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T.418 i:'m x|@   Fascicle VII.6 Rec. T.418 i   Recommendation T.418  OPEN DOCUMENT ARCHITECTURE (ODA) AND INTERCHANGE FORMAT ă  GEOMETRIC GRAPHICS CONTENT ARCHITECTURE 1)ă 'CONTENT 1HScope  2HNormative references  3HDefinitions, symbols, abbreviations and conventions  H3.1  Definitions H3.2  Symbols, abbreviations and conventions  4HGeneral principles  H4.1  Content architecture classes H4.2  Content H4.3  Presentation attributes H4.4  Coding of content information H4.5  Layout and imaging of the content  5HPositioning  H5.1  Introduction H5.2  Measurement units and directions  H5.3  The relationship between the region of interest and the basic layout object  6HDefinition of geometric graphics presentation attributes  H6.1  Shared presentation attributes H6.2  Layout presentation attributes' H6.3  Logical presentation attributes' H6.4  Content architecture class attributes' H6.5  Interaction with document architecture attributes'  7HHGeometric graphics content portions attributes'H  H7.1  Common coding attributes' H7.2  Content information' H7.3  Other coding attributes'   8HHFormal definitions of geometric graphics content architecture dependent data types'H  H8.1  Introduction' H8.2  Representation of geometric graphics presentation attributes' H8.3  Representation of coding attributes H8.4  Representation of nonbasic features and nonstandard defaults'  9HHContent layout process'H  H9.1  Introduction'  HH9.2X  Content layout process for formatted processable content architecture class'  10HHContent imaging process'H  HHX HH10.1  Introduction'  HHX HH10.2  Content imaging process for formatted processable form content architecture class'  11HHDefinition of geometric graphics content architecture classes'H & HP ")x-HP ")x-HHh HAnnexAH Summary of ASN.1 object identifiers'   HHh   HAnnexBH Recommendation for the development of geometric graphics content architecture levels in document application profiles'   HHh   HAnnexCH Basic differences between character primitives in the geometric graphics and the content of a basic component structured according to the character content architectures defined in Recommendation T.416' HP ")x-HP ")x- 1 H Scope  1.1HThe purpose of the T.410Series of Recommendations is to facilitate the interchange of documents.  HIn the context of the T.410Series, documents are considered to be items such as memoranda, letters, invoices, forms and reports, which may include pictures and tabular material. The content elements used within the documents may include graphic characters, geometric graphics elements and raster graphics elements, all potentially within one document.  HNote The T.410Series is designed to allow for extensions, including typographical features, colour, spreadsheets and additional types of content such as sound.  1.2HThe T.410Series applies to the interchange of documents by means of data communication or the exchange of storage media.  HThe T.410Series provides for the interchange of documents for either or both of the following purposes: H to allow presentation as intended by the originator;  H to allow processing such as editing and reformatting.  HThe composition of a document in interchange can take several forms:  H formatted form, allowing presentation of the document;  H processable form, allowing processing of the document;  H formatted processable form, allowing both presentation and processing.'  HThe T.410Series also provides for the interchange of ODA information structures used for the processing of interchanged documents.  HFurthermore, the T.410Series allows for the interchange of documents containing one or more different types of content such as character text, images, graphics and sound. 1.3HThis Recommendation  Ha)  defines a geometric graphics content architecture that can be used in conjunction with the document architecture defined in the RecommendationT.412;'   Hb)  defines an interface which allows the use of content structured according to ISO 8632 within documents structured according to the RecommendationT.412;'   Hc)  defines those aspects of positioning and imaging applicable to the presentation of this geometric graphics content architecture in a basic layout object;'   Hd)  defines the presentation attributes applicable to this geometric graphics content architecture;'   HHe)X  describes a content layout process, which together with the document layout process described in the Recommendation T.412, describes the layout of geometric graphics content in basic layout and determines the dimensions of these basic layout objects.' (& 2 HH Normative references 'H  HThe following Recommendations and International Standards contain provision which, through reference in the text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this Recommendation are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards listed below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.  H Rec. T.50 (1984), International Alphabet No. 5.'  HH©X Rec. X.208 (1988), Specification of abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1).'   HH©X ISO 86321: 1987, Information processing systems Computer graphics Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information Part 1: Functional specification.'   HH©X ISO 86323: 1987, Information processing systems Computer graphics Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information Part 3: Binary encoding.' 3 H Definitions, symbols, abbreviations and conventions 3.1HDefinitions  HFor the purpose of this Recommendation, the definitions given in Recommendation T.411 apply. In addition, the definitions given in ISO 8632 apply to this Recommendation. 3.2HSymbols, abbreviations and conventions 3.2.1HCGM   HThis term is used to reference the Computer Graphics Metafile defined in ISO8632. It is used as a qualifier for terms defined in ISO 8632 (for example, CGM elements).  3.2.2HIndividual CGM elements   HThroughout this part whenever individual CGM elements are referred to they are written in uppercase; for example, SCALING MODE.  3.2.3HCGM concepts   HWhenever the concepts defined in CGM are referred to they are written in mixed upper and lower case as appropriate; for example, Scaling Mode or Virtual Device Coordinates.  3.2.4HWidth and height   HWidth is used throughout this Recommendation to express the extent of a 2dimensional area in the direction given by the counterclockwise rotation from the horizontal direction as specified by the geometric graphics presentation attribute "orientation".   HHeight is used throughout this Recommendation to express the extent of a 2dimensional area orthogonal to its width.   HNoteWidth or height are mostly used in combination with a reference to an area; for example, width of the available area. 4 H General principles 4.1HContent architecture classes  HThis Recommendation defines one class of geometric graphics content architectures:   HH©X a formatted processable form, which allows for document content to be processed and also to be presented as intended by the originator. Formatted processable form content can be associated with any basic component.' ( 4.2HContent   HA content portion that is structured according to a geometric graphics content architecture represents a single pictorial image. The representation is based on the Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) defined in ISO 8632 (see  7.2).   HThe CGM provides a format suitable for the storage, retrieval and interchange of picture description information. The format consists of an ordered set of elements. These elements are split into groups that:  Ha)  structure the information in the metafile;'  Hb)  specify the precision of the values used within the metafile;'  Hc)  control the display of the picture;'  Hd)  perform basic drawing actions;'  He)  control the attributes of the basic drawing actions;'  Hf)  provide access to nonstandard device capabilities.'   HISO 8632 defines the form (syntax) and the functional behaviour (semantics) of these elements.  4.3HPresentation attributes   HThe geometric graphics content architecture defines geometric graphics presentation attributes applicable to basic layout and basic logical components. The geometric graphics presentation attributes direct the content layout process and specify the initial conditions at the start of the presentation of the content associated with a basic object.  HOnly the geometric graphics presentation attributes specifying CGM defaults (see 6.1.1) can be overwritten by CGM elements in the content of the basic component to which they apply.  4.4HCoding of content information   HThe ordered set of elements of the content portion is encoded according to the "binary" encoding defined in ISO 86323 and constitutes a complete CGM.   HThe functionality represented by the geometric graphics presentation attributes specifying CGM defaults (see 6.1.1) and CGM element groups is that defined by ISO86321 and ISO 86323, except that:  Ha)  the defaulting rules are modified (see  10.2.1);'  Hb)  the CGM shall contain only one picture.'  4.5HLayout and imaging of the content   HThe geometric graphics content architecture describes a content layout process which creates a basic layout object and determines the dimensions of this object into which the content associated with a basic logical object is to be laid out.   HIt also describes a content imaging process which determines the image of the content. 5 H Positioning 5.1HIntroduction   HThis clause describes the general principles concerning the positioning of a part of the VDC Space within basic layout objects.   HThis part is known as the region of interest. It is a rectangular region within the VDC Space, and is defined by two Virtual Device Coordinate pairs termed "first corner" and "second corner".   HNote The VDC Space is used within ISO 8632 for positioning geometric graphics elements, specifying directions, specifying dimensions etc.  5.2HMeasurement units and directions   HThe positioning of geometric graphics content within a basic layout object is specified with relation to an orthogonal coordinate system. &  HThe definition of the region of interest specifies the origin and directions of the axes of the coordinate system, with respect to the basic layout object.   HFigure 1/T.418 illustrates that depending on which coordinates of the VDC Space are referenced by "first corner" and "second corner" the region of interest can affect the orientation of the axes used when imaging the geometric graphics content.   HThe measurement units for the x and yaxis of the coordinate system are determined by the relationship of the dimensions of the region of interest to the dimensions of the basic layout object. #FIGURE 1/T.418  Mapping of a virtual image defined in the VDC Space to an output ă  medium (e.g. a softcopy device) using different region ă  of interest specifications ă 5.3HHThe relationship between the region of interest and the basic layout object'H   HWhen imaging geometric graphics content, the geometric graphics presentation attribute "picture orientation" determines the relationship of the "first corner" of the region of interest to the corners of the basic layout object (see 7.1.3).   HThe "first corner" of the region of interest is coincident with the corner of the basic layout object defined by the geometric graphics presentation attribute "picture orientation" (for example, the bottom left corner if the presentation attribute "picture orientation" has value '0-', see 6.1.3). The "second corner" of the region of interest is coincident with the diagonally opposite corner of the basic layout object. It is implied that the xaxis of the VDC Space always maps to the direction parallel to the width of the basic layout object. Figures2/T.418 and 3/T.418 illustrate this mapping.   #FIGURE 2/T.418  Relationship of region of interest to the ă  basic layout object (right handed axes) ă #FIGURE 3/T.418  Relationship of region of interest to the ă  basic layout object (left handed axes) ă 6 HH Definition of geometric graphics presentation attributes 'H  HPresentation attributes specify the constraints and initial conditions relating to the layout and imaging of a basic component. They may be specified for basic layout components, presentation styles and default value lists.  HThe following categories of presentation attributes are defined:  Ha)  logical presentation attributes which take effect during the content layout process but are ignored during the content imaging process;'   Hb)  layout presentation attributes which take effect during the content imaging process. Their values are either determined by a content layout process or specified by a process that creates or edits the content;'   Hc)  shared presentation attributes which take effect during both the content layout and imaging processes.'   HThe geometric graphics presentation attributes are summarized in Table 1/T.418.   $TABLE 1/T.418 *  Geometric graphics presentation attributes ă   x|@ w      Shared attributes  Layout attributes     Geometric graphics encoding announcer  No layout presentation    Line rendition  attributes are specified    Marker rendition  for this content    Text rendition  architecture    Filled area rendition    Edge rendition  Logical attributes    Colour representation    Transparency specification  Picture dimensions    Transformation specification     Region of interest specification     Picture orientation       HP ")x-Xp"%  XFor each presentation attribute, a default value is defined. This value is used in the defaulting rules as defined in the Recommendation T.412.  XThis section also defines values specific to the geometric graphics content architecture for the content architecture class attributes. These attributes are defined in the RecommendationT.412. 6.1XShared presentation attributes 6.1.1  Attributes specifying CGM defaults  XThe following presentation attributes provided information used for the construction and interpretation of the CGM defaults. They provide information used by the layout and imaging processes.  XNote This Recommendation uses the term "CGM defaults" whenever ISO 8632 uses the term "metafile defaults". This is intended to indicate the different semantics, in conformance with 3.2.1, of "defaults" when used in the context of the T.410Series of Recommendations (ODA) or ISO8632 (CGM).  XThe default values given for the parameters of these presentation attributes have been derived from the defaults of the corresponding CGM elements as given in ISO 86321 and ISO86323.  XNote Defaults for parameters specifying Direct Colour Values are given either as "foreground" representing the foreground colour, or "background" representing the background colour. The choice of foreground and background colour is implementation dependent. For reproduction on paper the background colour will normally be the colour of the paper, for instance white, and the foreground colour a contrasting colour, for instance black. -  XThe presentation attribute "geometric graphics encoding announcer" specifies the encoding of parameters of the remaining CGM defaults attributes and specifies default values for the corresponding CGM elements.   XThe values of the CGM defaults attributes applicable to a basic object are determined by the defaulting rules defined in the Recommendation T.412.  XThe values of each parameters of a CGM defaults attribute is:  Xa) the value specified;'   Xb) if not specified, the value defined in the specification of the default values for the attribute applicable to this parameter.'   XThis Recommendation does not contain definitions of parameters of presentation attributes specifying CGM defaults which have the same definitions and semantics as CGM elements or parameters of these CGM elements with corresponding names defined in ISO86321. This clause and its subclauses contain definitions of parameters for which the definitions differ from the definitions given in ISO86321 and those parameters which are not defined in ISO86321.   XFor certain parameters the CGM defines value ranges as being reserved for registration. The meaning of these values will be defined using the established procedures of the ISO International Registration Authority for Graphical Items.   XThe specification of the parameters of the CGM defaults attributes, their permissible and default values is made in tabular form. Some of these parameters have values composed of several sub parameters. They are shown intended beyond the parameters using a smaller sized font. The sub parameters may be further substructured. This is shown by further indentation.   XTables 2/T.418, 3/T.418 and 4/T.418 define the default values for the bundle representations, the pattern representations and colour representations, respectively. These tables are used when determining the default state of the imaging process (see 10.2.1). $TABLE 2/T.418  Default bundle representations ă  X Xp"%H  x|@  w  ;,     X    Bundle index     Representations      1  2  3  4  5      Line               5     Line type  1 (solid)  2 (dash)  3 (dot)  4 (dashdot)  (dashdotdot)              Line Width          (if scaled)  1,0  1,0  1,0  1,0  1,0      0,001 - length of  0,001 - length of  0,001 - length of  0,001 - length of  0,001 - length of     (if absolute)  longest side of  longest side of  longest side of  / longest side of  longest side of      default VDC  default VDC  default VDC  default VDC  default VDC      Extent  Extent  Extent  Extent  Extent              Line Colour          (if indexed)  1  1  1  1  1     (if direct)  foreground  foreground  foreground  foreground  foreground      Marker                   Marker type  1 (dot)  2 (plus)  3 (asterisk)  4 (circle)  5 (cross)              Marker size          (if scaled)  1,0  1,0  1,0  1,0  1,0      0,01 - length  0,01 - length  0,01 - length  0,01 - length  0,01 - length      of longest side  of longest side  of longest side  of longest side  of longest side     (if absolute)  of default VDC  of default VDC  of default VDC  of default VDC  of default VDC      Extent  Extent  Extent  Extent  Extent              Marker colour          (if indexed)  1  1  1  1  1     (if direct)  foreground  foreground  foreground  foreground  foreground     H Xp"% x|@  f!  tTABLE 2/T.418 (cont.)  X Xp"%H  x|@  w  ;,     X    Bundle index     Representations      1  2  3  4  5      Text                   Font index  1  1  none defined  none defined  none defined              Text precision  string  character  none defined  none defined  none defined              Character          expansion factor  1,0  0,7  none defined  none defined  none defined              Character spacing  0,0  0,0  none defined  none defined  none defined              Text colour          (if indexed)  1  1  none defined  none defined  none defined     (if direct)  foreground  foreground  none defined  none defined  none defined      Filled area                   Interior style  hollow  hatch  hatch  hatch  hatch              Fill colour          (if indexed)  1  1  1  1  1     (if direct)  foreground  foreground  foreground  foreground  foreground              Hatch index  1  1  2  3  4      (horizontal  (horizontal  (vertical equally  (positive slope  (negative slope      equally spaced  equally spaced  spaced parallel  equally spaced  equally spaced  / Ԍ    parallel lines)  parallel lines)  lines)  parallel lines)  parallel lines)                       Pattern index  1  1  1  1  1      Edge               5     Edge type  1 (solid)  2 (dash)  3 (dot)  4 (dashdot)  (dashdotdot)              Edge width          (if scaled)  1,0  1,0  1,0  1,0  1,0      0,001 - length of  0,001 - length of  0,001 - length of  0,001 - length of  0,001 - length of     (if absolute)  longest side of  longest side of  longest side of  longest side of  longest side of      default VDC  default VDC  default VDC  default VDC  default VDC      Extent  Extent  Extent  Extent  Extent              Edge colour          (if indexed)  1  1  1  1  1     (if direct)  foreground  foreground  foreground  foreground  foreground     H Xp"% x|@    t#TABLE 3/T.418 t) t Default pattern representations ă   w       Pattern table index    Pattern table entry     1     NX     (number of columns in pattern array)  1        NY     (number of rows in pattern array)  1        Local colour precision      0    Colour     Index array     (if indexed)  {1}        Value array     (if direct)  {foreground}        t#TABLE 4/T.418 t Default colour representations ă   w       Colour table index    Colour table entry     0  1     Direct colour value  background  foreground Geometric graphics encoding announcer   w   >0 ԑ    Parameter  Permissible values  Default     VDC type  integer, real  integer         Integer precision  8, 16, 24, 32  16       Real precision (floating point format, 9, 23)    (floating point format, 12, 52)    (fixed point format, 16, 16) (fixed point format, 16,16)   (fixed point format, 32, 32)          Index precision  8, 16, 24, 32  16         Colour precision  8, 16, 24, 32  8         Colour index     precision  8, 16, 24, 32  8       Maximum Colour     index  any integer > 0  63       Colour value extent any pair of direct colour values ((0,0,0), (255,255,255))       Colour selection mode indexed direct  indexed       VDC integer precision  16, 24, 32  16       (floating point format, 9, 23)    VDC real precision (floating point format, 12, 52) (fixed point format 16,16)   (fixed point format, 16, 16)    (fixed point format, 16, 16)        >0  XThis presentation attribute specifies default values for VDC Type, Integer Precision, Real Precision, Index Precision, Colour Precision, Colour Index Precision, Maximum Colour Index, Colour Value Extent, Colour Selection Mode, VDC Integer Precision and VDC Real Precision. XThis presentation attribute also determines the encoding of parameters of the remainder of the CGM default attributes. Line rendition    w    Parameter  Permissible values  Default    Line width absolute, scaled  scaled   specification mode         Line bundle index any integer > 0  1       Line type 1 through 5 plus any registered    line type > 5 (see Note)  1 (solid)       Line width     (if scaled) any real > 0,0  1,0   (if absolute) any nonnegative VDC Value  0,001 x length of longest     side of default VDC extent       Line colour     (if indexed) any integer > 0  1   (if direct) any Direct Colour Value  foreground       Line aspect source any threetuple of    flags (line type asf, line width asf,  (individual, individual,   line colour asf)  individual)   line type asf bundled, individual    line width asf bundled, individual    line colour asf bundled, individual       >0Ԍ  Line bundle any list containing zero, one  empty list   specifications or more elements    line bundle index any integer > 0    line bundle any threetuple of    representation (line type, line width, line    colour)    line type as for individual    line width     (if scaled) as for individual    (if absolute) as for individual    line colour     (if indexed) as for individual    (if direct) as for individual        Note The permissible values of the parameter are restricted to values which are standardized and registered. Private values are not permitted. XThis presentation attribute sets default values used for the presentation of the line primitives in the geometric graphics content portion. It specifies the default values for the Line Width Specification Mode, the Line Bundle Index, the individual CGM line attributes, the line aspect source flags and specifies the default line bundle representations. v XThe line bundle specifications parameter defines the initial line representations to be used for imaging a basic object. For each unspecified representation the values in Table 2/T.418 apply. XThis parameter consists of a list of zero, one or more pairs. Each pair consists of: Xa) line bundle index; Xb) line bundle representation, which supplies values for the bundled CGM line attributes.& Marker rendition   w    Parameter  Permissible values  Default   Marker size specification absolute, scaled  scaled  mode        Marker bundle index any integer > 0  1      Marker type 1 to 5 plus any registered marker    type > 5 (see Note)  3 (asterisk)      Marker size     (if scaled) any real  0,0  1,0   (if absolute) any nonnegative VDC value  0,01 - length of longest     side of default VDC extent      Marker colour     (if indexed) any integer  0  1   (if direct) any Direct Colour Value  foreground      Marker aspect source any threetuple of   flags (markertype asf, marker size  (individual, individual,   asf, marker colour asf)  individual)   marker type asf bundled, individual    marker size asf bundled, individual    marker colour asf bundled, individual   >0Ԍ     Marker bundle any list containing zero, one  empty list  specifications or more elements    marker bundle index any integer > 0    marker bundle any threetuple of    representation (marker type, marker size,    marker colour)    marker type as for individual    marker size     (if scaled) as for individual    (if absolute) as for individual    marker colour     (if indexed) as for individual    (if direct) as for individual        Note The permissible values of the parameter are restricted to values which are standardized and registered. Private values are not permitted. XThis presentation attribute sets default values used for the rendition of the marker primitives in the geometric graphics content portion. It specifies the default values for the Marker Size Specification Mode, the Marker Bundle Index, the individual CGM marker attributes, the marker aspect source flags and specifies the default marker bundle representations. XThe marker bundle specifications parameter defines the initial marker representations to be used for imaging a basic object. For each unspecified representation the values in Table 2/T.418 apply.  XThis parameter consists of a list of zero, one or more pairs. Each pair consists of: Xa) marker bundle index; Xb) marker bundle representation, which supplies values for the bundled CGM marker attributes.& Text rendition   w    Parameter  Permissible values  Default    Font list any list of registered font List containing one element:   names (see Note) the registered name of any    font that can represent the    nationalityindependent    character subset of    Recommendation T.50       Character set list any list of (94character sets,   (character set type, designation designation sequence tail   sequence tail) that is registered for a    character set which includes    the nationalityindependent    subset of Recommendation T.50    in the positions specified in    Recommendation T.50)       Character set type 94character sets, 96character    sets, 94character multibyte    sets, 96character multibyte    sets, complete code    Designation sequence any registered designation    tail sequence tail (see Note)        Character coding basic 7bit, basic 8bit, basic 7bit   announcer extended 7bit, extended 8bit   >0   (see Note)        Text bundle index any integer > 0 1       Text font index any integer > 0 1       Text precision string, character, stroke string   Character expansion any real > 0,0 1.0   factor         Character spacing any real 0.0       Text colour     (if indexed) any integer  0 1   (if direct) any direct colour value foreground       Character height any nonnegative VDC value 0.1 - length of the longest    side of the default VDC extent       Character orientation any pair of VDC Vectors which ((0;1), (1;0))   have nonzero length and are not    collinear        Text path right, left, up, down right       %   w    Parameter  Permissible values  Default    Text alignment any fourtuple of    (horizontal alignment, vertical (normal horizontal,   alignment, continuous horizontal normal vertical n/a, n/a)   alignment, continuous vertical    alignment)        horizontal alignment normal horizontal, left, centre,    right, continuous horizontal        vertical alignment normal vertical, top, cap, half,    base, bottom, continuous vertical        continuous horizontal     alignment any real        continuous vertical     alignment any real        Character set index any integer > 0 1       Alternate character     set index any integer > 0 1       Text aspect source any fivetuple of    flags (text font index asf, text (individual, individual,   precision asf, character individual, individual,   expansion factor asf, character individual)   spacing asf, text colour asf)        text font asf bundled, individual   >0       text precision asf bundled, individual        character expansion     factor asf bundled, individual        character spacing asf bundled, individual        text colour asf bundled, individual        Text bundle any list containing zero, one empty list   specifications or more elements        Text bundle index any integer > 0    text bundle any fivetuple of    representation (text font index, text precision,    character expansion factor,    character spacing, text colour)           w    Parameter  Permissible values  Default    Text font index as for individual        Text precision as for individual        Character expansion     factor as for individual        Character spacing as for individual        Text colour     (if indexed) as for individual    (if direct) as for individual        Note The permissible values of the parameter are restricted to values which are standardized and registered. Private values are not permitted. XThis presentation attribute sets default values used for the rendition of the text primitives in the geometric graphics content portion. It specifies the default values for the Font List, Character Set List, Character Coding Announcer, the Text Bundle Index, the individual CGM text attributes, the text aspect source flags and specifies the default text bundle representations. XThe text bundle specifications parameter defines the initial text representations to be used for imaging a basic object. For each unspecified representation the values in Table 2/T.418 apply. XThis parameter consists of a list of zero, one or more pairs. Each pair consists of: Xa) text bundle index; XXb)X text bundle representation, which supplies values for the bundled CGM text attributes.& Filled area rendition   w    Parameter  Permissible values  Default   >0Ԍ  Fill bundle index any integer > 0 1       Interior style hollow, solid, pattern, hatch, hollow   empty        Fill colour     (if indexed) any integer > 0 1   (if direct) any direct colour value foreground       Hatch index 1 through 6 plus any registered 1   hatch index > 6 (see Note) (horizontal equally spaced    parallel lines)       Pattern index any integer > 0 1       Fill reference point any virtual device coordinate First corner of default VDC    Extent          w    Parameter  Permissible values  Default    Pattern size any fourtuple of (0, height of default VDC   (height vector x component, Extent, width of default VDC   height vector y component, Extent, 0)   width vector x component,    width vector y component)    height vector x any VDC value    component         height vector y any VDC value    component         width vector x any VDC value    component         width vector y any VDC value    component         Pattern table any list containing zero, one empty list   specifications or more pattern table elements    pattern table index any integer > 0        nx (number of columns any integer > 0    in pattern)         ny (number of rows in any integer > 0    pattern)         local colour recision 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32        Colour    >0   index array nx * ny cells of any integer  0    (if indexed)     value array nx * ny cells of any direct colour    (if direct) Value        Fill aspect source any fourtuple of    flags (interior style asf, fill colour (individual, individual   asf, hatch index asf, patter individual, individual)   index asf)    interior style asf bundled, individual        fill colour asf bundled, individual        hatch index asf bundled, individual        pattern index asf bundled, individual        Fill bundle any list containing zero, one empty list   specifications or more elements        n   w    Parameter  Permissible values  Default    Fill bundle index any integer > 0    Fill bundle any fourtuple of    representation (interior style, fill colour,    hatch index, pattern index)        Interior style as for individual        Fill colour     (if indexed) as for individual    (if direct) as for individual        Hatch index as for individual        Pattern index as for individual        Note The permissible values for the parameter are restricted to values which are standardized and registered. Private values are not permitted. XThis presentation attribute sets default values used for the presentation of the interior of filled area primitives of a geometric graphics content portion. It specifies the default values for the Fill Bundle Index, the individual CGM filled area attributes, the pattern representations, the filled area aspect source flags and default fill bundle representations, applicable to the interior region of the filled area. XThe pattern table specifications parameter is a list which supplies a complete set of values for zero, one or more pattern table entries. For each unspecified pattern table entry the values in Table 3/T.418 apply. XThe fill bundle specifications parameter defines the initial bundle representations to be used for imaging a basic objet. For each unspecified representation the values in Table 2/T.418 apply. XThis parameter consists of a list of zero, one or more pairs. Each pair consists of: Xa) fill bundle index; XXb)X fill bundle representation, which supplies values for the bundled CGM filled area attributes.& Edge rendition   w /Ԍ    Parameter  Permissible values  Default    Edge width absolute, scaled  scaled   specification mode         Edge visibility off, on  off       Edge bundle index any integer > 0  1       Edge type 1 through 5 plus any registered    line type (see Note)  1 (solid)       Edge width     (if scaled) any real > 0,0  1.0   (if absolute) any nonnegative VDC value  0.001 - length of longest     side of default VDC extent          w    Parameter  Permissible values  Default    Edge colour     (if indexed) any integer > 0  1   (if direct) any direct colour value  foreground       Edge aspect source any threetuple of  (individual,   flag (edge type asf, edge width asf,  individual,   edge colour asf)  individual)   edge type asf bundled, individual    edge width asf bundled, individual    edge colour asf bundled, individual        Edge bundle any list containing zero, one or  empty list   specifications more elements    Edge bundle index any integer > 0    Edge bundle any threetuple of    representation (edge type, edge width, edge    colour)    Edge type as for individual    Edge width     (if scaled) as for individual    (if absolute) as for individual    Edge colour     (if indexed) as for individual    (if direct) as for individual        Note The permissible values of the parameter are restricted to values which are standardized and registered. Private values are not permitted. XThis presentation attribute sets default values used for the presentation of the edges of the filled area primitives in the geometric graphics content portion. It specifies the default values for the Edge Width Specification Mode, the Edge Visibility, the Edge Bundle Index, the individual CGM edge attributes, the edge aspect source flags and specifies the default edge bundle representations, applicable to the / boundary of the filled area.  XThe edge bundle specifications parameter defines the initial edge representations to be used for imaging a basic object. For each unspecified representation the values in Table 2/T.418 apply.  XThis parameter consists of a list of zero, one or more pairs. Each pair consists of:  Xa) edge bundle index;&  XXb)X edge bundle representation, which supplies values for the bundled CGM edge attributes.& Colour representations   w    Parameter  Permissible values  Default    Background colour any direct colour value  background       Colour table any list containing zero, one or  empty list   specifications more colour table elements        Starting index any integer  0        Colour list any list containing one or more    direct colour values        Xp"%X) This text is aligned with the final text of the corresponding International Standard ISO8613 1.