ÿWPCL ûÿ2BJ|xÐ ÐÐÌÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿа(€Ø ˜ ¨,ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÌÐÐ °°È  ÐÐ Å°6Ø'°6Ø'Å Ðà ÃRecommendation Q.1063Ä Ä Áà°:Áà ÃDIGITAL PLMN CHANNEL STRUCTURES AND ACCESS CAPABILITIESÄ Äƒ Áà°@Áà ÃAT THE RADIO INTERFACE (Um REFERENCE POINT)Ä Äƒ à Ã1Ä ÄÁÐÁà ÃGeneralÄ Ä Ð ÐÁÐÁThis Recommendation defines a limited set of channel types, access capabilities and channel configurations with respect to the Um reference point (i.e. the radio interface, see Recommendation Q.1062). à Ã2Ä ÄÁÐÁà ÃDefinitionsÄ Ä Ð ÐÁÐÁA à ÃchannelÄ Ä represents a specific portion of the information carrying capability of an inter¬face. Ð Ð2.1ÁÐÁChannels are classified by types according to common characteristics. Channel types appearing at the radio interface are identified in sections 3 and 4. Ð Ð2.2ÁÐÁThe à Ãcomplete interface between a Base Station (BS) and its associated Mobile Stations (MS)Ä Ä is defined by the interface structure at a given point in time. This interface may change over time. Ð Ð2.3ÁÐÁAn à ÃMS channel configurationÄ Ä is defined by the interface structure that the MS actually uses to transmit or receive information with respect to the BS at a given point in time. This interface structure may change over time. Ð Ð2.4ÁÐÁAn à Ãaccess capabilityÄ Ä defines possible access arrangements with respect to the number and type of channels that can be supported by an equipment. In this way an MS access capability is the set of possible channel configurations supported by the equipment. Similarly, the BS access capability may be considered to be a super©set with respect to the MS. ÁÐÁThe access capability is thus a fixed attribute of an equipment. à Ã3Ä ÄÁÐÁà ÃFunctional channel typesÄ Ä Ð ÐÁÐÁIn this Recommendation the functional channel types are defined relative to the radio inter¬face. This channels are used to carry information streams defined at the Sm reference point, and which are to be specified in a separate Recommendation. 3.1ÁÐÁÃÃÓÓÃÃwÄÄÄÄTraffic channelÃÃwÄÄ Ð ÐÁÐÁThe Traffic Channel (TCH) is intended to carry a wide variety of user information streams. A distinguishing characteristic is that this channel does not carry signalling information for call control, MS management or RF transmission management. This signalling information is carried by other types of channels, e.g. control channels. 3.2ÁÐÁÃÃÃÃwÄÄÄÄControl channelÃÃwÄÄ Ð ÐÁÐÁThe Control Channel (CCH) consists of the Associated Control Channel (ACCH), Dedicated Control Channel (DCCH), Common Control Channel (CCCH), Broadcast Control Channel (BCCH) and User Packet Channel (UPCH). These channels carry signalling information for call control, MS management, RF transmission management, and other functions. à Ã4Ä ÄÁÐÁà ÃChannel usage for user informationÄ Ä 4.1ÁÐÁÃÃÃÃwÄÄÄÄTCHÃÃwÄÄ ÁÐÁTraffic channels are physical gross rate channels, accompanied with timing. Ð ÐÁÐÁTraffic channels are intended to carry a wide variety of user information streams. Ð ÐÁÐÁThe provision of these information streams is to be defined in a separate Recommendation. Ð ÐÁÐÁTCHSs may be used to provide access to a variety of communications modes within the PLMN and the networks it provides access to. Examples of these are: ÁÐÁi)Âð° Âcircuit switched communications; andÆÆ ÂÐÐÂÂà° ÂÁ€ ÐÁÁ€ÁÁÐÁii)Á ( Ápacket switched communications, supporting packet mode terminals.ÆÆ Ð ÐÁÐÁIn case i), the PLMN can provide either a transparent connection, or a connection specifically suited to a particular service, such as telephony. Ð ÐÁÐÁIn case ii), the traffic channel carries protocols at layers 2 and 3 according to Recommenda¬tion X.25, or other packet©mode standardized protocols. à Ã5Ä ÄÁÐÁà ÃChannel usage for controlÄ Ä Ð Ð5.1ÁÐÁControl channels are used to provide active Mobile Stations and Base Stations a means of signalling communication across the radio interface. Ð Ð5.2ÁÐÁA Mobile Station channel configuration contains one or more control channels. These control channels change depending on the required channel configuration. RF transmission management signal¬ling functions ensure the continuity of communication when a change in the control channel type occurs. Ð ÐÁÐÁControl channels are classified by control channel types, which have common characteristics. Ð ÐÁÐÁControl channels are primarily intended to carry signalling information for call control, mobility management and RF transmission management. Ð Ð5.3ÁÐÁIn addition to signalling information, control channels may also carry user packet data (e.g. for Short Message Service). 5.4ÁÐÁÃÃÃÃwÄÄÄÄControl channelsÃÃwÄÄ 5.4.1Á° ÁÃÃÃÃwÄÄÄÄBroadcast control channelÃÃwÄÄ Ð ÐÁÐÁThe BCCH provides the broadcast capability for a variety of information streams from Base Stations to Mobile Stations, including information necessary for the MS to register in the system (e.g. synchronization data or CCCH coordinates). Ð ÐÁÐÁThe notion of a BCCH is defined for applications where the CCCH is insufficient in capacity in light of signalling traffic, or where only unidirectional communication to an MS is required. 5.4.2Á° ÁÃÃÃÃwÄÄÄÄCommon control channelÃÃwÄÄ Ð ÐÁÐÁA CCCH is a point©to©multipoint, bidirectional control channel. A CCCH is primarily intended to support signalling information for call control, mobility management and RF transmission management. Ð ÐÁÐÁA CCCH uses a layered protocol to be defined in a separate Recommendation. In particular the CCCH is a common resource available to more than one MS within a specific geographic area. In this way the CCCH is managed and allocated based on specific random access techniques. 5.4.3Á° ÁÃÃÃÃwÄÄÄÄUser packet channelÃÃwÄÄ Ð ÐÁÐÁA UPCH is a point©to©multipoint, bidirectional control channel. A UPCH is primarily intended to support user packet data. Ð ÐÁÐÁA UPCH uses a layered protocol to be defined in a separate Recommendation. In particular, the UPCH is a common resource available to more than one MS within a specific geographic area. In this way the UPCH is managed and allocated based on specific random access techniques. 5.4.4Á° ÁÃÃÃÃwÄÄÄÄAssociated control channelÃÃwÄÄ Ð ÐÁÐÁAn ACCH is a point©to©point, bidirectional control channel that supports both signalling and user packet data. The ACCH is always associated with the TCH, and provides for call control mobility management and RF transmission management signalling. The ACCH uses a layered protocol to be defined in a separate Recommendation. 5.4.5Á° ÁÃÃÃÃwÄÄÄÄDedicated control channelÃÃwÄÄ Ð ÐÁÐÁA DCCH is a point©to©point, bidirectional control channel that supports both signalling and user packet data. The DCCH is not associated with an TCH. The DCCH uses a layered protocol to be defined in a separate Recommendation. 5.4.6Á° ÁÃÃÃÃwÄÄÄÄSets of functional channelsÃÃwÄÄÁ° ÁÃÃÃÃwÄÄÄÄCommon access channelsÃÃwÄÄ Ð ÐÁÐÁThe functional channels defined in ÀÀÀÀ 5.4.1, 5.4.2 and 5.4.3 are classified as Common Access Channels (CAC).Á° ÁÃÃÃÃwÄÄÄÄUser specific channelsÃÃwÄÄ Ð ÐÁÐÁThe functional channels described in ÀÀÀÀ 5.4.4 and 5.4.5 are classified as user specific ЀÐchannels. à Ã6Ä ÄÁÐÁà ÃBase station access capabilityÄ Ä Ð ÐÐÐÁÐÁThe base station access capability provides the means to describe the actual BS access arrangement (i.e. the type and functional groups of channels supported by the BS). Ð Ð6.1ÁÐÁThe BS access capability is a combination of functional channels defined in ÀÀ 5.4. Each group operates independently. 6.2ÁÐÁFor example a BS access capability may consist of the following combination: ÁÐÁOne BCCH; n1 (CCCH), n2 (UPCH), n3 (DCCH) and n4 (TCH + ACCH). ЀÐÁÐÁSpecific access capabilities are an area for further study. à Ã7Ä ÄÁÐÁà ÃMobile station access capabilityÄ Ä Ð ÐÐÐÁÐÁThe mobile station access capability provides the means to describe the actual MS access arrangement (i.e. the type and functional groups of channels supported by the MS). Ð Ð7.1ÁÐÁThe MS access capability is defined by a combination of functional channels defined in ÀÀ 5.4. Ð Ð7.2ÁÐÁThe access capability defined for a mobile station at a minimum consists of a BCCH and/or a ЀÐCCCH. In addition a MS access capability may include a UPCH and/or a DCCH and/or a TCH + ACCH. à Ã8Ä ÄÁÐÁà ÃChannel configurationsÄ Ä Ð ÐÐÐ8.1ÁÐÁAt any point in time an MS accesses a unique physical set of channels that are available on its radio interface. Examples of the channel configuration are identified below. The actual combination is dependent on the physical BS configuration. Ð Ð8.2ÁÐÁPossible channel configurations accessible by an MS at any one point in time are as follows: ÁÐÁi)Á° ÁÁ ÁBCCH ÁÐÁii)Á ( ÁÁ ÁCCCH ÁÐÁiii)Á ÁUPCH ÁÐÁiv)Á ( ÁÁ ÁDCCH ÁÐÁv)Á° ÁÁ ÁTCH + ACCH Ð ÐÁÐÁConfiguration i) is defined for the state in which a unique physical channel is not allocated to an MS and a unidirectional communication is provided (i.e., upon power©on or after extended interruption of the physical connection due to poor propagation conditions). Ð ÐÁÐÁConfiguration ii) is defined for the state in which a unique physical channel is not allocated to an MS, the MS is not idle and a bidirectional communication is required. Ð ÐÁÐÁConfiguration iii) is defined for the state in which a unique physical channel is not allocated to an MS but the MS may support user packet data on the common physical channels. Ð ÐÁÐÁConfiguration iv) is defined for the state in which a unique physical channel is allocated to an MS and a dedicated control channel is provided. Ð ÐÁÐÁConfiguration v) is defined for the state in which a unique physical channel is allocated to an MS and a traffic channel and an associated control channel are provided. Áà°NÁFIGURE 1/Q.1063ƒ Áà°UÁƒ Áà°OÁà ÃChannel typesÄ Äƒ