WPCM 2%.B pz W"S^11>bbu"::Dg1:11bbbbbbbbbb11gggbuuuk1Xubuukuuuk111Rb:bbXbb1bb''X'bbbb:X1bXXXX;.;g:=::m:::mmmmm::::::mm:k1mubububububXubububub11111111bbbbbbbbbuXubbkbuXmmmmumububXXXXbububububbmbbbbbb:k:k::=kmmX:uXb'b:b:b:b'bmbbbb:::uXuXuXuXk:k:k:mbbbmbuXkXkXKQmmmm^b:kbbbbmbA@mmbmmbmmmmmmm:b:mmmbbmmmmmmmmmmmmXXmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmcm`m`mm`m:mmmmmm}}}mjjmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm0mm}mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm}Mmmmmmmmmmmmmjmmmtmmmmmmmmm`'mmm`mmjmlWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmW`mmmmjmM-lvetica#|x`H1`D4PkCQMS PS Jet Plus /800 II QPJPII.PRSPl`D4PkCg2W_ qr|xHelveticaCourier@ ,`H1`D4PkCmQrrr r  @C2K ` X` hp x (#%'H   x|@  3'3'Standard6'6'StandardC6QMS $=R- Recommendation R.140 H1)  Replace the Note to 31.086 by the following:  `  "Note The character coding rules using the seven primary elements are the subject of RecommendationsT.50 and V.4. H2)  Add a Note to 32.372:$  X "Note The term scvf is usually applied to a telegraph circuit (32.02) rather than to a telegraph channel (32.01)." H3)  Amend existing terms and definitions as follows:ƀ% 32.341Hmultiplexing HA process for combining signals from several separate tributary channels for transmission in the same direction over a common bearer channel. 32.343Hmultiplexer HAn equipment which combines a number of tributary channels onto a fewer number of aggregate bearer channels, the relationship between the tributary and aggregate channels being fixed. 32.345Hmuldex HAn equipment which comines/separates a number of tributary circuits onto/from a fewer number of aggregate bearer circuits, the relationship between the tributary and aggregate circuits being fixed. 32.3451Hstatistical (intelligent) muldex HA muldex which continuously reallocates tributary circuits onto a fewer number of aggregate bearer circuits in a manner determined by the data flow on the tributaries. Hconcentrator HAn equipment which allocates a number of tributary circuits onto a fewer number of circuits on a callbycall basis. 3)HAdd the following terms and definitions: 32.411HBranch line multiplex HA multiplex whose capacity is a submultiple of that of a main multiplex and which gives the possibility to group a certain number of channels of the latter in order to extend or deviate them into a specific direction with the aim, for example, to connect a small group of subscribers. 32.3411HSubmultiplex HA multiplex whose bearer is part of a higherorder multiplex. 33.25HRegeneration HElimination of telegraph distortion. 33.251HInherent regeneration HRegeneration included in the very principle of the method of switching or transmission. F-Ԍ 32.3413HEquipped channel HA channel having all the necessary equipment to enable usage in case of need. 32.3414HAllocated channel HA channel used for constituting a subscriber line, a link or a circuit. 31.025HCharacter length HNumber of unit intervals contained in a character signal. 33.30HLoopback HConnection of the forward channel with the corresponding backward channel to enable the observation on the backward channel of signals which have been emitted on the forward channel in order to check quality of transmission. 33.252HTransfer delay HDuration between the beginning of transmission and complete reception of a signal. 32.3491HFilling bit HBit with no specific meaning used to fill out a time of communication during which there are no significant bits to be transmitted. 32.3512HFrame structure HGeneral rule of the establishment of a frame with allocation of each bit to a determined channel. 32.3511HFrame slot HAn elementary time interval generally allocated to tributary channel. 32.3551HSynchronization word HSequence of bits allocated to synchronization and appearing periodically in one or a fixed number of consecutive fundamental frames. 32.3552HSynchronization frame HSequence of a fixed number of consecutive fundamental frames containing one synchronization word. 32.3415HHybrid multiplex HA multiplex providing simultaneously transparent and nontransparent (codeandspeed independent and dependent) channels. 32.3451HMuldex/concentrator HA muldex with the line concentrating function ensuring that tributary channels are only allocated time slots in the aggregate bit stream for the duration of their seizure.