WPCL 2BJ|x H    6p&6p& I  Hh   c4 P  Fascicle VI.9 - Abbreviations PAGE1 I  HH   c4 P PAGE38 Fascicle VI.7 - Abbreviations  HH Hp P X`h!(#   88  c4 P ABBREVIATIONS SPECIFIC TO SIGNALLING SYSTEM No. 7 c4 P  1   HH Ё1) c4 P This list of abbreviations is basically the one appearing in Fascicle VI.6 of the Yellow Book, 1980. Study Group XI should bring this list up to date in the Study Period 1989-1992. )  c4 P  H X ҇8OEnglish 8OFrench 8OSpanish 8OMeaning H X ҇ACB ACI SAP Access barred signal H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇ACC RAE CAC Automatic congestion control information message H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇ACM ACO MDC Address complete message H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723, Figure 3/Q.724 H X ҇ADI ADI SDI Address incomplete signal H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723, Figure 3/Q.724 H X ҇AERM STEA MA Alignment error rate monitor H X ҇ Figures 7-9/Q.703 and 11-17/Q.703 H X ҇ANC RAT RCT Answer signal, charge H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723, Figure 3/Q.724 H X ҇ANN RST RST Answer signal, no charge H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇ANU RSI RNC Answer signal, unqualified H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇BIB BIR BII Backward indicator bit H X ҇ Figures 3/Q.703, 13/Q.703 and 15/Q.703 H X ҇BLA BLA ARB Blocking-acknowledgement signal H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇BLO BLO BLO Blocking signal H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇BSM DE MPE Backward set-up message H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇BSN NSR NSI Backward sequence number H X ҇ Figures 3/Q.703, 14/Q.703 and 16/Q.703 H X ҇BSNR NSR-R NSIR Backward sequence number received H X ҇ Figures 7/Q.703, 13/Q.703, 14/Q.703, 16/Q.703 H X ҇BSNT NSR-E NSIT Backward sequence number of next SU to be transmitted H X ҇ Figures 7-9/Q.703 and 13-16/Q.703, Figures 27 and 30/Q.704. H X ҇CBA RCA ARS Changeback acknowledgement signal H X ҇ Table 3/Q.704 H X ҇CBD RCO ORS Changeback declaration signal H X ҇ Table 3/Q.704 H X ҇CBK RAC COL Clear-back signal H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723, Figure 3/Q.724  HH  H X ҇8OEnglish 8OFrench 8OSpanish 8OMeaning H X ҇CCF CCN FCO Continuity-failure signal H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇CCI CCE PCL Continuity check incoming H X ҇ Recommendation Q.724, S 7.3, Figures 3/Q.724, 5/Q.724 H X ҇CCL RAD LALN Calling party clear signal H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇CCM SC MSC Circuit supervision message H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇CCO CCS PCS Continuity-check outgoing H X ҇ Recommendation Q.723, S 7.3, Figures 3/Q.724, 4/Q.724 H X ҇CCR CCD PPC Continuity-check-request signal H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723, Figures 2/Q.724, 3/Q.724, 6/Q.724 and 7/Q.724 H X ҇CCS CS SCC Common channel signalling H X ҇ Recommendation Q.701, S 1.1 H X ҇CFL ECH SLI Call-failure signal H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723, Figure 3/Q.724 H X ҇CGC EFC CHC Circuit-group-congestion H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723, Figure 3/Q.724 H X ҇CHG TAX MTA Charging message H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇CHM PR MPA Changeover and changeback messages H X ҇ Table 1/Q.704 H X ҇CIC CIC CIC Circuit identification code H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, S 15, Recommendation Q.723, S 2.2.1 H X ҇CIR IDD PIL Calling-line-identity-request signal H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇CK CRT BCE Check bits H X ҇ Figure 3/Q.703 H X ҇CLF FIN FIN Clear-forward signal H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723, Figures 3/Q.724, 6/Q.724, 7/Q.724 H X ҇CNM GRC GRC Circuit network management message group H X ҇CNP CLI CIM Connection-not-possible signal H X ҇ Table 1/Q.704 H X ҇CNS CLN CIN Connection-not-successful signal H X ҇ Table 1/Q.704 H X ҇COA PCA APR Changeover acknowledgement signal H X ҇ Table 1/Q.704 H X ҇COO PCO OPR Changeover order signal H X ҇ Table 1/Q.704 H X ҇COT CCP CON Continuity signal H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723, Figure 3/Q.724  HH Ё H X ҇8OEnglish 8OFrench 8OSpanish 8OMeaning H X ҇CPC STA CTL Call processing control H X ҇ Recommendation Q.724, S 10.2, Figures 1-7/Q.724 H X ҇CRI CRE RPL Continuity recheck incoming H X ҇ Recommendation Q.724, S 15.1, Figures 1/Q.724, 2/Q.724, 3/Q.724, 6/Q.724, 7/Q.724 H X ҇CRO CRS RPS Continuity-recheck outgoing H X ҇ Recommendation Q.724, S 15.1, Figures 1-3/Q.724, 6/Q.724 H X ҇CSM SA MSL Call supervision message H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇CSS CLR SCF Connection-successful signal H X ҇ Table 1/Q.704 H X ҇DAEDR DAD-R DADR Delimitation, alignment, error detection (reception) H X ҇ Figures 7/Q.703, 9/Q.703, 11/Q.703, 14/Q.703, 16/Q.703, 17/Q.703, 18/Q.703 H X ҇DAEDT DAD-E DADT Delimitation, alignment, error detection (transmitting) H X ҇ Figures 12/Q.703, 13/Q.703, 15/Q.703 H X ҇DCE ETCD ETCD Data circuit terminating equipment H X ҇ Figure 1/Q.702 H X ҇DLC CLO CED Signalling-data-link-connection-order signal H X ҇ Table 1/Q.704 H X ҇DLM CL MED Signalling-data-link-connection-order message H X ҇ Table 1/Q.704 H X ҇DPC CPD CPD Destination point code H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, SS 2.2.3, 13.2, Figure 3/Q.704, 14/Q.704, 26/Q.704, Recommendation Q.706, S 3, Recommendation Q.723, S 2.2.1 H X ҇DPN CNN TDN Digital path not provided signal H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇DUP SSUD PUD Data user part H X ҇ Recommendation Q.701, S 2.1, Figure 2/Q.701 H X ҇ECA PUA AER Emergency changeover acknowledgement signal H X ҇ Table 1/Q.704 H X ҇ECM PU MEP Emergency changeover message H X ҇ Table 1/Q.704 H X ҇ECO PUO PER Emergency changeover order signal H X ҇ Table 1/Q.704 H X ҇EUM EXT IAL Extended-unsuccessful-backward set-up information message indication H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇F F BAN Flag H X ҇ Figure 3/Q.703  HH  H X ҇8OEnglish 8OFrench 8OSpanish 8OMeaning H X ҇FAM AD MDA Forward-address message H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇FCM CF MCF Signalling traffic flow control messages H X ҇ Table 1/Q.704 H X ҇FDM MRF MDF Frequency division multiplex H X ҇ Recommendation Q.723, S 2.2.3, Recommendation Q.724, S 9 H X ҇FIB BIA BID Forward indicator bit H X ҇ Figures 3/Q.703, 13/Q.703, 15/Q.703 H X ҇FISU TSR USR Fill-in signal unit H X ҇ Figures 7/Q.703, 8/Q.703, 13-16/Q.703 H X ҇FOT IOP INT Forward-transfer signal H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇FSM EA MEL Forward set-up message H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇FSN NSA NSD Forward sequence number H X ҇ Figures 3/Q.703, 13/Q.703 H X ҇GRA RZA ARG Circuit group reset-acknowledgement message H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇GRM SGC MSG Circuit group supervision message H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇GRQ DEG MPG General request message H X ҇GRS RZG MRG Circuit group reset message H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇GSM ING MEG General forward setup information message H X ҇HBA BHA ABGSF Hardware failure oriented group blocking-acknowledgement message H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇HGB BLH BGSF Hardware failure oriented group blocking message H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇HGU DBH DGSF Hardware failure oriented group unblocking message H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇HUA DHA ADGSF Hardware failure oriented group unblocking acknowledgement message H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇HMDC ODC HDCM Message discrimination H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, S 2, Figures 23-26/Q.704 H X ҇HMDT ODT HDTM Message distribution H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, S 2, Figures 23-25/Q.704, 28/Q.704, 30/Q.704, 31/Q.704, 42/Q.704, 44-46/Q.704, 2/Q.707 H X ҇HMRT OAC HENM Message routing H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, S 2, Figures 23/Q.704, 24/Q.704, 26/Q.704, 27/Q.704, 30/Q.704, 31/Q.704, 32/Q.704, 33/Q.704, 42/Q.704, 44/Q.704, 45/Q.704, 46/Q.704, 2/Q.707  HH Ё H X ҇8OEnglish 8OFrench 8OSpanish 8OMeaning H X ҇HO HO EO Heading code H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, S 15.3, Figure 16/Q.704, Recommendation Q.707, S 5.3, Figure 1/Q.707, Recommendation Q.723, SS 3.1 and 3.2 H X ҇H1 H1 E1 Heading code H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, S 15.3, Figure 16/Q.704, Recommendation Q.723, S 3.1 H X ҇IAC CAI CAI Initial alignment control H X ҇ Figures 8/Q.703, 9/Q.703, 13-17/Q.703 H X ҇IAI MIS MIA Initial address message with additional information H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇IAM MIA MID Initial address message H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723, Figures 3/Q.724, 6/Q.724 H X ҇ISDN-UP SSUR PU-RDSI ISDN User Part H X ҇(ISUP) Recommendations Q.700 and Q.761 to Q.764 H X ҇ISP PSI PSI International signalling point H X ҇ Recommendation Q.705, S 3, Figure 1/Q.705 H X ҇L1 N1 N1 Level 1 H X ҇ Figures 12/Q.703, 35/Q.704, 38-40/Q.704 H X ҇L2 N2 N2 Level 2 H X ҇ Figures 8/Q.703, 9/Q.703, 12/Q.703, 13/Q.703, 15/Q.703, 23/Q.704, 24/Q.704, 26/Q.704, 27/Q.704, 30/Q.704, 35/Q.704, 37/Q.704 H X ҇L3 N3 N3 Level 3 H X ҇ Figures 8/Q.703, 9/Q.704, 13/Q.703, 15/Q.703, 23/Q.704, 24/Q.704, 26/Q.704, 30/Q.704, 31/Q.704, 34/Q.704, 35/Q.704, 37/Q.704, 38/Q.704, 39/Q.704 H X ҇L4 N4 N4 Level 4 H X ҇ Figures 23/Q.704, 25-27/Q.704, 34/Q.704 H X ҇LI INL IL Length indicator H X ҇ Recommendation Q.703, S 2.2, Figure 3/Q.703 H X ҇LLSC GCSF CCE Link set control H X ҇ Figures 29/Q.704, 35-37/Q.704 H X ҇LOS LHS LFS Line-out-of-service signal H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723, Figure 3/Q.724 H X ҇LSAC GCSA CAE Signalling link activity control H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, S 12.6, Figures 28-30/Q.704, 35-41/Q.704 H X ҇LSC SET CEE Link state control H X ҇ Figures 7-10/Q.703, 13-18/Q.703, Recommendation Q.704, S14.6, Figure 41/Q.704 H X ҇LSDA GCAL AED Signalling data link allocation H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, S 12.6, Figures 35/Q.704, 37-40/Q.704, 42/Q.704  HH  H X ҇8OEnglish 8OFrench 8OSpanish 8OMeaning H X ҇LSLA GCAC AES Signalling link activation H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, S 12.6, Figures 35/Q.704, 37/Q.704, 38/Q.704, 41/Q.704, 42/Q.704 H X ҇LSLD GCDA DES Signalling link deactivation H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, S 12.6, Figures 35/Q.704, 37/Q.704, 40/Q.704, 41/Q.704, 42/Q.704 H X ҇LSLR GCRE RES Signalling link restoration H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, S 12.6, Figures 35/Q.704, 37/Q.704, 39/Q.704, 41/Q.704, 42/Q.704 H X ҇LSSU TSE UEE Link status signal units H X ҇ Figures 13-16/Q.703 H X ҇LSTA GCAT ATS Signalling terminal allocation H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, S 12.6, Figures 35/Q.704, 38/Q.704, 39/Q.704, 40/Q.704, 41/Q.704 H X ҇MBA BMA ABGM Maintenance oriented group-blocking-acknowledgement H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇MGB BLM BGM Maintenance oriented group blocking message H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇MGMT GES SGE Management system H X ҇ Figures 8/Q.703, 27/Q.704, 28/Q.704, 35-37/Q.704, 2/Q.707 H X ҇MGU DBM DGM Maintenance oriented group unblocking message H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇MPR INU PIMM Misdialled trunk prefix H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇MSU TSM USM Message signal unit H X ҇ Recommendation Q.701, S 2.3, Figures 7/Q.703, 8/Q.703, 14/Q.703, 15/Q.703, 16/Q.703 H X ҇MTP SSTM PTM Message transfer part H X ҇ Recommendation Q.701, S 2.1, Recommendation Q.721, S 1 H X ҇MUA DMA ADGM Maintenance oriented group unblocking-acknowledgement message H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇NACK ACN RN Negative acknowledgement H X ҇ Figures 7/Q.703, 13/Q.703, 14/Q.703 H X ҇NNC ERN CRN National-network-congestion signal H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723, Figure 3/Q.724 H X ҇NSP PSN PSN National signalling point H X ҇ Recommendation Q.705, S 3, Figure 1/Q.705 H X ҇OMAP SSEM POMA Operation, Administration and Maintenance Part H X ҇ Recommendations Q.700 and Q.795 H X ҇OPC CPO CPO Originating point code H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, SS 2.2.3 and 13.2, Figures 3/Q.704 and 14/Q.704, Recommendation Q.706, S 3, Recommendation Q.723, S 2.2.1  HH  H X ҇8OEnglish 8OFrench 8OSpanish 8OMeaning H X ҇PCM MIC MIC Pulse code modulation H X ҇ Recommendation Q.702, S 5.3 H X ҇PCR RCP RCP Preventive cyclic retransmission H X ҇ Tables 1/Q.706, 2/Q.706 H X ҇POC SIP CIP Processor outage control H X ҇ Figures 8/Q.703, 10/Q.703 H X ҇RAN NRP RRE Reanswer signal H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723, Figure 3/Q.724 H X ҇RC REC CR Reception control H X ҇ Figures 8/Q.703, 9/Q.703, 11/Q.703, 13-16/Q.703 H X ҇RLG LIG LGU Release-guard signal H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723, Figures 2/Q.724, 3/Q.724, 6/Q.724, 7/Q.724 H X ҇RSC RZC RCI Reseat-circuit signal H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇RSM TR MPR Signalling-route-set-test message H X ҇ Table 1/Q.704 H X ҇RSRT GRTF CPC Signalling route set test control H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, S 13.5, Figures 23/Q.704, 29/Q.704, 43-46/Q.704 H X ҇RST TRS PRS Signalling-route-set-test signal H X ҇ Table 1/Q.704 H X ҇RTAC GRTA CTA Transfer allowed control H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, S 13.3, Figures 29/Q.704, 33/Q.704, 37/Q.704, 43/Q.704, 45/Q.704, 46/Q.704 H X ҇RTB TRT MTR Retransmission buffer H X ҇ Figures 7/Q.703, 13/Q.703, 15/Q.703 H X ҇RTPC GRTI CTP Transfer prohibited control H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, S 13.2, Figures 26/Q.704, 29/Q.704, 32/Q.704, 43/Q.704, 44/Q.704, 46/Q.704 H X ҇SAM MSA MSD Subsequent-address message H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723, Figure 3/Q.724 H X ҇SAO MSS SDU Subsequent-address message with one signal H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇SBA BSA ABGSL Software generated group blocking-acknowledgement message H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇SBM SE MEC Successful-backward-set-up information message H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇SCCP SSCS PCCS Signalling Connection Control Part H X ҇ Recommendations Q.700, Q.711-Q.714 and Q.716 H X ҇SDL LDS LED Functional specification and description language H X ҇ Recommendations Q.703, S 12, Q.704, S 6, Q.707, Recommendations Q.714, Q.724, Q.764, Q.774  HH  H X ҇8OEnglish 8OFrench 8OSpanish 8OMeaning H X ҇SEC EEC CEC Switching-equipment-congestion signal H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723, Figure 3/Q.724 H X ҇SF ETC CE Status field H X ҇ Figure 3/Q.703 H X ҇SGB BLS BGSL Software generated group blocking message H X ҇ Recommendation Q.723, Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇SGU DBS DGSL Software generated group unblocking message H X ҇ Recommendation Q.723, Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇SI INS IS Service indicator H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, S 14 H X ҇SIE ETAU IAE Status indication "emergency terminal status" H X ҇ Recommendation Q.703, SS 7.2, 7.3 and 10.1.3, Figures 2/Q.703, 4/Q.703, 7-9/Q.703, 13-16/Q.703 H X ҇SIF INF CIS Signal information field H X ҇ Figure 3/Q.703 H X ҇SIN ETAN IAN Status indication "normal terminal status" H X ҇ Recommendation Q.703, SS 7.2, 7.3 and 10.1.3, Figures 2/Q.703, 4/Q.703, 7-9/Q.703, 13-16/Q.703 H X ҇SIO SER OIS Service information octet H X ҇ Figure 3/Q.703, Recommendation Q.723, S 1.2 H X ҇SIO c4 P 2   H 2) c4 P  In English, another abbreviation will have to be found for status indication "out of alignment", since the abbreviation SIO is already used for service information octet. ) c4 P  ETAP IFA Status indication "out of alignment" H X ҇ Recommendation Q.703, SS 7.2, 7.3 and 10.1.3, Figures 2/Q.703, 4/Q.703, 7-9/Q.703, 13-16/Q.703 H X ҇SIOS ETHS IFS Status indication "out of service" H X ҇ Recommendation Q.703, SS 7.2, 7.3 and 10.1.3, Figures 2/Q.703, 4/Q.703, 7-9/Q.703, 13-16/Q.703 H X ҇SIPO ETIP IIP Status indication "processor outage" H X ҇ Recommendation Q.703, S 10.1.3, Figures 2/Q.703, 7/Q.703, 8/Q.703, 13-16/Q.703 H X ҇SLC COC CES Signalling link code H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, S 15, Figure 14/Q.704 H X ҇SLM GCS GES Signalling link management H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, SS 12.1 and 12.6, Figures 23/Q.704, 25/Q.704, 26/Q.704, 27/Q.704, 29/Q.703 H X ҇SLS SCS SES Signalling link selection code H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, S 2.2.4, Figures 3/Q.704, 4/Q.704, 26/Q.704, A-3.1/Q.705 H X ҇SLTA ESCA AMPS Signalling link test message acknowledgement H X ҇SLTM ESCO MPES Signalling link test message H X ҇ Figure 2/Q.707  HH  H X ҇8OEnglish 8OFrench 8OSpanish 8OMeaning H X ҇SMH OMS TMS Signalling message handling H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, S 2, Figures 23/Q.704, 43/Q.704 H X ҇SP PS PS Signalling point H X ҇ Figures 8/Q.704, 23/Q.704, 24/Q.704, 26/Q.704, 27/Q.704, 30/Q.704, 31/Q.704, 42-44/Q.704 H X ҇SPRC CPS CPS Signalling procedure control H X ҇ Recommendation Q.724, S 10.1, Figures 1-7/Q.724 H X ҇SRM GRS GRS Signalling route management H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, S 13, Figures 23/Q.704, 25-27/Q.704, 43/Q.704 H X ҇SSB OCC ABO Subscriber-busy signal (electrical) H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723, Figure 3/Q.724 H X ҇SSF DSS CSS Sub-service field H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, S 13.1.1, Recommendation Q.723, S 1.2 H X ҇SST TSI TIE Send-special-information-tone signal H X ҇ Figures 1-7/Q.724 H X ҇ST ST SFN End-of-pulsing signal H X ҇ Recommendation Q.724, S 1.3 H X ҇STLC ESC CPES Signalling link test control H X ҇ Figures 25/Q.704, 26/Q.704, 2/Q.707 H X ҇STM GTS GTS Signalling traffic management H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, S 4, Figures 23/Q.704, 25-27/Q.704, 30/Q.704, 35/Q.704, 39/Q.704, 43/Q.704 H X ҇STP PTS PTS Signalling transfer point H X ҇ Figure 4/Q.701, Recommendation Q.705, S 3, Figures A-1/Q.705, A-2/Q.705, Recommendation Q.706, S 4.3.3, Table 3/Q.706 H X ҇SU TS US Signal unit H X ҇ Figures 2/Q.703, 7/Q.703 H X ҇SUA DSA ADGSL Software generated group unblocking-acknowledgement messages H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇SUERM STTS MUS Signal unit error rate monitor H X ҇ Figures 7/Q.703, 8/Q.703, 11/Q.703, 18/Q.703 H X ҇SUM SEE ESNC Sample unsuccessful backward setup information message H X ҇ Recommendation Q.723, S 3.7.1 H X ҇TB TEM MT Transmission buffer H X ҇ Figures 7/Q.703, 13/Q.703, 15/Q.703 H X ҇TC GT CT Transaction Capabilities H X ҇ Recommendations Q.700 and Q.771-Q.775 H X ҇TCAP SSGT PACT Transaction Capabilities Application Part H X ҇ Recommendations Q.700 and Q.771-Q.775. H X ҇TCBC GTCN TCRS Changeback control H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, S 6, Figures 27-29/Q.704, 31/Q.704  HH  H X ҇8OEnglish 8OFrench 8OSpanish 8OMeaning H X ҇TCOC GTCS TCER Changeover control H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, S 5, Figures 27-30/Q.704, 37/Q.704 H X ҇TCRC GTRN TCRC Controlled rerouting control H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, S 8, Figures 27/Q.704, 29/Q.704, 33/Q.704, 45/Q.704 H X ҇TFA TAO TRA Transfer-allowed signal H X ҇ Table 1/Q.704 H X ҇TFM TF MTR Transfer-prohibited and transfer-allowed messages H X ҇ Table 1/Q.704 H X ҇TFP TIO PTR Transfer-prohibited signal H X ҇ Table 1/Q.704 H X ҇TFRC GTRS TCRF Forced rerouting control H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, S 7, Figures 27/Q.704, 29/Q.704, 32/Q.704 H X ҇TLAC GTSD TCDE Link availability control H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, Figures 27-31/Q.704, 37/Q.704 H X ҇TSFC GTFX CFTS Signalling traffic flow control H X ҇ Figures 27/Q.704, 29/Q.704, 34/Q.704 H X ҇TSRC GTAC CEN Signalling routing control H X ҇ Recommendation Q.704, Figures 27-34/Q.704, 36/Q.704, 37/Q.704, 44-46/Q.704 H X ҇TUP SSUT PUT Telephone user part H X ҇ Recommendation Q.701, S 2.1, Figure 2/Q.701, Recommendation Q.721, S 1 H X ҇TXC EMI CT Transmission control H X ҇ Figures 8/Q.703, 9/Q.703, 12-16/Q.703 H X ҇UBA DBA ARD Unblocking-acknowledgement signal H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇UBL DBO DBL Unblocking signal H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇UBM EE MEI Unsuccessful-backward-set-up-information message H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723 H X ҇UNN NNU NNA Unallocated-national-number signal H X ҇ Table 3/Q.723, Figure 3/Q.724 H X ҇UP SSU PU User part H X ҇ Figure 2/Q.704  HH