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T.433 y:G  x|@  Fascicle VII.7 Rec. T.433   6.6.5HTransferinterrupt  HThe transferinterrupt procedure is used by the requesting DTAMPM to handle a less severe (than those handled by the other error handling procedures) error situation during the transfer procedure, if at least one checkpoint was confirmed during the transfer procedure. used HNo APDUs are used in this procedure. procedure HTransferinterrupt procedure mapped onto presentation service (normal mode)'H HThis procedure is driven by the following events:  Ha)  a requesting DTAMPM problem;'  Hb)  a PACTIVITYINTERRUPT indication primitive;'  Hc)  a PACTIVITYINTERRUPT confirm primitive.' HRequesting DTAMPM problem  If the requesting DTAMPM detects a less severe problem and at least one checkpoint was confirmed during the transfer procedure, it issues a PACTIVITYINTERRUPT request primitive with one of the following Reason parameter values:   Ha)  "nonspecific error", if the problem was indicated by an exception reporting procedure,'   Hb)  "local SSUser error", if the problem is a local requesting DTAMPM problem.' HPACTIVITYINTERRUPT indication primitive  If the responding DTAMPM receives a PACTIVITYINTERRUPT indication primitive, it issues:   H a PACTIVITYINTERRUPT response primitive followed by a DTRANSFER indication in Reliable transfer mode 1;'  HH©X a PACTIVITYINTERRUPT response primitive in Reliable transfer mode 2.' HPACTIVITYINTERRUPT confirm primitive  If the requesting DTAMPM receives a PACTIVITYINTERRUPT confirm primitive, it issues:   H DTRANSFER confirmation to the requesting DTAM user in Reliable transfer mode 1;'  H the transferresumption procedure in Reliable transfer mode2.' HTransferinterrupt procedure mapped onto session service (transparent mode)'H HThis procedure is driven by the following events:  Ha)  a requesting DTAMPM problem:'  Hb)  a SACTIVITYINTERRUPT indication primitive;'  Hc)  a SACTIVITYINTERRUPT confirm primitive.' HRequesting DTAMPM problem  If the requesting DTAMPM detects a less severe problem and at least one checkpoint was confirmed during the transfer procedure, it issues a SACTIVITYINTERRUPT request primitive with one of the following Reason parameter values:   Ha)  "nonspecific error", if the problem was indicated by an exception reporting procedure;'   Hb)  "local SSUser error", if the problem is a local requesting DTAMPM problem.' ) HSACTIVITYINTERRUPT indication primitive  If the responding DTAMPM receives an SACTIVITYINTERRUPT confirm primitive, it issues an SACTIVITYINTERRUPT response primitive followed by DTRANSFER indication. HSACTIVITYINTERRUPT confirm primitive  If the requesting DTAMPM receives an SACTIVITYINTERRUPT confirm primitive, it issues DTRANSFER confirmation to the requesting DTAM user. 6.6.6HTransferdiscard  HThe transferdiscard procedure is used by the requesting DTAMPM to escape from a more severe (than those handled by the transferinterrupt procedure) error situation, or a less severe error situation if no checkpoint was confirmed, during the transfer procedure. used HNo APDUs are used in this procedure. procedure HTransferdiscard procedure mapped onto presentation service (normal mode)'H HThis procedure is driven by the following events:  Ha)  a requesting DTAMPM problem;'  Hb)  a PACTIVITYDISCARD indication primitive;'  Hc)  a PACTIVITYDISCARD confirm primitive. HRequesting DTAMPM problem  If the requesting DTAMPM detects a more severe problem, or a less severe problem if no checkpoint was confirmed during the transfer procedure, it issues a PACTIVITYDISCARD request primitive with one of the following reason parameter values:   Ha)  "nonspecific error", if the problem was indicated by an error reporting procedure;'   Hb)  "local SSUser error", or "unrecoverable procedural error", if the problem is a local requesting DTAMPM problem.' HPACTIVITYDISCARD indication primitive  If the responding DTAMPM receives a PACTIVITYDISCARD indication primitive, it issues:   H a PACTIVITYDISCARD response primitive followed by DTRANSFER indication in reliable transfer mode 1;'  H a PACTIVITYDISCARD response primitive in reliable transfer mode 2.'  The responding DTAMPM deletes all knowledge and contents of the associated DTAM user information (segments of document information) so far received.  If the responding DTAMPM has already issued a DTRANSFER indication primitive, it performs the associationabort procedure. The abortreason field of the DAB APDU is "transfer completed". HPACTIVITYDISCARD confirm primitive  If the requesting DTAMPM receives a PACTIVITYDISCARD confirm primitive, it issues:   H DTRANSFER confirmation to the requesting DTAM user in reliable transfer mode 1;'  H the transferretry procedure in reliable transfer mode 2.' ( HTransferdiscard procedure mapped onto session service (transparent mode)'H HThis procedure is driven by the following events:  Ha)  a requesting DTAMPM problem;'  Hb)  an SACTIVITYDISCARD indication primitive;'  Hc)  an SACTIVITYDISCARD confirm primitive. HRequesting DTAMPM problem  If the requesting DTAMPM detects a more severe problem, or a less severe problem if no checkpoint was confirmed during the transfer procedure, it issues an SACTIVITYDISCARD request primitive with one of following reason parameter values:   Ha)  "nonspecific error", if the problem was indicated by an error reporting procedure;'  Hb)  "local SSUser error", or "unrecoverable procedural error", if the problem is a local requesting DTAMPM problem.' HSACTIVITYDISCARD indication primitive  If the responding DTAMPM receives an SACTIVITYDISCARD indication primitive, it issues an SACTIVITYDISCARD response primitive followed by DTRANSFER indication in reliable transfer mode 1.  The responding DTAMPM deletes all knowledge and contents of the associated DTAM user information (segments of document information) so far received.  If the responding DTAMPM has already issued a DTRANSFER indication primitive, it performs the sessionabort procedure by issuing an SUABORT request. HSACTIVITYDISCARD confirm primitive   HIf the requesting DTAMPM receives an SACTIVITYDISCARD confirm primitive, it issues DTRANSFER confirmation to the requesting DTAM user in reliable transfer mode 1. 6.6.7HTransferresumption  HThe transferresumption procedure is used in the reliable transfer mode 2 by the requesting DTAMPM to recover from:  Ha)  an error situation handled by the transferinterrupt procedure, or'   Hb)  an error situation handled by the associationabort procedure during a transfer procedure. In this case the transferresumption procedure is performed after an association recovery procedure is successfully performed. If no checkpoint was confirmed in the interrupted transfer procedure, the transferdiscard procedure followed by the transferretry procedure are performed.' used  HNo APDUs are used in this procedure. procedure HTransferresumption procedure mapped onto presentation service (normal mode)'H  HThis procedure is driven by the following events:  Ha)  the resumption of an interrupted activity;'  Hb)  a PACTIVITYRESUME indication primitive.'  HAfter these events, the transfer procedure is used to continue (see 6.6.3). HResumption of an interrupted activity  The requesting DTAMPM issues a PACTIVITYRESUME request primitive with parameters that link the resumed activity to the previously interrupted one. (  After the requesting DTAMPM has issued the PACTIVITYRESUME request primitive and at least one checkpoint was confirmed in the interrupted transfer procedure, it continues the transfer procedure by issuing a PDATA request primitive for the segment of interchangedataelements following the last confirmed checkpoint. If no checkpoint was confirmed in the interrupted transfer procedure, the transferdiscard procedure followed by the transferretry procedure are performed. HPACTIVITYRESUME indication primitive  If the responding DTAMPM receives a PACTIVITYRESUME indication primitive, it checks the old activity identifier and the old session connection identifier parameters of the PACTIVITYRESUME indication primitive with the corresponding information (sessionconnectionidentifier and activity identifier) recorded for the last completely secured transfer (see  If the information coincides with the recorded ones, the responding DTAMPM either (a) responds correctly to the requesting DTAMPM according to the normal transfer procedure, but discards the data it receives, and does not issue a DTRANSFER indication primitive, or (b) performs the userexceptionreport procedure with a Reason parameter value of "sequence error".  If the information does not coincide, the transferresumption procedure continues as for the transfer procedure with a PDATA indication primitive for the segment of interchangedata element following the last confirmed checkpoint.  If the responding DTAMPM cannot resume the activity, the responding DTAMPM performs the userexceptionreport procedure. 6.6.8HAssociationrecovery  HThe associationrecovery procedure is used by the associationinitiating DTAMPM to recover from an error situation handled by the associationabort procedure or the associationproviderabort procedure.  HThis procedure is for further study. 6.7HDocument unconfirmed manipulation  HDocument unconfirmed manipulation is used by the requestor to manipulate the constituents of ODA and operational structure which are commonly handled by both communication entities. Document unconfirmed manipulation consists of document create operation, document delete operation, document modify operation, document call operation and document rebuild operation. 6.7.1HDocument create operation   HThe document create operation procedure is used by the requestor of document manipulation to add the constituents of ODA and operational structure to a document without any confirmation of the create manipulation. used  HThe document create operation procedure uses DCREATE (DCR) APDU. HDCR APDU  HThe field of the DCR APDU is listed in Table 10/T.433.  #TABLE 10/T.433 * # DCR APDU field ă   x|@ w      Field name Presence  Source  Sink    Create information  M  req  ind      HP ")x-Xp"% * Document create operation procedure  XXX X6.  Document create operation procedure mapped onto presentation service (normal mode)' XProcedure is driven by the following events:  Xa) a DCREATE request primitive from the requestor;'  Xb) a DCR APDU as user data of a PDATA indication primitive.' DCREATE request primitive If the requesting DTAMPM receives a DCREATE request primitive, a DCR APDU is formed from the parameter values of the DCREATE request primitive and transferred as userdata of a PDATA request primitive. This may be done outside of an activity. DCR APDU If the responding DTAMPM receives the DCR APDU as user data of a PDATA indication primitive, the responding DTAMPM issues a DCREATE indication primitive to the responder. The DCREATE indication primitive parameter is derived from the DCR APDU. Use of the DCR APDU fields  XThe DCR APDU fields are used as specified below.  Create information   XThis is the create information parameter value from the DCREATE request primitive. It appears as the create information parameter value of the DCREATE indication primitive. 6.7.2XDocument delete operation Purpose  XThe document delete operation procedure is used by the requestor of document manipulation to delete the constituents of ODA and operational structure of an existing document without any confirmation of the delete operation. APDUs used  XThe document delete operation procedure uses DDELETE (DDL) APDU.  DDL APDU  XThe field of the DDL APDU is listed in Table 11/T.433.  #TABLE 11/T.433 * # DDL APDU field ă   w      Field name Presence  Source  Sink     Delete information  M  req  ind Document delete operation procedure  XXX X6.  Document delete operation procedure mapped onto presentation service (normal mode)' XThis procedure request is driven by the following events:  Xa) a DDELETE request primitive from the requestor;' >0Ԍ Xb) a DDL APDU as user data of PDATA indication primitive.' DDELETE request primitive If the requesting DTAMPM receives a DDELETE request primitive, a DDL APDU is formed from the parameter values of DDELETE request primitive and transferred as userdata of a PDATA request primitive. This may be done outside of an activity. DDL APDU If the responding DTAMPM receives the DDL APDU as user data of a PDATA indication primitive, the responding DTAMPM issues a DDELETE indication primitive to the responder. The DDELETE indication primitive parameter is derived from the DDL APDU. Use of the DDL APDU fields  XThe DDL APDU fields are used as specified below.  Delete information   XThis is the delete information parameter value from the DDELETE request primitive. It appears as the delete information parameter value of the DDELETE indication primitive. 6.7.3XDocument modify operation Purpose   XThe document modify operation procedure is used by the requestor of document manipulation to modify the attributes of constituents of ODA and operational structure of an existing document without any confirmation of the modifying operation. APDUs used  XThe document modify operation procedure uses DMODIFY (DMD) APDU.  DMD APDU  XThe field of the DMD APDU is listed in Table 12/T.433. #TABLE 12/T.433 * # DMD APDU field ă   w      Field name Presence  Source  Sink      Modify information  M  req  ind Document modify operation procedure  XXX X6.  Document modify operation procedure mapped onto presentation service (normal mode)' XThis procedure is driven by the following events:  Xa) a DMODIFY request primitive from the requestor;'  Xb) a DMD APDU as user data of a PDATA indication primitive.' DMODIFY request primitive If the requesting DTAMPM receives a DMODIFY request primitive, a DMD APDU is formed from the parameter values of DMODIFY request primitive and transferred as userdata of a PDATA request primitive. This may be done outside of an activity. DMD APDU If the responding DTAMPM receives the DMD APDU as user data of a PDATA indication primitive, the responding DTAMPM issues a DMODIFY indication primitive to the responder. The DMODIFY indication primitive parameter is derived from the DMD APDU. >0 Use of the DMD APDU fields  XThe DMD APDU fields are used as specified below.  Modify information   XThis is the modify information parameter value from the DMODIFY request primitive. It appears as the modify information parameter value of the DMODIFY indication primitive. 6.7.4XDocument call operation Purpose   XThe document call operation procedure is used by the requestor of document manipulation to address or to read an object of operational structure which contains a sequence of DTAM protocol data units (with some restrictions, i.e. that only DCREATE, DDELETE and DMODIFY can appear in this sequence). These protocol data units are applicable to the existing document. APDUs used  XThe document call operation procedure uses DCALL (DCL) APDU.  DCL APDU  XThe field of the DCL APDU is listed in Table 13/T.433.  #TABLE 13/T.433 * # DCL APDU field ă   w      Field name Presence  Source  Sink      Call information  M  req  ind Document call operation procedure   XXX X6.  Document call operation procedure mapped onto presentation service (normal mode)'  XThis procedure is driven by the following events:  Xa) a DCALL request primitive from the requestor;'  Xb) a DCL APDU as user data of a PDATA indication primitive.' DCALL request primitive If the requesting DTAMPM receives a DCALL request primitive, a DCL APDU is formed from the parameter values of DCALL request primitive and transferred as userdata of a PDATA request primitive. This may be done outside of an activity. DCL APDU If the responding DTAMPM receives the DCL APDU as user data of a PDATA indication primitive, the responding DTAMPM issues a DCALL indication primitive to the responder. The DCALL indication primitive parameter is derived from the DCL APDU. Use of the DCL APDU fields  XThe DCL APDU fields are used as specified below.  Call information   XThis is the call information parameter value from the DCALL request primitive. It appears as the call information parameter value of the DCALL indication primitive. 6.7.5XDocument rebuild operation  /ԌX(For further study.)  6.8XDocument confirmed manipulation X(For further study.) 6.9XTyped data transfer 6.9.1XPurpose  XTyped data transmission is used independent of the data token and is issued from both DTAM users when required. 6.9.2XAPDUs usedw  XThe typed data transfer procedure uses DTYPEDDATA (DTD) APDU. DTD APDU  XThe field of the DTD APDU is listed in Table 14/T.433. #TABLE 14/T.433 * # DTD APDU field ă   w      Field name Presence  Source  Sink     Typed data information  M  req  ind        6.9.3XTyped data transfer procedure Typed data transfer procedure mapped onto presentation service& XThis procedure is driven by the following events:  Xa) a DTYPEDDATA request primitive from the requestor;&  Xb) a DTD APDU as user data of a PTYPEDDATA indication primitive.&  DTYPEDDATA request primitive If the requesting DTAMPM receives a DTYPEDDATA request primitive, a DTD APDU is formed from the parameter values of DTYPEDDATA request primitive and transferred as userdata of a PTYPEDDATA request primitive.  DTD APDU If the responding DTAMPM receives the DTD APDU as user data of a PTYPEDDATA indication primitive, the responding DTAMPM issues a DTYPEDDATA indication primitive to the responder. The DTYPEDDATA indication primitive parameter is derived from the DTD APDU. 6.9.4XUse of the DTD APDU fields XThe DTD APDU fields are used as specified below. Typed data information   XThis is the typed data information parameter value from the DTYPEDDATA request primitive. It appears as the typed data information parameter value of the DTYPEDDATA indication primitive. 6.10XRemote document access X(For further study.) 6.11XRemote document management  / ԌX(For further study.)  6.12XToken control 6.12.1 Token please control Purpose  XThe token please procedure is used by a requestor (receiver of documents) to request the token from the responder (sender of documents). APDUs used XThe token please procedure uses the DTOKENPLEASE (DTP) APDU.  DTP APDU  XThe field of the DTP APDU is listed in Table 15/T.433.  #TABLE 15/T.433 * # DTP APDU field ă   w      Field name Presence  Source  Sink      Priority  U  req  ind Token please procedure  XXX X6.  Token please procedure mapped onto presentation service (normal mode)'  XThis procedure is driven by the following events:  Xa) a DTOKENPLEASE request primitive from the requestor; and'  Xb) a DTP APDU as user data of a PTOKENPLEASE indication primitive.' DTOKENPLEASE request primitive the requesting DTAMPM does not possess the token and receives a DTOKENPLEASE request from the requestor, a DTP APDU is formed from the parameter value of the DTOKENPLEASE request primitive and transferred as user data of a PTOKENPLEASE request primitive. This may be done either inside or outside an activity. DTP APDU the responding DTAMPM receives the DTP APDU as user data of a PTOKENPLEASE indication primitive, the responding DTAMPM issues a DTOKENPLEASE indication primitive to the responder. The DTOKENPLEASE indication primitive parameter is derived from the DTP APDU.  XXX X6.  Token please procedure mapped onto session service (transparent mode)'  XThis procedure is driven by the following events:  Xa) a DTOKENPLEASE requestor primitive from the requestor;'  Xb) an STOKENPLEASE indication primitive. DTOKENPLEASE request primitive the requesting DTAMPM does not possess the token and receives a DTOKENPLEASE request from the requestor, DTAMPM issues a STOKENPLEASE request primitive. This may be done either inside or outside an activity. Implicit DTP APDU the responding DTAMPM receives an STOKENPLEASE indication primitive without any APDU on its user data, the responding DTAMPM issues a DTOKENPLEASE indication primitive to the responder. / Use of the DTP APDU fields  XThe DTP APDU fields are use as specified below.  Priority   XThis parameter is the priority of the action, governed by the data token, that the requestor of the DTOKENPLEASE service wishes to carry out. This parameter has to be supplied by the requestor of the DTOKENPLEASE service. 6.12.2 Token give control Purpose  The tokengive procedure is used by a requestor (sender of documents) to give the token to the responder (receiver of documents).  The requestor becomes the receiver and the responder becomes the sender. APDUs used  XNo APDUs are used in this procedure. Token give procedure  XXX X6.  Token give procedure mapped onto presentation service (normal mode)'  XThis procedure is driven by the following events:  Xa) a DTOKENGIVE request primitive;'  Xb) a PTOKENGIVE indication primitive.' DTOKENGIVE request primitive the requesting DTAMPM possesses the token and receives a DTOKENGIVE request primitive from the requestor, it issues a PTOKENGIVE request primitive and becomes the responding DTAMPM. This may be done only outside an activity. PTOKENGIVE indication primitive the responding DTAMPM receives a PTOKENGIVE indication primitive, the responding DTAMPM issues a DTOKENGIVE indication primitive to the responder. The responding DTAMPM becomes the requesting DTAMPM.  XXX X6.  Token give procedure mapped onto session service (transparent mode)' XX'X  XThis procedure is driven by the following events:  Xa) a DTOKENGIVE request primitive from the requestor;  Xb) an STOKENGIVE indication primitive.& DTOKENGIVE request primitive the requesting DTAMPM possesses the token and receives a DTOKENGIVE request primitive from the requestor, it issues an STOKENGIVE request primitive and becomes the responding DTAMPM. This may be done only outside an activity. STOKENGIVE indication primitive the responding DTAMPM receives an STOKENGIVE indication primitive, the responding DTAMPM issues a DTOKENGIVE indication primitive to the responder. The responding DTAMPM becomes the requesting DTAMPM. 6.12.3 Controlgive Purpose  The CONTROLGIVE procedure is used by a requestor to give all the tokens to the responder.  The requestor becomes the receiver and the responder becomes the sender. APDUs used  XNo APDUs are used in this procedure. !/ CONTROLGIVE procedure XXX X6.  CONTROLGIVE procedure mapped onto presentation service (normal mode)'  XThis procedure is driven by the following events:  Xa) a DCONTROLGIVE request primitive;'  Xb) a PCONTROLGIVE indication primitive.' DCONTROLGIVE request primitive the requesting DTAMPM possesses the tokens and receives a DCONTROLGIVE request primitive from the requestor, it issues a PCONTROLGIVE request primitive and becomes the responding DTAMPM. This may be done only outside an activity. PCONTROLGIVE indication primitive the responding DTAMPM receives a PCONTROLGIVE indication primitive, the responding DTAMPM issues a DCONTROLGIVE indication primitive to the responder. The responding DTAMPM becomes the requesting DTAMPM.  XXX X6.  CONTROL GIVE procedure mapped onto session service (transparent mode)'  XThis procedure is driven by the following events:  Xa) a DCONTROLGIVE request primitive from the requestor;  Xb) an SCONTROLGIVE indication primitive.' DCONTROLGIVE request primitive the requesting DTAMPM possesses the tokens and receives a DCONTROLGIVE request primitive from the requestor, it issues an SCONTROLGIVE request primitive and becomes the responding DTAMPM. This may be done only outside an activity. SCONTROLGIVE indication primitive the responding DTAMPM receives an SCONTROLGIVE indication primitive, the responding DTAMPM issues a DCONTROLGIVE indication primitive to the responder. The responding DTAMPM becomes the requesting DTAMPM. 6.13XException report 6.13.1 Userexception report Purpose  XThe userexceptionreport procedure is used by the responding DTAMPM to report an error situation to the requesting DTAMPM during document bulk transfer. APDUs used XNo APDUs are used in this procedure. Userexception report procedurew  XXX X6.  Userexceptionreport procedure mapped onto presentation service (normal mode)'  XThis procedure is driven by the following events:  Xa) a responding DTAMPM problem;  Xb) a PUEXCEPTIONREPORT indication primitive. Receiving DTAMPM problem the responding DTAMPM detects a problem, it issues a PUEXCEPTIONREPORT request primitive. Depending on the severity of the detected error, the value of the Reason parameter of the PUEXCEPTIONREPORT request primitive is as follows:  /Ԍ Xa) in severe problem situations, the value "receiving ability jeopardized" is used;'   Xb) in exceptional circumstances, the responding DTAMPM may have to delete a partially received document information, even though some minor synchronization points have been confirmed. In this case, the value "unrecoverable procedure error" is used;'  Xc) if the responding DTAMPM is not willing to complete a transfer procedure (see 6.6.3), the value "nonspecific error" is used;'  Xd) if the requesting DTAMPM resumes a transfer procedure already finished by the responding DTAMPM within an applicationassociation, the value "sequence error" is used;'  Xe) for all other less severe error situations, the value "local SSUser error" is used.' PUEXCEPTIONREPORT indication primitive the requesting DTAMPM receives a PUEXCEPTIONREPORT indication primitive, it performs one of the following procedures depending on the Reason parameter value of the PUEXCEPTIONREPORT indication primitive and Reliable transfer modes: Xa) With a value "receiving ability jeopardized",'  XXX © the transferabort procedure (see followed by the DTAM providerabort procedure are performed (mode 1/2).'   Xb) With a value "unrecoverable procedure error",&  XXX © the transferdiscard procedure (see  6.6.6) followed by DTRANSFER service (indication and confirmation) are performed (mode 1),'    X  the transferdiscard procedure followed by transfer procedure are performed (mode2).' Xc) With a value "nonspecific error",'  X  the transferdiscard procedure followed by DTRANSFER service (indication and confirmation) are performed (mode 1),'  X  the transferdiscard procedure followed by transfer procedure are performed (mode2).' Xd) With a value "sequence error",'  X  the transferdiscard procedure is performed and the requesting DTAMPM issues an DTRANSFER confirm primitive with a result parameter value "documentinformation transferred" to the requestor and the transfer procedure is finished (mode 1/2).'  Xe) With a value "local SSUser error" and at least one confirmed checkpoint in the transfer procedure,'  X  the transferinterrupt procedure (see 6.6.5) followed by DTRANSFER service (indication and confirmation) are performed (mode 1),'  X  the transferinterrupt procedure followed by the transferresumption procedure (see 6.6.7) are performed (mode 2).'  Xf) With a value "local SSUser error" and no checkpoint was confirmed in the transfer procedure,'  X  the transferdiscard procedure followed by DTRANSFER service (indication and confirmation) are performed (mode 1),'  X  the transferdiscard procedure followed by the transfer procedure are performed (mode 2).' >0Ԍ 16/T.433 summarizes the actions of the requesting DTAMPM when receiving the PUEXCEPTIONREPORT indication primitive.