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T.502 y:'m  x|@   Fascicle VII.7 Rec. T.502 y HThe following production rules define all possible values of the attribute "generator for subordinates" for the object classes in the generic layout structure: HFor the document layout root class level:  HP ")x-HP H(")x-H H'::=*(+  H!H'::=*(+REP () HP ::=H'CHO ()  HP ::=H'{}... HP ::=H'PageSetClassId  where PageSetClassId is the identifier of a particular page set class. HFor the page set class level: H H'::=*(+ H P H''(+/ H P H''(+/ H P H''(+/ H P H''(+/ HP ::=H'PageClassId1 HP ::=H'REP PageClassId1  HP ::=H'REP SEQ(PageClass1Id1, H P H''(+OPT PageClassId2)  HHP ::=H'SEQ(InitialPageClassId,'H H P H''(+OPT REP PageClassId1)  HHP ::=H'SEQ(InitialPageClassId,'H  H P H''(+OPT REP SEQ(PageClassId1, OPT PageClassId2))  HInitialPageClassId, PageClassId1 and PageClassId2 are page class identifiers defined by the document originator. PageClassId1 and PageClassId2 are differentiated in order to distinguish between pages which are specified as being 'recto' and 'verso' with the same page set definition. However, it should be noted that any page class within the generic layout structure may be set to 'recto' or 'verso'. HFor the page class level: H H'::=*(+SEQ ()  HP ::=H'[] H P H''(+{} H P H''(+[] HP ::=H'HeaderFrameClassId HP ::=H'BodyFrameClassId HP ::=H'FooterFrameClassId  HHeaderFrameClassId, BodyFrameClassId and FooterFrameClassId are the identifiers of header, body and footer frames respectively, as defined by the document originator. HThe following production rule defines all possible values of the attribute "bindings" contained in the document layout root class, the pageset and the page class descriptions:  Hbinding pairP ::=H' HP ::=H''PGnum' HP ::=H'  where, in the case of the document layout root class and page set classes,  HP ::=H' any nonnegative integer and in the case of page classes:  HP ::=H'INC(BREF(PREC(CURROBJ))('PGnum')  HNo other binding pairs are allowed to be specified for any of the layout object classes.  HExpressions in binding values are evaluated during the document layout process and therefore the attribute "bindings" is not specified for layout objects. (  HNote In order to operate the page numbering mechanism, it is necessary to set the binding value corresponding to the binding identifier 'PGnum' to zero or to a positive integer in the document layout root class description or in a page set class description. This binding value can be set and reset in any page set class description in order to alter the page numbering throughout the document. HThe attribute 'medium type' can specify page sizes in either recto or verso format for the page sizes indicated (see Recommendation T.412 for specification of the page sizes). of attributes for layout object descriptions'H  HTable 11/T.502 specifies the attribute values allowed in layout object descriptions. #TABLE 11/T.502 *  Attribute values allowed for objects in the specific layout structure ă   x|@ w            Attribute  Basic value  Nonbasic  Default      value  value          Object type document layout root,  none     page set, page, frame,      block      Object identifier  any  none     Object class  any  none     Subordinates  any  none     Content portion  any  none     Presentation style  any  none     Content architecture  'formatted'  none  'formatted'   class  'formatted processable'      Presentation  see 6.4.4 for  none    attributes  allowable attributes      User readable  any  none  empty string   comments       User visible name  any  none     Position  Frame: any value  none horizontal = 0     within a page,   vertical = 0     block: any value       within a frame      Dimensions  portrait: Portrait (ISO A4)      x  9240 BMU x  9920 BMU  x  9240 BMU     y  12400 BMU y  14030 BMU  y  12400 BMU     landscape: Landscape (ISO A4)  (see     x  12400 BMU x  14030 BMU     y  9240 BMU y  9920 BMU       HP H(")x-Xph"% f, tTABLE 11/T.502 (cont.)   w        Attribute  Basic value  Nonbasic  Default      value  value      Portrait (NAL)      x  10200 BMU      y  13200 BMU      Landscape (NAL)      x  13200 BMU      y  10200 BMU            Portrait (ISO A3)      x  14030 BMU      y  19840 BMU      Landscape (ISO A3)      x  19840 BMU      y  14030 BMU     Page position  Any  None  Such that       edge losses       are minimized    Medium type       nominal page size  ISO A4, NAL  ISO A3  ISO A4    (see    (portrait       orientation)          side of sheet  'recto', 'verso',  None  'unspecified'     'unspecified'      Layout path  270 degrees  None  270 degrees  The default value for the dimensions of a layout object are independent of the medium type specified. For example, if "medium type" specifies ISO A3, then the default value of the attribute "dimensions" remains as given in the above table. 6.4XContent architectures 6.4.1XContent architecture levels  XThree character content architecture levels are defined in this document application profile, namely:  X a formatted character content architecture level;' X a processable form content architecture level;' X a formatted processable character content architecture level.' 6.4.2XGraphic elements  XThe basic character set is the subrepertoire of ISO6937/2 corresponding to RecommendationT.61. Any other registered subrepertoire may be used as a nonbasic feature (and their use indicated in the document profile). 6.4.3XType of coding  XThe coding of the graphic characters and control functions is as specified in RecommendationT.61 (or ISO6937). No other type of coding may be used. 6.4.4XPresentation attributes  XParagraphs and define respectively the applicability of presentation style attributes and presentation attributes for PM1. /  XParagraphs and define respectively the allowable presentation style attribute values and the presentation attribute values.   XPresentation attributes are classified as 'shared', 'logical' and 'layout'. Shared attributes are applicable to all three character content architectures listed in 6.4.1. Logical attributes are applicable to the processable and the formatted processable content architecture levels and layout attributes are applicable to the formatted and formatted processable character content architecture levels.   XIf an attribute is specified as notapplicable (N/A), then it is not allowed to occur in component descriptions or in presentation styles. The default values for nonapplicable attributes are assumed to be those defined in Recommendation T.416. Applicability of presentation style attributes (see Table12/T.502) #TABLE12/T.502  Attributes applicable to presentation style ă   w      Attribute  Applicability     Presentation style identifier  M     User readable comments  NM     User visible name  NM     Presentation attributes  NM     (see Applicability of presentation attributes (see Table 13/T.502) t"TABLE13/T.502 t Applicability of presentation attributes ă   w      Presentation attribute  Applicability     Alignment  D    Character fonts     Character orientation     Character path     Character spacing  D    Code extension announcers  D    First line offset  D    Graphic character sets  D    Graphic character subrepertoire  D    Graphic rendition  D    Itemization  D    Kerning offset     Line layout table  D    Line progression     Line spacing  D    Formatting indicator     Initial offset  D    Indentation  D    Orphan size  D    Pairwise kerning     Widow size  D        !/ Specification of presentation style attribute values (see Table 14/T.502)' #TABLE14/T.502  Attribute values allowed for presentation style attributes ă   w      Attribute  Basic value  Nonbasic value     Presentation style identifier  any  none     User readable comments  any  none     User visible name  any  none     Presentation attributes  see Presentation attribute values  Shared presentation attributes (see Table 15/T.502) t"TABLE15/T.502 t Allowed values for shared presentation attributes ă   w        Attribute  Basic value  Nonbasic  Default      value  value     Alignment startaligned  none startaligned    endaligned      centred      justified       Character  120BMU  80BMU  120BMU    spacing   100BMU       200BMU      Code extension the default value any string of as defined in    announcers defined in escape sequences Recommendation    Recommendation T.416 in accordance with T.416     ISO 2022      Itemization 1) no itemization  none as defined in     startaligned  Recommendation     endaligned  T.416    2) any integer  none     3) any integer  none      First line any integer  none  0    format        Graphic the default value  any other regis as defined in    character sets defined in  tered graphic Recommendation    Recommendation T.416  character set T.416     Graphic subrepertoire of  any other regis as defined in    character ISO 6937/2  tered graphic Recommendation    subrepertoire corresponding to  character set T.416    Recommendation T.61       Graphic 0, 1, 3, 4, 22, 23, 24  9, 29  0    rendition        Line layout any, as defined in  none no tabulation  >0Ԍ  table Recommendation T.416  stops specified     Line spacing 100, 200, 300, 400 BMU  150BMU  200BMU  Logical presentation attributes (see Table 16/T.502) t"TABLE16/T.502 t Allowed values for logical presentation attributes ă   w      Attribute  Basic value  Nonbasic value Default value     Indentation  any  none  0BMU     Orphan size  any  none  '1'     Widow size  any  none  '1'  Layout presentation attributes (see Table 17/T.502) t"TABLE17/T.502 t Allowed values for layout presentation attributes ă   w        Attribute  Basic value  Nonbasic value  Default value     Initial offset  any  none As defined in      Recommendation T.416        6.4.5XControl functions  XControl functions are classified as 'shared', 'logical' and 'layout'. Shared control functions are applicable to all three character content architectures listed in 6.4.1. Logical control functions are applicable to the processable and the formatted processable content architecture levels and layout control functions are applicable to the formatted and formatted processable character content architecture levels.   XParagraphs and6.4.5.2 define the applicability of control functions for PM1; control functions that are not listed here are not applicable. Control functions with parameters XThe functions enumerated in Table 18/T.502 are all shared control functions. #TABLE18/T.502  Allowable values for shared control functions ă   w     X   Control function  Basic value  Nonbasic value  Default value     Selective tabulation  any  none  none    (STAB)        Select character  0  1, 2, 3  0    spacing (SHS)        Select graphic  0, 1, 3, 4  9, 29  0    rendition (SGR)  22, 23, 24     >0Ԍ  Select line spacing  0, 1, 2, 3  4  0    (SVS)         X  : Control functions without parameters  Shared control functions  XCarriage return (CR) XLine feed (LF) XPartial line down (PLD) XPartial line up (PLU) XSpace (SP) XSubstitute character (SUB)  Logical control functions  XBreak permitted here (BPH) XNo break here (NBH)  Layout control functions  XNo justify (JFY)  Delimiters  XStart of string (SOS) XEnd of string (ST)  Code extension control functions  XAny code extension control function defined in ISO2022 is permitted.  6.4.6XAttributes of content portions Applicability of content portion attributes   XThe applicability of content portion attributes is defined in Table 19/T.502; this table applies to both logical and layout components. #TABLE 19/T.502 *  Attributes applicable to content portions ă   w      Attribute  Basic     component     Content identifierlogical (Note 1)  M/M        Content identifierlayout (Note 2)  /M        Type of coding         Content information  NM/NM         Note1This attribute is only applicable to content associated with logical components.   Note2This attribute is only applicable to content associated with layout components. Specification content portion attribute values  XTable 20/T.502 specifies the permissible content portion attribute values for PM1. #TABLE 20/T.502 *  Attribute values for content portions ă   w      Attribute  Basic value  Nonbasic      value    Content identifierlayout  any         Content identifierlogical  any         Content information  octet string      >0 Ԍ    6.5XDocument profile  XTable 21/T.502 defines the applicability of attributes in the document profile and their allowable values. The use of these attributes must conform to Recommendation T.414. #TABLE 21/T.502  Applicability of and allowed values of document profile attributes ă   w     h 8  Attribute Applicability  Basic value  8 8  Presence of document constituents    8     8  Generic layout structure  NM  'partial', 'present'  8  Specific layout structure  NM  'present'  8  Generic logical structure  NM  'partial', 'present'  8  Specific logical structure  NM  'present'  8  Layout styles  NM  'present'  8  Presentation style  NM  'present'  8     8  Document characteristics    8  Document application profile  M  see 6.5.1  8  Document application profile    8  defaults    8  Document architecture defaults    8  Content architecture class  NM   8  Dimensions  M  see 6.5.2  8  Character content defaults    8  Graphic character    8  subrepertoire  M  '3'  8  Document architecture class  M 'formatted', 'processable'  8    'formatted processable'  8  Content architecture class  M  see  6.5.3  8  Interchange format class  M  'A'  8  ODA version date  M  see  6.5.4  8     8  Nonbasic document characteristics    8  Profile character sets  NM  any  8  Comments character sets  NM  any  8     8  Document constituent attributes    8  Page dimensions  NM  see  6.5.5  8  Medium types  NM  see  6.5.6  8  Presentation attributes  NM  any  8    (see Table 14/T.502)  8     8  Document management attributes    8  Document reference  M   8     8  Any other document management    8  attribute defined in Recommendation    8  T.414 may be specified    8    h  6.5.1XThe value of the attribute "Document application profile" is: X{0 0 20 502 0} .   6.5.2XThe only nonstandard default values that may be specified are for the document architecture attribute "Dimensions" and for the presentation attribute "Content architecture class". In the case of the attribute "Dimensions", the nonstandard default value applies only to the attribute "Dimension" that is applicable to layout object of the type 'page'. It should be noted that the default value for "Dimensions" specified in is a nonstandard default value and the use of this default value must be indicated in the document application profile.  XIn the case of the presentation attribute "Content architecture class", the nonstandard default values that can be specified are 'processable' and 'formatted processable'. One of these values must be indicated in the document profile when the default value for the presentation attribute "content architecture class" is not 'formatted'.   6.5.3XThe value of the attribute "content architecture classes" is a set of one or more values, each of which is an ASN.1 object identifier. These object identifiers are defined in RecommendationT.416.   6.5.4XThe value of the attribute "ODA version date" consists of two parameters (see Recommendation T.414). In respect to this document application profile, the value of the first parameter is the character string "T.410" and the value of the second parameter is the date "1988" represented in accordance with ISO8601.  6.5.5XThe attribute "page dimensions" must be specified when the page dimensions used in the document exceed the basic values defined in Tables 10/T.502 and11/T.502.  6.5.6XIf no value is specified for the attribute "medium type", the it is assumed that ISOA4 paper size (portrait orientation) is to be used throughout the document.