WPCL 2BJ|x ` H   x|@  @8'@8' 11.HProposed revisions to Recommendation M.1370   #SETTINGUP AND LININGUP OF INTERNATIONAL DATA TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS 0OPERATING IN THE RANGE 48kbit/s TO 64kbit/s HInsert a new 2.5 as follows: "2.5HDesignations of data transmission systems can be found in RecommendationM.140: H for use between administrations: in section11; H for use as digital leased circuits: in section3.2.15.   HWhen a data transmission system is given its designation, and also the related information also has to be established according to RecommendationM.140, section12. The various items are show in an annex to this Recommendation." HReplace the text after the first three sentences of section4.3.2 with the following (i.e. after "convenient" ...):  X HH"... Where the international section includes a satellite link, then it may be possible to perform long RF loop measurements, including the satellite, if such measurements are allowed by the satellite transponder configuration, i.e., if the earth station can monitor its own transmission. Such measurements, made in loop from the customer premises, the TIC or from the earth station, should be kept for reference purposes. Loop measurements must be additional to the unidirectional measurements and should not be substituted for, or compared directly with, the endtoend measurements."  ` H HReplace the whole of section4.3.7 with the following:  8 H"It may be necessary to switch in the FEC to meet the international section and the endtoend limits specified in Tables1/M.1370 to 4/M.1370, but during initial lineup it is desirable to obtain a measure of data transmission performance with the FEC facility switched both in and out. However, due to modem design, it may not always be possible to obtain measurements with the FEC disabled. In other cases it may be necessary to artificially degrade the link to obtain a measure of the difference in link performance with FEC switched in and out. Measurements and measurement methods, should be retained as benchmarks for subsequent comparisons with results obtained during maintenance." HAdd the following new annex to the Recommendation: I"ANNEX L ?(to Recommendation M.1370) L +DESIGNATION INFORMATION ON INTERNATIONAL DATA TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS Designation: HThe designation is according to RecommendationM.140, section 11, for M$Nuse between administrations) or section3.2.15 (for private use). HHX X  HRelated information:  HHHX HRI/1  Urgency for restoration;  `  HHX h  HRI/2 Terminal countries; HHRI/3 Carriers' name HRI/4 Control and subcontrol station(s); HRI/5 Fault report points; HRI/6 Routing; HRI/7 Association; HRI/8 Equipment information; HRI/9 Use; HRI/10 Transmission medium information; HRI/11 Composition of transmission; HRI/12 (Empty item, use: " ;"); HRI/13 Occupancy. HThe various items will be dealt with in section12 of RecommendationM.140:   H"RELATED INFORMATION FOR INTERNATIONAL DIGITAL BLOCKS, PATHS AND DATA HHTRANSMISSION SYSTEMS"  `