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T.431 y:'m  x|@   Fascicle VII.7 Rec. T.431 y   Recommendation T.431  DOCUMENT TRANSFER AND MANIPULATION (DTAM) SERVICES AND PROTOCOLS ă  INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL PRINCIPLES ă &CONTENTS 0HIntroduction  1HScope and field of application  2HReferences  3HDefinitions  4HAbbreviations  5HDTAM for telematic applications General concepts  H5.1  The approach to the integrated telematic applications H5.2  General communication functions H5.3  Communication support functions H5.4  Telematic protocol architecture (TPA) model  6HOverview of Recommendations T.431 to T.433  H6.1  Recommendation T.431 Introduction and general principles H6.2  Recommendation T.432 DTAM service definition H6.3  Recommendation T.433 DTAM protocol specification  7HHApplication rules for communication application profiles'H  H7.1  General principle H7.2  Service class H7.3  Functional units H7.4  Communication support functions H7.5  Use of communication application profile  8HHService classes, functional units and communication support functions'H  H8.1  Service classes H8.2  Functional units H8.3  Communication support functions  0 H Introduction  HRecommendation T.431 is one of a set of T.400 Series Recommendations to facilitate the interconnection of telematic systems and terminals. It is related to other CCITT Recommendations in the set as defined by the Reference model for open systems interconnection (X.200). The Reference model subdivides the area of standardization for interconnection into a series of layers of specification, each of manageable size.   HThe T.430 Series of Recommendations define a document transfer and manipulation (DTAM) service and specify a DTAM protocol available within the application layer of the reference model. The DTAM defined in this series of Recommendations is one of the application service elements (ASE), which is specifically designed for document handling. It is concerned with identifiable bodies of information which can be treated as documents, and which may be stored within open systems or accessed, transferred and manipulated between application processes.   HRecommendations T.431, T.432 and T.433 define general principles and application rules, basic DTAM service, and protocol, respectively. They provide sufficient facilities to support DTAM and establish a framework for DTAM management. @)  1 H Scope and field of application  HThis Recommendation defines in an abstract way application rules of the DTAM service. Applications defined using this series of Recommendations are specified in terms of service classes. A service class consists of a combination of functional units and communication support functions. The combination of functional units and communication support functions are: H1)  Functional units provided by DTAM:  H association use control unit (kernel);  H capability unit;  H document transfer unit;  H document unconfirmed manipulation unit;  H document confirmed manipulation unit;  H typed data transfer unit;  H remote document management unit (see Note);  H remote document access unit (see Note);  H token control unit;  H reliable transfer management unit;  H exception report unit.  HNote The use of these functional units is left for further study.  H2)  Communication support functions:   H  association control service element (ACSE) and presentation layer service;'  H reliable transfer service element (RTSE) (see Note);  H  remote operation service element (ROSE) (see Note);'   H  session service (Recommendation X.215) according to the rule of Recommenda tionT.62bis;'  H  message handling system service element (STMSE) (see Note).'  HNoteThe use of these communication support functions is left for further study. 2 H References  H Rec. T.62bis: Control procedures for Teletex and Group 4 facsimile service based on RecommendationsX.215/X.225.'   H Rec. T.400: Introduction to document architecture, transfer and manipulation.'   H Rec. T.411: Open document architecture (ODA) and interchange format Introduction and general principles.'   H Rec. T.412: Open document architecture (ODA) and interchange format Document structures.'   H Rec. T.414: Open document architecture (ODA) and interchange format Document profile.'   H Rec. T.415: Open document architecture (ODA) and interchange format Open document interchange format (ODIF).'   H Rec. T.416: Open document architecture (ODA) and interchange format Character content architectures.'   H Rec. T.417: Open document architecture (ODA) and interchange format Raster graphics content architectures.' (  H Rec. T.418: Open document architecture (ODA) and interchange format Geometric graphics content architectures.'   H Rec. T.432: Document transfer and manipulation (DTAM) Services and protocols Service definition.'   H Rec. T.433: Document transfer and manipulation (DTAM) Services and protocols  Protocol specification.'   H Rec. X.200: Reference model of open systems interconnection for CCITT applications.'  H Rec. X.208: Specification of abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1).'   H Rec. X.209: Specification of basic encoding rules for abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1).'   H Rec. X.210: Open systems interconnection (OSI) layer service definition convention.'   H Rec. X.215: Session service definition for open systems interconnection for CCITT applications.'   H Rec. X.216: Presentation service definition for open systems interconnection for CCITT applications.'   H Rec. X.217: Association control service definition for open systems interconnection for CCITT applications.'  H Rec. X.218: Reliable transfer: Model and service definition.'  H Rec. X.219: Remote operations: Model, notation and service definition.'   H Rec. X.225: Session protocol specification for open systems interconnection for CCITT applications.'   H Rec. X.227: Association control protocol specification for open systems interconnection for CCITT applications.'  H Rec. X.400: Message handling systems: System and service overview.' 3 H Definitions  HUnless explicitly indicated, all terms apply to the view of a system presented for the purpose of open systems interconnection. This implies that the terms relate to a DTAM rather than to any real documents in local system.   HThe definitions are grouped into major categories, and ordered alphabetically within each category.   HFor the purpose of T.430 Series Recommendations, the following definitions apply: 3.1HDTAM service and protocol definitions  HThe following definitions are applied to Recommendations T.431 to T.433, in addition to the definitions defined in other T.400 Series Recommendations:  3.1.1H document bulk transfer  HBulk transmission of a document as a whole.  3.1.2H document bulk transfer and manipulation  HAn arbitrary combination of document bulk transfer and document manipulation.  3.1.3H document manipulation   HCreation, deletion or modification of one or more constituents or substructures of a document.  3.1.4H DTAM user   HThat portion of the application entity which conceptually invokes the DTAM service. h# 3.1.5 H remote document access  HDocument selection and access rights via communication.  3.1.6H remote document management  HDocument creation or deletion via communication.  3.1.7H service element  HA unit of standardization specifying a complete group of functions.  3.1.8H service primitive   HThe smallest defined interaction between the user and the provider of a communication service. 3.2HReference model definitions   HT.430 Series Recommendations are based on the concept developed in Recommendation X.200 and make use of the following terms defined in it:  Ha)  applicationentity;  Hb)  applicationprocess;  Hc)  application service element;  Hd)  (N)connection;  He)  open system;  Hf)  (N)protocol;  Hg)  (N)protocolcontrolinformation;  Hh)  (N)protocoldataunit;  Hi)  (N)service;  Hj)  (N)serviceaccesspoint;  Hk)  (N)serviceaccesspointaddress;  Hl)  (N)servicedataunit;  Hm)  (N)userdata;  Hn)  user element. 3.3HService convention definitions   HT.430 Series Recommendations make use of the following terms defined in Recommendation X.210 as they apply to the DTAM service:  Ha)  confirm;  Hb)  indication;  Hc)  primitive;  Hd)  request;  He)  response;  Hf)  service provider;  Hg)  service user. 4 H Abbreviations  HAbbreviations defined in other Recommendations of T.400 Series apply also to this Recommendation. T.430 Series Recommendations also use the following abbreviations: ACSEH association control service element  APDUH application protocol data unit ) ASEH application service element  DBH document bulk transfer class  DMH document manipulation class  DBMH document bulk transfer and manipulation class  OSIH open systems interconnection  PSAPH presentation service access point  RTSEH reliable transfer service element  ROSEH remote operation service element  MHSSEH message handling system service element  TPAH telematic protocol architecture  MH mandatory  OH optional  *H At least one selection  ЩH Not permitted  5 H DTAM for telematic application General concepts 5.1HThe approach to the integrated telematic application   HRecommendations T.400 Series specify the integrated approach for the telematic application by defining the document transfer and manipulation (DTAM) which is the common communication function for telematic services located in the OSI application layer.   HDTAM provides document handling facilities in order to realize document bulk transfer, document manipulation, document access and document management for various telematic applications such as G4 facsimile, mixed mode, processable mode Videotex and so on.  5.2HGeneral communication functions  HDTAM provides the following general communication functions.  5.2.1HDocument bulk transfer   HThe communication function is subdivided into two functionalities. One is direct document transfer, the other is indirect document bulk transfer as follows:  H1)  Direct document bulk transfer   H In the direct document bulk transfer applications, a document generated at one system is transmitted to another system such as Group 4 facsimile and mixed mode communications. In order to provide for efficient general document transfer, CCITT defines a standard document architecture as the T.410 Series of Recommendations.'  HHX NoteDirect transfer using IPM function is left for further study.'  H2)  Indirect document bulk transfer   H Indirect transfer using MHS X.400 Series of Recommendations is described in Annex E to Recommendation T.411.'  5.2.2HRemote document manipulations   HAn operation can be applied to one or more constituents or a busstructure of document and/or the application defined structures such as the operational structure. Operations applying to more than one constituent or substructure are performed by applying the operation to each of the constituents or the substructures. The operations used by the application have to obey certain rules. Detail specification of the operational structure is described in Recommendation T.441. for manipulations  H1)  Create operation   H The create operation effects the addition of a constituent to the document or to the application defined structure.' H*  H The create operation may carry the constituents, including the values applicable to the created constituent. If attributes are not set by the operation, they are set to their default values (if defined) or remain undefined otherwise. The relationship attributes of the superior are not implicitly modified by the create operation.'  H2)  Delete operation   H The delete operation provokes the deletion of the identified constituent and all subordinates. The relationship attributes of the superior constituents are not implicitly modified by the delete operation.'   HHX Note If content portions are deleted as subordinates of wither layout or logical structure, it is the responsibility of the application to ensure that they also deleted for the complementary structure.'  H3)  Modify operation   H For the identified constituent, the modify operation assigns new values to the mentioned attributes. Attributes not mentioned in a modify operation remain unchanged. Identification attributes are used in a modify operation to identify the concerned constituent. They are set at the time of the creation of the object or content portion and remain unchanged by modify operations. Other invariable attributes must not occur in this operation.'   H Whenever applying one of the concerned operations, it is the responsibility of the application to ensure consistency of the document.'  H4)  Call operation   H The call operation is used to read an object of the operational structure which contains a sequence of DTAM protocol data unit which is applicable to the existing document.'  H5)  Rebuild operation  H The rebuild operation is for further study. 5.2.3HRemote document access  HFor further study. 5.2.4HRemote document management  HFor further study. 5.3HCommunication support functions  HDTAM makes use of the following services as a communication support function to exchange protocol elements between telematic DTAM protocol machines (DTAMPM):   HHa)X  the service of session layer defined in RecommendationX.215 according to the rule of RecommendationT.62bis.'   HHb)X  the service of ACSE (association control service element) and the service of presentation layer.'   HHX Note The use of RTSE (reliable transfer service element), ROSE (remote operation service element) and MHSSE (message handling system service element) is left for further study.' 5.4HTelematic protocol architecture (TPA) model  HThe DTAM operates between two telematic DTAM protocol machines (DTAMPMs) in the application layer of OSI model. Protocol elements are exchanged between DTAMPMs, using the service of session layer as defined in RecommendationX.215, or the services of ACSE (association control service element) and presentation layer services as defined in Recommendation X.216. Telematic protocol architecture (TPA) model is shown in Figure 1/T.431. The application layer protocol architecture illustrated in this figure is composed of ACSE, DTAM application service element, and DTAM user elements. HInclusion of MHS, RST and ROS elements in TPA is left for further study. x%  HHNote In some applications, APDUs defined in DTAM are directly mapped to session service defined in RecommendationX.215.'H #FIGURE 1/T.431  A basic telematic protocol architecture (TPA) model ă P  6 H Overview of Recommendations T.431 to T.433 6.1HRecommendation T.431 Introduction and general principles  HRecommendation T.431 provides information about T.430 Series of Recommendations as a whole by way of an introductory description of the DTAM service and protocol, an overview of each of the Recommendations and a description of their interdependencies. References necessary for all T.430 Series of Recommendations are given, and terms used throughout all T.430 Series of Recommendations are defined. Conformance to T.430 Series of Recommendations is specified and rules for defining communication application profiles are given. 6.2HRecommendation T.432 DTAM service definition  HRecommendation T.432 defines in an abstract way the services provided by an application serviceelement, the document transfer and manipulation service element (DTAM) to support applications in a distributed telematic systems environment. 6.3HRecommendation T.433 DTAM protocol specification  HRecommendation T.433 specifies the protocol for the services provided by an application serviceelement, the document transfer and manipulation service element (DTAM) to support applications in a distributed telematic systems environment. 7 HH Application rules for communication application profiles 'H  HSpecific communication application profiles may be defined using this T.430 Series of Recommendations according to the rules defined in this section. Definition procedure of a communication application profile is summarized in FigureA1/T.431. 7.1HGeneral principle  HTables 1/T.431 and 2/T.431 define permissible combinations of a service class, communication support functions and functional units that may be used to define a communication application profile during the lifetime of association. HA communication application profile must specify: H1)  a service class; H2)  functional units; H3)  communication support functions, that are conforming to this Recommendation.  $TABLE 1/T.431  Services associated with functional units ă   x|@ w        Service classes      Functional unit  DTAM service Reference       DB  DM  DBM      U1 Association use Association use start  M  M  M      control unit       Association use termination  M  M  M             Association use forced          termination  M  M  M      U2 Capability unit Capability  O  O  O      U3 Document bulk Document bulk transfer  M   M      transfer unit          U4 Document Document unconfirmed manipulation         manipulation unit CREATE, DELETE, MODIFY, CALL,         (unconfirmed) Others FS   M  M      U5 Document Document confirmed manipulation       manipulation unit CREATE, DELETE, MODIFY, CALL,  FS      (confirmed) Others FS       U6 Typed data Typed data transfer   O  O      transmission unit          U7 Token control Token control  O  O  O      unit        0 Ԍ  U8 Exception report Exception reporting  O   O      unit          U9 Reliable transfer Activity control and         support unit synchronization/resynchronization  O   O       control         U10 Remote document FS  FS      management unit        U11 Remote document FS  FS      access unit        HP ")x-Xp" FSXFurther study  Service class abbreviations:  DBXDocument bulk transfer class DMXDocument manipulation class DBMXDocument bulk transfer and manipulation class  The following abbreviations are applied within the service class columns:  MXMandatory OXOptional *XAt least one functional unit XNot permitted 4  t#TABLE 2/T.431 t Summary of service classes ă   w       Service classes  DTAM communication support functions       DB0  Direct mapping to session service         Document bulk  DB1  ACSE and presentation service     transfer (direct)      DB2  ACSE and RTSE and presentation service (Note)       DM1  ACSE and presentation service         Document manipulation                   DBM1  ACSE and presentation service (Note)     Document bulk     transfer and  DBM2  ACSE and RTSE and presentation service (Note)     manipulation            Document bulk  IDB1  MHSSE (Note)     transfer (Note)            Remote document  RDA      access (Note)            Remote document  RDM      management (Note)  >0              DB, DM, DBM, IDB, RDA and RDM are used to classify DTAM protocol architecture depending on the combination of communication support functions.  Note These service classes are left for further study.  7.2XService class   XRecommendation T.431 defines three service classes (Note), that are general communication functions provided by DTAM:  X1) document bulk transfer (direct); X2) document manipulation; X3) document bulk transfer and manipulation.  XRecommendations T.432 and T.433 define all DTAM services and procedures as application protocol that may be used in defining each service class. The application profile must specify the required service class depending on the DTAM application profile requirement.   XNote There may be other service classes such as document bulk transfer (indirect), remote document access and remote document management. These service classes are left for further study.  7.3XFunctional units   XTable 1/T.431 defines combinations of a service class and functional units. Functional units are used to simplify the procedure as well as the application protocol. RecommendationsT.432 andT.433 define DTAM service and protocol that may be used in an application profile. This section defines the rules for using functional units within an application profile, as follows: ~   XX1)X The communication application profile must specify all functional units conforming to a service class.'    XX2)X The communication application profile must specify all DTAM service primitives that are associated with functional units.'    XX3)X The communication application profile must specify all parameter sets that are associated with a DTAM service; these service primitives must include parameters that are classified as mandatory in the Recommendation T.432.'    XX4)X The communication application profile may specify or exclude the use of any DTAM service primitives that is classified as a user option in RecommendationT.432.'    XX5)X The communication application profile may specify as mandatory the use of any DTAM service primitives that is classified as a user option in Recommendation T.432.'    XX6)X The communication application profile must specify value and default value of DTAM protocol data handled by a functional unit.'   7.4XCommunication support functions  XTable 2/T.431 defines permissible combinations of a service class and communication support functions. RecommendationT.433 defines DTAM protocol in conjunction with the association control service element (ACSE) and presentation service or session service (X.215) according to the rule of Recommendation T.62bis. This section defines the rules for using communication support functions within an application profile, as follows:   X the application profile must specify all communication support functions conforming to a service class.' 7.5XUse of communication application profile  XA single communication application profile is used for one association. The use of more than one communication application profile during the lifetime of association is for further study. 8 XX Service classes, functional units and communication support functions 'X  XFunctional units and service classes are logical groupings of related DTAM services defined in Recommendation T.432. 8.1XService classes  XRecommendations T.432 and T.433 define all DTAM services and procedures as application protocol that may be used in defining each service class. Which functional units are mandatory and which are optional in each service class; document bulk transfer, document manipulation, and document transfer and manipulation are shown in Table 1/T.431. 8.1.1XDocument bulk transfer class   XIn terminaltoterminal communications, there exist bulk document transfer application transmitting documents as a whole, such as G4 facsimile and mixedmode communications. In this document bulk transfer applications, a document generated at one system (terminal) is transmitted to another system (terminal).  XThe document bulk transfer class consists of:  XXa)X association use control functional unit;'   Xb) optionally, capability functional unit;  Xc) document bulk transfer functional unit;  XXd)X optionally, exception report functional unit;&  XXe)X optionally, token control functional unit;& >0 Ԍ Xf) optionally, reliable transfer support functional unit.&  8.1.2  Document manipulation class  XIn telematic document data base applications, parts of a document may be transferred to generate a whole document sequentially, concatenating parts stored in different resources. The only document manipulation class can be applied to this application. XThe document manipulation class consists of: XXa)X association use control functional unit;'   Xb) optionally, capability functional unit;  Xc) document manipulation functional unit (unconfirmed);&  XXd)X optionally, token control functional unit;&  Xe) optionally, typed data transmission functional unit.&  8.1.3XDocument bulk transfer and manipulation class   XIn addition to document transfer applications, there exist conversational applications transmitting documents twoway interactively. This service class is achieved by an arbitrary combination of document bulk transfer and document manipulation. For example, in terminaltoterminal communications, conversational applications include interactive telematic services with handwriting and point, and interactive remote editing of previously transmitted documents. In host access applications, special characteristics of document architecture include the use of soft copy media. These enable partial document manipulations such as modification or deletion of portions of the structured document received from the host. In this application, document structure of a previously transmitted document may be manipulated.  XNote In hosttoterminal communications, the structured document is transferred as a body part for submission, delivery, filing and retrieval. Applicability to other hosttoterminal communications, such as MHS, document filing and retrieval service, is left for further study. XThe document bulk transfer and manipulation class consists of:  Xa) association use control functional unit;  Xb) optionally, capability functional unit;  Xc) document bulk transfer functional unit;  Xd) exception report functional unit;  Xe) optionally, token control functional unit;  Xf) optionally, reliable transfer support functional unit;'  Xg) optionally, typed data transmission functional unit.' 8.1.4XRemote document access class  XFor further study.  8.1.5XRemote document management class  XFor further study. 8.2XFunctional units 8.2.1XAssociation use control functional unit (kernel)   XThe DTAM provides the trigger for the use of the association provided in ACSE, and controls association use during communication. Association use control unit supports basic DTAM services for unique discrimination of both AEs, selection of functional units, establishment, termination and abort of association use.  8.2.2XCapability functional units   XThe DTAM capability functional unit provides the means for invocation or negotiation of application and communication characteristics during an association being in effect up to the next subsequent DTAM capability invocation. >0 8.2.3XData transmission functional units  XThe DTAM provides document transfer methods, such as document bulk transfer, document manipulation and typed data transmission. Data transmission unit consists of the following three units:  Xa) Document bulk transfer functional unit   X The DTAM has a function to transmit the document in bulk to the other DTAM user under the communication environment negotiated by DINITIATE service and additionally by DCAPABILITY service. The documents represented by ODIF (open document interchange format) is transmitted using bulk document transfer unit.' XXb)X Document manipulation functional unit (confirmed or unconfirmed)'    X In addition to the above bulk transfer, DTAM provides a function to partially modify a document by generating, revising or deleting structures of an existing document. The DTAM user uses this document manipulation unit to manipulate structures in an existing document.'  Xc) Typed data transmission functional unit   X In hostaccess applications, data sent to the host by the user are fundamentally unstructured retrieval commands and interrupts such as transmission stop requests. The DTAM has a function to pass such data directly on to the DTAM user as typed data. Typed data transmission unit transmits commands for document filing, document retrieval and interrupt without subjecting to token control.' 8.2.4XSession management functional units  XThe DTAM has control functions for conversational control provided by the session layer.  Xa) Token control functional unit   X Transmission rights required for document transfer and document manipulations are controlled with token control unit.'  Xb) Reliable transfer support functional unit   X DTAM provides the activity control, synchronization/resynchronization control unit, error recovery control unit.' 8.2.5XException report functional unit  XDTAM provides the exception reporting service for exceptional condition occurred in DTAM communication environment. 8.2.6XRemote document access functional unit XFor further study. 8.2.7XRemote document management functional unit XFor further study. 8.2.8XOther functional units  XThe DTAM may use remote operation service (RecommendationX.219), reliable transfer service (RecommendationX.218) and MHS (X.400 Series of Recommendations). They are left for further study. 8.3XCommunication support functions  XThis section defines permissible combinations of a service class and communication support functions. Valid combinations of service classes and communication support functions are summarized in Table 2/T.431. Recommendations T.432 and T.433 define DTAM services and procedures that specify two communication support functions: the association control service element (ACSE) service and the presentation service (Recommendation / X.216) or session service (Recommendation X.215) according to the rule of RecommendationT.62bis. Other communication support functions such as MHS, RTS and ROS element are left for further study. | 8.3.1XDocument bulk transfer class Xa) Use of Recommendation T.62bis (DB0)   X Application protocol data units (APDU) defined in DTAM are directly mapped to session service defined in Recommendation X.215 according to the rule of RecommendationT.62bis.' XXb)X Use of ACSE and presentation layer service defined by X.200 (DB1)'    X Other telematic document bulk transfer service classes may be provided in conjunction with the ACSE (RecommendationX.217) and the presentation service (Recommen dationX.216).' XXc)X Use of ACSE, RTSE and presentation layer service defined by X.200 (DB2)'   X For further study. 8.3.2XDocument manipulation class XXa)X Use of ACSE and presentation layer service defined by X.200 (DM1)&  X The telematic document manipulation service classes may be provided in conjunction with the ACSE (Recommendation X.217) and the presentation service (Recommendation X.216).' 8.3.3XDocument bulk transfer and manipulation class XXa)X Use of ACSE and presentation layer service defined by X.200 (DBM1)'    X Telematic document bulk transfer and manipulation service classes may be provided in conjunction with the ACSE (Recommendation X.217) and the presentation service (Recommendation X.216).' XXb)X Use of ACSE, RTSE and presentation layer service defined by X.200 (DBM2)'   X For further study. 8.3.4XRemote document access class (RDA) XFor further study. 8.3.5XRemote document management class (RDM) XFor further study. 8.3.6XDocument bulk transfer class (indirect) (IDB1) XFor further study.  ^$ t&ANNEX A t) t(to Recommendation T.431)  XThis Annex summarizes the definition procedure of a communication application profile. (See Figure A1/T.431.)  "FIGURE A1/T.431 *  Defining procedure of communication application profile ă