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To that purpose it may be useful to establish a correspondence between an ISDN address (ISDN number, possibly with subaddress) and an X.200 network layer service access point. However, an ISDN address may in some instances identify an Ð à Ðend©system not conforming to the OSI model. In such cases the format and syntax of the subaddress are available for user©specific purposes. Section 2 summarizes the coding agreements which allow this flexibility. (The publication of the summary in this Recommendation is for information only and does not indicate administrative responsibility for contents nor assure current status of the material presented.) 1.2ÁHÁÃÃNSAPs and ISDN addressesÄÄ ÁHÁThe ISDN address (ISDN number, possibly with subaddress) may include the OSI network layer address and thereby offer means to identify NSAPs. Figure 1 shows the three cases, a), b) and c) below, relating an ISDN address to a particular OSI NSAP address. ÁHÁFor completeness, references to protocol elements are included in the three cases which follow. For circuit mode access, the calling/called subaddress information elements associated with the Q.931 SETUP message are used to transmit subaddress information, while the X.25 address extension field serves this purpose for packet mode access. For interoffice circuit mode calls, the Q.931 subaddress information, elements may be transmitted within the access transport parameter of the SS7 initial address message. On packet mode internetwork calls, the X.75 address extension field is available to carry subaddress information. ÁHÁThe components of the OSI NSAP address are the AFI (Authority and Format Identifier), the IDI (Initial Domain Identifier) and possibly the DSP (Domain Specific Part). ÁHÁa)Âh   ÂThe OSI NSAP address is comprised only of an AFI and IDI, in which the IDI is semantically identical to the ISDN number. There is no DSP. A terminal can do one of the following:ÆÆ ÁHÁÁ  ÁCase a1) The entire NSAP is carried in the subaddress field; or ÁHÁÂX  ÂCase a2) If the conditions in section 1.3.1 are satisfied the NSAP address can be inferred from the E.164 number.ÆÆ ÃÃNoteÄÄ © For circuit mode calls, the semantic content of the AFI may be contained in the numbering and addressing plan identification in the Q.931 or SS7 calling/called address protocol elements. For packet mode calls, similar information may be found in the X.25/X.75 protocol. Until such time as a protocol mechanism for identifying numbering plan and type of number, analogous to that which exists in Q.931/SS7, is implemented in X.25/X.75, such information may be derivable from the X.25/X.75 address fields which may include a numbering plan escape code. It may also be possible for the semantic content of the AFI to be implied by network arrangements. ÁHÁb)Âh   ÂThe OSI NSAP address is comprised of an AFI+IDI+DSP, in which the IDI is semantically identical to the ISDN number. In this case, the entire NSAP address is carried in the subaddress/address extension field.ÆÆ ÁHÁc)Âh   ÂThe OSI NSAP address is comprised of an AFI+IDI+DSP, in which the IDI is not related to the ISDN number. The entire NSAP address is conveyed in the subaddress/address extension field.ÆÆ ÁàÀJÁFIGURE 1/I.334ƒ ÁàÀ<ÁÃÃRelationship of NSAP address to ISDN numberÄă ÃÃNote 1ÄÄ © The semantic content of AFI is contained in the numbering/task mark addressing plan identification (NAPI) in the Q.931/X.25 address information element or implied by network arrangement. ÃÃNote 2ÄÄ © The IDI of the OSI NSAP address is semantically identical to the ISDN number. ÃÃNote 3ÄÄ © The ISDN number is not related to the NSAP address. 1.3ÁHÁÃÃEncoding of NSAP AddressesÄÄ 1.3.1ÁHÁÃÃUse of the AFÄÄ ÁHÁUnder certain conditions, the NSAP Address, as defined in ISO 8348/AD2, may be conveyed entirely in the AF. These conditions are: ÁHÁa)Âh   Âthe NSAP Address consists solely of the IDP (i.e., the DSP is null); ÆÆ ÁHÁb)Âh   Âthe AFI can be deduced from the contents of the AF (e.g., with knowledge of the subnetwork to which the DTE is attached); andÆÆ ÁHÁc)Âh   Âthe IDI is the same as the SNPA Address.Ô ñ,ÔÆÆŒ ÁHÁWhen all the above conditions are satisfied, the AF may be used to convey the semantics of the entire NSAP Address (the AFI is implied and the contents of the AF are equivalent to the IDI). In these cases, the AEF may also be used (see Clause 1.3.2). 1.3.2ÁHÁÃÃUse of the AEFÄÄ ÁHÁWhen the conditions in Clause 1.3.1 are not satisfied, the AEF shall be used. The NSAP Address, complete with AFI, is placed in the AEF (type of subaddress is X.213/ISO 8348/AD2). In this case, the contents of the AF are not defined by this International Standard. 1.4ÁHÁÃÃDecoding of NSAP AddressesÄÄ 1.4.1ÁHÁÃÃAbsent AEF CaseÄÄ ÁHÁIf the AEF is not present, then local knowledge is required by the receiving NL entity to determine whether an OSI NSAP Address is to be deduced from the content of the AF. If this local knowledge indicates that an NSAP Address is present, its abstract syntax is as follows: ÁHÁa)Âh   Âthe AFI is deduced from knowledge of the subnetwork from which the packet was received;ÆÆ ÁHÁb)Á   Áthe IDI is the same as the contents of the AF; and ÁHÁc)Âh   Âthe DSP is absent.ÆÆ 1.4.2ÁHÁÃÃAEF CaseÄÄ ÁHÁIf the AEF is present and the type of subaddress is X.213/IS0 8348/AD2, then the NSAP Address is contained entirely within the AEF. The abstract syntax is as follows: ÁHÁa)Âh   Âthe AFI is contained within the first two digits of the AEF;ÆÆ ÁHÁb)Âh   Âthe IDI is the remainder of the IDP after any leading and trailing padding digits are discarded; andÆÆ ÁHÁc)Âh   Âthe DSP, if present, constitutes the remainder of the AEF content after any trailing padding digits are discarded.ÆÆ 2.ÁHÁÃÃMeans to specify the type of subaddressÄÄ ÁHÁConsidering the three cases in which the NSAP address may be related to the ISDN address/subaddress, a mechanism which permits determination of the type of subaddress present may be useful in making distinctions. The method of distinction is dependent upon the protocol being used. ÁHÁIn the case of Q.931/I.451, 3 bits within octet 3 of each subaddress information element (i.e., calling and called party subaddress) 1 establish the "type of subaddress". Two existing assignments, subject to change by responsible authorities are "user©specified" and "X.213/ISO 8348/AD2". All other values are reserved. ÁHÁThe actual subaddress information is coded beginning in octet 4 with the possibility of continuing up to octet 23, i.e., the subaddress information element has the capacity to carry a maximum of 20 octets of subaddress information. ÁHÁ©Âà  ÂUnder the X.213/ISO 8348/AD2 encoding of type of subaddress, the initial two digits of the subaddress represent the AFI which permits further distinction in subaddress encoding schemes as specified in Figure 2.ÆÆ ÁHÁ©Âà  ÂUnder the user©specified encoding of type of subaddress, the subaddress field is encoded according to user specifications subject to a maximum length of 20 octets.ÆÆ ÁHÁIn the case of packet mode calls using X.25/ISO 8208, bits within the first octet of the calling/called address extension facility parameter field indicate the "type of address extension" in a similar manner. Octets 1 and 2 of the subaddress information elements serve as information element and length identifiers, respectively.