WPC 2%.Bpz W"S^11>bbu"::Dg1:11bbbbbbbbbb11gggbuuuk1Xubuukuuuk111Rb:bbXbb1bb''X'bbbb:X1bXXXX;.;g:=::m:::mmmmm::::::mm:k1mubububububXubububub11111111bbbbbbbbbuXubbkbuXmmmmumububXXXXbububububbmbbbbbb:k:k::=kmmX:uXb'b:b:b:b'bmbbbb:::uXuXuXuXk:k:k:mbbbmbuXkXkXKQmmmm^b:kbbbbmbA@mmbmmbmmmmmmm:b:mmmbbmmmmmmmmmmmmXXmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmcm`m`mm`m:mmmmmm}}}mjjmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm0mm}mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm}Mmmmmmmmmmmmmjmmmtmmmmmmmmm`'mmm`mmjmlWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmW`mmmmjmM#|xaHelveticaCourierCourier Bold4PkCQMS PS Jet Plus /800 II QPJPII.PRSPl`D4PkCg2W _as|x-HelveticaCourier@ ,`H1`D4PkCmQrrr r  @C2M PIx@ ,`H1`D4PkCmQrrr r  @CmQrrrr  `C@ ,`H1`D4PkCmQrrr r  @CmQrrrr  `C;,>>> >  @C  X` hp x (#%'HP ,x--h.    3'3'Standard6'6'StandardC6QMS $=R- y:(  x|@   Fascicle VII.7 Rec. T.541 y:- x|@  Fascicle VII.7 Rec. T.541   $TABLE 4/T.541   x|@ w      Attributes  AdministrativeInformationSE          LocalHostInformationSE            ExternalHostInformationSE             DocumentInformationSE     Object type  m  m  m  m           Object identifier (Note)  m  m  m  m           Reference attribute               Application defined        attribute list   nm  nm  d           Default value list  nm          HP ,x--h.Xp   XXxNoteThis attribute may be omitted when the value can be ambiguously derived from the transmission sequence of the relevant objects.'    XValues for the attribute objecttype XAdministrativeInformationSE: 9 XLocalHostInformationSE: 10 XExternalHostInformationSE: 11 XDocumentInformationSE: 12 AdministrativeInformationSE   XThe application defined attribute list for the AdministrativeInformationSE:   XpXpw      ExternalHostId m       LocalHostId m       BilateralManagementParameter nm       XpXp$%%p& LocalHostInformationSE  XThe application defined attribute list for the LocalHostInformationSE contains the following attribute:   w      ErrorReporttoExternalHost nm ExternalHostInformationSE  XThe application defined attribute list for the ExternalHostInformationSE contains the following attribute:   w      ErrorReporttoLocalHost nm       AsynchronousMessage nm     . DocumentInformationSE  XThe application defined attribute list for the DocumentInformationSE contains the following attributes:   w      ApplicationTimebasedchargingperiod d       ApplicationpriceFramebased d       ApplicationpriceTransactionbased d       ApplicationTimebasedchargingprice d       CommunicationCostTimebasedchargingperiod d       CommunicationCostTimebasedchargingprice d        6.4.4XAttributes of the special terminal facilities structure XTable 5/T.541 shows the use of attributes defined for operational structures: t#TABLE 5/T.541   w      Attributes  SpecialTerminalFacilitiesSE          RedefinitionEntrySE     Object type  m  m         Object identifier (Note)  m  m         Reference attribute           Application defined  d  d    attribute lists           Default value lists  nm           XXNoteThis attribute may be omitted when the value can be unambiguously derived from the transmission sequence of the relevant objects.'X   XValues for the attribute objecttype XSpecialTerminalFacilitiesSE: 13 XRedefinitionEntrySE: 14 SpecialTerminalFactilitiesSE  XThe application defined attributelist for the SpecialTerminalFacilitiesSE contains the following attributes:   w      Measurementunit d       Dimensions d     . RedefinitionEntitySE  XThe application defined attributelist for the RedefinitionEntitySE contains the following attributes:   w      Redefinitioncoding d       Redefinitioncontent d       X NoteSpecifying the redefinition content by using operational elements is for further study.'   6.5XAttribute values for constituents of the operational structures 6.5.1XObject type  XThe value of the attribute object type is given by the relevant value of the operational structure (see Recommendation T.441 or Annex A of this Recommendation) and 6.4.1, 6.4.2 and 6.4.4 of this Recommendation. 6.5.2XObject identifier  XThe assignment of values to the operational roots is specified in this Recommendation.  XThe procedure of assigning values to the subordinate constituents of the operational structure is specified in Recommendation T.441 or in Annex A of this Recommendation). 6.5.3XReference attribute  XThe reference attribute is used in the context of the DataEntryProgramSE and DataEntry SubprogramSE and ResultSE. The assignment of values to the reference attribute is specified in Recommendation T.564. 6.5.4XApplication defined attribute lists  XThe values of attributes, mapped to the application defined attribute lists, are specified in Recommendation T.564.  XThis Recommendation specifies the mapping of the attributes defined in Recommendation T.564 to the application defined attribute lists. 6.5.5XDefault value lists XFor the application defined attributes of each of the SE: X DataEntrySE X ApplicationControlMemorySE X AdministrativeInformationSE X SpecialTerminalFacilitiesSE  default values for the application defined attributes are specified in this Recommendation.  XThe default values of each of the concerned SE are mapped to the attribute default value lists of the relevant operational root. 6.5.6XOperational element content type  XThe attribute typeofcoding, specified in Recommendation T.564, is mapped to the attribute operational element content type, specified in Recommendation T.441 or in Annex A of this Recommendation). Recommendation T.564 specifies the values for this attribute. 6.5.7XOperational element content  XThe attribute contentinformation, specified in Recommendation T.564, is mapped to the attribute operational element content, specified in Recommendation T.441 or in Annex A of this Recommendation). Recommendation T.564 specifies the values for this attribute. c. 6.6XDefault values for application defined attributes  XThe default value nil indicates that no default value is defined within this standard. In these cases steps 1 and 2 of the defaulting mechanism specified in 9.2.4 of Recommendation T.564 shall uniquely derive the default value for the relevant attribute. 6.6.1XData entry structure   w      List of attributes  Default value        w DataEntryProgramSE attributes:w         DataEntryType  Nil    MaxLengthKeywordAccess  0    MaxLengthDirectAccess  0       w ResultSE attributes:w         Termination reason  Nil       w FieldSE attributes:w         FieldLayout  (0,0), (40,24)       w DataEntryProgramSE attributes:w         Echo  "normal"    Echoed character  Nil       w RulesSE attributes:w         TimeOut  600 seconds    ValidCommands  Nil    LengthOfValidChoices  Nil    ListOfEnabledChoices  Nil       w PromptSE attributes:w         Position  (0,0)    Dimensions  (40,24)        6.6.2XApplication control memory structure   w      List of attributes  Default value     Recordcontents  Nil        6.6.3XSpecial terminal facilities structure   w      List of attributes  Default value        w SpecialTerminalFacilitiesSE attributes:w         Measurementunit  Characterbox    Dimensions  (40,24)       w RedefinitionEntitySE attributes:w         Redefinitioncoding  Nil    Redefinitioncontent  Nil  >0Ԍ      6.7XImplicitly created constituents  XSome constituents of the display structure or operational structures are implicitly created at connection establishment time (see Annex A of Recommendation T.564 or Table 1/T.532).  XTo ensure that manipulation of these constituents during association is always possible, the following values for the object identifier shall be used: Xp$%%p&Xp$%%p&X "11 0"pfor ResultSE  X "11 0 0"p5for ResultContentPortion  X "13 0" pfor LocalHostInformationSE X "13 1"pfor ExternalHostInformation SE X "13 2"pfor DocumentInformationSE Xp$%%p&Xp$%%p& 'ANNEX A * (to Recommendation T.541) * *  Operational structure ă  XThis Annex is an integral part of this Recommendation. It specifies details on operational structures currently not covered by Recommendation T.441. It is intended that future work on operational structures will be compatible with the specifications of this annex. A.1XConstituents of the operational structure  XThe operational structure is used (in addition to the specific document) for describing application defined structures in terms of operational objects and operational elements. The following constituents occur in this structure: X operational root; X composite operational object; X basic operational object; X operational elements. A.1.1XOperational root  XThe operational root is the highest level object in the hierarchy of this structure. It is a composite object whose immediate subordinates can be any number and combination of composite and basic operational objects. A.1.2XComposite operational objects  XA composite operational object is a composite object of the operational structure.  XA composite operational object can be immediately subordinate to the operational root or to another composite operational object of one hierarchy level above. (Only one level of composite operational objects will be used by videotex interworking.)  XThe immediate subordinates of a composite operational object can be any number and combination of composite and basic operational objects. Operational elements cannot be directly associated with a composite operational object. A.1.3XBasic operational objects XA basic operational object is a basic object of the operational structure.  XA basic operational object can be immediately subordinate to the operational root or to a composite operational object.  XA basic operational object has no subordinates. It is directly associated with the opera tional elements if any are present. , A.1.4XOperational elements  XOperational elements are associated with basic operational objects. They describe application specific data, which are specified in the appropriate Recommendation of the application. A.2XDefinitions of attributes  XThis clause defines the attributes and their applicability to the operational objects. Each attribute has a name and a value by which it describes a characteristic of a structure element or the relationship to another structure element.  XTable A1/T.541 shows which attribute can be specified for each type of constituent. #TABLE A1/T.541   w         Operational  Composite  Basic  Operational    Attribute name  root  operational  operational  element      object  object      Object type  D  D  D     Object identifier  M*  M*  M*     Operational element        identifier     M*     Operational object class  NM  NM  NM     Subordinates  NM  NM      Operational elements    NM     Document fragment  NM  NM  NM     Reference attribute   NM  NM  NM     Operational element        content type     D    Operational element        content     D     Default value lists  NM  NM       Application defined        attribute lists  NM  NM  NM  NM      Xp$%%p&Xp$%%p& MX Mandatory DX Defaultable NMX Nonmandatory X Not applicable M*X Mandatory; exceptions specified A.2.1XIdentification attributes A.2.1.1 Object type  XMandatory for all operational object class descriptions, defaultable for operational object descriptions.  XThis attribute must be specified for an operational object description, unless generic structures are used. XThe attribute specifies the object type whose value is an integer.  XThe relevant operational application profile shall specify the values for this attribute and shall identify for each of the relevant objects if it is a: X operational root; X composite operational object; X basic operational object.  XFrom this specification it can be derived which attributes are applicable to the relevant object (see Table A1/T.541). >0 Xp$%%p&Xp$%%p&A.2.1.2 Object identifier  XMandatory for all operational object descriptions. For the same exceptions as specified in Recommendation T.412,, the object identifier may be omitted. XThis attribute uniquely identifies an operational object description.  XThe object identifier consists of a sequence of numbers. Each number in the sequence corresponds to a hierarchical level of the specific operational structure and identifies one specific object description at that level (see Recommendation T.412).  XThe first number in the sequence identifies the object description of the operational root.  XAn object identifier consisting of just this first number identifies the object description of the operational root.  XThe operational application profile (T.540 Series of Recommendations) defines the assignment of integers to the operational structures used by the application.  XThe value of the subsequent numbers in the sequence is not significant. It is required, however, that the sequence of numbers assigned to an object description must distinguish it from all other object descriptions among the operational structures used by the relevant application.  XThe object identifier is represented as a character string of decimalcoded numerals with a space character as separator between each pair of numerals. A.2.1.3 Operational element identifier  XMandatory for all operational object descriptions. In the same exceptional cases as specified in Recommendation T.412,, the operational element identifier may be omitted. XThis attribute uniquely identifies an operational element description.  XThe value of the operational element identifier consists of a sequence of numbers which is composed of two parts. In the first part, it is identical to the identifier of the basic operational component that the operational element is associated with. The second part is a number appended to this identifier which identifies this operational element.  XThe operational element identifier is presented as a character string of decimalcoded numerals with a space character as separator between each pair of numerals. A.2.2XRelationship attributes A.2.2.1 Operational object class XNonmandatory; may be specified for all operational object descriptions.  XThis attribute is not supported by this Annex, as videotex interworking makes no use of generic structures. A.2.2.2 Subordinates XNonmandatory for composite operational object descriptions.  XThis attribute identifies the set of objects immediately subordinate to a composite operational object.  XThe value of the attribute is a sequence of one or more numbers. Each number corresponds to an immediately subordinate object description and consists of the last number of identifier of that object description. The same number may not occur more that once in the sequence.  XThe order of the appearance of the numbers in the sequence and the order of their numeric values defines the sequential order among the immediately subordinate objects. A.2.2.3 Operational elements XNonmandatory for basic component descriptions.  XThis attribute links operational elements to a particular basic component. There may / be zero, one or more operational elements per basic object description.  XThe value of this attribute is the sequence of the second parts of the identifiers of the corresponding operational element descriptions.   A.2.2.4 Document fragment  XNonmandatory may be specified for any component description. There is no constraint as to where this attribute may be specified. i.e., at what level or for what component descriptions.  XThis attribute establishes the relationship between constituents of the operational structure and constituents of the logical and layout structures and their associated content portions, thereby defining the document fragments as such.  XThe value of this attribute is a pair of parameters. The first parameter is the fragment name. The fragment name is to be provided by the application. The second parameter is a sequence of one or more identifiers of the referenced document constituents.  XThe interpretation of this attribute (e.g., if the reference to an object of the specific document includes the reference to all subordinate objects) is application dependent. A.2.2.5 Reference attribute  XNonmandatory; may be specified for any operational object description, or operational element description. The value of this attribute is a sequence of pairs of parameters. The first parameter is the reference name. The reference name is to be provided by the application. The second parameter is a sequence of identifiers of operational object descriptions, or operational element descriptions.  XThis attribute permits to reference from one constituent of the operational structure to other constituents. This reference can only be interpreted in the specific context of the application.  XMaintaining consistency when using this attribute has to be provided by the application and is not within the scope of this Annex. A.2.3XMiscellaneous attribute A.2.3.1 Operational element content type  XDefaultable; to be specified for any operational element description, if present.  XThis attribute specifies the type of the content contained in the relevant operational element. The operational application profile shall specify the set of permissible values of this attribute, according to the relevant content architecture. A.2.3.2 Operational element content  XDefaultable; to be specified for any operational element description, if present.  XThe value of this attribute is a string in accordance with the value of the relevant operational element content type. A.2.3.3 Default value lists XNonmandatory; may be specified for composite component description.  XThis attribute defines default values for attributes of subordinate object descriptions.  XThe value of the attribute is a sequence of one or more lists of attributes, each list being applicable to a different subordinate object type. A.2.4XApplication defined attribute list  XDefaultable for operational object descriptions and operational element descriptions; default value: NULL. NULL means that no default value list is present. / Ԍ XThis attribute allows for the definition of application specific information to be included in any operational component or operational element description.  XThe value of the attribute is a set of application defined values, i.e., the applications define the contents of the lists.