { 0thisEDIM[1] ThisEDIMField, X originator[2] OriginatorField OPTIONAL, X recipients[3] RecipientsField OPTIONAL, X edinreceiver[4] EDINReceiverField OPTIONAL, X responsibilityforwarded'-[5] ResponsibilityForwarded DEFAULT FALSE, X edibodyparttype h#[6] EDIBodypartType DEFAULT {idedifactISO646}, X incompletecopyh#[7] IncompleteCopyField DEFAULT FALSE, X expirytime[8] ExpiryTimeField OPTIONAL, X relatedmessagesh#[9] RelatedMessagesField OPTIONAL, X obsoletedEDIMsh#[10] ObsoletedEDIMsField OPTIONAL, X ediapplicationsecurityelements0p2[11] EDIApplicationSecurityElementsField OPTIONAL X crossreferencinginformation,p2[12] CrossReferencingInformationField OPTIONAL, X  X © Begin Fields from EDIFACT Interchange X edimessagetypeh#[13] EDIMessageTypeField OPTIONAL, X servicestringadvice$([14] ServiceStringAdviceField OPTIONAL, X syntaxidentifier h#[15] SyntaxIdentifierField OPTIONAL, X interchangesender!h#[16] InterchangeSenderField OPTIONAL, X dateandtimeofpreparation+-[17] DateAndTimeOfPreparationField OPTIONAL, X applicationreference$([18] ApplicationReferenceField OPTIONAL, X © End Fields from EDIFACT X  X headingextensions!h#[19] HeadingExtensionsField OPTIONAL } ` hp x !Ёé This EDIM ` hp x !X   Ђc013 ty c4 P  ThisEDIMField ` c4 P ty: c4 P ThisEDIMField` ::= EDIMIdentifier ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Originator ` hp x !X   Ђc014 ty  c4 P OriginatorField c4 P  >ty: c4 P OriginatorField> ::= ORName ` hp x !Ёé Recipients ` hp x !X Recipien X RecipientsSubField   p x !X c016 tyRecipientsSubFieldty:RecipientsSubField ::= SEQUENCE { 9recipient&[1] RecipientField,   X actionrequest&[2] ActionRequestField DEFAULT {idforaction}, X edinotificationrequestsfield.p2[3] EDINotificationRequestsField OPTIONAL, X responsibilitypassingallowed-p2[4] ResponsibilityPassingAllowedField DEFAULT FALSE, X  X © Begin Fields from EDIFACT UNB X interchangerecipient$&[5] InterchangeRecipientField OPTIONAL, X recipientreference"&[6] RecipientReferenceField OPTIONAL, X interchangecontrolreference,p2[7] InterchangeControlReferenceField OPTIONAL, X processingprioritycode'-[8] ProcessingPriorityCodeField OPTIONAL, X acknowledgementrequest&([9] AcknowledgementRequestField DEFAULT FALSE, X communicationsagreementid*-[10] *% CommunicationsAgreementIdField OPTIONAL, X testindicator&[11] TestIndicatorField DEFAULT FALSE, X © End Fields from EDIFACT UNB X  X © Begin Fields from ANSIX12 ISA X authorizationinformation(-[12] AuthorizationInformationField OPTIONAL, X © End Fields from ANSIX12 ISA X  X recipientextensions#&[13] RecipientExtensionsField OPTIONAL }   ` hp x !Ё Recipient ` hp x !X c017 tyRecipientFieldty:RecipientField ::= ORName ` hp x !Ё Action Request ` hp x !X c018 tyActionRequestFieldty:ActionRequestField ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER ` hp x !Ё EDI Notification Requests ` hp x !X c019 tyEDINotificationRequestsFieldty:EDINotificationRequests X Field ::= SEQUENCE { Jedinotificationrequests(-[0] EDINotificationRequests DEFAULT {}, X edinotificationsecurity(-[1] EDINotificationSecurity DEFAULT {}, X edireceptionsecurity%([2] EDIReceptionSecurity DEFAULT {} } p x !X tyEDINotificationRequeststy:EDINotificationRequests ::= BIT STRING { pn(0), X nn(1), X fn(2) }(SIZE (0..ubbitoptions)) X BIT X BIT STRING { proof (0), X nonrepudiation (1) } (SIZE (0..ubbitoptions)) X tyEDIReceptionSecurityty:EDIReceptionSecurity ::= BIT STRING { proof (0), X nonrepudiation (1) }(SIZE (0..ubbitoptions)) ` hp x !Ё Interchange recipient ` hp x !X c021 tyInterchangeRecipientFieldty:InterchangeRecipientField ::= SEQUENCE { Irecipientidentificationcode,p2[0] IdentificationCode, X identificationcodequalifier,p2[1] IdentificationCodeQualifier OPTIONAL, X routingaddressh#[2] RoutingAddress OPTIONAL } ` hp x !Ё Recipient reference ` hp x !X c022 tyRecipientReferenceFieldty:RecipientReferenceField ::= SEQUENCE { ?recipientreference"([0] RecipientReference, X recipientreferencequalifier,p2[1] RecipientReferenceQualifier OPTIONAL } p x !X tyRecipientReferencety:RecipientReference ::= T61String (SIZE (1..ubrecipientreference))   X tyRecipientReferenceQualifierty:RecipientReferenceQualifie r ::= T61String (SIZE (1..ubrecipientreferencequalifier))   ` hp x !Ё Recipient Extensions  H ` hp x !X c023 tyRecipientExtensionsFieldty:RecipientExtensionsField ::= SET OF RecipientExtensionsSubField   p x !X tyRecipientExtensionsSubFieldty:RecipientExtensionsSubFiel d ::= ExtensionField   ` hp x !Ё EDIN receiver  H ` hp x !X c024 tyEDINReceiverFieldty:EDINReceiverField ::= SEQUENCE { .edinreceivername!h#[0] ORName, X originaledimidentifier'-[1] EDIMIdentifier OPTIONAL, X firstrecipienth#[2] FirstRecipientField OPTIONAL}   ` hp x !Ё Responsibility Forwarded indication   ` hp x !X c025 tyResponsibilityForwardedty:ResponsibilityForwarded ::= BOOLEAN Default False  h ` hp x !Ё EDI Body Part Types identifies EDI Standard, Character set and encoding   ` hp x !X c026 tyEDIBodyPartTypety:EDIBodyPartType ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER default EDIFACTISO646   ` hp x !Ё EDI message type ` hp x !X h  Ђ c4 P c027  c4 P  hty c4 P  EDIMessageTypeField i c4 P ty: c4 P  EDIMessageTypeFieldi ::= SET OF EDIMessageTypeFieldSubField   p x !X  c4 P ty c4 P  EDIMessageTypeFieldSubField n c4 P ty: c4 P EDIMessageTypeFieldSubFiel dn ::= T61String (SIZE (1..ubedimessagetype))   ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Responsibility Passing Allowed   ` hp x !X   Ђc029 ty c4 P  ResponsibilityPassingAllowedField u c4 P ty: c4 P ResponsibilityPass ingAllowedFieldu ::= BOOLEAN  c4 P ѩ c4 P   Default FALSE   ` hp x !Ё c4 P   c4 P ѩ Incomplete Copy ` hp x !X  c4 P   Ђc030 ty  c4 P IncompleteCopyField c4 P  Bty: c4 P IncompleteCopyFieldB ::= BOOLEAN  c4 P é c4 P  Default False X n c4 P c031  c4 P  sensitivity Ёn c4 P é Expiry time X   c032 ty c4 P  ExpiryTimeField a c4 P ty: c4 P ExpiryTimeFielda ::= UTCTime ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Related Messages ` hp x !X   Ђc033 ty  c4 P RelatedMessagesField c4 P  Cty: c4 P RelatedMessagesFieldC ::= SEQUENCE OF RelatedMessageReference p x !X ty  c4 P RelatedMessageReference c4 P  Ety: c4 P RelatedMessageReferenceE ::= CHOICE { 9edimessagereference$&[0] EDIMIdentifier, X externalmessagereference)-[1] ExternalMessageReference } X ty  c4 P ExternalMessageReference c4 P  Fty: c4 P ExternalMessageReferenceF ::= EXTERNAL ` hp x !Ёé Obsoleted EDIMs ` hp x !X   Ђc034 ty c4 P  ObsoletedEDIMsField f c4 P ty: c4 P ObsoletedEDIMsFieldf ::= SEQUENCE OF ObsoletedEDIMsSubfield p x !X  c4 P ty c4 P  ObsoletedEDIMsSubfield h c4 P ty: c4 P ObsoletedEDIMsSubfieldh ::= EDIMIdentifier ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ EDI Application Security Elements ` hp x !X   Ђc035 ty  c4 P EDIApplicationSecurityElementsField c4 P  Sty: c4 P EDIApplicationSe curityElementsFieldS ::= SEQUENCE { Iediapplicationsecurityelement17[0] EDIApplicationSecurityElement OPTIONAL, X ediencryptedprimarybodypart/p2[1] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, X ediapplicationsecurityextensions47[2] EDIApplicationSecurityExtensions OPTIONAL } p x !X tyEDIApplicationSecurityElementK c4 P ty:EDIApplicationSecurityElementK c4 P .p2::= BIT STRING (SIZE (0..ubediapplicationsecurityelements)) X tyEDIApplicationSecurityExtensions c4 P *ty:EDIApplicationSecurityExtensions* c4 P 17::= SEQUENCE OF EDIApplicationSecurityExtension X :::= ExtensionsField ` hp x !Ё Cross Referencing Information ` hp x !X c036 tyCrossReferencingInformationFieldty:CrossReferencingInf X ormationFieldh#::= SET OF CrossReferencingInformationSubField   p x !X tyCrossReferencingInformationSubFieldty:CrossReferencingIn formationSubField ::= SEQUENCE { Iapplicationcrossreference*-[0] ApplicationCrossReference, X messagereference &[1] MessageReference OPTIONAL, X bodypartreference"&[2] BodyPartReference } X tyApplicationCrossReferencety:ApplicationCrossReferenceFH!G ::= OCTET STRING X tyMessageReferencety:MessageReference47::= EDIMIdentifier   ` hp x !Ё Service String Advice  H ` hp x !X c037 tyServiceStringAdviceFieldty:ServiceStringAdviceField ::= SEQUENCE { Icomponentdataelementseparator/p2[0] ComponentDataElementSeparator, X dataelementseparator%([1] DataElementSeparator, X decimalnotationh#[2] DecimalNotation, X releaseindicator h#[3] ReleaseIndicator OPTIONAL, *&ƌX reserved [4] Reserved OPTIONAL, X segmentterminator!h#[5] SegmentTerminator }   p x !X tyComponentDataElementSeparatorty:ComponentDataElementSepa rator&::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1))   X tyDataElementSeparatorty:DataElementSeparator<xA::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1))  h X tyDecimalNotationty:DecimalNotation27::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) X tyReleaseIndicatorty:ReleaseIndicator47::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) X tyReservedty:Reserved$&::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1))   X tySegmentTerminatorty:SegmentTerminator6 <::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1))   ` hp x !Ё Syntax Identifier ` hp x !X c038 tySyntaxIdentifierFieldty:SyntaxIdentifierField ::= SEQUENCE { 4syntaxidentifier h#SyntaxIdentifier, X syntaxversionh#SyntaxVersion } p x !X tySyntaxIdentifierty:SyntaxIdentifier ::= T61String (SIZE (1..ubsyntaxidentifier)) X tySyntaxVersionty:SyntaxVersion ::= PrintableString (SIZE (1..ubsyntaxversion)) ` hp x !Ё Interchange sender ` hp x !X A  Ђ c4 P c039 Aty InterchangeSenderField i c4 P ty: c4 P InterchangeSenderFieldi ::= SEQUENCE { ?senderidentification$([0] IdentificationCode, X identificationcodequalifier,p2[1] IdentificationCodeQualifier OPTIONAL, X addressforreverserouting*-[2] RoutingAddress OPTIONAL } EDIFACT Routing Information ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Date and Time of preparation ` hp x !X   Ђc040 ty  c4 P DateAndTimeOfPreparationField c4 P  Mty: c4 P DateAndTimeOfPreparati onFieldM ::= UTCTime ` hp x !Ёé Interchange control reference   ` hp x !X   Ђc041 ty c4 P  InterchangeControlReferenceField t c4 P ty: c4 P InterchangeControlR eferenceFieldt ::= T61String (SIZE (1..ubinterchangecontrolreference))   ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Application reference ` hp x !X   Ђc042 ty  c4 P ApplicationReferenceField c4 P  Hty: c4 P ApplicationReferenceFieldH ::= T61String (SIZE (1..ubapplicationreference)) ` hp x !Ёé Processing Priority Code   ` hp x !X   Ђc043 ty c4 P  ProcessingPriorityCodeField o c4 P ty: c4 P ProcessingPriorityCodeFi eldo ::= T61String (SIZE (1..ubprocessingprioritycode))   ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Acknowledgement Request   ` hp x !X   Ђc044 ty  c4 P AcknowledgementRequestField c4 P  Kty: c4 P AcknowledgementRequestFi eldK ::= BOOLEAN default FALSE   ` hp x !Ёé Communications Agreement Id   ` hp x !X   Ђc045 ty c4 P  CommunicationsAgreementIdField r c4 P ty: c4 P CommunicationsAgreeme ntIdFieldr ::= T61String (SIZE (1..ubcommunicationsagreementid))   ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Test indicator ` hp x !X   Ђc046 ty  c4 P TestIndicatorField c4 P  Aty: c4 P TestIndicatorFieldA ::= BOOLEAN default FALSE ` hp x !Ёé Authorization Information ` hp x !X   Ђc047 ty c4 P  AuthorizationInformationField q c4 P ty: c4 P AuthorizationInformati onFieldq ::= SEQUENCE { Iauthorizationinformation(-[0] AuthorizationInformation, X authorizationinformationqualifier27[1] AuthorizationInformationQualifier OPTIONAL } p x !X  c4 P ty c4 P  AuthorizationInformation j c4 P ty: c4 P AuthorizationInformationj ::= T61String (SIZE (1..ubauthorizationinformation))   X  c4 P ty c4 P  AuthorizationInformationQualifier t c4 P ty: c4 P AuthorizationInforma tionQualifiert ::= T61String (SIZE (1..ubauthorizationinformationqualifier))   ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Heading Extensions ` hp x !X   Ђc048 ty  c4 P HeadingExtensionsField c4 P  Ety: c4 P HeadingExtensionsFieldE ::= SET OF HeadingExtensionsSubField p x !X ::= X ::= ExtensionField ` hp x !Ё EDIM body ` hp x !X c008 tyBodyty:Body ::= SEQUENCE { 3primarybodypart h#PrimaryBodyPart, X additionalbodyparts$(OtherBodyParts OPTIONAL } p x !X tyPrimaryBodyPartty:PrimaryBodyPart ::= CHOICE { 6edibodypart&[0] EDIBodyPart, X forwardedEDIM&[1] EDIMBodyPart } X tyOtherBodyPartsty:OtherBodyParts ::= SEQUENCE OF EDIMExternallyDefinedBodyPart ` hp x !Ё EDI body part ` hp x !X c049 tyEDIBodyPartty:EDIBodyPart ::= OCTET STRING ` hp x !Ё Forwarded EDIM body part ` hp x !X c050 tyEDIMBodyPartty:EDIMBodyPart ::= SEQUENCE { =parameters[0] MessageParameters OPTIONAL, X data  [1] MessageData } p x !X tyMessageParametersty:MessageParameters ::= SET { Gdeliverytime&[0] MessageDeliveryTime OPTIONAL, X deliveryenvelope &[1] OtherMessageDeliveryFields OPTIONAL, X otherparameters&[2] EDISupplementaryInformation OPTIONAL } X tyMessageDataty:MessageData ::= SEQUENCE { .heading&Heading, X body&BodyOrRemoved } X tyBodyOrRemovedty:BodyOrRemoved ::= SEQUENCE { 7primaryorremoved!&PrimaryOrRemoved, X additionalbodyparts$&AdditionalBodyParts OPTIONAL } X tyPrimaryOrRemovedty:PrimaryOrRemoved ::= CHOICE { /removededibody&[0] NULL, X primarybodypart &[1] EXPLICIT PrimaryBodyPart } X tyAdditionalBodyPartsty:AdditionalBodyParts ::= SEQUENCE OF CHOICE { Iexternalbodypart!&[0] EDIMExternallyDefinedBodyPart, X placeholder&[1] BodyPartPlaceHolder } This type is for Body Part Removal X tyBodyPartPlaceHolderty:BodyPartPlaceHolder ::= EDIMExternallyDefinedBodyPart Only the data I portion of the Externally Defined Body shall be removed. X  See text in . ` hp x !Ё EDIM ExternallyDefined Body Parts c051 tyEDIMExternallyDefinedBodyPartty:EDIMExternallyDefinedBodyPart ::= SEQUENCE { bodypartreferenceh#[0] BodyPartReference OPTIONAL, ` hp x !X ‚externalbodypart#([1] ExternallyDefinedBodyPart  c4 P é  c4 P  from IPMS  c4 P   c4 P  } p x !X  c4 P  ty  c4 P BodyPartReference c4 P  ?ty: c4 P BodyPartReference? ::= INTEGER shall be unique within a EDIM ` hp x !Ёé Supplementary Info   ` hp x !X   Ђc065 ty c4 P  EDISupplementaryInformation o c4 P ty: c4 P EDISupplementaryInformat iono ::= IA5String (SIZE (1..ubsupplementaryinfolength))   ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ EDI Notifications (EDINs) ` hp x !X   Ђc052 ty  c4 P EDIN c4 P  3ty: c4 P EDIN3 ::= CHOICE { Gpositivenotification&([0] PositiveNotificationFields, X negativenotification&([1] NegativeNotificationFields, X forwardednotification'-[2] ForwardedNotificationFields } p x !X  c053 ty c4 P  PN W c4 P ty: c4 P  PNW ::= EDIN with positivenotification chosen X  c4 P ty c4 P  NN T c4 P ty: c4 P NNT ::= EDIN with negativenotification chosen X  c4 P ty c4 P  FN T c4 P ty: c4 P FNT ::= EDIN with forwardednotification chosen ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Common fields ` hp x !X   Ђc054 ty  c4 P CommonFields c4 P  ;ty: c4 P CommonFields; ::= SEQUENCE { 3subjectedim[1] SubjectEDIMField, X edinoriginatorh#[2] EDINOriginatorField, X firstrecipienth#[3] FirstRecipientField OPTIONAL, X notificationtime h#[4] NotificationTimeField, X notificationsecurityelements-p2[5] SecurityElementsField OPTIONAL, X edininitiatorh#[6] EDINInitiatorField, X notificationsextensions'-[7] NotificationExtensionsField OPTIONAL } *'ƌ` hp x !Ёé Subject EDIM Identifier ` hp x !X 2 *(  Ђc055 2ty c4 P  SubjectEDIMField c c4 P ty: c4 P SubjectEDIMFieldc ::= EDIMIdentifier ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ EDI Notification Originator ` hp x !X   Ђc056 ty  c4 P EDINOriginatorField c4 P  Bty: c4 P EDINOriginatorFieldB ::= ORName ` hp x !Ёé First Recipient ` hp x !X   Ђc057 ty c4 P  FirstRecipientField f c4 P ty: c4 P FirstRecipientFieldf ::= ORName ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Notification Time ` hp x !X   Ђc058 ty  c4 P NotificationTimeField c4 P  Dty: c4 P NotificationTimeFieldD ::= UTCTime ` hp x !Ёé Security Elements ` hp x !X   Ђc059 ty c4 P  SecurityElementsField h c4 P ty: c4 P SecurityElementsFieldh ::= SEQUENCE { 8originalcontenth#[0] Content OPTIONAL, X originalcontentintegritycheck/p2[1] ContentIntegrityCheck OPTIONAL, X ediapplicationsecurityelements0p2[2] EDIApplicationSecurityElementsField OPTIONAL, X securityextensions"([3] SecurityExtensionsField OPTIONAL } p x !X  c4 P ty c4 P  SecurityExtensionsField i c4 P ty: c4 P SecurityExtensionsFieldi ::= SET OF SecurityExtensionsSubField X  c4 P ty c4 P  SecurityExtensionsSubField l c4 P ty: c4 P SecurityExtensionsSubFieldl ::= ExtensionField ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ EDIN Initiator ` hp x !h    c4 P     Ђc072 tyEDINInitiatorField ty:EDINInitiatorField ::= ENUMERATED {  internalua (0), h  externalua (1), h  internalms (2)} ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é Notification Extensions   ` hp x !X   Ђc060 ty c4 P  NotificationExtensionsField o c4 P ty: c4 P NotificationExtensionsFi eldo ::= SET OF NotificationExtensionsSubField p x !X  c4 P ty c4 P  NotificationExtensionsSubField q c4 P ty: c4 P NotificationExtensionsS ubFieldq ::= ExtensionField   ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Positive Notification fields ` hp x !X   Ђc061 ty  c4 P PositiveNotificationFields c4 P  Jty: c4 P PositiveNotificationField sJ ::= SEQUENCE { 4pncommonfieldsh#[0] CommonFields, X pnsupplementaryinformation+-[1] EDISupplementaryInformation OPTIONAL, X pnextensions[2] PNExtensionsField OPTIONAL } ` hp x !Ёé Positive Notification Extensions ` hp x !X   Ђc062 ty c4 P  PNExtensionsField d c4 P ty: c4 P PNExtensionsFieldd ::= SET OF PNExtensionsSubField p x !X  c4 P ty c4 P  PNExtensionsSubField f c4 P ty: c4 P PNExtensionsSubFieldf ::= ExtensionField ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Negative notification fields ` hp x !X   Ђc063 ty  c4 P NegativeNotificationFields c4 P  Jty: c4 P NegativeNotificationField sJ ::= SEQUENCE { 4nncommonfieldsh#[0] CommonFields, X nnreasoncodeh#[1] NNReasonCodeField, X nnsupplementaryinformation+-[2] EDISupplementaryInformation OPTIONAL, X nnextensions[3] NNExtensionsField OPTIONAL } ` hp x !Ёé Negative Notification Reason Codes ` hp x !X A  Ђ c4 P c064 AtyNNReasonCodeFieldty:NNReasonCodeField c4 P  ::= CHOICE { Bnnuamsreasoncode#([0] NNUAMSReasonCodeField, X nnuserreasoncode"([1] NNUserReasonCodeField, X nnpdaureasoncode"([2] NNPDAUReasonCodeField } ` hp x !Ё c4 P é Negative Notification Reason Codes from an EDIUA or EDIMS ` hp x !X  c4 P  tyNNUAMSReasonCodeFieldDty:NNUAMSReasonCodeField c4 P D ::= SEQUENCE { Annuamsbasiccode"([0] NNUAMSBasicCodeField,   X nnuamsdiagnostic"([1] NNUAMSDiagnosticField OPTIONAL }   ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é Negative Notification Basic Reason Codes from an EDIUA or EDIMS. These codes are  those specified in Annex B of Recommendation F.435B F for the element of service "EDI Notification Request". ` hp x !X ty  c4 P NNUAMSBasicCodeField c4 P  Cty: c4 P NNUAMSBasicCodeFieldC ::= INTEGER{ ` hp x !!ec  c4 P unspecified c4 P  9ec: c4 P unspecified9 (0), X ec  c4 P cannotdelivertouser c4 P  Dec: c4 P cannotdelivertouserD (1), X `  the EDI Interchange can not be passed on to the user X ec  c4 P deliverytimeout c4 P  >ec: c4 P deliverytimeout> (2), X `  the EDI Interchange could not be passed on to the user within X `  a specified time limit X ec  c4 P messagediscarded c4 P  ?ec: c4 P messagediscarded? (3), X `  the UA/MS discarded the message before handoff to user X ec  c4 P subscriptionterminated c4 P  Eec: c4 P subscriptionterminatedE (4),  H X `  recipient's subscription terminated after delivery but before X `  handoff to user X ec  c4 P forwardingerror c4 P  >ec: c4 P forwardingerror> (5), X `  EDI Forwarding was attempted, but failed. X ec  c4 P securityerror c4 P  <ec: c4 P securityerror< (6) X `  security error X  X © physical delivery errors indicated by "cannotdelivertouser" X  } (0..ubreasoncode)  X Ёé Negative Notification Diagnostic Codes from an EDIUA or EDIMS  c4 P  tyNNUAMSDiagnosticFieldC ty:NNUAMSDiagnosticField c4 P C ::= INTEGER { This field may be used to further specify the error signalled in nnuamsbasiccode Additional information may be indicated in nnsupplementaryinformation general diagnostic codes  c4 P  ec  c4 P protocolviolation c4 P  @ ec: c4 P protocolviolation@ (1),  used if the UA detects a protocol error ec  c4 P edimoriginatorunknown c4 P  E ec: c4 P edimoriginatorunknownE (2), ec  c4 P edimrecipientunknown c4 P  D ec: c4 P edimrecipientunknownD (3), ec  c4 P edimrecipientambiguous c4 P  F ec: c4 P edimrecipientambiguousF (4),  used if the EDIM recipients or originator are not valid ec  c4 P actionrequestnotsupported c4 P  J ec: c4 P actionrequestnotsupportedJ (5),  used when the action requested by the recipient is not performed ec  c4 P edimexpired c4 P  : ec: c4 P edimexpired: (6),  used when the expiry date of the received EDIM occurred before the subject EDIM  was successfully passed to the user or forwarded by the EDIUA ec  c4 P edimobsoleted c4 P  < ec: c4 P edimobsoleted< (7),  used when the EDIM Identifier of the received EDIM was contained in the Obsoleted EDIM field  of a previously received EDIM. ` hp x !X ‚ec  c4 P duplicateedim c4 P  =ec: c4 P duplicateedim= (8),  H X `  used when the same EDIM is received more than once from the same originator X ec  c4 P unsupportedextension c4 P  Cec: c4 P unsupportedextensionC (9), X `  used if the EDIM contains an extension which is not supported by the UA X ec  c4 P incompletecopyrejected c4 P  Fec: c4 P incompletecopyrejectedF (10), X `  used if the EDIUA does not accept EDIMs with the Incomplete Copy Indication true X ec  c4 P edimtoolargeforapplication c4 P  Lec: c4 P edimtoolargeforapplicationL (11), X `  used if the EDIM cannot be delivered to the user due to length constraints X © forwarding error diagnostic codes X ec  c4 P forwardededimnotdelivered c4 P  Jec: c4 P forwardededimnotdeliveredJ (12), X `  used when an NonDelivery Report is received for forwarded EDIM X ec  c4 P forwardededimdeliverytimeout c4 P  Nec: c4 P forwardededimdeliverytimeoutN (13), X `  used when no Delivery Report is received within a given period X ec  c4 P forwardingloopdetected c4 P  Fec: c4 P forwardingloopdetectedF (14), X `  used if the UA receives an EDIM wich contains a previously forwarded EDIM X ec  c4 P unabletoacceptresponsibility c4 P  Mec: c4 P unabletoacceptresponsibilityM (15), *)ƌX `  used if the EDIUA cannot accept or forward responsibility X  X © interchange header diagnostic codes X ec  c4 P interchangesenderunknown c4 P  Hec: c4 P interchangesenderunknownH (16), X `  used when the UA does not recognizes the interchangesender of the EDI interchange X ec  c4 P interchangerecipientunknown c4 P  Kec: c4 P interchangerecipientunknownK (17), X `  used when the UA cannot find a valid interchange recipient in the Recipient Specifier X ec  c4 P invalidheadingfield c4 P  Cec: c4 P invalidheadingfieldC (18), X ec  c4 P invalidbodyparttype c4 P  Cec: c4 P invalidbodyparttypeC (19), X ec  c4 P invalidmessagetype c4 P  Bec: c4 P invalidmessagetypeB (20), X ec  c4 P invalidsyntaxid c4 P  ?ec: c4 P invalidsyntaxid? (21), X  X © security error diagnostic codes X ec  c4 P messageintegrityfailure c4 P  Gec: c4 P messageintegrityfailureG (22), X ec  c4 P forwardedmessageintegrityfailure c4 P  Qec: c4 P forwardedmessageintegrityfailureQ (23), X ec  c4 P unsupportedalgorithm c4 P  Cec: c4 P unsupportedalgorithmC (24), X ec  c4 P decryptionfailed c4 P  ?ec: c4 P decryptionfailed? (25), X ec  c4 P tokenerror c4 P  9ec: c4 P tokenerror9 (26), X ec  c4 P unabletosignnotification c4 P  Iec: c4 P unabletosignnotificationI (27), X ec  c4 P unabletosignmessagereceipt c4 P  Lec: c4 P unabletosignmessagereceiptL (28), X ec  c4 P authenticationfailure c4 P  Dec: c4 P authenticationfailureD (29), X ec  c4 P securitycontextfailure c4 P  Fec: c4 P securitycontextfailureF (30), X ec  c4 P messagesequencefailure c4 P  Fec: c4 P messagesequencefailureF (31), X ec  c4 P messagesecuritylabellingfailure c4 P  Pec: c4 P messagesecuritylabellingfailureP (32), X ec  c4 P repudiationfailure c4 P  Aec: c4 P repudiationfailureA (33), X ec  c4 P proofoffailure c4 P  >ec: c4 P proofoffailure> (34) X } (1..ubreasoncode)   ` hp x !Ёé Negative Notification Reason Codes from a user ` hp x !X  c4 P  tyNNUserReasonCodeFieldDty:NNUserReasonCodeField c4 P D ::= SEQUENCE { =nnuserbasiccode!h#[0] NNUserBasicCodeField, X nnuserdiagnostic!h#[1] NNUserDiagnosticField OPTIONAL } ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é Negative Notification Basic Reason Codes from a user ` hp x !X  c4 P  tyNNUserBasicCodeFieldCty:NNUserBasicCodeField c4 P C ::= INTEGER { ` hp x !! c4 P  ec  c4 P unspecified c4 P  9ec: c4 P unspecified9 (0), X ec  c4 P syntaxerror c4 P  :ec: c4 P syntaxerror: (1),  H X `  used when the user discovers a syntax error within the EDI interchange X ec  c4 P interchangesenderunknown c4 P  Hec: c4 P interchangesenderunknownH (2), X ec  c4 P interchangerecipientunknown c4 P  Kec: c4 P interchangerecipientunknownK (3), X `  used when the UA cannot find a valid interchange recipient in the Recipient Specifier X ec  c4 P invalidheadingfield c4 P  Cec: c4 P invalidheadingfieldC (4), X ec  c4 P invalidbodyparttype c4 P  Cec: c4 P invalidbodyparttypeC (5), X ec  c4 P invalidmessagetype c4 P  Bec: c4 P invalidmessagetypeB (6), X ec  c4 P functionalgroupnotsupported c4 P  Lec: c4 P functionalgroupnotsupportedL (7), X ec  c4 P subscriptionterminated c4 P  Eec: c4 P subscriptionterminatedE (8), X `  unknown to EDIMSUser service X ec  c4 P nobilateralagreement c4 P  Dec: c4 P nobilateralagreementD (9), X ec  c4 P userdefinedreason c4 P  Aec: c4 P userdefinedreasonA (10) X } (0..ubreasoncode)   Ёé Negative Notification Diagnostic Reason Codes from a user ` hp x !X  c4 P  tyNNUserDiagnosticCodeFieldHty:NNUserDiagnosticCodeField c4 P H ::= INTEGER I Contains reason passed by user when the value of nnuserbasiccode is userdefinedreason. X © Additional information may be indicated in nnsupplementaryinformation X  ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é Negative Notification Reason Codes from a PDAU ` hp x !X  c4 P  tyNNPDAUReasonCodeFieldDty:NNPDAUReasonCodeField c4 P D ::= SEQUENCE { =nnpdaubasiccode!h#[0] NNPDAUBasicCodeField, X nnpdaudiagnostic!h#[1] NNPDAUDiagnosticField OPTIONAL } ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é Negative Notification Basic Reason Codes from a PDAU ` hp x !X  c4 P  tyNNPDAUBasicCodeFieldCty:NNPDAUBasicCodeField c4 P C ::= INTEGER { ` hp x !! c4 P  ec  c4 P unspecified c4 P  9ec: c4 P unspecified9 (0), X ec  c4 P undeliverablemail c4 P  @ec: c4 P undeliverablemail@ (1),  H X `  used if the PDAU determines that it cannot perform physical delivery of the EDIM X ec  c4 P physicalrenditionnotperformed c4 P  Nec: c4 P physicalrenditionnotperformedN (2) X `  used if the PDAU cannot perform the physical rendition of the EDIM X  } (0..ubreasoncode)   Ёé Negative Notification Diagnostic Codes from a PDAU  c4 P  tyNNPDAUDiagnosticFieldC ty:NNPDAUDiagnosticField c4 P C ::= INTEGER { This field may be used to further specify the error signalled in nnpdaubasiccode Additional information may be indicated in the nnsupplementaryinformation  c4 P  ec  c4 P undeliverablemailphysicaldeliveryaddressincorrect c4 P  d ec: c4 P undeliverablemailphysicaldeliveryaddressincorrectd (1), ec  c4 P undeliverablemailphysicaldeliveryofficeincorrectorinvalid c4 P  n ec: c4 P undeliverablemailphysicaldeliveryofficeincorrectorinvalidn (2), ec  c4 P undeliverablemailphysicaldeliveryaddressincomplete c4 P  e ec: c4 P undeliverablemailphysicaldeliveryaddressincompletee (3), ec  c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientunknown c4 P  R ec: c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientunknownR (4), ec  c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientdeceased c4 P  S ec: c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientdeceasedS (5), ` hp x !X ‚ec  c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientrefusedtoaccept c4 P  ]ec: c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientrefusedtoaccept] (6), X ec  c4 P undeliverablemailorganizationexpired c4 P  Uec: c4 P undeliverablemailorganizationexpiredU (7), X ec  c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientdidnotclaim c4 P  Xec: c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientdidnotclaimX (8), X ec  c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientchangedaddresspermanently c4 P  fec: c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientchangedaddresspermanentlyf (9), X ec  c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientchangedaddresstemporarily c4 P  fec: c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientchangedaddresstemporarilyf (10), X ec  c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientchangedtemporaryaddress c4 P  dec: c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientchangedtemporaryaddressd (11), X ec  c4 P undeliverablemailnewaddressunknown c4 P  Tec: c4 P undeliverablemailnewaddressunknownT (12), X ec  c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientdidnotwant forwarding c4 P  bec: c4 P undeliverablemailrecipientdidnotwant forwardingb (13), X ec  c4 P undeliverablemailoriginatorprohibitedforwarding c4 P  aec: c4 P undeliverablemailoriginatorprohibitedforwardinga (14), X ec  c4 P physicalrenditionattributesnotsupported c4 P  Yec: c4 P physicalrenditionattributesnotsupportedY (15) X  } (1..ubreasoncode) ` hp x !Ёé Negative Notification Extension Field(s) ` hp x !X   Ђc066 ty c4 P  NNExtensionsField d c4 P ty: c4 P NNExtensionsFieldd ::= SET OF NNExtensionsSubField p x !X  c4 P ty c4 P  NNExtensionsSubField f c4 P ty: c4 P NNExtensionsSubFieldf ::= ExtensionField ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Forwarded Notification Fields ` hp x !X   Ђc067 ty  c4 P ForwardedNotificationFields c4 P  Kty: c4 P ForwardedNotificationFie ldsK ::= SEQUENCE { 4fncommonfieldsh#[0] CommonFields, X forwardedto[1] ForwardedTo, X fnreasoncodeh#[2] FNReasonCodeField, X fnsupplementaryinformation+-[3] EDISupplementaryInformation OPTIONAL, X fnextensions[4] FNExtensionsField OPTIONAL } ` hp x !Ёé Forwarded To ` hp x !X   Ђc068 ty c4 P  ForwardedTo ^ c4 P ty: c4 P ForwardedTo^ ::= ORName ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Forwarded Reason Code ` hp x !X   Ђc069 ty  c4 P FNReasonCodeField c4 P  @ty: c4 P FNReasonCodeField@ ::= CHOICE { Bfnuamsreasoncode#([0] FNUAMSReasonCodeField, X fnuserreasoncode"([1] FNUserReasonCodeField, X fnpdaureasoncode"([2] FNPDAUReasonCodeFields }  H ` hp x !Ёé Forwarding Notification Reason Codes from an EDIUA or EDIMS ` hp x !X  c4 P  tyFNUAMSReasonCodeFieldDty:FNUAMSReasonCodeField c4 P D ::= SEQUENCE { Bfnuamsbasiccode"([0] FNUAMSBasicCodeField, X fnuamsdiagnostic"([1] FNUAMSDiagnosticField OPTIONAL, X fnsecuritycheck h#[2] FNUAMSSecurityCheckField DEFAULT FALSE }  x ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é Forwarding Notification Basic Reason Codes from an EDIUA or EDIMS  c4 P  tyFNUAMSBasicCodeFieldB ty:FNUAMSBasicCodeField c4 P B ::= INTEGER {  c4 P  ec  c4 P unspecified c4 P  9 ec: c4 P unspecified9 (0), ec  c4 P onwardrouting c4 P  < ec: c4 P onwardrouting< (1),  used whenever the UA decides to reroute the subject EDIM for local reasons  **Ԍec  c4 P recipientunknown c4 P  ? ec: c4 P recipientunknown? (2), ec  c4 P originatorunknown c4 P  @ ec: c4 P originatorunknown@ (3), p x !H ‚ec  c4 P forwardedbyedims c4 P  Bec: c4 P forwardedbyedimsB (4) H  } (0..ubreasoncode)   ` hp x !Ёé Forwarding Notification Diagnostic Reason Codes from an EDIUA or EDIMS ` hp x !X  c4 P  tyFNUAMSDiagnosticFieldDty:FNUAMSDiagnosticField c4 P D ::= INTEGER { I This field may be used to further specify the error signalled in fnuamsbasiccode. X © Additional information may be indicated in fnsupplementaryinformation. ` hp x !X  c4 P  ec  c4 P recipientnamechanged c4 P  Dec: c4 P recipientnamechangedD (0), X ec  c4 P recipientnamedeleted c4 P  Dec: c4 P recipientnamedeletedD (1) X  } (1..ubreasoncode)   Ёé Forwarding Notification Security Check Codes from an EDIUA or EDIMS ` hp x !X  c4 P  tyFNUAMSSecurityCheckFieldGty:FNUAMSSecurityCheckField c4 P G ::= BOOLEAN    ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é Forwarding Notification Reason Codes from a user ` hp x !X  c4 P  tyFNUserReasonCodeFieldDty:FNUserReasonCodeField c4 P D ::= SEQUENCE { =fnuserbasiccode!h#[0] FNUserBasicCodeField, X fnuserdiagnostic!h#[1] FNUserDiagnosticField OPTIONAL } ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é Forwarding Notification Basic Reason Codes from a user ` hp x !X  c4 P  ty FNUserBasicCodeFieldDty: FNUserBasicCodeField c4 P D ::= INTEGER { ` hp x !! c4 P  ec  c4 P unspecified c4 P  9ec: c4 P unspecified9 (0), X ec  c4 P forwardedforarchiving c4 P  Eec: c4 P forwardedforarchivingE (1), X ec  c4 P forwardedforinformation c4 P  Gec: c4 P forwardedforinformationG (2), X ec  c4 P forwardedforadditionalaction c4 P  Mec: c4 P forwardedforadditionalactionM (3), X ec  c4 P subscriptionchanged c4 P  Bec: c4 P subscriptionchangedB (4), X ec  c4 P headingfieldnotsupported c4 P  Iec: c4 P headingfieldnotsupportedI (5), X ec  c4 P bodyparttypenotsupported c4 P  Iec: c4 P bodyparttypenotsupportedI (6), X ec  c4 P messagetypenotsupported c4 P  Hec: c4 P messagetypenotsupportedH (7), X ec  c4 P syntaxidentifiernotsupported c4 P  Mec: c4 P syntaxidentifiernotsupportedM (8), X ec  c4 P interchangesenderunknown c4 P  Hec: c4 P interchangesenderunknownH (9), X ec  c4 P interchangesenderunknown c4 P  Hec: c4 P interchangesenderunknownH (10), X ec  c4 P userdefinedreason c4 P  Aec: c4 P userdefinedreasonA (11) X } (0..ubreasoncode) Ёé Forwarding Notification Diagnostic Reason Codes from a user ` hp x !X  c4 P  tyFNUserDiagnosticFieldDty:FNUserDiagnosticField c4 P D ::= INTEGER I Contains reason passed by user when value of fnuserbasiccode is userdefinedreason. X © Additional information may be indicated in fnsupplementaryinformation. X  ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é Forwarding Notification Reason Codes from a PDAU ` hp x !X  c4 P  tyFNPDAUReasonCodeFieldDty:FNPDAUReasonCodeField c4 P D ::= SEQUENCE { <fnpdaubasiccode!h#[0] FNPDAUBasicCodeField, X fnpdaudiagnostic!h#[1] FNPDAUDiagnosticField OPTIONAL } ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é Forwarding Notification Basic Reason Codes from a PDAU ` hp x !X  c4 P  tyFNPDAUBasicCodeFieldCty:FNPDAUBasicCodeField c4 P C ::= INTEGER { ` hp x !! c4 P  ec  c4 P unspecified c4 P  9ec: c4 P unspecified9 (0), X ec  c4 P forwardedforphysicalrenditionanddelivery c4 P  [ec: c4 P forwardedforphysicalrenditionanddelivery[ (1) X } (0..ubreasoncode) Ёé Forwarding Notification Diagnostic Reason Codes from a PDAU ` hp x !X  c4 P  tyFNPDAUDiagnosticFieldDty:FNPDAUDiagnosticField c4 P D ::= INTEGER ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é Forwarded Notification Extensions ` hp x !X   Ђc070 ty c4 P  FNExtensionsField d c4 P ty: c4 P FNExtensionsFieldd ::= SET OF FNExtensionsSubField p x !X  c4 P ty c4 P  FNExtensionsSubField f c4 P ty: c4 P FNExtensionsSubFieldf ::= ExtensionField X  c4 P END of EDIMSInformationObjects ` hp x ! 8O c4 P ANNEX C 8: Reference definition of Message Store Attributes 85(This annex forms an integral part of this Recommendation.)   ` hp x !TThis annex defines for reference purposes the MS attributes specific to EDIM Messaging. It uses the ATTRIBUTE macro of Recommendation X.501.   ` hp x !Ђ 8M c4 P ѩ ` hp x !X  c4 P mo  c4 P EDIMSMessageStoreAttributes c4 P  Jmo: c4 P EDIMSMessageStoreAttribute sJ {jointisoccitt Imhsmotis(6) edims(7) modules(0) messagestoreattributes(4) } X  X DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= X BEGIN ` hp x !Ёé Prologue Exports everything. p x !X  c4 P  IMPORTS ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ EDIMS Object Identifiers  c4 P  idbatbody, idbatedibodypart, idbatedimbodypart,   idbatexternallydefinedbodyparttypes, idbatinterchangelength, idbatmessagedata,   idbatmessageparameters, idhatacknowledgementrequest, idhatapplicationreference, idhatcrossreferencinginformation,   idhatdateandtimeofpreparation, idhatediapplicationsecurityelement,   p x !H ‚idhatediapplicationsecurityextensions, idhatedibodyparttype,   H idhatedimessagetype, idhatedinreceiver, idhatexpirytime,   H idhatheading, idhatheadingextensions, idhatincompletecopy,   H idhatinterchangesender, idhatobsoletededims, idhatoriginator, idhatprocessingprioritycode,   H idhatrecipients, idhatrelatedmessages, idhatsensitivity, H idhatservicestringadvice, idhatsyntaxidentifier,   H idhatthisedim, idnatedinoriginator, idnatfirstrecipient, idnatfnextensions,   H idnatfnreasoncode, idnatfnsupplementaryinfo, idnatforwardedto, H idnatnnextensions, idnatnnreasoncode,   H idnatnnsupplementaryinfo, idnatnotificationextensions, idnatnotificationsecurityelements,   H idnatnotificationtime, idnatpnextensions, idnatpnsupplementaryinfo, idnatsubjectedim,   H idratactionrequestforthisrecipient, idratauthorizationinformationforthisrecipient,   H idratcommunicationsagreementidforthisrecipient, idratedinotificationrequestsforthisrecipient,   H idratedimreceptionsecurityrequestsforthisrecipient,   H idratinterchangecontrolreferenceforthisrecipient, idratinterchangerecipientforthisrecipient,   H idratrecipientextensionsforthisrecipient, idratthisrecipient, H idratrecipientreferenceforthisrecipient,   H idratresponsibilitypassingallowedforthisrecipient,   H idrattestindicatorforthisrecipient, idsatedimsynopsis, idsatedimsentrytype H ©   H FROM EDIMSObjectIdentifiers {jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) edims(7) modules(0) objectidentifiers(0) }   ` hp x !Ё c4 P  ĩ MS Abstract Service p x !X   c4 P SequenceNumber    X FROM MSAbstractService {jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) ms(4) modules(0) abstractservice(1) }   ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é EDIMS Information Objects   p x !X  c4 P  AcknowledgementRequestField, ActionRequestField, ApplicationReferenceField, IAuthorizationInformationField,Body, BodyPartReference, CommunicationsAgreementIdField, X CrossReferencingInformationSubField,   X DateAndTimeOfPreparationField, EDIApplicationSecuriptyElementsField, EDIBodyPart,  x X EDIBodyPartType, EDIMessageTypeFieldSubField, EDINInitiatorField,   X EDINOriginatorField, EDINotificationRequestsField, EDINReceiverField, X EDISupplementaryInformation, ExpiryTimeField,  X X FirstRecipientField, FNExtensionsSubField, FNReasonCodeField,   X ForwardedTo, Heading, HeadingExtensionsSubField, IncompleteCopyField,  X X InterchangeControlReferenceField, InterchangeRecipientField,   X InterchangeSenderField, MessageData, MessageParameters, NNReasonCodeField,   X NNExtensionsSubField, NotificationExtensionsSubField, NotificationTimeField,   X ObsoletedEDIMsSubfield, OriginatorField, PositiveNotificationFields, *+ƌ  X PNExtensionsSubField, ProcessingPriorityCodeField, RecipientExtensionsSubField, RecipientField,   X RecipientReferenceField, RecipientsSubField, RelatedMessagesField,   X ResponsibilityForwarded, ResponsibilityPassingAllowedField, SecurityElementsField, X ServiceStringAdviceField, SubjectEDIMField, X SyntaxIdentifierField, TestIndicatorField, ThisEDIMField X ©   X FROM EDIMSInformationObjects {jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) edims(7) modules(0) informationobjects(2) }   ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ IPMS Information Objects p x !X  c4 P  ExternallyDefinedParameters    X FROM IPMSInformationObjects {jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) ipms(1) modules(0) informationobjects(2) }   ` hp x !Ё c4 P  ĩ Directory Information Framework p x !X   c4 P ATTRIBUTE    X FROM InformationFramework {jointisoccitt ds(5) modules(1) informationFramework(1) };   ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é END imports MESSAGE STORE ATTRIBUTES Summary Attributes EDIMS Entry Type ` hp x !X   Ђe01 va c4 P  edimsentrytype c c4 P va: c4 P edimsentrytypec ATTRIBUTE 3WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDIMSEntryType X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idsatedimsentrytype p x !X  c4 P ty c4 P  EDIMSEntryType ` c4 P ty: c4 P EDIMSEntryType` ::= ENUMERATED { edim (0), X pn (1), X nn (2), X fn (3) } ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ EDIM Synopsis ` hp x !X   Ђe02 va  c4 P edimsynopsis c4 P  <va: c4 P edimsynopsis< ATTRIBUTE 1WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDIMSynopsis X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idsatedimsynopsis p x !X  e03 ty c4 P  EDIMSynopsis a c4 P ty: c4 P  EDIMSynopsisa ::= SEQUENCE OF BodyPartSynopsis X / c4 P e04 /ty BodyPartSynopsis b c4 P ty: c4 P BodyPartSynopsisb ::= CHOICE { Bmessage&[0] MessageBodyPartSynopsis, X nonmessage&[1] NonMessageBodyPartSynopsis } X  c4 P ty c4 P  MessageBodyPartSynopsis i c4 P ty: c4 P MessageBodyPartSynopsisi ::= SEQUENCE { 9number&[0] SequenceNumber, X synopsis&[1] EDIMSynopsis } X  c4 P ty c4 P  NonMessageBodyPartSynopsis l c4 P ty: c4 P NonMessageBodyPartSynopsisl ::= SEQUENCE { <type&[0] OBJECT IDENTIFIER, X parameters&[1] ExternallyDefinedParameters OPTIONAL, X size&[2] INTEGER, X processed&[3] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE } ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ EDI Notification Indicator  c4 P   e25 vaedinotificationindicator$ va:edinotificationindicator$ c4 P  ATTRIBUTE ` hp x !X ‚WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDINotificationIndicator DEFAULT (0) X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X MULTI VALUE ::= X idsatedinotificationindicator X EDINotificationIndicator ::= ENUMERATED { ,nonotificationsent#((0), X pnsent (1), X nnsent (2), X fnsent (3) } ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é Heading Attributes Heading ` hp x !X   Ђe05 va c4 P  heading Z c4 P va: c4 P headingZ ATTRIBUTE ,WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX Heading X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idhatheading ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Heading Fields ` hp x !X  c4 P   Ђe06 va  c4 P thisedim c4 P  8va: c4 P thisedim8 ATTRIBUTE 2WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX ThisEDIMField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idhatthisedim p x !X va  c4 P originator c4 P  8va: c4 P originator8 ATTRIBUTE 4WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX OriginatorField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idhatoriginator X  c4 P va c4 P edinreceiver c4 P va:edinreceiver c4 P  ATTRIBUTE 6WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDINReceiverField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idhatedinreceiver X  c4 P va c4 P responsibilityforwarded c4 P "va:responsibilityforwarded" c4 P  ATTRIBUTE <WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX ResponsibilityForwarded X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idhatresponsibilityforwarded X  c4 P va c4 P  edibodyparttype c c4 P va: c4 P edibodyparttypec ATTRIBUTE 4WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDIBodyPartType X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idhatedibodyparttype X  c4 P va c4 P  incompletecopy a c4 P va: c4 P incompletecopya ATTRIBUTE 8WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX IncompleteCopyField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idhatincompletecopy X T c4 P I.va: c4 P Texpirytime; ATTRIBUTE 4WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX ExpiryTimeField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY ORDERING p x !H SINGLE VALUE H ::= idhatexpirytime p x !X  c4 P va  c4 P relatedmessages c4 P  >va: c4 P relatedmessages> ATTRIBUTE =WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX RelatedMessagesReference X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X MULTI VALUE X ::= idhatrelatedmessages X va  c4 P obsoletededims c4 P  =va: c4 P obsoletededims= ATTRIBUTE ;WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX ObsoletedEDIMsSubfield X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X MULTI VALUE X ::= idhatobsoletededims X va  c4 P ediapplicationsecurityelement c4 P  Nva: c4 P ediapplicationsecurityelementN ATTRIBUTE BWITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDIApplicationSecurityElement X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idhatediapplicationsecurityelement X va  c4 P ediapplicationsecurityextensions c4 P  Qva: c4 P ediapplicationsecurityextensionsQ ATTRIBUTE DWITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDIApplicationSecurityExtension X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X MULTI VALUE X ::= idhatediapplicationsecurityextensions X va  c4 P crossreferencinginformation c4 P  Kva: c4 P crossreferencinginformationK ATTRIBUTE HWITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX CrossReferencingInformationSubField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X MULTI VALUE X ::= idhatcrossreferencinginformation X  e07 va c4 P  edimessagetype e c4 P va: c4 P  edimessagetypee ATTRIBUTE @WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDIMessageTypeFieldSubField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X MULTI VALUE X ::= idhatedimessagetype X  c4 P va c4 P  servicestringadvice g c4 P va: c4 P servicestringadviceg ATTRIBUTE *,ƌ=WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX ServiceStringAdviceField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idhatservicestringadvice X  c4 P va c4 P  syntaxidentifier c c4 P va: c4 P syntaxidentifierc ATTRIBUTE :WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX SyntaxIdentifierField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idhatsyntaxidentifier X  c4 P va c4 P  interchangesender d c4 P va: c4 P interchangesenderd ATTRIBUTE ;WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX InterchangeSenderField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idhatinterchangesender X  c4 P va c4 P  dateandtimeofpreparation n c4 P va: c4 P dateandtimeofpreparationn ATTRIBUTE BWITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX DateAndTimeOfPreparationField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY ORDERING X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idhatdateandtimeofpreparation X  c4 P va c4 P  applicationreference g c4 P va: c4 P applicationreferenceg ATTRIBUTE p x !H WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX ApplicationReferenceField H MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SUBSTRINGS H SINGLE VALUE H ::= idhatapplicationreference p x !X ?   c4 P e09 ?va headingextensions d c4 P va: c4 P headingextensionsd ATTRIBUTE >WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX HeadingExtensionsSubField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X MULTI VALUE X ::= idhatheadingextensions ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Recipient Subfield ` hp x !X  c4 P   Ђe10 va  c4 P thisrecipient c4 P  =va: c4 P thisrecipient= ATTRIBUTE 3WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX RecipientField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idratthisrecipient p x !X va  c4 P actionrequestforthisrecipient c4 P  Ova: c4 P actionrequestforthisrecipientO ATTRIBUTE 7WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX ActionRequestField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idratactionrequestforthisrecipient X va  c4 P edinotificationrequestsforthisrecipient c4 P  Zva: c4 P edinotificationrequestsforthisrecipientZ ATTRIBUTE <WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDINotificationRequests X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idratedinotificationrequestsforthisrecipient X va  c4 P edinotificationsecurityforthisrecipient c4 P  Zva: c4 P edinotificationsecurityforthisrecipientZ ATTRIBUTE <WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDINotificationSecurity X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idratedinotificationsecurityforthisrecipient X va  c4 P edireceptionsecurityforthisrecipient c4 P  Wva: c4 P edireceptionsecurityforthisrecipientW ATTRIBUTE 9WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDIReceptionSecurity X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idratedireceptionsecurityforthisrecipient X va  c4 P responsibilitypassingallowedforthisrecipient c4 P  _va: c4 P responsibilitypassingallowedforthisrecipient_ ATTRIBUTE FWITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX ResponsibilityPassingAllowedField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idratresponsibilitypassingallowedforthisrecipient X  e11 Ё c4 P ѩ  c4 P Fields from EDIFACT interchange X  c4 P va c4 P  interchangerecipientforthisrecipient } c4 P va: c4 P  interchangerecipientforthisrecipient} ATTRIBUTE >WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX InterchangeRecipientField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idratinterchangerecipientforthisrecipient X  c4 P va c4 P  recipientreferenceforthisrecipient x c4 P va: c4 P recipientreferenceforthisrecipientx ATTRIBUTE <WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX RecipientReferenceField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE p x !H ::= idratrecipientreferenceforthisrecipient p x !X  c4 P va c4 P  interchangecontrolreferenceforthisrecipient  c4 P va: c4 P interchangecontrolreferenceforthisrecipient ATTRIBUTE EWITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX InterchangeControlReferenceField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SUBSTRINGS X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idratinterchangecontrolreferenceforthisrecipient X  c4 P va c4 P  processingprioritycodeforthisrecipient } c4 P va: c4 P processingprioritycodeforthisrecipient} ATTRIBUTE @WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX ProcessingPriorityCodeField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idratprocessingprioritycodeforthisrecipient X  c4 P va c4 P  acknowledgementrequestforthisrecipient | c4 P va: c4 P acknowledgementrequestforthisrecipient| ATTRIBUTE @WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX AcknowledgementRequestField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idratacknowledgementrequestforthisrecipient X  c4 P va c4 P  communicationsagreementidforthisrecipient  c4 P va: c4 P communicationsagreementidforthisrecipient ATTRIBUTE CWITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX CommunicationsAgreementIdField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SUBSTRINGS X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idratcommunicationsagreementidforthisrecipient X  c4 P va c4 P  testindicatorforthisrecipient s c4 P va: c4 P testindicatorforthisrecipients ATTRIBUTE 7WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX TestIndicatorField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idrattestindicationforthisrecipient ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ  c4 P END Fields from EDIFACT  c4 P ѩ  c4 P Fields from ANSIX12 ISA ` hp x !X  c4 P   Ђe08 va  c4 P authorizationinformationforthisrecipient c4 P  [va: c4 P authorizationinformationforthisrecipient[ ATTRIBUTE BWITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX AuthorizationInformationField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idratauthorizationinformationforthisrecipient ` hp x !Ё c4 P é  c4 P END Fields from ANSIX12 ISA ` hp x !X  c4 P   Ђe12 va  c4 P recipientextensionsforthisrecipient c4 P  Vva: c4 P recipientextensionsforthisrecipientV ATTRIBUTE @WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX RecipientExtensionsSubField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X MULTI VALUE X ::= idratrecipientextensionsforthisrecipient ` hp x !Ё c4 P é Body Attributes Body ` hp x !X   Ђe13 va c4 P  body W c4 P va: c4 P bodyW ATTRIBUTE )WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX Body X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idbatbody ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Body Analyses ` hp x !X   Ђe14 va  c4 P interchangelength c4 P  Ava: c4 P interchangelengthA ATTRIBUTE 6WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX InterchangeLength X MATCHES FOR ORDERING X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idbatinterchangelength p x !X ty  c4 P InterchangeLength c4 P  ?ty: c4 P InterchangeLength? ::= INTEGER ` hp x !Ёé Primary Body Parts ` hp x !X @  Ђ c4 P e15 @va c4 P  edibodypart ` c4 P va: c4 P edibodypart` ATTRIBUTE 0WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDIBodyPart X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idbatedibodypart p x !X / c4 P e16 /va edimbodypart ` c4 P va: c4 P edimbodypart` ATTRIBUTE IWITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX SequenceNumber sequence number of the forwarded EDIM entry. X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idbatedimbodypart *-ƌX / c4 P e17 /va messageparameters d c4 P va: c4 P messageparametersd ATTRIBUTE 6WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX MessageParameters X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idbatmessageparameters X  c4 P va c4 P  messagedata ^ c4 P va: c4 P messagedata^ ATTRIBUTE 0WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX MessageData X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idbatmessagedata ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ ExternallyDefined Body Part Types ` hp x !X   Ђe18 va  c4 P externallydefinedbodyparttypes c4 P  Qva: c4 P externallydefinedbodyparttypesQ ATTRIBUTE 6WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X MULTI VALUE X ::= idbatexternallydefinedbodyparttypes   ` hp x !Ёé Description of the externallydefinedbodyparttypes attribute syntax for parameter portion only   ` hp x !X @  Ђ c4 P e26 @tyEDIExternallyDefinedBodyPartParameterAttribute:ty:EDIExternallyDefinedBodyPartPara meterAttribute: c4 P ?xA::= SEQUENCE { Gbodypartreference"([0] BodyPartReference OPTIONAL, X parameter[1] ExternallyDefinedParameters }   ` hp x !Ё c4 P é Notification Attributes Common Fields ` hp x !X   Ђe19 va c4 P  subjectedim _ c4 P va: c4 P subjectedim_ ATTRIBUTE 5WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX SubjectEDIMField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idnatsubjectedim X  c4 P va c4 P  edinoriginator a c4 P va: c4 P edinoriginatora ATTRIBUTE 8WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDINOriginatorField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY p x !H SINGLE VALUE H ::= idnatedinoriginator p x !X  c4 P va c4 P  firstrecipient a c4 P va: c4 P firstrecipienta ATTRIBUTE 9WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX FirstRecipientField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idnatfirstrecipient X  c4 P va c4 P  notificationtime c c4 P va: c4 P notificationtimec ATTRIBUTE :WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX NotificationTimeField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY ORDERING X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idnatnotificationtime X  c4 P va c4 P  notificationsecurityelements p c4 P va: c4 P notificationsecurityelementsp ATTRIBUTE :WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX SecurityElementsField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idnatnotificationsecurityelements X  c4 P va c4 P  edininitiator ` c4 P va: c4 P edininitiator` ATTRIBUTE 7WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDINInitiatorField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idnatedininitiator X / c4 P e20 /va notificationextensions i c4 P va: c4 P notificationextensionsi ATTRIBUTE CWITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX NotificationExtensionsSubField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X MULTI VALUE X ::= idnatnotificationextensions ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Positive Notification Extension Fields ` hp x !X  c4 P   Ђe21 va  c4 P pnsupplementaryinformation c4 P  Kva: c4 P pnsupplementaryinformationK ATTRIBUTE @WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDISupplementaryInformation X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SUBSTRINGS X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idnatpnsupplementaryinfo p x !X va  c4 P pnextensions c4 P  ;va: c4 P pnextensions; ATTRIBUTE 9WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX PNExtensionsSubField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X MULTI VALUE X ::= idnatpnextensions ` hp x !Ё c4 P é Negative Notification Fields ` hp x !X @  Ђ c4 P e22 @va c4 P  nnreason \ c4 P va: c4 P nnreason\ ATTRIBUTE 6WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX NNReasonCodeField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idnatnnreasoncode p x !X  c4 P va c4 P  nnsupplementaryinformation n c4 P va: c4 P nnsupplementaryinformationn ATTRIBUTE @WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDISupplementaryInformation X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SUBSTRINGS X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idnatnnsupplementaryinfo X  c4 P va c4 P  nnextensions _ c4 P va: c4 P nnextensions_ ATTRIBUTE p x !H WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX NNExtensionsSubField H MATCHES FOR EQUALITY H MULTI VALUE H ::= idnatnnextensions ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Forwarded Fields ` hp x !X  c4 P   Ђe23 va  c4 P forwardedto c4 P  ;va: c4 P forwardedto; ATTRIBUTE 0WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX ForwardedTo X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idnatforwardedto p x !X va  c4 P fnreasoncode c4 P  <va: c4 P fnreasoncode< ATTRIBUTE 6WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX FNReasonCodeField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idnatfnreasoncode X va  c4 P fnsupplementaryinformation c4 P  Jva: c4 P fnsupplementaryinformationJ ATTRIBUTE @WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDISupplementaryInformation X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY SUBSTRINGS X SINGLE VALUE X ::= idnatfnsupplementaryinfo X va  c4 P fnextensions c4 P  ;va: c4 P fnextensions; ATTRIBUTE 9WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX FNExtensionsSubField X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X MULTI VALUE X ::= idnatfnextensions X  c4 P END of EDIMSMessageStoreAttributes ` hp x ! 8O c4 P ANNEX D 84 Reference definition of Message Store AutoAction Attributes 85(This annex forms an integral part of this Recommendation.)   ` hp x !SThis annex, a supplement to Annex C, defines for reference purposes the MS attributes specific to EDIM Messaging AutoActions. It uses the ATTRIBUTE macro of Recommendation X.501.   ` hp x !Ђ 8M c4 P ѩ ` hp x !X  c4 P mo  c4 P EDIMSAutoActionTypes c4 P  Bmo: c4 P EDIMSAutoActionTypesB {jointisoccitt Imhsmotis(6) edims(7) modules(0) messagestoreautoactions(7)} X DEFINITIONS ::= X BEGIN ` hp x !Ёé Prologue Exports everything. p x !X ‚ p x !X   c4 P IMPORTS ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é EDIMS Object Identifiers p x !X  c4 P  idactediautoforward    X FROM EDIMSObjectIdentifiers {jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) edims(7) modules(0) objectidentifiers(0)} X    ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ EDIMS Information Objects  h p x !X  c4 P  EDISupplementaryInformation, RecipientField, ActionRequestField   IEDINotificationRequestsField, ResponsibilityPassingAllowed X ©   X FROM EDIMSInformationObjects {jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) edims(7) modules(0) informationobjects(2) } *.ƌX    ` hp x !Ё c4 P  ĩ MS Abstract Service p x !X   c4 P AUTOACTION, Filter    X FROM MSAbstractService {jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) ms(4) modules(0) abstractservice(1)} X    ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é MS General Auto Actions   p x !X  c4 P  PerMessageAutoForwardFields, PerRecipientAutoForwardFields    X FROM MSGeneralAutoActionTypes {jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) ms(4) modules(0) generalautoactiontypes(3) }   ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ MTS Upper Bounds p x !X  c4 P  ubrecipients    X FROM MTSUpperBounds {jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) mts(3) modules(0) upperbounds(3) }   ` hp x !Ё c4 P  ĩ MTS Abstract Service Definition p x !X   c4 P ORName    X FROM MTSAbstractService {jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) mts(3) modules(0) mtsabstractservice(1) }; X    ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é END Imports AutoAction Types EDI Auto Forwarding Registration ` hp x !X   Ђa01 mo c4 P  ediautoforward c c4 P mo: c4 P ediautoforwardc AUTOACTION HREGISTRATION PARAMETER IS EDIForwardRegistrationParameter X ::= idactediautoforward p x !X  c4 P mo c4 P  EDIForwardRegistrationParameter r c4 P mo: c4 P EDIForwardRegistration Parameterr ::= SEQUENCE { :filter&[0] Filter OPTIONAL, X edisupplementaryinfo%([1] EDISupplementaryInfo OPTIONAL, X deleteafterforwarding&([2] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, X ediforwardingmode"&CHOICE { X forwardingwithresponsibilitynotaccepted<xA[3] ForwardWithRespForwarded, X forwardingwithresponsibilityaccepted8 <<xA[4] ForwardWithRespAccepted }   ` hp x !Ё c4 P Auto Action Registration Parameters for Forwarding with Responsibility not Accepted ` hp x !X   Ђa02 mo  c4 P ForwardWithRespNotAccepted c4 P  Jmo: c4 P ForwardWithRespNotAccepte dJ ::= SET { ICOMPONENTS OF PerMessageAutoForwardFields, from envelope PerMessageFields  H X perrecipientfield"([3] PerRecipientAutoForwardFields,   X notificationargument$([4] NotificationArguments OPTIONAL } p x !X mo  c4 P NotificationArguments c4 P  Cmo: c4 P NotificationArgumentsC ::= SET { ICOMPONENTS OF PerMessageAutoForwardFields, from envelope PerMessageFields X perrecipientsfield#&[3] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ubrecipients) OF X PerRecipientAutoForwardFields }   ` hp x !ЁAuto Action Registration Parameters for Forwarding with Responsibility Accepted ` hp x !X   Ђa03 mo c4 P  ForwardWithRespAccepted j c4 P mo: c4 P ForwardWithRespAcceptedj ::= SET { ICOMPONENTS OF PerMessageAutoForwardFields, from envelope PerMessageFields X perrecipientsfield#([3] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ubrecipients) OF X ` PerRecipientAutoForwardFields, X notificationargument$([4] NotificationArguments OPTIONAL, X headingfieldsh#[5] HeadingFields OPTIONAL } p x !X  c4 P mo c4 P  HeadingFields _ c4 P mo: c4 P HeadingFields_ ::= SEQUENCE { <newedinreceivername%([0] ORName OPTIONAL, X nextrecipient&[1] RecipientField, X nextrecipientactionrequest,p2[2] ActionRequestField DEFAULT {idforaction}, X nextrecipientedinotificationrequestsfield=xA[3] EDINotificationRequestsField OPTIONAL, X nextresponsibilitypassingallowed27[4] ResponsibilityPassingAllowedField DEFAULT FALSE } X  c4 P END of EDIMSAutoActionTypes X  c4 P ANNEX E   ` hp x ! 8: Reference definition of EDIMS Functional Objects 85(This annex forms an integral part of this Recommendation.)   ` hp x !SThis annex defines for reference purposes the functional objects of EDI Messaging. It uses the OBJECT and REFINE macros of Recommendation X.407.   ` hp x !Ђ 8M c4 P ѩ ` hp x !X  c4 P mo  c4 P EDIMSFunctionalObjects c4 P  Dmo: c4 P EDIMSFunctionalObjectsD {jointisoccitt Hmhsmotis(6) edims(7) modules(0) functionalobjects(1)} X DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= X BEGIN ` hp x !Ёé Prologue Exports everything. p x !X  c4 P  IMPORTS ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ EDIMS Abstract Service p x !X  c4 P  origination, reception    X FROM EDIMSAbstractService {jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) edims(7) modules(0) abstractservice(3)}   ` hp x !Ё c4 P  ĩ EDIMS Object Identifiers p x !X   c4 P idotedime, idotedims, idotedims, idotediua, ,idotedimguser, idotpdau, X idrefprimary, idrefsecondary X ©   X FROM EDIMSObjectIdentifiers {jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) edims(7) modules(0) objectidentifiers(0)}   ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é MS Abstract Service p x !X  c4 P  retrieval    X FROM MSAbstractService {jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) ms(4) modules(0) abstractservice(1)}   ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ MTS Abstract Service p x !X  c4 P  administration, delivery, mTS, submission    X FROM MTSAbstractService {jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) mts(3) modules(0) mtsabstractservice(1)}   ` hp x !Ё c4 P  ĩ Abstract service definition conventions p x !X   c4 P OBJECT, REFINE    X FROM AbstractServiceNotation {jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) asdc(2) modules(0) notation(1) };   ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é END imports "Root" Object Type ` hp x !X @  Ђ c4 P f01 @vaedimeva:edime OBJECT ::= idotedime ` hp x !ЁPrimary Refinement ` hp x !X   Ђf02 va c4 P  edimerefinement c c4 P va: c4 P edimerefinementc REFINE edime AS edims X origination[S] PAIRED WITH edimguser X reception[S] PAIRED WITH edimguser X edimguser RECURRING X ::= idrefprimary ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Primary Object Types EDI User ` hp x !X   Ђf03 va  c4 P edimguser c4 P  9va: c4 P edimguser9 OBJECT PORTS { */ƌX origination[C], X reception[C] } X ::= idotedimguser ` hp x !ЁEDI Messaging System ` hp x !X   Ђf04 va c4 P  edims X c4 P va: c4 P edimsX OBJECT PORTS { X origination[S], X reception[S] } X ::= idotedims ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Secondary Refinement ` hp x !X   Ђf05 va  c4 P edimsrefinement c4 P  ?va: c4 P edimsrefinement? REFINE edims AS mTS X submission[S] PAIRED WITH ediua, edims X delivery[S] PAIRED WITH ediua, edims X administrationh#[S] PAIRED WITH ediua, edims X ediua RECURRING X origination[S] VISIBLE X reception[S] VISIBLE X edims RECURRING X submission[S] PAIRED WITH ediua X retrieval[S] PAIRED WITH ediua X administrationh#[S] PAIRED WITH ediua X pdau RECURRING X reception[S] VISIBLE X ::= idrefsecondary ` hp x !Ёé Secondary Object Types EDI User Agent ` hp x !X   Ђf06 va c4 P  ediua Y c4 P va: c4 P ediuaY OBJECT PORTS { X origination[S], X reception[S], X submission[C], X delivery[C], X retrieval[C], X administrationh#[C] } X ::= idotediua hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ EDI Message Store ` hp x !X   Ђf07 va  c4 P edims c4 P  5va: c4 P edims5 OBJECT PORTS { X submission[S], X retrieval[S], X administrationh#[S], X submission[C], X delivery[C], X administrationh#[C] } X ::= idotedims hp x !Ёé Physical Delivery Access Unit ` hp x !X   Ђf10 va c4 P  pdau W c4 P va: c4 P pdauW OBJECT PORTS { X reception[S] } X ::= idotpdau X END of EDIMSFunctionalObjects ` hp x ! 8O c4 P ANNEX F 8; Reference definition of EDIMS Abstract Service 85(This annex forms an integral part of this Recommendation.)   ` hp x !UThis annex defines for reference purposes the EDIMS Abstract Service. It uses the PORT and ABSTRACTOPERATION and ABSTRACTERROR macros of Recommendation X.407.   ` hp x !Ђ 8M c4 P ѩ ` hp x !X  c4 P mo  c4 P EDIMSAbstractService c4 P  Bmo: c4 P EDIMSAbstractServiceB {jointisoccitt Fmhsmotis(6) edims(7) modules(0) abstractservice(3)} X DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= X BEGIN ` hp x !Ё c4 P é Prologue Exports everything. p x !X  c4 P  IMPORTS ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ EDIMS Information Objects p x !X  c4 P  Heading, EDIM, EDIN, InformationObject    X FROM EDIMSInformationObjects {jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) edims(7) modules(0) informationobjects(2) }   ` hp x !Ё c4 P  ĩ EDIMS Object Identifiers p x !X   c4 P idptorigination, idptreception    X FROM EDIMSObjectIdentifiers {jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) edims(7) modules(0) objectidentifiers(0) }   ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é MTS Abstract Service p x !X  c4 P  MessageDeliveryEnvelope, MessageSubmissionEnvelope, BMessageSubmissionIdentifier, MessageSubmissionTime, X ProbeSubmissionEnvelope, ProbeSubmissionIdentifier, X ProbeSubmissionTime, RecipientImproperlySpecified, X ReportDeliveryEnvelope X ©   X FROM MTSAbstractService {jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) mts(3) modules(0) mtsabstractservice(1) }   ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Abstract service definition conventions p x !X  c4 P  ABSTRACTERROR, ABSTRACTOPERATION, PORT    X FROM AbstractServiceNotation {jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) asdc(2) modules(0) notation(1) };   ` hp x !Ё c4 P  ĩ Primary Port Types Origination ` hp x !X   Ђg01 va c4 P  origination ^ c4 P va: c4 P origination^ PORT !CONSUMER INVOKES { X OriginateProbe, X OriginateEDIM, X OriginateEDIN } X ::= idptorigination ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Reception ` hp x !X   Ђg02 va  c4 P reception c4 P  8va: c4 P reception8 PORT !SUPPLIER INVOKES { X ReceiveReport, X ReceiveEDIM, X ReceiveEDIN } X ::= idptreception ` hp x !Ёé ABSTRACT OPERATIONS Origination Abstract Operations Originate Probe  g03 ty c4 P  OriginateProbe `  c4 P ty: c4 P OriginateProbe` ::= ABSTRACTOPERATION ` hp x !X ‚ARGUMENT SET { X ` envelope[0] ProbeSubmissionEnvelope, X ` content[1] EDIM } X RESULT SET { X ` submissionidentifier)-[0] ProbeSubmissionIdentifier, X ` submissiontime#([1] ProbeSubmissionTime } X ERRORS { RecipientImproperlySpecified } ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Originate EDIM ` hp x !X   Ђg04 ty  c4 P OriginateEDIM c4 P  <ty: c4 P OriginateEDIM< ::= ABSTRACTOPERATION ARGUMENT SET { X envelope[0] MessageSubmissionEnvelope, X content[1] EDIM } X RESULT SET { X submissionidentifier&([0] MessageSubmissionIdentifier, X submissiontime h#[1] MessageSubmissionTime } X ERRORS { RecipientImproperlySpecified } ` hp x !Ёé Originate EDIN ` hp x !X   Ђg05 ty c4 P  OriginateEDIN ` c4 P ty: c4 P OriginateEDIN` ::= ABSTRACTOPERATION ARGUMENT SET { X envelope[0] MessageSubmissionEnvelope, X content[1] EDIN } *0ƌX RESULT SET { X submissionidentifier&([0] MessageSubmissionIdentifier, X submissiontime h#[1] MessageSubmissionTime } X ERRORS { RecipientImproperlySpecified } ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Reception Abstract Operations Receive Report ` hp x !X   Ђg06 ty  c4 P ReceiveReport c4 P  <ty: c4 P ReceiveReport< ::= ABSTRACTOPERATION ARGUMENT SET { X envelope[0] ReportDeliveryEnvelope, X undeliveredobject#([1] InformationObject OPTIONAL } X RESULT X ERRORS {} ` hp x !Ёé Receive EDIM ` hp x !X   Ђg07 ty c4 P  ReceiveEDIM ^ c4 P ty: c4 P ReceiveEDIM^ ::= ABSTRACTOPERATION ARGUMENT SET { X envelope[0] MessageDeliveryEnvelope, X content[1] EDIM } X RESULT X ERRORS {} ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Receive EDIN ` hp x !X   Ђg08 ty  c4 P ReceiveEDIN c4 P  :ty: c4 P ReceiveEDIN: ::= ABSTRACTOPERATION ARGUMENT SET { X envelope[0] MessageDeliveryEnvelope, X content[1] EDIN } X RESULT X ERRORS {} p x !X  c4 P END of EDIMSAbstractService ` hp x ! 8O c4 P ANNEX G 88 Reference definition of EDIMS Upper Bounds Parameters 85(This annex forms an integral part of this Recommendation.)   ` hp x !UThis annex defines for reference purposes the upper bounds of various variablelength information items whose abstract syntaxes are defined in the ASN.1 modules of prior annexes.   ` hp x !Ђ 8M c4 P ѩ ` hp x !X  c4 P mo  c4 P EDIMSUpperBounds c4 P  >mo: c4 P EDIMSUpperBounds> { jointisoccitt Cmhsmotis(6) edims(7) modules(0) upperbounds(5) } X DEFINITIONS ::= X BEGIN ` hp x !Ёé Prologue Exports everything. p x !X  c4 P  IMPORTS nothing ; ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ Upper bounds X ‚ub c4 P  ubapplicationreference k c4 P ub: c4 P ubapplicationreferencek)-INTEGER ::= 14 p x !X  c4 P ub c4 P  ubauthorizationinformation n c4 P ub: c4 P ubauthorizationinformationn-p2INTEGER ::= 10   X  c4 P ub c4 P  ubauthorizationinformationqualifier x c4 P ub: c4 P ubauthorizationinformationqualifierx7 <INTEGER ::= 2 X  c4 P ub c4 P  ubcommunicationsagreementid p c4 P ub: c4 P ubcommunicationsagreementidp/p2INTEGER ::= 35 X  c4 P ub c4 P  ubediassociationassignedcode r c4 P ub: c4 P ubediassociationassignedcoder17INTEGER ::= 6 X  c4 P ub c4 P  ubediapplicationsecurityelements v c4 P ub: c4 P ubediapplicationsecurityelementsv57INTEGER ::= 8191 X  c4 P ub c4 P  ubedicontrollingagency k c4 P ub: c4 P ubedicontrollingagencyk*-INTEGER ::= 2 X  c4 P ub c4 P  ubedidocumentrelease i c4 P ub: c4 P ubedidocumentreleasei(-INTEGER ::= 3 X  c4 P ub c4 P  ubedidocumentversion i c4 P ub: c4 P ubedidocumentversioni(-INTEGER ::= 3 X  c4 P ub c4 P  ubedimessagetype e c4 P ub: c4 P ubedimessagetypee$&INTEGER ::= 6 X  c4 P ub c4 P  ubidentificationcodequalifier r c4 P ub: c4 P ubidentificationcodequalifierr17INTEGER ::= 4 X :::= 35 X ububinterchangecontrolreferenceub:ubinterchangecontrolreference &INTEGER ::= 14 X ubublocalreferenceub:ublocalreference8 <INTEGER ::= 64 X ububprocessingprioritycodeub:ubprocessingprioritycode&INTEGER ::= 1 X ububreasoncodeub:ubreasoncode0p2INTEGER ::= 32767 X ububrecipientreferencequalifierub:ubrecipientreferencequalifier"&INTEGER ::= 2  h X ububrecipientreferenceub:ubrecipientreference@ FINTEGER ::= 14 X ububroutingaddressub:ubroutingaddress8 <INTEGER ::= 14   X ububsyntaxidentifierub:ubsyntaxidentifier<xAINTEGER ::= 4   X ububsyntaxversionub:ubsyntaxversion6 <INTEGER ::= 5 p x !X END of EDIMSUpperBounds   ` hp x ! 8OANNEX H    5Reference definition of Directory Object Classes and Attributes 7(This annex forms an integral part of this Recommendation.)   ` hp x !RThis annex defines for reference purposes the object identifiers, object classes, attributes, and attribute syntaxes specific to EDI use of Directory. It uses the OBJECTCLASS, ATTRIBUTE, and ATTRIBUTESYNTAX macros of Recommendation X.501. Annex J contains a discussion and description of the objects defined here.   ` hp x !Ђ 8N   ` hp x !X moEDIUseOfDirectorymo:EDIUseOfDirectory6 <{jointisoccitt I mhsmotis(6) edims(7) modules(0) edidirectoryclatt(6) } X DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= X BEGIN X    ` hp x !Ё Prologue Exports everything p x !X ‚IMPORTS ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ EDIMS Object Identifiers p x !X  c4 P  iddir    X FROM EDIMSObjectIdentifiers {jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) edims(7) modules(0) objectidentifiers(0) }   ` hp x !Ё c4 P  ĩ EDIMS Information Objects   p x !X   c4 P EDIBodypartType, EDIMesssageTypeFieldSubField, SyntaxIdentifier, SyntaxVersion    X FROM EDIMSAbstractService { jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) edims(7) modules(0) informationobjects(2) }   ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é EDIMS Upper bounds   p x !X  c4 P  ubediassociationassignedcode, ubedicontrollingagency, ?ubedidocumentrelease, ubedidocumentversion X ©   X FROM EDIMSUpperBounds {jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) edims(7) modules(0) upperbounds(5) }   ` hp x !Ё c4 P ѩ MHS Directory Object Classes and Attributes p x !X  c4 P  mhsuser, mhsuseragent, mhsmessagestore    X FROM MHSDirectoryObjectAndAttributes {jointisoccitt mhsmotis(6) arch(5) modules(0) directrory(1) }   ` hp x !Ё c4 P  ĩ Information Framework p x !X   c4 P ATTRIBUTE, ATTRIBUTESYNTAX, OBJECTCLASS    X FROM InformationFramework { jointisoccitt ds(5) modules(1) informationFramework(1) }   ` hp x !Ё c4 P  é Selected Object Classes p x !X  c4 P  applicationEntity, top    X FROM SelectedObjecClasses {jointisoccitt ds(5) modules(1) selectedObjectClasses(6) }   ` hp x !Ё c4 P  Selected Attribute Types and Syntaxes p x !X  c4 P  caseExactStringSyntax    X FROM SelectedAttributeTypes {jointisoccitt ds(5) modules(1) selectedAttributeTypes(5) };   ` hp x !Ё c4 P  ĩ END Imports  *1Ԍ OBJECT IDENTIFIER ASSIGNMENTS FOR USE OF DIRECTORY Categories X ‚ c4 P id c4 P  iddoc Y c4 P id: c4 P iddocY c4 P   c4 P  ID ::= {iddir 0}  c4 P ѩ  c4 P  directory c4 P   c4 P object c4 P    c4 P  classes X  c4 P id c4 P  iddat X c4 P id: c4 P iddatX c4 P    c4 P ID ::= {iddir 1}  c4 P  é  c4 P  directory  c4 P   c4 P  attribute c4 P   c4 P types X  c4 P  id  c4 P iddas c4 P  7id: c4 P iddas 7  c4 P  ID ::= {iddir 2}  c4 P ѩ  c4 P  directory c4 P   c4 P attribute c4 P    c4 P  syntaxes Ё c4 P ѩ Directory Object Classes X ‚ c4 P id c4 P  iddocediuser e c4 P id: c4 P  iddocediusere c4 P  h#  c4 P ID ::= {iddoc 0} X  c4 P  id  c4 P iddocediuseragent c4 P  Fid: c4 P iddocediuseragent F&( c4 P  ID ::= {iddoc 1} X  c4 P id c4 P  iddocedimessagestore m c4 P id: c4 P  iddocedimessagestorem c4 P )-  c4 P ID ::= {iddoc 2} Ё c4 P  é Directory Attribute Types X ‚ c4 P id  c4 P iddatediname c4 P  >id: c4 P iddatediname> h#ID ::= {iddat 0} X id  c4 P iddatediroutingaddress c4 P  Hid: c4 P iddatediroutingaddressH+-ID ::= {iddat 1} X id  c4 P iddatedicapabilities c4 P  Eid: c4 P iddatedicapabilitiesE(-ID ::= {iddat 2} Ё c4 P é Directory Attribute Syntaxes X ‚ c4 P  ididdasedicapabilitiesFid:iddasedicapabilities c4 P F(-ID ::= {iddas 0} Ё c4 P  é END Object Identifier Assignments X  Object Classes for EDI Use of Directory EDI User ` hp x !X @  Ђ c4 P d01 @vaediuserva:ediuser c4 P  OBJECT CLASS SUBCLASS OF top X MUST CONTAIN {ediname} X MAY CONTAIN {ediroutingaddress, edicapabilities} X ::= iddocediuser ` hp x !Ё c4 P é EDI User Agent ` hp x !X @  Ђ c4 P d02 @vaediuseragentva:ediuseragent c4 P  OBJECTCLASS *SUBCLASS OF mhsuseragent X MAY CONTAIN {edicapabilities} X ::= iddocediuseragent ` hp x !Ё c4 P é EDI Message Store ` hp x !X @  Ђ c4 P d03 @vaedimessagestoreva:edimessagestore c4 P  OBJECTCLASS -SUBCLASS OF mhsmessagestore X MAY CONTAIN {edicapabilities} X ::= iddocedimessagestore ` hp x !Ё c4 P é ATTRIBUTES EDI Name /  c4 P d04 /vaediname va:ediname c4 P  ATTRIBUTE ` hp x !X ‚WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX caseExactStringSyntax X SINGLE VALUE X ::= iddatediname X  X `  The ediname shall be one of the following: X `  * a name assigned by an EDI naming authority, e.g. the SenderID or the ReceiverID, X `  * a name assigned by the EDI user's organization. ` hp x !Ё c4 P é EDI Routing Address ` hp x !X @  Ђ c4 P d05 @vaediroutingaddressva:ediroutingaddress c4 P  ATTRIBUTE ;WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX caseExactStringSyntax X SINGLE VALUE X ::= iddatediroutingaddress X  X  The term ediroutingaddress reflects its derivation from a data element in the X  EDI Interchange with the same name. ` hp x !Ё c4 P é EDI Capabilities ` hp x !X @  Ђ c4 P d06 @vaedicapabilitiesva:edicapabilities c4 P  ATTRIBUTE <WITH ATTRIBUTESYNTAX edicapabilitiessyntax X MULTI VALUE X ::= iddatedicapabilities ` hp x !Ё c4 P   c4 P ѩ ATTRIBUTE SYNTAXES EDI Capabilities Syntax ` hp x !X  @  Ђ c4 P d07 @vaedicapabilitiessyntax"va:edicapabilitiessyntax" ATTRIBUTESYNTAX EDIUserCapability X MATCHES FOR EQUALITY X ::= iddasedicapabilities p x !X  d08 tyEDIUserCapability? c4 P ty:EDIUserCapability? ::= SEQUENCE { Bedibodyparttype &[0] EDIBodypartType OPTIONAL X ediprocessabledocument'-[1] EDIProcessableDocument OPTIONAL } X  d09 tyEDIProcessableDocumentD c4 P ty:EDIProcessableDocumentD ::= SEQUENCE { AstandardVersion&[0] SyntaxVersion OPTIONAL, X standardSyntaxId&[1] SyntaxIdentifier OPTIONAL, X documentType&[2] EDIMessageTypeFieldSubField OPTIONAL, X documentVersion&[3] DocumentVersion OPTIONAL, X documentRelease&[4] DocumentRelease OPTIONAL, X controllingAgency &[5] ControllingAgency OPTIONAL, X associationAssignedCode&([6] AssociationAssignedCode OPTIONAL } X vaAssociationAssignedCode c4 P !va:AssociationAssignedCode! c4 P (-::= T61String (SIZE(1..ubediassociationassignedcode)) X vaControllingAgencyc c4 P va:ControllingAgency c4 P c"&::= T61String (SIZE(1..ubedicontrollingagency)) X (SIZE(1..u X (SIZE(1..ubedidocumentrelease)) X vaDocumentVersionva:DocumentVersion27::= NumericString (SIZE(1..ubedidocumentversion)) X END EDIMUseOfDirectory module ` hp x ! 8OANNEX I 8GEnhanced Security Model 85(This annex forms an integral part of this Recommendation.) I.1 Introduction   ` hp x !TThis annex describes the enhancements required to the security model defined in Recommendation X.402.   ` hp x !ЂI.2 Security Services   ` hp x !SThe additional security services and pervasive mechanisms described in Recommendation F.435 require the security model defined in 10 of Recommendation X.402 to be enhanced with the following security services: 7` Nonrepudiation/Proof of Reception; 7` Nonrepudiation/Proof of Retrieval; 6` Nonrepudiation/Proof of Transfer; /` Nonrepudiation of Content.   ` hp x !ЂI.3 Enhancements to Clause 10.2: Security Services X  I.3.1` Changes to Recommendation X.402   ` hp x !SChanges to Table 7 of Recommendation X.402 are shown in Table I.1. Two new classes of services are added; these are EDIM Responsibility Authentication and Nonrepudiation of EDIM Responsibility.   ` hp x !X  I.3.2` EDIM Responsibility authentication services X  I.3.2.1` Proof of EDI Notification   ` hp x !S c4 P This security service enables the originator of a message to obtain corroboration that his message has been received, and EDIM Responsibility has been accepted, forwarded, or refused.   TThis service may be provided by using the Content Integrity check on message submission applied to the EDI Notification of the subject EDIM.   ` hp x !X  I.3.2.2` Proof of retrieval  X ` hp x !LThis security service enables the MS administrator to obtain corroboration that a particular message has been retrieved *2 from the EDIMS by the EDIUA.   UImplementation of this security service is a local issue. Additional pervasive mechanisms described in Recommendation F.435 may be used to provide this service.   ` hp x !X  I.3.2.3` Proof of transfer   ` hp x !UThis security service enables an MTA or an MD to obtain corroboration that a message has been transferred (relayed) to another MTA or MD. Implementation of this security service is a local issue. Additional pervasive mechanisms described in Recommendation F.435 may be used to provide this service.   ` hp x !ЂI.4 Nonrepudiation of EDIM Responsibility services X  I.4.1` Nonrepudiation of EDI Notification   ` hp x !OThis security service provides the Originator of a message with irrevocable proof that the message has been received, and EDIM Responsibility has been accepted, forwarded, or refused.   ` hp x !X  I.4.2` Nonrepudiation of retrieval   ` hp x !SThis security service provides the EDIMS administrator and the EDIUA with irrevocable proof that a message has been retrieved from the EDIMS by the EDIUA. Implementation of this security service is a local issue. Additional pervasive mechanisms described in Recommendation F.435 may be used to provide this service.   ` hp x !X  I.4.3` Nonrepudiation of transfer   ` hp x !UThis security service provides an MTA or an MD with irrevocable proof that a message has been transferred (relayed) to another MTA or MD. Implementation of this security service is a local issue. Additional pervasive mechanisms described in Recommendation F.435 may be used to provide this service.   ` hp x !X  I.4.4` Nonrepudiation of Content   ` hp x !SThis security service provides an EDIMG user with irrevocable proof of the authenticity and integrity of the content of the message.  h NThis security service may be provided in two ways: (1) using a Notarisation Mechanism, or (2) using the Nonrepudiation of Origin security service applied to the subject message and the EDI Notification of the subject message, provided the EDI Notification includes irrevocable proof of the content of the subject message.  X  X