ÿWPCL ûÿ2BJ|xÐ ` ÐÐÌÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿH øxÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÌÐÐ °°°è ÐÁà2ÁÑ Âx„|ü@Ž ÑÐ Å°6Ø'°6Ø'Å ÐÓÓÃÃContents of Recommendation Q.82Äă Áà/ÁCall offering supplementary servicesƒ Ð X Ð ÃÃPageÄÄ 1. Call transfer (under study) .......................................... 6 2. Call forwarding services ............................................. 6 3. Call deflection (under study) ........................................ 29 4. Line hunting ......................................................... 29 ÁàÀPÁ*ƒ ÁàÀOÁ*     *ƒ ÃÃRecommendation Q.82ÄÄ ÁàÀ>ÁCALL OFFERING SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICESƒ 1.ÂXHÂÃÃCall transferÄÄÆÆ ÂHHÂUnder study.ÆÆ Ð ` Ð 2.ÂXHÂÃÃCall forwarding servicesÄÄÆÆ 2.1ÂàHÂÃÃIntroductionÄÄÆÆ 2.1.1ÁHÁÃÃGeneralÄÄ Ð  ÐÁHÁThis Recommendation includes Stage 2 descriptions for the three versions of Call Forwarding Services given below, when implemented using the "forward switching" network routing algorithm described in Recommendation Q.80. ÂHHÂThe following descriptions are for further study:ÆÆ Ð ` Ð ÂHH©Âà  Âre©routing case as described in Recommendation Q.80;ÆÆ Ð À ÐÂHH©Âà  Âthe optional notification to be sent to the calling user A when the value of the subscription option "calling user receives notification that his call has been forwarded" is "yes, with forwarded©to©user number";ÆÆ Ð ` Ð Ð À ÐÂHH©Âà  Âthe optional notification to be sent to the served user Bm when the value of the subscription option "served user receives notifcation that his call has been forwarded" is "yes, with call offering information".ÆÆ Ð ` Ð Ð H ÐÁHÁFurther details and definitions of the Stage 1 description, i.e., the service description as seen from the user, can be found in Recommendation I.252. 2.1.2ÁHÁÃÃDefinitionsÄÄ ÃÃCall Forwarding Unconditional (CFU)ÄÄ ÁHÁCall Forwarding Unconditional (CFU) permits a user to have the network send all incoming calls, or just those associated with a specific basic Ð h Ðservice, addressed to the served user's ISDN number to another number. The served user's originating service is unaffected. If this service is activated, calls are forwarded no matter what the condition of the termination. Other call forwarding services provide call forwarding based on condition e.g. Call Forwarding Busy (CFB) and Call Forwarding No Reply (CFNR). ÃÃCall Forwarding Busy (CFB)ÄÄ ÁHÁCall Forwarding Busy (CFB) permits a served user to have the network send all incoming calls, or just those associated with a specific basic service, which meet Busy and are addressed to the served user's ISDN number to another number. The served user's originating service is unaffected. ÃÃCall Forwarding No Reply (CFNR)ÄÄ ÁHÁCall Forwarding No Reply (CFNR) permits a served user to have the network send all incoming calls, or just those associated with a specific basic service, which meet No Reply and are addressed to the served user's ISDN number to another number. The served user's originating service is unaffected. 2.ÁHÁÃÃCall forwarding setup and releaseÄÄ 2.2.1ÂðHÂÃÃInformation flow diagramsÄÄÆÆ Ð H ÐÂHHÂCall Forwarding Unconditional and for "network determined user busy": Figure 2©2/Q.82.ÆÆ Ð ` Ð Ð   ÐÂHHÂCall Forwarding for "user determined user busy": Figure 2©3/Q.82.ÆÆ Ð ` Ð ÂHHÂCall Forwarding on no reply: Figure 2©4/Q.82.ÆÆ Ð ° ÐÂHHÂCall Forwarding disconnect procedure (including Advice of Charge): Figure 2©5/Q.82.ÆÆ Ð ` Ð ÃÃNotes related to Figures 2©2 to 2©4/Q.82ÄÄ. Ð 8 ÐÃÃNote 1ÄÄ © The calling party number and the last forwarding number should be included if required by the "calling line identification presentation" supplementary service. Ð X ÐÃÃNote 2ÄÄ © The Notification should be sent only if the B©party subscribes to the "calling User Receives Notification that his call has been forwarded" subscription option. ÃÃNote 3ÄÄ © The connected number is included if required by the "Connected Line Identification Presentation/Restriction" supplementary service. ÃÃNote 4ÄÄ © The forwarded©to©user will receive this information depending on his notification option, the availability of this information from the network and possible presentation restrictions. ÃÃNote 5ÄÄ © This parameter may be omitted between FE4 and FE6 in order to limit the number of parameters to be passed in the network (see Table 2©6/Q.82 note 1). 2.2.4ÁHÁÃÃDefinition of individual information flowsÄÄ Ô ñ,ÔŒ ÁHÁRefer to information indicated in the notes related to Figures 2©2 to 2©5/Q.82 and ÀÀ 2.2.5. 2.2.5ÁHÁÃÃMultiple diversion address handlingÄÄ ÁàÀIÁFIGURE 2©7/Q.82ƒ ÁàÀIÁTABLE 2©1/Q.82ƒ ÁàÀPÁƒ ÁàÀ<ÁÃÃInformation carried in the SETUP req.indÄă ÃÃNote 1ÄÄ © May be omitted to limit the number of parameters being passed in the network. Ð ð ÐÃÃNote 2ÄÄ © V(BÃÃ1ÄÄ) indicates the reason for diversion from party BÃÃ1ÄÄ with a value (V) equal to: unknown/not available, user busy, no reply or unconditional when diversion occurs. Áà8SÁƒ Áà8SÁƒ Áà8SÁƒ Áà8LÁTABLE 2©2/Q.82ƒ Áà8SÁƒ Áà8@ÁÃÃInformation in the backwards directionÄă 2.2.6ÁHÁÃÃFunctional Entity ActionsÄÄ ÁHÁ1)Âh   ÂFunctional Entity Actions for FE1ÆÆ ÁHÁÁ  Á©Á øÁReceive indications relating to the service from FE2 ÁHÁ2)Á   ÁFunctional Entity Actions for FE2 Ð ° ÐÂHHÂÂX  ©Âà øÂReceive indications relating to the service from FE4 and forward them to FE1ÆÆ Ð ` Ð ÂHHÂ3)Âh   ÂFunctional Entity Actions for FE3ÆÆ Ð   ÐÂHHÂÂX  ©Âà øÂNo Functional Entity Actions uniquely relating to this service are identified for FE3ÆÆ Ð ` Ð ÁHÁ4)Á   ÁFunctional Entity Actions for FE4/FE6 Ð ° ÐÂHHÂÂX  ©Âà øÂStore call information and user's service allocation and stateÆÆ Ð ` Ð ÂHHÂÂX  ©Âà øÂRun periodic timers specific to the serviceÆÆ Ð ° ÐÂHHÂÂX  ©Âà øÂStimulate forward basic call setups to nominated numbers when service is activeÆÆ Ð ` Ð Ð   ÐÂHHÂÂX  ©Âà øÂIncrement service call counts and forward to next FE4/6ÆÆ Ð ` Ð Ð ( ÐÂHHÂÂX  ©Âà øÂStimulate release procedures at service call count limitÆÆ Ð ` Ð Ð ( ÐÂHHÂÂX  ©Âà øÂReceive and implement user's service requests from FE5/7ÆÆ Ð ` Ð Ð ( ÐÂHHÂÂX  ©Âà øÂDetermine information to be notified backwards to other usersÆÆ Ð ` Ð ÂHHÂ5)Âh   ÂFunctional Entity Actions for FE5/FE7ÆÆ Ð  ÐÂHHÂÂX  ©Âà øÂReceive indications relating to the service from FE4/6ÆÆ Ð ` Ð Ð  ÐÂHHÂÂX  ©Âà øÂReceive and forward user's service requests to FE4/5ÆÆ Ð ` Ð ÂHHÂ6)Âh   ÂFunctional Entity Actions for FE8ÆÆ ÂHHÂÂX  ©Âà øÂReceive and increment forward call counterÆÆ ÂHHÂÂX  ÂÂX øÂ(ÃÃNoteÄÄ © This is an attribute of FE4/6.)ÆÆ Ð 8 ÐÂHHÂÂX  ©Âà øÂSend forwarding indicators relating to the service of FE9 (This would be an attribute to FE6.)ÆÆ Ð ` Ð ÁHÁ7)Á   ÁFunctional Entity Actions for FE9 Ð  ÐÂHHÂÂX  ©Âà øÂReceive indications relating to the service from FE8ÆÆÐ ` Ð Ð  Ð2.3ÁHÁÃÃPossible allocation of Functional Entities to physical locationsÄÄ À À A PARTY ÀÀÀ À À À BÃÃ1ÄÄ PARTY ÀÀÀ À BÃÃxÄÄ PARTY ÀÀÀ À C PARTY ÀÀ À À FE1 À À FE2 À À FE3 À À FE4 À À FE5 À À FE6 À À FE7 À À FE8 À À FE9 ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ Scenario 1 À À TE À À LE À À TR À À LE À À TE À À LE À À TE À À LE À À TE ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ ÁHÁOther scenarios are for further study. 2.4ÁHÁÃÃInteractions with other supplementary servicesÄÄ ÁHÁThe interaction with supplementary services, such as calling line identification, connect©test line identification and advice of charge have been considered; interactions with other supplementary services are for further study. 2.5ÁHÁÃÃTerminology and abbreviationsÄÄ Abbreviations used: ÁHÁCFUÁ   ÁCall Forwarding Unconditional ÁHÁCFBÁ   ÁCall Forwarding on Busy ÁHÁCFNRÁ øÁCall Forwarding on No Reply ÁHÁCDÁ   ÁCall Deflection ÁHÁCCÁ   ÁCall Control ÁHÁCCAÁ   ÁCall Control Agent ÁHÁFEÁ   ÁFunctional Entity ÁHÁTEÁ   ÁTerminal Equipment ÁHÁLEÁ   ÁLocal Exchange ÁHÁTRÁ   ÁTransit Exchange ÁHÁNDUBÁ øÁNetwork Determined User Busy ÁHÁUDUBÁ øÁUser Determined User Busy Terminology: ÁHÁÃÃOriginal Called NumberÄÄ ÁHÁÁ  ÁThe number of originating party dials ÁHÁÃÃConnected Line NumberÄÄ ÁHÁÁ  ÁThe number of the final destination ÁHÁÃÃForwarding NumberÄÄ Ð H ÐÂHHÂÂX  ÂThe number of the served user, i.e. the subscriber who initiates the Forwarding service and from where the call has been forwardedÆÆ Ð ` Ð ÂHHÂÃÃForwarded©to©numberÄÄÆÆ ÂHHÂÂX  ÂThe number to which a call has been forwardedÆÆ ÁHÁÃÃForwarding indicatorÄÄ Ð ° ÐÂHHÂÂX  ÂIndicator showing that call has been forwarded and indicating whether or not this information should be given to calling partyÆÆ Ð ` Ð 3.ÁHÁÃÃCall deflectionÄÄ ÁHÁUnder study 4.ÁHÁÃÃLine huntingÄÄ 4.1ÁHÁÃÃIntroductionÄÄ 4.1.1ÁHÁÃÃDefinitionÄÄ Ð X ÐÁHÁLine hunting is a supplementary service which enables incoming calls to a specific ISDN number to be distributed over a group of interfaces. ÃÃNoteÄÄ © Expansion of the line hunting service to cover the case of hunting on available ISDN numbers or addresses, rather than on interfaces is a possible extension of the service. 4.1.2ÁHÁÃÃDescriptionÄÄ ÁHÁThis description covers the form of line hunting which applies to interfaces within one node. It is an anticipated further extension to enable the group of interfaces available for selection to be distributed over more than one node. ÁHÁThe selection of an interface within a node is performed on the basis of the hunting algorithm used. (Where hunting is extended over more than one node the network routing techniques used to extend the selection to the next node may be similar to that used for the call forwarding supplementary service, though applied by the administration. The precise description of multi©node Line Hunting is for further study.) ÁHÁAn access belonging to a line hunting group may also be addressed using an individual ISDN number. Facilities assosciated with the individual number are not affected by line hunting. 4.2ÁHÁÃÃDefinition of the functional modelÄÄ ÁHÁThe additional functionality required for line hunting, over that of the basic service, is confined to a single node, as seen in Figure 4©1/Q.82. 4.3ÁHÁÃÃInformation flowÄÄ 4.3.1ÁHÁÃÃFlow for single node huntingÄÄ ÁHÁFor the single node case the information flows are those defined for the basic call as shown in Figure 6©2/Q.82. No information flows arise as a result of the hunting action. 4.3.2ÁHÁÃÃFlow for multi©node huntingÄÄ ÁHÁThis is for further study. 4.ÁHÁÃÃSDL diagramsÄÄ ÁHÁThe SDL diagrams for the entity FE1 are shown in Figure 4©3/Q.82 and Figure 4©4/Q.82. ÁàÀIÁFIGURE 4©1/Q.82ƒ ÁàÀPÁƒ ÁàÀ:ÁÃÃRelationship of line hunting to basic serviceÄă ÁàÀBÁ(Continue as per Basic Call)ƒ ÃÃNote 1ÄÄ © Only those entities directly involved in line hunting are shown. ÃÃNote 2ÄÄ © The selected access may be to a CC or a CCA. ÁàÀIÁFIGURE 4©2/Q.82ƒ ÁàÀPÁƒ ÁàÀ?ÁÃÃInformation flows for line huntingÄă ÁàÀPÁƒ ÃÃNote 3ÄÄ © This SDL is executed within the "Term. Screen. Process Attempt" process boxes at reference points 241, 241A in the basic call SDL. ÁàÀIÁFIGURE 4©3/Q.82ƒ ÁàÀPÁƒ ÁàÀFÁÃÃSDL1 for line huntingÄă ÁàÀPÁƒ ÁàÀIÁFIGURE 4©4/Q.82ƒ ÁàÀPÁƒ ÁàÀEÁÃÃSDL2 for line huntingÄÄ ƒ 4.5ÁHÁÃÃFunctional Entity ActionsÄÄ 4.5.1ÁHÁÃÃSingle node huntingÄÄ ÁHÁThe FEAs attributed to entity FE1, the Line Hunting entity, indicated by (1) on the information flow diagram are as follows: ÁHÁ©Á  Ádetermine hunting algorithm; ÁHÁ©Á  Áselect free interface. 4.5.2ÁHÁÃÃMulti©node line huntingÄÄ ÁHÁFEAs, in addition to the single node FEAs, which are required for hunting over more than one node are for further study. 4.6ÁHÁÃÃPhysical locations for functional entitiesÄÄ ÁHÁThe scenarios which apply to line hunting are shown in Table 4©1/Q.82. ÁàÀIÁTABLE 4©1/Q.82ƒ ÁàÀPÁƒ ÁàÀAÁÃÃPossible line hunting scenariosÄă À ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ À À À Functional À À À À À À À À À À À À À À À À EntitiesÀ À CCA À À CC À À CC À À CC/FE1 À À CC À À CCA À À À À À À À À À À À À À À À À À À À ÀScenario À À À À À À À À À À À À À À ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ À À1) Basic rate À À TE À À LE À À TR À À LE À À © À À TE À À À À access À À À À À À À À À À À À À À ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ À À2) Basic rate À À TE À À LE À À TR À À NT2 À À © À À TE À À À À access À À À À À À À À À À À À À À ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ À À3) Primary rate À À TE À À LE À À TR À À LE À À NT2 À À TE À À À À access À À À À À À À À À À À À À À À ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ À ÁàÀKÁÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ ƒ