WPCL 2BJ|x H    6p&6p& I  H   c4 P  Fascicle VI.9 - Glossary PAGE1 }I  HH   c4 P PAGE38 Fascicle VI.7 - Glossary } HH HP X`h!(#   8: GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED IN SIGNALLING SYSTEM No. 7 Hp P X`h!(#Ё c4 P  acknowledgement  hpF: accus) de r)ception  hpS: acuse de recibo  H  A service of the SCCP by which the receiver of the message informs the sender of the correct receipt.  available signalling link  hpF: canal s)maphore disponible  hpS: enlace de se9alizaci;n disponible  H  A signalling link which has successfully completed the initial alignment procedures and carries (or is ready to carry) signalling traffic.  adjacent signalling points  hpF: points s)maphores adjacents  hpS: puntos de se9alizaci;n adyacentes  H  Two signalling points that are directly interconnected by (a) signalling link(s).  alignment error rate monitoring  H  hpF: surveillance du taux d'erreur pendant la proc)dure d'alignement  hpS: monitor de tasa de errores en la alineaci;n  H  A procedure by which the error rate of signalling link is measured during the initial alignment.  alternative routing (of signalling)  hpF: acheminement (de signalisation) de secours  hpS: encaminamiento alternativo (de se9alizaci;n)  Hx  The routing of a given signalling traffic flow in case of failures affecting the signalling links, or routes, involved in the normal routing of that signalling traffic flow.  analogue signalling data link  hpF: liaison s)maphore de donn)es analogique  hpS: enlace anal;gico de datos de se9alizaci;n  H  The data link that provides an interface to signalling terminals and is made up of voice-frequency analogue transmission channels and modems.   application  hpF: application  hpS: aplicaci;n  HH  The set of user's requirements.  application entity (AE)  hpF: entit) d'application (AE)  hpS: entidad de aplicaci;n (EA)  H  A set of Application Service Elements which together perform all or part of the communications aspects of an application process. The Application Entity is addressed through an SCCP subsystem number.  application process  hpF: processus d'application  hpS: proceso de aplicaci;n  H  An element which performs the information processing for a particular application.  application service element (ASE)  hpF: )l)ment de service d'application (ASE)  hpS: elemento del servicio aplicaci;n (ESA)  H  A coherent set of integrated functions within an application entity which provides an OSI environment capability, using underlying services where appropriate.  associated mode (of signalling)  hpF: mode (de signalisation) associ)  hpS: modo (de se9alizaci;n) asociado  H  The mode where messages for a signalling relation involving two adjacent signalling points are conveyed over a directly interconnecting signalling link.  backward indicator bit (BIB)  hpF: bit indicateur vers l'arri/re (BIR)  hpS: bit indicador inverso (bit indicador hacia atrs) (BII)  H  A bit in a signal unit requesting, by its status change, retransmission at the remote end when a signal unit is received out of sequence.  backward sequence number (BSN)  hpF: num)ro de s)quence vers l'arri/re (NSR)  hpS: nmero secuencial inverso (hacia atrs) (NSI)  H  A field in a signal unit sent which contains the forward sequence number of a correctly received signal unit being acknowledged.  basic (error correction) method  hpF: m)thode (de correction d'erreur) de base  hpS: m)todo bsico (de correcci;n de errores)  H  A non-compelled, positive/negative acknowledgement, retransmission error control system.  called/calling party address  hpF: adresse du demand)/du demandeur  hpS: direcci;n de la parte llamada/llamante  H  An address within an SCCP message, consisting of any combination of signalling point code, global title and subsystem number.  changeback  hpF: retour sur canal s)maphore normal  hpS: retorno al enlace de servicio  H  The procedure of transferring signalling traffic from one or more alternative signalling links to a signalling link which has become available.  changeback code  hpF: code de retour sur canal s)maphore normal  hpS: c;digo de retorno al enlace de servicio  H  A field in the signalling network management messages used in the changeback procedure; it is used to discriminate messages relating to different changeback procedures performed at the same time towards the same signalling link.  changeover  hpF: passage sur canal s)maphore de secours  hpS: paso a enlace de reserva  H  The procedure of transferring signalling traffic from one signalling link to one or more different signalling links, when the link in use fails or is required to be cleared of traffic.  check bit (CK)  hpF: bit de contr=le (CRT)  hpS: bit de control (BC)  H  A bit associated with a character or block for the purpose of checking the absence of error within the character or block.  check loop  hpF: boucle pour contr=le de continuit)  hpS: bucle de pruebas de continuidad  H  A device which is attached to interconnect the Go and Return paths of a circuit at the incoming end of a circuit to permit the outgoing end to make a continuity check on a loop basis.  circuit identification code (CIC)  hpF: code d'identification de circuit (CIC)  hpS: c;digo de identificaci;n de circuito (CIC)  H  Information identifying a circuit between a pair of exchanges, for which signalling is being performed (14 bits in the international ISDN User Part).   circuit validation test (CVT)  hpF: essai de validation d'un circuit (EVC)  hpS: prueba de validaci;n del circuito (PVC)  H  A procedure used to ensure that two exchanges have sufficient and consistent translation data for placing a call on a specific circuit.  class of operation  hpF: classe d'op)ration  hpS: clase de operaci;n  H  A number indicating whether an operation reports success or failure, failure only, success only or neither.  class of SCCP service  hpF: classe de service SSCS  hpS: clase de servicio PCCS  H  A number chosen by the user of the SCCP to select 1 out of 4 network services provided by the SCCP.  combined link set  hpF: faisceau combin) de canaux s)maphores  hpS: conjunto combinado de enlaces  HH  A load sharing collection of one or more link sets.  common channel signalling  hpF: signalisation par canal s)maphore  hpS: se9alizaci;n por canal comn  H  A signalling technique in which signalling information relating to a multiplicity of circuits, and other information such as that used for network management, is conveyed over a single channel by addressed messages.  component  hpF: composant  hpS: componente  Hx  A protocol data unit exchanged between TC-users, via the Component sublayer of Transaction Capabilities.  component correlation  hpF: corr)lation de composants  hpS: correlaci;n de componentes  HH  The association of operation invocations and replies.  component portion  hpF: partie composante  hpS: porci;n componente  The part of a TC message containing the Components.  connection end-point  hpF: point terminal de connexion  hpS: punto extremo de conexi;n  H  A signalling point which may be either originating or destination.  connection identification  hpF: identification de connexion  hpS: identificaci;n de conexi;n  H  A number which identifies unambiguously a certain connection at the interface between the SCCP and a user function.  connection-oriented network service  hpF: service de r)seau en mode connexion  hpS: servicio de red con conexi;n  H  A network service that establishes logical connections between end users before transferring information.  connection section  hpF: section de connexion  hpS: secci;n de conexi;n  H  A section of an SCCP connection between endpoints or between an endpoint and an intermediate point or between intermediate points.  connectionless network service  hpF: service de r)seau en mode sans connexion  hpS: servicio de red sin conexi;n  H  A network service that transfers information between end users without establishing a logical connection or virtual circuits.  continuity check  hpF: contr=le de continuit)  hpS: prueba (verificaci;n) de continuidad  H  A check made to a circuit or circuits in a connection to verify that an acceptable path (for transmission of data, speech, etc.) exists.  continuity check transponder  hpF: r)pondeur pour contr=le de continuit)  H  hpS: transpondedor (transmisor-respondedor) para pruebas de continuidad  H  A device which is used to interconnect the Go and Return paths of a circuit at the incoming end which on detection of a check tone, returns another check tone to the originating end to permit a continuity checking of a 2-wire circuit.  controlled rerouting  hpF: retour sous contr=le sur route normale  hpS: reencaminamiento controlado  H  A procedure of transferring in a controlled way, signalling traffic from an alternative signalling route to the normal signalling route, when this has become available.  coupling  hpF: couplage  hpS: acoplamiento  H  An SCCP function which provides an association between connection sections at a relay point.  cross-office (transit) delay  hpF: temps (de transit) dans le commutateur  hpS: retardo (de trnsito) a trav)s de la central  HH  The time a message will take to pass through an exchange.  cross-office check  hpF: contr=le de continuit) ! travers un commutateur  Hh  hpS: prueba (verificaci;n) de continuidad a trav)s de una central  HH  A check made of a circuit across the exchange to verify that a transmission path exists.  data channel propagation time (Tp)  hpF: temps de propagation sur la voie de donn)es (Tp)  hpS: tiempo de propagaci;n del canal de datos (Tp)  H  The period which starts when the last bit of the signal unit has entered the data channel at the sending side and ends when the last bit of the signal unit leaves the data channel at the receiving end, irrespective of whether the signal unit is disturbed or not.  Data User Part (DUP)  hpF: Sous-Syst/me Utilisateur Donn)es (SSUD)  hpS: parte de usuario de datos (PUD)  HH  The User Part specified for data services.  destination point (signalling-)  hpF: point (s)maphore) de destination  hpS: punto de destino (de la se9alizaci;n)  The signalling point to which a message is destined.  destination point code (DPC)  hpF: code du point de destination (CPD)  hpS: c;digo del punto de destino (CPD)  H  A part of the label in a signalling message which uniquely identifies, in a signalling network, the (signalling) destination point of the message.  dialogue  hpF: dialogue  hpS: dilogo  H  An association established between two TC users exchanging components.  digital signalling data link  .,ƌ hpF: liaison s)maphore de donn)es num)rique  hpS: enlace de datos de se9alizaci;n digital  H  The data link that provides an interface to signalling terminals and is made up of digital transmission channels and digital switches or their terminating equipment.  dual seizure  hpF: prise simultan)e  hpS: doble toma (toma simultnea)  H  The condition which occurs when in bothway operation two exchanges attempt to seize the same circuit at approximately the same time.  emergency changeover  hpF: passage d'urgence sur canal s)maphore de secours  hpS: paso de emergencia a enlace de reserva  H  A modified changeover procedure to be used whenever the normal one cannot be accomplished, i.e. in case of some failures in the signalling terminal equipment or in case of inaccessibility between the two involved signalling points.  end-to-end signalling  hpF: signalisation de bout en bout  hpS: se9alizaci;n de extremo a extremo  HH  The capability to transfer signalling information of end point significance directly between signalling end points in order to provide a requesting user with a basic or supplementary service.  end-user (SCCP)  hpF: utilisateur terminal (SSCS)  hpS: usuario de extremo (PCCS)  H  A functional entity above the SCCP upper layer boundary indirectly using the services of the SCCP.  entity or (N) entity  hpF: entit) ou entit) (N)  hpS: entidad o entidad (N)  HH  A set of functions invoked by a given layer for an instance of intersystems communications in which that system is involved. An entity may be partitioned into several sub-entities. For each instance of intersystems communications, the set of functions invoked will be a part of all the functional capability of the given system within the layer in accordance with the functionality required for that instance of inter-system communication.  expedited data  hpF: donn)es expr)s  hpS: datos acelerados (datos expeditados)  Hx  Data transferred with priority which bypasses the normal data flow control.   failure response time  hpF: temps de r)ponse ! une d)faillance  hpS: tiempo de respuesta a fallo  H  The elapsed time from the instant a signalling point recognises that a signalling link is unavailable, until the instant when the signalling point completes sending a changeover (or emergency changeover) order to the remote signalling point.  fill-in signal unit (FISU)  hpF: trame s)maphore de remplissage (TSR)  hpS: unidad de se9alizaci;n de relleno (USR)  H  A signal unit containing only error control and delimitation information, which is transmitted when there are no message signal units or link status signal units to be transmitted.  flag (F)  hpF: fanion (F)  hpS: bandera (BAN)  H  The unique pattern on the signalling data link used to delimit a signal unit.  flow control  hpF: contr=le de flux  hpS: control de flujo  H  A function in a protocol used to control the flow of signalling messages between adjacent layers of a protocol, and/or between peer entities. The function permits, for example, a receiving entity to control signalling message flow from the sending entity.  forced rerouting  hpF: passage sous contrainte sur route de secours  hpS: reencaminamiento forzado  H  A procedure of transferring signalling traffic from one signalling route to another, when the signalling route in use fails or is required to be cleared of traffic.  forced retransmission (procedure)  hpF: retransmission forc)e (proc)dure de)  hpS: retransmisi;n forzada (procedimiento de)  H  An error correction procedure used to complement the preventive cyclic retransmission procedure.  forward indicator bit (FIB)  hpF: bit indicateur vers l'avant (BIA)  HX  hpS: bit indicador directo (bit indicador hacia adelante) (BID)  H  A bit in a signal unit which indicates the start of a retransmission cycle.  forward sequence number (FSN)  hpF: num)ro de s)quence vers l'avant (NSA)  hpS: nmero secuencial directo (hacia adelante) (NSD)  H  A signal unit used to identify the transmitted message signal units.  function  hpF: fonction  hpS: funci;n  H  A logical object which accepts one or more inputs (arguments) and produces a single output (value) uniquely determined by the combination of the input and the formal specification of the function.  global title (GT)  hpF: appellation globale (AG)  hpS: t1tulo global (TG)  H  An address used by the SCCP, such as customer dialled digits which does not explicitly contain information that would allow routing in the signalling network, i.e., the SCCP translation function is required.  hypothetical signalling reference connection (HSRC)  hpF: communication fictive de r)ference pour la signalisation  H  hpS: conexi;n ficticia (o hipot)tica) de referencia para la se9alizaci;n (CFRS)  H  A hypothetical reference model of a connection in a signalling network.  identifier (ID)  hpF: identificateur (ID)  hpS: identificador (ID)  H  A character, or group of characters, used to identify or name an item of data and possibly to indicate certain properties of that data.  unavailable signalling link  hpF: canal s)maphore indisponible  hpS: enlace de se9alizaci;n indisponible  H  A signalling link which has been deactivated and cannot therefore carry signalling traffic.  information element  hpF: )lement d'information  hpS: elemento de informaci;n  HH  The basic unit of a TCAP message.  initial alignment (procedure)  hpF: alignement initial (proc)dure d')  hpS: alineaci;n inicial (procedimiento de)  H  A procedure by which a signalling link becomes able to carry signalling traffic either for the first time or after a failure has occurred.  integrated digital network (IDN)  hpF: r)seau num)rique int)gr) (RNI)  hpS: red digital integrada (RDI)  H  A network in which connections established by digital switching are used for the transmission of digital signals.  integrated services digital network (ISDN)  hpF: r)seau num)rique avec int)gration des services (RNIS)  hpS: red digital de servicios integrados (RDSI)  H  An integrated digital network in which the same digital switches and digital paths are used to establish connections for different services, for example, telephony, data.  Intermediate Service Part  hpF: Sous-Syst/me Services Interm)diaires (SSSI)  hpS: parte servicio intermedio  HH  An element of Transaction Capabilities which supports TCAP for connection-oriented messages. It represents OSI layers 4 to 6.  international signalling network  hpF: r)seau s)maphore international  hpS: red de se9alizaci;n internacional  H  A network used for signalling, consisting of international signalling points and common channel signalling links connecting them.  international signalling point  hpF: point s)maphore international  hpS: punto de se9alizaci;n internacional  H  A signalling point which belongs to the international signalling network.  international signalling point code  hpF: code de point s)maphore international  hpS: c;digo de punto de se9alizaci;n internacional  H  A part of the label in a signalling message that uniquely identifies each signalling point which belongs to the international signalling network. It consists of a sub-field for the signalling area/network code (11-bit) and a sub-field which identifies a signalling point in a specific area or network (3-bit).  interruption control  hpF: contr=le d'interruption  hpS: protecci;n contra las interrupciones  H  A system which monitors a pilot for interruptions on FDM systems and which transmits an indication to the switching equipment. .,Ԍ ISDN user part (ISDN-UP)  hpF: Sous-Syst/me Utilisateur pour le RNIS (SSUR)  hpS: parte usuario de RDSI (PU-RDSI)  H  A protocol of Signalling System No. 7 which provides the signalling functions necessary to basic bearer services and supplementary services for voice and non-voice applications in the ISDN.   label  hpF: )tiquette  hpS: etiqueta  H  Information within a signalling message used to identify typically the particular circuit, call or management transaction to which the message is related.  layer  hpF: couche  hpS: capa  H  A group of one or more entities contained within an upper and lower logical boundary. Layer (N) has boundaries to the layer (N + 1) and to the layer (N - 1).  layer interface  hpF: interface entre couches  hpS: interfaz de capa  HH  The boundary between two adjacent layers of the model.  layer service  hpF: service de couche  hpS: servicio de capa  H  A capability of the (N) layer and the layers beneath it, which is provided to (N + 1) entities, at the boundary between the (N) layer and the (N + 1) layer.  layer service elements  hpF: el)ment de service de couche  hpS: elemento de servicio de capa  H  An indivisible component of the layer service made visible to the service user via layer primitives.  layer service primitives  hpF: primitives du service de couche  hpS: primitivas de servicio de capa  Hh  A means for specifying in detail the adjacent layer interactions.  length indicator (LI)  hpF: indicateur de longueur (INL)  hpS: indicador de longitud (IL)  H  A six-bit field which differentiates between message signal units, link status signal units and fill-in signal units and in the case that its binary value is less than 63 indicates the length of a signal unit.  link-by-link signalling  hpF: signalisation section par section  hpS: se9alizaci;n enlace por enlace  H  A procedure for the exchange of signalling information directly between two signalling points that are either directly connected or via signalling transfer points.  link state control (LSC)  hpF: supervision de l')tat du canal s)maphore (SET)  hpS: control del estado del enlace (CEE)  Hx  Coordinates functions of the signalling link including signal unit delimitation, signal unit alignment, error detection, error correction, initial alignment, signalling link error monitoring and flow control.  link status signal unit (LSSU)  hpF: trame s)maphore d')tat du canal s)maphore (TSE)  hpS: unidad de se9alizaci;n del estado del enlace (UEE)  H  A signal unit which contains status information about the signalling link in which it is transmitted.  linked operation  hpF: op)ration li)e  hpS: operaci;n enlazada (vinculada)  H  An operation invoked from one end of a dialogue that is linked to another operation previously invoked by the other end.  load sharing (general)  hpF: partage de la charge (en g)n)ral)  hpS: compartici;n de carga (en sentido general)  H  A process by which signalling traffic is distributed over two or more signalling or message routes, to provide for traffic equalization or security.  local reference  hpF: r)f)rence locale  hpS: referencia local  H  A local number, unambiguously identifying an SCCP connection within one SCCP entity.  management inhibiting  hpF: inhibition par la gestion  hpS: inhabilitaci;n (o inhibici;n) (en gesti;n de trfico de se9alizaci;n)  H  A procedure included in signalling traffic management used to keep a signalling link unavailable to User Part generated signalling traffic, except for test and maintenance traffic.  mandatory fixed part  hpF: partie obligatoire de longueur fixe  hpS: parte obligatoria fija  H  Part of a message that contains those parameters that are mandatory and of fixed length.  mandatory variable part  hpF: partie obligatoire de longueur variable  hpS: parte obligatoria variable  H  Part of a message that contains mandatory parameters of variable length.  message discrimination  hpF: discrimination des messages (de signalisation)  hpS: discriminaci;n de mensajes  H  The process which decides, for each incoming message, whether the signalling point is a destination point or if it should act as a signalling transfer point for that message and accordingly, whether the message should be handed to (signalling) message distribution or to (signalling) message routing functions.  message distribution  hpF: distribution des messages (de signalisation)  hpS: distribuci;n de mensajes  H  The process of determining, upon receipt of a signalling message at its destination point, to which User Part the signalling message is to be delivered.  message route (signalling-)  hpF: route de message (de signalisation)  hpS: ruta de mensaje (de se9alizaci;n)  H  The signalling link or consecutive links connected in tandem that are used to convey a signalling message from an originating point to its destination point.  message routing (signalling-)  hpF: acheminement des messages (de signalisation)  hpS: encaminamiento de mensajes (de se9alizaci;n)  H  The process for selecting, for each signalling message to be sent, the signalling link to be used.  message signal unit (MSU)  hpF: trame s)maphore de message (TSM)  hpS: unidad de se9alizaci;n de mensaje (USM)  H  A signal unit containing a service information octet and a signalling information field which is retransmitted by the signalling link control if it is received in error.  Message Transfer Part (MTP)  hpF: Sous-Syst/me Transport de Messages (SSTM) .,ƌ hpS: parte transferencia de mensajes (PTM)  H  The functional part of a common channel signalling system which transfers signalling messages as required by all the users, and which performs the necessary subsidiary functions, for example error control and signalling security (levels 1, 2 and 3 of Signalling System No. 7).  message transfer part receiving time (Tmr)  Hx  hpF: temps de r)ception du Sous-Syst/me Transport de Messages (Tmr)  H  hpS: tiempo de recepci;n de la parte de transferencia de mensajes (Tmr)  H  The period which starts when the last bit of the signal unit leaves the signalling data link and ends when the last bit of the message has entered the User Part. It includes the handling time at level 2, the transfer time from level 2 to level 3, the handling time at level 3, the transfer time from level 3 to level 4.  message transfer part sending time (Tms)  Hh  hpF: temps d')mission du Sous-Syst/me Transport de Messages (Tms)  H  hpS: tiempo de emisi;n de la parte de transferencia de mensajes (Tms)  H  The period which starts when the last bit of the message has left the User Part and ends when the last bit of the signal unit enters the data link for the first time. It includes the queueing delay in the absence of disturbances, the transfer time from level 4 to level 3, the handling time at level 3, the transfer time from level 3 to level 2, and handling time in level 2.  message transfer time at signalling transfer points (Tcs)  H  hpF: temps de transfert des messages aux points de transfert s)maphores (Tcs)  H  hpS: tiempo de transferencia de mensajes en los puntos de transferencia de se9alizaci;n (Tcs)  H  The period which starts when the last bit of the signal unit leaves the incoming signalling data link and ends when the last bit of the signal unit enters the outgoing signalling data link for the first time. It includes the queueing delay in the absence of disturbances, but not the additional queueing delay caused by retransmission.  Mobile Application Part (MAP)  hpF: Sous-Syst/me Application Mobile (SSAM)  hpS: parte aplicaci;n m;vil (PAM)  H  The Application Entity dedicated to the communication aspects of the mobile application.  MTP routing verification test (MRVT)  H  hpF: essai pour la v)rification de l'acheminement dans le SSTM (EATP)  HX  hpS: prueba de verificaci;n de encaminamiento por la PTM (PVEM)  H  A procedure used to determine if the data of the MTP routing tables in the signalling network are consistent.  national signalling network  hpF: r)seau s)maphore national  hpS: red de se9alizaci;n nacional  H  A network used for signalling, consisting of national signalling points and the connecting common channel signalling links, including the national signalling point of the gateway exchange connected to the internacional signalling network.  national signalling point (NSP)  hpF: point s)maphore national (PSN)  hpS: punto de se9alizaci;n nacional (PSN)  H  A signalling point which belongs to the national signalling network.  negative acknowledgement (NACK)  hpF: accus) de r)ception n)gatif (ACN)  hpS: acuse de recibo negativo (RN)  H  An explicit request for retransmission of signal units, received in a corrupt form.   network indicator  hpF: indicateur de r)seau  hpS: indicador de red  H  The part of the subservice field within the service information octet that may be used to discriminate between national and internacional signalling messages.  Network Service Part (NSP)  hpF: Sous-Syst/me Service Res)au (SSSR)  hpS: parte servicio de red (PSR)  H  The combination of the Message Transfer Part and the Signalling Connection Control Part.  nonassociated mode (of signalling)  hpF: mode (de signalisation) non associ)  hpS: modo (de se9alizaci;n) no asociado  H  The mode where messages for a signalling relation involving two (nonadjacent) signalling points are conveyed, between those signalling points, over two or more signalling links in tandem passing through one or more signalling transfer points.  nonadjacent signalling points  hpF: points s)maphores non adjacents  hpS: puntos de se9alizaci;n no adyacentes  H  Two signalling points that are not directly connected by any signalling links.  normal routing of (signalling)  hpF: acheminement normal (de signalisation)  hpS: encaminamiento normal (de se9alizaci;n)  H  The routing of a given signalling traffic flow in normal conditions (i.e. in the absence of failures).  NSAP address (OSI-) (NSAP)  hpF: adresse NSAP (OSI-)  hpS: direcci;n PASR (ISA-) (PASR)  H  A global address as defined for OSI which is understandable over any network and can be used to address between networks.  operation (TC-)  hpF: op)ration (GT)  hpS: operaci;n (CT)  HH  The action being requested of the remote end.   Operation, Maintenance and Administration Part (OMAP)  H  hpF: Sous-Syst/me pour l'Exploitation, la Maintenance et la gestion (SSEM)  hpS: parte, operaciones, mantenimiento y administraci;n (POMA)  H  The Application Entity dedicated to the communications aspects of the Operation, Administration and Maintenance of the Signalling System No. 7 network and which may have an application for the Telecommunications Management Network (TMN).  optional part  hpF: partie facultative  hpS: parte opcional (facultativa)  H  Part of a message that contains parameters that may or may not occur in any particular message type.  originating point (signalling-)  hpF: point (s)maphore) d'origine  hpS: punto de origen (de se9alizaci;n)  HH  The signalling point in which a message is generated.  originating point code (OPC)  hpF: code du point d'origine (CPO)  hpS: c;digo del punto de origen (CPO)  H  A part of the label in a signalling message which uniquely identifies, in a signalling network, the (signalling) originating point of the message.  peer entities  hpF: entit)s homologues  hpS: entidades pares  H  Entities in the same layer but in different systems (nodes) which must exchange information to achieve a common objective.  peer protocol  hpF: protocole homologue  hpS: protocolo para entidades pares  H  A formal language used by peer entities to exchange information.  pilot  hpF: onde pilote  hpS: piloto  H  Sinusoidal signal transmitted over analogue FDM links for regulation and supervision purposes.  pointer  hpF: pointeur  hpS: puntero  Hx  A single octet indicating the beginning of each mandatory variable parameter and optional part.  positive acknowledgement  hpF: accus) de r)ception positif  hpS: acuse de recibo positivo  HH  A way to indicate correct transfer of message signal units.  preventive cyclic retransmission (error control) method  Hx  hpF: m)thode (de correction d'erreur) avec retransmission cyclique pr)ventive  H  hpS: m)todo (de protecci;n contra errores) por retransmisi;n c1clica preventiva  H  A noncompelled, positive acknowledgement, cyclic retransmission forward error correction system.  processor outage  hpF: processeur hors service  hpS: interrupci;n del procesador  H  A situation in which a signalling link becomes unavailable, due to factors at a functional level higher than level 2. This may be because of, for example, a central processor failure.  Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN)  hpF: r)seau mobile terrestre publique (RMTP)  hpS: red m;vil terrestre pblica (RMTP)  HH  A public network dedicated to the operation of mobile radio communications.  quasi-associated mode (of signalling)  hpF: mode (de signalisation) quasi associ)  hpS: modo (de se9alizaci;n) cuasiasociado  H  A nonassociated mode (of signalling) in which the (signalling) message route is determined basically, for each signalling message, by information contained in this message (namely in its routing label) and is fixed in normal operation.  reply  hpF: r)ponse  hpS: respuesta  H  Any component sent back as the consequence of an operation invocation.  reset (SCCP)  hpF: reinitialisation (SSCS)  hpS: reinicializaci;n (PCCS)  H  A service of the SCCP to return a connection to a predefined state, or to recover from loss of synchronization between two SCCP users.  restart (SCCP)  hpF: red)marrage (SCCS)  hpS: rearranque (PCCS)  H  A recovery mechanism for signalling connection sections in the event of a node failure.  result  hpF: r)sultat  HH  S: resultado  H  The component indicating the outcome (success or failure) of an operation.  retransmission buffer (RTB)  hpF: tampon de retransmission (TRT)  hpS: memoria tamp;n de retransmisi;n (MTR)  H  Storage in the signalling link control for signal units transmitted but not yet positively acknowledged.  retrieval  hpF: r)cup)ration  hpS: recuperaci;n  H  The process of transferring all those messages in the retransmission buffer of a signalling link (A), which have not yet been positively acknowledged, to the transmission buffers of alternative signalling links.  route set congestion control  hpF: contr=le d'encombrement de faisceau de routes s)maphores  hpS: control de la congesti;n de un conjunto de rutas  H  A procedure included in the signalling route management which is used to update the congestion status of a signalling route in a given signalling point.  routing label  hpF: )tiquette d'acheminement  hpS: etiqueta de encaminamiento  H  The part of the message label that is used for message routing in the signalling network. It includes the destination point code, the originating point code and the signalling link selection field.  SCCP relation  hpF: relation de SSCS  hpS: relaci;n PCCS  H  A relationship between two SCCP users which allows them to exchange data over it. An SCCP relation can consist of one or several routes.  SCCP relay function  hpF: fonction relais du SSCS  hpS: funci;n de relevo PCCS ., ƌ H  A function which provides an address translation to route an SCCP message to its destination, and may include coupling of connection sections for connection-oriented protocol classes.  SCCP route  hpF: route du SSCS  hpS: ruta PCCS  H  A route composed of an ordered list of nodes where the SCCP is used (origin, relay(s), destination) for the transfer of SCCP messages from an originating SCCP user to the destination SCCP user.  SCCP routing  hpF: acheminement dans le SSCS  hpS: encaminamiento (por la) PCCS  H  A function based on the called party address information, which evaluates and translates the information, checks the addressee availability, and the need for coupling of connection sections.  SCCP routing verification test (SRVT)  H  hpF: essai pour la v)rification de l'acheminement dans le SSCS (EACP)  hpS: prueba de verificaci;n del encaminamiento PCCS (PVES)  H  A procedure used to determine if the data of the SCCP routing tables in the signalling network are consistent.  SCCP user  hpF: utilisateur du SSCS  hpS: usuario PCCS  HX  Functional entity which uses directly the services of the SCCP.  segmenting/reassembling  hpF: segmentation/r)assemblage  hpS: segmentaci;n/reensamblado  H  If the size of the user data is too big to be transferred within one message, user data are segmented into a number of portions, and reassembled at the receiving end.  sequence numbering  hpF: num)rotation des trames s)maphores  hpS: numeraci;n secuencial  Hx  Each signal unit carries two sequence numbers for error correcting purpose.  sequencing  hpF: mise en s)quence  hpS: secuenciaci;n  H  A service of the SCCP that preserves the sequence of Network Service Data Units.  service indicator (SI)  hpF: indicateur de service (utilisateur) (INS)  hpS: indicador de servicio (IS)  H  Information within a signalling message identifying the user to which the message belongs.  service information (octet) (SIO)  hpF: octet de service (SER)  hpS: informaci;n de servicio (octeto de) (OIS)  H  Eight bits, contained in a message signal unit, comprising the service indicator and the sub-service field.   signal unit (SU)  hpF: trame s)maphore (TS)  hpS: unidad de se9alizaci;n (US)  H  A group of bits forming a separately transferable entity used to convey information on a signalling link.  signal unit alignment  hpF: alignement des trames s)maphores  hpS: alineaci;n de unidades de se9alizaci;n  H  Signal unit alignment exists when flags are received at intervals which correspond to integral numbers of octets and which fall within certain upper and lower limits.  signal unit error rate monitoring  hpF: surveillance du taux d'erreur sur les trames s)maphores  HX  hpS: monitor de tasa de errores en las unidades de se9alizaci;n  H  A procedure by which the error rate of an active signalling link is measured on the basis of a count of correctly checking and erroneous signal units.  signal unit sequence control  hpF: contr=le de l'ordre des trames s)maphores  hpS: control de la secuencia de las unidades de se9alizaci;n  Hx  Procedures used at level 2 to ensure that message signal units are transported in sequence, without loss or duplication, over a particular signalling link.  signalling area/network code (SANC)  hpF: code de zone/r)seau s)maphore (CZRS)  hpS: c;digo de rea/red de se9alizaci;n  H  The field in the international signalling point code that identifies the zone and national signalling area or network. It consists of a code for the world geographical zone (3-bit) and a code for the area or network in a specific zone (8-bit).  Signalling Connection Control Part (SCCP)  hpF: Sous-Syst/me Commande des connexions S)maphores (SSCS)  hpS: parte control de la conexi;n de se9alizaci;n (PCCS)  H  Additional functions to the MTP to cater for both connectionless as well as connection-oriented network service and to achieve an OSI compatible network service.  signalling information  hpF: information de signalisation  hpS: informaci;n de se9alizaci;n  HH  The information content of a signal or a signalling message.   signalling information (field) (SIF)  hpF: information de signalisation (domaine d') (INF)  hpS: informaci;n de se9alizaci;n (campo de) (CIS)  H  The bits of a message signal unit which cary information particular to a certain user transaction and always contain a label.  signalling link  hpF: canal s)maphore  hpS: enlace de se9alizaci;n  H  A transmission means which consists of a signalling data link and its transfer control functions, used for reliable transfer of a signalling message.  signalling link activation  hpF: activation d'un canal s)maphore  hpS: activaci;n de un enlace de se9alizaci;n  H  The process of making a signalling link ready to carry signalling traffic.  signalling link blocking  hpF: blocage d'un canal s)maphore  hpS: bloqueo de un enlace de se9alizaci;n  H  An event causing the unavailability of a signalling link, typically consisting in a "processor outage" condition at one end of that signalling link.  signalling link code (SLC)  hpF: code de canal s)maphore (COC)  hpS: c;digo de enlace de se9alizaci;n (CES)  H  A field of the label in the signalling network management messages, which indicates the particular signalling link to which the message refers among those interconnecting the two involved signalling points.  signalling link deactivation  hpF: d)sactivation d'un canal s)maphore  hpS: desactivaci;n de un enlace de se9alizaci;n  Hh  The procedure by which a signalling link is taken out of service.  signalling link error monitoring  hpF: surveillance des erreurs sur un canal s)maphore  hpS: monitor de errores en el enlace de se9alizaci;n  H  This comprises two functions: initial alignment error rate monitoring and signal unit error rate monitoring.  signalling link failure  hpF: d)faillance d'un canal s)maphore  hpS: aver1a (o fallo) del enlace de se9alizaci;n  H  An event causing the unavailability of a signalling link, typically consisting in a failure in signalling terminal equipment or in the signalling data link.  signalling link group  hpF: groupe de canaux s)maphore  hpS: grupo de enlaces de se9alizaci;n  H  A set of signalling links directly connecting two signalling points and having the same physical characteristics (bit rate, propagation delay, etc.).  signalling link management functions  hpF: fonctions de gestion des canaux s)maphores  hpS: funciones de gesti;n de enlaces de se9alizaci;n  H  Functions that control and take actions, when required, to preserve integrity of locally connected signalling links, e.g. by reconfiguration of the signalling link sets.  signalling link restoration  hpF: r)tablissement d'un canal s)maphore  Hh  hpS: restauraci;n (o restablecimiento) de enlaces de se9alizaci;n  H  An event consisting in the initial alignment procedure on a signalling link following the removal of the previous causes of failure; if no other causes of unavailability exist (i.e. a signalling link blocked condition) then the signalling link becomes available.  signalling link selection field  hpF: domaine de s)lection du canal s)maphore  hpS: campo de selecci;n de enlace de se9alizaci;n  H  A field of the routing label which is typically used by the message routing function to perform load sharing among different signalling links/link sets.  signalling link set  hpF: faisceau de canaux s)maphores  hpS: conjunto de enlaces de se9alizaci;n  H  A set of one or more signalling links directly connecting two signalling points.  signalling link unblocking  hpF: d)blocage d'un canal s)maphore  hpS: desbloqueo de un enlace de se9alizaci;n  H  An event consisting in the removal of the previous causes of signalling link blocking; if no other causes of unavailability exist (i.e. a signalling link failed condition), then the signalling link becomes available.  Signalling Management Application Process (SMAP)  HX  hpF: processus d'application de gestion de signalisation (PAGS)  hpS: proceso de aplicaci;n de gesti;n de se9alizaci;n (PAGS)  H  The application process associated with the operation, administration, and management of the Signalling System No. 7.   signalling message  hpF: message de signalisation  hpS: mensaje de se9alizaci;n  H  An assembly of signalling information pertaining to a call, management transaction, etc., that is transferred as an entity.  signalling message handling functions  hpF: fonctions d'orientation des messages de signalisation  hpS: funciones de tratamiento de mensajes de se9alizaci;n  H  Functions that, at the actual transfer of a message, direct the message to the proper signalling link or User Part.  signalling network  hpF: r)seau s)maphore  hpS: red de se9alizaci;n  H  A network used for signalling by one or more users and consisting of signalling points and connecting signalling links.  signalling network components  hpF: composants du r)seau s)maphore  hpS: componentes de la red de se9alizaci;n  H  Components which make up the signalling network, such as signalling points and common channel signalling links.  signalling network functions  hpF: fonctions du r)seau s)maphore  hpS: funciones de la red de se9alizaci;n  H  The functions which are performed by the Message Transfer Part at level 3 and are common to, and independent of, the operation of individual signalling links. They include the signalling message handling functions and the signalling network management functions.  signalling end point  hpF: point s)maphore terminal  hpS: punto extremo de se9alizaci;n  H  A node in a signalling network associated with a call originating local exchange, terminating local exchange, or gateway exchange.  signalling network management functions  hpF: fonctions de gestion du r)seau s)maphore  hpS: funciones de gesti;n de la red de se9alizaci;n  H  Functions that, on the basis of predetermined data and information about the status of the signalling network, control the current message routing and configuration of signalling network facilities.   signalling point  hpF: point s)maphore  hpS: punto de se9alizaci;n  H  A node in a signalling network which either originates and receives signalling messages, or transfers signalling messages from one signalling link to another, or both.  signalling point code  hpF: code d'un point s)maphore  hpS: c;digo de punto de se9alizaci;n  H  A binary code uniquely identifying a signalling point in a signalling network. This code is used, according to its position in the label, either as destination point code or as originating point code.  signalling point numbering plan  hpF: plan de num)rotage des points s)maphores  hpS: plan de numeraci;n de los puntos de se9alizaci;n  H  A formal description of the method of translating end-user provided address information into an address understandable by the signalling network.  signalling point restart  hpF: red)marrage d'un point s)maphore  hpS: rearranque de un punto de se9alizaci;n  H  A procedure that allows a graceful increase of traffic to a restarting node.  signalling point with SCCP relay function (SPR)  H  hpF: point s)maphore faisant fonction de relais dans le SSCS (PSR)  hpS: punto de se9alizaci;n con funciones de relevo PCCS (PSR)  HH  A node in a signalling network with SCCP relay functions.  signalling relation  hpF: relation s)maphore  hpS: relaci;n de se9alizaci;n  H  A relation between two signalling points involving the possibility of information interchange between corresponding User Part functions.  signalling route  hpF: route s)maphore  hpS: ruta de se9alizaci;n  H  A predetermined path described by a succession of signalling points that may be traversed by signalling messages directed by a signalling point towards a specific destination point.  signalling route management functions  hpF: fonctions de gestion des routes s)maphores  hpS: funciones de gesti;n de rutas de se9alizaci;n  H  Functions that transfer information about changes in the availability of signalling routes in the signalling network.  signalling route-set-test procedure  hpF: proc)dure de test de faisceau de routes s)maphores  Hh  hpS: procedimiento de prueba de conjunto de rutas de se9alizaci;n  H  A procedure, included in the signalling route management which is used to test the availability of a given signalling route, previously declared unavailable.  signalling traffic management functions  hpF: fonctions de gestion du trafic s)maphore  hpS: funciones de gesti;n del trfico de se9alizaci;n  H  Functions that control and, when required, modify routing information used by the Message routing function and control the transfer of signalling traffic in a manner that avoids irregularities in the message flow.  signalling message transfer delay  hpF: temps de transfert d'un message s)maphore  H  hpS: retardo (tiempo) de transferencia de un mensaje de se9alizaci;n  H  The time a message will take to pass through the signalling network.  signalling transfer point (STP)  hpF: point de transfert s)maphore (PTS)  hpS: punto de transferencia de se9alizaci;n (PTS)  H  A signalling point with the function of transferring signalling messages from one signallig link to another and considered exclusively from the viewpoint of the transfer.  status field (SF)  hpF: domaine d')tat (ETC)  hpS: campo de estado (CE)  H  The bits of a link status signal unit which indicate one of the major signalling link states.  subservice field (SSF)  hpF: domaine de sous-service (DSS)  hpS: campo de subservicio (CSS)  H  The level 3 field containing the network indicator and two spare bits.  subsystem  hpF: Sous-Syst/me (utilisateur du SSCS)  hpS: subsistema  H  A direct user of the Signalling Connection Control Part (SCCP) of Signalling System No. 7.  subsystem number (SSN)  hpF: num)ro de Sous-Syst/me (NSS)  hpS: nmero de subsistema (NSS)  H  A number to identify a subsystem using the SCCP either directly, like the ISDN User Part, or indirectly (via the Transaction Capabilities) like the OMAP.  system management application entity (SMAE)  hpF: entit) d'application de gestion du syst/me (SMAE)  hpS: entidad de aplicaci;n de gesti;n de sistema (EAGS)  H  The aspect of system Management Application Process involved with communication.  system management application process  hpF: processus d'application de gestion de syst/mes  hpS: proceso de aplicaci;n de gesti;n de sistema  H  The set of functions which collectively encompass system management.  tag (key) (label)  hpF: )tiquette (SSGT)  hpS: r;tulo (etiqueta)  H  The tag distinguishes one information element from another, and governs the interpretation of the contets.  Telephone User Part (TUP)  hpF: Sous-Syst/me Utilisateur T)l)phonie (SSUT)  hpS: parte de usuario de telefon1a (PUT)  HH  The User Part specified for telephone services.  traffic flow control (signalling-)  hpF: contr=le de flux de trafic (s)maphore)  hpS: control de flujo del trfico (de se9alizaci;n)  H  Actions and procedures intended to limit signalling traffic at its source in the case when the signalling network is not capable of transferring all signalling traffic offered by the User Parts, because of network failures or overload situations.  transaction  hpF: transaction  hpS: transacci;n  HH  An association between two TC providers.  Transaction Capabilities (TC)  hpF: Gestionnaire de Transactions (GT)  hpS: capacidades de transacci;n (CT)  H  Functions which control information transfer between two or more nodes via a signalling network. .,Ԍ Transaction Capabilities Application Part (TCAP)  H  hpF: Sous-Syst/me application pour la Gestion des Transactions (SSGT)  hpS: parte aplicaci;n de capacidades de transacci;n (PACT)  H  The part of the Transaction Capabilities that resides in the application layer of the OSI protocol references model.  transaction portion  hpF: partie transaction  hpS: porci;n de transacci;n  H  The portion of the TCAP message that identifies whether the transaction is expected to consist of single or multiple messages and provides a means to associate these messages with a specific transaction and to terminate a transaction. The part of TCAP messages dealing with the control of transactions.  transceiver  hpF: )metteur-r)cepteur  hpS: transceptor (transmisor-receptor)  H  A tone device inserted in the outgoing end of a circuit which performs the transmitter and receiver check test through a check loop.  transfer-allowed (procedure)  hpF: transfert autoris) (proc)dure de)  hpS: autorizaci;n de transferencia (procedimiento de)  H  A procedure, included in the signalling route management, which is used to inform a signalling point that a signalling route has become available.  transfer controlled (procedure)  hpF: transfert sous contr=le (proc)dure de)  hpS: control de transferencia (procedimiento de)  H  A procedure, included in signalling route management, which does inform a signalling point of the congestion status of a signalling route.  transfer-prohibited (procedure)  hpF: transfert interdit (proc)dure de)  hpS: prohibici;n de transferencia (procedimiento de)  H  A procedure, included in the signalling route management, which is used to inform a signalling point of the unavailability of a signalling route.  transfer restricted (procedure)  hpF: transfert restreint (proc)dure de)  hpS: restricci;n de transferencia (procedimiento de)  H  A procedure, included in signalling route management, which does inform a signalling point of the restriction of a signalling route.  transmission buffer (TB)  hpF: tampon d')mission (TEM)  hpS: memoria tamp;n de transmisi;n (MT)  H  Storage in the signalling link control for message signal units not yet transmitted.   user (of the signalling system)  hpF: utilisateur du syst/me de signalisation  hpS: usuario (del sistema de se9alizaci;n)  H  A functional entity, typically a telecommunication service, which uses a signalling network to transfer information.  User Part (UP)  hpF: Sous-Syst/me Utilisateur (SSU)  hpS: parte de usuario (o parte de usuario) (PU)  H  A functional part of the common channel signalling system which transfers signalling messages via the Message Transfer Part. Different types of User Parts exist (e.g. for telephone and data services), each of which is specified to a particular use of the signallig system.