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T.503 i:- x|@   Fascicle VII.7 Rec. T.503 i   Recommendation T.503  A DOCUMENT APPLICATION PROFILE FOR THE INTERCHANGE ă  OF GROUP 4 FACSIMILE DOCUMENTS ă &CONTENTS 1HScope 2HField of application 3HReferences 4HDefinitions 5HCharacteristics supported by this document application profile H5.1  Overview H5.2  Logical characteristics H5.3  Layout characteristics H5.4  Content characteristics 6HDefinition of the document application profile H6.1  Overview H6.2  Definition of document structure H6.3  Definition of attribute values H6.4  Content architectures Annex AFormat of the values of the attributes "object identifier".  1 H Scope  1.1HThis Recommendation defines a document application profile conforming to the T.410 Series of Recommendations.  HIts purpose is to specify an interchange format suitable for the interchange of group 4 facsimile documents that contain only raster graphics.  HDocuments are interchanged in a formatted form, which enables the recipient to display or print the document as intended by the originator.  1.2HThis Recommendation, together with designated parts of T.563, defines a document application profile that may be used by any telematic service. 2 H Field of application  2.1HThis Recommendation defines a document application profile that is in conformance with the T.410 Series of Recommendations and that allows group 4 facsimile documents to be interchanged only in a formatted form, which allows a recipient to reproduce the document as intended by the originator.  2.2HThis document application profile is designed to be independent of the means used to create or to interchange the encoded documents.  2.3HThe features which can be interchanged using this document application profile fall into the following categories:  Ha)  page format features these concern how the layout of each page of a document will appear when reproduced;'  Hb)  raster graphics layout and imaging features these concern how the document content will appear within pages of the reproduced document;'  Hc)  raster graphics coding these concern the raster graphics representations and control functions that make up the document raster graphics content;'  2.4HIt is assumed that, when negotiation is performed by the service using this document applica tion profile, all nonbasic features are subject to negotiation. 3 H References  HThe following references are required in order to implement this Recommendation:  H T.410 Series Recommendations: Open document architecture (ODA) and interchange format  H Rec. T.6: Facsimile coding schemes and coding control functions for Group 4 facsimile apparatus' H Rec. X.208: Specification of abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1)  H Rec. X.209: Specification of basic encoding rules for abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1)'  H Rec. T.417: Open document architecture (ODA) and interchange format raster graphics content architectures' H Rec. T.563: Terminal characteristics for group 4 facsimile apparatus . 4 H Definitions HThe definitions in Recommendation T.411 apply to this Recommendation. 5 H Characteristics supported by this document application profile 5.1HOverview  HA group 4 facsimile document is the result of a formatting process and therefore the purpose of this document application profile is to allow transfer of the complete layout of the document.  HOnly one category of content is allowed within the same page, namely: raster graphics content (per Recommendation T.417) as used by facsimile group 4 apparatus.  HThis section specifies the functional description of the features supported by this document application profile. 5.2HLogical characteristics HNot applicable. 5.3HLayout characteristics 5.3.1HLayout document structure HA document is seen as a succession of pages. HThe content of a page is: raster graphics content architecture. 5.3.2HDocument structure elements format HThe document is imaged in a text area which must be within the assured reproduction area. dimensions of the assured reproduction area depend on the paper used. HThe possible paper formats are defined in Recommendation T.563. HOnly the vertical orientation of the page is permitted. HNot applicable (the content is directly related to the page). 5.4HContent characteristics  HThe group 4 facsimile document contains raster graphics in facsimile group 4 format. 5.4.1HRaster graphics content graphics imaging  HThe content of raster graphics is defined by the dimensions of the page and the number of pels per line, in accordance with Table 2/T.563. spacing, line spacing and pel transmission density  HThis property defines the distance between successive pels on a line and between successive line of pels.  HThe basic value is 6 BMU, corresponding to 200 pels per 25.4 mm. It is also the default value. g!HThe nonbasic values are 3, 4 and 5 BMU respectively, corresponding to 400, 300 and 240 pels per 25.4 mm. 5.4.2HReceived document  HThis document application profile, being limited to formatted form, does not support any features to facilitate processing of an interchanged document by a receiver. & 6 H Definition of the document application profile 6.1HOverview 6.1.1HDocument architecture level  HThis document profile makes use of document architecture class FDA, as defined in Recommendation T.412. A document according to this document architecture profile includes a specific layout structure only.  HThe document architecture level is defined in Tables 2/T.503, 3/T.503 and 4/T.503.  HThe specific layout structure is always present in any document conforming to this document application profile. 6.1.2HContent architecture level  HThe content architecture level that may be used in documents conforming to this document application profile is as follows: raster graphics formatted content architecture level, defined in Tables 5/T.503 and 6/T.503.  HThe coding method to be used is that defined by Recommendation T.6. In addition, any nonbasic features defined in Recommendation T.6 may be used, provided that they are indicated in the document profile. 6.1.3HDocument profile level  HThe document profile level used in this document application profile is defined in Table1/T.503. Every document interchanged in accordance with this document application profile must include a document profile. Every nonbasic attribute value used in a document must be indicated in the document profile. 6.1.4HInterchange format class  HThe interchange format class used in this document application profile is "B", as defined in Recommendation T.415. 6.2HDefinition of document structure 6.2.1HSpecific layout structure HThe number of hierarchical levels is 2, namely: H document layout root; H page.  HThe document layout root and page levels are mandatory. Only one content portion must be associated with each page. 6.2.2HGeneric layout structure HNot applicable. 6.3HDefinition of attribute values  HThe attributes applicable to layout components are defined in Table 2/T.503. The following notation is used in this table: H  attribute not application to object description Hm mandatory attribute Hnm  nonmandatory attribute Hd defaultable attribute  HCapital letters (M, NM and D) are used for groups of attributes. The allowable attribute values for object descriptions are defined in Table 3/T.503. % $TABLE 1/T.503 *  Document profile attributes ă   x|@ w      Attribute  Class  Permissible value     Document profile descriptor  M          Specific layout structure  m  Present         Document characteristics  M          Document application  m  Group 4 fax    profile           Document architecture  m  Formatted    class           Nonbasic document      characteristics  NM          Page dimensions  nm  North American = (10200, 13200 fixed    (see Note 1)   or variable)      ISO B4 = (11811, 16677 fixed or variable)      ISO A3 = (14030, 19840 fixed or variable)      Japanese legal = (12141, 17196 fixed or      variable)      Japanese letter = (8598, 12141 fixed or      variable) (see Note 2)              Raster graphics coding  NM     attributes           Compression  nm  Uncompressed         Raster graphics  NM     presentation attributes           Pel transmission      density  nm  5 BMU (240 pels/25.4 mm)      4 BMU (300 pels/25.4 mm)      3 BMU (400 pels/25.4 mm)      H HP ,x--h.Xp  H Note1This dimension attribute is represented as a data element which consists of two integers. The two integers specify width and height of a page in basic measurement units (BMUs).'  H   H Note2An indefinite page length is represented by a variable measure in the vertical dimension. The value of this data is then arbitrary and should be the nominal page length.'  H  '  H XpXp$%%p&t#TABLE 2/T.503 t) t Attributes applicable to layout components ă   w      Attribute  Document  Page     layout root     H    w Shared attributesw    H     H  Object type  m  m  H     H  Object identifier  nm  nm  H     H  Content portions   nm  H     H  Default value lists  nm   H      w Layout attributesw    H      Presentation attributes   d  H     H  Dimensions   d  H    H  t#TABLE 3/T.503 t) t Attribute values for layout object descriptions ă   w        Attribute  Basic value  Default  Nonbasic      value  value        w Shared attributesw             Object type  Document layout  None  None     root, page            Object identifier  As defined in       Rec. T.412  None  None     (see also Annex A)            Content portions  As defined in  None  None     Rec. T.412            Default value lists  See Table 4/T.503  None  None                 w Layout attributesw             Presentation  See Table 5/T.503      attributes              +  t TABLE 3/T.503 (end)   w        Attribute  Basic value  Default  Nonbasic       value  value      Dimensions  Horizontal = 9920 BMU  Horizontal  North American     (see Note 1)   = 9920  = (10200, 13200)             Vertical = 14030 BMU  Vertical = 14030  ISO B4 = (11811, 16677)      (see Note 2)  BMU (see Note 3)  ISO A3 = (14030, 19840)        Japanese legal        = (12141, 17196)        Japanese letter        = (8598, 12141)        (see Note 2)      Xp$%%p&xXp  xxNote1This dimension attribute is represented as a data element which consists of two integers. The Two integers specify width and height of a page in basic measurement units (BMUs).'x    xxNote2Width is indicated by fixed measure, and at the same time height is indicated by either fixed or variable measure.'x    xxThe use of variable measure for height indication depends on each application, for example, real time scanning, fixed printing paper, etc. Therefore, for example, when a transmitting terminal requests to use variable measure for height indication, a receiving terminal will accept variable measure for height indication even though the receiving terminal adopts cut sheet paper (fixed size paper) for printing.'x   xNote3Both width and height are indicted by fixed measures. t#TABLE 4/T.503 t) t Defaultable attributes that may be specified in a ă t default value list of the document layout root ă   xXpXpw      Object type  Defaultable attributes     that can be specified     Page  Presentation attributes     Dimensions        6.4XContent architectures  XThe following raster graphics content architecture level is used in this document application profile. / 6.4.1XRaster graphics content architecture level XThe type of coding to be used is as defined in Recommendation T.6.  XThe code extension control function may be used, provided its use is agreed by prior negotiation and is indicated in the document profile. This control function is used to invoke uncompressed mode of coding. XThe presentation attributes that may be used are defined in Table 5/T.503. $TABLE 5/T.503 *  Presentation attributes ă   w       Attribute  Basic value  Default  Nonbasic       value  value      Content type  Formatted raster  Formatted raster  None      graphics content  graphics content       architecture  architecture              w Raster graphicsw        w attributesw               Pel path  0-  0-  None            Line progression  270-  270-  None            Pel transmission        density  6 BMU  6 BMU  5 BMU (240 pels/25.4 mm)      (200 pels/25.4 mm)   4 BMU (300 pels/25.4 mm)        3 BMU (400 pels/25.4 mm)      6.4.2XCoding attributes XAttributes applicable to content portions are defined in Table 6/T.503. t#TABLE 6/T.503 t) t Attributes applicable to content portions ă   w       Attribute  Qualifier  Basic value  Default  Nonbasic        value  value      Content identifier  nm  As defined in  None  None     layout   Rec. T.412               Type of coding  d  T.6  T.6  None              w Raster graphicsw         w coding attributesw                 Number of pels  d  As defined in  As defined in  None     per line   Table 3/T.563  Table 3/T.563              Compression  d  Compressed  Compressed  Uncompressed             Number of  d  As defined in  As defined in  None     discarded pels   Table 3/T.563  Table 3/T.563   /Ԍ           Content information  m  T.6 string  None  None    |   t&ANNEX A t) t(to Recommendation T.503) t) t Format of the values of the attributes "object identifier" ă  XThe object identifiers of the specific layout object descriptions are composed of sequences of numbers, each of these numbers representing a particular level of the specific layout structure.  XThe number assigned to the specific document layout root object description is "1". The subordinate pages have a second number which uniquely identifies a particular page. The delimiter between "1" and this second number is the "space" character. XExamples: X"1 27" corresponding coding: w'31 20 32 37w'H Xwhere character w'1w' is coded 03/01 or 31 in hexadecimal Xwhere character w'spacew' is coded 02/00 or 20 in hexadecimal Xwhere character w'2w' is coded 03/02 or 32 in hexadecimal Xand where character w'7w' is coded 03/07 or 37 in hexadecimal  XContent portion identifiers are composed of the identifier of the page to which the content portion belongs and an additional number which identifies the content portion. XExamples: XpXpP Xpage description)"1 27" coding:7P7w'31203237w'H  Xcontent portion associated with the page-6"1 27 1" coding:FFw'312032372031w'H (optional)  XThe value of the attribute "content portions" consists of a single number, which indicates the content portion of that object. This number is equal to the last number in the content portion identifier.