S 2  `^BLTT TTT *18.3.15Physic88 $Section Five - Use of the Directory$, MHS may put the Directory if it is P MHS, how, if at all, the MHS MA -performs these same tasks is a local matter.-> *This section covers the following topics:*( a)Authentication) b)Name resolution" 20.Overviewd PThis section describes the uses to which the MHS may put the Directory if it is P'^ JTo assess a particular capability of a user or MS whose Directory name it Jd Ppossesses, the object presents that name to the Directory and requests from the P\ Hobject's Directory entry the attribute associated with that capability.HdJ PTo do this successfully, the MTA must first authenticate itself to the DirectoryPI 5and have access rights to the information requested.5  Length$7 #b)MHS Deliverable Content Types#. c)MHS Deliverable EITs8$d)MHS Preferred Delivery Methods$] IThe following Directory attributes represent MS capabilities of possible I6 "significance in Message Handling:"9JM%a)MHS Supported Automatic Actions%5 !b)MHS Supported Content Types!; 'c)MHS Supported Optional Attributesfirst authenticate itself to the DirectoryPI 5and have access rights to the information requested.5/DJ24.Capability Assessment^ JA functional object may assess the capabilities of a user or MS using the J  Directory. _ KThe following Directory attributes represent user capabilities of possible K6 "significance in Message Handling:"8 $a)MHS Deliverable Contentcessary submit permissions exist.7` LTo obtain the members of a DL whose Directory name it possesses, the object La Mpresents that name to the Directory and requests from the object's Directory M4  entry the following attributes: ( a)MHS DL Members3 b)MHS DL Submit Permissions8 $c)MHS Preferred Delivery Methods$d PTo do this successfully, the MTA must y entry the following attributes:*+JMa)MHS O/R Addresses8 $b)MHS Preferred Delivery Methods$^ JTo do this successfully, the object must first authenticate itself to the JS ?Directory and have access rights to the information requested.?& 23.DL Expansion_ KA functional object may accomplish DL expansion using the Directory, first KKJ 7verifying that the ne NA functional object may accomplish authentication using information stored in N# the Directory.) 22.Name Resolution\ HA functional object may accomplish name resolution using the Directory.Hd PTo obtain the O/R address(es) of a user or DL whose Directory name it possesses,Pa Man object presents that name to the Directory and requests from the object's M>*Director+r and street name and type (e.g., "Road")a Mpresent. If the Directory is unavailable to the MHS, how, if at all, the MHS MA -performs these same tasks is a local matter.-> *This section covers the following topics:*( a)Authentication) b)Name resolution& c)DL expansion/DJd)Capability assessment( 21.Authenticationb