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T.433 y:* x|@  Fascicle VII.7 Rec. T.433   B.2HConventions HThe intersection of an incoming event (row) and a state (column) forms a cell.  HIn the state table, a bland cell represents the combination of an incoming event and a state that is not defined for the DTAMPM (see B.3.1). Some states await solely some incoming events from the source DTAMPM (internal events). These states are marked by * and no other incoming events are considered.  HA nonblank cell represents an incoming event and a state that is defined for the DTAMPM. Such a cell contains one or more action lists. An action list may be either mandatory or conditional. If a cell contains a mandatory action list, it is the only action list in the cell. HA mandatory action list contains: Ha)  optionally one or more outgoing events; Hb)  optionally one or more specific actions; Hc)  an resultant state. HA conditional action list contains:  Ha)  a predicate expression comprising predicates and Boolean operators ( represents the Boolean NOT, & represents the Boolean AND);'  Hb)  a mandatory action list. (This mandatory action list is used only if the predicate expression is true.)' B.3HActions to be taken by the DTAMPM  HThe DTAMPM state table defines the action to be taken by the DTAMPM in terms of an optional outgoing event, optional specific actions, and the resultant state of the applicationassociation. B.3.1HInvalid intersections  HBlank cells indicate an invalid intersection of an incoming event and state. If such an intersection occurs, one of the following actions is taken:  Ha)  If the incoming event comes from the DTAMSEuser, or is an internal event, any action taken by the DTAMPM is a local matter.'  Hb)  If the incoming event is related to a received APDU, or SSprovider, either the DTAMPM issues an appropriate internal event, or the DTAMPM issues both a DPAind outgoing event (to its DTAMSEuser) and a DAB outgoing event (to its peer DTAMPM).' B.3.2HValid intersections  HIf the intersection of the state and incoming event is valid, one of the following actions is taken:  Ha)  If the cell contains a mandatory action list, the DTAMPM takes the actions specified.'  Hb)  If a cell contains one or more conditional action lists, for each predicate expression that is true, the DTAMPM takes the actions specified. If none of the predicate expressions are true, the DTAMPM takes one of the actions defined in B.3.1.' B.4HDefinition of variables HThe following variables are specified. B.4.1HAssociationinitiating DTAMPM  HThis Boolean variable is set TRUE if the DTAMPM is the associationinitiating DTAMPM (specific action [a1]), otherwise it is set FALSE (specific action [a2]). HThis Boolean variable is tested in the predicate p11. * B.4.2HCheckpointconfirmed  HThis Boolean variable is TRUE, if at least one checkpoint was confirmed during the transfer procedure. It is set FALSE at the beginning of the transfer procedure (specific action [a30]). It is set TRUE, if an SMINORSYNCHRONIZE confirm primitive is issued to the sending DTAMPM (specific action [a32]). B.4.3HTransfercompleted  HThis Boolean variable is TRUE, if the receiving DTAMPM aborted the association because it could not discard an already completed transfer. It is set by the specific actions [a93] and [a94]. HThis Boolean variable is tested in the predicate p37. B.4.4HOutstandingminorsyncs  HThis integer variable indicates the number of outstanding checkpoint confirmations during the transfer procedure. It is set to zero at the beginning of the transfer procedure (specific action [a30]). It is incremented by one, if a SMINORSYNCHRONIZE request primitive is issued by the sending user to the sending DTAMPM (specific action [a31]).  HThe value of this variable is compared with the value of the windowsize field of the SCONcnf in the predicate p32. The value of this variable is compared with the value zero in the predicate p33.