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T.433 y:'M x|@  Fascicle VII.7 Rec. T.433   &TABLE 16/T.433 -  The actions of the requesting DTAMPM in ă  the error detection at the responding DTAMPM ă   x|@ w           Parameter values  List of procedures in  List of procedures in    (P/SUEXCEPTIONREPORT  reliable transfer  reliable transfer    indication)  mode 1  mode 2         Receiving ability  transferabort  transferabort   jeopardized  DTAM providerabort  DTAM provider abort    Unrecoverable procedure  transferdiscard  transferdiscard   error  DTRANSFER indication/  transferprocedure     confirmation  by DTAMPM     transferprocedure      by DTAMusera)     Nonspecific error  transferdiscard  transferdiscard     DTRANSFER indication/  transferprocedure     confirmation  by DTAMPM     transferprocedure      by DTAMusera)     Sequence error  transferdiscard  transferdiscard    Local SSuser error  transferinterrupt  transferinterrupt   (any checkpoint)  DTRANSFER indication/  transferresume     confirmation  by DTAMPM     transferresume      by DTAMusera)     Local SSuser error  transferdiscard  transferdiscard   (no checkpoint)  DTRANSFER indication/  transferprocedure     confirmation  by DTAMPM     transferprocedure      by DTAMusera)       HP ")x-Xp"%  Xa) Transferresume procedure and transferprocedure by DTAMuser may be performed in accordance with the decision of DTAMuser.'    XXX X6.  Userexceptionreport procedure mapped onto session service (transparent mode)' XThis procedure is driven by the following events: Xa) a responding DTAMPM problem;' Xb) an SUEXCEPTIONREPORT indication primitive.' Receiving DTAMPM problem the responding DTAMPM detects a problem, it issues a SUEXCEPTIONREPORT request primitive. Depending on the severity of the detected error, the value of the Reason parameter of the SUEXCEPTIONREPORT request primitive is as follows:  Xa) in severe problem situations, the value "receiving ability jeopardized" is used;' 0  Xb) in exceptional circumstances, the responding DTAMPM may have to delete a partially received document information, even though some minor synchronization points have been confirmed. In this case, the value "unrecoverable procedure error" is used;'   Xc) if the responding DTAMPM is not willing to complete a transfer procedure, the value "nonspecific error" is used;'   Xd) if the requesting DTAMPM resumes a transfer procedure already finished by the responding DTAMPM, the value "sequence error" is used;'   Xe) for all other less severe error situations, the value "local SSuser error" is used.' SUEXCEPTIONREPORT indication primitive the requesting DTAMPM receives an SUEXCEPTIONREPORT indication primitive, it performs one of following procedures depending on the Reason parameter value of the SUEXCEPTIONREPORT indication primitive (in the transparent mode, only Reliable transfer mode 1 is available):  Xa) with a value "receiving ability jeopardized", the transferabort procedure followed by the DTAM providerabort procedure are performed;'   Xb) with a value "unrecoverable procedure error", the transferdiscard procedure followed by DTRANSFER service (indication and confirmation) are performed;'   Xc) with a value "nonspecific error", the transferdiscard procedure followed by DTRANSFER service (indication and confirmation) are performed;'   Xd) with a value "sequence error", the transferdiscard procedure is performed and the requesting DTAMPM issues a DTRANSFER confirm primitive with a result parameter value of "documentinformationtransferred" to the requestor and the transfer procedure is finished;'   Xe) with a value "local SSuser error" and at least one confirmed checkpoint in the transfer procedure, the transferinterrupt procedure followed by DTRANSFER service (indication and confirmation) are performed. If no checkpoint was confirmed in the transfer procedure, the transferdiscard procedure followed by DTRANSFER service (indication and confirmation) are performed.' 16/T.433 summarizes the actions of the requesting DTAMPM when receiving the SUEXCEPTIONREPORT indication primitive in the column of Reliable transfer mode 1. 6.13.2 Providerexceptionreport Purpose   XIf the presentation serviceprovider (normal mode) or the session serviceprovider (transparent mode) (responding side) detects an unexpected situation during an activity, not covered by other services, a PPEXCEPTIONREPORT or SPEXCEPTIONREPORT indication primitive is respectively issued to both DTAMPMs. APDUs used  XNo APDUs are used in this procedure. Providerexceptionreport procedure  XXX X6.  Providerexceptionreport procedure (normal mode)'  XThis procedure is driven by the following events:  Xa) a PPEXCEPTIONREPORT indication primitive. PPEXCEPTIONREPORT indication primitive responding DTAMPM ignores a PPEXCEPTIONREPORT indication primitive. the requesting DTAMPM receives a PPEXCEPTIONREPORT indication primitive, it may perform one of the following procedures:  Xa) if at least one checkpoint was confirmed in the transfer procedure,' >0Ԍ  X  the transferinterrupt procedure followed by DTRANSFER service (indication and confirmation) (Reliable transfer mode 1),' |  X  the transferinterrupt procedure followed by the transferresumption procedure (Reliable transfer mode2), or' Xb) if no checkpoint was confirmed in the transfer procedure,'  X  the transferdiscard procedure followed by DTRANSFER service (indication and confirmation) (Reliable transfer mode 1),'  X  the transferdiscard procedure followed by the transferretry procedure (Reliable transfer mode2), or' Xc) the transferabort procedure followed by the DTAM providerabort procedure.' XXX X6.  Providerexceptionreport procedure (transparent mode)' XThis procedure is driven by the following event: Xa) an SPEXCEPTIONREPORT indication primitive. SPEXCEPTIONREPORT indication primitive responding DTAMPM ignores an SPEXCEPTIONREPORT indication primitive. the requesting DTAMPM receives an SPEXCEPTIONREPORT indication primitive, it may perform one of the following procedure:  Xa) if at least one checkpoint was confirmed in the transfer procedure, the transfer interrupt procedure followed by the DTRANSFER service (indication and confirmation), or'  Xb) if no checkpoint was confirmed in the transfer procedure, the transferdiscard procedure followed by the DTRANSFER service (indication and confirmation), or' Xc) the transferabort procedure followed by the DTAM providerabort procedure.' 6.14XRules for extensibility  XIn addition to the procedures stated above, the following applies when processing the APDUs defined in this part of RecommendationT.433:  Xa) fields are ignored that are not defined in this part of Recommendation T.433 in DTAM association establishing phase PDUs (DINQ, DINR and DAB); and'  Xb) for fields defined as having a maximum length in this part of RecommendationT.433, that portion of any value beyond the maximum length is ignored.' 7 X Mapping to the lower layer services 7.1XMapping to the OSI lower layer services XThis section defines how a DTAMPM transfers APDUs by means of: Xa) the ACSE services, or' Xb) the presentationservices.' XTable 17/T.433 lists the overview of ACSE or presentationservice mapping. >0 &TABLE 17/T.433 -  ACSE and presentation services mapping overview ă  X Xp"%H % x|@  w  ;,      X          Functional units  Service primitive  Protocol elements  Mapping DTAM PDU to       (PDU)  ACSE service/presentation service         -    Association use  DINITIATE req/ind  DINITIATEREQ PDU  AASSOCIATE req/ind     control  rsp/cnf  DINITIATERESP PDU  AASSOCIATE rsp/cnf      DTERMINATE req/ind  DTERMINATEREQ PDU  ARELEASE req/ind      rsp/cnf  DTERMINATERESP PDU  ARELEASE rsp/cnf      DUABORT req/ind  DABORT PDU  AUABORT req/ind  -    Capability  DCAPABILITY req/ind  DCAPABILITY REQ PDU  PCAPABDATA req/ind      rsp/conf  DCAPABILITY RESP PDU  PCAPABDATA rsp/cnf  -    Document bulk  DTRANSFER req  none  PACTSTART/RESUMEa) req/ind     transfer    PDATA req/ind      ind  none  PACTEND/DCDa)/INTa) req/ind      cnf  none  PACTEND/DCDa)/INTa) rsp/cnf              transferinterrupt  PACTINT req/ind/rsp/cnf       transferdiscard  PACTDCD req/ind/rsp/cnf       transferresume  PACTRESUME req/ind  -    Document unconfirmed  DCREATE req/ind  DCREATE PDU  PDATA req/ind     manipulation  DDELETE req/ind  DDELETE PDU  PDATA req/ind      DMODIFY req/ind  DMODIFY PDU  PDATA req/ind      DCALL req/ind  DCALL PDU  PDATA req/ind      DREBUILDb) req/ind  DREBUILD PDUb)  PDATA  / req/ind  -    Token control  DTOKENGIVE req/ind  none  PTOKENGIVE req/ind      DTOKENPLS req/ine  DTOKENPLS PDU  PTOKENPLS req/ind      DCONTROLGIVE req/ind  none  PCONTROLGIVE req/ind  -    Typed data        transmission  DTYPEDDATA req/ind  DTYPEDDATA PDU  PTYPEDDATA req/ind  -    Exception report  DUEXCEPTIONREPORT  DEXCEPTIONREPORT       req/indb)  PDUb)  PUEXCEPTIONREPORT req/ind       userexception        report  PUEXCEPTIONREPORT req/ind       providerexception        report  PPEXCEPTIONREPORT ind  -    H %Xp"% x|@ Xa) This mapping is only applied in Reliable transfer mode 1. Xb) This DTAM service or PDU is for further study. 7.1.1XMapping on the ACSE services Associationestablishment procedure  XAssociationestablishment procedure takes place concurrently with the underlying ACSE association establishment.  Directly mapped parameters  XThe following parameters of DINITIATE service primitives are mapped directly onto the corresponding parameter of the AASSOCIATE service primitive:  Xa) application context name& Xb) calling AP title& Xc) calling AP invocationidentifier& Xd) calling AE qualifier Xe) calling AE invocationidentifier& Xf) called AP title& Xg) called AP invocationidentifier& Xh) called AE qualifier& Xi) called AE invocationidentifier& Xj) responding AP title& Xk) responding AP invocationidentifier& Xl) responding AE qualifier& Xm) responding AE invocationidentifier& , Xn) calling presentation address& Xo) called presentation address& Xp) responding presentation address& Xq) presentation context definition list& Xr) presentation context definition result& XXs)X presentation requirements& Xt) initial assignment of token& Xu) quality of services.&  Parameters not used XThe following parameter of AASSOCIATE service primitives is not used:  X initial synchronization point serial number.& XXX X7.  Use of the other AASSOCIATE request and indication primitive parameters& Mode XThis parameter shall be supplied by the requestor of the association in the AASSOCIATE request primitive, and shall have the value "normal mode". User information  XFor both the AASSOCIATE request and indication primitives, the user information parameter is used to carry the DINITIATEREQ APDU. Session requirements  XThis parameter is set by the associationinitiating DTAMPM to select the following functional units:  Xa) kernel& Xb) halfduplex functional unit& Xc) typeddata functional unit& Xd) capability data exchange functional unit& Xe) minor synchronize functional unit Xf) exceptions functional unit Xg) activity management functional unit.&  XXNote The use of duplex functional unit and negotiated release functional unit are for further study.&X Session connection identifier  XThe associationinitiating DTAMPM will supply a session connection identifier, which will be used to uniquely identify the sessionconnection. This identifier is formed of the following components:  Xa) SSuser reference;&  Xb) common reference;&  Xc) additional reference information (optionally).& XThe SSuser reference is conveyed as the calling SSuser reference by the association initiating DTAMPM. Common reference and additional reference information are conveyed in similarly named parameters of the PCONNECT primitive.  XEach component, when present, will contain a data element of the appropriate type from the following definitions:  Xp"%Xpx"%XCallingSSUserReferencex#::=&&PresentationAddressof the requestor XCommonReferencex#::=&&UTCTime  XAdditionalReferenceInformation#&::=)8T.61 String  Xpx"%Xp"%XThe PresentationAddress is represented as a string of octets. c. XXX X7.  Use of the other AASSOCIATE response and confirm primitive parameters& User information  XThis parameter only has relevance if the applicationassociation is accepted by the ACSE serviceprovider.  XFor both the AASSOCIATE response and confirmation primitives, the user information parameter is used to carry the DINITIATERESP APDU, whether the applicationassociation is accepted or is rejected by the associationresponding DTAMPM. Result  XFor the AASSOCIATE response primitive the result parameter is set by the association responding DTAMPM as follows:  Xa) if the associationresponding DTAMPM rejects the applicationassociation, the value of this parameter is set to either "rejected by responder (transient)" or "rejected by responder (permanent)";&  Xb) if the associationresponding DTAMPM accepts the request, the value of this parameter is derived from the result parameter of the DINITIATE response primitive.& Session requirements  XThis parameter has the same values as in the AASSOCIATE request and indication primitive. Session connection identifier  XThis parameter has the same value as in the AASSOCIATE indication primitives. The calling SSuser reference value of the AASSOCIATE indication primitive is returned as a called SS=user reference by the associationresponding DTAMPM. Associationrelease procedure  XAssociationrelease procedure takes place concurrently with the underlying ACSE association release.  Directly mapped parameters  XThe following parameter of DTERMINATE service primitives is mapped directly onto the corresponding parameters of the ARELEASE service primitives:  X User data (on user information).&  Parameters not used  XThe following parameter of the ARELEASE service primitives is not used:  X Reason.&  XXX X7.  Use of the other ARELEASE response and confirm primitive parameters& Result  XThe value of this parameter is "affirmative". Associationproviderabort  XThe use of the APABORT indication primitive parameters are defined in RecommendationX.217. XX7.1.2XMapping on the presentation services&X Transfer procedure XXX X7.  Use of the PACTIVITYSTART request and indication primitive parameters& Activity identifier  XThe activity identifier identifies the activity by means of a serial number. The first activity started on the sessionconnection is assigned to number 1. Each / successive activity for that direction of transfer is assigned the next number. This number is separate for each direction of transfer.  XThe DTAMPMs should manage the local mapping between the parameter "activity identifier" in the PACTIVITYSTART request and indication primitive and the parameter "document reference information in DTRANSFER service.  XThe property required of activity identifiers is that they should uniquely identify an activity during a reasonable time interval within a particular sessionconnection, so that duplicates can be detected in the case of error situations. These identifiers are allocated by numbering the activities during a session, starting with one for the first and incrementing for each successive activity, and representing the number by a data element of type INTEGER encoded according to Recommendation X.209. It is unnecessary for the responding DTAMPM to make assumptions on allocation method, it need only be able to compare two identifiers for equality, octet by octet. User data  XThis parameter is not used.  XXX X7.  Use of the PDATA request and indication primitive parameters& User data  XThe following DTAM APDUs are conveyed by this parameter:  Xa) DCREATE APDU&  Xb) DDELETE APDU  Xc) DMODIFY APDU&  Xd) DCALL APDU.  XNote A segment of interchangedataelements of document information is also conveyed by this parameter.  XXX X7.  Use of the PTYPEDDATA request and indication primitive parameters& User data  XThe DTYPEDDATA APDU is conveyed by this parameter.  XXX X7.  Use of the PMINORSYNCHRONIZE request and indication primitive parameters& Type  XThe DTAMPM uses only the "explicit confirmation expected" type of minor synchronization. Synchronization point serial number  XThe session serviceprovider allocates checkpoint serial numbers, and passes then to the requesting and responding DTAMPMs to associate with the transmitted data. User data  XThis parameter is not used.  XXX X7.  Use of the PACTIVITYEND request and indication primitive parameters& User data  XThis parameter is not used. Token please procedure XWhen the DTAM user issues a DTOKENPLEASE service primitive, this results into a PTOKENPLEASE.  XXX X7.  Use of the PTOKENPLEASE request and indication primitive parameters& Tokens  XThis parameter takes a value which corresponds to requesting the data token. User data XThe DTOKENPLEASE APDU is conveyed by this parameter. Token give procedure XWhen the DTAM user issues a DTOKENGIVE service primitive, this results into a PTOKENGIVE. /  XXX X7.  Use of the PTOKENGIVE request and indication primitive parameters& Tokens  XThis parameter takes a value which corresponds to giving the data token. Control give procedure  XWhen the DTAMuser issues a DCONTROLGIVE service primitive, this results into a PCONTROL GIVE. This will transfer all the tokens from the requestor to the responder. XXX X7.  Use of the PCONTROLGIVE request and indication primitive parameters&  XThe PCONTROLGIVE service primitives have no parameters. All the tokens are automatically passed to the other DTAMPM. Capability data exchange procedure  Use of the PCAPABDATA service parameters User data  XThe following DTAM APDUs are conveyed by this parameter:  Xa) DCAPABILITYREQ APDU;  Xb) DCAPABILITYRESP APDU.& Userexceptionreport procedure  Use of the PUEXCEPTIONREPORT service parameters Reason  XThis parameter may specify one of the following reasons:  Xa) receiving ability jeopardized;&  Xb) local SSuser error;&  Xc) sequence error;&  Xd) unrecoverable error;&  Xe) nonspecific error.& User data  XThis parameter is not used. Providerexceptionreport procedure  Use of the PPEXCEPTIONREPORT service parameter Reason  XThis parameter may specify one of the following reasons:  Xa) protocol error,  Xb) nonspecific error.& Transferinterrupt procedure  Use of the PACTIVITYINTERRUPT service parameters Reason  XThis parameter may specify one of the following reasons:  Xa) local SSuser error;&  Xb) nonspecific error. Transferdiscard procedure  Use of the PACTIVITYDISCARD service parameters Reason  XThis parameter may specify one of the following reasons:  Xa) local SSuser error; c.  Xb) unrecoverable procedure error;&  Xc) nonspecific error.& Transferresumption procedure  Use of the PACTIVITYRESUME service parameters Activity identifier  XThe requesting DTAMPM must allocate and supply the next activity identifier number for the current session. Old activity identifier  XThe requesting DTAM must supply the original activity identifier assigned to the previously interrupted activity in the PACTIVITYSTART request primitive. Synchronization point serial number  XThe requesting DTAMPM will specify the serial number of the last confirmed checkpoint in the interrupted activity. The session serviceprovider will also set the current session serial number to this value. If there was no previously confirmed checkpoint, the activity cannot be continued. The requesting DTAMPM must then send a PACTIVITYRESUME request primitive (with the synchronization point serial number set to zero), followed by a PACTIVITYDISCARD request primitive. Old session connection identifier  XThe requesting DTAMPM must supply the session connection identifier of the sessionconnection during which the activity was started. The session connection identifier of the previous session connection is conveyed in the calling SSuser reference, common reference and optionally additional reference information components of this parameter. The called SSuser reference component is not used. User data  XThis parameter is not used.  7.2XXMapping to the Recommendation X.215 session service (transparent mode)&X  XThis section defines how a DTAMPM transfers APDUs by means of the session service. XTable 20/T.433 lists the overview of session mapping.  7.2.1XDTAM associationestablishment procedure  XThe associationestablishment procedure takes place concurrently with the underlying establishment of session connection. Directly mapped parameters  XNo parameters of DINITIATE service primitives are mapped directly onto the corresponding parameters of the SCONNECT service primitive. Use of the other SCONNECT request and indication primitive parameters&  User information  XFor both the SCONNECT request and indication primitives, the user information parameter is used to carry the DINITIATEREQ APDU.  Session requirements  XThis parameter is set by the initiating DTAMPM to select the following functional units by means of the "telematic requirements parameter" in the DINITIATE service primitive as shown in Table18/T.433. )  t%TABLE 18/T.433 t, t Mapping into/out of the session requirements ă   w          "Telematic  Functional units    requirements"              Token management  Halfduplex functional unit             Nontoken management  Duplex functional unit             Typed data management  Typeddata functional unit             Capability  Capability data exchange     functional unit             Reliable transfer  Minor synchronize functional unit    management  Activity management functional     unit             Exception report  Exceptions functional unit    Session reference  XThe initiating DTAMPM will supply a session connection identifier, which will be used to uniquely identify the sessionconnection. This identifier is formed of the following components: Xa) terminal identifier of the calling terminal;  Xb) date and time;  Xc) additional session reference number (optionally).  XThe terminal identifier of the calling terminal is conveyed as the calling SSuser reference by the initiating DTAMPM. Date and time and additional session reference number are conveyed in parameters of the SCONNECT primitive. XEach component, when present, will contain a data element of the appropriate type from the following definitions:  Xp"%Xpx"%XTerminal identifierx#::= T.62 SessionAddress of the requestor  XDate and timepx#::= UTCTime  XAdditional session Xreference numberx#::= T.61 String  Xpx"%Xp"%XThe SessionAddress is represented as a string of octets. .  Service identifier  XThe initiating DTAMPM must supply a service identifier which has the value w'1w' to specify the telematic services.  Nonbasic session capabilities  XThe initiating DTAMPM may supply nonbasic session capabilities, which will be used to specify the nonbasic session capabilities available as receiving capabilities of the sender of this primitive. This parameter is formed of the following components: Xa) miscellaneous session capabilities;  Xb) window size.  Inactivity timer  XThe initiating DTAMPM may use to negotiate the value of an inactivity timer. Use of the other SCONNECT response and confirm primitive parameters&  User information  XThis parameter only has relevance if the applicationassociation is accepted by the session serviceprovider.  XFor both the SCONNECT response and confirmation primitives, the user information parameter is used to carry the DINITIATERESP APDU if the applicationassociation is accepted or is rejected by the responding DTAMPM.  Result  XFor the SCONNECT response primitive the result parameter is set by the association responding DTAMPM as follows:  Xa) when the associationresponding DTAMPM detects errors in the SCONNECT indication primitive (e.g., no session user data), the associationresponding DTAMPM rejects the applicationassociation. The value of this parameter is set to "refuse";& Xb) if the associationresponding DTAMPM accepts the request, the value of this parameter is derived from the result parameter of the DINITIATE response primitive as shown in Table19/T.433.&  XFor the SCONNECT confirm primitive the result parameter is set by the association responding DTAMPM as follows:  Xa) when the associationrequesting (initiating) DTAMPM receives the SCONNECT confirm primitive with the result parameter of "refuse", the association/requesting DTAMPM issues the DINITIATE confirm primitive with the result parameter of "rejected by responding DTAMPM" to the associationrequesting DTAM user;& Xb) when the associationrequesting DTAMPM receives the SCONNECT confirm primitive with the result parameter of "accept", the associationrequesting DTAMPM issues the DINITIATE confirm primitive with the result parameter of "accepted" to the associationrequesting DTAM user.& {% t%TABLE 19/T.433 t, t Result parameter mapping ă   w       SCONNECT  DINITIATE    DINITIATE response  response/  confirmation     confirmation       accepted  accept  accepted      rejected by  refuse  rejected by    responder with   responding    some reasons   DTAMPM      rejected by  refuse  rejected by    responding   responding    DTAMPM   DTAMPM        t%TABLE 20/T.433 t, t DTAM service primitiveprotocol mapping to session services ă  X Xp"%H  x|@  w  ;,      X   Functional  Service  Protocol elements  Mapping DTAM PDU to     units  primitive  (PDU)  session service  -    Association use DINITIATE req/ind  DINITIATEREQ PDU  SCONNECT req/ind     control  resp/conf  DINITIATERESP PDU  SCONNECT rsp/cnf     DTERMINATE req/ind   SRELEASE req/ind      resp/conf   SRELEASE rsp/cnf     DABORT req/ind   SABORT req/ind  -    Capability DCAPABILITY req/ind  DCAPABILITYREQ PDU  SCAPABDATA req/ind      resp/conf  DCAPABILITYRESP PDU  SCAPABDATA rsp/cnf  -    Document bulk DTRANSFER req  none  SACTSTART/RESUME req/ind     transfer  ind  none  SDATA req/ind      cnf  none  SACTEND/DCD/INT req/ind        SACTEND/DCD/INT rsp/cnf  -    Token control DCONTROLGIVE req/ind  none  SCONTROL /ԫGIVE req/ind     DTOKENPLS req/ind  none  STOKENPLS req/ind  -    Typed data DTYPEDDATA req/ind  DTYPEDDATA PDU  STYPEDDATA req/ind     transmission            -    Exception report DUEXCEPTIONREPORT   SUEXCEPTIONREPORT req/ind      req/ind*         userexception        report  SUEXCEPTIONREPORT req/ind       providerexception        report  SPEXCEPTIONREPORT ind  -    H Xp"% x|@  Xp"%XHp"%XHNoteDUEXCEPTIONREPORT req/ind* is for further study.  Session requirements  XThis parameter has the same values as in the SCONNECT request and indication primitives.  Session reference  XThis parameter has the same values as in the SCONNECT indication primitives. The terminal identifier of the calling terminal value of the SCONNECT indication primitive is returned as the terminal identifier of the called terminal by the responding DTAMPM.  Service identifier  XThis parameter has the same values as in the SCONNECT request and indication primitives. " XHp"%Xp"%  Nonbasic session capabilities  XThe responding DTAMPM may supply nonbasic session capabilities, which will be used to specify the non basic session capabilities available as receiving capabilities of the sender of this primitive. This parameter is formed of the same components as those in SCONNECT request and indication primitives.  Inactivity timer  XThe responding DTAMPM may use this parameter to negotiate an inactivity timer.  7.2.2XAssociation release procedure  XThe association release procedure takes place concurrently with the underlying release of session connection.  XThere are no DTERMINATE service parameters to map onto session connection release service parameters.  7.2.3XAssociationproviderabort  XThe uses of the SPABORT indication primitive parameters are defined in Recommendation X.215. 7.2.4XTransfer procedure Use of the SACTIVITYSTART request and indication primitive parameters&  Document reference number  XThe requesting DTAMPM must allocate and supply the next document reference number for the current session.  XThe DTAMPMs should manage the mapping between the parameter "document reference number" in DTRANSFER service and the parameter "document reference number" in the SACTIVITYSTART request and indication primitives.  Document type identifier  XThis parameter may be user option.  Service interworking identifier  XThis parameter may be user option.  User data  XThis parameter is only used to invoke the DTAM capability. The information, which is generated by the DTAMPM based on the parameter of "document characteristics" in document profile contained in the document information, is conveyed as shown in Figure 3/T.433.     w   SACTIVITYSTARTuserdata ::= CHOICE     { [4] IMPLICIT DocumentCharacteristics }     DocumentCharacteristics ::=SET{   documentApplicationProfile ::= CHOICE {   [0] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING    w '01'H NonDocumentApplicationProfilew   w '02'H DocumentApplicationProfile T.503w   [4] IMPLICIT SET OF OBJECT IDENTIFIER }     documentArchitectureClass [1] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,   w '00'H means FDAw     nonBasicDocumentCharacteristics [2] IMPLICIT NonBasicDocumentCharacteristics   OPTIONAL,    nonBasicStructuralCharacteristics [3] IMPLICIT NonBasicStructuralCharacteristics   OPTIONAL }    NonBasicDocumentCharacteristics ::= SET {   commentsCharacterSets [1] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,   w string of escape sequencesw   pageDimensions [2] IMPLICIT SET OF DimensionPair OPTIONAL,   ragrcodingattributes [3] IMPLICIT SET OF RaGrCodingAttribute OPTIONAL,   w RaGrCodingAttribute is defined inw   w Recommendation T.415w     ragrpresentationfeatures [4] IMPLICIT SET OF   RaGrPresentationFeatures OPTIONAL   w RaGrPresentationFeatures is defined inw   w Recommendation T.415w }  >0    NonBasicStructuralCharacteristics ::= SET{   numberOfObjectsPerPage [0] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL}       t%FIGURE 3/T.433 t, t User data in SACTIVITYSTART/RESUME ă Use of the SDATA request and indication primitive parameters&  XThe document information is divided into segments such that the segment boundaries coincide with the minor synchronization points. Each segment consists of an integral number of interchange dataelements. The interchangedataelements of each segment are encoded using the basic encoding rules defined in Recommendation X.209. The encoded interchangedataelements of each segment are concatenated, forming an encoded segment.  User data  XA segment of interchangedataelements is conveyed by the user data.  XXNoteSome DTAMPMs may take one of the following actions:&X  XX©X when sending the document information, the requesting DTAMPM may suppress the document profile located at the top of the document information;&  X when receiving the document information, the responding DTAMPM may regenerate the document profile and may attach it to the top of the document information based on the User Data of SACTIVITYSTART indication.& Use of the STYPEDDATA request and indication primitive parameters&  User data  XThe DTYPEDDATA APDU is conveyed by this parameter. Use of the SMINORSYNCHRONIZE service parameters  Type  XThe DTAMPM uses only the "explicit confirmation expected" type of minor synchronization.  XXX X7.  Synchronization point serial number (checkpoint reference number)&  XThe session serviceprovider allocates checkpoint serial numbers and passes them to the requesting and the responding DTAMPMs to associate with the transmitted data. Use of the SACTIVITYEND service parameters  XXX X7.  Synchronization point serial number (checkpoint reference number)&  XThe serial number of the implied major synchronization point is allocated by the session serviceprovider and passed up to both DTAMPMs. This parameter will be mapped into/out of the parameter "synchronization point" in DTRANSFER service. 7.2.5XToken please procedure  XWhen the DTAMuser issues a DTOKENPLEASE service primitive, this results into an STOKEN PLEASE. Use of the STOKENPLEASE request and indication primitive parameters&  Tokens  XThe responding DTAMPM (receiver of document) will only request the data token. 7.2.6XControl give procedure  XWhen the DTAMuser issues a DCONTROLGIVE service primitive, this results into an SCONTROLGIVE. This will transfer all the tokens from the requestor to the responder. Use of the SCONTROLGIVE request and indication primitive parameters&  XThe SCONTROLGIVE service primitives have no parameters. 7.2.7XCapability data exchange procedure Use of the SCAPABDATA service parameters  User data  XThe following DTAM APDUs are conveyed by this parameter:  Xa) DCAPABILITYREQ APDU;  Xb) DCAPABILITYRESP APDU.  Inactivity timer  XThe initiating/responding DTAMPMs may use this parameter to negotiate an inactivity timer.  Storage capacity  XThe initiating/responding DTAMPMs may supply a storage capacity to negotiate the memory size for the communication.  7.2.8XUserexceptionreport procedure Use of the SUEXCEPTIONREPORT service parameters  Reason  XThis parameter may specify one of the following reasons:  Xa) no specific reason;&  Xb) temporarily unable to enter into, or to continue a session;&  Xc) sequence error;&  XXd)X unrecoverable error;&  Xe) local terminal error.& !/ 7.2.9XProviderexceptionreport procedure Use of the SPEXCEPTIONREPORT service parameters  Reason  XThis parameter may specify one of the following reasons:  X protocol error.& 7.2.10 Transferinterrupt procedure Use of the SACTIVITYINTERRUPT service parameters  Reason  XThis parameter may specify one of the reasons as described in reason for SUEXCEPTION REPORT service primitive. 7.2.11 Transferdiscard procedure Use of the SACTIVITYDISCARD service parameters  Reason  XThis parameter may specify one of the reasons as described in reason for SUEXCEPTION REPORT service primitive. 7.2.12 Transferuserresumption procedure Use of the SACTIVITYRESUME service parameters  Document reference number  XThe requesting DTAMPM must allocate and supply the next document reference number for the current session.  Old document reference number  XThe requesting DTAMPM must supply the original activity identifier assigned to the previously interrupted activity in the SACTIVITYSTART request primitive.  Checkpoint serial number  XThe requesting DTAMPM will specify the serial number of the last confirmed checkpoint in the interrupted activity. The session serviceprovider will also set the current session serial number to this value. If there was no previously confirmed checkpoint, the activity cannot be continued. The requesting DTAMPM must then send an SACTIVITYRESUME request primitive (with the synchronization point serial number set to zero), followed by an SACTIVITYDISCARD request primitive. XThis parameter will be mapped into/out of the parameter "synchronization point" in DTRANSFER service.  Old session reference  XThe requesting DTAMPM must supply the session reference of the sessionconnection during which the activity was started. The session reference of the previous sessionconnection is conveyed in the calling and called terminal identifier, common reference and optionally, additional reference information components of this parameter.  Document type identifier XThis parameter may be user option.  Service interworking identifier  XThis parameter may be user option.  User data  XThis parameter has the same format of userdata as for the SACTIVITYSTART service parameters. - 8 X Abstract syntax definition of APDUs 8.1XAbstract syntax definition of APDUs in normal mode  XThis abstract syntax is described by the notation of ASN.1 defined in the RecommendationX.208.  Xp"%XpP 0 h`"%DTAMAPDUs {ccitt dTAM(x) apdus(0)} DEFINITIONS ::=  BEGIN  EXPORTSdTAMSE;  dTAMSE OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {ccitt dTAM(x) aseID(1)} ASE identifier for DTAMSE  IMPORTS  X For further study  [1] DINITIATEREQpP 0 ::="h%[APPLICATION 10] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE  X{ serviceClasses0 h%%([0]+.IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL X pP 0 h%%( the use of this parameter is X pP 0 h%%( for further study  X telematicRequirementsh%[1]((IMPLICIT BIT STRING X pP 0 h%{&(kernel...22`7788F(0), X pP 0 h%%(capabilityManagement<F(1), X pP 0 h%%(documentBulkTransfer<F(2), X pP 0 h%%(typedDataTransmission=F(3), X pP 0 h%%(documentUnconfirmedManipulationG"N(4), X pP 0 h%%(documentConfirmedManipulationEF(5), X pP 0 h%%(remoteDocumentAccess<F(6), X pP 0 h%%(remoteDocumentManagement@F(7), X pP 0 h%%(tokenControl4`7788F(8), X pP 0 h%%(exceptionReport788FF"N(9), X pP 0 h%%(reliableTransferMode1=F(10), X pP 0 h%%(reliableTransferMode2=F(11), }, XapplicationCapabilitiesh%%([2]+.IMPLICIT SET OF Application Capabilities XprotocolVersionP 0 h%[3]((IMPLICIT BIT STRING X pP 0 h%%((**.{ version1 (0) }BFOPTIONAL, XdTAMQOS pP 0 h%[4]((IMPLICIT BIT STRING;FOPTIONAL, Xaccount pP 0 h%[5]((IMPLICIT Account8FF"NN%TOPTIONAL, XcheckpointWindowP 0 h%[6]((IMPLICIT INTEGER DEFAULT 3BFOPTIONAL, XstorageCapacityP 0 h%[7]((IMPLICIT BIT STRING;FOPTIONAL, XuserInformationP 0 h%[8]((OCTET STRING4`7788FOPTIONAL X }  X Registration of OBJECT IDENTIFIER for the Recommendation T.503 is required X dTAMQOS and account parameters are for further study Application Capabilities0 h%::=((SET X{ documentApplicationProfile$h%[0]((IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER, X nonBasicDocCharacteristics$h%[1]((IMPLICIT NonBasicDocCharacteristics OPTIONAL, X nonBasicStrucCharacteristics&([2]+.IMPLICIT NonBasicStrucCharacteristics, OPTIONAL, X operationalApplicationProfile'([3]+.IMPLICIT SET OF OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL } XpP 0 h`"%XpP 0 xh`"% X Registration of OBJECT IDENTIFIER for the Recommendation T.503 is required X NonBasicStrucCharacteristics::=(*{Refer to Recommendation T.415 } X NonBasicDocCharacteristics::='({Refer to Recommendation T.415 } XpP 0 xh`"%XpP 0 h`"%[2] DINITIATERESPP 0 h%::=(([APPLICATION 11]IMPLICIT SEQUENCE X{ telematicRequirementsh%[0]((IMPLICIT BIT STRING, X ApplicationCapabilities!h%%([1]+.IMPLICIT SET OF Application Capabilities, X protocolVersion0 h%[2]((IMPLICIT BIT STRING X pP 0 h%%((**.{ version1 (0) }AFOPTIONAL, X dTAMQOSpP 0 h%[3]((IMPLICIT BIT STRING;FOPTIONAL, >0ԌX resultpP 0 h%[4]((INTEGER  X {paccepted0 h%%((**..22`7788F(0), X prejected by responder(reasonnotspecified)>F(1), X prejected by responder(protocolVersionnotsupported)G"N(2), X prejected by responder(DTAMQOSnotsupported)?F(3), X prejected by responder(applicationcontextnotsupported)K"N(4), X prejected by responding DTAMPM122`7788FF"N(5) }, X checkpointWindow0 h%[5]((IMPLICIT INTEGER DEFAULT 3BFOPTIONAL, X storageCapacity0 h%[6]((IMPLICIT BIT STRING;FOPTIONAL, X userInformation0 h%[7]((OCTET STRING4`7788FOPTIONAL X } [3] DTERMINATEREQP 0 h%::=((IMPLICIT SEQUENCE X{ userInformation0 h%[0]((OCTET STRING4`7788FOPTIONAL X } [4] DTERMINATERESPP 0 h%::=((IMPLICIT SEQUENCE X{ chargingpP 0 h%[0]((IMPLICIT Charging9FF"NOPTIONAL, X userInformation0 h%[1]((OCTET STRING4`7788FOPTIONAL X }  [5] DABORTREQpP 0 h%::=(([APPLICATION 13] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE X{ aBORTSourceP 0 h%[0]((INTEGER X pP 0 h%{&(requestingDTAMPM8FF"NN%T(0), X pP 0 h%%(DTAMserviceProvider;F(1) }, X aBORTReasonP 0 h%[1]((INTEGER X pP 0 h%{&(localsystemproblem<F(0), X pP 0 h%%(invalidparameter9FF"N(1), X pP 0 h%%(unrecognizedactivity=F(2), X pP 0 h%%(temporaryproblem9FF"N(3), X pP 0 h%%(protocolerror6`7788F(4), X pP 0 h%%(permanenterror788FF"N(5), X pP 0 h%%(transfercompleted:F(6) }, X Reflectedparameterh%%([2]+.IMPLICIT BIT STRINGAFOPTIONAL, X p 8 bits maximum, only if abortReason is invalid parameter X userInformation0 h%[3]((OCTET STRING4`7788FOPTIONAL X } [6] DCAPABILITYREQP 0 h%::=(([APPLICATION 14] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE X{ applicationCapabilities!h%%([0]+.IMPLICIT Application CapabilitiesO%TOPTIONAL, X storageCapacity0 h%[1]((IMPLICIT BIT STRING;FOPTIONAL, X userInformation0 h%[2]((OCTET STRING4`7788FOPTIONAL X } [7] DCAPABILITYRESPP 0 h%::=(([APPLICATION 15] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE X{ applicationCapabilities!h%%([0]+.IMPLICIT Application CapabilitiesO%TOPTIONAL, X storageCapacity0 h%[1]((IMPLICIT BIT STRING;FOPTIONAL, X capabilityResult0 h%[2]((IMPLICIT Capability Result X userInformation0 h%[3]((OCTET STRING4`7788FOPTIONAL X } CapabilityResultpP 0 h%::=((INTEGER X pP 0 { h%confirmationofallthe X pP 0 h%requestedCapabilities:FF"N(0), X pP 0 h%alistoftherequestedCapabilitiesH"N(1), X pP 0 h%acompletelistofnon X pP 0 h%basic ReceivingCapabilities@F(2), X pP 0 h%noneofthecapabilitiesrequested >0ԌX pP 0 h%bytheinitiator5`7788F(3) }  [8] DTYPEDDATApP 0 h%::=(([APPLICATION 16] CHOICE  X pP 0 { h%NumericString, X pP 0 h%PrintableString, X pP 0 h%TeletexString, X pP 0 h%VideotexString, X pP 0 h%VisibleString, X pP 0 h%OctetString, X pP 0 h%IA5String, X pP 0 h%GraphicString }  [9] DCREATE pP 0 ::="h%[APPLICATION 17] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF CreateInformation  CreateInformationpP 0 ::="h%SEQUENCE  X pP 0 { h%[0]((IMPLICIT ParentObjectOrClassIdentifier OPTIONAL, X pP 0 h%[1]((Object }  ParentObjectOrClassIdentifierh%::=((ObjectOrClassIdentifier  Щ ObjectOrClassIdentifier ::={ Refer to Recommendation T.415 }  ObjetX pP 0 ::="h%CHOICE  X pP 0 { h%[0]((IMPLICIT DocumentProfileDescriptor, X pP 0 h%[1]((IMPLICIT LayoutClassDescriptor, X pP 0 h%[2]((IMPLICIT LayoutObjectDescriptor, X pP 0 h%[3]((IMPLICIT TextUnit, X pP 0 h%[5]((IMPLICIT LogicalClassDescriptor, X pP 0 h%[6]((IMPLICIT LogicalObjectDescriptor, X pP 0 h%[7]((IMPLICIT PresentationStyleDescriptor, X pP 0 h%[8]((IMPLICIT LayoutStyleDescriptor, X pP 0 h% The above descriptors and text portion are defined X pP 0 h% in Recommendation T.415 X pP 0 h%[9]((IMPLICIT OperationalDescriptor. X pP 0 h% The above descriptor is defined X pP 0 h% in Recommendations T.441 and T.541 }  [10] DDELETE pP 0 ::="h%[APPLICATION 18] IMPLICIT DeleteInformation  DeleteInformationpP 0 ::="h%SEQUENCE OF CHOICE  X pP 0 { h%[0]((IMPLICIT ObjectOrClassIdentifier, X pP 0 h%[1]((IMPLICIT ContentPortionIdentifier, X pP 0 h% The above descriptors and text unit are defined X pP 0 h% in Recommendation T.415 X pP 0 h%[2]((IMPLICIT OperationalInformationIdentifier X pP 0 h% The above identifiers are defined X pP 0 h% in Recommendations T.441 and T.541 }  [11] DMODIFY pP 0 ::="h%[APPLICATION 19] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF X pP 0 h%ModifyInformation  ModifyInformationpP 0 ::="h%SEQUENCE  X pP 0 { h%[0]((IMPLICIT CurrentObjectOrClassIdentifier OPTIONAL, X pP 0 h%[1]((Object }  CurrentObjectOrClassIdentifierh%::=((ObjectOrClassIdentifier  Щ ObjectOrClassIdentifier0 h%::=(({ refer to Recommendation T.415 }  Object pP 0 h%::=((CHOICE  X pP 0 { h%[0]((IMPLICIT DocumentProfileDescriptor, X pP 0 h%[1]((IMPLICIT LayoutClassDescriptor, X pP 0 h%[2]((IMPLICIT LayoutObjectDescriptor, X pP 0 h%[3]((IMPLICIT TextUnit, X pP 0 h%[5]((IMPLICIT LogicalClassDescriptor, X pP 0 h%[6]((IMPLICIT LogicalObjectDescriptor, X pP 0 h%[7]((IMPLICIT PresentationStyleDescriptor, /ԌX pP 0 h%[8]((IMPLICIT LayoutStyleDescriptor,  X pP 0 h% The above descriptors and text unit are defined X pP 0 h% in Recommendation T.415 X pP 0 h%[9]((IMPLICIT OperationalDescriptor, X pP 0 h% The above descriptor is defined X pP 0 h% in Recommendations T.441 and T.541 }  [12] DCALL pP 0 h%::=(([APPLICATION 20] IMPLICIT CALLInformation CALLInformationpP 0 h%::=((SEQUENCE OF CHOICE  X pP 0 { h%[0]((IMPLICIT OperationalInformationIdentifier X pP 0 h% The above descriptors and text unit are defined X pP 0 h% in Recommendations T.441 and T.541 }  [13] DREBUILDpP 0 ::="h%[APPLICATION 21] IMPLICIT REBUILDInformation  [for further study]  [14] DTOKENPLEASEP 0 h%::=(([APPLICATION 22] IMPLICIT Priority  Priority pP 0 ::="h%INTEGER  END of DTAM Protocol Normal Mode  8.2XXAbstract syntax definition of APDUs for use of session service&X  XThis abstract syntax is described by the notation of ASN.1 defined in the Recommenda tion X.208.  [1] DINITIATEREQ ::= CHOICE  X pP 0 { h%[4]((IMPLICIT ApplicationCapabilities }  XApplicationCapabilitiesh%%(::=+.SET { X documentApplicationProfileT73'([0]+.IMPLICIT OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, X pP 0 h%'02'H document application profile (T.503) X documentArchitectureClass#h%[1]((IMPLICIT OCTET STRING OPTIONAL X pP 0 h%'00'H means FDA} [2] DINITIATERESP ::= CHOICE X pP 0 { h%[4]((IMPLICIT ApplicationCapabilities } XApplicationCapabilitiesh%%(::=+.SET { X documentApplicationProfileT73'([0]+.IMPLICIT OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, X pP 0 h% '02'H document application profile (T.503) X documentArchitectureClass#h%[1]((IMPLICIT OCTET STRING OPTIONAL X pP 0 h% '00'H means FDA} [3] DCAPABILITYREQ ::= CHOICE X pP 0 { h%[4]((IMPLICIT ApplicationCapabilities } XApplicationCapabilitiesh%%(::=+.SET { X documentApplicationProfileT73'([0]+.IMPLICIT OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, X documentArchitectureClass#h%[1]((IMPLICIT OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, X nonBasicDocCharacteristics$h%[2]((IMPLICIT NonBasicDocCharacteristics OPTIONAL, X nonBasicStrucCharacteristics&([3]+.IMPLICIT NonBasicStrucCharacteristics OPTIONAL } X  "NonBasicDocCharacteristics" and "NonBasicStrucCharacteristics" are defined X  in Recommendation T.415 [4] DCAPABILITYRESP ::= CHOICE X pP 0 { h%[4]((IMPLICIT ApplicationCapabilities } XApplicationCapabilitiesh%%(::=+.SET { X documentApplicationProfileT73'([0]+.IMPLICIT OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, X documentArchitectureClass#h%[1]((IMPLICIT OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, X nonBasicDocCharacteristics$h%[2]((IMPLICIT NonBasicDocCharacteristics OPTIONAL, X nonBasicStrucCharacteristics&([3]+.IMPLICIT NonBasicStrucCharacteristics OPTIONAL } !/Ԍ 9 X Conformance XFor further study.