WPCL 2BJ|x H   X  6p&6p&   H   c4 P  Fascicle VI.8 - Rec. Q.763 PAGE49  c4 P    HH  c4 P PAGE26  c4 P  Fascicle VI.8 - Rec. Q.763  HH Hp P X`h!(# X  8D c4 P Figure 26/Q.763 CCITT 73380  c4 P   H Ё The following codes are used in the optional backward call indicators parameter field:   bitpA:P  In-band information indicator  0p no indication  H  1p in-band information or an appropriate pattern is now available   bitpB:P  Call forwarding may occur indicator  0p no indication  1p call forwarding may occur   bits C-D: Spare   bits E-H: Reserved for national use  HH HP X`h!(#3.25   c4 P Optional forward call indicators  H Hp P X`h!(# c4 P  The format of the optional forward call indicators parameter field is shown in Figure 27/Q.763. K c4 P Figure 27/Q.763 CCITT 73380  c4 P   The following codes are used in the optional forward call indicators parameter field:   bits B A: Closed user group call indicator  0p0 non-CUG call  0p1 spare  1p0 closed user group call, outgoing access allowed  1p1 closed user group call, outgoing access not allowed   bitpC-H: Spare  HH HP X`h!(#3.26   c4 P Original called number  H Hp P X`h!(# c4 P  The format of the original called number parameter field corresponds to the format shown in Figure28/Q.763.  The following codes are used in the subfields of the original called number parameter field:   a)pOdd/even indicator: see S 3.7 a)   b)pNature of address indicator: see S 3.7 b)   c)pNumbering plan indicator: see S 3.7 d)   d)pAddress presentation restricted indicator: see S 3.8 e)   e)pAddress signal: see S 3.8 g)   f)pFiller: see S 3.7 h).  HH Ђ8D c4 P Figure 28/Q.763 T111006088  c4 P  HP X`h!(#Ё3.27   c4 P Range and status  H Hp P X`h!(# c4 P  The format of the range and status parameter field is shown in Figure 29/Q.763. K c4 P Figure 29/Q.763 CCITT 73360  c4 P   The following codes are used in the subfields of the range and status parameter field:   a)pRange  H  A number in pure binary representation ranging from 0 to 255. Range code 0 indicates absence of the status field. The number represented by a non-zero range code +1 indicates the range of circuits affected by the message.   b)pStatus  H   The status subfield contains from 1 to 256 status bits numbered from 0 to 255. Status bit 0 is located in bit position 1 of the first status subfield octet. Other status bits follow in numerical order. The number of relevant status bits in a given status subfield is equal to range +1.  H  Each status bit is associated with a circuit identification code such that status bit n is associated with circuit identification code m+n, where m is the circuit identification code contained in the message.  The status bits are coded as follows:  - in circuit group blocking messages  0pno indication  1pblocking  - in circuit group blocking acknowledgement messages  0pno indication  1pblocking acknowledgement  - in circuit group unblocking messages  0pno indication  1punblocking  - in circuit group unblocking acknowledgement messages  0pno indication  1punblocking acknowledgement  - in circuit group reset acknowledgement messages  0pnot blocked for maintenance reasons  1pblocked for maintenance reasons  H  The number of circuits affected by a group supervision message is limited to 32 or less. For the group reset and query messages this requires that  H the range value be 31 or less. For the group blocking and unblocking messages the range value may be up to 255, but the number of status bits set to 1 must be 32 or less.  H  For the group blocking, unblocking and reset messages, range code 0 is reserved. HP X`h!(#3.28   c4 P Redirecting number  H Hp P X`h!(# c4 P  The format of the redirecting number parameter field corresponds to the format shown in Figure 28/Q.763.  H  The following codes are used in the subfields of the redirecting number parameter field:   a)pOdd/even indicator: see S 3.7 a)   b)pNature of address indicator: see S 3.7 b)   c)pNumbering plan indicator: see S 3.7 d)   d)pAddress presentation restricted indicator: see S 3.8 e)   e)pAddress signal: see S 3.8 g)   f)pFiller: see S 3.7 f).  HH HP X`h!(#3.29   c4 P Redirection information  H Hp P X`h!(# c4 P  The format of the redirection information parameter field is shown in Figure 30/Q.763. K c4 P Figure 30/Q.763 CCITT 73375  c4 P с  The following codes are used in the redirection information parameter field: Hp X`h!(#  bits C B A:"X%Redirecting indicator  0p0 0 no redirection  0p0 1 call rerouted  H  0p1 0 call rerouted, all redirection information presentation restricted  0p1 1 call forwarded  H  1p0 0 call forwarded, all redirection information presentation restricted  H  1p0 1 call rerouted, redirection number presentation restricted  H  1p1 0 call forwarded, redirection number presentation restricted  1p1 1 spare Hp X`h!(#  bitpD:    Spare   bits H G F!X%E:'*Original redirection reasons  0p0 0 0 unknown/not available  0p0 0 1 user busy  0p0 1 0 no reply  0p0 1 1 unconditional  0p1 0 0 G  hp to    U spare  1p1 1 1 ,  H  hph     p bits K J I:"X%%*Redirection counter. Number of redirections the call has undergone expressed as a binary number between 1 and 5.   bitpL:    Spare   bits P O N!X%M:'*Redirecting reason  0p0 0 0 unknown/not available  0p0 0 1 user busy  0p0 1 0 no reply  0p0 1 1 unconditional  0p1 0 0 G  hp to    U spare  1p1 1 1 ,  HH HP X`h!(#3.30   c4 P Redirection number  H Hp P X`h!(# c4 P  The format of the redirection number parameter field corresponds to the format shown in Figure 9/Q.763.  H  The following codes are used in the subfields of the redirection number parameter field:   a)pOdd/even indicator: see S 3.7 a)   b)pNature of address indicator: see S 3.7 b)   c)pInternal nerwork number indicator: see S 3.7 c)   d)pNumbering plan indicator: see S 3.7 d)   e)pAddress signal: see S 3.8 f)   f)pFiller: see S 3.7 f).  HH HP X`h!(#3.31   c4 P Signalling point code (national use)  H Hp P X`h!(# c4 P  The format of the signalling point code parameter field is shown in Figure 31/Q.763. K c4 P Figure 31/Q.763 CCITT 85270  c4 P   The signalling point code is a pure binary representation of the code allocated to a node in the signalling network. HP X`h!(#3.32   c4 P Subsequent number  H Hp P X`h!(# c4 P  The format of the subsequent number parameter field is shown in Figure 32/Q.763. K c4 P Figure 32/Q.763 CCITT 73331  c4 P   H Ё The following codes are used in the subfields of the subsequent number parameter field:   a)pOdd/even indicator: see S 3.7 a)   b)pAddress signal: see S 3.7 e)   c)pFiller: see S 3.7 f).  HH HP X`h!(#3.33   c4 P Suspend/resume indicators  H Hp P X`h!(# c4 P  The format of the suspend/resume indicators parameter field is shown in Figure 33/Q.763. K c4 P Figure 33/Q.763 CCITT 73370  c4 P   H Ё The following codes are used in the suspend/resume indicators parameter field:   bitpA:P  Suspend/resume indicator  hp0:  ISDN subscriber initiated  hp1:  network initiated   bits B-H: Spare HH   3.34  c4 P Transit network selection (national use)  H  c4 P  The format of the transit network selection parameter field is shown in Figure 34/Q.763. K c4 P Figure 34/Q.763 T111012088  c4 P   The following codes are used in the subfields of the transit network selection parameter field:   a)pOdd/even indicator  0p even number of digits  1p odd number of digits   b)pType of network identification  hp000  CCITT-standardized identification  hp010  national network identification  hpotherP reserved   c)pNetwork identification plan  hpi) For CCITT-standardized identification  hph p0000 unknown  H  hph p0011 public data network identification code (DNIC), Recommendation X.121  H  hph p0110 public land mobile network identification code (MNIC), Recommendation E.212  hph pother spare  hpii) For national network identification  H  hph pThis information is coded according to national specifications.   d)pNetwork identification  H  This information is organized according to the network identification plan and the encoding principles given in S 3.8 f).  HH HP X`h!(#3.35   c4 P Transmission medium requirement  H Hp P X`h!(# c4 P  The format of the transmission medium requirement parameter field is shown in Figure 35/Q.763. K c4 P Figure 35/Q.763 CCITT 73380  c4 P   The following codes are used in the transmission medium requirement parameter field.   00000000  speech   00000001  spare   00000010  64 kbit/s unrestricted   00000011  3.1 kHz audio  H   00000100  alternate speech (service 2)/64 kbit/s unrestricted (service 1) (Note 1)  H   00000101  alternate 64 kbit/s unrestricted (service 1)/speech (service 2) (Note 2)   00000110  spare   00000111  reserved for 2 x 64 kbit/s unrestricted   00001000  reserved for 384 kbit/s unrestricted   00001001  reserved for 1536 kbit/s unrestricted   00001010  reserved for 1920 kbit/s unrestricted   00001011 G   top  U spare   11111111 ,  HH  Note 1 - The initial mode is speech.  Note 2 - The initial mode is 64 kbit/s unrestricted. HP X`h!(#3.36   c4 P User service information  H Hp P X`h!(# c4 P  The format of the user service information parameter field is shown in Figure 36/Q.763. This format is the same as the bearer capability information element from Recommendation Q.931 and not all capabilities coded here are supported at this time. K c4 P Figure 36/Q.763 T110156089  c4 P   The following codes are used in the subfields of the user service information parameter field:   a)pExtension indicator (ext)  H  0p octet continues through the next octet (e.g. octet 2 to 2a, 2a to 2b, 3 to 3a)  1p last octet b) Coding standard  hp00  CCITT standardized coding as described below  HX  hp01  reserved for other international standards (Note)  hp10  national standard (Note)  H  hph p11  standard defined for the network (either public or private) present on the network side of the interface (Note)  Hx  Note - These other coding standards should only be used when the desired bearer capability cannot be represented with the CCITT standardized coding.   c)pInformation transfer capability  hp00000P speech  hp01000P unrestricted digital information  hp01001P restricted digital information  hp10000P 3.1 kHz audio  hp10001P 7 kHz audio  hp11000P video  hpAll other values are reserved   d)pTransfer mode  hp00  circuit mode  hp10  packet mode  hpAll other values are reserved   e)pInformation transfer rate (octets 2 and 2b) (Note 1)  hp00000P This code shall be used for packet-mode calls  hp10000P 64 kbit/s  hp10001P 2 x 64 kbit/s (Note 2)  hp10011P 384 kbit/s  hp10101P 1536 kbit/s  hp10111P 1920 kbit/s  hpAll other values are reserved.  Note 1 - When octet 2b is omitted, the bearer capability is bidirectional symmetric at the information transfer rate specified in octet 2. When octet 2b is included, the information rate in octet 2 refers to the origination to destination direction.  H  Note 2 - For this case, the coding of octets 1 and 2a refer to both 64 kbit/s circuits.   f)pStructure  hp000  default (Note 1)  hp001  8 kHz integrity (Note 2)  hp100  service data unit integrity  hp111  unstructured  hpAll other values are reserved.  H  Note 1 - If octet 2a is omitted, or the structure field is coded 000, then the value of the structure attribute is according to the following:    c4 P Hx҇  c4 P Transfer mode  Transfer capability Structure  x p P xX`h!(#Ј x Hx҇circuit speech 8 kHz integrity  HH Hp P X`h!(#ЈHx҇circuit unrestricted digital 8 kHz integrity Hx҇circuit restricted digital 8 kHz integrity Hx҇circuit audio 8 kHz integrity Hx҇circuit video 8 kHz integrity Hx҇packet unrestricted digital service data unit integrity  H  pNote 2 - When the information transfer rate 2 x 64 kbit/s is used, 8 kHz integrity with Restricted Differential Time Delay (RDTD) is offered.   g)pConfiguration  hp00  point-to-point  H  hpAll other values are reserved. If omitted, the configuration is assumed to be point-to-point.   h)pEstablishment  hp00  demand  H  hpAll other values are reserved. If omitted, the establishment is assumed to be demand.   i)pSymmetry  hp00  bidirectional symmetric  H  hpAll other values are reserved. If omitted, the symmetry is assumed to be bidirectional symmetric.   j)pLayer identification  hp00  reserved  hp01  user information layer 1 protocol  hp10  user information layer 2 protocol  hp11  user information layer 3 protocol  H  Note - Bits 5-1 of the same octet represent the corresponding identification as per points k), l) and m) below. If octet 3, 4 or 5 is omitted, the corresponding user information protocol is assumed to be undefined.   k)pUser information layer 1 protocol identification  H  hph p00001P CCITT standardized rate adaption V.110/X.30. This implies the presence of octet 3a defined in S 3.36 k) 1), and optionally octets 3b, 3c and 3d defined in S 3.36 k) 2) below.  hp00010P Recommendation G.711 m-law  hp00010P Recommendation G.711 A-law  H  hp00100P Recommendation G.721 32 kbit/s ADPCM and Recommendation I.460  hp00101P Recommendations G.722 and G.724 for 7 kHz audio  hp00110P Recommendation G.735 for 384 kbit/s video  H  hph p 00111P non-CCITT standardized rate adaption. This implies the presence of octet 3a, and optionally 3b, 3c and 3d. The use of this codepoint indicates that the user rate specified in octet 3a is defined in accordance with the non-CCITT standardized rate adaption scheme. Additionally, octets 3b, 3c and 3d, if present, are defined consistent with the specified rate adaption.  H  hph p 01000P CCITT standardized rate adaption V.120. This implies the presence of octet 3a defined inS3.36 k) 1), octet 3b defined in S 3.36 k) 3), and optionally octets 3c and 3d defined in S3.36 k) 2) below.  H  hp01001P CCITT standardized rate adaption X.31 HDLC flag stuffing.  hpAll other values are reserved.  H  Note - Octet 3 shall be omitted if the transfer mode is "circuit-mode", the information transfer capability is "unrestricted digital information" or "restricted digital information" and the user information layer 1 protocol is not to be identified to the network; octet 3 may be omitted if the transfer mode is "packet-mode"; otherwise octet 3 shall be present.  H  hp1) Octet 3a for layer 1 rate adaption (see Figure 37/Q.763)  HH Ђ8D c4 P Figure 37/Q.763 T112157089  c4 P   -hpThe synchronous/asynchronous indicator is coded: -ƌ hp0 synchronous  hp1 asynchronous  H  hph pOctets 3b to 3d may be omitted in case of synchronous user rates.  -hpThe negotiation indicator is coded:  hp0 in-band negotiation not possible  hp1 in-band negotiation possible  hph pNote - See Recommendations V.110 and X.30 hp- The user rate is coded:  hp c4 P H ҇hp c4 P 00000  rate indicated by E-bits  Rec. I.460  ˆH ҇00001  0.6 kbit/s  Rec. V.6 and X.1  ˆH ҇00010  1.2 kbit/s  Rec. V.6  ˆH ҇00011  2.4 kbit/s  Rec. V.6 and X.1  ˆH ҇00100  3.6 kbit/s  Rec. V.6  ˆH ҇00101  4.8 kbit/s  Rec. V.6 and X.1  ˆH ҇00110  7.2 kbit/s  Rec. V.6  ˆH ҇00111  8.0 kbit/s  Rec. I.460  ˆH ҇01000  9.6 kbit/s  Rec. V.6 and X.1  ˆH ҇01001  14.4 kbit/s  Rec. V.6  ˆH ҇01010  16.0 kbit/s  Rec. I.460  ˆH ҇01011  19.2 kbit/s  Rec. V.6  ˆH ҇01100  32.0 kbit/s  Rec. I.460  ˆH ҇01110  48.0 kbit/s  Rec. V.6 and X.1  ˆH ҇01111  56.0 kbit/s  Rec. V.6  ˆH ҇10101  0.1345 kbit/s  Rec. X.1  ˆH ҇10110  0.100 kbit/s  Rec. X.1  ˆH ҇10111  0.075/1.2 kbit/s  Rec. V.6 and X.1 (Note)  ˆH ҇11000  1.2/0.075 kbit/s  Rec. V.6 and X.1 (Note)  ˆH ҇11001  0.050 kbit/s  Rec. V.6 and X.1  ˆH ҇11010  0.075 kbit/s  Rec. V.6 and X.1  ˆH ҇11011  0.110 kbit/s  Rec. V.6 and X.1  ˆH ҇11100  0.150 kbit/s  Rec. V.6 and X.1  ˆH ҇11101  0.200 kbit/s  Rec. V.6 and X.1  ˆH ҇11110  0.300 kbit/s  Rec. V.6 and X.1  ˆH ҇11111  12 kbit/s  Rec. V.6 and X.1  ˆ HH  hph All other values are reserved.  H  hpNote - The first rate is the transmit rate in the forward direction of the call. The second rate is the transmit rate in the backward direction of the call.  H  hp2) Octets 3b, 3c and 3d for Recommendations V.110/X.30 rate adaption (see Figure 38/Q.763)  HH Ђ8D c4 P Figure 38/Q.763 T11258089  c4 P   -hpIntermediate rate indicator is coded:  hph p00P not used  hph p01P 8 kbit/s  hph p10P 16 kbit/s  hph p11P 32 kbit/s  H  -hpNetwork independent clock (NIC) on transmission (TX) indicator is coded:  hp0 not required to send data with NIC  hp1 required to send data with NIC  H  hpNote - Refers to transmission in the forward direction of the call, see Recommendations V.110 andX.30  H  -hpNetwork independent clock (NIC) on reception (Rx) indicator is coded:  H  hp0 cannot accept data with NIC (i.e. sender does not support this optional procedure)  H  hp1 can accept data with NIC (i.e. sender does support this optional procedure)  H  hpNote - Refers to transmission in the backward direction of the call, see Recommendations V.110 andX.30.  -hpFlow control on transmission (Tx) indicator is coded:  hp0 not required to send data with flow control mechanism  hp1 required to send data with flow control mechanism  H  hpNote - Refers to transmission in the forward direction of the call, see Recommendations V.110 andX.30.  -hpFlow control on reception (Rx) indicator is coded:  H  hp0 cannot accept data with flow control mechanism (i.e. sender does not support this optional procedure)  H  hp1 can accept data with flow control mechanism (i.e. sender does support this optional procedure)  hph pNote - See Recommendations V.110 and X.30.  -hpNumber of stop bits indicator is coded:  hph p00P not used  hph p01P 1 bit  hph p10P 1.5 bits  hph p11P 2 bits  H  -hpNumber of data bits indicator, including parity bit if present, is - coded:  hph p00P not used  hph p01P 5 bits  hph p10P 7 bits  hph p11P 8 bits  -hpParity indicator is coded:  hph p000 odd  hph p010 even  hph p011 none  hph p100 forced to 0  hph p101 forced to 1  hph pAll other values are reserved  -hpDuplex mode indicator is coded:  hp0 half duplex  hp1 full duplex  H  -hpmodem type indicator is coded according to network specific rules.  H  hp3) Octet 3b for Recommendation V.120 rate adaption (see Figure 39/Q.763)  HH Ђ8D c4 P Figure 39/Q.763 T111015088  c4 P   -hpRate adaption header/no header indicator is coded:  hp0 rate adaption header not included  hp1 rate adaption header included  H  -hpMultiple frame establishment support in data link indicator is coded:  Hx  hp0 multiple frame establishment not supported, only UI frames allowed  hp1 multiple frame establishment supported  -hpMode of operation indicator is coded:  hp0 bit transparent mode of operation  hp1 protocol sensitive mode of operation  H  -hpLogical link identifier (LLI) negotiation indicator is coded:  hp0 default, LLI = 256 only  hp1 full protocol negotiation (Note)  Hh  hpNote - A connection over which protocol negotiation will be executed is indicated in bit 2 of octet3b.  -hpAssignor/assignee indicator is coded:  hp0 message originator is "default assignee"  hp1 message originator is "assignor only"  ©pIn-band/out-of-band negotiation indicator is coded:  H  hp0 negotiation is done with USER INFORMATION messages on a temporary signalling connection  hp1 negotiation is done in-band using logical link zero   l)pUser information layer 2 protocol identification  hp00010P Recommendation Q.921 (I.441)  hp00110P Recommendation X.25, link level  H  All other values are reserved. If the transfer mode is "packet mode", this octet shall be present. In other cases, the octet is present only if the protocol is to be identified to the network.   m)pUser information layer 3 protocol identification  hp00010P Recommendation Q.931 (I.451)  hp00110P Recommendation X.25, link level  H  hpAll other values are reserved. The octet is present only if the protocol is to be identified to the network.  HH HP X`h!(#3.37   c4 P User-to-user indicators  H Hp P X`h!(# c4 P  The format of the user-to-user indicators parameter field is shown in Figure 40/Q.763. K c4 P Figure 40/Q.763 CCITT 73370  c4 P   The following codes are used in the user-to-user indicators parameter field:   bitpA Type  0prequest  1presponse HH   If bit A equals 0 (request):   bits C B: Service 1  0p0 no information  0p1 spare  1p0 request, not essential  1p1 request, essential   bits E D: Service 2  0p0 no information  0p1 spare  1p0 request, not essential  1p1 request, essential   bits G F: Service 3  0p0 no information  0p1 spare  1p0 request, not essential  1p1 request, essential   bitpH Spare  If bit A equals 1 (response):   bits C B: Service 1  0p0 no information  0p1 not provided  1p0 provided  1p1 spare   bits E D: Service 2  0p0 no information  0p1 not provided  1p0 provided  1p1 spare   bits G F: Service 3  0p0 no information  0p1 not provided  1p0 provided  1p1 spare   bitpH Spare HP X`h!(#3.38   c4 P User-to-user information  H Hp P X`h!(# c4 P  The format of the user-to-user information parameter is shown in Figure 41/Q.763. K c4 P Figure 41/Q.763 T111015088  c4 P   The format of the user-to-user information parameter field is coded identically to the protocol discriminator plus user information field described in Recommendation Q.931, S 4.5.29. HP X`h!(#X X  H 4  c4 P ISDN user part messages and codes  H Hp P X`h!(#Ё c4 P   In the following tables the format and coding of ISDN user part messages is specified. For each message, a list of the relevant parameters is given and for each parameter:  H  - a reference to the section where the formatting and coding of the parameter content is specified;  H  - the type of the parameter. The following types are used in the tables:  hpF = mandatory fixed length parameter;  hpV = mandatory variable length parameter;  hpO = optional parameter of fixed or variable length;  HX  - the length of the parameter. The value in the table includes:  Hx  -hpfor type F parameters the length, in octets, of the parameter content;  H  -hpfor type V parameters the length, in octets, of the length indicator and of the parameter content. The minimum and the maximum length are indicated;  H  -hpfor type O parameters the length, in octets, of the parameter name, length indicator and parameter content. For variable length parameters the minimum and maximum length is indicated.  H  For each message type, type F parameters and the pointers for the type V parameters must be sent in the order specified in the tables.  The routing label and circuit identification code fields, which are transmitted ahead of the message type field if required are not shown. Parameter names, pointers to mandatory variable fields and the optional part, and length indicators appear in the message in accordance with Figure 3/Q.763 and are not shown explicitly in Tables 5/Q.763 to28/Q.763. S c4 P TABLE 5/Q.763 Message type:P Address complete  c4 P H(`!҇U c4 P Parameter R Reference (S) W Type Q Length (octets)   p P X`h!(# c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ X  c4 P  Message type ? 2.1 ? F ? 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Backward call indicators ?! 3.4 ?! F ?! 2    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Optional backward call indicators ?! 3.24 ?! O ?! 3    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ x  c4 P  Cause indicators ?! 3.10 ?! O ?! 4-?    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ x  c4 P  Connected number ?! 3.14 ?! O ?! 4-12    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ h  c4 P  Call reference ?H! 3.6 ?H! O ?H! 7    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  User-to-user indicators ?! 3.37 ?! O ?! 3    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  User-to-user information ?! 3.38 ?! O ?! 3-131 c4 P  a) c4 P     c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ x  c4 P  Access transport ?! 3.2 ?! O ?! 3-?    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  End of optional parameters ?! 3.17 ?! O ?! 1    c4 P ш HH Hp P X`h!(# c4 P  a) c4 P  Some networks may only support up to 35 octets. 8LTABLE 6/Q.763 Message type:P Answer  c4 P H(`!҇Hp P X8N c4 P Parameter 8K Reference (S) 8P Type 8J Length (octets)   p P X c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ X  c4 P  Message type `? 2.1 ? F ? 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇  p P X c4 P  Backward call indicators `?! 3.4 ?! O ?! 4    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇  p P X c4 P  Optional backward call indicators `?! 3.24 ?! O ?! 3    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ h p P X c4 P  Call reference `?H! 3.6 ?H! O ?H! 7    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇  p P X c4 P  User-to-user indicators `?! 3.37 ?! O ?! 3    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇  p P X c4 P  User-to-user information `?! 3.38 ?! O ?! 3-131 c4 P  a) c4 P     c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇  p P X c4 P Connected number `?H! 3.14 ?H! O ?H! 4-12    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ x p P X c4 P  Access transport `?! 3.2 ?! O ?! 3-?    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇  p P X c4 P  End of optional parameters `?! 3.17 ?! O ?! 1    c4 P ш HH Hp P X`h!(# c4 P  a) c4 P  Some networks may only support up to 35 octets.  c4 P  8L c4 P TABLE 7/Q.763 Message type:P Call progress  c4 P HP @ H8@08"҇8N c4 P Parameter 8K Reference (S) 8P Type 8J Length (octets)  08 p P X`0h!(# c4 P ш 08  c4 P HP @ H8@08"҇ c4 P  Message type :x 2.1 :x F :x 1  08  c4 P ш 08  c4 P HP @ H8@08"҇ 0X  c4 P  Event information :h 3.18 :h F :h 1  08  c4 P ш 08  c4 P HP @ H8@08"҇ 0  c4 P  Cause indicators :h 3.10 :h O :h 4-?  08  c4 P ш 08  c4 P HP @ H8@08"҇ c4 P  Call reference :x 3.6 :x O :x 7  08  c4 P ш 08  c4 P HP @ H8@08"҇ c4 P  Backward call indicators :x 3.4 :x O :x 4  08  c4 P ш 08  c4 P HP @ H8@08"҇ 0  c4 P  Optional backward call indicators : 3.24 : O : 3  08  c4 P ш 08  c4 P HP @ H8@08"҇ 0  c4 P  Access transport :h 3.2 :h O :h 3-?  08  c4 P ш 08  c4 P HP @ H8@08"҇ c4 P  User-to-user indicators :x 3.37 :x O :x 3  08  c4 P ш 08  c4 P HP @ H8@08"҇ c4 P  User-to-user information :x 3.38 :x O :x 3-131 c4 P  a) c4 P   08  c4 P ш 08  c4 P HP @ H8@08"҇ 0  c4 P  Redirection number : 3.30 : O : 5-12  08  c4 P ш 08  c4 P HP @ H8@08"҇ 0  c4 P  End of optional parameters :h 3.17 :h O :h 1  08  c4 P ш HH Hp P X`h!(# c4 P  a) c4 P  Some networks may only support up to 35 octets. c4 P  8L c4 P TABLE 8/Q.763 Message type:P Circuit group query response  c4 P H(`!҇ c4 P Parameter 8K Reference (S) 8P Type 8J Length (octets)   p P X`h!(# c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ X  c4 P  Message type ? 2.1 ? F ? 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Range and status c4 P  a) c4 P  ?! 3.27 ?! V ?! 2    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Circuit state indicator ?! 3.12 ?! V ?! 3-33    c4 P ш HH Hp P X`h!(# c4 P  a) c4 P  The status subfield is not present.  c4 P  8L c4 P TABLE 9/Q.763 Message type:P Circuit group reset acknowledgement  c4 P H(`!҇8N c4 P Parameter 8K Reference (S) 8P Type 8J Length (octets)   p P X`h!(# c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ X  c4 P  Message type ? 2.1 ? F ? 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ x  c4 P  Range and status ?! 3.27 ?! V ?! 3-34    c4 P ш HH Hp P X`h!(#Ё 8K c4 P TABLE 10/Q.763 Message type:P Confusion  c4 P H(`!҇8N c4 P Parameter 8K Reference (S) 8P Type 8J Length (octets)   p P X`h!(# c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ X  c4 P  Message type ? 2.1 ? F ? 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ x  c4 P  Cause indicators ?! 3.10 ?! V ?! 3-?    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  End of optional parameters ?! 3.17 ?! O ?! 1    c4 P ш  HH Hp P X`h!(#Ё 8K c4 P TABLE 11/Q.763 Message type:P Connect  c4 P H(`!҇8N c4 P Parameter 8K Reference (S) 8P Type 8J Length (octets)   p P X`h!(# c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ X  c4 P  Message type ? 2.1 ? F ? 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Backward call indicators ?! 3.4 ?! F ?! 2    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Optional backward call indicators ?! 3.24 ?! O ?! 3    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ x  c4 P  Connected number ?! 3.14 ?! O ?! 4-12    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ h  c4 P  Call reference ?H! 3.6 ?H! O ?H! 7    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  User-to-user indicators ?! 3.37 ?! O ?! 3    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  User-to-user information ?! 3.38 ?! O ?! 3-131 c4 P  a) c4 P     c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ x  c4 P  Access transport ?! 3.2 ?! O ?! 3-?    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  End of optional parameters ?! 3.17 ?! O ?! 1    c4 P ш HH Hp P X`h!(# c4 P  a) c4 P  Some networks may only support up to 35 octets.  c4 P  8K c4 P TABLE 12/Q.763 Message type:P Continuity  c4 P H(`!҇8N c4 P Parameter 8K Reference (S) 8P Type 8J Length (octets)   p P X`h!(# c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ X  c4 P  Message type ? 2.1 ? F ? 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Continuity indicators ?! 3.16 ?! F ?! 1    c4 P ш HH Hp P X`h!(#Ё 8K c4 P TABLE 13/Q.763 Message type:P Facility reject  c4 P H(`!҇8N c4 P Parameter Reference (S) Type Length (octets)   p P X`h!(# c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ X  c4 P  Message type ? 2.1 ? F ? 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Facility indicator ?! 3.19 ?! F ?! 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ x  c4 P  Cause indicators ?! 3.10 ?! V ?! 3-?    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  User-to-user indicators ?! 3.37 ?! O ?! 3    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ h  c4 P  Call reference ?H! 3.6 ?H! O ?H! 7    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  End of optional parameters ?! 3.17 ?! O ?! 1    c4 P ш HH Hp P X`h!(#Ё 8K c4 P TABLE 14/Q.763 Message type:P Information  c4 P H(`!҇8N c4 P Parameter 8K Reference (S) 8P Type 8J Length (octets)   p P X`h!(# c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ X  c4 P  Message type ? 2.1 ? F ? 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Information indicators ?! 3.21 ?! F ?! 2    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Calling party's category ?! 3.9 ?! O ?! 3    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Calling party number ?! 3.8 ?! O ?! 5-12    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ h  c4 P  Call reference ?H! 3.6 ?H! O ?H! 7    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Connection request ?! 3.15 ?! O ?! 7-9    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ x  c4 P  Access transport ?! 3.2 ?! O ?! 4-?    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  End of optional parameters ?! 3.17 ?! O ?! 1    c4 P ш HH Hp P X`h!(#Ё 8K c4 P TABLE 15/Q.763 Message type:P Information request  c4 P H(`!҇8N c4 P Parameter 8K Reference (S) 8P Type 8J Length (octets)   p P X`h!(# c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ X  c4 P  Message type ? 2.1 ? F ? 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Information request indicators ?! 3.22 ?! F ?! 2    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ h  c4 P  Call reference ?H! 3.6 ?H! O ?H! 7    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  End of optional parameters ?! 3.17 ?! O ?! 1    c4 P ш  HH Hp P X`h!(#Ё 8K c4 P TABLE 16/Q.763 Message type:P Initial address  c4 P H(`!҇8N c4 P Parameter 8K Reference (S) 8P Type 8J Length (octets)   p P X`h!(# c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ X  c4 P  Message type ? 2.1 ? F ? 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Nature of connection indicators ?! 3.23 ?! F ?! 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Forward call indicators ?! 3.20 ?! F ?! 2    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Calling party's category ?! 3.9 ?! F ?! 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Transmission medium requirement ?! 3.35 ?! F ?! 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Called party number ?! 3.7 ?! V ?! 4-11    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Transit network selection c4 P  a) ?! c4 P  3.34 ?! O ?! 4-?    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ h  c4 P  Call reference ?H! 3.6 ?H! O ?H! 7    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Calling party number ?! 3.8 ?! O ?! 4-12    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Optional forward call indicators ?! 3.25 ?! O ?! 3    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Redirecting number ?! 3.28 ?! O ?! 4-12    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Redirection information ?! 3.29 ?! O ?! 3-4    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Closed user group interlock code ?! 3.13 ?! O ?! 6    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Connection request ?! 3.15 ?! O ?! 7-9    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Original called number ?! 3.26 ?! O ?! 4-12    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  User-to-user information c4 P  b) ?! c4 P  3.38 ?! O ?! 3-131    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ x  c4 P  Access transport ?! 3.2 ?! O ?! 3-?    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  User service information c4 P  c) ?! c4 P  3.36 ?! O ?! 4-13    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  User-to-user indicators ?! 3.37 ?! O ?! 3    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  End of optional parameters ?! 3.17 ?! O ?! 1    c4 P ш HH Hp P X`h!(# c4 P  a) c4 P   For national use only.  c4 P b) c4 P   Some networks may only support up to 35 octets.  H  c4 P c) c4 P   This parameter can be repeated in case of an alternate bearer service, in which case the initial parameter represents the initial establishment mode.Ɓ c4 P  R c4 P TABLE 17/Q.763 Message type:P Release  c4 P H(`!҇U c4 P Parameter R Reference (S) W Type Q Length (octets)   p P X`h!(# c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ X  c4 P  Message type ? 2.1 ? F ? 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ x  c4 P  Cause indicators ?! 3.10 ?! V ?! 3-?    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Redirection information ?! 3.29 ?! O ?! 3-4    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Redirection number ?! 3.30 ?! O ?! 5-12    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Signalling point code c4 P  a) c4 P  ?! 3.31 ?! O ?! 4    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ x  c4 P  Access transport ?! 3.2 ?! O ?! 3-?    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  User-to-user information c4 P  b) c4 P  ?! 3.38 ?! O ?! 3-131    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Automatic congestion level ?! 3.3 ?! O ?! 3    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  End of optional parameters ?! 3.17 ?! O ?! 1    c4 P ш HH Hp P X`h!(# c4 P  a) c4 P   For national use only.  c4 P b) c4 P   Some networks may only support up to 35 octets.  c4 P  8K c4 P TABLE 18/Q.763 Message type:P Release complete  c4 P H(`!҇8N c4 P Parameter 8K Reference (S) 8P Type 8J Length (octets)   p P X`h!(# c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ X  c4 P  Message type ? 2.1 ? F ? 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ x  c4 P  Cause indicators ?! 3.10 ?! O ?! 5-?    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  End of optional parameters ?! 3.17 ?! O ?! 1    c4 P ш HH Hp P X`h!(#Ё 8K c4 P TABLE 19/Q.763 Message type:P Subsequent address  c4 P H(`!҇8N c4 P Parameter 8K Reference (S) 8P Type 8J Length (octets)   p P X`h!(# c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ X  c4 P  Message type ? 2.1 ? F ? 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Subsequent number ?! 3.32 ?! V ?! 3-10    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  End of optional parameters ?! 3.17 ?! O ?! 1    c4 P ш  HH Hp P X`h!(#Ё 8K c4 P TABLE 20/Q.763 Message type:P User-to-user information  c4 P H(`!҇8N c4 P Parameter 8K Reference (S) 8P Type 8J Length (octets)   p P X`h!(# c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ X  c4 P  Message type ? 2.1 ? F ? 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  User-to-user information ?! 3.38 ?! V ?! 2-130    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ x  c4 P  Access transport ?! 3.2 ?! O ?! 3-?    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ h  c4 P  Call reference ?H! 3.6 ?H! O ?H! 7    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  End of optional parameters ?! 3.17 ?! O ?! 1    c4 P ш HH Hp P X`h!(#Ё 8K c4 P TABLE 21/Q.763 Message type:P Delayed release (national use)  Forward transfer  c4 P H(`!҇8N c4 P Parameter 8K Reference (S) 8P Type 8J Length (octets)   p P X`h!(# c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ X  c4 P  Message type ? 2.1 ? F ? 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ h  c4 P  Call reference ?H! 3.6 ?H! O ?H! 7    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  End of optional parameters ?! 3.17 ?! O ?! 1    c4 P ш HH Hp P X`h!(#Ё 8K c4 P TABLE 22/Q.763 Message type:P Suspend  Resume  c4 P H(`!҇8N c4 P Parameter 8K Reference (S) 8P Type 8J Length (octets)   p P X`h!(# c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ X  c4 P  Message type ? 2.1 ? F ? 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Suspend/Resume indicators ?! 3.33 ?! F ?! 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ h  c4 P  Call reference ?H! 3.6 ?H! O ?H! 7    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  End of optional parameters ?! 3.17 ?! O ?! 1    c4 P ш HH Hp P X`h!(#Ё 8K c4 P TABLE 23/Q.763 Message type:P Blocking  Blocking acknowledgement  Continuity check request  Loop back acknowledgement (national use) c4 P   Overload  c4 P (national use) c4 P   Reset circuit  Unblocking  Unblocking acknowledgement  Unequipped circuit identification code (national use) H(`!҇8N c4 P Parameter 8K Reference (S) 8P Type 8J Length (octets)   p P X`h!(# c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ X  c4 P  Message type ? 2.1 ? F ? 1    c4 P ш HH Hp P X`h!(#Ё 8K c4 P TABLE 24/Q.763 Message type:P Call modification completed  Call modification request  Call modification reject  c4 P H(`!҇8N c4 P Parameter 8K Reference (S) 8P Type 8J Length (octets)   p P X`h!(# c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ X  c4 P  Message type ? 2.1 ? F ? 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Call modification indicators ?! 3.5 ?! F ?! 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ h  c4 P  Call reference ?H! 3.6 ?H! O ?H! 7    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  User-to-user information ?! 3.38 ?! O ?! 3-131 c4 P  a) c4 P     c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  End of optional parameters ?! 3.17 ?! O ?! 1    c4 P ш HH Hp P X`h!(# c4 P  a) c4 P  Some networks may only support up to 35 octets.  c4 P  8K c4 P TABLE 25/Q.763 Message type:P Circuit group blocking -Ԍ Circuit group blocking acknowledgement  Circuit group unblocking  Circuit group unblocking acknowledgement  c4 P H(`!҇8N c4 P Parameter 8K Reference (S) 8P Type 8J Length (octets)   p P X`h!(# c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ X  c4 P  Message type ? 2.1 ? F ? 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Circuit group supervision message type indicator ?! 3.11 ?! F ?! 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ x  c4 P  Range and status ?! 3.27 ?! V ?! 3-34    c4 P ш HH Hp P X`h!(#Ё 8K c4 P TABLE 26/Q.763 Message type:P Circuit group reset  Circuit group query  c4 P H(`!҇Hp P X8N c4 P Parameter 8K Reference (S) 8P Type 8J Length (octets)   p P X c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ X  c4 P  Message type `? 2.1 ? F ? 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇  p P X c4 P  Range and status c4 P  a) c4 P  `?! 3.27 ?! V ?! 2    c4 P ш HH Hp P X`h!(# c4 P  a) c4 P  The status subfield is not present.  c4 P  8K c4 P TABLE 27/Q.763 Message type:P Facility accepted  Facility request c4 P  a) c4 P  H(`!҇8N c4 P Parameter 8K Reference (S) 8P Type 8J Length (octets)   p P X`h!(# c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ X  c4 P  Message type ? 2.1 ? F ? 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  Facility indicator ?! 3.19 ?! F ?! 1    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  User-to-user indicators ?! 3.37 ?! O ?! 3    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇ h  c4 P  Call reference ?H! 3.6 ?H! O ?H! 7    c4 P ш   c4 P H(`!҇   c4 P  End of optional parameters ?! 3.17 ?! O ?! 1    c4 P ш H Hp P X`h!(# c4 P  a) c4 P   Whether or not the facility request message should contain a connection request parameter requires further study.  c4 P  R c4 P TABLE 28/Q.763 Message type:P Pass-along  c4 P HP @ H8@08"҇U c4 P Parameter R Reference (S) W Type Q Length (octets)  08 p P X`0h!(# c4 P ш 08  c4 P HP @ H8@08"҇ c4 P  Message type (00101000) :x 2.1 :x F :x 1  08  c4 P ш 08  c4 P HP @ 8"҇ c4 P  Message type  0  Mandatory fixed part  0h  Mandatory variable part Optional part  hHP0X 8"  0  Any message in Tables 5/Q.764 to 27/Q.764 which is relevant only at the "endpoint" of a  0 connection as defined in S 3 of Recommendation Q.764  @ 8 @ hHPX 8" c4 P ш HH Hp P X`h!(# c4 P  8OANNEX A 8F c4 P (to Recommendation Q.763) HP X`h!(#8D c4 P  Interpretation of spare codes  Hh Hp P X`h!(#Ё c4 P   This Annex describes interpretations which can be applied when a recognized parameter is received containing codes currently indicated as being spare in Recommendation Q.763. This situation can occur when an implementation in accordance to this Recommendation interworks with a future version of this Recommendation. The default interpretations for some of these cases are listed in Table A-1/Q.763.  H  For the remaining cases, listed in Table A-2/Q.763, there is no default which is considered appropriate. It is recommended that the entire parameter in these cases should be considered uninterpretable except as noted.  H  Actions taken after applying the default interpretation of unrecognized fields or after determining that an entire parameter should be considered uninterpretable are described in S of Recommendation Q.764. Application of default interpretations is of particular interest when an unrecognized parameter value is passed on at an intermediate exchange or is used at a connection endpoint. However, other applications are not precluded. R c4 P TABLE A-1/Q.763 E Fields and their default interpretations  c4 P  HH88"҇I c4 P Field name with unrecognized code N Default interpretation  88 p P X8`h!(# c4 P ш 88  c4 P HH88"҇ c4 P  Charge indicator Charge  88  c4 P ш 88  c4 P HH88"҇ c4 P  Called party's status indicator No indication  88  c4 P ш 88  c4 P HH88"҇ 8  c4 P  Called party's category indicator No indication  88  c4 P ш 88  c4 P HH88"҇ c4 P  Calling party category Handle as an ordinary call  88  c4 P ш 88  c4 P HH88"҇ 8  c4 P  Address presentation restricted indicator Presentation restricted  88  c4 P ш 88  c4 P HH88"҇ c4 P  Cause indicator-location (see note)  88  c4 P ш 88  c4 P HH88"҇ c4 P  Cause value (unextended) Unspecified: within class xxx  88  c4 P ш 88  c4 P HH88"҇ c4 P  Cause value (extended) Unspecified: interworking class  88  c4 P ш 88  c4 P HH88"҇ 8  c4 P  Calling party number response indicator Calling party number included  88  c4 P ш 88  c4 P HH88"҇ 8  c4 P  Connected number response indicator Connected number included  88  c4 P ш 88  c4 P HH88"҇ 8  c4 P  Redirecting number response indicator Redirecting number included  88  c4 P ш 88  c4 P HH88"҇ c4 P  Satellite indicator Two satellites  88  c4 P ш 88  c4 P HH88"҇ c4 P  Continuity check indicator Continuity check not required  88  c4 P ш 88  c4 P HH88"҇ c4 P  Redirecting reason indicator Unknown/unavailable  88  c4 P ш 88  c4 P HH88"҇ c4 P  Redirection counter Maximum redirections  88  c4 P ш 88  c4 P HH88"҇ 8  c4 P  Original redirection reason indicator Unknown/unavailable  88  c4 P ш 88  c4 P HH88"҇ c4 P  Redirecting indicator Call forwarded, all redirection information presentation restricted  88  c4 P ш 88  c4 P HH88"҇ c4 P  Closed user group indicator Non-CUG call  88  c4 P ш 88  c4 P HH88"҇ c4 P  User-to-user (service 1) No information  88  c4 P ш 88  c4 P HH88"҇ c4 P  User-to-user (service 2) No information  88  c4 P ш 88  c4 P HH88"҇ c4 P  User-to-user (service 3) No information  88  c4 P ш H Hp P X`h!(# c4 P  Note - If a network receives an unrecognized location field from other networks, the default interpretation of this field will be the location of the network which sends the unrecognized location, otherwise the default interpretation is "beyond an interworking point". c4 P  R c4 P TABLE A-2/Q.763 F Fields with no default interpretations  c4 P  Hp P X`O c4 P Uninterpretable field  H  c4 P  H  c4 P  c4 P  Nature of address  H  c4 P  H  c4 P  c4 P  Numbering plan  H  c4 P  H  c4 P  c4 P  Address signal  H  c4 P  H  c4 P  c4 P  Cause indicator-coding standard c4 P  a) c4 P   H  c4 P  H  c4 P  c4 P  Cause indicator-recommendation c4 P  a) c4 P   H  c4 P  H  c4 P  c4 P  Diagnostic  H  c4 P  H  c4 P  c4 P  User service information (any field)  H  c4 P  H  c4 P  c4 P  Transmission medium requirement  H  c4 P  H  c4 P  c4 P  Call modification indicator  H  c4 P  H  c4 P  c4 P  Event indicator  H  c4 P  H  c4 P  c4 P  Facility indicator  H  c4 P  H  c4 P  c4 P  Circuit state indicator  H  c4 P  H  c4 P  c4 P  Automatic congestion level  H  c4 P  H  c4 P  c4 P  Circuit group supervision message type  H  c4 P   p P X`h!(# c4 P  a) c4 P  Cause value interpreted as if coded "unspecified: interworking class" (1111111) and the location field interpreted as if coded "Beyond Interworking Point" (1010).