WPCL 2BJ|x H   X O 6p&6p&   H   c4 P  Fascicle VI.7 - Rec. Q.714 PAGE79  c4 P    HH  c4 P PAGE96  c4 P  Fascicle VI.7 - Rec. Q.714  HH Hp P X`h!(# X  8C c4 P Figure C-9/Q.714 T111532088  c4 P  8; c4 P Figure C-10/Q.714 (sheet 1 of 4) T111533088  c4 P  8; c4 P Figure C-10/Q.714 (sheet 2 of 4) T111534088  c4 P  8; c4 P Figure C-10/Q.714 (sheet 3 of 4) T111535088  c4 P  8; c4 P Figure C-10/Q.714 (sheet 4 of 4) T111536088  c4 P  8C c4 P Figure C-11/Q.714 T111537088  c4 P  8C c4 P Figure C-12/Q.714 T111538088  c4 P  c4 P  8OANNEX D 8F c4 P (to Recommendation Q.714) HP X`h!(#85 c4 P  State transition diagrams (STD) for SCCP management control Hp P X`h!(#Ё c4 P  D.1h  General  H  This Annex contains the description of the SCCP management (SCMG) function according to the CCITT Specification and Description Language (SDL).  For the SCCP management function, Figure D-1/Q.714 illustrates a subdivision into functional blocks, showing their functional interactions as well as the functional interactions with the other major functions (e.g. SCCP connectionless control (SCLC)). This is followed by Figures D-2/Q.714 to D-10/Q.714 showing state transition diagrams for each of the functional blocks.  The detailed functional breakdown shown in the following diagrams is intended to illustrate a reference model, and to assist interpretation of the text of the SCCP management procedures. The state transition diagrams are intended to show precisely the behaviour of the signalling system under normal and abnormal conditions as viewed from a remote location. It must be emphasized that the functional partitioning shown in the following diagrams is used only to facilitate understanding of the system behaviour, and is not intended to specify the functional partitioning to be adopted in a practical implementation of the signalling system. D.2h  Drafting conventions  Each major function is designated by its acronym (e.g. SCMG = SCCP management).  H  Each functional block is also designated by an acronym which identifies it (e.g. SSAC = Sub-System Allowed Control).  H  External inputs and outputs are used for interactions between different functional blocks. Included within each input and output symbol in the  H state transition diagrams are acronyms which identify the functional blocks which are the source and the destination of the message, e.g.:  H  SSAC M SSTC indicates that the message is sent from Sub-System Allowed Control to Sub-System Test Control.  H  Internal inputs and outputs are only used to indicate control of timers. D.3h  Figures  Figure D-1/Q.714 shows a subdivision of the SCCP management function (SCMG) into smaller functional blocks, and also shows the functional interactions between them. Each of these functional blocks is described in detail in a state transition diagram as follows:  Hx   a)pSignalling Point Prohibited Control (SPPC) is shown in Figure D-2/Q.714;  H   b)pSignalling Point Allowed Control (SPAC) is shown in Figure D-3/Q.714;  H   c)pSignalling Point Congested Control (SPCC) is shown in Figure D-4/Q.714;  H   d)pSub-System Prohibited Control (SSPC) is shown in Figure D-5/Q.714;  H   e)pSub-System Allowed Control (SSAC) is shown in Figure D-6/Q.714;  H   f)pSub-System Status Test Control (SSTC) is shown in Figure D-7/Q.714;  H   g)pCoordinated State Change Control (CSCC) is shown in Figure D-8/Q.714;   h)pLocal Broadcast (LBCS) is shown in Figure D-9/Q.714;   i)pBroadcast (BCST) is shown in Figure D-10/Q.714. HH   D.4pAbbreviations and timers  H  Abbreviations and timers used in Figures D-1/Q.714 to D-10/Q.714 are listed below.  Abbreviations   BCST Broadcast   CSCC Cooordinated State Change Control   DPCp Destination Point Code   LBCS Local Broadcast   MSGpMessage   MTPpMessage Transfer Part   SCCP Signalling Connection Control Part   SCLC SCCP Connectionless Control   SCMG SCCP Management   SCOC SCCP Connection-Oriented Control   SCRC SCCP Routing Control   SOGpSub-System Out of Service Grant   SORp Sub-System Out of Service Request   SPp Signalling Point   SPAC Signalling Point Allowed Control   SPCC Signalling Point Congested Control   SPPC Signalling Point Prohibited Control   SSp Sub-System   SSAp Sub-System Allowed   SSAC Sub-System Allowed Control   SSPp Sub-System Prohibited   SSPC Sub-System Prohibited Control   SSTp Sub-System Status Test   SSTC Sub-System Status Test Control   UISp User In Service   UOSpUser Out of Service  HH  Timers  H   T(stat. info.) X%Delay between requests for sub-system status information  H   T(coord. chg.) X%Waiting for grant for sub-system to go out of service  H  hph   p T(ignore SST) X%Delay for sub-system between receiving grant to go out of service and actually going out of service HH Ђ c4 P  8CFigure D-1/Q.714 T111539088  c4 P  8C c4 P Figure D-2/Q.714 T111540088  c4 P  8C c4 P Figure D-3/Q.714 T111541088  c4 P  8C c4 P Figure D-4/Q.714 T111542088  c4 P  8< c4 P Figure D-5/Q.714 (sheet 1 of 2) T111543088  c4 P  8< c4 P Figure D-5/Q.714 (sheet 2 of 2) T111544088  c4 P  8< c4 P Figure D-6/Q.714 (sheet 1 of 2) T111545088  c4 P  8< c4 P Figure D-6/Q.714 (sheet 2 of 2) T111546088  c4 P  8C c4 P Figure D-7/Q.714 T111547088  c4 P  8< c4 P Figure D-8/Q.714 (sheet 1 of 2) T111548088  c4 P  8< c4 P Figure D-8/Q.714 (sheet 2 of 2) T111549088  c4 P  8< c4 P Figure D-9/Q.714 (sheet 1 of 2) T111550088  c4 P  8< c4 P Figure D-9/Q.714 (sheet 2 of 2) T111551088  c4 P  8C c4 P Figure D-10/Q.714 T111552088  c4 P