WPCI 2%.B pz W"S^11>bbu"::Dg1:11bbbbbbbbbb11gggbuuuk1Xubuukuuuk111Rb:bbXbb1bb''X'bbbb:X1bXXXX;.;g:=::m:::mmmmm::::::mm:k1mubububububXubububub11111111bbbbbbbbbuXubbkbuXmmmmumububXXXXbububububbmbbbbbb:k:k::=kmmX:uXb'b:b:b:b'bmbbbb:::uXuXuXuXk:k:k:mbbbmbuXkXkXKQmmmm^b:kbbbbmbA@mmbmmbmmmmmmm:b:mmmbbmmmmmmmmmmmmXXmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmcm`m`mm`m:mmmmmm}}}mjjmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm0mm}mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm}Mmmmmmmmmmmmmjmmmtmmmmmmmmm`'mmm`mmjmlWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmW`mmmmjmM-lvetica#|x`H1`D4PkCQMS PS Jet Plus /800 II QPJPII.PRSPl`D4PkCg2W_qr|xHelveticaCourier@ ,`H1`D4PkCmQrrr r  @C2 KLG@ ,`H1`D4PkCmQrrr r  @C;,>>> >  @C ` X` hp x (#%'H   x|@  3'3'Standard@8'@8'StandardC6QMS $=R- Recommendation R.100 HReplace  2 and onwards by the following: "2.HDigital Path Link  ` H 2.1H64 kbit/s international digital transmission circuits are realized by PCM time slots or via TDMA satellite systems. SCPC (Single Channel Per Carrier) satellite systems provide 56 kbit/s channels. Primary groups 60108 kHz in conjunction with V.36 [4] modems may also be used. 2.2H64 kbit/s TDM link 2.2.1HRecommendation R.111, section 1 defines the telegraph TDM systems at 64kbit/s. 2.2.2HRecommendations X.50 [5] and X.51 [6] set out the parameters of envelope interleaving TDM systems at 64 kbit/s, which provide 0.6, 2.4, 4.8 and 9.6kbit/s tributary data channels. These data channels can be used to transfer the aggregate signals of TDM systems at 0.6 kbit/s (RecommendationR.103), 2.4kbit/s (Recommendations R.101, R.105, R.112 and R.111,  2), 4.8 kbit/s (Recommendations R.102 and R.111,  2) and 9.6 kbit/s (Recommendation R.111, 2). 2.3H56 kbit/s TDM links are realized using envelope interleaving TDM systems which are defined in Recommendations X.55 [7] and X.56 [8]. These systems provide the same tributary channels as in 2.2.2. 2.4HFigure 1/R.100 shows a typical multiplex hierarchy.  .Ԍ HH*The R.103 remote multiplexer may be connected to an R.101, R.112 or an R.102 multiplexer. In this example, the eight remote link channels are included in the 46 channels of the R.101 multiplexer.Ɛ$ HH H FIGURE 1/R.100 H' HTypical multiplex hierarchyă 2.5HThe capacities of 50 baud channels of 64 and 56 kbit/s TDM systems are shown in Table 2/R.100. H!TABLE 2/R.100 H' H 50 baud channel capacities of homogeneous TDM systemsă       maximum No. of 50 baud channels   Recommendation No. of TDM systems       transparent  nontransparent        R.111, 1 (64 kbit/s)  240          20 x R.101 (2.4 kbit/s)   920  X.50 (64 kbit/s) X.51 (64 kbit/s) 20 x R.112 (2.4 kbit/s)  300  920  X.55 (56 kbit/s)  or 10 x R.102 (4.8 kbit/s)  300  920  X.56 (56 kbit/s)  20 x R.111,  2 (2.4 kbit/s)  160      10 x R.111,  2 (4.8 kbit/s)  160      5 x R.111,  2 (9.6 kbit/s)  160      20 x R.105 (2.4 kbit/s)   5120 (Note)     80 x R.103 (0.6 kbit/s)   640    Note Virtual channels. 2.6HThe characteristics of 64 and 56 kbit/s digital circuit interfaces are described in Recommendations G.703 [9] and V.36 [4].  .ԌH"REFERENCESă [1] CCITT Recommendation 9600 bits ber second modem standardized for use on pointtopoint 4wire leased telephonetype circuits, RecommendationV.29. [2] CCITT Recommendation Transmission requirements of international voice frequency telegraph links (at 50, 100 and 200 bauds), RecommendationH.22.  H [3] CCITT Recommendation Performance characteristics of PCM channels between 4wire interfaces at audio frequencies, RecommendationG.712. [4] CCITT Recommendation Modems for synchronous data transmission using 60108 kHz group band circuits, RecommendationV.36. [5] CCITT Recommendation Fundamental parameters of a multiplexing scheme for the international interface between synchronous data networks, RecommendationX.50. [6] CCITT Recommendation Fundamental parameters of a multiplexing scheme for the international interface between synchronous data networks using 10bit envelope structure, RecommendationX.51. [7] CCITT Recommendation Interface between synchronous data networks using a 6+2 envelope structure and single channel per carrier (SCPC) satellite channels, RecommendationX.55. [8] CCITT Recommendation Interface between synchronous data networks using an 8+2 envelope structure and single channel per carrier (SCPC) satellite channels, RecommendationX.56. [9] CCITT Recommendation Physical/electrical characteristics of hierarchical digital interfaces, RecommendationG.703." Recommendation R.101 1.HAdd the following note to Table4/R.101(The existing note becomes "Note1"): "Note 2 The allocation of 50baud channel 16 for maintenance purpose cancels the possibility to set up 100baud channel 16 and 200baud channel 04." 2.HAdd the following note to Table 5/R.101 (The existing note becomes "Note1"): "Note 2 The allocation of 50baud channel 24 for maintenance purpose cancels the possibility to set up 75baud channel 24 and 150baud channel 08." 3.HReplace the word "numbering" for "allocation" in the headings of Tables3/R.101, 4/R.101 and 5/R.101. 4.HAdd the following to point 11.1: H"The implementation of this optional measurement should be such that the error rate on the synchronizing bits is supervised continuously and an alarm is issued when a preselected limit has been reached. HThe alarm limits should be at least one faulty bit every 103, 104 or 105 bits.".