WPCM 2%.B pz W"S^11>bbu"::Dg1:11bbbbbbbbbb11gggbuuuk1Xubuukuuuk111Rb:bbXbb1bb''X'bbbb:X1bXXXX;.;g:=::m:::mmmmm::::::mm:k1mubububububXubububub11111111bbbbbbbbbuXubbkbuXmmmmumububXXXXbububububbmbbbbbb:k:k::=kmmX:uXb'b:b:b:b'bmbbbb:::uXuXuXuXk:k:k:mbbbmbuXkXkXKQmmmm^b:kbbbbmbA@mmbmmbmmmmmmm:b:mmmbbmmmmmmmmmmmmXXmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmcm`m`mm`m:mmmmmm}}}mjjmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm0mm}mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm}Mmmmmmmmmmmmmjmmmtmmmmmmmmm`'mmm`mmjmlWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmW`mmmmjmM-lvetica#|x`H1`D4PkCQMS PS Jet Plus /800 II QPJPII.PRSPl`D4PkCg2W_ qr|xHelveticaCourier@ ,`H1`D4PkCmQrrr r  @C2K ` X` hp x (#%'H   x|@  3'3'Standard6'6'StandardC6QMS $=R- RecommendationS.20 H1)  Replace 4 d) by the following:  ` H H"d)  At any time, automatic transmission may be stopped by either the detection of incoming teleprinter signals or the forced clearing of the call. In the latter case an alarm should be given and then the call should be reestablished by the operator. However, if the connection is still established but the automatic transmission has stopped, an alarm should be given to the operator. If the alarm is cleared by the operator within 30seconds, proceed to step n) else step m). Automatic transmission may be resumed after a delay of 1second. If the transmission includes a TDM system with loop back facilities, (refer RecommendationR.101 3.6.2b), this condition may continue for a period of 5 to 7 seconds."Ɛ$ H2)  Add new point 4 n): H"n)  Having waited for a period of at least 7 seconds from the commencement of the alarm, the operator should send carriage return, line feed then a WRU signal. (This delay is necessary to allow TDM systems with loop back to restore to normal or choose an alternative bearer, refer R.101 3.6.2b). If the called party's answer back is correctly received, the tape should be reset after giving a further carriage return and line feed.Ɛ$ HAutomatic transmission can again be started." H3)  Add new point 5): "5.HClearing of a broadcast call shall be in accordance with RecommendationU.44."