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T.523 y:- x|@  Fascicle VII.7 Rec. T.523    7.4.4HManipulation of application control memory information  HThe EH manipulates the application control memory information which is represented in accordance with the application control memory SE and its subordinates SEs defined in Recommendation T.564 via the DTAM document manipulation services in order to record the sequence of VIA operations to be repeatedly invoked. This transmission should be done under the token control. 7.4.5HManipulation of special terminal facilities information  HThe EH manipulates the special terminal facilities information which is represented in accordance with the application special terminal facilities SE and its subordinates SEs defined in Recommendation T.564 via the DTAM document manipulation services in order to set the special terminal facilities such as characters of DRCS. This transmission should be done under the token control. 7.4.6HManipulation of administrative information  HThe EH manipulates administrative information which is represented in accordance with the administrative SE and its subordinates SEs defined in Recommendation T.564 via the DTAM document manipulation services in order to manage the accounting and the identification aspects. This transmission should be done under the token control.  HNoteAdministrative information is for further study in the Recommendation T.564.   7.4.7HExchange of over limit information HThe exchanging over limit information is for further study. 7.4.8HTransmission of asynchronous message  HThe EH transmits the asynchronous message indicting the warnings (e.g. "close host within 5 minutes") to the LH. The transmission of this message is not dependent of the data token and the message is conveyed by the DTAM TYPEDDATA service. 8 H Elements of procedure 8.1HApplicationassociation establishment 8.1.1HGeneral  HEither the LH or the EH establishes an applicationassociation in accordance with the DINITIATE service described in Recommendation T.432. The purpose of the applicationassociation establishment is: H to identify the remote peer videotex hosts;  H to exchange the videotex application capabilities such as document application profile; H to implicitly set the initial VIA between peer videotex hosts. 8.1.2HService primitives used  HThe following DINITIATE service primitives, defined in Recommendation T.432, are used: H DINITIATE request; H DINITIATE indication; H DINITIATE response; H DINITIATE confirm. 8.1.3HDINITIATE service parameters  HThe service parameters defined in Table 2/T.432 are basically used. The semantics of these parameters are given below. The use of the parameters which are not defined in this Recommendation but listed in Table 2/T.432 is bound to the Recommendations X.217 or X.216. H1)  Telematic requirements H The following functional units defined in Recommendation T.432 are used:' H kernel (association control); H typed data transfer; H document unconfirmed manipulation; H token management.  H If the telematic requirements proposed by the LH are not acceptable to the EH, the videotex applicationassociation establishment fails by responding with a "reject" result parameter.' H2)  Application capabilities H This parameter contains the following subparameters: H a)Document application profile  H  The value of this parameter is an object identifier which indicates the document application profile being used. Its value is 0 1 8 16 0 (object identifier).' H b)Operational application profile  H  The value of this parameter is an object identifier which indicates the operational application profile being used. Its value is 0 1 8 16 2 (object identifier).' ' H3)  Account  H The use of the account parameter depends on the ongoing work of CCITT Study Group I on this topic.' H4)  Result H The field can take one of the following symbolic values:' H accepted; H rejected by responder (reasonnotspecified); H rejected by responder (applicationCapabilitiesnotsupported); H rejected by responder (protocolVersionnotsupported); H rejected by responder (applicationcontextnamenotsupported); H rejected by responding DTAMPM. H5)  ViInitiateInformation (ViInitInformation)  H This is the user information associated with the initiation of application association. This contains the following parameters:' H a)Videotex interworking protocol version  H  This parameter identifies the version of videotex interworking protocol being used. The value is represented by bit string.' H b)Inactivity timer  H  This parameter identifies the time for inactive period to terminate the videotex applicationassociation because of its inactivity. The value of this parameter is subject to the agreement between both hosts. If the values which are exchanged are different each other, the value which is indicated by the EH is in effect for that association.' H c)Data entry mode  H  This parameter identifies the capabilities of the data entry modes to indicate to the peer host. Normally, this parameter is issued by the LH, and may not be used by the EH. The value is represented by integers 1, 2 and 3 which means halfduplex data entry mode, duplex data entry mode and halfduplex/duplex data entry modes respectively.' H d)Bilateral management  H  This attribute is reserved for information which is exchanged between the two gateways and can be based on bilateral agreement.'  H The ViInitinformation described by the ASN.1 is defined in Annex A of this Recommendation.' H6)  Called application entity title  H This parameter, which is composed of a called applicationprocess title and a called applicationentity qualifier, is used as defined in Recommendation X.217. This identifies the externalhostidentifier or the localhostidentifier.' H7)  Calling application entity title  H This parameter, which is composed of a calling applicationprocess title and a calling applicationentity qualifier, is used as defined in Recommendation X.217. This identifies the localhostidentifier or the externalhostidentifier.' H8)  Application context name  H This parameter is used as defined in Recommendation X.217. The initiator of the applica tionassociation shall propose one of the applicationcontexts for the videotex interworking (Recommendation T.101) in the DINITIATE request primitive. The responder shall either accept the applicationcontext proposed by the initiator and return the same value of this parameter in the DINITIATE response primitive, or shall return a result parameter with the value 'rejected (permanent)' and a diagnostic parameter with the value 'application context name not supported'.' & H9)  Presentation context list  H The presentation context definition list comprises a presentationcontextdefinition for each abstractsyntax included in the applicationcontext, i.e. one each for the videotex interworking, the DTAM and the ACSE. A presentationcontextdefinition comprises a presentationcontextidentifier and an abstractsyntaxname for the ASE.' 8.1.4HDTAMPM parameters  HDTAMPM parameters are set by the DATMPM to DINITIATE REQ and DINITIATE RESP PDUs indicating the characteristics of DTAMPM as follows. These parameters are not issued by the LH and the EH, but are generated by the protocol machines when required. H1)  DTAM protocol version  H DTAM protocol version parameter identifies the version of DTAM protocol being used. The value is represented by bit string (0) which means version1.' H2)  Storage capacity  H The storage capacity parameter identifies the memory size which is available to the DTAMPM. This parameter is exchanged independently from both directions in order to indicate the own memory size.' 8.1.5HInitial VIA  HThe following VIA structure elements (SEs) are implicitly created in both hosts at the videotex applicationassociation establishment. The videotex communication starts with the initial VIA to manipulate for the videotex dialogue between the LH and the EH: H DOCUMENTSE H DATAENTRYSE H APPLICATIONCONTROLMEMORYSE H ADMINISTRATIVEINFORMATIONSE H SPECIALTERMINALFACILITIESSE 8.2HApplicationassociation termination 8.2.1HGeneral  HEither the LH or the EH requests a normal termination of current videotex application association in accordance with the DTERMINATE service described in Recommendation T.432. 8.2.2HService primitives used  HThe following DTERMINATE service primitives, defined in Recommendation T.432, are used: H DTERMINATE request; H DTERMINATE indication; H DTERMINATE response; H DTERMINATE confirm. 8.2.3HDTERMINATE service parameters HThe DTERMINATE service parameters are for further study. 8.3HApplicationassociation abort 8.3.1HGeneral  HThe LH or the EH requests an abrupt termination of the ongoing videotex application association in accordance with the DABORT service described in Recommendation T.432. 8.3.2HService primitive used  HThe following DABORT service primitives, defined in Recommendation T.432, are used: H DABORT request; H DABORT indication. , 8.3.3HDABORT service parameters  HThe following service parameter is used as defined in the Recommendation T.432. H1)  ViAbortInformation  H This parameter is the user information associated with the abort of application association and contains the following subparameter:' H Errorcode H This parameter indicates the reason of the abort. H a)ErrorReportToLocalHost attributes (issued by the EH) H P Inactivity timeout H P Unrecoverable errors H b)ErrorReportToExternalHost attributes (issued by the LH) H P Unrecoverable errors  H The Viabortinformation described by ASN.1 is defined in Annex A of this Recommendation. 8.4jW$MData transmission  HThe data transmission procedure is realized by DTAM document manipulation service and typed data service. Document manipulation service should be invoked under the token control by using DTAM token document manipulation, data token control and typed data services for videotex gateway application. 8.4.1HDocument manipulation procedure  HVIA operations, defined in Recommendation T. 564, should be directly mapped into the relevant DTAM document manipulation services, DCREATE, DMODIFY, DDELETE, DCALL services defined in Recommendation T.432. These services provide the following communication functions: H manipulation of display structure information; H manipulation of date entry structure information; H manipulation of application control memory information; H manipulation of special terminal facilities information; H manipulation of administrative information (for further study); H exchange of over limit information (for further study). HNoteThe use of DREBUILD service is for further study. primitives used  HThe following DCREATE, DDELETE, DMODIFY and DCALL service primitives defined in Recommendation T.432, are used: H DCREATE request; H DCREATE indication; H DDELETE request; H DDELETE indication; H DMODIFY request; H DMODIFY indication; H DCALL request; H DCALL indication.  HNoteThe use of these service primitives bounds to the rule defined in 9. 0'  HThe above document manipulation is managed under the token control by using the following DTOKENPLEASE and DTOKENGIVE service primitives: H DTOKENPLEASE request; H DTOKENPLEASE indication; H DTOKENGIVE request; H DTOKENGIVE indication. parameters for document manipulation HDCREATE service parameters H Create information  H This parameter consists of a sequence of objects as defined in Recommendations T.504 andT.541.' HDDELETE service parameters H Delete information  H This parameter consists of a sequence of object or class identifiers, content portion identifiers and operation elements identifiers and defined in Recommendations T.504 andT.541.' HDMODIFY service parameters H Modify information  H This parameter a sequence of objects as defined in Recommendations T.504 and T.541.' HDCALL service parameters H Call information  H This parameter a sequence of choices of current object identifiers which are defined in Recommendation T.541. The CALL information consists of the designation of a RECORDSE in the application control memory structure element as defined in Recommendation T.564. This record contains the VIA operations.' 8.4.2HData token control procedure  HDocument manipulation services are invoked under the data token control provided by the DTAM token control function, and the owner of the data token has the right to manipulate the VIA. rules HThe dialogue between the LH and the EH is bound by the following rules:  H1)  The initial data token is set to the EH at the videotex applicationassociation establishment;'  H2)  The data token may be given by the EH to the LH at the end of a sequence of VIA manipulations in order to enable the LH to send the entered data in the data entry types 1, 2 or 3;'  H3)  In the data entry types 1, 2 or 3 the LH gives the data token to the EH after having sent the sequence of VIA manipulations corresponding to the entered data;'  H4)  If the data token is not owned by the LH or EH, that host may issue the DTOKEN PLEASE to request the data token. The host which receives the DTOKEN PLEASE may or may not react on the DTOKEN PLEASE;'  H5)  In the data entry type 4, the EH may send the token to the LH in order to switch to data entry types 1, 2 or 3 (see' GIVE service parameters HDTOKEN GIVE service has no parameters. PLEASE service parameters H Tokens priority  H This parameter defines the priority of the action, governed by the data token, that the requestor of the DTOKEN PLEASE service wishes to carry out. This parameter has to be supplied by the requestor of the DTOKEN PLEASE service.' ( 8.4.3HTYPEDATA transmission  HTyped data transmission is used independent of the data token and is issued from both hosts (DTAM users) when required. This procedure may be used for the transmission of warning message indicating the warning from the EH and for the transmission of the user entered data in data entry type 4 from the LH. primitives used  HThe following DTYPEDDATA service primitives, defined in Recommendation T.432, are used: H DTYPEDDATA request; H DTYPEDDATA indication. service parameters  HThis is the octet string information which represents the following ViTypedData: HP ,x--h.XHP XHP,x--h.ViTypedData  ::=P CHOICE { asyncMessage [0]P IMPLICIT INTEGER XH P { ""X%%H'warnTimeout2P66;;@(0), XH P  ""X%%H'serviceClose1Minute:P66;(1), XH P  ""X%%H'serviceClose5Minutes;P6(2) }, XH P  "Other values are for further study entryResponse [1]P IMPLICIT EntryResponse } entryResponse  ::=SEQUENCE { XH P [0] IMPLICIT TerminationReason,  XH P  identical with the coding of termination reason in RESULTSE XH P [1] IMPLICIT OperationalContentType OPTIONAL,  XH P  identical with the coding of operational contenttype of RESULTSE XH P [2] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING OPTIONAL XH P  identical with operationalelementcontent} 8.4.4XOrder of the VIADTAM manipulation  XThe order of the VIA operations via DTAM manipulation (VIADTAM manipulation for short) is basically followed by the interchange data format defined in Recommendations T.504 and T.541. That is, in principle, VIA should be manipulated from the higher order of structure element, however, the order of display information represented by ODA and the other videotex specific information represented by operational structure is dependent of the local rule and is not defined in this Recommendation. XThe following exceptional order of the VIADTAM manipulation is defined:  Xa)HHVIADATM manipulation concerning data entry SE appears before the the other all VIADTAM manipulations;'H  Xb)HHAll VIADTAM manipulations concerning REDEFINITIONENTITYSEs appear before all VIADTAM manipulations concerning BLOCK SEs;'H  Xc)HHAll VIADTAM manipulations concerning BLOCK SEs appear before all VIADTAM manipulations concerning FIELD SEs.'H 9 X Actions of the EH and the LH 9.1XEH action  XThe EH provides the videotex frame to be displayed on the user's terminal by manipulating the display structure of the VIA through DTAM manipulations.  XNoteAlthough the action of displaying information on a videotex terminal is outside the scope of this Recommendation, it is assumed in the Recommendation that:  X1)HHThe display of RedefinitionEntitySEs, BlockSEs and FieldSEs is in natural order, whereby RedefinitionEntitySEs precede BlockSEs and FieldSEs;'H )  XHP XHP,x--h.HP ,x--h.H2)  Only those parts of the display structure which are created or modified in a dialogue step are redisplayed in that dialogue step (i.e. deletion and recreation of PageSE is assumed to trigger redisplay of the full screen, whereas modification of a BlockSE or FieldSE is assumed to trigger display of the new block or field content on the existing screen picture);' H3)  Deletion of a BlockSE or FieldSE has no effect on the screen;' H4)  This may result in different behaviour of the local repeat functions.'  HIn addition to providing the videotex frame, the EH controls the videotex dialogue by defining a data entry program to be executed by the LH. This is provided by the manipulation of the data entry structure of the VIA through DTAM manipulations. The EH may leave the data entry structure unchanged, implying reuse of the data entry program for the next dialogue step.  HIf a data entry program is of the "data entry type 2: data collection", it refers to a form made up of the fields where the user enters data. If the data entry program is of the "data entry type 1: information retrieval", it refers to an implicit field, defined by the national videotex service of the LH, where the user enters videotex commands.  HThe data entry program contains the description of the form, and it contains the reaction, called rules to userw's input the LH has to follow. Moreover, one or two guidance messages (prompts) may be associated with each field. This message will be displayed by the LH each time user enters the field. 9.2HLH action 9.2.1HReport to the EH  HThe user input form (if any), which may consist of one or more data input fields, is reported to the EH after execution of a data entry program together with the status of the data entry program.  HEach field of the form respectively the implicit field used for command entry is associated with a single data entry subprogram, which is executed when data is to be entered into the field.  HThe data entry program is terminated implicitly by the termination of the last data entry program or explicitly by some user action. HThe report to the EH consists of: Ha)  the termination status of the data entry program;  Hb)  the text contents of the fields and the number of the last subprogram executed; Hc)  the text contents associated with a command.  HThe report is performed by the manipulation of the display structure and the data entry structure, updating field text content attributes and attributes belonging to the RESULTSE and RESULTContentPortion. 9.2.2HLocal actions  HWhen a data entry program is active, some local actions may be directly supported by the LH to allow for correction of mistyping, cancel of an entry and local frame repeat for instance. Such local actions as well as the local management of user errors (e.g. entry of characters not allowed in the data entry program) are treated in the LH and not reported to the EH. 9.3HList of permissible actions on VIA structure elements in both hosts  HThe following Table 1/T.523 lists up the permissible actions on VIA structure elements for both hosts. The structure elements marked by I are automatically generated at the association establishment phase. On the other hand, the structure elements marked by E and L are generated by the EH and the LH respectively and are transmitted by the DTAM manipulation services which are indicated at the top of the row on the Table 1/T.523. & $TABLE 1/T.523   x|@ w             DTAM manipulation  DCREATE  DMODIFY  DDELETE  DCALL   VIA                 w Document profilew  I  E                      w Displayw        Document layout root  I  E      Page  E  E  E     Block  E  E  E     Content portion  E  E  E                     w Operational profilew        [For further study]                 w Data entryw        Data entry  I / E  E  S     Field  E  E  E     Fieldcontent portion  E  L / E      Dataentry program  E  E  E     Dataentry subprogram  E  E  E     Rules  E  E  E     Prompt  E  E  E     Promptcontent portion  E  E      Result  I  L      Resultcontent portion  I  L                      w Application control memoryw        Application control  I / E   E     Memory record  E  E  E  E                    w Administrativew        Administrative information  I       Local host information  I  L      External host information  I  E      Document information  I  E                      w Special terminal facilitiesw        Special terminal facilities  I       Redefinition entity  E  E  E              HP ,x--h.Xp x$%%p& 10 X Object identifier  XThe value of object identifier for communication application profile DM1 defined in this Recommendation is 0 1 8 16 1. 8-  Xp x$%%p&Xp x$%%p&'ANNEX A * (to Recommendation T.523) * *  Abstract syntax definition of videotex specific information ă A.1XEncoding of user information associated with DINITIATE services  XThe following syntax is carried by the user information of the DINITIATE REQ and the DINITIATE RESP DPUs as octet string: XViInitInformation  x!::=$&SEQUENCE { X protocolVersion x![0]$&IMPLICIT INTEGER X p  x!{viProtocolVersionl (1)}, X inactivityTimeOut [1]x!IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, X dataEntryMode  [2]x!IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL X p  x!{halfDuplexDataEntryMode (1) X p  x!duplexDataEntryMode (2) X p  x!halfDuplex/duplexDataEntryMode (3) X p  x!the EH may not use this parameter} X bilateralManagementx![3]$&IMPLICIT OCTET STRING OPTIONAL X} A.2XEncoding of user information associated with DABORT services  XThe following syntax is carried by the user information of the DABORT REQ PDU as octet string: XViAbortInformation  x!::=$&CHOICE { X errorReport  [0]x!IMPLICIT INTEGER  X p  x!used for ErrorReporttoLH and ErrorReporttoEH; X p  x!Note:  X p  x!the total length of this PDU must not be greater than X p  x!4 octets to be compatible with the requirements for the X p  x!ACSE ABRTpdu }