WPCL 2BJ|x HH Hp P X`h!(#  X Ё 6p&6p&  c4 P  H!҇Hp  c4 P IMPORT R:\\ART\\WMF\\ITU.WMF \* mergeformat  c4 P  HP X`h!! c4 P   c4 P INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION c4 P    P X`h!!Ј HH Hp P X`h!(# Hp (#   c4 P CCITT c4 P H A c4 P E.115 c4 P  Hp "(#  ‚ c4 P  THE INTERNATIONAL  TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE  CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE   c4 P  Hp "(# Hp "(#   c4 P  TELEPHONE NETWORK AND ISDN I  OPERATION, NUMBERING, ROUTING  AND MOBILE SERVICE   c4 P     COMPUTERIZED INFORMATION SERVICE  FOR TELEPHONE SUBSCRIBER NUMBERS  IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES  (DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE),  RESERVED FOR OPERATORS   c4 P        c4 P Recommendation E.115 c4 P      c4 P    c4 P H!҇Hp ЁIMPORT R:\\ART\\WMF\\CCITTRUF.WMF \* mergeformat c4 P    HP X`h!! c4 P  Geneva, 1991 c4 P    P X`h!!Ј  HH Hp P X`h!(# c4 P  `(#5Printed in Switzerland HP X`h!(#  H8NFOREWORD  H Ё The CCITT (the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee) is the permanent organ of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). CCITT is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis.  H Hp P X`h!(# The Plenary Assembly of CCITT which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study and approves Recommendations prepared by its Study Groups. The approval of Recommendations by the members of CCITT between Plenary Assemblies is covered by the procedure laid down in CCITT Resolution No. 2 (Melbourne, 1988).  H  Recommendation E.115 was prepared by Study Group I and was approved under the Resolution No. 2 procedure on the 11 of March1991. P___________________ HP X`h!(# HT c4 P CCITT NOTE  c4 P  pprivate operating agency. Hp P X`h!(# UcITU1991  H ЁAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU. PAGE BLANCHE c4 P   I  HH  c4 P   c4 P styleref head_footRecommendation E.115  c4 P  PAGE7 c4 P    HH  c4 P PAGE6 c4 P  styleref head_footRecommendation E.115  X   c4 P Recommendation E.115 HP X`h!(#Ё c4 P  Recommendation E.115 Hp P X`h!(#Ђ6  c4 P COMPUTERIZED INFORMATION SERVICE FOR TELEPHONE SUBSCRIBER NUMBERS NIN FOREIGN COUNTRIES @(DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE), RESERVED FOR OPERATORS HP X`h!(# c4 P 1X Preamble  H Hp P X`h!(#Ё The method to be followed in providing the customers and operators in one country with information on the national significant telephone numbers (as specified in RecommendationE.160) of subscribers in another country depends on the way the information service is organized in the country of destination, distance between the countries, operating procedures,etc. HP X`h!(#Ђ 2X Methods of obtaining information  H Hp P X`h!(#Ё The operator in the country of origin dealing with international inquiries should be able to obtain information, depending on the organization of the inquiry service in each country, by one of the following methods:   a)pfrom telephone directories;  H   b)pfrom other information systems sent by the country of destination and kept uptodate (e.g.,microfiches);  Hx   c)pby calling the information service operator in the country of destination:  Hh  Ihpoutgoing operators in the originating country should, where language and other conditions permit, have direct access to the appropriate foreign information centre(s) which hold, or are able to obtain from other centres uptodate information;  H  Ihpwhere language and other conditions do not permit the outgoing operator to have direct access to the appropriate foreign information centre, the outgoing operator should call the operator in the international exchange of the country of destination;  H  Ihpwhere access to a number of information centres is possible, provision should be made for access to a centralized international information centre or assistance operator in case the originating operator encounters language or other difficulties;  HX   d)pby having access to foreign information service computers:  Hh  Ihpeither via a national computer using appropriate procedures;  H  Ihpor, in special circumstances, via direct access using dedicated or switched connections.  H HP X`h!(#Ђ 3X General principles applicable to the various methods of obtaining information  H Hp P X`h!(#Ё In any relation, Administrations should abide by the following general principles:  H   a)pInquiries from customers concerning foreign subscribers' numbers should normally be addressed to operators in the country of origin who will obtain the required information; it may be useful to keep the customer on line while this information is being sought.  H   b)pIn order to give operators in the country of origin ready access to the international telephone inquiry service in other countries, it is desirable that Administrations, in conformity with RecommendationE.149, provide common routing codes or abbreviated access numbers to the foreign computerized or manual telephone inquiry services.  H   c)pTechnical arrangements should, as far as practicable, prevent access by a subscriber of one country to an operator of the telephone information service of another country. Administrations should not communicate access numbers of telephone information services in foreign countries to their subscribers (except in cases covered in RecommendationE.128).  H   d)pExceptionally, however, subscribers in one country may be permitted to have access to the information service in another country subject to bilateral agreement between the Administrations concerned.   e)pAn international system should be able to provide:  Ihpfor the desired correspondent: his international number;  H  Ihpfor the locality in which this correspondent resides: the country code and the trunk code.   f)pNo secret numbers should be issued.  H HP X`h!(#Ђ 4X Principles for the organization of an interconnected computerized international information service  H Hp P X`h!(#Ё For the organization of an interconnected computerized international information service, Administrations should abide by the following principles:  H   a)pThe international system should be so designed that national systems can be used; each Administration should adapt its system to the international system by means of the appropriate interface procedures.  H   b)pThe operator should be able to supply the most adapted and selective search data in order to avoid a situation in which the number of subscribers matching the search criteria exceeds the maximum capacity of a single response message.  H   c)pTo overcome language difficulties, the questions put to a remote system containing the file to be consulted should be formulated in the language used in the country concerned. This means that the language problems raised by certain inquiry and response features should be resolved by the country making the inquiry.  H   d)pWhere, in a given country, the files have been allocated to different computers integrated in a single system, access to the system from a foreign country should be possible via a designated computer.  H   e)pFormats for inquiry and response procedures should be standardized.  H   f)pA question should give rise to only one response message with no dialogue between computers. The response message may cover several subscribers where such subscribers match the search characteristics introduced in the system. The maximum number of subscribers mentioned in a response message depends both on the maximum capacity prescribed for the type of message in question and on the limitations imposed by national systems. Any dialogue concerning all the information provided should be prepared at the national level.  H   g)pWith regard to the management of messages, there is no relationship between the inquiry and the response; where for any reason the response to a particular question has not been obtained, the inquiry must be reiterated by the requesting country and on its initiative.  H   h)pTo realize the interconnection of computers of different countries, the network procedures described in AnnexA should be used. The layer4 will conform to RecommendationX.214 andX.224, classO. The layer5 follows RecommendationsX.215 and X.225 (BCS) c4 P 1q  HH 1) c4 P  BCS I Basic combined subset. q) c4 P . Functional units "kernel" and "duplex" are only selected.  H  hpFor the layer 6, the procedures will be the subject of further study.  H   i)pThe structure and coding of the Entry and Reply formats will use the notation defined in RecommendationsX.208 and209, and are described in AnnexB.  H   j)pConsidering the question of correct locality spelling, some countries may want to implement a matching table for synonyms between spelling(s) of a locality in the local country and spelling(s) of the same locality in the remote country, so as to make the search easier for the operator.  H  To accomplish this, it is necessary to define the content and the format of a locality file for the E.115 service. Each country should put this file at the other countries' disposal, in order to make the implementation of these tables easier.  Procedures to keep the locality file up to date, if other than by bilateral agreement, are for further study. HP X`h!(#Ђ 5X Description of the standards used for inquiry and response Hp P X`h!(#Ё When operator access is given via a national computer to foreign information service computers, unless modified by bilateral agreement, the following minimum standards should apply to the inquiry and response process, to permit maximum flexibility in the national information service and compatibility with the international information service. HP X`h!(#5.1h  Input information  H Hp P X`h!(#5.1.1 The operator should request information using the details supplied by the caller, according to the following format:  Hh  I country, locality (geographical area), surname, forename(s) or initial(s), trade or residential address (street name and number), supplementary data (according to bilateral agreement).  H 5.1.2 Country code, locality (or geographical area) and surname are minimum requirements.  H 5.1.3 The foreign system should reply to every question asked. If the foreign computer indicates that the information supplied is insufficient, the question should be repeated with more selective information.  H 5.1.4 Certain specified conditions, i.e. the number is not available (secret number, no listing, etc.) or further information has to be obtained, may be indicated by a standardized coded response. HP X`h!(#5.2h  Output information Hp P X`h!(# The output from the foreign computer system should give the following information as available in the data base, in order to identify the accuracy of the telephone number:  H  Ipsurname, forename(s) or initial(s), address, locality, country code, national significant number.HP X`h!(#  5.3P Alphabet to be used  H Hp P X`h!(#5.3.1 The Latin alphabet should be employed for inquiries and responses in communication between computers. The systems must in general be able to use the following characters c4 P 2 HH 2) c4 P  The use of punctuation marks will be studied at a later stage. ) c4 P :  I 26 capital letters A Z  I 10 figures 0 9  I space, full stop  H according to International Telegraph Alphabet No. 2 (Recommendation S.1 [1]). 5.3.2 Special signs associated with letters are not transmitted. HP X`h!(#5.4h  Description of standardized inquiry and response messages  H Hp P X`h!(# The standard formats for inquiry and response shown in Figures1/E.115 and 2/E.115 should be used c4 P 2) c4 P . HP X`h!(# H5.4.1 Inquiry format Hp P X`h!(# See Figure 1/E.115.  The question contains the following information:   a)pPart 1  hp1) Obligatory  H  hpIh message code identifying a request to the international inquiry service;  H  hpIh codes identifying the countries of origin and destination; these codes normally consist of the country code (see RecommendationE.163);  H  hpIh code of the originating terminal. This code should not be used by the receiving country but should be repeated in identical fashion in the response format.  hp2) Optional  hpIh areas reproduced identically in the response: Hp P @ X`h!(# hph h@  i) date and time of the origin of the inquiry ) ) ) ) Format: YYMMDDHHMMSS  hph h@  ii) message number given by the local country. Hp P X`h!(#  b)pPart 2  hp1) Basic data  hpIh locality:  H  hph The name of the locality should be introduced according to its exact c4 P 3 Hh 3) c4 P  The problem of exact native spelling is subject to further study. ) c4 P  spelling. Special signs should be replaced by spaces and each space must be introduced as a space.  H  hph Abbreviations are not permitted, except for the words "Sint", "Saint", "Sankt", "San", ..., which are abbreviated by the letter "S" followed by a space.  H  hph The mandatory minimum number of characters to be input should be fixed by each country and be mentioned in an operator's manual. The system of the outgoing country should check whether this minimum is respected. Each complete word must be terminated with a full stop. Ih Surname or trade name of subscriber:  H  hph The subscriber's surname should be input according to its exact spelling.  H  hph Special signs, including the full stop, should be replaced by spaces and each space must be introduced as a space. Abbreviations should not be allowed. The mandatory minimum number of characters to be input should be fixed by each country and be mentioned in the operator's manual.  H  hph The system of the outgoing country should check whether this minimum is respected. Each complete word must be terminated with a full stop. When the subscriber's surname or trade name is replaced by initials, the characters composing the acronym should be introduced successively without being separated by special signs or spaces.  H  hph Numbers forming part of names or acronyms should be introduced as numbers.  hp2) Additional data (for making the search easier)  hpIh Name of street or address:  H  hph The name of the street should be input according to its exact spelling, the complete name of the street being retained. Special signs, including the full stop, should be replaced by spaces and each space must be input as a space.  Hx  hph The words "Sint", "Saint", "Sankt", "San", ... should be abbreviated by the letter "S" followed by a space. The mandatory minimum number of characters to be input should be fixed by each country and be mentioned in the operator's manual. The system of the outgoing country should check whether this minimum is respected. Each complete word must be terminated with a full stop. Numbers forming part of the name of the street should be introduced as numbers.  hpIh House number:  H  hph The numerical part of the house number should precede the alphabetical part without separation. Nonsignificant zeros should be omitted.  hpIh Subscriber's forename:  H  hph Entire forenames, initials or a combination of forenames and initials should always be separated by spaces.  hpIh Heading in the guide:  H  hph This data should only be introduced after bilateral agreements.  hpIh Profession code:  H  hph This data should only be introduced after bilateral agreements.  hpIh Additional information for a selective search:  H  hph This data should only be introduced after bilateral agreements.  hpIh County or province:  H  hph This data should only be introduced after bilateral agreements.  hpIh Category:  H  hph ‚The category to which the required subscriber number belongs:  hph business, residential or public service (government).  H  hph This data should only be introduced after bilateral agreements.  Hh  hph pOn the basis of the above data, the computer of destination searches in its files. HH Ђ c4 P  8Jinclude 115T01E 8I ATTENTION MONTAGE 8CFIGURE 1/E.115 table landscape HP X`h!(#Ё c4 P   5.4.2P Structure of the inquiry Hp P X`h!(# ENTRY message 1010 0000p Directory message (telephone) LENGTH  1010 0000  Telephone (entry)  LENGTH  0011 0000  Entry  LENGTH  hp‚0110 0000 X%Part 1  hpLENGTH  hph 1000 0000 X%Message indicators    LENGTH  hpMessage indicators  hph 1000 0001 X%International indicators    LENGTH  hpInternational indicators  hph 1000 0010 X%Originating terminal code    LENGTH  hpOriginating terminal code  hph 1000 0011 X% Date and time (optional)    LENGTH  hpDate and time  hph 1000 0100 X%Message number (optional)    LENGTH  hpMessage number  hp0110 0001 X%Part 2  hpLENGTH  hph 1000 0000 X%Locality    LENGTH  hpLocality  hp‚h 1000 0001 X%Subscriber name    LENGTH  hpSubscriber name  hph 1000 0010 X%Street name (optional)    LENGTH  hpStreet name  hph 1000 0011 X%House number (optional)    LENGTH  hpHouse number  hph 1000 0100 X%Forename (optional)    LENGTH  hpFirst name  hph 1000 0101 X%Heading in the Guide (optional)    LENGTH  hpHeading in the Guide  hph 1000 0110 X%Profession code (optional)    LENGTH  hpProfession Code  H  hph 1000 0111 X%Additional information for a selective search (optional)    LENGTH  hpAdditional information for a selective search  hph 1000 1000 X%County or province (optional)    LENGTH  hpCounty or province  hph 1000 1001 X%Category (optional)    LENGTH  hpCategory  HH HP X`h!(# H5.4.3 Response format Hp P X`h!(# See Figure 2/E.115.  The response contains the following information:   a)pPart 1  hp1) Obligatory:  H  hpIh message code identifying an answer to the international inquiry service;  H  hpIh codes identifying both the answering country and the requesting country; these codes normally consist of the country code (see RecommendationE.163);  hpIh code of the originating terminal.  hp2) Optional:  hpIh areas generated by the country of the input message: Hp P @ X`h!(# hph h@  i) date and time Hp @ X`h!(# hph ii) message number. Hp P X`h!(#  b)pPart 2  IhpMessage code  H  hpAlways included and common in all answer messages. The coded message must be converted to text by the calling country.  hph pThe following codes have been defined: Hp @ X`h!(# hph p00 = one or some subscribers have been found  H Hp X`h!(# hph p01 = locality insufficiently defined; no subscriber number is forthcoming  H  hph p02 = street name insufficiently defined; no subscriber number is forthcoming  hph p03 = no subscriber has been found  H  hph p04 = fault or congestion; no subscriber number is forthcoming  H  hph   p05 = the number of subscribers who correspond to the selection criteria exceeds the maximum capacity for the message. Reenter the question with more precise information. No subscriber number is forthcoming  H  hph   p06 = partial fault or congestion. The list of subscriber numbers who correspond to the selection criteria is not complete  H  hph   p07 = the number of subscribers who correspond to the selection criteria exceeds the maximum capacity of the message. The list of subscriber numbers answering to the selection criteria is not complete. Reenter eventually the question using more precise indicators  H  hph   p08 = insufficient search elements have been entered. Reenter the question with more information. No subscriber number is forthcoming  H  hph   p09 = selection criteria not known (e.g. locality does not exist)  hph   p10 = protocol error  H Hp P X`h!(# hpIh country code (in accordance with the CCITT Recommendations) I 3 characters: aligned from the left (if necessary, supplemented by spaces). c) Part 3.1  Hx  Ihptrunk code (in accordance with the CCITT Recommendations) I 5 characters  H  Ihpzone number: aligned from the left (if necessary, supplemented by spaces);  H  Ihpzeros if no subscriber has been found or if a subscriber's number is not to be disclosed;  H  Ihpsubscriber's number (in accordance with the CCITT Recommendation) I 8 characters:  H Hp @ X`h!(# hph pi)@ aligned from the left (if necessary, supplemented by spaces);  H Hp P X`h!(# hph pii) zeros if no subscriber has been found or a series of "x" characters if a subscriber's number is not to be disclosed;  H  Ihplocality, subscriber's surname or trade name, forename, street name, house number, supplementary data: data concerning the subscriber found. If no subscriber has been found, the zone of the corresponding data in the question format;  Ihpsubscriber message:  H  hph pThe coded message which must be converted into text by the calling country.  hph pThe following codes have been defined: Hp X`h!(# hp0 = no comment  hp1 = subscriber changed address  hp2 = refer to distant operator Hp P X`h!(# Ihpheading in the guide;  Ihpprofession code;  Ihpadditional information for a selective search;  Ihpcounty or province;  Ihpcategory.   d)pPart 3.2 to 3.x  H  Ihpcontains the continuation of the selection if other subscribers have been selected. Each supplementary selection uses the same form as in the layout of Part3.1.  HH HP X`h!(# H5.4.4 Structure of the response Hp P X`h!(# REPLY message 1010 0000p Directory message (telephone) LENGTH  1010 0001  Telephone (reply)  LENGTH  0011 0000  Reply  LENGTH 0110 0011  Part 1 LENGTH  1000 0000  Message indicators  LENGTH  Message indicators  1000 0001  International indicators  LENGTH  International indicators  1000 0010  Originating terminal code  LENGTH  Originating terminal code 1000 0011  Date and time (optional)  LENGTH  Date and Time  1000 0100  Message number (optional)  LENGTH  Message number 0110 0100p Part 2 LENGTH  1000 0000  Message code  LENGTH  Message code  1000 0001  Country code  LENGTH  Country code 0110 0101p Part 3 (optional) LENGTH  0011 0001  Selection  LENGTH  ‚1000 0000  Trunk code (optional)  LENGTH  Trunk code  1000 0001  Subscriber number  LENGTH  Subscriber number  1000 0010  Locality  LENGTH  Locality  1000 0011  Subscriber name  LENGTH  Subscriber name  1000 0100  Forename (optional)  LENGTH  Forename  1000 0101  Street name (optional)  LENGTH  Street name  1000 0110  House number (optional)  LENGTH  House number  1000 0111  Supplementary data (optional)  LENGTH  Supplementary data  1000 1000  Subscriber message (optional)  LENGTH  Subscriber message  10000 1001  Heading in the Guide (optional)  LENGTH  Heading in the Guide 1000 1010  Profession code (optional)  LENGTH  Profession code  Hh  1000 1011  Additional information for a selective search (optional)  LENGTH  Additional information for a selective search  1000 1100  County or province (optional)  LENGTH  County or province  1000 1101  Category (optional)  LENGTH  Category  0011 0001  Selection  LENGTH  ‚1000 0000  Trunk code  LENGTH  Trunk code  HH  8J c4 P include 115T02E 8I ATTENTION MONTAGE 8CFIGURE 2/E.115 TABLE Landscape ā c4 P   H 5.4.5 The different parts of the inquiry formulated by the operator of the country of origin should be converted by the national computer into the international standard format. The different parts of the response transmitted in the international standard format should be converted by the computer of the country which made the request into its national format. 6  Charges  Note I As specified in Article 106 of the Instructions for the International Telephone Service [2], no charge is made for obtaining information in accordance with Article51 of the Instructions, even when this requires the use of an international circuit.  However, some Administrations may reserve the possibility of applying certain charges in the future. The amounts charged would remain a national arrangement. HP X`h!(#Ђ 7X Operator manual Hp P X`h!(#Ё Each country that implements this Recommendation must supply a simple operator manual for remote countries. This manual describes principally the main characteristics of its directory assistance system so as to indicate the best way to inquire for the remote operators. V c4 P ANNEX A M c4 P (to Recommendation E.115) B Directory services interconnect bearer services HP X`h!(#ЁA.1h  Introduction  H Hp P X`h!(# The interconnection of International Directory Databases should be network independent.  H  The general structure for the arrangement of the physical link (OSI layer 1), link access (OSI layer 2) and network layer (OSI layer3) are as outlined in FigureA1/E.115. Where Administrations have provided similar equipment, interconnection may be arranged by bilateral agreement to suit local requirements. This method of interconnection is solely the matter of the Administrations concerned. HP X`h!(#A.2h  Identification  H Hp P X`h!(# The types of bearer services considered applicable for directory inquiry interconnect are:   i)ppacket switched public data network (PSPDN);   ii)pcircuit switched public data network (CSPDN);   iii) public switched telephone network (PSTN);   iv)pAdministration leased line (pointtopoint).  H  With possible evolution to ISDN, Signalling System No. 7 includes Message Transfer Part and message handling systems. HP X`h!(#A.3h  Network interconnection  H Hp P X`h!(# The choice of network to be used for the interconnection of computerbased directory systems should be agreed bilaterally. However, to achieve commonality across all types of networks, the link, data transfer and call procedures, as specified in the appropriate Recommendations, should be used. M c4 P Figure A1/E.115 = 20 cm  c4 P  c4 P  UANNEX B M c4 P (to Recommendation E.115) E Formal definitions of directory messages H( HPh!(# c4 P ( Directory MessageH''*::= CHOICE [ [0] Telephone ] ( Telephone  H'::= CHOICE [ Entry [0], Reply [1] ] ( Entry  H'::= SEQUENCE [ Part 1, Part 2 ] ( Part 1  H'::= [ APPLICATION 0 ] IMPLICIT SET [ ( MessageIndicators H''**..P6[0] IMPLICIT IA5String, ( InternationalIndicators&**..P6[1] IMPLICIT IA5String, ( OriginatingTerminalCode&**..P6[2] IMPLICIT IA5String, ( DataAndTimeH''**.[3] IMPLICIT IA5String OPTIONAL, ( MessageNumberH''**.[4] IMPLICIT IA5String OPTIONAL ( ] ( Part 2  H'::= [ APPLICATION 1 ] IMPLICIT SET [ ( Locality H''**.[0] IMPLICIT IA5String, ( SubscriberNameH''**.[1] IMPLICIT IA5String, ( StreetName H''**.[2] IMPLICIT IA5String OPTIONAL, ( HouseNumberH''**.[3] IMPLICIT IA5String OPTIONAL, ( Forename H''**.[4] IMPLICIT IA5String OPTIONAL, ( HeadingInTheGuide H''**.[5] IMPLICIT IA5String OPTIONAL, ( ProfessionCodeH''**.[6] IMPLICIT IA5String OPTIONAL,  H ( AdditionalInformationForASelectiveSearch79[7] IMPLICIT IA5String OPTIONAL,  H ( CountyOrProvinceH''**..P6[8] IMPLICIT IA5String OPTIONAL, ( Category H''**.[9] IMPLICIT IA5String OPTIONAL H( HPh!(#( ]  H H( HPh!(#( Reply  H'::= SEQUENCE [ Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 OPTIONAL ] ( Part 1  H'::= [ APPLICATION 3 ] IMPLICIT SET [ ( MessageIndicators H''**..P6[0] IMPLICIT IA5String, ( InternationalIndicators&**..P6[1] IMPLICIT IA5String, ( OriginatingTerminalCode&**..P6[2] IMPLICIT IA5String, ( DateAndTimeH''**.[3] IMPLICIT IA5String OPTIONAL, ( MessageNumberH''**.[4] IMPLICIT IA5String OPTIONAL ( ] ( Part 2  H'::= [ APPLICATION 4 ] IMPLICIT SET [ ( MessageCodeH''**.[0] IMPLICIT IA5String, ( CountryCodeH''**.[1] IMPLICIT IA5String ( ]  H ( Part 3  H'::= [ APPLICATION 5 ] IMPLICIT SET of Selection ( Selection  H'::= SET [ ( TrunkCode H''**.1[0] IMPLICIT IA5String OPTIONAL, ( SubscriberNumberH''**..P61[1] IMPLICIT IA5String, ( Locality H''**.1[2] IMPLICIT IA5String, ( SubscriberNameH''**.1[3] IMPLICIT IA5String, ( Forename H''**.1[4] IMPLICIT IA5String OPTIONAL, ( StreetName H''**.1[5] IMPLICIT IA5String OPTIONAL, ( HouseNumberH''**.1[6] IMPLICIT IA5String OPTIONAL, ( SupplementaryData H''**.1[7] IMPLICIT IA5String OPTIONAL, ( SubscriberMessage H''**.1[8] IMPLICIT IA5String OPTIONAL, ( HeadingInTheGuide H''**.1[9] IMPLICIT IA5String OPTIONAL, ( ProfessionCodeH''**.[10] IMPLICIT IA5String OPTIONAL,  H ( AdditionalInformationForASelectiveSearch79[11] IMPLICIT IA5String OPTIONAL,  H ( CountyOrProvinceH''**..P6[12] IMPLICIT IA5String OPTIONAL, ( Category H''**.[13] IMPLICIT IA5String OPTIONAL ( ] HP X`h!(#X X  c4 P References  H Hp P X`h!(#Ё[1]h  CCITT Recommendation International Telegraph Alphabet No. 2 (ITA2), Rec. S.1.  H [2]h  CCITT Instructions for the International Telephone Service (1st October 1985), ITU, Geneva, 1985.