S  3 !"#$%&'()*+,-./012Z   `^BLT TTRP `^BLT TTRP `^BLT TTRP d3CCITT\AP-IX\DOC\056E.TXSXREADY! MARIA MCMONAGLE B (vF&z B   @ TO DISPLAY A DIRECTORY LIST ---- T@Y@P@E@ D@ & R@E@T@U@R@N@. L6ZO[RP[  - E o C198+- # -'All -AP IX-56-E- (3197) (CCITT) Original: English8  -    aM IXth Plenary Assembly This document is theMe M same as COM VII-R 32 9 .  Melbourne, 1988   N :IXth PLENARY ASSEMBLY - DOCUMENT 56:< ((K 7STUDY GROUP VII - REPORT R 477K 7=============================7  J 6SOURCE: STUDY GROUP VII - DATA COMMUNICATION NETWORKS6 C /TITLE: FINAL REPORT TO THE PLENARY ASSEMBLY -/L 8 PART III.9 - DRAFT REVISED RECOMMENDATION X.4118PRECOMMENDATIONS^ 0  2  E 1 PART III.9 - DRAFT REVISED RECOMMENDATION1' JThe final report of Study Group VII to the IXth Plenary Assembly JZPFconsists of the following four parts published in separate documents:F R >Part I: General report (published in AP IX-39/COM VII-R 30)>_KPart II: Draft new Recommendations (published in AP IX-40/COM VII-R 31 toK5 ! AP IX-47/COM VII-R 38)! d PPart III: Draft revised Recommendations (published in AP IX-48/COM VII-R 39 to P5 ! AP IX-56/COM VII-R 47)! b NPart IV: Texts of Questions proposed for the next study period (published inN5 ! AP IX-57/COM VII-R 48)! c OThe report of the final meeting of Study Group VII, 21-31 March^1988, Oc Ocovering aspects which have not been included in the above four parts, will be Od Pissued in another report (COM VII-R 29). Since this report is not requested for PZ Fthe Plenary Assembly, it will be prepared and issued at a later date.F  P aIIf an originator-requested-alternate-recipient has been specified by the @)a Moriginator of the message, the message shall be rjewdLInternational Telegraph and Telephone Document AP IX-41-E8 UA Consultative Committee May 1988Ab J (CCITT) Original: English8  -    aM IXth Plenary Assembly This document is theMe M P15:New York/TS1-Paris/ARC R1,0Dlav0 16:New York/TS1-Paris/ARC R3,0,d U 17:-,, da 18:-,,s s 19:-, D 0^ 0  5 Notes by the CCITT Secretariat  ^ 0 L6ZPO PYTO SAVE ------ R@E@T@U@R@N@. TO DISPLAY A DIFFERENT FILE ---- T@Y@P@E@ N@A@M@E@ & R@E@T@U@R@N@. LzYZOPRZ TO DISPLAY A DIRECTORY LIST ---- T@Y@P@E@ D@ & R@E@T@U@R@N@. L6ZO[RP[ LLInternational Telegraph and Telephone Document AP IX-56-E8t requested for PZ Fthe Plenary Assembly, it will be prepared and issued at a later date.F v` P a@IIf an originator-requested-alternate-recipient has been specified by the @)a Moriginator of the message, the message shall be redirected to that alternate MR >recipient in preference to one assigned by the recipients-MD.>P bNvideotex, ia5-text-to-telex, telex-to-g3-facsimile, ia5-text-to-g3-facsimile, @Nc Oia5-text-to-g4-class-1, ia5-text-to-videotex, teletex-to-ia5-text, teletext-to-@Oa Mg3-facsimile, teletex-to-g4-class-1, teletex-to-videotex, videotex-to-telex, @Ml Pvideotex-to-ia5-text, or videotex-to-teletex. Other types of explicit-conversion@@@d Nmay be defined by future versions of this Recommendation. Explicit-conversion :@M 9shall be performed as specified in Recommendation X.408.9bP Jfacsimile-delivery, ia5-terminal-delivery, videotex-delivery or telephone @=@   delivery.@       b Jcannot be found, a recipient-improperly-specified-abstract-error shall be @- ? +returned to the originator of the message.+ c MIn the absence of this argument, the default physical-forwarding-address-not--@ 2 requested shall be assumed.@   \ Horiginator of the message. The content-type shall be either built-in or H  extended.  V >A built-in content-type may have one of the following values: @ '  Z @external: denotes a content-type which is reserved for use when@ @ L 8interworking between 1988 systems and 1984 systems (see8d+ Recommendation X.419); V>One specific value of an extended content-type which has been"@ Z; 'clauses to'd PSuccess of a probe does not guarantee that a subsequently submitted message can Pd Pactually be delivered but rather that, currently, the recipient is valid and thePL8message would encounter no major obstacles to delivery.8  a Mdetermines whether expansion of the specified DL (but not of any nested DLs) M!  would occur.  ZFmessage has been redirected and the time at which the redirection wasFZ Fperformed. It may be generated by the MTS. A different value of thisFZ Fargument may be present for each occasion the message was redirected.F J 2appended to the list of intended-recipient-names.@ a EThe intended-recipient-na >defined by this Recommendation is inner-envelope: an extended"@@T >content-type that is itself a message (envelope and content),@ 2S ?for forwarding by the recipient named on the outer-envelope to?T @those named on the inner-envelope (Note that the inner-envelope@T <and content may be protected by securing the content of the-@E 1outer-envelope using the security arguments (see1me contains the OR-name of an individual or@@] GDL intended-recipient and the time at which the message was redirected@D/ to an alternate recipient. Y Eadd recipients to the copy of the message delivered to the recipientEX Dand the time of each expansion. It shall be generated by the MTS ifD2 any DL-expansion has occured. a IThis argument contains a sequence of OR-names and associated times which %@Z Fdocument the history of the origin of the subject-message. The first Fc IOR-name in the sequence is the OR-name of the originator of the subject,@@#_ Gand the remainder of the sequence is a sequence of OR-names of the DLs2@ [ Gthat have been expanded in directing the subject towards the recipientG] E(the latter being the same as the DL-expansion-history). It shall be"@[ Ggenerated by the originating-MTA of the report if any DL-expansion hasG, occured on the subject. ` DThe originator-and-DL-expansion-history contains the OR-name of the@#@T @originator of the subject and each DL and the time at which the@. associated event occured. ] Ithe security-policy in force; unable-to-downgrade: the subject could notIV Bbe transferred because it could not be downgraded (see Annex B toB+ Recommendation X.419). a Kinformation-type. Deliverable-encoded-information-types also indicates the @;[ Gpossible encoded-information-types to which implicit conversion can be G  performed.   X Dabstract-operation, and are defined in clause Except forD[ Epermissible-security-context, they may be generated by the MTS-user.@) Z <recipient-name: the OR-Address and OR-Directory-name of the@@ @9 !intended-recipient of the token;@ e Mdefined for a function marked as critical-for-delivery, or shall not deliver!@_ Ithe message or probe and shall return a non-delivery-report with the non-E@i Odelivery-diagnostic-code set to unsupported-critical-function. A recipient MTS-@@a Muser shall correctly perform the procedures defined for a function marked as M] Gcritical-for-delivery or shall return an Unsupported-critical-function@2 a MIf the MTA or MTS-user cannot correctly perform the procedures defined for a M` Hfunction marked "critical-for-delivery" in a report, then the report is @"  discarded.  P $ -- Upper Boundsd Pub-bit-options, ub-built-in-content-type, ub-built-in-encoded-information-types,@PV @ub-common-name-length, ub-content-id-length, ub-content-length,@?h Pub-content-types, ub-country-name-alpha-length, ub-country-name-numeric-length, @@>R <ub-dl-expansions, ub-domain-defined-attribute-value-length,@;k-length,@6Xn-defined-attributes, ub-domain-defined-attribute-type-length,@@(\ Fub-domain-name, ub-e163-4-number-length, ub-e163-4-subaddress-length,@Ea T@H@Kub-encoded-information-types, ub-extension-att ub-d@M 7-expansions, ub-domain-defined-attribute-value-length,@6ials-length,@@)^ Dub-integer-options, ub-labels-and-redirections, ub-local-id-length,@@/\ Bub-mta-name-length, ub-mts-user-types, ub-numeric-user-id-length,@@-Y ?ub-organization-name-length, ub-organization-unit-name-length,@@![ Aub-organizational-units, ub-password-length, ub-pds-name-length,@@'b Hub-pds-parameter-length, ub-postal-code-length, ub-privacy-mark-length,@@.I /ub-queue-size, ub-reason-codes, ub-recipients,@@h Pub-recipient-number-for-advice-length, ub-redirections, ub-security-categories @&@)^ Hub-security-labels, ub-security-problems, ub-supplementary-info-length,@Gd Jub-surname-length, ub-terminal-id-length, ub-tsap-id-length, ub-transfer,@@6KJ 5ub-informated-address-length, ub-x121-address-length@4  b NOtherwise depending on bilateral agreement or intra-domain policy the current N\Htime is noted as the message arrival time and the message is held until He Mexpiration of the deferred-delivery-time. The message and timestamp are then @%G 3returned as result. The procedure then terminates.3  a Idomain is added with relay as action. If an arrival time accompanies the @/dLmessage, then delivery deferral has occured and deferred-time is set to the 0@ b Jcurrent time and arrival-time is set to the accompanying timestamp value. @ -e MOtherwise no deferral has occured and the arrival-time is set to the current *@  time.  ` L3) If any of the extension fields is marked critial for relaying but is not Lb Nsemantically understood by the MTA, the procedure returns a report generation Nl Ninstruction. The non-delivery-reason-code is set to transfer-failure and the @ @ @g Mnon-delivery-diagnostic-code to unsupported-critical-function. The procedure @@% then terminates.   eONote - This procedure may be called multiple times for any particular message. Ka MIn such cases, the procedure ignores per recipient instructions generated by Mc Oprevious calls to this procedure which have not yet been acted upon elsewhere.O b NIf the per recipient instruction indicates a delivery failure, then the value Nh Pfor Originator-requested-alternate-recipient is examined for possible recipient @($dPsubstitution. If an alternate recipient is determined and no security parametersP` Lare violated, then a redirection instruction is generated and the procedure L  terminates.  ] IOtherwise the procedure returns a report generation instruction for this Ii Mrecipient. The non-delivery-reason-code and non-delivery-diagnostic-code are @@] Ithose supplied by the Message-delivery or Report-delivery procedure. The I/ procedure then terminates. e Mrecipient. If not, the value for Originator-requested-alternate-recipient is !@(_ Kexamined for possible recipient substitution. If this reveals no alternate Kb Nrecipient, the the value for alternate-recipient-allowed and any MD specified Nd Palternate recipient are considered. If an alternate recipient is determined and Pd Pno security parameters are violated, then a redirection instruction is generatedP2 and the procedure terminates. ] IOtherwise the procedure returns a report generation instruction for this I  recipient.  ; %assigned- reassignment-@$P j Nusing the recipient-name from argument 2 to form the intended-recipient-name, @@dLobtaining the redirection-reason from argument 4 and containing the Time at @,h Pwhich this redirection is performed. The OR-name supplied in the first argument )@E -is then substituted for that recipient-name.@ h L3) In the other-actions field the current trace-information, the value @ @ 1 redirected is set to true.@  Q =4) The message transfer envelope is updated as follows:= T <recipient-name: replaced @$c G trace-information: indicate redirected @ @ [ C redirection-history: append previous @&^ F recipient-name and3@^F^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^redirection-reason3@e O originator-requested-alternate-recipient: deleted if, and only if the @2f P^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^redirection-reason indicates @E \ H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^originator-requested-@H^ H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^alternate-recipient.@G dP8) If the new report request values (determined in step 5) or the DL's localPb Npolicy will prevent the originator from receiving a requested delivery report Nd Pfrom the DL's members, then a copy of the message, with delivery report request Pa Minstructions for the expanded DL, is constructed and returned along with the M  message.  d P9) The procedure returns the revised message and the optional report requestP) and then terminates. ^ Jfor which 0 < j