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T.400 y   Recommendation T.400  INTRODUCTION TO DOCUMENT ARCHITECTURE, TRANSFER AND MANIPULATION ă &CONTENTS HIntroduction 1HScope 2HThe T.400 series and the related T.500 series of Recommendations H2.1  Document architecture, transfer and manipulation H2.2  Application profiles H2.3  Terminal and gateway characteristics 3HReference list of the T.400 and T.500 series of Recommendations  Annex A Overview of the T.400 and T.500 series of Recommendations Annex B The T.400 series in the X.200 OSI environment H Introduction  HRecommendation T.400 is one of a set of the T series of Recommendations to facilitate the interconnection of telematic systems and terminals. It is related to the other CCITT Recommendations in the set as defined by the Reference Model for OSI (X.200) and also makes provision for nonX.200 existing telematic services. 1 H Scope  HRecommendation T.400 serves as an introduction and guide to Recommendations in the T.400 series, and associated Recommendations in the T.500 series that make use of the T.400 series. 2 H The T.400 series and the related T.500 series of Recommendations  HRecommendations in the T.400 and T.500 series set the grounds for the architecture, the transfer and the manipulation of documents in current and future telematic services. 2.1HDocument architecture, transfer and manipulation  HThe T.400 series of Recommendations specifies how documents are to be described and which are the rules for transferring and manipulating such documents.  2.1.1HT.410 series of Recommendations: Open document architecture (ODA) and interchange format  HThe T.410 series of Recommendations defines the document architecture, i.e. rules for structuring documents, and the interchange format, i.e. rules for representing documents. It also gives rules for defining document application profiles, i.e. the specifications of the features of a document to be used in an application. ( 2.1.2HT.430 series of Recommendations: Document transfer and manipulation (DTAM)  HThe T.430 series of Recommendations defines document transfer services and protocols. It also gives rules for defining communication application profiles, i.e. the specifications of the communication support functions, service classes and functional units to be used in a communication applications.  HThese Recommendations make use, in turn, of functions defined by other Recommendations in the OSI environment such as those in the X.400 series and in the X.200 series. Annex B of this Recommendation shows how the T.410 series relates to the X.400 and X.200 series in the OSI environment.  HAnnex E of Recommendation T.411 describes the use of the X.400 series of Recommendations to transfer documents conforming to the T.410 series.  HThe interchange format defined in the T.410 series constitutes an application context as defined in Recommendation X.226. The abstract syntax of the application context is defined in Recommendation T.415.  2.1.3HRecommendation T.441: Document transfer and manipulation (DTAM) Operational structure  HRecommendation T.441 defines the concept of the operational structure, which enables the manipulation of documents or parts of documents, and gives an outline of the principles and use of the operational structures. 2.2HApplication profiles  HEach Recommendation in the series T.500 through T.559 specifies either a document application profile based on the rules of T.411, or a communication application profile based on the rules of T.431, or an operational application profile based on the rules of T.441. 2.3HTerminal and gateway characteristics  HEach Recommendation in the series T.560 through T.599 specifies terminal characteristics or gateway characteristics for equipments using application profiles in the T.500 through T.559 series. 3 H Reference list of the T.400 and T.500 series of Recommendations  H Rec. T.400 (1988): Introduction to document architecture, transfer and manipulation  H Rec. T.411 (1988): Open document architecture (ODA) and interchange format Introduction f#JJ#Jand general principles  H Rec. T.412 (1988): Open document architecture (ODA) and interchange format Document structures'  H Rec. T.414 (1988): Open document architecture (ODA) and interchange format Document profile'  H Rec. T.415 (1988): Open document architecture (ODA) and interchange format Open document interchange format (ODIF)'  H Rec. T.416 (1988): Open document architecture (ODA) and interchange format Character content architectures'  H Rec. T.417 (1988): Open document architecture (ODA) and interchange format Raster graphics content architectures'  H Rec. 418 (1988): Open document architecture (ODA) and interchange format Geometric graphics content architectures'  H Rec. 431 (1988): Document transfer and manipulation (DTAM) Services and protocols Introduction and general principles'  H Rec. 432 (1988): Document transfer and manipulation (DTAM) Services and protocols Service definition'  H Rec. 433 (1988): Document transfer and manipulation (DTAM) Services and protocols Protocol specification'  H Rec. 441 (1988): Document transfer and manipulation (DTAM) Operational structure' (  HAssociated with the T.400 series, the following Recommendations specify application profiles:  H Rec. 501 (1988): Document application profile MM for the interchange of formatted mixed mode documents'  H Rec. 502 (1988): Document application profile PM1 for the interchange of Processable form documents'  H Rec. 503 (1988): Document application profile for the interchange of group 4 facsimile documents'  H Rec. 504 (1988): Document application profile for the videotex interworking'  H Rec. 521 (1988): Communication application profile BTO for document bulk transfer based on the session service (according to the rules defined in T.62 bis)'  H Rec. 522 (1988): Communication application profile BT1 for document bulk transfer'  H Rec. 523 (1988): Communication application profile DM1 for videotex interworking'  H Rec. 541 (1988): Operational application profile for videotex interworking'  HTerminal and gateway characteristics based on the application profile Recommendations are in the following Recommendations: H Rec. 561 (1988): Terminal characteristics for mixed mode of operation MM'  H Rec. 562 (1988): Terminal characteristics for teletex processable mode PM1' H Rec. 563 (1988): Terminal characteristics for group 4 facsimile apparatus' H Rec. 564 (1988): Gateway characteristics of videotex interworking' 'ANNEX A * (to Recommendation T.400) * $(informative) *  Overview of the T.400 and T.500 series of Recommendations ă "FIGURE A1/T.400   'ANNEX B * * (to Recommendation T.400) * $(informative) * *  The T.400 series on the X.200 OSI environment ă Note1The use of ROSE and RTSE in the T.400 series is for further study. Note2Character repertoire definition of Recommendation T.61 only.  Note3T.62 bis. Together with the relevant service and protocol elements of Recommendations X.215/X.225, are intended to be equal to Recommendation T.62 (Red Book), Volume VII Fascicle VII.3.  Note4Recommendation T.330, telematic access to interpersonal messaging system (IPMS) describes group 4 facsimile and teletex access to IPMS in the T.62 bis/X.225 environment.  Note5Recommendation T.411 Annex E describes the use of MHS to transfer documents conforming to the T.410 series. "FIGURE B1/T.400