WPCL 2BJ|x H   X  6p&6p&   H   c4 P  Fascicle VI.7 - Rec. Q.708 PAGE1  c4 P    HH  c4 P PAGE8  c4 P  Fascicle VI.7 - Rec. Q.708  HH Hp P X`h!(# X  Ё c4 P All drawings appearing in this Fascicle have been done in Autocad. Recommendation Q.708 HP X`h!(#8: c4 P NUMBERING OF INTERNATIONAL SIGNALLING POINT CODES Hp P X`h!(# c4 P 1X Introduction  H Ё This Recommendation describes the numbering scheme of international signalling point codes for Signalling System No. 7 networks. The technical aspects of the signalling networks are specified in Recommendation Q.705.  The worldwide signalling network is structured into two functionally independent levels, namely the international and national levels. This structure makes possible a clear division of responsibility for signalling network management and allows numbering plans of signalling points of the international network and the different national networks to be independent of one another.  H  It is also noted that the point code is intended to be processed within the Message Transfer Part of each signalling point or signalling transfer point, so that there is no direct relationship to the telephone, data, or ISDN numbering. 2X Numbering of International Signalling Points  H Ё2.1  A 14-bit binary code is used for the identification of signalling points.  H 2.2  An international signalling point code (ISPC) should be assigned to each signalling point which belongs to the international signalling network. For some network environment, one physical network node may serve as more than one signalling point, and may therefore be assigned more than one signalling point code.  H 2.3  All international signalling point codes (ISPC) should consist of three identification sub-fields as indicated in Figure 1/Q.708. The sub-field of 3 bits (NML) should identify a world geographical zone. The sub-field of 8 bits (K-D) should identify a geographical area or network in a specific zone. The sub-field of 3 bits (CBA) should identify a signalling point in a specific geographical area or network. The combination of the first and second sub-fields could be regarded as a signalling area/network code (SANC). 2.4  Each country (or geographical area) should be assigned at least one signalling area/network code (SANC).  H 2.5  Two of the zone identifications, namely 0 and 1 codes, are reserved for future allocation.  H 2.6  The system of international signalling point codes (ISPC) will provide for 6 x 256 x 8 (12288) ISPCs. 2.7  If a country (or geographical area) should require more than 8 international signalling points, one or more additional signalling area/network code(s) (SANC) would be assigned to it. 2.8  Lists of signalling area/network codes (SANC) to be used in the development of international signalling point codes (ISPC) is given in Annex A to this Recommendation. It shows SANCs assigned to each geographical area that already has other code assignments in existing public telecommunication networks. All codes not shown on the lists are spare codes. 2.9  The assignment of signalling area/network codes (SANC) is to be administered by the CCITT. The assignment of signalling point identifications in the sub-field (CBA) will be made by each country (or geographical area) and the CCITT Secretariat notified.  H 2.10  The Member countries of the International Telecommunications Union not mentioned in Annex A who wish to take part in the international signalling network or those Members that require an additional signalling area/network code (SANC) should ask the Director of the CCITT for the assignment of an available SANC. In their request, they may indicate the available SANC preferred. 2.11  The Director of the CCITT takes care that:  - generally the assignments are made on a one by one basis and contiguously for a given geographical area, or a given signalling network. (Geographical designations, or network names, may be entered in the list.)  H  - the needs of each Member country of the International Telecommunication Union for a new SANC shall be met under all circumstances. Should there not be any additional contiguous codes available, a new sequence of contiguous codes shall be opened up for the country concerned. Such a new code sequence will be established firstly at the bottom of the block of spare codes at the end of the lists in Annex A, and secondly at the bottom of existing sequences when it is likely that the adjacent code groups will not require the spares.  H  - code assignments appearing in Annex A, but obviously not required anymore because the networks concerned are reached with other SANCs will be deleted from the Annex.  H 2.12  Assignments by the Director of the CCITT of SANC as well as assignments by countries of the signalling point identifications will be published in the Operational Bulletin of the ITU. The representation of ISPC should be shown in decimal form in each sub-field, i.e. Z-UUU-V where Z, UUU, and V are corresponding to bits NML, K-D and CBA, respectively. K c4 P Figure 1/Q.708 CCITT 85260  c4 P  V c4 P ANNEX A M c4 P (to Recommendation Q.708) HP X`h!(#C Lists of c4 P  Signalling Area/Network Codes (SANC)  H Hp P X`h!(#Ё c4 P   Note - These lists are shown by the decimal representation, i.e. Z-UUU where Z is zone identification and UUU is area/network identification. VZone 2 H X ҇Code Geographical Area or Signalling Network H X ҇2-004 Greece H X ҇2-008 Netherlands (Kingdom of the) H X ҇2-012 Belgium H X ҇2-016 through 2-023 France H X ҇2-024 Monaco H X ҇2-028 Spain H X ҇2-032 Hungarian People's Republic H X ҇2-036 German Democratic Republic H X ҇2-040 Yugoslavia (Socialist Federal Republic of) H X ҇2-044 through 2-046 Italy H X ҇2-052 Romania (Socialist Republic of) H X ҇2-056 Switzerland (Confederation of) H X ҇2-060 Czechoslovak Socialist Republic H X ҇2-064 Austria H X ҇2-068 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (British Telecom) H X ҇2-072 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Mercury Telecommunications Limited) H X ҇2-076 Denmark H X ҇2-080 and 2-081 Sweden H X ҇2-084 Norway H X ҇2-088 Finland H X ҇2-100 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics H X ҇2-120 Poland (People's Republic of) H X ҇2-124 through 2-131 Germany (Federal Republic of) H X ҇2-132 Gibraltar H X ҇2-136 Portugal H X ҇2-140 Luxembourg H X ҇2-144 Ireland H X ҇2-148 Iceland H X ҇2-152 Albania (Socialist People's Republic of) H X ҇2-156 Malta (Republic of) H X ҇2-160 Cyprus (Republic of) H X ҇2-168 Bulgaria (People's Republic of) H X ҇2-172 Turkey  HH  _______________   Zone 2, Spare Codes: 224Ƃ 8OZone 3 H X ҇Code Geographical Area or Signalling Network H X ҇3-004 Canada H X ҇3-016 St. Pierre and Miquelon (French Department of) H X ҇3-020 through 3-059 United States of America H X ҇3-060 Puerto Rico H X ҇3-064 Virgin Islands (USA) H X ҇3-068, 3-069 and 3-070 Mexico H X ҇3-076 Jamaica H X ҇3-080 French Antilles H X ҇3-084 Barbados H X ҇3-088 Antigua and Barbuda H X ҇3-092 Cayman Islands H X ҇3-096 British Virgin Islands H X ҇3-100 Bermuda H X ҇3-104 Grenada H X ҇3-108 Montserrat H X ҇3-112 St. Kitts and Nevis H X ҇3-116 St. Lucia H X ҇3-120 St. Vincent and the Grenadines H X ҇3-124 Netherlands Antilles H X ҇3-128 Bahamas (Commonwealth of the) H X ҇3-132 Dominica (Commonwealth of) H X ҇3-136 Cuba H X ҇3-140 Dominican Republic H X ҇3-144 Haiti (Republic of) H X ҇3-148 Trinidad and Tobago H X ҇3-152 Turks and Caicos Islands H X ҇3-156 Guadeloupe H X ҇3-160 Martinique  HH  _______________   Zone 3, Spare Codes: 228Ƃ 8OZone 4 H X ҇Code Geographical Area or Signalling Network H X ҇4-008 India (Republic of) H X ҇4-020 Pakistan (Islamic Republic of) H X ҇4-024 Afghanistan (Democratic Republic of) H X ҇4-026 Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of) H X ҇4-028 Burma (Socialist Republic of the Union of) H X ҇4-030 Lebanon H X ҇4-032 Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of) H X ҇4-034 Syrian Arab Republic H X ҇4-036 Iraq (Republic of) H X ҇4-038 Kuwait (State of) H X ҇4-040 Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) H X ҇4-042 Yemen (Arab Republic) H X ҇4-044 Oman (Sultanate of) H X ҇4-046 Yemen (People's Democratic Republic of) H X ҇4-048 United Arab Emirates H X ҇4-050 Israel (State of) H X ҇4-052 Bahrain (State of) H X ҇4-054 Qatar (State of) H X ҇4-056 Mongolian People's Republic H X ҇4-058 Nepal H X ҇4-060 United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi) H X ҇4-062 United Arab Emirates (Dubai) H X ҇4-064 Iran (Islamic Republic of) H X ҇4-080 Japan H X ҇4-100 Korea (Republic of) H X ҇4-104 Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of) H X ҇4-108 Hong Kong H X ҇4-110 Macao H X ҇4-112 Democratic Kampuchea H X ҇4-114 Lao People's Democratic Republic H X ҇4-120 China (People's Republic of) H X ҇4-135 Korea (Democratic People's Republic of) H X ҇4-140 Bangladesh (People's Republic of) H X ҇4-144 Maldives (Republic of)  HH  _______________   Zone 4, Spare Codes: 223Ƃ 8OZone 5 H X ҇Code Geographical Area or Signalling Network H X ҇5-004 Malaysia H X ҇5-010 Australia H X ҇5-020 Indonesia (Republic of) H X ҇5-030 Philippines (Republic of) H X ҇5-040 Thailand H X ҇5-050 Singapore (Republic of) H X ҇5-056 Brunei Darussalam H X ҇5-060 New Zealand H X ҇5-070 Guam H X ҇5-072 Nauru (Republic of) H X ҇5-074 Papua New Guinea H X ҇5-078 Tonga (Kingdom of) H X ҇5-080 Solomon Islands H X ҇5-082 Vanatu (Republic of) H X ҇5-084 Fiji (Republic of) H X ҇5-086 Wallis and Futuna Islands H X ҇5-088 American Samoa H X ҇5-090 Niue Island H X ҇5-092 New Caledonia and Dependencies H X ҇5-094 French Polynesia H X ҇5-096 Cook Islands H X ҇5-098 Western Samoa (Independent State of) H X ҇5-100 Kiribati (Republic of) H X ҇5-102 Tuvalu  HH  _______________   Zone 5, Spare Codes: 232HP X`h!(#Ђ 8OZone 6 H X ҇Code Geographical Area or Signalling Network H X ҇6-004 Egypt (Arab Republic of) H X ҇6-006 Algeria (Algerian Democratic and Popular Republic) H X ҇6-008 Morocco (Kingdom of) H X ҇6-010 Tunisia H X ҇6-012 Libya (Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) H X ҇6-014 Gambia (Republic of the) H X ҇6-016 Senegal (Republic of the) H X ҇6-018 Mauritania (Islamic Republic of) H X ҇6-020 Mali (Republic of) H X ҇6-022 Guinea (Republic of) H X ҇6-024 C=te d'Ivoire (Republic of the) H X ҇6-026 Burkina Faso H X ҇6-028 Niger (Republic of the) H X ҇6-030 Togolese Republic H X ҇6-032 Benin (People's Republic of) H X ҇6-034 Mauritius H X ҇6-036 Liberia (Republic of) H X ҇6-038 Sierra Leone H X ҇6-040 Ghana H X ҇6-042 Nigeria (Federal Republic of) H X ҇6-044 Chad (Republic of) H X ҇6-046 Central African Republic H X ҇6-048 Cameroon (Republic of) H X ҇6-050 Cape Verde (Republic of) H X ҇6-052 Sao Tome and Principe (Democratic Republic of) H X ҇6-054 Equatorial Guinea (Republic of) H X ҇6-056 Gabon Republic H X ҇6-058 Congo (People's Republic of the) H X ҇6-060 Zaire (Republic of) H X ҇6-062 Angola (People's Republic of) H X ҇6-064 Guinea-Bissau (Republic of) H X ҇6-066 Seychelles (Republic of the) H X ҇6-068 Sudan (Republic of the) H X ҇6-070 Rwanda (Republic of) H X ҇6-072 Ethiopia (People's Democratic Republic of) H X ҇6-074 Somali Democratic Republic  HH 8K Zone 6 (cont.) H X ҇Code Geographical Area or Signalling Network H X ҇6-076 Republic of Djibouti H X ҇6-078 Kenya (Republic of) H X ҇6-080 Tanzania (United Republic of) H X ҇6-082 Uganda (Republic of) H X ҇6-084 Burundi (Republic of) H X ҇6-086 Mozambique (People's Republic of) H X ҇6-090 Zambia (Republic of) H X ҇6-092 Madagascar (Democratic Republic of) H X ҇6-094 Reunion (French Department of) H X ҇6-096 Zimbabwe (Republic of) H X ҇6-098 Namibia H X ҇6-100 Malawi H X ҇6-102 Lesotho (Kingdom of) H X ҇6-104 Botswana (Republic of) H X ҇6-106 Swaziland (Kingdom of) H X ҇6-108 Comoros (Islamic Federal Republic of the) H X ҇6-110 South Africa (Republic of)  HH Hp P X`h!(# _______________   Zone 6, Spare Codes: 203 8OZone 7 H X ҇Code Geographical Area or Signalling Network H X ҇7-004 Belize H X ҇7-008 Guatemala (Republic of) H X ҇7-012 El Salvador (Republic of) H X ҇7-016 Honduras (Republic of) H X ҇7-020 Nicaragua H X ҇7-024 Costa Rica H X ҇7-028 Panama (Republic of) H X ҇7-032 Peru H X ҇7-044 Argentine Republic H X ҇7-048 Brazil (Federative Republic of)  HH 8K Zone 7 (cont.) H X ҇Code Geographical Area or Signalling Network H X ҇7-060 Chile H X ҇7-064 Colombia (Republic of) H X ҇7-068 Venezuela (Republic of) H X ҇7-072 Bolivia (Republic of) H X ҇7-076 Guyana H X ҇7-080 Ecuador H X ҇7-084 Guiana (French Department of) H X ҇7-088 Paraguay (Republic of) H X ҇7-092 Suriname (Republic of) H X ҇7-096 Uruguay (Eastern Republic of)  HH  _______________   Zone 7, Spare Codes: 236