WPCM 2%.B pz W"S^11>bbu"::Dg1:11bbbbbbbbbb11gggbuuuk1Xubuukuuuk111Rb:bbXbb1bb''X'bbbb:X1bXXXX;.;g:=::m:::mmmmm::::::mm:k1mubububububXubububub11111111bbbbbbbbbuXubbkbuXmmmmumububXXXXbububububbmbbbbbb:k:k::=kmmX:uXb'b:b:b:b'bmbbbb:::uXuXuXuXk:k:k:mbbbmbuXkXkXKQmmmm^b:kbbbbmbA@mmbmmbmmmmmmm:b:mmmbbmmmmmmmmmmmmXXmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmcm`m`mm`m:mmmmmm}}}mjjmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm0mm}mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm}Mmmmmmmmmmmmmjmmmtmmmmmmmmm`'mmm`mmjmlWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmW`mmmmjmM-lvetica#|x`H1`D4PkCQMS PS Jet Plus /800 II QPJPII.PRSPl`D4PkCg2W_ qr|xHelveticaCourier@ ,`H1`D4PkCmQrrr r  @C2K ` X` hp x (#%'H   x|@  3'3'Standard@8'@8'StandardC6QMS $=R- Recommendation R.114 HDelete existing 5 and replace by the following:  `  5.HInternational TDM channels to Recommendation R.112 should have the numbering scheme shown in Table3/R.114.  X 6.HThe numbers assigned to the channels should be selected from the series applicable to the type of channel and should correspond to its position in the Figure 1/R.112 to Recommendation R.112. 7.HInternational code independent and code dependent channels to RecommendationR.102 should have the numbering schemes shown in Tables3/R.114 and 4/R.114, respectively. 8.HThe numbers assigned to the channels should be selected from the series applicable to the type of channel and should correspond to its position in Tables2 to 4/R.102 to Recommendation R.102. 9.HChannel numbering of 50 baud channels for branchline muldexes conforming to Recommendation R.1xy should be in accordance with the numbering scheme in Tables1/R.114 and 4/R.114. HAdd new Tables 3/R.114 and 4/R.114 as indicated: "TABLE 3/R.114 ( Numbering scheme of code independent channels for TDMă systems conforming to RecommendationsR.112 and R.102ă    Nominal  Maximum degree of  Channel numbers   modulation  isochronous distortion  R.112  R.102   rate  due to sampling  (2400 bit/s)  (4800 bit/s)   (bauds)  (%)           50  8.3  5801 5815  5801 5831      (5816 not used)   100  8.3  6801 6807  6801 6815   200  8.3  7801 7803  7801 7807    "TABLE 4/R.114 (  Numbering scheme of code dependent channels for TDM systemsă conforming to Recommendation R.102ă