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T.562 y:'m  x|@  Fascicle VII.7 Rec. T.562    Recommendation T.562  TERMINAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR TELETEX PROCESSABLE MODE PM.1 ă * * * &CONTENTS 1HScope  2HField of application  3HReferences  4HDefinitions  5HGeneral characteristics of the equipment  6HDocument handling  7HCommunication aspects   8HHInterworking between and basic teletex equipment and teletex equipments supporting PM.1'H HThe CCITT,  considering   H(a)  that telematic services have been defined or are going to be defined for a number of application;   H(b)  that these applications, in some cases, can be conveniently combined into one single terminal to give improved performance to the users of these terminals;   H(c)  that standardization work has been aiming at common protocols and compatible parameters for various equipments and procedures;  unanimously declares   Hthat processable mode characteristics should be designed and operated in accordance with the following standards.  1 H Scope  1.1HThe international teletex service requirements to the processable mode of operation PM.1 are defined in Recommendation F.220.  1.2HThis Recommendation defines terminal characteristics unique to the processable mode of operation PM.1. 2 H Field of application  HThis Recommendation applies to terminal equipment of the teletex service supporting the processable mode of operation PM.1. 3 H References  HThe following CCITT Recommendations also apply to equipments for processable mode of operation: H Rec. T.60: "Terminal equipment for use in teletex service";'  H Rec. T.61: "Character repertoire and coded character sets for the international teletex service";'  H Rec. T.62: "Control procedures for the teletex and Group 4 facsimile services";'  H Rec. T.70: "Networkindependent basic transport service for telematic services";' H Rec. T.400 Series: "Document architecture, transfer and manipulation";'  H Rec. T.502: "A document application profile PM.1 for the interchange of processable form documents";'  H Rec. T.522: "Communication application profile BT1 for document bulk transfer".' 4 H Definitions HTerms and their definitions are defined by Recommendations listed above. 5 H General characteristics of the equipment 5.1HGeneral  5.1.1HEquipments supporting processable mode of operation PM.1 shall provide a set of basic features. The ability to provide this minimum set of basic features is indicated and negotiated before the document interchange.  5.1.2HThese equipments may in addition to the set of basic features provide other facilities. These facilities are negotiated separately from the set of basic features defined below.  5.1.3HSome basic and/or nonbasic features are allowed to be approximated by the receiver using fallback techniques. These features are defined in 6.1.3.  5.1.4HThe negotiation is only allowed to fail when a nonbasic feature is required that is not supported by the recipient and for which no suitable fallback mode is available. 0' 5.2HHBasic features required for equipments supporting processable PM.1'H  HThe basic features required for equipments supporting processable mode of operation are:   5.2.1HThe ability to create, transmit and receive document conforming to the document application profile PM.1 defined in Recommendation T.502;   5.2.2HThe ability to interchange documents by using the application context defined in 7.1 of this Recommendation;   5.2.3HThe ability to handle the basic nominal page defined in and to provide, at least, the assured reproduction area which is defined for the basic nominal page in;   5.2.4HFor character content, the ability to handle the basic features defined in RecommendationT.502;  5.2.5HThe ability to handle the call identification line information (see 6.1.2);   5.2.6HA teletex equipment supporting PM.1 shall be able to convert PM.1 documents in formatted and/or formatted processable forms into basic teletex documents. 5.3HNonbasic features for processable mode  HOne or mode additional features listed in this section may be provided by a terminal supporting PM.1.   5.3.1HThe ability to handle the nominal page and to provide, at least, the assured reproduction area which are defined for North American letter paper size, ISOA3 paper size (see and6.1.1.4).   5.3.2HThe ability to negotiate additional presentation characteristics for characters. These non basic characteristics are specified in Recommendation T.502. 6 H Document handling 6.1HRequirements for the imaging process 6.1.1HDimensions for text presentation measurement unit (BMU)  HThe size of the basic measurement unit (BMU) is 1/1200-25.4mm if the output medium is paper and the locally defined scaling factor is one. size  HDifferent physical paper sizes can be used for presentation of PM.1 formatted form document. Such paper sizes are ISOA4 paper size (210-297mm), North American letter paper size (215.9-279.4mm), ISO A3 paper size (297-420mm).   HCharacter content may be imaged on those sheets of paper in horizontal as well as in vertical orientation. A single orientation must be used for all characters within one side of the sheet of paper (recto or verso). and nominal pages  HAs defined in Recommendation T.412, a page is a rectangular area used as the reference area for positioning and imaging the content of the document. The page is intended to be positioned and imaged on a unit of the presentation surface. The ideal size of the presentation surface, as assumed by the sender of a document is the nominal page. HThe basic page dimensions are: HP ")x-H` P 0 ")x-H width` 9 240 BMU (195.6 mm);' H height12 400 BMU (262.5 mm). 8(  HOthers than the basic page dimensions are optional. These dimensions are given below: Ha)  page dimensions for the ISO A4 paper size:' H width P 9 920 BMU (210 mm); H heightP 14 030 BMU (297 mm); Hb)  page dimensions for the North American letter paper size:' H width 10 200 BMU (215.9 mm); H heightP 13 200 BMU (279.4 mm); Hc)  page dimensions for the ISO A3 paper size:' H width 14 030 BMU (297 mm); H heightP 19 840 BMU (420 mm). H` P 0 ")x-HP ")x- reproduction area  HHardcopy devices must allow for the possibility of edge losses caused, for example by the optional printing of a call identification line at the receiver, by tolerances on the physical paper size, and by equipment tolerance (see Annex A of Recommendation T.60). In order to cater for these edge losses, an assured reproduction area is defined which is the rectangular area that remains on the nominal page after deducting an agreed allowance for edge losses.  HFor the option of printing a call identification line, an area at the top of the page is reserved. The same area is used for both vertical and horizontal image orientations. If used, the call identification line is to be printed on the second character baseline which is 400BMU (8.466mm) from the Xaxis. The reserved area consists of 72 character boxes, each 120 BMU in width and 200 BMU in height, starting at 945 BMU (20 mm) from the Yaxis and extending for 8 640BMU. The maximum permitted character baseline offset of these character boxes is 72 BMU, so that the area of assured reproduction starts at 472 BMU (10 mm) from the Xaxis. Any interchanged text in the area of these character boxes may be suppressed, to avoid obscuring the image of the call identification line. HThe assured reproduction areas are defined as follows: HP ")x-HP XH")x-Ha)  ISO A4 assured reproduction area:' H  widthP =""$9 240 BMU;' H  heightP ="13 200 BMU;' H  top margin"=#$$X%%H'472 BMU;' H  left margin"=#$$X%%H'345 BMU;' Hb)  North American letter assured reproduction area:' H widthP =""$9 240 BMU; H  heightP ="12 400 BMU;' H  top margin"=#$$X%%H'472 BMU;' H  left margin"=#$$X%%H'345 BMU;' Hc)  ISO A3 assured reproduction area:' H widthP ="13 200 BMU; H  heightP ="18 480 BMU;' H  top margin"=#$$X%%H'472 BMU;' H  left margin"=#$$X%%H'345 BMU.'  HP XH")x-HP ")x-HThe assured reproduction areas for ISO A4, North American letter, and ISO A3 are illustrated in Figure 1/T.562, Figure 2/T.562, Figure 3/T.562, respectively, showing the maximum edge losses on each paper edge. The indicated edge losses are based on the idealized or nominal paper sizes as defined in and do not take account of paper size tolerances. (  Note These edge margin values are shown for reference only and do not take arcount of tolerances on either paper sizes or insertion angles. #FIGURE 1/T.562 *  Nominal page and assured reproduction area for ISO A4 paper size ă  Note The indicated size and location of the assured reproduction area accommodates ISO 3535 forms, UN/ECE Trade Documents, and the printed line lengths of the basic teletex service (i.e. 77characters per 25.4 mm) for the ISO A4 paper size. For the North American letter paper size, it also accommodates ISO 3535 forms and UN/ECE Trade Documents, as used for that paper size. #FIGURE 2/T.562 *  Nominal page and assured reproduction area for the North American letter paper size ă  #FIGURE 3/T.562 *  Nominal page and assured reproduction area for ISO A3 paper size ă of the page relative to the nominal page'H HThe rules defined in Recommendation T.412, 7.3.2 apply. of pages on soft copy media'H HThe rules defined in Recommendation T.412, 7.3.5 apply. 6.1.2HHCall identification line (CIL)'H basic CIL presentation rules as defined in Recommendation F.200 should apply with the restriction specified in RecommendationF.220 (deletion of the page number from the CIL). printing the CIL, an area as defined in is provided. 6.1.3HHFallback techniques'H  HSome basic and nonbasic features described in Recommendation T.502 are allowed to be approximated using fallback techniques.  HThis paragraph determines the fallback procedure which may be used by the recipient if features present in the interchanged document are not locally available.  HTable 1/T.562 below identifies the features for which fallback procedure may be used. All other features, not listed in this table, must not be approximated. 0 $TABLE 1/T.562   x|@ w      Features  Fallback modes       w Document layout featuresw           Separation  IGNORE     Widows and orphans  IGNORE     Association of paragraphs  IGNORE     Recto/verso pages  RECTO          w Content layout and imaging featuresw           Emphasis           italicized  Bold or underlined          bold  Italicized or underlined          w Document management featuresw  IGNORE     HP ")x-Xp"% 6.2XXRequirements for the formatting process&X  XThe formatting process shall be capable to format locally a processable PM.1 document into the formatted or the formattedprocessable form before the document is sent. Additional requirements are for further study. 6.3XXRequirements for the editing process'X  XFor further study. 6.4XRequirements for the imaging process   XThe rules for printing or displaying on screen described in RecommendationT.60 only apply to PM.1 documents in formatted and/or formattedprocessable forms. Additional requirements are for further study. 7 X Communication aspects 7.1XApplication context for interchange of PM.1 documents  "0Ԍ XThe application context to be used for the interchange of PM.1 documents is defined in Recommendation T.561,  7.1. 7.2XCoding schemes available   7.2.1XRecommendation T.61 defines the coding scheme to be used for character content. 7.3XReceiving capabilities   7.3.1XThe negotiation of the storage capacity by the DTAM protocol is mandatory for equipments providing processable mode of operation.   8 XX Interworking between basic teletex equipments and teletex equipments supporting PM.1 'X XThe rules defined in Recommendation T.561,  8 apply.