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T.417 i: x|@   Fascicle VII.6 Rec. T.417 i   HNote The correspondence between pel spacing, line spacing and resolution is:   x|@ w      Pel spacing and line  Resolution in number    spacing in BMU  of pels per 1200 BMU      6  200    5  240    4  300    3  400    2  600    1  1200      HP h8h,x--h.Xp $%%p& 6.3XLogical presentation attributes 6.3.1X image dimensions XCATEGORY:p Logical XAPPLICABILITY: "Formatted processable content architecture class XSTRUCTURE:p One of four parameters: X p a)""width controlled" with subparameters: X p ""minimum width", X p ""preferred height" X p b)""height controlled" with subparameters: X p ""minimum height:, X p ""preferred height" X p c)""area controlled" with subparameters: X p ""minimum width", X p ""preferred width", X p ""minimum height", X p ""preferred height", X p ""aspect ratio flag" X p d)""automatic" with no subparameters. Xp $%%p&Xp p$%%p&XPERMISSIBLE VALUES: "minimum width":---p2nonnegative integer, X p "preferred width":/p225nonnegative integer, X p "minimum height":.p225nonnegative integer, X p "preferred height":0p225nonnegative integer, X p "aspect ratio flag":1p2'fixed', 'variable' X p "automatic":)--p2'null' XDEFAULT VALUES: "automatic". XDEFINITION:  XThis attribute specifies the intended dimensions of the basic layout object that is to contain the clipped pel array.  Xp p$%%p&Xp $%%p&XThe values of "minimum width" and preferred width" specify, respectively, the lower limit and the upper limit of the allowed dimensions of the basic layout object in the direction of the pel path. The value of the "minimum width" shall not to be greater than the value of the "preferred width".  XThe values of "minimum height" and "preferred height" specify, respectively, the lower limit and the upper limit of the dimensions of the basic layout object in the direction of the line progression. The value of the "minimum height" shall not to be greater than the value of the "preferred height". l,  XIf either or both of the values of the preferred parameters are specified, the corresponding dimensions of the basic layout object are required to be as close to these values as possible.  XIf only the width is specified (case a), this attribute specifies that the height shall be such that the aspect ratio of the clipped pel array is maintained.  XIf only the range of allowed heights is specified (case b), this attribute specifies that the width shall be such that the aspect ratio of the clipped pel array is maintained.  XIf both the ranges of allowed widths and heights are specified (case c) the value of "aspect ratio flag" determines whether or not the aspect ratio of the clipped pel array shall be maintained during the determination of the dimensions of the basic layout object.  XIf neither the range of allowed heights nor the range of allowed widths is specified (case d), this attribute specifies that the aspect ratio of the basic layout object shall be the same as the aspect ration of the clipped pel array, and also that the dimension of the basic layout object in the direction of the pel path shall be equal to the dimension of the available area in that direction. XAll parameters specifying a width or height are specified in SMUs. 6.3.2X pel spacing XCATEGORY:p Logical XAPPLICABILITY: "Formatted processable content architecture class XSTRUCTURE:p Two parameters:,-"length" X p ""-"pel spaces" X p or the value:*-'null' XPERMISSIBLE VALUES: "length":&-positive integer X p "pel spaces":*-positive integer XDEFAULT VALUES: "length":&-4 X p "pel spaces":*-1 XDEFINITION:  XThis attribute specifies the method for determining the distance between successive pels along a line. The attribute consists of either 'null', or the two parameters "length" (with integer value m) and "pel spaces" (with integer value n).  XIf the attribute takes a value of 'null' the scalable dimension content layout method is followed.  XIf the attribute consists of the two parameters, the ratio of the integers m and n (m/n) specifies the spacing in SMUs between two successive pels, and the fixed dimension content layout method is followed. XREMARKS:  XThe scalable and fixed dimension content layout methods are described in Section 10. 6.3.3X spacing ratio XCATEGORY:p Logical XAPPLICABILITY: "Formatted processable content architecture class XSTRUCTURE:p Two parameters:,--5"line spacing value" X p ""--5"pel spacing value" /ԌXPERMISSIBLE VALUES: "line spacing value":25positive integer X p "pel spacing value":15positive integer  Xp $%%p&Xp $%%p&XDEFAULT VALUES: "line spacing value":251 X p "pel spacing value":151 XDEFINITION:  XThis attribute specifies the ratio between the line spacing and the pel spacing of the image represented by the content portion. This ratio is to be observed by the raster graphics content layout process (defined in Section 10) in determining the block size, and by the imaging process (defined in Section 11) to avoid image distortion.  XThe value of this attribute consists of two parameters, the "line spacing value" and the "pel spacing value", the ratio of which equals the ratio of the line spacing to be pel spacing. XREMARKS:  XThe attribute "spacing ratio" one has an effect when the value of the parameter "aspect ratio flag" in the attribute "image dimensions" is set to 'fixed'. 6.4XContent architecture class attributes 6.4.1XContent architecture class  XThe value of the attribute "content architecture class" of a basic component description that conforms to this Recommendation is an ASN.1 object identifier with one of the following values: X{28270} for the formatted content architecture class; X{28272} for the formatted processable content architecture class. 6.4.2XContent type  XThe formatted content architecture class can be specified by the attribute "content type" with the value 1.  XNote Use of the attribute "content type" as an alternative to use of the content architec ture class attribute "content architecture class" is permitted only for compatibility with Recommendation T.73 (1984). 7 X Definition of raster graphics content portion attributes  XAccording to Recommendation T.412, content portion attributes consist of four categories: X identification attributes; X common coding attributes; X coding attributes; X content information attributes. XThe identification attributes are completely defined in Recommendation T.412.  XThe common coding attributes are described in Recommendation T.412; attribute values that are specific to raster graphics content architectures are specified in 7.1.  XCoding attributes are defined in 7.2 and the format of the content information, i.e. the possible values of content information attributes, is specified in 7.3. 7.1XCommon coding attributes 7.1.1X type of coding XCLASSIFICATION: Defaultable  XAPPLICABILITY: "Formatted and formatted processable content architecture class XSTRUCTURE:p ASN.1 object identifier or nonnegative integer >0 Xp $%%p&Xp $%%p&XPERMISSIBLE VALUES: ASN.1 object identifier: X p {28370} for 'Rec. T.6 encoding', X p {28371} for 'Rec. T.4 one dimensional encoding', X p {28372} for 'Rec. T.4 two dimensional encoding', X p {28373} for 'bitmap encoding' X p nonnegative integer: X p 0 for 'Rec. T.6 encoding; XDEFAULT VALUE: "'Rec. T.6 encoding' XDEFINITION:  XFor the raster graphics content architectures, the possible values of this attribute are:  X 'Rec. T.6 encoding', according to the two dimensional encoding scheme defined in Recommendation T.6;'  X 'Rec. T.4 one dimensional encoding', according to the one dimensional encoding scheme defined in Recommendation T.4;'  X 'Rec. T.4 two dimensional encoding', according to the two dimensional encoding scheme defined in Recommendation T.4;' X 'bitmap encoding'.' XAn explanation of these coding schemes is given in Section 9.  XThe value of the attribute "type of coding" of a content portion description, that conforms to this Recommendation, is an ASN.1 object identifier or an integer. XREMARKS:  XFor bitmap encoding, the relationship between the order of the pels and the order of the bits within an octet is such that the first pel in the order of bits is allocated to the most significant bit of an octet. 7.2XCoding attributes  XThese attributes provide information required for encoding and decoding the content information, as well as other information that is intrinsic to the content portion and required by the content layout and imaging processes. 7.2.1X compression XCLASSIFICATION: Defaultable  XAPPLICABILITY: "Formatted and formatted processable content architecture class XPERMISSIBLE VALUES: 'Compressed', 'uncompressed' XDEFAULT VALUE: "'Compressed' XDEFINITION:  XThis attribute indicates if the code extension technique for uncompressed mode is present in the content portion. This attribute can have one of two values:  X 'compressed' indicates that the code extension technique for uncompressed mode is not used.;'  X 'uncompressed' indicates that the code extension technique for uncompressed mode may be used.'  XNote Basic mode (compressed) encoding is used initially for coding all such content portions. The occurrence of the code extension technique for uncompressed mode coding results in subsequent content being coded in uncompressed mode. XREMARKS:  XThis attribute is only applicable if the value of the attribute "type of coding" is 'Rec. T.6 encoding' or 'Rec. T.4 two dimensional encoding'. c. 7.2.2X number of lines XCLASSIFICATION: Nonmandatory XAPPLICABILITY: "Formatted processable content architecture class XPERMISSIBLE VALUES: Positive integer XDEFINITION: XThis attribute specifies the number of lines of pels within a content portion. XREMARKS: XThis attribute takes effect during the content layout process. 7.2.3X number of pels per line  XCLASSIFICATION:  Defaultable for components of the formatted content architecture class;'  X p  Mandatory for components of the formatted processable content architecture class.'  XAPPLICABILITY: "Formatted and formatted processable content architecture classes XPERMISSIBLE VALUES: Nonnegative integer  XXX  p( p XXDEFAULT VALUE: "The default value for components of the formatted content architecture class depends upon the "pel transmission density" as specified in Table 3/T.417.'  X p  No default value is specified for components of the formatted processable content architecture class.' $TABLE 3/T.417 *  Default value of the presentation attribute ă  "number of pels per line" ă   w      Pel transmission  Default number of    density (BMU)  pels per line      1  10 368    2  5 184    3  3 456    4  2 592    5  2 074    6  1 728        XDEFINITION:  XThis attribute specifies the number of pels in each line within a content portion. 7.2.4X number of discarded pels XCLASSIFICATION: Defaultable XAPPLICABILITY: "Formatted content architecture class XPERMISSIBLE VALUES: Nonnegative integer  XXX  p( p XXDEFAULT VALUE: "If the number of pels per line exceeds the line length, then the default value is half the excess number of discarded pels, otherwise it is 0.'  - XDEFINITION:  XThis attribute specifies the number of pels that are to be ignored at the beginning of each line within a content portion. The positioning of each line is started from the next pel in the line. 7.3XContent information attributes 7.3.1X content information  XFor raster graphics content architectures, the value of this attribute is an octet string representing a pel array encoded according to the value of the attribute "type of coding". 7.4XInteractions with document architecture attributes  XThe layout directives "indivisibility" and "concatenation" are not taken into account during the layout of raster graphics content associated with a basic logical component. 8 X Formal definitions of raster graphics content architecture dependent data types 8.1XIntroduction  XThis section contains formal definitions in ASN.1 notation (defined in Recommendation X.208) of the data types corresponding to presentation and coding attributes that are applicable to raster graphics content architectures. XThese data types are:  X the data type to represent raster graphics content architecture specific presentation attributes in basic layout components, presentation styles and default value lists;'  X the data type to represent raster graphics content architecture specific coding attributes in content portions;'  X the data type to represent nonbasic values of raster graphics content architecture presentation attributes in the document profile;'  X the data type to represent nonbasic values of raster graphics content architecture coding attributes in the document profile;'  X the data type to represent nonstandard default values of raster graphics content architecture presentation and coding attributes in the document profile.' 8.2XRepresentation of presentation attributes  XThe data type "RasterGraphicsAttributes" contains a set of subordinate data types that specify the raster graphics presentation attributes. Some of these subordinate data types are elementary but others are structured and are themselves made up of subordinate data types. The format of these data types is given below.  XThe subset of subordinate data types that may occur within a particular instance of the data type "RasterGraphicsAttributes" depends upon the particular raster graphics content architecture level that is specified.