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T.502 y:'M  x|@  Fascicle VII.7 Rec. T.502   $TABLE 1/T.502 *  Attributes applicable to the "body" part of the generic logical ă  structure and the specific logical structure ă   x|@ w       Document logical root          Composite logical    Attribute   component            Basic logical       component             w Shared attributesw             Object type  M/D  M/D  M/D          Object identifier  /M /M  /M          Object class identifier  M/ M/  M/          Generator for subordinates  M/ M/           Content generator             Object class  /M /M  /M          Subordinates  /M /M           Content portions    /M          Resource             Presentation style    /NM          Content architecture class    /D          Content type             User readable comments  /D /D  /D          Application comments             User visible name  /NM /NM  /NM          Bindings             Default value list                    w Logical attributesw             Protection             Layout style  /M  /NM            HP ")x-Xp"% - t#TABLE 2/T.502 t)   Attributes applicable to the "header and footer" part of the generic logical structure ă   w         Composite logical component        Attribute   Basic logical      component             w Shared attributesw           Object type  M  M         Object identifier           Object class identifier  M  M         Generator for subordinates  M          Content generator (see Note)   NM         Object class           Subordinates           Content portions (see Note)   NM         Resource           Presentation style   NM         Presentation attributes           Content architecture class   NM         Content type           User readable comments           Application comments           User visible name           Bindings           Default value list                 w Logical attributesw           Protection           Layout style   NM         Layout directives               XXNote Each basic logical object class in the "header and footer" part must reference a generic content portion or contain the attribute "content generator".'X  H  /  H Specifications of attribute values for logical object class descriptions'  XTable 3/T.502 specifies attribute values allowed in logical object class descriptions representing the "body" part of the generic logical structure. Table4/T.502 specifies attribute values allowed in logical object class descriptions representing the "header and footer" part of the generic logical structure. $TABLE 3/T.502 *  Attribute values allowed for to objet classes in ă  the "body" part of the generic logical structure ă   w     X   Attribute  Basic value  Nonbasic      value     Object type  document root,  none     composite logical object,      basic logical object      Object class identifier  any  none     Generator for subordinates  see  none      X  t#TABLE 4/T.502 t) t Attribute values allowed for object classes in the "header and footer" ă t part of the generic logical structure ă   w     X   Attribute  Basic value  Nonbasic      value     Object type  composite logical object,  none     basic logical object      Object class identifier  any  none     Generator for subordinates  see  none     Content generator  see  none     Content portions  any  none     Presentation style  any (see  none     Content architecture 'processable',     class 'formatted processable'  none     Layout style  any (see  6.2.4)  none      X  /  In the "body" part of the generic structure, the attribute "generator" for subordinates has the following values: Xp"%XpX"%Xdocument logical root class:X!X%REP ({GroupOfParagraphsObjClassId})'X XXX  pX%%p XXcomposite logical object class:$X%REP ({ParagraphObjClassId})'X  XpX"%Xp"%where 'GroupOfParagraphsObjClassId' is the object class identifier of the composite logical object class that represents a group of "paragraphs" and 'ParagraphObjClassId' is the object class identifier of the basic logical object class that represents a "paragraph".  In the "header and footer" part of the generic logical structure, the allowable format of the attribute "generator for subordinates" for the composite logical object classes of the types "header root" and "footer root" is: SEQ ({BasicObjectClassId} ...)  where 'BasicObjectClassId' is the object class identifier of any basic logical object class of the type "header text" and "footer text".  XNote A basic logical object class in the header and footer part may be referenced by more than one "header root" and by more than one "footer root".  The allowable formats of the attribute "content generator" is specified by the following production rule:  Xp"%Xp@ "%@  ::=5[]{} X p@  [] @  ::=5"" @  ::=5""  @  ::=5MAKESTRING () X p@  /UPPERALPHA () X p@  /LOWERALPHA () X p@  /UPPERROMAN () X p@  /LOWERROMAN ()  @  ::=5BINDING REFERENCE (, 'PGnum')  p@ ::= SUPERIOR (CURRENTINSTANCE (FRAME, CURRENTOBJECT) Xp@ "%Xp"% Specifications of attributes for logical object descriptions  XTable 5/T.502 specifies the attribute values allowed in logical object descriptions. + $TABLE 5/T.502 *  Attribute values allowed for objects in the specific logical structure ă   w        Attribute  Basic value  Nonbasic  Default      value  value    Object type  Document root,  none      composite logical object,       basic logical object      Object identifier  any  none     Object class  any  none     Subordinates  any  none     Content portion  any  none     Presentation style  any  none     Content architecture  'processable',  none  see   class  'formatted processable'    User readable comments  any  none  empty       string    User visible name  any  none     Layout style  any  none      (see  6.2.4)   For processable form documents, the default value of the attribute "content architecture class" is 'processable'; for formatted processable form documents, the default value is 'formatted processable'. As these are a nonstandard default values, their use must be indicated in the document profile. The value of this attribute is an ASN.1 object identifier whose values are defined in Recommendation T.416. 6.2.4XLayout styles Applicability of layout style attributes  XTable 6/T.502 defines the layout style attributes that may be specified in layout styles that are referenced by logical object classes in the "body" part of the specific logical structure. % $TABLE 6/T.502 *  Layout style attributes applicable to the "body" ă  part of the specific logical structure ă   w         Composite logical object    Attribute       Basic logical      object     Layout style identifier  O  O    User readable comments  X  X    User visible name  X  X    Concatenation      Indivisibility  X  X    Layout object class  O     New layout object   X         Offset      leading offset   X    trailing offset   X    lefthand offset   X    righthand offset   X         Same layout object      first parameter   X    second parameter   X         Separation      leading edge   X    trailing edge   X    centre separation           XTable 7/T.502 defines the layout style attributes applicable to the "header and footer" part of the generic logical structure. $TABLE 7/T.502 *  Layout style attributes applicable to the "header and footer" part ă  of the generic logical structure ă   w         Composite logical component    Attribute       Basic logical      component     Layout style identifier   O    User readable comments   X    User visible name   X    Concatenation   X    Indivisibility      Layout object class      New layout object           Offset      leading offset   X    trailing offset   X    lefthand offset   X    righthand offset   X         Same layout object      first parameter    /Ԍ  second parameter           Separation      leading edge   X    trailing edge   X    centre separation          2 Specification of layout style attribute values XTable 8/T.502 specifies attribute values allowed in layout style. t#TABLE 8/T.502 t Values allowed for layout style attributes ă   w     X         Attribute  Basic value  Nonbasic  Default      value  value           Layout style identifier  any  none      User readable comments  any  none      User visible name  any  none      Concatenation  nonconcatenated,  none  non     concatenated   concatenated     Indivisibility  the object type       'page' or 'null'  none  'null'     Layout object class  the identifier of       a page set class  none      New layout object  the identifier of       a layout object  none  'null'     class, the object       type 'page' or       'null'       Offset       leading offset  any  none  0 BMU    trailing offset  any  none  0 BMU    right offset  any  none  0 BMU    left offset  any  none  0 BMU     Same layout object       first parameter  an expression (see or  none  'null'     'null'      second parameter  the object type  as defined in     'page' or 'null'  Rec. T.412     Separation       leading edge  any  none  0 BMU    trailing edge  any  none  0 BMU      X  The attribute "same layout object" may contain the following expression: (PRECOBJ(CURR OBJ)), which indicates that the basic logical object is to be laid out in the same layout object as the immediately preceding basic logical object. No other expression is allowed. / 6.3XLayout structure 6.3.1XThe generic layout structures  XA 'complete' and a 'partial' generic layout structure are defined in this document application profile. The 'complete' generic layout structure is present in processable and formatted processable documents and defines all possible specific layout structures that may be created as a result of the document layout process.  XThe 'partial' generic layout structure may only be used in formatted form documents. It is used only to provide predefined attribute values and content portions for layout objects in the specific layout structure (i.e. factorization). The 'complete' generic layout structure  XA general description of the permissible document layout structure is given in 5.3.1. In order to represent these structures, the generic layout structure consists of four hierarchical levels, each of which must always be present: X the document layout root;' X the page set level (one level only);' X the page level;' X the frame level (one level only).'  XThe document layout root consists of one or more subordinate page sets, where the number of page sets is unrestricted. Each page set may consist of a sequence of one or more subordinate pages in accordance with the specification given in 5.3.1.  XEach of these pages may contain one, two or three subordinate frames that are used to represent the header, body and footer area as described in 5.3.2. The body area frame is mandatory, whereas the header and footer frames are optional. These frames any or may not be adjacent to one another but they must not overlap.  XThe layout path is always 270 degrees for each frame and it is not possible to alter this value. The attribute "medium type" specifies the size of the nominal page corresponding to each layout object of the type page and specifies whether the nominal page is to be in portrait or landscape orientation.  XContent in the specific logical structure is laid out in the body frames; this content cannot be laid out in the header or footer frames. The header and footer frames, if present, must contain the attribute "logical source" which indicates the appropriate generic logical object class that contains the content to be laid out in those frames.  XThe 'complete' generic layout structure may vary in accordance with the layout requirements of each particular document. In a particular 'complete' generic layout structure, the value of the attribute "generator for subordinates" in the document layout root, in each page set and in each page define the allowable specific layout structures for that particular document. The ranges of all possible values of the attribute "generator for subordinates" at each of the hierarchical levels in the 'complete' generic layout structure are defined formally in  XThis definition, in effect, defines all possible generic layout structures that are allowed by PM1. These structures are illustrated in Figures 8/T.502 and9/T.502. Figure 9/T.502 shows the five ways in which pages within a page set can be specified, in accordance with 5.3.1. F-  #FIGURE 8/T.502 *  Example of a particular generic layout structure ă #FIGURE 9/T.502 *  Illustration of the possible page set classes ă The 'partial' generic layout structure  XThe 'partial' generic layout structure may consist of the following object classes:  XX©X the document layout root class;'   XX©X page set classes;&  XX©X page classes;&  XX©X frame classes.&   XAll these classes are optional; each type of class may occur one or more times within a particular document, except the document layout root class, which may only occur one. The document layout root, each page set class and each page class may or may not reference other object classes in the 'partial' generic layout structure by means of the attribute "generator for subordinates".   XX6.3.2XThe specific layout structure'X  XIn the case of a formatted processable document, the specific layout structure present in a document must comply with the particular generic layout structure present in that document.   XIn the case of formatted documents, no 'complete' generic layout structure is present but the specific structure must comply with an allowable 'complete' generic layout structure, as defined in6.3.2.1. If a 'partial' generic layout structure is present, then the objects in the specific layout structure may or may not refer to objects in that generic layout structure.   XThe following additional restrictions are also applicable to the specific layout structure:  XX©X each frame must contain one or more subordinate blocks;'   XX©X each block must reference only one content portion.& XX6.3.3. Attributes of layout components&X Attributes application to layout component descriptions& XTable 9/T.502 defines the attributes applicable to layout components. t#TABLE 9/T.502 t) t Attributes applicable to layout objects and layout object classes ă   w       Document layout root          Page set         Attribute    Page              Frame                Block    Shared attributes         Object type  M/D  M/D  M/D  M/D  /M    Object identifier /M /M /M /M  /M    Object class identifier  M/  M/  M/  M/     Generator for subordinates  M/  M/  M/      (Note 3)         Object class (Note 4) /M /M /M /M     Subordinates /M /M /M /M     Content portions      /M    Resource         Presentation style      /D    Presentation attributes      /NM    Content architecture class      /D    Content type         User readable comments NM/D NM/D NM/D NM/D  /D    Application comments         User visible name NM/NM NM/NM NM/NM NM/NM  /NM    Bindings NM/ NM/ NM/      Default value list                Layout attributes         Position (Note 2)    NM/D  /M    Dimension (Note 2)   NM/D NM/D  /D    Layout texture         Border         Balance         Layout path    /D     Logical source (Note 1)     M/   >0 Ԍ  Permitted categories         Imaging order         Page position   NM/D      Medium type    M/D             Note1The attribute logical source is only applicable to frame classes of the type "header frame" and "footer frame".   Note2For the attribute "dimension" and "position", only the subparameters "fixed dimension" and "fixed position" respectively, may be specified.   Note3The attribute "generator for subordinates" is nonmandatory for layout object classes in a formatted form document.   Note4The attribute "object class" is nonmandatory for layout objects in a formatted form document. Specification of attribute for layout object class descriptions'   XTable 10/T.502 specifies the attribute values allowed in layout component descriptions. #TABLE 10/T.502 *  Attribute values allowed for objects in the generic layout structure ă   w        Attribute  Basic value  Nonbasic value    Object type document layout root, pageset,  none    page frame     Object class identifier  any  none    Generator for  see  none   subordinates      User readable comments  any  none    User visible name  any  none    Bindings  see  none     Position frame: any value within the  none    limits of a page (overlapping     of frames not allowed)     Dimensions  Portrait:  Portrait (ISO A4)     x  9240 BMU  x  9920 BMU     y  12400 BMU  y  14030 BMU     Landscape:  Landscape (ISO A4)     x  12400 BMU  x  14030 BMU     y  9240 BMU  y  9920 BMU           Portrait (NAL)      x  10200 BMU      y  13200 BMU      Landscape (NAL)      x  13200 BMU      y  10200 BMU           Portrait (ISO A3)      x  14030 BMU      y  19840 BMU      Landscape (ISO A3)      x  19840 BMU      y  14030 BMU     Logical source  any  none     Page position  any  none  >0 Ԍ   Medium type      nominal page size  ISO A4 NAL  ISO A3    (see      side of sheet 'recto , 'verso', 'unspecified'  none