WPCL 2BJ|x H    6p&6p& I  HH `(#  c4 P Fascicle I.3 - Rec. B.10 PAGE1 I  HH  c4 P PAGE2 Fascicle I.3 - Rec. B.10  HH Hp P X`h!(# X   c4 P Recommendation B.10  c4 P 1I  HH Ё1) c4 P  A similar text will be submitted to the CCIR as a revision of Rec. 461-3. )  c4 P   H p: c4 P GRAPHICAL SYMBOLS AND RULES FOR THE PREPARATION OF DOCUMENTATION IN TELECOMMUNICATIONS  c4 P  The CCITT,  H  which cooperates in the work of the CCI/IEC Joint Working Group set up for the purpose of establishing internationally agreed graphical symbols and rules for the preparation of documentation and for item designations (see CCITT Recommendation A.13 or CCIR Resolution 23), recommends  H  that, on diagrams for international use concerning telecommunications, the Administrations and recognized private operating agencies of the CCIs and CCI Secretariats should use the graphical symbols for diagrams given in IEC Series 617 publications and should observe the rules for the preparation of documentation and for item designation laid down in IEC, Publications 113 and 750.  H  Administrations wishing to use symbols on equipment are recommended to refer to IEC Publication 417.  Note 1 - See CCIR Resolution 23.  Note 2 - References of relevant publications (updated in 1988).  IEC Publication 113: "Diagrams, charts, tables" Hp X`h!(#  113-1 (1971) X%%*(Definitions and classification)  H   113-2 (1971) X%%*(Item designation of components) replaced by Publication 750  H   113-3 (1974) X%%*(General recommendations for the preparation of diagrams)  H   113-4 (1975) X%%*(Recommendations for the preparation of circuit diagrams)  H   113-5 (1975) X%%*(Preparation of interconnection diagrams and tables)   113-6 (1976 and  H  pAmend. 1 1983) X%(Preparation of unit wiring diagrams and tables)   113-7 (1981) X%%*(Preparation of logic diagrams)   113-8 (1982 and  H Hp xX`h!(# pAmend. 1 1983) X%(Preparation of diagrams for system manuals)  IEC Publication 117: "Recommended graphical symbols", replaced by Publication 617  H  IEC Publication 416: (1972 and 1978 amendment No. 1): "General principles for the formulation of graphical symbols"  H  IEC Publications 417: (1973 and 7 supplements of 1974, 1975, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1982 and 1985): "Graphical symbols for use on equipment"  IEC Publication 617: "Graphical symbols for diagrams"  H Hp X`h!(#  617-1 (1985): X%General information, General Index. Cross-reference tables  H   617-2 (1983): X%Symbol elements, qualifying symbols and other symbols having general application   617-3 (1983)  Conductors and connecting devices   617-4 (1983)  Passive components   617-5 (1983)  Semi-conductors and electron tubes  Hh   617-6 (1983)  Production and conversion of electrical energy  Hh   617-7 (1983)  Switchgear, controlgear and protective devices  H   617-8 (1983)  Measuring instruments, lamps and signalling devices  H   617-9 (1983)  Telecommunications: Switching and peripheral equipment   617-10 (1983)  Telecommunication: Transmission  H   617-11 (1983)  Architectural and topographical installation plans and diagrams   617-12 (1983)  Binary logic elements   617-13 (1983)  Analogue elements  HX Hp xX`h!(# IEC Publication (1983): "Item designation in electrotechnology"