WPCI 2%.B pz W"S^11>bbu"::Dg1:11bbbbbbbbbb11gggbuuuk1Xubuukuuuk111Rb:bbXbb1bb''X'bbbb:X1bXXXX;.;g:=::m:::mmmmm::::::mm:k1mubububububXubububub11111111bbbbbbbbbuXubbkbuXmmmmumububXXXXbububububbmbbbbbb:k:k::=kmmX:uXb'b:b:b:b'bmbbbb:::uXuXuXuXk:k:k:mbbbmbuXkXkXKQmmmm^b:kbbbbmbA@mmbmmbmmmmmmm:b:mmmbbmmmmmmmmmmmmXXmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmcm`m`mm`m:mmmmmm}}}mjjmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm0mm}mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm}Mmmmmmmmmmmmmjmmmtmmmmmmmmm`'mmm`mmjmlWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmW`mmmmjmM-lveticaHelveticaCourierCourier Bold4PkCQMS PS Jet Plus /800 II QPJPII.PRSPl`D4PkCg2W_qr#|xHelveticaCourier@ ,`H1`D4PkCmQrrr r  @C2 KG@ ,`H1`D4PkCmQrrr r  @CmQrrrr  `C ` X` hp x (#%'H   x|@  3'3'Standard@8'@8'StandardC6QMS $=R- Recommendation R.52 <STANDARDIZATION OF INTERNATIONAL TEXTS FOR THE MEASUREMENT <OF THE MARGIN OF STARTSTOP EQUIPMENT <(former CCITT Recommendation B.33, Brussels, 1948; <amended at Geneva, 1964 and 1980; amended at Melbourne, 1988, <to incorporate former Recommendation S.33, Geneva, 1972) HThe CCITT, considering  `  H(a)  that to test the effective margin of the receiver of a startstop teleprinter it is desirable to standardize the content of the transmitted sequence of signals; H(b)  that there is advantage in choosing a short text that can be directly printed within a single line by startstop terminal equipments; H(c)  that preferably the composition of the text used should include all alpha characters of the basic alphabet employed and be arranged in a format that is easy to read and to understand; H(d)  that comparison of the margin measurements obtained would be facilitated by such arrangements, unanimously declares the view   H 1.  that it is not necessary to standardize an international text for the measurement of the margin of a teleprinter; 2.Hthat, nevertheless, where teleprinters are required to receive information in languages based on the Latin alphabet, one of the following texts may be used: Ha)  in the case of application of the International Telegraph Alphabet No.2 (RecommendationS.1): & H  VOYEZ LE BRICK GEANT QUE J'EXAMINE PRES DU WHARF H  THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG Hb)  in the case of application of the International Reference Version of International Alphabet No.5, 95 character set (RecommendationT.50, Table 11/T.50, columns 2 to 7):&  HHX H x|@ H VoyeZ Le BricK GeanT QuE J"ExaminE PreS Du WharF 123 456 7890 + x : = M % () '  HHHHh ThE QuicK BrowN FoX JumpS OveR The LazY DoG 123 456 7890 + é x : = M % () '   HH    x|@ Hc)  in the case of application of the International Reference Version of International Alphabet No.5, 64 character set (RecommendationT.50, Table11/T.50, columns 2 to 5):%    x|@    HHHHh VOYEZ LE BRICK GEANT QUE J'EXAMINE PRES DU WHARF 123 456 7890 + é x : = M % () '  H THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG 123 456 7890 + é x : = M % () '