WPCL 2BJ|x H   X  6p&6p& I  Hx   c4 P  Fascicle VII.3 - Recommendation T.30 PAGE1  c4 P   HH  c4 P PAGE4  c4 P  Fascicle VII.3 - Recommendation T.30  HH Hp P X`h!(# X    c4 P  The text approved is:  c4 P  5X Binary coded signalling for facsimile procedure  H Ё c4 P   For Group 1 and Group 2 machines that require additional facilities to those provided by the procedures described in S4 above, the binary coded control procedures should be transmitted in a synchronous mode at 300bits per second.  H  For Group 3 machines, 300 bits per second is the standard data signalling rate for the transmission of binary coded procedural data. Additionally, signalling of the binary coded procedural data at 2400bits per second is allowed as a recognized option.  For Group 3 machines, an error correction capability is utilized as a recognized option. This procedure is defined in AnnexA.  H  Except as otherwise noted, the binary coded control procedures should be transmitted in a synchronous mode on the general switched telephone network at 300bits per second 0.01% utilizing the characteristics of the RecommendationV.21 channelNo.2 modulation system. (For the tolerances, see S3 of RecommendationV.21.) Signal generators should have a distortion not exceeding1% and the control signal receivers should accept signals with a distortion not exceeding40%.  H  Note 1 - For Group 3 machines, the transmission of training, TCF, and all inmessage signals, shall be at the data rate of the highspeed message channel.  H  Note 2 - It is acknowledged that existing equipments may not conform in all aspects to this Recommendation. Other methods may be possible as long as they do not interfere with the recommended operation.  Note 3 - Transmission of signals utilizing the modulation system of Recommendation V.21 channelNo.2 should be followed by a delay of 7520milliseconds before the signalling, utilizing a different modulation system commences (e.g.the delay between DCS and the RecommendationV.27ter, V.29, V.33 or V.17 training sequence).  H  Note 4 - The transmission of signalling utilizing the modulation systems of RecommendationsV.27ter, V.29, V.33 or V.17 should be followed by a delay of 7520milliseconds before the signalling, utilizing a different modulation system, commences (e.g.the delay between RTC and MPS).  H  Note 5 - Group 3 machines using the modulation system defined in V.17 (as specified by bits 11, 12, 13 and14 of Table2/T.30) shall use the short resynchronization sequence defined in Table3/V.17 for all trellis mode training except during a TCF message and the first high speed message after a CTC/CTRECM message sequence. The long synchronization sequence shall be used in the TCF and the first high speed message after the CTC/CTR sequence. include 30T01E  HA.7.1 Flow diagram key  H  hph p HCOMMAND REC  The "command received" subroutine searches for an errorfree standard command. The decision diamonds in the flow diagram refer to the most recent standard command received (e.g.,EOM, MPS,etc.).  H ЂCOMPT REMOTE  The FIF associated with the DIS has indicated a "compatible remote receiver". REC  H DOC TO XMIT  The station has "at least one document to be transmitted".  H ЁCOMPT REMOTE  The FIF associated with the DIS has indicated a "compatible remote transmitter" which has XMTR  p documents to send.  H  HRESPONSE REC  The "response received" subroutine which searches for an errorfree standard response.  H  HLAST DOCp  The "last document", for the given operating mode, has been transmitted.  H  HSET MODEp  The system controller will "set the appropriate mode" of operation.  H  H3RD TRYp  The command has been repeated three times without an appropriate response.  H  hph p HCAPABLE REXMIT The transmitting station is "capable of retransmitting" a document which was not received with acceptable quality.  H ЁMSG CARRIER  The "message channel carrier has been received". This carrier is 1800 Hz for the Group 3 REC  p  modulation scheme, and 1700Hz for the Group3 optional modulation scheme, 2100Hz for !X%%**//`4the Group2 modulations, and 13002100Hz for the Group1 modulation scheme.  H  hph p HPHASE/TRAIN OK The phasing/trainTCF signal has been analyzed and the results of "phasing/training were OK".  H  hph p HCHANGE MODE  The transmitting unit desires to exit from the transmitting mode of operation and reestablish the capabilities.  H  hph p HNSP REQp  A "nonspecified procedure" has been "recognized" by a unit compatible with the station initiating that procedure.  hph p HCOPY QUALITY OK By some algorithm, the "copy quality was deemed OK".  H  hph p HREPHASE/TRAINP  By some algorithm, it is deemed desirable to transmit a new phasing/train signal. FLAG  ph There has been the detection of a "flag".  hph p HRECEIVE A FRAME The unit has "received one complete HDLC frame".  hph p HFCS ERRORp  The HDLC frame received contained an "FCS error".  H  hph p HOPTIONAL RESPNS The HDLC frame received contained one of the listed "optional response".  H OPTIONAL p  The HDLC frame received contained one of the listed "optional commands". COMMAND  H  hph p HCRP OPTION   The facsimile unit has the "CRP option" and can, therefore, request an immediate retransmission of the most recent command.  H  hph p HLOCAL INTp  Either the "local" machine or the "local" operator wishes to generate an interrupt of the standard facsimile procedures.  H  hph An operator would use this as a means to request the establishment of voice contact.  H  hph p HLINE REQp  This means that the local operator has "requested" that the telephone line be connected to the handset for voice contact with the remote end.  H  hph p HPRIQ p  A general term referring to either PRIEOM, a PRIMPS, or a PRIEOP postmessage command, i.e.,the fifth bit of the standard postmessage command is set to1.  H  hph p HEND OF PAGE?  The transmitting station may have further data to transmit to complete the page.  hph p H4TH PPR?p  PPR has been received 4 times.  H TRANSMIT ERROR The frame defined in the information field associated with PPR are transmitted using the FRAMES'**//`4V.27ter/V.29/V.33/V.17 modulation system.  H CONTINUE TO  The transmitting station by some algorithm decides to continue correcting the previous CORRECT?'**//`4message.  H CONT WITHp  The transmitting station by some algorithm decides to continue and transmit the next message. NEXT MSG?/`4499>The previous message was not satisfactorily transmitted.  H  hph p HPPS # PRIQ?   The terminal has "received either PPS # PRIEOM, PPS # PRIMPS or PPS # PRIEOP postmessage command".  H  hph p HPPS # Q?p   The terminal has "received either PPS # EOM, PPS # MPS, PPS # EOP or PPS # Null postmessage command".  H  hph p HEOR # PRIQ?   The terminal has "received either EOR # PRIEOM, EOR #PRIMPS, or EOR # PRIEOP postmessage command".  H  hph p HEOR # Q?p  The terminal has "received either EOR # EOM, EOR # MPS, EOR # EOP or EOR # Null postmessage command". k+ƌ H  hph p HRECEIVE READY? The receiving station is ready to receive the next message.  H RR RESPONSE  The "RR response received" subroutine searches for an errorfree response for the RR REC?  p  command.  H CTC RESPONSE  The "CTC response received" subroutine searches for an errorfree response for the CTC REC?%**//`449command.  H  Note 1 - The nonspecified procedure, NSP, refers to a procedure which takes 6 seconds or less to complete. It may not necessarily be a definable signal sequence.  Note 2 - This signal pertains to Group 3 apparatus only.  H  Note 3 - The PRIEOM, PRIEOP, PRIMPS postmessage commands are sent when a local interrupt request is pending.  H  Note 4 - At any time during the operation an interrupt may be generated which would result in a procedural interrupt. It is understood that if this interrupt happens during the transmission of the document, the EOM/RTC signal will be transmitted prior to invoking the procedural interrupt.  H  Note 5 - Where the symbol / is used, the term to the left of the symbol refers to Groups 1 and 2 equipment, and the term to the right of the symbol refers to Group3 equipment.  H  Note 6 - Where the symbols {} are used, the signals within these symbols are a response to DIS from the calling unit wishing to receive.  H  Note 7 - Where the symbols ( ) are used, the signals within these symbols are optional. A.8h  Signal sequence examples in case of error correction procedure  H  The examples below are based on the flow diagrams and for illustrative and instructional purposes only. They should not be interpreted as establishing or limiting the protocol. The exchange of the various commands and responses is limited only by the rules specified in this Recommendation.  The notations used in these diagrams are as follows:  H  - the dashed lines indicate transmission at the message data rate (Recommendations V.27ter, V.29, V.33, V.17 and (X, Y) means (page modulo number, block modulo number).  HH Ђ8M c4 P APPENDIX V 8F c4 P (to Recommendation T.30) 8F Signal sequence examples  H Ё The examples below are based on the flow diagrams and are for illustrative and instructional purpose only. They should not be interpreted as establishing or limiting the protocol. The exchange of the various commands and responses is limited only by the rules specified in this Recommendation. (See SS5.3 and5.4.)  The notations used in these diagrams are as follows:  - an arrowhead signifies the receiver of the signal;  H  - a solid line indicates transmission of the signal at the data rate of 300 bit/s;  H  - the dashed lines indicate transmission at the message data rate (Recommendations V.27ter, V.29, V.33, V.17;  - a lighting bolt ( ) indicates an invalid frame;  H  - a bold solid line indicates the transmission of tonal signals.  H  In the following figures, the examples given assume that DIS will be repeated for T1 seconds unless responded by a valid signal. R c4 P FIGURE V1/T.30  c4 P