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T.501 i:- x|@   Fascicle VII.7 Rec. T.501 i   Recommendation T.501  A DOCUMENT APPLICATION PROFILE MM ă  FOR THE INTERCHANGE OF FORMATTED MIXED MODE DOCUMENT ă &CONTENTS 1HScope 2HField of application 3HReferences 4HDefinitions 5HCharacteristics supported by this document application profile H5.1  Overview H5.2  Logical characteristics H5.3  Layout characteristics H5.4  Document layout features H5.5  Content layout and imaging characteristics 6HSpecification of the document application profile H6.1  Summary of the technical specification H6.2  Logical structure H6.3  Layout structure H6.4  Content architectures H6.5  Document profile H6.6  Interchange format  HHX HAnnexA HFormat of the values of the attributes "object identifier", "object class identifier", "object class" and "subordinates"' 1 H Scope  1.1HThis Recommendation defines a document application profile conforming to the T.410 Series of Recommendations.  HIts purpose is to specify an interchange format suitable for the interchange of mixed mode documents such as memoranda, letters and reports that contain characters and raster graphics.  HDocuments are interchanged only in a formatted form which enables the recipient to only display or print the document as intended by the originator.  1.2HThe features which can be interchanged using this document application profile fall into the following categories:  Ha)  page format features these concern how the layout of each page of a document will appear when reproduced;'  Hb)  character content and raster graphics layout and imaging features these concern how the document content will appear within pages of the reproduced document;'  Hc)  character repertoire these concern the character sets and control functions that make up the document character content;'  Hd)  raster graphics coding these concern the raster graphics representations and control functions that make up the document raster graphics content.' @) 2 H Field of application  2.1HThis Recommendation defines a document application profile that is in conformance with the T.410 Series of Recommendations and that allows mixed mode documents to be interchanged only in a formatted form, which allows a recipient to reproduce the document as intended by the originator.  2.2HThis recommendation defines a document application profile that may be used by any telematic service.  2.3HThis document application profile is designed to be independent of the means used to create or to interchange the encoded documents.  2.4HIt is assumed that, when negotiation is performed by the service using this document application profile, all nonbasic features are subject to negotiation. 3 H References  HThe following references are required in order to implement this Recommendation:  H T.400 Series of Recommendation: "Document architecture, transfer and manipulation".  H Rec. T.6: "Facsimile coding schemes and coding control functions for group 4 facsimile apparatus".'  H Rec. T.61: "Character repertoire and coded character sets for the international teletex service".' H Rec. X.208: "Specification of abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1)".'  H Rec. X.209: "Specification of basic encoding rules for abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1)".'  H ISO 6937: "Information processing coded character sets for text communication".' 4 H Definitions HThe definitions in Recommendation T.411 apply to this Recommendation. 5 H Characteristics supported by this document application profile 5.1HOverview  HA mixed mode document is the result of a formatting process and therefore the purpose of this document application profile is to allow transfer of the complete layout of the interchanged document.  HFurthermore, two categories of content are allowed within the same page, namely:  H a character content as used by word processing machines (e.g. basic teletex equipment);' H a raster graphics content as used by facsimile group 4 apparatus.  HThis section specifies the functional description of the features supported by this document application profile. 5.2HLogical characteristics HNot applicable. 5.3HLayout characteristics 5.3.1HThe document layout structure HA document is seen as a succession of pages. x% HThe content of a page may be: H character content; or H raster graphics content; or H both of them.  HWhen different content types are used within the same page, this page must be composed of several blocks. HEach block has a homogeneous content. 5.3.2HPage layout characteristics text area  HThe text area is the area made available for the positioning and display of the document content. The dimensions of the text area must be equal to or smaller than the dimensions of the nominal page corresponding to the paper format used. HThe possible paper formats are defined in Recommendation T.561. HOnly the vertical orientation of the page is permitted. HPosition and dimension  HEach block is positioned in the page and has its own dimensions (independently of the other blocks). Figure 1/T.501 gives an example of a page.   x|@ w       3.3  w First application example: THE MIXED MODEw       This is the possibility of mixing various coding types (characters, pels,    geometric primitives, etc.) on the same page of a document. The document   architecture is thus used to mark out physical areas (blocks) and associates   contents with it so as to reproduce the initial image of the page.       The CCITT has, during its last study period, standardized the "mixed mode"   application for teletex terminals and group 4 facsimile equipments. This applica   tion, described in Recommendation T.72 , only allows at present the mixture of   characters and photographic images (facsimile encoded information).       Figure 10 illustrates the mixed mode application in the form of a layout   tree with which leaves of different natures are associated. It is as yet too   early to know horticulturists' or agronomists' impressions about this surprising   property which electronics can now offer!!!                                                HP ,x--h.Xp$%%p& t"FIGURE 1/T.501 t) t An example of a page ă 8+  Overlay  XWithin a page, blocks may be positioned in such a way that they intersect partially or fully, i.e. they share common areas.  XAll blocks are "transparent", that means that the contents of the intersecting areas are combined. 5.4XDocument layout features XNot applicable. 5.5XContent layout and imaging characteristics  5.5.1XThe mixed mode document may contain blocks with characters in teletex format and blocks with raster graphics in facsimile group 4 format.  XThe characteristics of the content of a block, such as the line spacing or the character path, are independent of those of other blocks. XAll the characteristics cannot be altered anywhere within a block. 5.5.2XCharacter content block General  XThe character content blocks contain graphic characters and control functions. The control functions define format effectors such as space or carriage return. Line spacing XThis property specifies the distance between successive lines of text. XThe basic values are:   w       Lines per 25.4 mm    SMU  (when the scaling     factor is one)      200 (by default)  6 (by default)        400  3        300  4        100  12         XThe negotiable value is 150 SMU which correspond to 8 lines per 25.4 mm when the scaling factor is one. Character spacing XThis specifies the distance between successive characters on a line of text.  XThe basic value is 120 SMU which correspond to 10 characters per 25.4 mm when the scaling factor is one. XThe negotiable values are:   w       Characters 25.4 mm    SMU  (when the scaling     factor is one)      200  6        100  12        80  15     - Character path  XThis specifies that direction of progression of successive characters along a line of characters. XThe basic values are 0o (by default) and 90o. XThe negotiable value is 270o. XThe mentioned values are measured anticlockwise. Emphasis  XThis specifies the presentation of the characters. Four modes are available: normal rendition (by default), underlined, italicized and bold. First character position  XThe position of the first character, that may be a space, is defined by cartesian coordinates. 5.5.35Raster graphics content block General  XThe content of blocks of raster graphics is defined by the initial offset (by default, the left top corner) and the dimensions of the array of pixels. Pel transmission density XThe basic values are:   w       Pels per 25.4 mm    SMU  (when the scaling     factor is one)      5  240        4  300        XThe negotiable values are:   w       Pels per 25.4 mm    SMU  (when the scaling     factor is one)      6  200        3  400        2  600        1  1200        5.5.4XReceived document  XThis document application profile, being limited to formatted form, does not support any features to facilitate processing of an interchanged document by a receiver. 6 X Specification of the document application profile 6.1XSummary of the technical specification 6.1.1XOverview  XThis section contains the technical specification of the document application profile MM.1. This is in accordance with Recommendation T.411. .  XMM.1 allows documents to be represented in the formatted form, which allows a recipient to reproduce the document as intended by the originator. 6.1.2XSpecification of constituents  XThis section specifies the required and optional constituents used for the representation of documents that conform to MM.1. Also, it specifies the content architectures that may be present in these documents.  XConstituents specified as "required" must occur in any document that conforms with MM.1. Constituents listed as "optional" may or may not be present in the document depending upon the requirements of the particular document. The document profile indicates which constituents are present in the document. Required constituents X a document profile as specified in 6.5;  X layout object descriptions representing a specific layout structure as defined in6.3.2.' Optional constituents  X layout object class descriptions representing a "partial" generic layout structure as defined in 6.3.1.' 6.1.3XInterchange format class  XThe interchange format class used in this document application profile is "A", as defined in Recommendation T.415. 6.1.4XObject identifiers  XThe ASN.1 object identifier value to designate the document application profile MM.1 is: X{00205010} 6.2XLogical structure XNot applicable. 6.3XLayout structure 6.3.1XThe generic layout structure  XThe generic layout structure is a "partial" structure and its purpose is to provide for factorization. That is, the "partial" generic layout structure provides for predefined attributes values and content portions for objects in the specific layout structure.  XThe generic layout structure may contain three types of object classes, namely the document layout root class, the page class and the block class. All are optional. 6.3.2XThe specific layout structure XThe number of hierarchical levels allowed is 3, namely: X document layout root; X page; X block.  XThe three levels are mandatory. If the content portions are not directly associated with each block, then the content portions must be derived from a referenced object class of type block. . 6.3.3XAttributes of layout components Application and classification of attribute for layout component descriptions  XThe attributes application for MM are defined in Table 1/T.501. The following notation is used in this table: XThe form .../... represents: Xobject class description/object description Xwhere ... is replaced by: X attribute not applicable to either object class or object description; X attribute not applicable; Xm mandatory attribute; Xnm nonmandatory attribute; Xd defaultable attribute. XCapital letters (M, NM and D) are used for groups of attributes. $TABLE 1/T.501 *  Attributes application and classification ă   w       Document      Attribute  layout  Page  Block     root      X    w Shared attributesw             Object type  m/m  m/m  m/m    Object identifier  /m  /m  /m    Object class identifier  m/  m/  m/    Generator for subordinates       Object class  /nm  /nm  /nm    Subordinates  /m  /m  /    Resource       Presentation style       Presentation attributes    nm/d    User visible name       Bindings       Content portions    nm/nm    User readable comments  nm/d  nm/d  nm/d    Default value lists  nm/nm  nm/nm          w Layout attributesw             Dimensions   nm/d  nm/d    Position   nm/d  nm/d    Layout texture       Border       Balance       Layout path       Logical source       Permitted category       Imaging order       Page position       Medium type        -  X Specification of attributes for layout object class descriptions (see Table 2/T.501) $TABLE 2/T.501 *  Attribute values for layout object class descriptions ă   w      Attribute  Basic value  Nonbasic      value        w Shared attributesw           Object type  document layout  none     root, page, block          Object class  as defined in     identifier  Rec. T.412 (see  none     also Annex A)          Content portions  as defined in  none     Rec. T.412          Default value lists  see Table 4/T.501  none         Presentation  see Table 5/T.501     attributes          Dimensions  horizontal < 9920  NorthAmerican    SMU  < (10200, 13200)    vertical < 14030  ISO A3 < (14030,    SMU  19840)     Japanese legal     < (12141, 17196)     Japanese letter     < (8598, 12141)       Position  horizontal = any     nonnegative     integer     vertical = any non     negative integer Specification of attributes for layout object class descriptions (see Table 3/T.501) $TABLE 3/T.501 *  Attribute values for layout object descriptions ă   w        Attribute  Basic value  Default  Nonbasic      value  value       w Shared attributesw             Object type  document layout  none  none     root, page, block            Object identifier  as defined in       Rec. T.412 (see  none  none     also Annex A)            Object class  as defined in  none  none     Rec. T.412 (see       also Annex A)            Subordinates  as defined in  none  none     Rec. T.412 (see       also Annex A)            Content portions  as defined in  none  none     Rec. T.412            Default value lists  see Table 4/T.501  none  none          Presentation  see Table 5/T.501      attributes              Dimensions  horizontal < 9920  as defined in  NorthAmerican      SMU  Rec. T.412  < (10200, 13200)      vertical < 14030   ISO A3 < (14030,      SMU   19840)        Japanese legal        < (12141, 17196)        Japanese letter        < (8598, 12141)            Position  horizontal = any        nonnegative        integer        vertical = any non        negative integer       (   6.3.4XDefault value lists for layout component descriptions (see Table 4/T.501) $TABLE 4/T.501 *  Defaultable attributes that may be specified ă  in a default value list ă   w      Object type  Defaultable attributes     that can be specified     Page  dimensions      presentation attributes    Block  dimensions     position        6.4XContent architectures 6.4.1XContent architecture levels  XTwo content architecture levels are defined in this document application profile, namely: X a formatted character content architecture level; X a formatted raster graphics content architecture level.  XThese are defined in the following subsections in accordance with Recommendation T.411. 6.4.2XType of coding for the formatted character content architecture level  XThe set of graphic elements and the type of coding to be used are defined in Recommenda tion T.61.  6.4.3XType of coding for the formatted raster graphics content architecture level  XThe type of coding to be used is as defined in Recommendation T.6. The code extension control function may be used, provided its use is agreed by prior negotiation and is indicated in the document profile. This control function is used to invoke uncompressed mode of coding. 6.4.4XPresentation attributes XTable 5/T.501 specifies the allowable presentation attribute values for MM.1. %  $TABLE 5/T.501 *  Presentation attributes ă   w       Attribute  Basic value  Default  Nonbasic       value  value      Content architecture  formatted  formatted      class  character content  character content              formatted raster        graphic content               w Character attributesw               Character path  0, 90  0  270            Line progression  270  270  none            Character orientation  0  0  90            Initial offset  horizontal offset =  see definition  none      any nonnegative  of attribute       integer  "initial offset"        in Rec. T.416       vertical offset =        any nonnegative        integer              Graphic character  basic teletex  basic teletex  any registered     sets  graphic character  graphic character  graphic character      set  set  sets            Character spacing  120 SMU  120 SMU  80, 100, 200 SMU            Line spacing  100, 200, 300,  200 SMU  150 SMU      400 SMU              Alignment  left aligned  left aligned  none            Graphic rendition  default rendition,  default rendition  proportional      underlined, not   spacing,      underlined,   Constant spacing      italicized, not        italicized, bold/        not bold              w Raster graphicsw        w attributesw               Pel path  0  0  none            Line progression  270  270  none            Pel spacing  4 and 5 SMU  none  1, 2, 3, 6 SMU            Initial offset  horizontal offset  see definition  none      = any integer  of the attribute        "initial offset"       vertical offset  in Rec. T.417       = any integer    >0 Ԍ    Xp$%%p&xXp  xNoteAll presentation attributes are defaultable except "pel spacing" which is mandatory.  :  xXpXp6.4.5XControl functions XTable 6/T.501 defines the allowable values of control function parameters. $TABLE 6/T.501 *  Control functions applicable to the formatted ă  character content architecture level ă X Control function with parameters   w        Control functions  Basic values  Default  Nonbasic      values  values     Identify graphic sub  0  0  none    repertoire (IGS)             Select character  0  0  1, 2, 3    spacing (SHS)             Select graphic  0, 1, 3, 4,  0  26, 50    rendition (SGR)  22, 23, 24            Select line  0, 1, 2, 3  0  4    spacing (SVS)             Code extension  note  none        X Control functions without parameters X* backspace (BS) X* carriage return (CR) X* line feed (LF) X* partial line down (PLD) X* partial line up (PLU) X* space (SP) X* substitute (SUB)  XNoteThe values are defined by registration numbers and have to be negotiated. 6.4.6XAttributes of content portions XAttributes applicable to content portions are defined in Table 7/T.501.  "  $TABLE 7/T.501 *  Attributes applicable to content portions ă   w        Attributes  Qual.  Basic values  Default  Nonbasic       value  values     Content portion  m  as defined in  none  none    identifier   Rec. T.412              Type of coding  m  ISO 2022, Rec. T.6  none  none             w Character codingw   none  none  none     w attributesw                 w Raster graphicsw         w coding attributesw               Number of pels  m  any  none  none    per line               Compression  d  compressed  compressed  uncompressed           Alternative  nm  string of graphics  none  none    representation   characters +        CarriageRet. and        LineFeed (see        Note)      Content  m  coded character  none  none    information   string, T.6        string        XphXp hNoteGraphic characters belong to the basic teletex repertoire. 6.5hXDocument profile  hXThe document profile level used in this document application profile is defined in Table8/T.501. Every document interchanged in accordance with this document application profile must include a document profile. Every nonbasic attribute value used in a document must be indicated in the document profile.  # hXpXp$TABLE 8/T.501 *  Document profile attributes ă   w       Attribute  Qual.  Permissible value  Comments    Generic layout structure  nm  partial  presence of    Note 1   generic layout      structure        Specific layout structure  m  present  presence of      specific layout      structure        Document characteristics  M          Document application  m  mixed mode    profile           Document architecture  m  FDA  formatted   class    document      architecture        Content architecture  m  formatted character    classes   and raster graphics      content architectures         Interchange format  m  A    class           Nonbasic document  NM     character  Note 2          Alternative  nm  basic teletex    character sets   graphic character set         Page dimensions  nm  NA < (10200, 13200)      ISO A3 < (14030, 19840)      Japanese legal      < (12141, 17196)      Japanese letter      < (8598, 12141)         Raster graphics  NM     coding attributes           Compression  nm  uncompressed      %  tTABLE 8/T.501 (cont.)   w        Attribute  Qual.  Permissible value  Comments       w Character presentationw  NM       w attributesw             Character path  nm  270            w Characterw  nm  90      w orientationw             Character spacing  nm  80, 100, 200 SMU           Line spacing  nm  150 SMU           Graphic rendition  nm  proportional spacing           Graphic character sets  nm  any registered graphic       character sets            w Raster graphicsw  NM       w presentationw        w attributesw             Pel spacing  nm  6, 3, 2 and 1 SMU            w Nonbasic structurew  NM       w characterw              w Number of objectsw  nm  > 31 blocks/page      w per pagew         XphXp hNote1Present for documents including a partial generic layout structure. hNote2Present for documents including nonbasic document characteristics. 6.6hInterchange format  hThe interchange format class used in this document application profile is "A", as defined in Recommendation T.415. hXpXp 'ANNEX A * (to Recommendation T.501) *  Format of the values of the attributes "object identifier", ă  "object class identifier", "object class" and "subordinates" ă >0Ԍ  XThe object identifiers of the specific layout object descriptions are composed of sequences of numbers, each of these numbers representing a particular level of the specific layout structure.   XThe number assigned to the specific document layout root object description is "1". The subordinate pages have a second number which uniquely identifies a particular page. The delimiter between "1" and this second number is the "space" character. XExample: X"1 27" corresponding coding: w'31 20 32 37w'H  XThe subordinate block identifiers are composed of the identifier of the page to which they belong extended with an additional number which uniquely identifies a particular block. The delimiter between the prefix derived from the page identifier and this additional number is the "space" character. XExample: X"1 27 5" corresponding coding: w'31 20 32 37 20 35w'H  XThe generic structure of a document for mixed mode of operation is composed of a set of object class descriptions, some of them being structured.  XThe first number of the object class identifier is always "0". The other number may be allocated as mentioned above for specific object identifiers for object class descriptions which are internally structured. XExample: page class description composed of blocks, etc....  XFor independent object class descriptions, a second number is added to "0" with a "space" character as a delimiter. XExamples: Xa) page class description with two block class descriptions' X page class description "0 5" coding: w'30 20 35w'H X first block class description "0 5 0" coding: w'30 20 35 20 30w'H X second block class description "0 5 1" coding: w'30 20 35 20 31w'H Xb) independent block class description' X block class description "0 25" coding: w'30 20 32 35w'H  XFor both generic and specific structures, content portion identifiers are composed of the identifier of the object/object class to which the content portion belongs and an additional number which uniquely identifies a particular content portion. XExamples: Xblock description "1 27 5" coding: w'312032372035w'H Xcontent portion "1 27 5 6" coding: w'3120323720352036w'H Xassociated with the block  XThe value of the attribute "object class" is the complete identifier of the object class description concerned.  XThe value of the attribute "generator for subordinates" is a sequence of complete identifiers of subordinate object class descriptions.  XThe value of the attribute "subordinates" consists of a sequence of numbers, each of which indicates a subordinate object at the next lower level of the hierarchy. Each of these numbers is equal to the last number in the object identifier of the corresponding subordinate object.  XThe value of the attribute "content portion" consists of a sequence of numbers, each of which indicates a content portion of that object. Each of these numbers is equal to the last number in the content portion identifier.