WPCL 2BJ|x H   X ' 6p&6p& I  Hh   c4 P  Fascicle VIII.7 Rec. X.400 PAGE39  c4 P    HH  c4 P PAGE56  c4 P  Fascicle VIII.7 Rec. X.400  HH Hp P X`h!(# X  8O c4 P ANNEX A 8F c4 P (to Recommendation X.400) 8J Glossary of terms  H Ё Note - The explanations given are not necessarily definitions in the strict sense. See also the definitions in Annex B and those provided in the other X.400-Series Recommendations (especially X.402), where many entries are found. The terms have, depending on the source, varying levels of abstraction. HP X`h!(#A.1h  access unit (AU) Hp P X`h!(# hpF: unit) d'acc)s (UA)  hpS: unidad de acceso (AU)  H  In the context of a message handling system the functional object, a component of MHS, that links another communication system (e.g., a physical delivery system or the telex network) to the MTS and via which its patrons engage in message handling as indirect users.  H  In the context of message handling services the unit which enables users of one service to intercommunicate with message handling services, such as the IPM Service. HP X`h!(#A.2h  actual recipient Hp P X`h!(# hpF: destinataire effectif  hpS: destinatario real  Hx  In the context of message handling a potential recipient for which delivery or affirmation takes place. HP X`h!(#A.3h  administration Hp P X`h!(# hpF: administration  hpS: administraci;n  H  In the context of CCITT an Administration (member of ITU) or a recognized private operating agency. HP X`h!(#A.4h  administration domain name Hp P X`h!(# hpF: nom d'un domaine d'administration  hpS: nombre de dominio de administraci;n  H  In the context of message handling, a standard attribute of a name form that identifies an ADMD relative to the country denoted by a country name. HP X`h!(#A.5h  administration management domain (ADMD) Hp P X`h!(# hpF: domaine de gestion d'administration (DGAD)  hpS: dominio de gesti;n de administraci;n (DGAD)  Hx  A management domain that comprises messaging systems managed by an Administration. HP X`h!(#A.6h  alternate recipient Hp P X`h!(# hpF: destinataire suppl)ant  hpS: destinatario alternativo  H  In the context of message handling a user or distribution list to which the originator can (but need not) request that a message or probe be conveyed if and only if it cannot be conveyed to a particular preferred recipient. HP X`h!(#A.7h  attribute Hp P X`h!(# hpF: attribut  hpS: atributo  H  In the context of message handling, an information item, a component of an attribute list, that describes a user or distribution list and that can  H also locate it in relation to the physical or organizational structure of MHS (or the network underlying it). HP X`h!(#A.8h  attribute list Hp P X`h!(# hpF: liste d'attributes  hpS: lista de atributos  H  In the context of message handling, a data structure, an ordered set of attributes that constitutes an O/R address. HP X`h!(#A.9h  attribute type Hp P X`h!(# hpF: type d'attribut  hpS: tipo de atributo  H  An identifier that denotes a class of information (e.g., personal names). It is a part of an attribute. HP X`h!(#A.10  attribute value Hp P X`h!(# hpF: valeur d'attribut  hpS: valor de atributo  H  An instance of the class of information an attribute type denotes (e.g., a particular personal name). It is a part of an attribute. HP X`h!(#A.11  basic service Hp P X`h!(# hpF: service de base  hpS: servicio bsico  H  In the context of message handling, the sum of features inherent in a service. HP X`h!(#A.12  body Hp P X`h!(# hpF: corps  hpS: cuerpo  H  Component of a message. Other components are the heading and the envelope. HP X`h!(#A.13  body part Hp P X`h!(# hpF: partie du corps  hpS: parte del cuerpo  HH  Component of the body of a message. HP X`h!(#A.14  common name Hp P X`h!(# hpF: nom courant  hpS: nombre comn  H  In the context of message handling, a standard attribute of an O/R address form that identifies a user or distribution list relative to the entity denoted by another attribute (e.g., an organizational name). HP X`h!(#A.15  content Hp P X`h!(# hpF: contenu  hpS: contenido  H  In the context of message handling, an information object, part of a message, that the MTS neither examines nor modifies, except for conversion, during its conveyance of the message. HP X`h!(#A.16  content type Hp P X`h!(# hpF: type de contenu  hpS: tipo de contenido  H  In the context of message handling, an identifier, on a message envelope, that identifies the type (i.e. syntax and semantics) of the message content. HP X`h!(#A.17  conversion Hp P X`h!(# hpF: conversion  hpS: conversi;n  H  In the context of message handling, a transmittal event in which an MTA transforms parts of a message's content from one encoded information type  H to another, or alters a probe so it appears that the described messages were so modified. HP X`h!(#A.18  country name Hp P X`h!(# hpF: nom de pays  hpS: nombre de pa1s  H  In the context of message handling, a standard attribute of a name form that identifies a country. A country name is a unique designation of a country for the purpose of sending and receiving messages.  H  Note - In the context of physical delivery additional rules apply (see also physical delivery country name and Recommendation F.415). HP X`h!(#A.19  delivery Hp P X`h!(# hpF: remise  hpS: entrega  H  In the context of message handling, a transmittal step in which an MTA conveys a message or report to the MS or UA of a potential recipient of the k+ message or of the originator of the report's subject message or probe. HP X`h!(#A.20  delivery report Hp P X`h!(# hpF: rapport de remise  hpS: informe de entrega  H  In the context of message handling, a report that acknowledges delivery, non-delivery, export, or affirmation of the subject message or probe, or distribution list expansion. HP X`h!(#A.21  direct submission Hp P X`h!(# hpF: dep=t direct  hpS: dep;sito directo  H  In the context of message handling, a transmittal step in which the originator's UA or MS conveys a message or probe to an MTA. HP X`h!(#A.22  direct user Hp P X`h!(# hpF: utilisateur direct  hpS: usuario directo  Hx  In the context of message handling, a user that engages in message handling by direct use of the MTS. HP X`h!(#A.23  directory Hp P X`h!(# hpF: annuaire  hpS: gu1a  H  A collection of open systems cooperating to provide directory services. HP X`h!(#A.24  directory name Hp P X`h!(# hpF: nom d'annuaire  hpS: nombre de gu1a  HH  Name of an entry in a directory.  H  Note - In the context of message handling, the entry in the directory will enable the O/R address to be retrieved for submission of a message. HP X`h!(#A.25  directory system agent (DSA) Hp P X`h!(# hpF: agent de syst/me d'annuaire (ASA)  hpS: agente de sistema de gu1a (ASG)  H  An OSI application process which is part of the directory, and whose role is to provide access to the directory information base to DUAs and/or other DSAs. HP X`h!(#A.26  directory user agent (DUA) Hp P X`h!(# hpF: agent d'usager d'annuaire (AUA)  hpS: agente de usuario de gu1a (AUG)  H  An OSI application process which represents a user in accessing the directoy. Each DUA serves a single user so that the directory can control access to directory information on the basis of the DUA names. DUAs can also provide a range of local facilities to assist users to compose requests (queries) and interpret the responses. HP X`h!(#A.27  distribution list (DL) Hp P X`h!(# hpF: liste de distribution (LD)  hpS: lista de distribuci;n (LD)  H  In the context of message handling, the functional object, a component of the message handling environment, that represents a pre-specified group of users and other distribution lists and that is a potential destination for the information objects an MHS conveys.  Membership can contain O/R names identifying either users or other distribution lists. HP X`h!(#A.28  distribution list expansion Hp P X`h!(# hpF: allongement de liste de distribution  hpS: expansi;n de une lista de distribuci;n  H  In the context of message handling, a transmittal event in which an MTA resolves a distribution list, among a message's immediate recipients, to its members. HP X`h!(#A.29  distibution list name Hp P X`h!(# hpF: nom de liste de distribution  hpS: nombre de lista de distribuci;n  H  O/R name allocated to represent a collection of O/R addresses and directory names. HP X`h!(#A.30  domain Hp P X`h!(# hpF: domaine  hpS: dominio  HH  See management domain. HP X`h!(#A.31  domain defined attributes Hp P X`h!(# hpF: attributs d)finis d'un domaine  hpS: atributos definidos por el dominio  H  Optional attributes of an O/R address allocated to names in the responsibility of a management domain. HP X`h!(#A.32  element of service Hp P X`h!(# hpF: )l)ment de service  hpS: elemento de servicio  H  Functional unit for the purpose of segmenting and describing message handling features. HP X`h!(#A.33  encoded information type (EIT) Hp P X`h!(# hpF: type de codage (TC)  hpS: tipo de informaci;n codificada (TIC)  H  In the context of message handling, an identifier, on a message envelope, that identifies one type of encoded information represented in the message content. It identifies the medium and format (e.g., IA5 text, Group 3 facsimile) on an individual portion of the content. HP X`h!(#A.34  envelope Hp P X`h!(# hpF: enveloppe  hpS: sobre  H  In the context of message handling, an information object, part of a message, whose composition varies from one transmittal step to another and that variously identifies the message originator and potential recipients, documents its past and directs its subsequent conveyance by the MTS, and characterizes its content. HP X`h!(#A.35  explicit conversion Hp P X`h!(# hpF: conversion explicite  hpS: conversi;n expl1cita  H  In the context of message handling, a conversion in which the originator selects both the initial and final encoded information types. HP X`h!(#A.36  extension of physical delivery address components Hp P X`h!(# hpF: d)veloppement de composants d'adresse de remise physique  hpS: componentes de ampliaci;n de direcci;n de entrega f1sica  H  Standard attribute of a postal O/R address as a means to give further information about the point of physical delivery in a postal address, e.g., the name of a hamlet, or room and floor numbers in a large building. HP X`h!(#A.37  extension of postal O/R address components Hp P X`h!(# hpF: d)veloppement de composants d'adresse postale E/D  hpS: componentes de ampliaci;n de direcci;n postal O/D  H  Standard attribute of a postal O/R address as a means to give further information to specify the addressee in a postal address, e.g. by organizational unit. HP X`h!(#A.38  formatted postal O/R address Hp P X`h!(# hpF: adresse postale E/D format)e  hpS: direcci;n postal O/D formatizada  H  O/R address based on a postal address with formatted attributes. HP X`h!(#A.39  heading Hp P X`h!(# hpF: en-t+te  hpS: encabezamiento  H  Component of an IP-message. Other components are the envelope and the body. HP X`h!(#A.40  immediate recipient Hp P X`h!(# hpF: destinataire direct  hpS: destinatario inmediato  H  In the context of message handling, one of the potential recipients assigned to a particular instance of a message or probe (e.g., an instance created by splitting). HP X`h!(#A.41  implicit conversion  -ƌHp P X`h!(# hpF: conversion implicite  hpS: conversi;n impl1cita  H  In the context of message handling, a conversion in which the MTA selects both the initial and final encoded information types. HP X`h!(#A.42  indirect submission Hp P X`h!(# hpF: dep=t indirect  hpS: dep;sito indirecto  Hx  In the context of message handling, a transmittal step in which an originator's UA conveys a message or probe to an MTA via an MS. HP X`h!(#A.43  indirect user Hp P X`h!(# hpF: utilisateur indirect  hpS: usuario indirecto  Hx  In the context of message handling, a user that engages in message handling by indirect use of MHS, i.e. through another communication system (e.g., a physical delivery system or the telex network) to which MHS is linked.  H  Note - Indirect users communicate via access units with direct users of MHS. HP X`h!(#A.44  intercommunication Hp P X`h!(# hpF: intercommunication  hpS: intercomunicaci;n  H  In the context of message handling, a relationship between services where one of the services is a message handling service, enabling the user of the message handling service to communicate with users of other services.  H  Note - Examples are the intercommunication between the IPM service and the telex service, the intercommunication between message handling services and physical delivery services. HP X`h!(#A.45  interpersonal messaging service Hp P X`h!(# hpF: service de messagerie de personne ! personne  hpS: servicio de mensajer1a interpersonal  H  Messaging service between users belonging to the same management domain or to different management domains by means of message handling, based on the message transfer service. HP X`h!(#A.46  IP-message Hp P X`h!(# hpF: message PP  hpS: mensaje IP  HH  The content of a message in the IPM Service. HP X`h!(#A.47  local postal attributes Hp P X`h!(# hpF: attributs postaux locaux  hpS: atributos postales locales  H  Standard attributes of a post O/R address as a means to distinguish between places with the same name (e.g., by state name, county name, or geographical attribute) in a postal address. HP X`h!(#A.48  management domain (MD) Hp P X`h!(# hpF: domaine de gestion (DG)  hpS: dominio de gesti;n (DG)  H  In the context of message handling, a set of messaging systems - at least one of which contains, or realizes, an MTA - at that is managed by a single organization. It is a primary building block used in the organizational construction of MHS.  It refers to an organizational area for the provision of services.  H  Note - A management domain may or may not necessarily be identical with a geographical area. HP X`h!(#A.49  management domain name Hp P X`h!(# hpF: nom d'un domaine de gestion  hpS: nombre de dominio de gesti;n  H  Unique designation of a management domain for the purpose of sending and receiving messages. HP X`h!(#A.50  members Hp P X`h!(# hpF: membres  hpS: miembros  H  In the context of message handling, the set of users and distribution lists implied by a distribution list name. HP X`h!(#A.51  message Hp P X`h!(# hpF: message  hpS: mensaje  H  An instance of the primary class of information object conveyed by means of message transfer, and comprising an envelope and content. HP X`h!(#A.52  message handling (MH) Hp P X`h!(# hpF: messagerie (traitement des mesages) (M)  hpS: tratamiento de mensaje (TM)  HH  A distributed information processing task that integrates the intrinsically related subtasks of message transfer and message storage. HP X`h!(#A.53  message handling environment Hp P X`h!(# hpF: environnement de traitement de messages  hpS: entorno de tratamiento de mensajes  H  The environment in which message handling takes place, comprising MHS, users, and distribution lists.  The sum of all components of message handling systems.  Note - Examples of components are:  - message transfer agents,  - user agents,  - message stores,  - access units,  - users.  HH HP X`h!(#A.54  message handling service Hp P X`h!(# hpF: service de messagerie  hpS: servicio de tratamiento de mensajes  Service provided by the means of message handling systems.  H  Note 1 - Service may be provided through administration management domains or private management domains.  Note 2 - Examples of message handling services are:  - interpersonal messaging service (IPM service)  - message transfer service (MT service).  HH HP X`h!(#A.55  message handling system (MHS) Hp P X`h!(# hpF: syst/me de messagerie (STM)  hpS: sistema de tratamiento de mensajes (STM)  H  The functional object, a component of the message handling environment, that conveys information objects from one party to another. HP X`h!(#A.56  message storage Hp P X`h!(# hpF: m)morisation des messages  hpS: almacenamiento de mensajes  H  The automatic storage for later retrieval of information objects conveyed by means of message transfer. It is one aspect of message handling. HP X`h!(#A.57  message store (MS) Hp P X`h!(# hpF: m)moire des messages (MM)  hpS: memoria de mensajes (MM); alamacenador de mensajes (AM)  H  The functional object, a component of MHS, that provides a single direct user with capabilities for message storage. HP X`h!(#A.58  message transfer (MT) Hp P X`h!(# hpF: transfert de messages (TM)  hpS: transferencia de mensajes (TRM)  H  The non-real-time carriage of information objects between parties using computers as intermediaries. It is one aspect of message handling. HP X`h!(#A.59  message transfer agent (MTA) Hp P X`h!(# hpF: agent de transfert de messages (ATM)  hpS: agente de transferencia de mensajes (ATM)  Hx  A functional object, a component of the MTS, that actually conveys information objects to users and distribution lists. HP X`h!(#A.60  message transfer service Hp P X`h!(# hpF: service de transfert de messages  hpS: servicio de transferenicia de mensajes -ƌ H  Service that deals with the submission, transfer and delivery of messages for other messaging services. HP X`h!(#A.61  message transfer system (MTS) Hp P X`h!(# hpF: syst/me de transfert de messages (syst/me TM)  hpS: sistema de transferencia de mensajes (STRM)  H  The functional object consisting of one or more message transfer agents which provides store-and-forward message transfer between user agents, message stores and access units. HP X`h!(#A.62  messaging system Hp P X`h!(# hpF: syst/me de messagerie  hpS: sistema de mensajeria  H  A computer system (possibly but not necessarily an open system) that contains, or realizes, one or more functional objects. It is a building block used in the physical construction of MHS. HP X`h!(#A.63  mnemonic O/R address Hp P X`h!(# hpF: adresse mn)monique E/D  hpS: direcci;n O/D nemot)cnica  H  An O/R address tha mnemonicly identifies a user or distribution list relative to the ADMD through which the user is accessed or the distribution list is expanded. It identifies an ADMD, and a user or distribution list relative to that ADMD. HP X`h!(#A.64  naming authority Hp P X`h!(# hpF: autorit) responsable de l'appellation  hpS: autoridad de denominaci;n  HH  An authority responsible for the allocation of names. HP X`h!(#A.65  network address Hp P X`h!(# hpF: adresse r)seau  hpS: direcci;n de red  H  In the context of message handling, a standard attribute of an O/R address form that gives the network address of a terminal. It is comprising the numbering digits for network access points from an international numbering plan. HP X`h!(#A.66  non-delivery Hp P X`h!(# hpF: non-remise  hpS: no entrega  H  In the context of message handling, a transmittal event in which an MTA determines that the MTS cannot deliver a message to one or more of its immediate recipients, or cannot deliver a report to the originator of its subject message or probe. HP X`h!(#A.67  non-registered access Hp P X`h!(# hpF: acc/s non homologu)  hpS: acceso no registrado  H  In the context of message handling services, access to the service through publicly available telecommunications means by users who have neither been explicitly registered by the service provider, nor been allocated an O/R address. HP X`h!(#A.68  numeric O/R address Hp P X`h!(# hpF: adresse num)rique E/D  hpS: direcci;n O/D num)rica  H  In the context of message handling, an O/R address that numerically identifies a user relative to the ADMD through which the user is accessed. It identifies an ADMD, and a user relative to that ADMD. It is identifying a user of message handling services by means of a numeric keypad. HP X`h!(#A.69  numeric user identifier Hp P X`h!(# hpF: identificateur num)rique d'utilisateur  hpS: identificador de usuario num)rico  H  Standard attribute of an O/R address as a unique sequence of numeric information for identifying a user. HP X`h!(#A.70  O/R address Hp P X`h!(# hpF: adresse E/D  hpS: direcci;n O/D  H  In the context of message handling, an attribute list that distinguishes one user or DL from another and identifies the user's point of access to MHS or the distribution list's expansion point. HP X`h!(#A.71  O/R name Hp P X`h!(# hpF: nom E/D  hpS: nombre O/D  H  In the context of message handling, an information object by means of which a user can be designated as the originator, or a user or distribution list designated as a potential recipient of a message or probe. An O/R name distinguishes one user or distribution list from another and can also identify its point of access to MHS. HP X`h!(#A.72  optional user facilities  HX Hp P X`h!(# hpF: services compl)mentaires offerts en option  l'utilisateur  hpS: faciladad facultativa de usuario  H  In the context of message handling services the elements of service which are selectable by the user either on a contractual basis (agreed period of time) or on a per-message basis.  H  Note 1 - Optional user facilities are classified as either essential or additional.  H  Note 2 - Essential optional user facilities are to be made available to all message handling users.  H  Note 3 - Additional optional user facilities can be made available for national and international use on the basis of bilateral agreement between the service providers. HP X`h!(#A.73  organization name Hp P X`h!(# hpF: nom d'organisation  hpS: nombre de la organizaci;n  Hx  Standard attribute of an O/R address as a unique designation of an organization for the purpose of sending and receiving of messages. HP X`h!(#A.74  oganizational unit name Hp P X`h!(# hpF: nom d'une unit) d'organisation  hpS: nombre de la unidad organizacional  Hx  Standard attribute of an O/R address as a unique designation of an organizational unit of an organization for the purpose of sending and receiving of messages. HP X`h!(#A.75  originator Hp P X`h!(# hpF: expediteur  hpS: originador  H  In the context of message handling, the user (but not distribution list) that is the ultimate source of a message or probe. HP X`h!(#A.76  personal name Hp P X`h!(# hpF: nom personnel  hpS: nombre personal  H  In the context of message handling, a standard attribute of an O/R address form that identifies a person relative to the entity denoted by another attribute (e.g., an organization name).  Note - Components are for example:  - surname,  - given name,  - initials,  - generation qualifier.  HH HP X`h!(#A.77  physical delivery (PD) Hp P X`h!(# hpF: remise physique (RP)  hpS: entrega f1sica (EF)  H  The delivery of a message in physical form, such as a letter, through a physical delivery system. HP X`h!(#A.78  physical delivery access unit (PDAU) Hp P X`h!(# hpF: unit) d'acc/s de remise physique (UARP)  hpS: unidad de acceso de entrega f1sica (UAEF)  H  An access unit that subjects messages (but neither probes nor reports) to physical rendition. HP X`h!(#A.79  physical delivery addess components  -ƌHp P X`h!(# hpF: composants d'une adresse de remise physique  hpS: componentes de direcci;n de entrega f1sica  H  In a postal address they contain the information necessary for the local physical delivery within the physical delivery area of the physical  H delivery office, i.e., a street address, a P.O. Box address, a poste restante address or a unique name alternatively.  H  Note - The information is generally restricted to one line with up to 30 printable graphic characters. Additional information may be supplied by using the attribute type "extension of physical delivery address components". HP X`h!(#A.80  physical delivery country name Hp P X`h!(# hpF: nom du pays de remise physique  hpS: nombre de pa1s de entrega f1sica  H  In the context of physical delivery, a unique description of the country of the final destination. HP X`h!(#A.81  physical delivery domain Hp P X`h!(# hpF: domaine de remise physique  hpS: dominio de entrega f1sica  H  The domain of responsibility of an organization providing a physical delivery system and optionally an MTA/PDAU. HP X`h!(#A.82  physical delivery office address components Hp P X`h!(# hpF: composants d'une adresse de bureau de remise physique  hpS: componentes de direcci;n de oficina de entrega f1sica  H  In a postal address they contain the information to specify the office which is responsible for the local physical delivery.  H  Note - The information is generally restricted to one line with up to 30 printable graphic characters. In some countries the postal code will follow the physical delivery office address components in a separate line (possibly together with the country name). HP X`h!(#A.83  physical delivery office name Hp P X`h!(# hpF: nom du bureau de remise physique  hpS: nombre de oficina de entrega fisica  H  Standard attribute of a postal O/R address, in the context of physical delivery, specifying the name of the city, village etc., where the physical delivery office is situated, or where the physical delivery is effected. HP X`h!(#A.84  physical delivery office number Hp P X`h!(# hpF: num)ro du bureau de remise physique  hpS: nmero de oficina de entrega f1sica  H  Standard attribute and in a postal O/R address a means to distinguish between more than one physical delivery office within a city etc. HP X`h!(#A.85  physical delivery organization name Hp P X`h!(# hpF: nom d'organisation de remise physique  hpS: nombre de la organizaci;n de entrega f1sica  H  A free form name of the addressed entity in the postal address, taking into account the specified limitations in length. HP X`h!(#A.86  physical delivery personal name Hp P X`h!(# hpF: nom personnel de remise physique  hpS: nombre personal de entrega f1sica  Hh  In a postal address a free form name of the addressed individual containing the family name and optionally the given name(s), the initial(s), title(s) and generation qualifier, taking into account the specified limitations in length. HP X`h!(#A.87  physical delivery service Hp P X`h!(# hpF: service de remise physique  hpS: servicio de entrega f1sica  HH  Service provided by a physical delivery system. HP X`h!(#A.88  physical delivery service name Hp P X`h!(# hpF: nom du service de remise physique  hpS: nombre del servicio de entrega f1sica  H  Standard attribute of a postal O/R address in the form of the name of the service in the country electronically receiving the message on behalf of the physical delivery service. HP X`h!(#A.89  physical delivery system (PDS) Hp P X`h!(# hpF: syst/me de remise physique (SRP)  hpS: sistema de entrega f1sica (SEF)  H  A system that performs physical delivery. One important kind of physical delivery system is the postal system. HP X`h!(#A.90  physical message Hp P X`h!(# hpF: message physique  hpS: mensaje f1sico  H  A physical object comprising a relaying envelope and its content, e.g., a letter. HP X`h!(#A.91  physical rendition Hp P X`h!(# hpF: conversion physique  hpS: reproducci;n f1sica  H  The transformation of an MHS message to a physical message, e.g., by printing the message on paper and enclosing it in a paper envelope. HP X`h!(#A.92  postal code Hp P X`h!(# hpF: code postal  hpS: c;digo postal  H  Standard attribute of a postal O/R address to specify the geographical area, and in the context of MHS, used for routing of messages. HP X`h!(#A.93  postal O/R address Hp P X`h!(# hpF: adresse postale E/D  hpS: direcci;n postal O/D  H  In the context of message handling, an O/R address that identifies a user by means of its postal address. It identifies the physical delivery system through which the user is to access and gives the user's postal address. HP X`h!(#A.94  postal O/R address components Hp P X`h!(# hpF: composants d'une adresse postale E/D  hpS: componentes de direcci;n postal O/D  H  They contain in a postal address information to decribe the sender or addressee by means of his name (physical delivery personal name, physical delivery organization name).  H  Note - In a postal address the information is generally restricted to one line of 30 printable characters. Additional information may be supplied by using the attribute type "extension of postal O/R address components". HP X`h!(#A.95  post office box address (P.O. box address) Hp P X`h!(# hpF: adresse de case postale  hpS: direcci;n-apartado de correos  H  An access unit that subjects messages (but neither probes nor reports) to physical rendition. HP X`h!(#A.96  post restante address Hp P X`h!(# hpF: adresse poste restante  hpS: direcci;n lista de correos  H  A standard attribute in a postal address indicating that physical delivery at the counter is requested. It may also carry a code. HP X`h!(#A.97  potential recipient Hp P X`h!(# hpF: destinataire potential  hpS: destinatario potencial  H  In the context of message handling, any user or distribution list to which a message or probe is conveyed during the course of tansmittal. Equivalently, a preferred member, alternate member, or substitute recipient. HP X`h!(#A.98  preferred recipient Hp P X`h!(# hpF: destinataire pref)r)  hpS: receptor preferido  H  In the context of message handling, one of the users and distribution lists that the originator selects as a message's or probe's preferred destination. HP X`h!(#A.99  private domain name Hp P X`h!(# hpF: nom d'un domain priv)  hpS: nombre de dominio privado  H  In the context of message handling, a standard attribute of an O/R address form that identifies a PRMD relative to the ADMD denoted by an - administration domain name.  Note - They are administered by the ADMD the PRMD is associated with. HP X`h!(# HA.100  private management domain (PRMD) Hp P X`h!(# hpF: domaine de gestion priv) (DGPR)  hpS: dominio de gesti;n privado (DGPR)  H  In the context of message handling, a management domain that comprises messaging system(s) managed by an organization other than an Administration. HP X`h!(# HA.101  probe Hp P X`h!(# hpF: essai  hpS: sonda  H  In the context of message handling, an instance of a secondary class of information objects conveyed by means of message transfer that describes a class of message and that is used to determine the deliverability of such messages. HP X`h!(# HA.102  public message handling service Hp P X`h!(# hpF: service public de messagerie  hpS: servicio pblico de tratamiento de mensajes  HH  Message handling service offered by an Administration. HP X`h!(# HA.103  public services Hp P X`h!(# hpF: services publics  hpS: servicios pblicos  In the context of telecommunication, the services offered by Administrations. HP X`h!(# HA.104  receipt Hp P X`h!(# hpF: r)ception  hpS: recepci;n  H  In the context of message handling, a transmittal step in which either a UA conveys a message or report to its direct user, or the communication system that serves an indirect user conveys such an information object to that user. HP X`h!(# HA.105  recipient Hp P X`h!(# hpF: destinataire  hpS: destinatario  HH  See actual recipient. HP X`h!(# HA.106  recursion Hp P X`h!(# hpF: r)cursivit)  hpS: repetici;n  H  In the context of message handling, the situation that a message gets back to the same distribution list of origin and potentially circulates infinitely. HP X`h!(# HA.107  redirection Hp P X`h!(# hpF: r)acheminement  hpS: redireccionamiento  H  In the context of message handling, a transmittal event in which an MTA replaces a user among a message's immediate recipients with a user preselected for that message. HP X`h!(# HA.108  registered access Hp P X`h!(# hpF: acc/s homologu)  hpS: acceso registrado  Hx  In the context of message handling services, access to the service performed by subscribers who have been registered by the service provider to use the service, and been allocated an O/R address. HP X`h!(# HA.109  report Hp P X`h!(# hpF: rapport  hpS: informe  H  In the context of message handling, an instance of a secondary class of information object conveyed by means of message transfer. It is generated by the MTS, it reports the outcome or progress of a message's or probe's transmittal to one or more potential recipients. HP X`h!(# HA.110  retrieval Hp P X`h!(# hpF: extraction  hpS: recuperaci;n  H  In the context of message handling, a transmittal step in which a user's message store conveys a message or report to the user's UA. The user is an actual recipient of the message or the originator of the subject message or probe. HP X`h!(# HA.111  security capabilities Hp P X`h!(# hpF: capacit) de s)curit)  hpS: capacidades de seguridad  H  In the context of message handling, the mechanisms that protect against various security threats. HP X`h!(# HA.112  specialized access Hp P X`h!(# hpF: acc/s sp)cialis)  hpS: acceso especializado  H  In the context of message handling, the involvement of specialized access units providing intercommunication between message handling services and other telecommunication services. HP X`h!(# HA.113  standard attribute Hp P X`h!(# hpF: attribut normalis)  hpS: atributo normalizado  Hx  An attribute whose type is bound to a certain class of information. HP X`h!(# HA.114  street address Hp P X`h!(# hpF: adresse de rue  hpS: direcci;n-calle  H  A standard attribute in a postal address giving information for the local distribution and physical delivery, i.e. the street name, the street identifier (like street, place, avenue) and the house number. HP X`h!(# HA.115  subject Hp P X`h!(# hpF: objet  hpS: asunto  H  In the context of message handling, the information, part of the header, that summarizes the content of the message as the originator has specified it. HP X`h!(# HA.116  subject message Hp P X`h!(# hpF: message objet  hpS: mensaje de asunto  HH  The message that is the subject of a report. HP X`h!(# HA.117  subject probe Hp P X`h!(# hpF: essai objet  hpS: sonda de asunto  The probe that is the subject of a report. HP X`h!(# HA.118  submission Hp P X`h!(# hpF: d)p=t  hpS: dep;sito  Direct submission or indirect submission. HP X`h!(# HA.119  substitute recipient Hp P X`h!(# hpF: destinataire substitut  hpS: destinatario sustituto  H  In the context of message handling, the user or distribution list to which a preferred, alternate, or member (but not another substitute) recipient can have elected to redirect messages (but not probes). HP X`h!(# HA.120  terminal identifier Hp P X`h!(# hpF: identificateur de terminal  hpS: identificador de terminal  H  Standard attribute in an O/R address providing information for identifying a terminal amongst others.  Note - Examples are telex answerback and teletex terminal identifier. HP X`h!(# HA.121  terminal O/R address Hp P X`h!(# hpF: adresse terminale E/D  hpS: direcci;n O/D de terminal  H  In the context of message handling, an O/R address that identifies a user by means of the network address of his terminal and that can identify the - ADMD through which that terminal is accessed. The terminals identified can belong to different networks. HP X`h!(# HA.122  terminal type Hp P X`h!(# hpF: type de terminal  hpS: tipo de terminal  H  Standard attribute of an O/R address that indicates the type of a terminal.  H  Note - Examples: telex, teletex, G3 facsimile, G4 facsimile, IA5, videotex terminal. HP X`h!(# HA.123  transfer Hp P X`h!(# hpF: transfert  hpS: transferencia  H  In the context of message handling, a transmittal step in which one MTA conveys a message, probe, or report to another. HP X`h!(# HA.124  transfer system Hp P X`h!(# hpF: syst/me de transfert  hpS: sistema de transferencia  H  A messaging system that contains one MTA; optionally one or more access units, and neither a UA nor a message store. HP X`h!(# HA.125  transmittal Hp P X`h!(# hpF: transmission  hpS: transmisi;n  H  The conveyance or attempted conveyance of a message from its originator to its potential recipients, or of a probe from its originator to MTAs able to affirm any described message's deliverability to its potential recipients.  H It also encompasses the conveyance or attempted conveyance, to the originator of the message or probe, or any report it provokes. It is a sequence of transmittal steps and events. HP X`h!(# HA.126 unformatted postal O/R address Hp P X`h!(# hpF: adresse postale E/D non format)e  hpS: direcci;n postal O/D no formatizada  HH  O/R address based on an unformatted postal address. HP X`h!(# HA.127  unique postal name Hp P X`h!(# hpF: nom postal unique  hpS: nombre postal exclusivo  H  In a postal address a standard attribute describing the point of physical delivery by means of a unique name, e.g. that of a building. HP X`h!(# HA.128  user Hp P X`h!(# hpF: usager/utilisateur  hpS: usuario  H  In the context of message handling, a functional object (e.g., a person), a component of the message handling environment, that engages in (rather than provides) message handling and that is a potential source or destination for the information objects an MHS conveys.