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T.416 i   x|@ wB.3.3H w Control functionsw       Control function  Basic value(s)  Nonbasic value(s)      BS  not applicable  not applicable      CR  not applicable  not applicable      IGS  3  the identifier of any other       registered subrepertoire       of ISO 6937      LF  not applicable  not applicable      PLD  not applicable  not applicable      PLU  not applicable  not applicable      SGR  0, 4  1, 3, 1019, 2224, 26, 50      SHS  0  1, 2, 3      SP  not applicable  not applicable      SUB  not applicable  not applicable      SVS  0, 1, 2, 3  4      HP Xp$%%p&  XAny code extension control function defined in ISO 2022, within the scope of the value of the attribute "code extension announcers", is permitted.  XThe default value of these control function parameters is as specified in this Recommendation except IGS (default value = 3). B.4XCharacter content architecture level CF3 B.4.1XType  XCF3 is a character content architecture level pertaining to the formatted character content architecture class. B.4.2XPresentation attributes   w        Presentation attribute  Basic value(s)  Nonbasic value(s)     alignment  start aligned  none  >0Ԍ    end aligned       centred       justified      character fonts  1) none  any      2) none  any     character orientation  0 degrees  90, 180, 270 degrees     character path  0, 90 degrees  180, 270 degrees     character spacing  the equivalent of 100,  any other positive integer      120 BMUs      w       Presentation attribute  Basic value(s)  Nonbasic value(s)     code extension  any string of escape  none    announcers  sequences in accordance       with ISO 2022      first line offset  any integer  none     formatting indicator  no, yes  none     graphic character sets  the escape sequences to  the escape sequences to      designate, and the locking  designate, and any required      shift functions to invoke,  locking shift functions to      the graphic character sets  invoke, any other registered      of ISO 69372  graphic character sets     graphic character  0  the identifier of any    subrepertoire   registered subrepertoire       of ISO 6937     graphic rendition  0, 1, 34, 9, 1019, 2124,  2, 57, 2527, 50      29      initial offset  1) any nonnegative integer  none  >0Ԍ    2) any nonnegative integer  none     itemization  1) no itemization  none      startaligned       endaligned       2) any integer  none      3) any integer  none     kerning offset  1) any nonnegative integer  none      2) any nonnegative integer  none     line layout table  1) any  none      2) any  none      3) startaligned  none      endaligned       centred       alignedaround       4) any  none     line progression  270 degrees  90 degrees     line spacing  the equivalent of 100, 200,  any other positive integer      300, 400 BMUs      pairwise kerning  yes, no  none        XThe default value of these presentation attributes is as specified in this Recommendation. " B.4.3XControl functions   w        Control function  Basic value(s)  Nonbasic value(s)      BS  not applicable  not applicable      CR  not applicable  not applicable      GCC  0, 1, 2  none      HPB  any positive integer  none      HPR  any positive integer  none      IGS  0  the identifier of any       registered subrepertoire       of ISO 6937      JFY  0  none      LF  not applicable  not applicable      PLD  not applicable  not applicable      PLU  not applicable  not applicable      SACS  any nonnegative integer  none      SCS  any positive integer  none      SGR  0, 1, 34, 1019, 2124,  2, 57, 2527, 50      29, 50       SHS  0, 1  2, 3, 4      SLS  any positive integer  none      SP  not applicable  not applicable      SRCS  any nonnegative integer  none      SRS  0, 1  none  >0Ԍ    SSW  any positive integer  none      STAB  any  none      SUB  not applicable  not applicable      SVS  0, 1, 2, 3  4, 9      VPB  any positive integer  none      VPR  any positive integer  none        XAny code extension control function defined in ISO 2022, within the scope of the value of the attribute "code extension announcers", is permitted.  XThe default value of these control function parameters is as specified in this Recommendation.   B.5XCharacter content architecture level CP0 B.5.1XType  XCP3 is a character content architecture level pertaining to the processable character content architecture class. B.5.2XPresentation attributes   w        Presentation attribute  Basic value(s)  Nonbasic value(s)     alignment  start aligned  none      centred       justified      code extension  any string of escape  none    announcers  sequences in accordance       with ISO 2022      graphic rendition  0, 4  none        XThe default value of these presentation attributes is as specified in this Recommendation.  XIt is assumed that all presentation attributes that are applicable to processable character content architectures, and that are not specified in the above table, have values equal to the default values specified in this Recommendation except: X "graphic character subrepertoire": default value = 3. B.5.3XControl functions   w        Control function  Basic value(s)  Nonbasic value(s)      CR  not applicable  not applicable      LF  not applicable  not applicable      SUB  not applicable  not applicable        XAny code extension control function defined in ISO 2022, within the scope of the value of the attribute "code extension announcers", is permitted. B.6XCharacter content architecture level CP2 B.6.1XType  XCP2 is a character content architecture level pertaining to the processable character content architecture class. B.6.2XPresentation attributes   w   >0ԑ      Presentation attribute  Basic value(s)  Nonbasic value(s)     alignment  start aligned  none      end aligned       centred       justified      character orientation  0 degrees  90 degrees     character path  0, 90 degrees  270 degrees     \        Presentation attribute  Basic value(s)  Nonbasic value(s)     character spacing  the equivalent of 120 BMUs  the equivalent of 80, 100,       120 BMUs     code extension  any string of escape  none    announcers  sequences in accordance       with ISO 2022      graphic character sets  the escape sequences to  the escape sequences to      designate, and the locking  designate, and any required      shift functions to invoke,  locking shift functions to      the graphic character sets  invoke, any other registered      of ISO 69372  graphic character sets     graphic character  3  the identifier of any    subrepertoire   registered subrepertoire of       ISO 6937     graphic rendition  0, 4  1, 3, 1019, 2224, 26, 50     indentation  any nonnegative integer  none     line layout table  1) any  none      2) any  none      3) startaligned  none      endaligned       centred       alignedaround       4) any  none     line progression  270 degrees  none     line spacing  the equivalent of 100, 200,  the equivalent of 150 BMUs      300, 400 BMUs         XThe default value of these presentation attributes is as specified in this >0 Recommendation except "graphic character subrepertoire".  XIt is assumed that all presentation attributes that are applicable to processable character content architectures, and that are not specified in the above table, have values equal to the default values specified in this Recommendation.   B.6.3XControl functions   w        Control function  Basic value(s)  Nonbasic value(s)      BPH  not applicable  not applicable      CR  not applicable  not applicable      IGS  3  the identifier of any other       registered subrepertoire       of ISO 6937      LF  not applicable  not applicable      NBH  not applicable  not applicable      PLD  not applicable  not applicable      PLU  not applicable  not applicable      SGR  0, 4  1, 3, 1019, 2224, 26, 50      SHS  0  1, 2, 3      SP  not applicable  not applicable      STAB  any  none      SUB  not applicable  not applicable      SVS  0, 1, 2, 3  4, 9        XAny code extension control function defined in ISO 2022, within the scope of the value of the attribute "code extension announcers", is permitted.  XThe default value of these control function parameters is as specified in this Recommendation except IGS (default value = 3). B.7XCharacter content architecture level CP3 B.7.1XType  XCP3 is a character content architecture level pertaining to the processable character content architecture class. B.7.2XPresentation attributes   w >0 Ԍ       Presentation attribute  Basic value(s)  Nonbasic value(s)     alignment  start aligned  none      end aligned       centred       justified      character fonts  1) none  any      2) none  any     character orientation  0 degrees  90, 180, 270 degrees     character path  0, 90 degrees  180, 270 degrees             Presentation attribute  Basic value(s)  Nonbasic value(s)     character spacing  the equivalent of 100,  any other positive integer      120 BMUs      code extension  any string of escape  none    announcers  sequences in accordance with       ISO 2022      graphic character sets  the escape sequences to  the escape sequences to      designate, and the locking  designate, and any required      shift functions to invoke,  locking shift functions to      the graphic character sets  invoke, any other registered      of ISO 69372  graphic character sets     graphic character  0  the identifier of any    subrepertoire   registered subrepertoire of       ISO 6937     graphic rendition  0, 1, 34, 9, 1019, 2124,  2, 57, 2527, 50      29      first line offset  any integer  none     indentation  any nonnegative integer  none     itemization  1) no itemization  none      startaligned       endaligned       2) any integer  none      3) any integer  none     kerning offset  1) any nonnegative integer  none      2) any nonnegative integer  none     line layout table  1) any  none      2) any  none  >0 Ԍ    3) startaligned  none      endaligned       centred       alignedaround       4) any  none     line progression  270 degrees  90 degrees     line spacing  the equivalent of 100, 200,  any other positive integer      300, 400 BMUs      orphan size  any positive integer  none     pairwise kerning  yes, no  none     proportional line  yes, no  none    spacing       widow size  any positive integer  none        XThe default value of these presentation attributes is as specified in this Recommendation.   B.7.3XControl functions   w        Control function  Basic value(s)  Nonbasic value(s)      BPH  not applicable  not applicable      CR  not applicable  not applicable      GCC  0, 1, 2  none      IGS  0  the identifier of any       registered subrepertoire       of ISO 6937      LF  not applicable  not applicable      NBH  not applicable  not applicable      PLD  not applicable  not applicable      PLU  not applicable  not applicable      PTX  0, 1, 3  none      SCS  any positive integer  none      SGR  0, 1, 34, 9, 1019, 2124,  2, 57, 2527, 50      29       SHS  0, 1  2, 3, 4      SLS  any positive integer  none      SP  not applicable  not applicable      SRS  0, 1  none      STAB  any  none      SUB  not applicable  not applicable      SVS  0, 1, 2, 3  4, 9  >0      VPB  any positive integer  none      VPR  any positive integer  none        XAny code extension control function defined in ISO 2022, within the scope of the value of the attribute "code extension announcers", is permitted.  XThe default value of these control function parameters is as specified in this Recommendation. B.8XCharacter content architecture level CFP2 B.8.1XType  XCFP2 is a character content architecture level pertaining to the formatted processable character content architecture class.  B.8.2XPresentation attributes   w       Presentation attribute  Basic value(s)  Nonbasic value(s)     alignment  start aligned  none      end aligned       centred       justified      character orientation  0 degrees  90 degrees     character path  0, 90 degrees  270 degrees     character spacing  the equivalent of 120 BMUs  the equivalent of 80, 100,       120 BMUs     code extension  any string of escape  none    announcers  sequences in accordance       with ISO 2022      graphic character sets  the escape sequences to  the escape sequences to      designate, and the locking  designate, and any required      shift functions to invoke,  locking shift functions to      the graphic character sets  invoke, any other registered      of ISO 69372  graphic character sets     graphic character  3  the identifier of any    subrepertoire   registered subrepertoire of       ISO 6937     graphic rendition  0, 4  1, 3, 1019, 2224, 26, 50     initial offset  1) any nonnegative integer  none      2) any nonnegative integer  none     indentation  any nonnegative integer  none     line layout table  1) any  none      2) any  none      3) startaligned  none      endaligned       centred       alignedaround       4) any  none     line progression  270 degrees  none     line spacing  the equivalent of 100, 200,  the equivalent of 150 BMUs      300, 400 BMUs        XThe default value of these presentation attributes is as specified in this Recommendation except "graphic character subrepertoire".  XIt is assumed that all presentation attributes that are applicable to formatted processable character content architectures, and that are not specified in the above table, have values equal to the default values specified in this Recommendation except: X graphic character subrepertoire: default value = 3. F- B.8.3XControl functions   w       Control function  Basic value(s)  Nonbasic value(s)      BPH  not applicable  not applicable      BS  not applicable  not applicable      CR  not applicable  not applicable      IGS  3  the identifier of any other       registered subrepertoire       of ISO 6937      LF  not applicable  not applicable      NBH  not applicable  not applicable      PLD  not applicable  not applicable      PLU  not applicable  not applicable      SGR  0, 4  1, 3, 1019, 2224, 26, 50      SHS  0  1, 2, 3      SOS  not applicable  not applicable      SP  not applicable  not applicable      ST  not applicable  not applicable      STAB  any  none      SUB  not applicable  not applicable      SVS  0, 1, 2, 3  4, 9       XAny code extension control function defined in ISO 2022, within the scope of the value of the attribute "code extension announcers", is permitted. XThe default value of these control function parameters are as specified in this Recommendation except IGS (default value = 3). B.9XCharacter content architecture level CFP3 B.9.1XType  XCFP3 is a character content architecture level pertaining to the formatted processable character content architecture class.  + B.9.2XPresentation attributes   w        Presentation attribute  Basic value(s)  Nonbasic value(s)     alignment  start aligned  none      end aligned       centred       justified      character fonts  1) none  any      2) none  any     character orientation  0 degrees  90, 180, 270 degrees     character path  0, 90 degrees  180, 270 degrees     character spacing  the equivalent of 100,  any other positive integer      120 BMUs      code extension  any string of escape  none    announcers  sequences in accordance       with ISO 2022      formatting indicator  no, yes  none     graphic character sets  the escape sequences to  the escape sequences to      designate, and the locking  designate, and any required      shift functions to invoke,  locking shift functions to      the graphic character sets  invoke, any other registered      of ISO 69372  graphic character sets     graphic character  0  the identifier of any    subrepertoire   registered subrepertoire       of ISO 6937     graphic rendition  0, 1, 34, 9, 1019, 2124,  2, 57, 2527, 50      29      first line offset  any integer  none  >0     initial offset  1) any nonnegative integer  none      2) any nonnegative integer  none     indentation  any nonnegative integer  none     itemization  1) no itemization  none      startaligned       endaligned       2) any integer  none      3) any integer  none            Presentation attribute  Basic value(s)  Nonbasic value(s)     kerning offset  1) any nonnegative integer  none      2) any nonnegative integer  none     line layout table  1) any  none      2) any  none      3) startaligned  none      endaligned       centred       alignedaround       4) any  none     line progression  270 degrees  90 degrees     line spacing  the equivalent of 100, 200,  any other positive integer      300, 400 BMUs      orphan size  any positive integer  none     pairwise kerning  yes, no  none     proportional line  yes, no  none    spacing       widow size  any positive integer  none     B.9.3X w Control functionsw       Control function  Basic value(s)  Nonbasic value(s)      BPH  not applicable  not applicable      BS  not applicable  not applicable      CR  not applicable  not applicable      GCC  0, 1, 2  none   >0Ԍ   HPB  any positive integer  none      HPR  any positive integer  none      IGS  0  the identifier of any       registered subrepertoire       of ISO 6937      JFY  0  none      LF  not applicable  not applicable     \        Control function  Basic value(s)  Nonbasic value(s)      NBH  not applicable  not applicable      PLD  not applicable  not applicable      PLU  not applicable  not applicable      PTX  0, 1, 3  none      SACS  any nonnegative integer  none      SCS  any positive integer  none      SGR  0, 1, 34, 1019, 2124, 29  2, 57, 2527, 50      SHS  0, 1  2, 3, 4      SLS  any positive integer  none      SOS  not applicable  not applicable      SP  not applicable  not applicable      SRCS  any nonnegative integer  none      SRS  0, 1  none      SSW  any positive integer  none      ST  not applicable  not applicable      STAB  any  none      SUB  not applicable  not applicable      SVS  0, 1, 2, 3  4, 9      VPB  any positive integer  none      VPR  any positive integer  none       >0Ԍ XAny code extension control function defined in ISO 2022, within the scope of the value of the attribute "code extension announcers", is permitted. * | 'ANNEX C * (to Recommendation T.416) *  Coded representations of control functions ă * $(Informative)  XCoded representations of control functions are defined in ISO 6429. A summary of the coded representations of the control functions defined in this Recommendation is given below.  XIn this table, CSI denotes the Control Sequence Introducer represented by the bitcombination 09/11 and Pn and Ps denote respectively numeric and selective parameter values represented by one or more bit combinations in the range 03/00 to 03/09.  XThis coded representation of a control function with parameters but with Pn or Ps omitted represents that control function with the default value of the parameter.   w        Control function  Coded representation     BPH (Break Permitted Here)  08/02    BS (Backspace)  00/08    CR (Carriage Return)  00/13    HPB (Character Position Backward)  CSI Pn 06/10    HPR (Character Position Relative)  CSI Pn 06/01    GCC (Graphic Character Composition)  CSI Ps 02/00 05/15    IGS (Identify Graphic Subrepertoire)  CSI Ps 02/00 04/13    JFY (No Justify)  CSI 02/00 04/06    LF (Line Feed)  00/10    NBH (No Break Here)  08/03    PLD (Partial Line Down)  08/11    PLU (Partial Line Up)  08/12    PTX (Parallel Texts)  CSI Ps 05/12    SCS (Set Character Spacing)  CSI Pn 02/00 06/07    SGR (Select Graphic Rendition)  CSI Ps... 06/13    SHS (Select Character Spacing  CSI Ps 02/00 04/11    SACS (Set Additional Character Spacing)  CSI Pn 02/00 05/12    SLS (Set Line Spacing)  CSI Pn 02/00 06/08    SOS (Start Of String)  09/08    SRCS (Set Reduced Character Spacing)  CSI Pn 02/00 06/06    SSW (Set SPACE Width)  CSI Pn 02/00 05/11    SP (SPACE)  02/00    SRS (Start Reverse String)  CSI Ps 05/11    ST (String Terminator)  09/12    STAB (Selective Tabulation)  CSI Ps 02/00 04/12    SUB (Substitute)  01/10    SVS (Select Line Spacing  CSI Ps 02/00 04/12    VPB (Line Position Backward)  CSI Pn 06/11    VPR (Line Position Relative)  CSI Pn 06/05     (   t&ANNEX D t) t(to Recommendation T.416) t) t Summary of object identifiers ă t) t#(Informative)  XValues of ASN.1 object identifiers are assigned in various sections in this Recommendation. These are summarised below:   w      Object  Meaning  Section   identifier value       {28162}  Identifies module; character presentation  9.2     attributes          {28163}  Identifies module; character coding  9.3     attributes          {28164}  Identifies module; character profile  9.4     attributes          {28260}  Identifies formatted character; content  7.4     architecture class          {28261}  Identifies processable character; content  7.4     architecture class          {28262}  Identifies formatted processable; character  7.4     content architecture class          {28360}  Identifies ISO 2022 type of coding  8.1