LLP-OM-Protocol --{ LLP-OM-Protocol Object Identifier } DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS ExtensionContainer FROM MAP-ExtensionDataTypes { ccitt identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0) gsm-Network (1) modules (3) map-ExtensionDataTypes (21) version4 (4)} ; -- OMMngrReq are message requests from the SMLC to the LMU OMMngrReq ::= CHOICE { -- SW Download Message loadDataInitiate LoadDataInitiate, loadDataSegment LoadDataSegment, loadDataEnd LoadDataEnd, loadDataAbort LoadDataAbort, -- Does not have ACK/NACK activateSW ActivateSW, -- Diagnostic Test Procedures performTest PerformTest, sendTestRep SendTestRep, stopTest StopTest, -- State Management Procedures chngAdminState ChngAdminState, -- Event Report Procedures stopSendingEvntRep StopSendingEvntRep, restartSendingEvntRep RestartSendingEvntRep, repOuststandingAlarms RepOuststandingAlarms, -- Equipment Management Procedures chngOver ChngOver, opstart Opstart, reinitialize Reinitialize, -- General Management Procedures setAttributes SetAttributes, getAttributes GetAttributes, setAlarmThreshold SetAlarmThreshold, -- Report Management Procedures gpsParameterReq GPSParameterReq, -- Manufacture Dependent Procedures mngrManufDepReq MngrManufDepReq, ... } -- OMAgntReq are message requests from the LMU to the SMLC OMAgntReq ::= CHOICE { -- SW Download Message loadDataAbort LoadDataAbort, -- Does not have ACK/NACK swActivateReq SWActivateReq, swActivatedRep SWActivatedRep, -- Does not have ACK/NACK -- Diagnostic Test Procedures testRep TestRep, -- Does not have ACK/NACK -- State Management Procedures stateChngEvntRep StateChngEvntRep, -- Does not have ACK/NACK chngAdminStateReq ChngAdminStateReq, -- Event Report Procedures failureEvntRep FailureEvntRep, -- Does not have ACK/NACK -- Report Management Procedures gpsParameterRep GPSParameterRep, -- Manufacture Dependent Procedures agntManufDepReq AgntManufDepReq, ... } -- OMMngrRsp are responses from the LMU to the SMLC message requests OMMngrRsp ::= CHOICE { activateSWRsp ActivateSWRsp, loadDataInitiateRsp LoadDataInitiateRsp, loadDataSegmentRsp LoadDataSegmentRsp, loadDataEndRsp LoadDataEndRsp, performTestRsp PerformTestRsp, sendTestRepRsp SendTestRepRsp, stopTestRsp StopTestRsp, chngAdminStateRsp ChngAdminStateRsp, stopSendingEvntRepRsp StopSendingEvntRepRsp, restartSendingEvntRepRsp RestartSendingEvntRepRsp, repOuststandingAlarmsRsp RepOuststandingAlarmsRsp, chngOverRsp ChngOverRsp, opstartRsp OpstartRsp, reinitializeRsp ReinitializeRsp, setAttributesRsp SetAttributesRsp, getAttributesRsp GetAttributesRsp, setAlarmThresholdRsp SetAlarmThresholdRsp, mngrManufDepRsp MngrManufDepRsp, gpsParameterReqRsp GPSParameterReqRsp, ... } -- OMAgntRsp are responses from the SMLC to the LMU message requests OMAgntRsp ::= CHOICE { swActivateReqRsp SWActivateReqRsp, chngAdminStateReqRsp ChngAdminStateReqRsp, gpsParameterRepRsp GPSParameterRepRsp, agntManufDepRsp AgntManufDepRsp, ... } --OMMngrReq Messages ActivateSW ::= SEQUENCE { header Header, swDescription SWDescription OPTIONAL } ChngAdminState ::= SEQUENCE { header Header, administrativeState AdministrativeState } ChngOver ::= SEQUENCE { header Header, source Source, destination Destination } GetAttributes ::= SEQUENCE { header Header, list SEQUENCE OF AttributeIdentifier } GPSParameterReq ::= SEQUENCE { header Header } LoadDataAbort ::= SEQUENCE { header Header } LoadDataEnd ::= SEQUENCE { header Header } LoadDataInitiate ::= SEQUENCE { header Header, swDescription SWDescription, windowSize WindowSize, numberOfSegments NumberOfSegments } LoadDataSegment ::= SEQUENCE { header Header, sequenceNumber INTEGER (0..255), fileData FileData } MngrManufDepReq ::= SEQUENCE { header Header, ... } Opstart ::= SEQUENCE { header Header } PerformTest ::= SEQUENCE { header Header, testNumber TestNumber, autonomouslyRep AutonomouslyRep, testDuration TestDuration OPTIONAL, physicalConfiguration PhysicalConfiguration OPTIONAL } Reinitialize ::= SEQUENCE { header Header, hwDescription SEQUENCE OF HWDescription OPTIONAL } RepOuststandingAlarms ::= SEQUENCE { header Header } RestartSendingEvntRep ::= SEQUENCE { header Header, eventType EventType, perceivedSeverity PerceivedSeverity OPTIONAL, probableCause ProbableCause OPTIONAL, specificProblems SpecificProblems OPTIONAL } SendTestRep ::= SEQUENCE { header Header, testNumber TestNumber } SetAlarmThreshold ::= SEQUENCE { header Header, probableCause ProbableCause, manufacturerDependentThresholds ManufacturerDependentThresholds OPTIONAL } SetAttributes ::= SEQUENCE { header Header, list SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE { id AttributeIdentifier, value AttributeData } } StopSendingEvntRep ::= SEQUENCE { header Header, eventType EventType, perceivedSeverity PerceivedSeverity OPTIONAL, probableCause ProbableCause OPTIONAL, specificProblems SpecificProblems OPTIONAL } StopTest ::= SEQUENCE { header Header, testNumber TestNumber } --OMAgntReq Messages AgntManufDepReq ::= SEQUENCE { header Header, ... } ChngAdminStateReq ::= SEQUENCE { header Header, administrativeState AdministrativeState } FailureEvntRep ::= SEQUENCE { header Header, eventType EventType, perceivedSeverity PerceivedSeverity, probableCause ProbableCause, eventTime EventTime OPTIONAL, specificProblems SpecificProblems OPTIONAL, hwDescription HWDescription OPTIONAL, swDescription SWDescription OPTIONAL, additionalText AdditionalText OPTIONAL, additionalInfo AdditionalInfo OPTIONAL, outstandingAlarmSequence OutstandingAlarmSequence OPTIONAL } GPSParameterRep ::= SEQUENCE { header Header, pseudoRange PseudoRange, timeOfFix TimeOfFix, satelliteInfo SatelliteInfo } StateChngEvntRep ::= SEQUENCE { header Header, operationalState OperationalState OPTIONAL, availabilityStatus AvailabilityStatus OPTIONAL, manufacturerDependentState ManufacturerDependentState OPTIONAL } SWActivatedRep ::= SEQUENCE { header Header, result Result } SWActivateReq ::= SEQUENCE { header Header, hwConfiguration HWConfiguration, swConfiguration SWConfiguration } TestRep ::= SEQUENCE { header Header, testNumber TestNumber, testRepInfo TestRepInfo } -- OMMngrRsp Messages ActivateSWRsp ::= SEQUENCE { extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ... } ChngOverRsp ::= SEQUENCE { extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ... } ChngAdminStateRsp ::= SEQUENCE { extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ... } GetAttributesRsp ::= SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE { attributeIdentifier AttributeIdentifier, information AttributeData } GPSParameterReqRsp ::= CHOICE { gpsParameterRep GPSParameterRep, -- or a NACK is sent empty Empty ... } LoadDataEndRsp ::= SEQUENCE { extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ... } LoadDataInitiateRsp ::= SEQUENCE { extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ... } LoadDataSegmentRsp ::= SEQUENCE { extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ... } MngrManufDepRsp ::= SEQUENCE { extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ... } OpstartRsp ::= SEQUENCE { extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ... } PerformTestRsp ::= SEQUENCE { extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ... } ReinitializeRsp ::= SEQUENCE { extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ... } RepOuststandingAlarmsRsp ::= SEQUENCE { extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ... } RestartSendingEvntRepRsp ::= SEQUENCE { extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ... } SendTestRepRsp ::= SEQUENCE { extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ... } SetAlarmThresholdRsp ::= SEQUENCE { extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ... } SetAttributesRsp ::= SEQUENCE { extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ... } StopSendingEvntRepRsp ::= SEQUENCE { extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ... } StopTestRsp ::= SEQUENCE { extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ... } -- OMAgntRsp Messages AgntManufDepRsp ::= SEQUENCE { extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ... } ChngAdminStateReqRsp ::= SEQUENCE { extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ... } GPSParameterRepRsp ::= SEQUENCE { extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ... } SWActivateReqRsp ::= SEQUENCE { extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ... } -- Other Type Definition AdditionalInfo ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..244)) AdditionalText ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..244)) AdministrativeState ::= INTEGER { locked (1), unlocked (2), shuttingDown (3), null (64) } (1..64) AttributeIdentifier ::= INTEGER { administrativeState (1), attenuatorEnable (2), autonomousSwap (3), availabilityStatus (4), calibrationRequired (5), diversity (6), hwConfiguration (7), manufacturerID (8), method (9), lmuPosition (10), operationalState (11), selfPositionCapability (12), setOwnPositionUponStartup (13), softwareDownloadCapability (14), swConfiguration (15), time (16), timingType (17), type (18) } (1..255) AttributeData ::= CHOICE { administrativeState AdministrativeState, attenuatorEnable AttenuatorEnable, autonomouslySwap AutonomouslySwap, availabilityStatus AvailabilityStatus, calibrationRequired CalibrationRequired, diversity Diversity, hwConfiguration HWConfiguration, lmuPosition LMUPosition, manufacturerID ManufacturerID, method Method, operationalState OperationalState, selfPositionCapabilty SelfPositionCapabilty, setOwnPositionUponStartup SetOwnPositionUponStartup, softwareDownloadCapability SoftwareDownloadCapability, swConfiguration SWConfiguration, time Time, timingType TimingType, type Type, ... } AttenuatorEnable ::= BOOLEAN -- Enable (TRUE) -- Disable (FALSE) AutonomouslyRep ::= BOOLEAN -- Autonomously Report (TRUE) -- No Autonomous Report (FALSE) AutonomouslySwap ::= BOOLEAN -- Autonomous Swap (TRUE) -- No Autonomous Swap (FALSE) Availability ::= INTEGER { inTest (1), failed (2), powerOff (3), offLine (4), unused (5), dependancy (6), degraded (7), notInstalled (8) } (1..128) AvailabilityStatus ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..28) OF Availability CalibrationRequired ::= BOOLEAN -- Calibration Required (TRUE) -- Calibration Not Required ( FALSE) Destination ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..244)) Diversity ::= BOOLEAN -- Diversity (TRUE) -- No Diversity (FALSE) Empty ::= SEQUENCE { emptyField NULL, extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL } EventTime ::= INTEGER (0..604799) EventType ::= INTEGER { communicationFailure (1), qualityOfServiceFailure (2), processingFailure (3), equipmentFailure (4), environmentFailure (5) -- reserved (6..15) -- manufacturerDependent (16..255) } (1..255) FileData ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..244)) FileID ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..244)) FileVersion ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..244)) Header ::= SEQUENCE { managedEntityType ManagedEntityType, managedEntityInstance ManageEntityInstance } HWConfiguration ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..64) OF HWDescription HWDescription ::= SEQUENCE { equipmentID OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..244)), equipmentType OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..244)), equipmentVersion OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..244)), location OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..244)), manufacturerInfo OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..244)), ... } Latitude ::= SEQUENCE { -- ddMM.mmmm degrees INTEGER (0..90), minutes INTEGER (0..59), fractionalMinuntes INTEGER (0..9999), direction BOOLEAN -- North (FALSE ) -- South (TRUE) } LMUPosition ::= SEQUENCE { latitude Latitude, longitude Longitude, altitude INTEGER (0..16383) } Longitude ::= SEQUENCE { -- ddMM.mmmm degrees INTEGER (0..180), minutes INTEGER (0..59), fractionalMinuntes INTEGER (0..9999), direction BOOLEAN -- East (FALSE) -- West (TRUE) } ManagedEntityType ::= INTEGER { lmu (1), uplinkTimingEstimator (2), downlinkTimingEstimator (3), networkTransceiver (4), null (255) } (1..255) ManageEntityInstance ::= SEQUENCE { lmuNumber INTEGER (0..65535), firstTierNumber INTEGER (0..255), ... } ManufacturerDependentState ::= INTEGER (1..64) ManufacturerDependentThresholds ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (0..255) OF SEQUENCE { id INTEGER (0..255), threshold Number } ManufacturerID ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..244)) Method ::= BIT STRING { toa (0), eotd (1), agps (2) } (SIZE(1..32)) NACKCauses ::= INTEGER { -- General Nack incorrectMsgStruct (1), invalidMsgTypeValue (2), -- reserved (3-4) invalidManagedEntityClassValue (5), managedEntityClassNotSupported (6), lmuNumUnknown (7), basebandTransceiverNumUnknown (8), managedEntityInstanceUnknown (9), -- reserved (10-11) invalidAttributeIdentifierValue (12), attributeIdentifierNotSupported (13), parameterValueOutsidePermittedRange (14), inconsistencyInAttributeList (15), specifiedImplementationNotSupported (16), messageCannotBePerformed (17), -- reserved (18..24) -- Specific NACK resourceNotImplemented (25), resourceNotAvailable (26), frequencyNotAvailable (27), testNotSupported (28), capacityRestrictions (29), physicalConfigurationCannotBePerformed (30), testNotInitiated (31), physicalConfigurationCannotBeRestored (32), noSuchTest (33), testCannotBeStopped (34), messageInconsisitentWithPhysicalConfig (35), unableToReceiveFile (36), completeFileNotReceived (37), fileNotAvailableAtDestination (38), fileCannotBeActivated (39), requestNotGranted (40), wait (41), notAllSegmentMessageReceivedSuccessfully (42), windowSizeTooLarge (43), duplicateSequenceNumber (44), missingSequenceNumber (45), -- reserved (46..126) -- manufacturerDependent (127..254) null (255) } (1..255) Number CHOICE { intNum INTEGER (0..255), realNum REAL } NumberOfSegments ::= INTEGER (0..65535) OperationalState ::= INTEGER { disabled (1), enabled (2), null (255) } (1..255) OutstandingAlarmSequence ::= INTEGER (0..255) PerceivedSeverity ::= INTEGER { failureCeased (1), criticalFailure (2), majorFailure (3), minorFailure (4), warningLevelFailure (5), indeterminateFailure (6) -- reserved (7..63) -- manufacturerDependent (63..255) } (1..255) PhysicalConfiguration ::= INTEGER (0..255) ProbableCause ::= SEQUENCE { probableCauseType ProbableCauseType, probableCauseValue INTEGER (1..1024) } ProbableCauseType ::= INTEGER { x721 (1), gsmSpecific (2), manufacturerSpecific (3) } (1..32) PseudoRange ::= SEQUENCE { -- KKKKK.kkkkk kiloMeters INTEGER (0..99999), factionalKM INTEGER (0.99999) } Result ::= BOOLEAN -- Success (TRUE) -- Failure (FLASE) SatelliteInfo ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..16) OF SEQUENCE { id INTEGER (1..32) } SelfPositionCapabilty ::= BOOLEAN -- Capable Of Self Position (TRUE) -- Incapable Of Self Position (FLASE) SetOwnPositionUponStartup ::= BOOLEAN -- Set Own Position Upon Startup (TRUE) -- Do Not Set Own Position Upon Startup (FLASE) SoftwareDownloadCapability ::= BOOLEAN -- Software Download Capability (TRUE) -- No Software Download Capability (FLASE) Source ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..244)) SpecificProblems ::= INTEGER (0..255) -- reserved (0..15) -- manufacturerDependent (16..255) SWConfiguration ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..64) OF SWDescription SWDescription ::= SEQUENCE { fileId FileID, fileVersion FileVersion } TestDuration ::= INTEGER (0..16777215) TestNumber ::= INTEGER { lmuFunctionalObjectSelfTest (1), allTestsAssociatedWithTheObject (255) -- reserved (2..63) -- manufacturerDependent (64..254) } (1..255) TestRepInfo ::= Number Time ::= INTEGER (0..604800) TimeOfFix ::= INTEGER (0..604800) -- In GPS seconds TimingSource ::= BIT STRING { gps (0), gsm (1), glonass (2), internalClock (3), network (4) } (SIZE(0..63)) TimingType ::= SEQUENCE { timingSource TimingSource, calibrationRequired CalibrationRequired } Type ::= INTEGER { typeALMU (1), typeBLMU (2) } (1..32) WindowSize ::= INTEGER (1..65535) END